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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1945, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ]BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO' PAGE SIX picnic was held in the Community o1 Orono New Park,' Thursday afternoon. The t ________weather was ideal and the races, Mrs. Buckley and Miss T. Fer- under the supervision of Rev. S. C guson, Newcastle, with relatives. Littlewood and Sami Keane were ix missKatlee Stales Brnt-most interesting. The important Mis Kahlen tapesBrut-part of a picnic, the supper, was di ford, bas been halidaying here. thouaughly enjoyed. pý Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thompson. r enetCobeick, Lcam-8 Torotoareat heirsumer ot-ington, with bis parents, Mr. and Ir tage. Mrs. Wý. S. Cobbledick, before ut- The Park St. Sunday Scbooi tending Summer Scboal. fi _______________________ Miss Patsy Maffat with Mr. andh SMrs. Wm. Moffàt, Antiach. b Mr. and Mrs. Bell, North Buttie- fard, Sask., with ber sister, Miss b DRINK. aC. McKay. DRINK Mus. Clifford Cowan bas been 1 BOWMANVILLE assisting in Cornish's store, whîle members of the staff are holiday- 3 DAIRY ing.c. M em b er s f Bowmanville1 Legian with their wives and f am-s ilies, enjoyed a picnic at the Park. M ilk A beautiful supper was served by the ladies of St. Saviour's Chuncb, 1 t s Nutritious Orono. Miss Nellie Wigt of Arm- and Enerigmz'ng strong's store, undcrwent an oper- atian for appendicitis in Bow- DRINK UT EVERY DAY manville Hospital. Miss Jeanne Farrester is taking Mi]k contains phosphor- a special summer course ut Hum- ilton Normai School. She bas ac- oua, vitaniin.i. proteifla. cepted a position in Ingeusoll for calcium and iran and is re- ncxt teum. At the Chamber of Commerce and satisfying. dance hcld July ist, a dnuw was made on an electric wasber, FREBH EGGBwhich was won by Fred Hemnp- IPRUR ]EGGSstead, Cobourg. Orono arBud AI Grade Large ase, order cleared $265 which will be applied ta, the motguge on the band in- them flow struments. Prof. Homen Thampson bas ne - TRy ()UR OHOCOL&TE turned fnom Italy where he bas been doing special wonk for the MiLK British Government. Prof. and Mis. Thompson and tbree child- MiIkt, Cream, Butter and ren and Miss Pamela Burn are spending the summer at thein egp delivered. home in Onano. Mu. A. Strickland, Landon, witb Our elivry S rvic lehis wife and family. Our eIivry rVIC S A, hurdbull game between the On Your Street Daily Service Dept., Generul Matous, ada picked team from Orono, was held in Oshawa, Wednesduy; score 11-7 in favor of Oshawa. Bowma vill Dair Oroo teamn is made up of J. E. Phone 446 or 7W3 Lyal Lawery, Roy Winter, Car- den, Gardon Watson and Wm. Rabin.san. - Mns. S. Littlewood and Munley have gone tai their summen cat- tage, Lake of Bays. J Orme Gamsby is now able ta wulk up town after bis lengthy UN M illness. mU W MM. and Mrs. Ccil Jnes nd fumily have moved ta the home n~ulI fil BOWMANVI LLE Telephone 589 Thuns., Fn., July 12-13 ARSENIC AND OLD LACE Laughs, Sreams, Chilis, ThriIIs, wth Cary Gra.nt, Raymond Massey, 'Prisilla Lane. Saturday Only, July 14 THE TOWN WENT WILD Starrlng Freddle Bartholo- mew and Jimmry Lydon. Added Western Hit TEXAS MASQUERADE Wlth Hopalong CassidY Mon., Tues., Wed., July 16-18 Keys of the Kingdom FROM A. J. CRONIN'S BEST SELLING NOVEL. TRULY A GREAT PICTURE. Ln 3 rs -d DY OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 12, 13, 14 Edward G. Robinson Joan Bennett In THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW With Raymond Massey, Ed- mund Breon. The screen's supreme adventure in sus- pense. It was the look in hier eyes that did it. How couic he resist? How could hE know it meant murder. Mon., Tues., Wed., July 16, 17, 18 AN AMERICAN ROMANCE Starring Brian Donlevy, Ani Richards, Walter Abel.: years in preparation, 2 year in production. Now 2 houx of exciting dramna. Filme in glorious technicolor. Next Attraction William Powell, Myrna Lo In THE THIN MAN GOES HOME - J DON'T NEGLECT YOUR CAR!1 It lis still going to be a long before you can get a. new car, sa give it the best of care. Bring it to aur garage and have it checked over regularly ta keep it in good running order. GARION'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanvllle Blackstock (Intended for last week) W.A. o! United Church met ut Mus. Rue Badbuin's with 20 ladies present and President Mis. W. Archer in the chair. Mis. Harrison took the devotionul. Mrs. O. Wight's group was in charge o! the progrumn: readings by Mis. Archer, Mus. R. Bradburn and Mis. O. Wight. Fifteen sunshinc bags weîe bunded in. Lunch was seuved. Twenty boys und girls tried the Entrunce ut Bluckstack, ThuîsdaY and Friduy. Two very bud thundcrstoims bit Bluckstock an Friduy und did considerabie dumage. The Anglican Duamatic Club put on their pluy, "Tempest and Sunshine," ut the stuawberuy social on Friday evening t Janet- ville. Archdeacan Simpson bas gone ta Peterbauo Hospital fan treut- ment. Congratulations ta Mi. and Mis. G. W. Murray (nec Kathleen Tay- lor), on their muuriage, June 30, in Biackstock United Cburch. Visitais: Gcîald Hill, North Bay, with bis mother, Mis. J. Jobb. . . Miss Pearl Wright and Miss Vivian Sadier with thein par- ents. . . Miss Mabel VanCamp, Toronto, Miss Helen VanCamp, Oshawa, wîth their parents... Mus. Luverne Chapman and Beth ut R. Hoapen's. . . Mis. Butler, C.S. teacher, has gone ta Toronto ...Mus. Arthur VanCamp with Mis. A. L. Bailey... Mr, and Mus. O. Curley and April, Cavan, ut C. Marlow's... Mis. Fnunks, Mu. and Mus. Reynolds and baby, Peter- bora, ut L. Mountjay's. . . Ralph Stuong witb bis gîandmother, Mus. R. Bruce. Miss Hazel Mountjoy bas re- tunned fîom Bronte. Miss Norma Hoocy is in Ottawa wherc she will be a hostess mast o! the vacation, ut the Y.W.C.A. leave centre for girls in the Navy, Army and R.C.A.F. Miss Florence McLaughlin is in Quebec where she will take a course in French ut Macdonuld College. His many friends and relatives will be proud that W.O. I (Sub- Conductor) Murwood R o b e r t Dickey, Toronto, and fonmerly o! Nestieton, bas been made a mcmn- ber of the Order o! the British Empire in the list o! Army Hon- ors announced on June 28. The honar wus in recognition of ser- vices rendered in the North- western Eunopean theutre. 1 Salem Salem Women's Association met ut the home o! Mis. Ç. Frank. Mus. Buttery opened the meeting and Scriptune wus reud by Mus. Coambes. It was moved by Mus. Silver and seconded by Mrs. Coomnbes that we donate $5 ta the S i c k Children's Hospital. Pot Luck supper was beld, June 29. Mus. Coombes hud charge o! this puogruni: neudings, Mus. B ohb Collacutt, Mus. Leslie Welsh, Mus. Catan; mouth angan solo, Mn. Tay- lor, and a sing-song accompanied by Mr. Taylor on the mouthorgan. Lu n ch was served by Mus. Coambes and ber graup. The only people ta get even with are thase wbo have helped you. NTL 1/d5Y1Wl.. BzrTERIff fflli i id Enfield )f the late Mrs. E. Chapman, in ,e North Ward. Members of Culvury Baptist Chuncb, Oshawu, have been hold- ig open air meetings here. William Stark, a former resi-f cnt of Kendal neighbarhood, passed away in Bethuny in his i1st year. Interment toak place in Orana Cemeteîy, July 7th. Mn. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson and family have been on balidays. 1 Mis. Jennings, Toranta, with lier daughter, Mis. Fred Black- burn. Mi. and Mrs. Walter Couch have been an vacation. Park St. W.M.S. and W.A. comn- bined their July meeting at the Community Park on Tuesday. Mvrs. M. H. Staples, W.M.S. Presi- dlent, led the meeting and Mus. W. W. Sheîwin toak charge af the study and discussion on -Citizen- ship". Patriatic sangs in keep- ing witb Daminion Day, and a picnîc supper concluded an en- joyabie aftcrnoon. Archie McLaren and Carman Carnish have left for Massey, ont., ta belp with the bountiful hay cuop on the f arnaf Mr. and Mrs. Mooney. Miss Louise Cowun, Taranta, bas been spending ber vacation in Orona. Mis. I. Snell and Mrs. Pattersori a're visiting Mrs. Magee at ber summner home. Gardon 'Winter, Niagara - on- the-Lake, home on furlaugb. Mi. and Mrs. R. Caldwell, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor visited Mr. and Mis. T. A. Reid, Crooked Creek. Visitons: Mn. and Mus. Jas. Davidson, Mns. M. Davidson and family, Mns. J. Duvidson, Oshawa, at E. Pnescatt's. . . Mr. and Mns. H. Smith at F. Gilbent's, Solina ..Mr. and Mus. W. Oke, Ennis- killen, ut H. Ormistan's. . . Mn. und Mis. F. Sumis and Donna ut L. Collins, Raglan. . . Mn. and Mrs. W. Pascoe and family with Mis. W. Scott, Columbus. .. Mr. and Mrs. F. LaBelle, Buffalo, Mn. and Mis. R. Giffin, Union, at F. Samnis'. .. E. V. Bowman, Kitchen- ei, Mn. and Mis. H. Nicholson, Mount Forest, Mn. and Mis. M. Nicholson and Norma, Canning- ton, Mn. und Mrs. T. Bowmun, Pont Penny, Mn. and Mis. H. Weir and Beverley, London, ut the Bowman homes. .. Miss Coîsina Samis, Della and Duvid Bant, Oshawa, Miss Elsie Samis, Miss Joyce Abcrnntby, Peterboro, Mis. K. Webster and Stanley, Toronto, Pctty Officer Ruy Webster, Hali- fax, ut M. Samis'. . . Miss Veina Ormiston, Toronto, wîth Mis. H. Smith . .. Mis. M. Samis in Peter- bora . .. Miss Helen Smith, Osh- uwu, with Miss Ruth Prescott... Mn. and Mis. I. Tamblyn and famîly, Billy und Bobby Cusey, A. J. Tamblyn and Miss Myntle Myrtle Tumblyn, Orono, ut W. Bowman's . . . Donald Taylor, Solina, with Murray Pîescott. The Pîescott fumîly held a famîly reunion ut A. W. Picscott's. Thene were members fîom Long Bîunch, Mount Farest, Richmond Hill, Oshawu, Sulem, Newtonville, Palmerston and Long Sauit. Mrs. W. Ashton enteîtained her pupils ta a picnic at Geneva Park. 1 îxTà ..1- U c . r-qnt . Program. consisted of musical MNQ1-eton selections by Rev. J. A. Plant and Mrs. G. Bowman, paper by Mrs. A. Prescott and reading by Mns. Women's Institute met at Mrs. Plant. Mrs. H-. Smith's grouP Thos. Langfeld's, July 4th with served a deliciaus lunch with 14 ladies present ta enjoy the stnawberries and cream. meeting and welcome Mns. Philip ________________ Langfeld (a war bride) to our i... midst. Ladies decided ta give a Burketondonation to Sick Chiidnen's Hos- ________pital and invite our District Presi- Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Bert dent to visit us. Prograrn was in Harvey,-East York, at J. Carter's charge of Mrs. George Johns: roll ...Mr. and Mns. A. Hughes, Ai- caîl, hat speeches; a good prograni bert and Lois, in Toronto... Mrs. consisting of readings. a quizz, a Wilson, Vivian, Hampton, at W. skit and cornmunity singing. Sym- Hooper's. .. Mns. J. A. Smith and pathy was sent ta aur president, Orvis, Mrs. A. Aldned and Glenn Mrs. M . Emerson, wbo receivec in Toronta. .. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- word ber son, Ralph, was presum- lin ut Dominion Day celebrations ed dead. We were glad Mrs. K, ut Port Hope. .. Visitons at Mrs. Burton, anc of our aider mem- 7Stan Maffut's were Mn. and Mrs. bers, wasable ta attend the meet- >Arthur Mof fat and children, Osh- ing. A dainty lunch was served kuwa. . . Mr. and Mis. Mullen, Synipathy is extended ta Mr Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson wh( Wilson and Benyl, Kinsale, ut Mrs. received word their son, Raîpli Pearl Aveny's. Helen returned was presurncd dead. with them. .. Mr. and Mrs. Brient Mr. and Mis. Frank Playfo and Ross Hubbard, Oshawa, at B. and Bryce, Bowmanviile, witl àHubband's. . . Miss Maud Builey Miss Ethe.l Thompsan., is home fîam Ajax. . . Mi. and There will be a memoriai ser Mrs. Hilton Simpsn, Port Perîy, vice in the United Church, Sun ut Mis. Aldeds. .. Mr. nd Mis. day maîning, July 5th, for thý S. Moffat und Betty in Trnto. lute Rulph Emersn. 1Mrs. Gea. L. Moffat und Paul with Visitons: Mrs. Abet Naini - Mrs. Maffat . . . Mr. nd Mis. (ne Blanche Malcolm), Part McLauyWrghlandsJoyce Mn.aand reeve. Sask., with friends. .. Mr« ut j. c a g l ns . . Mr a d Jas. W illlanison and M . Arth u Mrs. H. Gi and Donnie in Ca- Juckman in Tornto. . . Mr. ani bourg. Mrs. Fr a nk Joblin, Georgir a The Secrument. af the Lord's Island, with his brother, Mr. J ;- Supper was weli attcnded on Sun- Jablin. . . Mr. and Mrs. Menvi: g day, with W. Hoskin, N. Hudson Bird and Nancy, Broaklin, M: d and Rev. J. A. Plant afficiating. and Mis. Edgar Emesn, Tarai ',Wesley Hoskin has been ap- ta, Mrs. Ralph Emerson and Mr pointed superintendent of the Glendenning, Toranta, with M ýr Sunday Schaal in place of Miss and Mrs. M. Emerson. . . Mii c.Woods. Mrs. Rablin is assistant Annie Clayton and Miss Evely sorganist. Campbiell, Lindsay, Miltan Buc Il 1 T.permltted," and boards had to b Sur ey how Ca ad Miestnes GooyeriIre laid acrsa the hgway before .a A Godycn sogan "Te Geatet o dyetractai wauld even be permltted to A Godyea sloan,"TheGreaestcross aven fi anc fari toaai- P; cks o ye a 1 3 toName in Rubben," is noIde Ùbaut, oonrm rser olagy of îubberrrevea.Here la 1/m e s, les. W r alutian la agri- fow Goodyear firats: e r a cuiytInweas By an 'aveiwhelmiflg ta î- Chan0 G dycr Cult w n &y preferonce C a n a d i moto vig arcPine 1839-Charles Godyar sse s R r etaca. h would nather an years 1 peniment In Go ber si stee l-hs o any ather bîando bi O Aviation aoves much of its early vulcanizatian. Fart ewote Wlth This preference i s 50o fn dcvelapment ta a Goodyear-de -1898-The Goadyear Tiir vO brr ed t acth aler. ive pat expericnc i a ble aped fubric for wîngs adCa .ber Company inca k- tfu t e hued fater than hriv tires, ~~~~~~~~surfaces. Ui until Godcn Goodyecar acas al ai n ah pti wyl Tcefacsbu navetapae ecne n tnp n r r an the farm a closed shed, saving maintenance sdentifico n 'su y aniangst fubrics stretchcd ove r s n~ hna rne n ear.H ol rv tit Cunudians Of caast ta. caast. Thet' rames. but th ese h d ov ~s ra in1I n id anainge-andthebais.wiHe cut d ivaging flo suivey, ni by anc of Canada's ped in th win oVi. -r er rodea n raman.e oa h an wtotdmaigfo laîgcst a most dependable n z .h e e and detach- Gooar aanm.o door sulis. seîhOr iaiis a U 1 which became Ho was having trouble cultivatn iîgo ubrtetactai need fully Co ted thut the standard in the industry. bis grovesI Loose, dry sand would not be limited ta slow speeds, mlght ~ of quost s asked Int 1906--Gaadyear bîings out Straight slip, and sl* undor his tractai. be drive 25 miles an hour. By of the ca ry was i r t Side tire, ad dbyrsto!Te lg nothing ta bruce ho in a trailen or faim the nu f a!mat idSi against. wheels would p uld haul pîoducts to tee.108-Al-Weat nd t recad and pes y Wouldb Fu deign g tr was no ressort why Fuirethe e dedqas oa r r a -Goody gi n s devel-tea r cauldn't be applied to tionnaire had any inklîng of which etenlrdn e uigti a a r iaehinery. Within an- tire company wus bchind the sur- or icr r .t Yas h hehn a vey. The naimes of competirig tires od Thetwacoine, h se and ser, the niow,th were àlwuys used fiisf in put-St n sTm Te t0e b 1o Th w onhkradselrheoe, tigquestions. Vr carefully, thasE 191- t r hub and installed the patato-digger, the ensilage-cut- tio ng wrd Very Vke ow ti es on orange grawei's ter, the silo filler and the manure- whio answoied.we iokandnonw91- l * Cts r tractai ta t em out. spîcader ail began riding an rubber. mbautomobile owne and o ixds0- S tîen sar The large r tires Weie inflated___________ niade a! suchedata as tc i1910-Goo r traghtSide design tofrn ir. poun15pesudressurte. of cars they w e 0 i nhaacce d by industry. T5e ided e lrge, aa! -etc. ate Lrn 910-Go car Wing Airplane tire Thires oveor rgegrond ikWeigQe nt cocast.týo-coast bc e frtpructicul tre ticresb le w grodevn pul fro ht 9(_or yalîcout a a tar. In short, they T Pra ha O Hnrosawne or 90-odru u-ubc-thwd h 0-pressure tires year was bas r ~0îpitiszed lng fabric lin could te faim tractais on autmo eute bet- Il otton, specified for uneve in the saine thing that I r c ie ingh qualtoiss n on thefaitat auntobiles tic and. and Army planes had b ne fan the airplane on Taday's modernblgb-speed, long. conibined gave Goodyear a 42.7 per 63.1 per cent b dentify a! 19 nd us s tanrdard the c stune alîporta stili com- distance tiucking business would cent vote, whule the motarista alone coirectly the ye in Thé equl n t b alirpiane mon ut eniod. net lbe 50 succ 1 xi .ihout a gaeGoodyeari 48 per cent natlng. next best known Iden- nia ctune ghout the voxulgrynie fco wtouora The next most populai tire ne- tIi ed by only 20. wa onGoyard ie ceve oly145 ercet ! he The Goodyear t tread 194F "~Ki r bservatian" nient was flot a coin- thus enabling ti a I Up un- total vote, just about a third of the was first adopted 98 w 37 b n oodycar fan p s, but it painted the way der the extie.em raugh Goadyear rating among aIl those years aid. Other co have B stg ho use of Air Wheel-tyPe hlgh s surveyed.. changed their treud niany 1916-G becomes the la g-til for faim use. The manufac- -Ôredo When the figures have been limes, but the Goo ad bas Os e company. ttiieiS a! tractais became in es elird e most bioken down even futher taoex- withstood the te and ha 917-New Canadian facto b ut cd ummediately, and w eletics cldeth mtaiss roi hefliNremuained busical nged f rani New Toronta. velopment o! Go nsac mooitw idta 8prcn h einn.1917-First cross-ca' in di' on th ocreset ac oftennotaristfid ht 38 pOiente bginigfrani Akron t o f i eengi i97tu aoyears chic! ence for Goodyear aven alilother Resîstance to Sklddlng trp un 24 s, I e r , ki ceis9 ht, . .Disoe, !iisaied tires. The resistance ta skidding, ablllty 51/ day * ifyl whee steqeto !usp iko ao While even this lusI figure 's 10 dig in ndtae al n m0a' !d s î P î stalla on of rubber. in place of &ton, whîcb was un- hgl lteigand exceedingly snow. ai, giip in ail direc putýe! ne. a, rubber-tirc trac- able ta stu der the extreme giatifying ta the Goodyear aigafi- are the pointsN highy 1lat0rin were demonslrated ut Na- boutg the long-distance izton t sevnmaeSinicn -ctexman or r ber cols. tional Cn-Huskingn and runs -country trucks. ta compare it with that 48 per c t ays -Fuct built in Austrulia mode deep impýre.sin, faim- Silk found almost immedi- figuresupplîd by and England. on bsii ý in ed that e itable. The first great knwte1 Jsn - -Goodyear develops Air Whecl th ubber-tired trac need îi ao a htI ta-0r0e turned out tire for airidnos, tihus rno- le ower ta drive, ut rtn rn h ubr ith uttons, saw that th lutionîzing r cnstruc loin heme gra tf etin utP itian given theni in drivin and lundi ea design, mak- olsicetanaan Goodye r i1 u it cded to wear theni off promaturc- ing p1s ih-specd P el. Sebicîl, Goodyear's researchi a mian st dvng a and immediatcly changcd ta o! today huht0fte eatnelae moursre roundd corners whih woe 1930-Fi * i i S O coating fan the gas cls of the U.S. Fi es n eeel.i -ft Navy's rigid airship which hoe had Here are the figures an competing oodyear took the opposite courilRoads La ger Darrcd previously developed, suggestod a tires as shawn by the survoy total y rounding the graoves bel Tbinklng of the growing c somewhat simillai solution ta answer -in ather wands, the proportion ho diamonds,n rs e rie dplit 0 od comisi 9s the rayon problem. It dld. Thon answeîs favarin g other branda sran, keoutv legisiators ta steel-shod t n came the need for a strongor rayon. A, 14.4 per cent; Tire B, 5.iamon i ryon truck tires pro- the roads, ho oncude or Search se ndless. No visible > cn;TrC,55prct 1would romovo that o pi de In 1932 an 1933. c. e;r en C, 5.5 perrd cut bIovginiature mili was 52prct;Tire.P 1 bave been 95-feadtuebogroady there wcro slgn o Tire F, 1.8 rOi<c 1- honr tread in 31 1936-Faim implonient roads: 'IN eatons s odf taratanyr pcent; Ti e H. n closed cars came in, aped.o ynn s fla oatr per cent; Tino cee s ght humming a hich the19 'tbnna " a anwrwsf d K,.3pu enOS 0 dianionds made on trd ecain th answetrews habon cent, and no c, .3 per cent. more notîceablo nfebentiAa dcnAlîciaf po trsteh e nwodcir s a e Anather ntcesting point brought ribs were ad rshoulýden tta i ta b a«aotstan ge new , suersgavo . out by the sunvoy was that of the dampen t , provide som aucd USOSan 9 ervi , bulilatse average Canadlan's feelings about sdditional r tla b lthdflssold o! ng- nce uls, ndh synthetic tires. Sixty-five per cent wear. b TotluIurban bus In fleloth opni- heun ad 1 were convinced that synthctlc tires 10 onun way on Nonth cica and th listomandc the s ryod n, e w e e ot a g od a n tu a r bb rfuel ank , barrage u b n o go - a n in 5 0 a s i rththsray o n c wies.nta oda ntnlrbe ns, tank and airpiane 9wcre ho n ses a c nties a so Yco et dwen ttho quss - k- parts. airships. o c sptrst e , eowd owbt-t1945-Cana n notoîists show s weIl asd . tjially bougbt s t en iebuilt cars thu o one pieferenco for T G r n bud actually w Iud run niuch re quiet- God eur synthoties aveu a ju i themi Ilwast n ly Wt oth 1er noises ced, th 0 conipetltîv ti wT FOD OUTPUTW out o! 10 o0os yw u humming oie cre bUnt trlyrededfood production satisfled wlt 1h synthe . dianionda became audi a th seis ea s oabed assumll e a n.sna e the devlop- the nited States in the lat war tvh e h n t y tei A tire tread ths saifid6iu wil ben0 us lins ail ven the by a colorful caravan oganized by oweenhavghaee hn mtreynthoi- work makes n an M ninent practical and atrac. Goodyear ta show fumers that ners thavehad vnw ores. xpo rki- il tr 0 rtive froni an economnic stand- pneumnati-tired trucks could do jobs o n wih hor w ir es. woîkin0 dpoint, b tter than ho se.. Even now th e ve i , m or t n - t lsx out o ! v ry adult b!th o tr synte tc0 o t i 1di n plan ta buy n w auto- thoin btes re uat i On neio mobiles after the waî. This In- ~ al 1 T een otte te n tane ani ge niaufthe restng tact was rveled as an ,nnT0RISIS Vo £ ' t Those who o r thoe. ,lm b o yi n t z sa ! tho Incidentai point In an laborate . 's tiow i ~ ~ i ::>. purbpertîan-sheyeninblo safond st gge ien isurvey conducted on be. R TREPRiEEtc£ dual.. brokc 'Up rhythm Sa that the sound hl fro Go oyat a oast. 1das4W dicI not bave opportunlty ta buld fThe osrveycondtedb n o i up volum. The coniparison ta a Canadas lagest and most rellablo ffE. * 6 COMPLJCATED PROCESS number of soldions marchlng acros5 sclentlflc research aiganizatians, 24 Casual visitons ta a tiro plant 'Who a bridge In step-wlth the ef!ectwadete pmnlyafndg l enter with the notion that tires are ta ol aeo wyn i u uthwCndaafe bu l staniped out like dougbnuta, are bration o! the bridge-as agaînst a ut obile t ireabu 1ý often aniazed aI the compllcated the sanie number o!fnien marching In addition ta the 57A4 por cent 51 nature of. the piocess and the vast over in broken stop, wuli make the who doflnitoly plan ta buy new k.REAI14 JEco aniaunt of work needed ut eacb point dlean.. automobiles, prospects Include an- oetSre b OOýte stage. The building o! a tire ne- The non-skld and traction advan- athor 19.2 per cent Who-have nat <S quuros careful sceedullng, and lends tagos of the AIl-Woathon troad Yet made Up thoîr minds. flnlycadinat-ld lîseif weil to thge mus production wore saved, and the penalty of do- 23.4 per cent definitoly do nat plan j systm.- Ing tac good a job avolded. te bUY new cars atter the war. Why Swelter In A Hot Kitchen ? 1 You don't need to when it cornes to doing the familY baking. Just take a tip £romn your neiglibor who f buys bier baking requirements at our bake shop. - Besides bread and buns, we have a variety of cakes, - ca*okies jand pastry to satisfy every appetite. Next time you're up town. drop in at our store and se lo 1,, the attractive array of baking we have on display. )t h erH > S. r.C nd MuuySueW dvl, Thrlane annaiaino Fý with Mrs. W. Cumpbell. This is subscription tine! the-existing fact of the univeisal bîotherhaod of man.-Di. T. Z. IKoo. .. j - b-. ..- .. W.A. met at Mrs. r. rrescoivs.

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