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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1945, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE ~CANADIAN STAT!ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'rTRflAV:.T.V LY12h.1945t Newcastle Brand Mrs. Crackle and f arn- ily, Toronto, with their aunt, Mrs. Mr. Percy Tuff, Miss Mary Tuff, Wm. Parnal. Toronto; Mrs. Geo. Fenning, Lon- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton at- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank tended the wedding of their niece, Vlacation Togs Whether the 'sun spot' 1s your own back yard, your cottage or a resort - and your 'sunning' clothes corne from our store, you'Ill hodressed riglit in clothes that cick with your active 111e and budget! New Shipment of SUMNM DREBSES, Crisp Checks, others i stripes and pastels, from ......... ........ $4.95 up Bathing Suits, SummerPurses You can afford a New Hat at the reduced prices we are offering them this week! Couch, Johnston& Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWMANVILLE Glen Rae Dairy Milk BUILDS CHILDREN'S APPETITES Modern research has definitely established milk as an indispensable food for infants and grow- ing children.1 A quart of GLEN RkE Dairy Milk daily will build your child's appetite . . - be a safe-guard against riekets . .. and will aid in the formation of sound teeth. 1. flavorable It tastes Children and grown ups like the quality of GLEN RAE Dairy Milk. better! PURINA cow CnOW1 YOUR MILKING COWS Amy Frances Brown, ta Alvin John Cowle, at St. George's Church, Oshawa, on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Kathleen DeClair has re- turned ta her home in Queensboro after visiting Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Patterson. In the Newcastle Public School promotions published last week these names were inadvertently omitted: Intermediate Room, Grade 5 ta Grade 6, 75 per cent ani over-Mary Holubenko, Jean Toms. Mrs. Lloyd K. Alldread is con- valescirèg at home after her ap- pendix operation in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Miss Barbara Bonathan has joined the staff at Britton's store, for the summer, and Roger Mel- low is acting as delivery boy dur- ing Neil Britton's absence for two weeks at Cadet Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Toms and Joan, Belleville, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Toms. Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, with her mother, Mrs. George Rickard. Mrs. SJan-ley Brown and Bobby are spending two months with her parents at Port Elgin. Pty. Officer Fred Couch, To- ronto, was home. Mrs. Nellie Schram and Miss Mary Toms are emplayed as clerks at Ward's store. On Sunday evening, July lSth, the members of Cowanville L.O.L. 265, will attend divine worship in St. George's Church at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moise and family, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. B. Moise, and called »t see his father who is in Bow- ntanville Hospital. LAC Adair Hancock, R.C.A.F., stationed at Alun Island, New- foundland, is spending his fur- lough accompanied by Mrs. Han- cock and little son Murray, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hancock. The names of Mr. P. Martin and Mr. Clarence Clark were înad- vertently omitted last week from the list of guests from Newcastle attending the wedding of P.O. RELY ON BOTH YOUR financial security depends on two services -your baizk and yaur in- surance agent. For the safety of your cash and valuable papers, you turn ta, your bank; for the saf- ety of those dollars in- vested i your property, you should see your insur- ance agent ta, make sure you have adequate depend- able insurance. Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Estate Succusaor To J. J. Mason & Son Phono 681 444King st. .Bowmanville MIr. F armer Milk is in demand - it 's bath patriotia and prof it- able ta get every possible pound of milk frani yaur cows. Oows muBt ho f ed an pasture or they lose flesh and you lose mlk; 18 Guernsey cows fed an pasture at the Purina Experimental Fanm praduced 1750 pounds more nulk per cow during their lacta- tion as campared ta 18 cows not fed on pasture. THINK WHAT TIMMANS TO YOUR COWS. HERE'S THE FEED FOR EXTRA MILK a a 0 MARLOW'S 16 PER CENT PURINA CHOWMIX YOUR CALVES . . .o Bave labour, save milk, save maney and rai3 e better calves. Every bag of Caif Startena 0 replaces 350 pounds of milk, and no nilk is f ed after your caif is one month old. 9l 0 TO DO A BETTER JOB FEED1 MARLOW'S CHOWPMIX PURINA PIC STARTER....$2.60 cwt. MARLOW'S CHOWMIX PURINA LAYUNG MASH... $2.85 cwt.U 1 0 ORDER YOUR SUPPLY TODAY WHIL'.E WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK ON RAND n 0 Mfarlow Transport TELEPHONE - PORT PERRY 106 - R - 2 BLAOSTOK, ONTARIO Archie Martin and Miss Kay Peters in Toronto. Reeve and Mrs. Tracy Manes, Leaside, with Mr. H. T. Manes. Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, with Mrs. Wallace Holmes and Mrs. T. M. Gibson. Rev. John Bonathan, Mrs. Bon- athan and daughters, St. Mark's Rectory, Longueuil, Que., wlth his mother, Mrs. S. Bonathan. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brereton, Owen Sound, with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brereton. LAC Gardon Garrod, R.C.A.F., St. John's, Que., was home. Miss Grace MacKellar was at her home in Port Perry. Members of Newcastle Red Cross will enjoy a well earned rest during July and August. There will be no business meet- ings and the Red Cross work roomn will be closed. Owing ta diffi- culty in securing a convener ta have charge of the "Superfluity Shop" ta take the place of Mrs. Olga A. Gibson, the former con- vener, who found she would be unable ta undertake the responsi- bility this year, the members de- cided that tbey Would not under- take this fund raising project this summer. GARDEN PARTY Proceeds of around $70.00 wasM realized from the Garden TeaC given July 5th under auspices ofE Parochial Co mm it t ee of St.a George's Church. A deliciaus I tea of cold meat and salad plate,L bread and butter, cakes, tarts and j tea was served in the Parish Hall. j A highly entertaining pragrarnd was presented on the lawn. Ap chorus of little girls trained byE Mrs. Matthew Brown and Miss j Isabel Allun, sang twa numbers,a danced Sir Rager De Coverleyà and played a game with Mrs. John Garrod as accompanist. Girls in t the chorus were Tillie and Jerry t Harris, Joan Brown, Ruth Gar-P rod, Connie Enwright and Marya and Nellie Holubenko. Miss Isa-0 bel Allin gave a well rendered piano sola.a A fashion parade of manne-c quins modelling clothes of another era, caused mucb merriment. The mannequins were: Mrs. George Crowthers, Mrs. Garnet Porter, Mrs. Douglas Cunningham, Mrs. Glenn Brooks, Mrs. Gardon Lak- ing, Mrs. Fred Thomas, Mrs. Wal- lace Gibson.1 Mrs. Douglas Dewdney wasi general convener of the Garden2 Tea and her capable and efficient1 assistants were Mrs. W. H. Gibson,1 Mrs. P. LeGresley and Mrs. Scott Howard, who had charge of the sale of tickets, Mrs. John Garrod, Mrs. George Gaines, M r s. Matthew Brown, Mrs. Howard Gibson, Ruth Gibson, Mrs. Sehby Spencer, Miss Cora Butler, Mrs. Neilson, Joan Neilson, Mrs.. F. H. Graham, Miss Mary Dewdney, and the young ladies wha had acted as mannequins. Rev. W. W. Patterson Inducted to United Church, Newcastle The congregation of Newcastle United Church assembled on Fni- day night for the induction of Rev. Willîamn W. Patterson, B.A., B.D., as their minister. Rev. S. Littlewood, Orono, represented Oshawa Presbytery, and installed the minister. The congregation was led in worship by Rev. Walter Rackham, Hampton. He choose as bis text, "Behold I stand at the door and knock". Jesus stands today, as ever, knocking at the door of aur lives. We must open the door from within if we would have Him came in and abide with us, Mr. Rackhamn said. Rev. J. A. Plant, Enniskillen, addressed the minîster and con- gregation, drawing many wards of practical wisdom from bis long experience in the ministry. The chair rendered special music. Fol- lowing the installation Rev. Pat- terson pronounced the benedic- tion. Rev. W. W. Patterson cames ta the charge at Newcastle ta suc- ceed Rev. R. E. Morton who con- cluded a seven-year pastorate there.' Mr. Patterson bas served the Queensborough charge in Belleville Presbytery, since bis ordination in 1941. Born 10 miles east of Peterboro, he attended school in Lang, Millbrook and Peterboro. He was recommend- ed as a candidate for the ministry by the session of St. Andrew's United Church, Millbrook, in 1934. In 1939 he graduated in Arts fromn Victoria University, and tbree years later he received bis diplama in theology from Em- manuel College, Toronto, and was ordained by the Bay of Quinte Conference meeting in Belleville that year. Since ordination he bas completed bis work for the degree, and received bis Bachelar îof Divinity witb first class lian- ours from Victoria University. Prior ta ordination, Mr. Patter- son served student fields at Bul- yea, Sask., Trout Milîs, and Pro- ton Station, Ontario. Many of the young people of this district know Mr. Patterson through his con- nection witb the Young People's Executive Leadership School at Oak Lake, where he bas taugbt the past two summers. Following the induction the congregation held a reception in the Sunday Scbool Hall, where a dainty lunch was served by the ladies. There a hearty welcome was extended ta Mr. and Mrs. >Patterson, and the best wishes of the people expressed. You will make your point more quickly with the other guy if you point your finger, not at him, but at yourself. Quicki StIOPtchln iItbte, hea't rash. e~em. hlsmplmpls sales scbieeathlete a foot tdohretrniycue kin troubls seal-iter sthinY. sntlsetc..D. PRCR iPtohGr=sseess talnless. ltch :t"or eumon YbM, Your drugaist stockD.Ou Union, Darlington Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore, Mt. Farest, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and Joyce, Orona, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Wayne, Oshawa, at Walter Fer- guson's. . . Mrs. Harry Rahm, Burketon, at Cecil Rahm's. .. Miss Jean McLaughlin at Roy Mc- Laughlin's, Nestîcton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wotten and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank La- belle, Buffalo, at R. Griffin's. A charivari was held for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery at their home on June 26. Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Salter, Victoria, B.C., at Russell Luke's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barber and Mr. I. Marrison, To- ronto, at W. Macdonald's, W. Stewart's and R. Scott's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodman, Toronto, at Luther Goadman's . . . Miss Marion Hamm, O sh a wa, with Miss Yvonne Byamn. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks, Bill and Eve- lyn, St. Catharines, at George Brooks'.. . Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks, who are bath in very poor health, lef t Monday ta stay with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Cobourg. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg and family, Bowmanville, at Walter Park's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompsan, Oshawa, at Leslie Thompsan's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and daughter, Bowmanville, at George Alldread's. .. Mr. Walton Annis, Eileen and Marjory, Dunharton, Miss Grace Little, Taronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brent, at Lamne Annis'. Sunday School qicnic held in the park, Saturday, was well at- tended. There were races, skip- ping and bahl games. Ail enjayed a good picnic supper and a treat of ice creamn. Rev. A. E. Creswell and family arrived Monday ta take charge of Tyrone circuit. Solina day morning. There will be Communion service. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry at- tended the Sknner-Grooms wed- ding at Toronto, June 23. The Young people presented their drama at Haydon, Monday night. We welcome Warrant Officer Gordon Scott and Sgt. John Bak- er home from averseas. Gordon has completed a tour of operation- ai flights with the R.C.A.F. and John has been on active army ser- vice in Europe. Business Diixectory Legal W. B. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Soicitor for Bank of Montreai Mdoney ta Loan . Phone 79ý Bownianville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public ItRing Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 55ýi W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9½ King St. E. Bowmanville --Ontario Phones: Office 825- House 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publit; Successor ta M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Simson Graduate of Royal Dental Co,' lege. Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilet 9idg., Bowmanville. Office hou, 9 a.m. to, 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 321 X-Ray Equipmen inOffice (Intended for last week) Monuments Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley, Enniskillen; Mrs. Oliver The Rutter Granite Company Beckett, Marchant Grave, Sask., Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 at C. D. Pascoe's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Port Hope, Ontario Ralph Davis and Patsy at Alan Monuments, Gravemarkers, McKenzie's, Columbus... Mr. and Engraving, Goldleafing Mrs. Jim Corbett and Marlene, 23-tf Toronto, at Wes. Werry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anthes and Jean, Toronto, at E. Millson's. M OVIN S W EST Mrs. Anthes and Jean remained Rwns Lmtdeglry ak for wee... rs.Herbrt Prk-up and ship Household Furniture. Con- er and Gardon have returned ta o dated pool Cars to Manitoba, Saaktch2- Torontoalater visiting at 'S. E. ewanf lb ierta, British GoIunbla and to catifornia. Write, wire or phone for reduced Werry's. frelght rates. Estaillshed 1885 Church and Sunday School will b le Yonge st., Toronto. KJnadala 5125 be rgsumed at the usual time Sun- moviNG. P&cKiiNB. ýIPFiN ml s4510186 DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new chantes of collection and deiiver7 1in jour district. This la made mReceary by new g.vusumemt regnUltions whleh permit us te cover any oe distriot Tbree Days A Week We will, therefore, b. in BowmanvMie Mon., Wed., & Fri. HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LJMJTED FOR ECONOMY Send your eleanlnt wtth your 1aundr7 PHONE - 419 The b e st way ta preserve demacracy is ta deserve it. MEN WANTED For War Work lIn Mechanical Rubber Goods Plant Vacations with Pay Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan Legal Holiday. wlth Pal, Pension Plan At War Time Job With Peace Time Prospects Applicants on War Work flot Accepted Apply National Selective Service, Oshawa 1 Refer File No. 1211 l'I j Àý lýý

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