PAGE EIGHT OTECNDA'~Arl1Ir*nVWMAM1VILLEOTAR-- ~ * .*~~ . LIOt'J . '*URSDAY, JULY l2th, 1945 &~1 WHAT'S [N A NAME? Mention lames Hilton and what dots it sug. Cest? A good stor - la.i RNDO AVS and bes cellers.. Now yau can add ta th3i bds oi pleasant associations SQ WELL REMEMBERED, $2.75, the appeal loy story af a plain man ai-aur time, and bis very uncommon wife who.e ZÎiser Influence over tliree men adds lte Hilton excitemnent ta his new novel. Readers wil take sides abou- George and »ivia. 50 WELL RE- MEMBERED Is a Literai-y Guild selection. MacMillan ONE SPRING DAY Kart Es kelund at the age o! seventeen is rowinq around Ciopenhagen Bay, tion. and lie sees at last hou> he can explore the East. Next day he has slgned up as a cabmn boy lor Sanghai. A check for twenty dollarslot a description of a Chinese funeral determines hlm ta be a foretgn correspondent; whuc/i is Wh y Kart has reported Present- day histary for the Associatc-d Press. United Press, New' YorA Times. Damis/ and Chinese news- papers. ln his neu' book MY CHINESE WlFE. Kart writes o! hsown romance as disarminply as lie reports International situations. Af&lelland and Stewart. YOU DONTr HAVE TO BE a plamarous seventeen-year-old ta profil the stockingless fashion, only, as £ iars go by. a littie more careful to achieve that smooth. well-groompd lok which is more suave and so- Sstatdthan the iinest stockinge aryLeg Make-up is a mare practical summer iashion than stock- ings because fi neyer wrinles or requlres darning or gels twlsted at the seams. Du Barry Leg Make-up la the smooth. sophisticate, summer- tinte solution ta the hosiery shattagel Nothing but Christianity can eventually secure the world's peace.-Lord Bryce. Men Wanted PART TIME HELP Not over 24 hours Per Week DROORDALE- NINGS WAY Near C.N.R. Station 27-3 on ig. la, es E- Id BLACKBURN-HARDY ANNUAL PICNIC The Blackburn-Hardy annual picnic was held at Hampton Park on Saturday afternoon with ave: 100, present with ideal wcathcr, Prize winners in sports were: boys race, 7 ta 10 yrs., BrucE Down, Carl Webster; girls race,7 ta 10 yrs., Norma Allitt- bbys rack, il to 14 yns., Gordon Hardy, Wcs- ley Down; girls race, il ta 14 yrs., Jean Down, Claire Allin; young men's race, Farewell Blackburn, Sidney Cornish, Arthur Knight; young ladies race, Audrey Venton, Elia Down, Ruth Robbins; bear and straw -arace, Muriel Down, Bruce Down, Wesley Dbwn; clothes pin and bottle race, Mu4el Down, Howard Hardy, Clarence Ailin; ring the bottie race, Jini Hardy, Grace Hardy, Carl Down; ladies lucky spot race, Ada Earle, Margaret Down; men's 2-minute race, Arthur Knight, Mark Black- burn; horshoe pitching contest was won by Edgar Latchman and Gordon Hardy. Ball rclay was won by Carl Down's team. Pnize given for old'cst persan present wcnt ta Mrs. James Hardy, Peterboro, 87 years of age. Prize ta persan frani greatest dis- tance went ta Russell Hardy, Montreai, and prize for youngest persan present ta, Baby Lawrence Webster, Little Bnitain. After a bountiful supper, Pres- ident Howard Aluin callcd the gathering ta order and aniang other things the siate of officers was approved as follows: Hon. Presidents - A. M. Hardy, Bow- manville, F. S. Blackburn, Orono; Past President - Howard Aluin, Newcastle; President - Russell Earle, Ida; lst Vice Pres.-Sidney Cornish, Hampton; 2nd Vice Pres, -Farewell Blackburn, Bownian- ville; Secretary-Treasurer-Miss Marion Allin, Newcastle. The force of an ideai is greater than the ideal of force.-Josephus Daniels. DEATHS 7McREYNOLDS-In loving mcm- ary of a dean daughtcr and sis- ter, A'edra, who passed away July lth, 1933. Thcre's a sad but swect remeni- brance, There's a memary fond and truc, Therc's a token of aur lave dean A'edra, And a heartache still for you. - Lovingly remembered by Mather, Myrtle and Wiil. 28-i JAYNES-In loving memory of a dean niother who passed away anc year ago, July 9, 1944. She is gane but not fargotten, And, as dawns anather ycar, 1 In my ]anely hours of thinking, Thoughts of her are aiways near. Days of sadness will came o'er me, Friends may think the wound is healed, But thcy little know the sonrow1 That lies within the heant con- cealed. - Sadly missed by daughter, Audrey. 28-1 HOOPER - In proud and loving mcmory of our dean brother., Ronald J. Hooper, killed in ac- tion in France, July 13, 1944. Loving and kind in ail his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days,2 Sincene and kind in heant and mind, What a beautiful memory he left bchind.F -Always remembered by bro- thers, Ed., Hubert, A n t h u r (o v er s eas), Bud and sister, Florence. 28-1 - HOOPER - In loving memory of - my dean son, Ronald John S' Hooper, C-18648, killed in ac- tion in France, July 13, 1944. Heant of my heant I miss you so, Oftcn my darling, my teans wil flow, Dimming your picture before niy cyes, But neyer the anc in niy heant that lies. The stars seni dim. as I whispcr $1 low, My own darling boy, I miss you SO. -Mother. 28-1 t Theultimate notion of right is Ithat wich tends to the universal Igoad; and whcn one's acting ina Icertain manner hps thîs tcndency he has a right thus ta act.-Fnan- cis Hutcheson. FEDERATION 0F AGRICULTURE PICNIC JULY 19th Durham County Federation ai Agriculture met at the home ai Charles Osborne, South Darling- ton, July 5, with a good attend- ance. Reports were made on two of the projects startcd by the Feder- atian, results being satisfactary. Report of film showings in schools was made by E. R. Waodyard. These showings under National Film Board of Ottawa and spon- sorcd by the Federation have been sa succcssful that it is planned ta carry on again in the Faîl. Repart of thb health survey out of which has came the County Health plan, has revealed some cases needing immediate attention and the Fed- cration Executive is working on these. Plans for the picnic, July 19, in Orono Memonial Park have been completed. Editor W. H. Porter of the Farmers Advocate is the speaker. There will be two new features this year. A booth wiil be on the grounds wherc litera- turc and information can be secured and the Forestry staff will run trips by truck ta show all wha wish ta sec the work being donc in the Forestry Station. Plans wcre discussed for an or- ganizcd visitation of ail Forums in the county in the fail and it is hoped the membership wrill be in- crcascd before the end of the year. Next meeting an August 2 wiii be anranged by the president. SI ýs *lov hea Yoi luc] on wal ton: has mo larji and Lak piet Mill this Pro, Chi' Sen Coti say, netu Notice T'o Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F EDWARD STRUTT, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County o! Dur- ham, Labourer, Deceased, who dicd on the l9th day of Nevember, 1943. The Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors a nd others having claiml against the above Estate are requircd to send -fuli particu- lars and proof of such dlaims to the undensigned on on before the 6th day of August, 1945, aftcr which date the assets af the Estate will be distributed having regard ta dlaims that have been received. Dated at Bawnianvilie this 3rd day of July, 1945. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Barrister, etc., Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adnin.istrator. 27-3 POWER, Mary Alice - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. f Earle Osborne, on July 5, 1945, f Mary Alice, beloved wife of the late Truman Power. 28-i EMERSON, Flying Officer Ralph H., J-27577, instantly killed on flying operations on Dec. 26, 1944, dearly laved husband of Eleanor Rainey, Mankhani, and dear son of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colmn Emerson, Nestîcton, and brother of Donald Edgar, D.F. C., Frank, Ellen (Mrs. Mervyn Bird), Gladys and Irene, and fond nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Creed, and Mn. Cecil Philp, a nd brother-in-law of Mrs. Edwin Raymer, Mrs. Frank Clendenning, Staff Ser- geant Mervyn Rainey, Harold, Pte. Glenn, overseas, and Clare. Memorial service will be held in Nestleton United Church, Sunday, July 15, il a.m. 28-1 IN MEMORIAM PRITCHARD-In loving memory of a dean husband and father,i George Edward Pritchard, whro passed away, suddenly, July 13, 1942. "In life loved and honored, In death remembered." -Sadly missed by wife, Jessie, Helen, Lillian and Fred. 28-lf JAYNES-In loving memnory of a dean mother who passed away one year ago, July 9, 1944. 1 You oft tumes said I'd miss yau,1 Those words have proved too 1 true,1 I lost my best, my dearest 1 friend, Dear Mother, when I lost you. -Sadly missed and eV.:r ne-r membered by son, Beverley,1 Minnie and grandson, Blle. 28-i BIRTH-S CULLY-To Sgt. and Mrs. J. Culiy (nec Ruth Stewart) c Saturday, Juiy 7th, 1945, i Grace Hospital, Toronto, tl gift of a daughtcr. (Daddy ove: seas) - 28 TAMBLYN-Mr. and Mrs. Jan< C. Taniblyn (nec Hilda Ro'e land) Orono, are happy toaia nounce the birth of their daugl ter, a sister for John and Ras at Bawmanvilie Hospital, o Tuesday, July 10, 1945. 28. Marriages SHAW-LUXTON-On July 3r at St. Andrew's Parsanage, Osli awa, by the Rcv. George Te: ford, Joycc Hildned, daughten c Mn. and Mrs. William Luxtor Bowmanville, ta Lorne Wcsicj son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliar Shaw, Aiton, Ontario. 28- ENGAGEM ENTS Mn. and Mrs. Chas. P. Smitli Oshawa, wish to announce the en gagement of their eldcst daughtcr Muriel Kathleen, ta Sgt. Lewis E Truil, R.C.A.F., cidest son of Mi and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil, Hampton The marniage will take placi quietly the latter part 0f Juy. Cards of Thanks The family of the late Mns Isaac B. Stark wish ta thank kiné friends, neighbors, pail-bearens fiower bearers and those wha sc kindly provided cars, for theii many acts of kindncss, expres- sions of sympathy and condolence and for their beautiful floral ne- membrances at the time of thE recent ioss of their dean mather. 0 28-1 Notice Dr. Storey's office wiil be clos- cd frani June 27 ta Aug. 15. 23-8* Local trucking donc. E. E. Downey, phone 423, Bowmanvillc. 28-2* The Navy League momns will be open on Thursdays and Fridays froni 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., duning July and August. -28-i Bowmanville Electricians, 42 King St. E. All kinds 0f electnic wiring done. Motors repaired and nstalled. Phone 438. l4tf TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - Ahl kinds 0f tractor work: ploughing, cultivating, etc., donc. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanviile. 24-tf-4* Real Estate For Sale HOUSE AND LOT IN HAMP- ton, frame house, 8 moins, goad well and cistern, 'h acre land. Apply J. D. Hogarth, phone 2364 or 2568. 27-2* Wanted to Rent [OUSE OR ROOMS, 3 adults. P.O. Box 392, Bowmanviile. 26-tf OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, wanted immediately. Write Boax 521, Statesman Office, Bowmanviiic. 28-1* ýURNISHED ROOM for two girls warking in Goodyear. Write B ox 520, Statesman Office, Bowmanville.281 Personal ;TUDEBAKER SEDAN wiii be sold for $1.00 ta a member of the Cnippled Children's and Wcifarc Club at Bowmanville Rotary Club Fair on Wednes- day, Aug. 8, ta persan holdling the lucky number. Tickets 5 for $1.00. Mail ta Secretary, Ro- tary Club, Bowmanville. 26-tf .00 BUYS A SHARE IN THE Kinsmen Model Home, nean Lake Erie Beach, Leamington, Ont. Beautiful $8,000 home sald 1 ta the winnen for $1. Send ne- 1 mittance ta Robt. Reid, Dept. 54, Kinsmen Fund, Lcamington,1 Ontario. Receipts sent by ne-. turn. 26-5 « THE KAWARTHAS ARE CALLING EIERE'S yaur chance ta win 'ely Honcysuckle Lodge in the ýart of the Kawantha Lakes. uns for keeps if you hold the 'ky ticket in the Rotary Draw July 21. Only 30 feet fnom the ater's edgc at popular Thurs- FOR EXPOiR FOR HIGHEST PRICES I buy ahl kinds of Grade and Reglatered Cows and beif- grs and cows bred about 4 or 5 montha. Also list of cattie purebreds, and grades. Max iRelit X.R. 4, Port Perry PHONE or WRITE Phone Port Ferry 198-R"21 28.2* COMING EVENTS A. Envoy Johnny Graves, Oshawa, )n will be conducting the services at at The Salvation Army, Sunday, e July 15, at il a.m. and 7 p.rn. 28-1* ,r- ý- The Mountjoy reunian will be held on Wednesday, July _25,1 at es Hampton. A review of former v- reunions is being prepared. 28-1 h-. The Werry Picnjic will be held ;s in Hamipton Park, Saturday, July )n 2lst, 1945, afternoon and evening. -1 Corne early for program of sports - at 3 o'clock. 26, 28 _Johnson Entertainers, assisted -d by Miss Iva Fallandown, will give a 2-hour prograhi in Newtonville rHall, on Thursday, July 19th at 8 p.m., in aid of Girls' Softball )fTeam. 28-1 PONY BUGGY and harness;i cart. Apply R. J. Hodgson, rone, phone 2323. USED WOOD'S 6-can milk coo cheap. Litter carrier bue new. W. H. Brown, Case Di er, phone 2610 or 497. 2 QUANTITY 0F ESSEX '29C parts, be sold cheap. Appl Victor Manor, King St. Bowmanville. 28 FOLDING TRAILER, 2 whe good tires, equipped witii beds, 3/ size, cabinets, ice b etc. Albert Pollard, Newcas MASSEY HARRIS BINDER cut, run well in 1944, rea;t ably priced for quick sE Edgar Gibson, phone 195-1 PotPrr.l nONE LISTER 2 H.P. Gasoline p engine, rebuilt a nd repainted, L_ looks like new; alsa anc ncw 0 Lister pump jack. Apply T. S. r Mauntjay, R.R. 6, Bowmanviile. Phone 2503. 28-1 JOH-N DEERE TRACTOR ON 4 steel, 4 yrs. oid; 7' M.H. binder; 3-furrow tractor plow; 2 used creain separators; harpoon hay fork. W. H. Brown, Case and DeLaval, Bownianville, phone 497 and 2610.1 28-i WOODS MILX COOLERS. 17- mediate deivcry, 6-can drap-mn type automatic w i th agitator, $284; 8-can $326; 6-can vat $80; 8-can vat $90. Toronto Radia & Sports, 241 Yonge St., To- ronto. 27-4 SLIGHTLY U S ED TRACTOR mawer, 6 ft. cut., Massey-Harris No. 35, will fit any Massey- Harris tractor. Cheap for cash. Apply S. W. Gray, R.R. 1, Port Hope. P h o n e Garden Hill 13r21. 28-2* CREAM SEPARATORS-One 600 lb. Renfrew 14K stainless steel dises; ane 450 lb. Renfrew K, bath these are nearly ncw, ex- changcd on langer capacities; aiso anc DeLavhi a n d anc Melotte. T. S. Mountjoy, R.R. 6, Bowmanvilie. Phone 2503. 28-i VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Good Vacuums for Good Housekccpîng." A 1 s o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- nication, replacements, etc.'Caîl C.U.C. Service Branch, Me- Gregon's Hardware. Store, Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf NEW 10 PT. RAKE, 10 INCH Hanimer Mâils, grinders, scuf- fiers,' 14 plate disc, harrows, steel wheels, autocrat attach- ments, no permits, used steel whcel wagons, harrows, 10 ft. rake, cultivator and harrow teeth. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15r20. 27-2* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in moden. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor caverm'gs a specialty. Quality menchandise at coni- petitive Pnices. Before bxying visit Bradlejr's New Furnitpure Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. ., 46-tl FAIRBANKS - MORSE Typhoon pump, conipletely averhauled, 600 gallon per hour capacity, with new Z type, 2 h.p. gasoline engine. Priced very reason- ably. Would exchange for good type beed cattie. S. A. Rowe, Newcastle, R.R. 3. Phone Clarke 2814. 24-5* 'ARMERS - GIIT A LITTLE pleasure out 0f farming' by us- ing the cquîpment of the fol- lowing companies: Case trac- tons, tillage and harvesting machines; DecL a v al nilkers, coolers and separators; Beatty Bras. stable equipment, watcr bowls, washing machines. Try our electric fencers and wire fence. Good supply 0f repairs on hand. Prompt and courte- ous service at aIl tumes. W. H. Brown, King St. W., Bowman- Articles For Sal< MAN'S BICYCLE, $20. AJ Creani of Barley Camp. ICE REFRIGERATOR. P h Clarke 26-22. 4 STANDING HAY FOR. SAI Hampton. -Apply Bert Fergt Enniskillen.i . 40 ACRES STANDING alfa, clover and timothy M. L. Clemens, phone 2436. D.D.T. INSECTICIDE; BINI twine. Stewart's Seed S phone 577, Bowmanville 2 MAROON ENGLISH style pi in good condition. Apply K. Hull, phone -2648. 2 EXTENSION LADDER, 40'. ply W. Johnson, Brown St., 1Neticè to CredItors Ail pensons having dlaims against the estate of JA ME S LAKE MORDEN, late of the Town of Bowmanvillc, in the County of Durham, Miller, wha died on or about the 22nd day of May, 1945, arc requincd ta send ta the undersigned at Bowmanville, Ontario, full particulans of the same on or before the lst day af August, 1945, after which, date the assets of the dcceased will be dis- tributed having regard only ta the dlaims of which the Execu- tors shail then have notice. DATED this 28th day o! June, 1945. VERNON HARCOURT STOREY and BERYL PERCY, Executons, by Apha I. Hodgins, their Solicitor henein. 26-3 For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per nianth. Elc. pont. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf e pply 28-1* aonc 28-1* ,E in LIson, ALF- hay. 2@-1 [DER 3tre, É )ram, Mrs.. Ap- P.O. also Ty- 27-2 ,oler, :ket, eal- 28-i CAR ly 8 8.* eels, 12 box, ýstie. L 8-2* 6' on- sale. .111, H-elp Wanted GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENq- erai housework. Highest wages paid. Write Mrs. E. L. Bernard, Newcastle, Ont. 27-2* GIRLS WANTED - preferably accustomed to ironing. Apply Bowmanville Cleaners, King LADY BETWEEN 35 and 50 years of age for farm housework dur- ing July and August. Willing ta pay reasonable wages. Apply ta 5r16. Mrs. Dewitt Harness, Orono, Ontario. 28-1* MEN AND WOMEN, experienced or otherwise, young or old, for a part time job selling Familex guaranteed necessities includ- ing Food Farm Products, etc. Low vprices, special offers make sell!ngI easy.' Apply for exclu- sive territory today. Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal 24. 28-1 Remember, whatever warrant 5ou have for praying, you, have fie same warrant ta believe youn prayers will be answered.- J. ?hillips. SUMMER HOLIDAYS JULY l4th to Out- office will be closed during this period C. H. Tuck OPTODRTRIST y t' p P Disney Opp. P.0. BIdg. Oshawa 27-4 I j I ;0 Due ta the many complaintt ir about the condition of plots ai -Bowmanville Cemetery and alsc enquiries re Decoration Day we the Cemetcry Committee, appea: ýta owners of plots to assist ir, maintaining ccmetery property ir a satisfactory condition until helr can be secured for the Superin- tendent. We regret that due te inabiiity ta secure workmen for cemetery maintenance it is neces- sary ta discontinue Decoration Day for this year. Ray J. Diiling, Chairman, Cemetery Committee. 28-1 Tenders Wanted s For decorating the interior of Newcastle United Church Sunday Schooi. Sanie may be seen by ap- plying ta Mrs. Harold Toms, North East corner from' Church. Tenders will be received up ta July 15. 27-2 Agents Wanted PATENTED GAS SAVER, super- charger, crankcase ventilator. Converts waste into power. In- creases mileage amazingly. Fits any motor, easily, quickly. Harmless. Proven. Guaranteed. Attractive s aie s proposition. Victory Manfg. Company, Corn- wall, Ontario. 24-26-28 Wanted To Buy CHILD'S FOLDING PLAY PEN, lin good coridition. Bob Corbett, phone 819. 28-if COW-JERSEY OR AYRSHIRE, must be quiet. Phone 2648. 28-1* PIANOS - SMALL and medium sized pianos desired. Write or telephone F. J. Mitchell. 204 Church Street. 28-4* CHINA WANTED. Turn your surplus c. hi n a, ornaments and giasswarc into cash. Write Box 518, Statesman Office, Bow- nianville. 28-4* SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, caUl or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, befare 1900, preferabiy an envelapes or original paper. Fair prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman Office, Bawmanvilie. 24-tf.1* Fraxi David learn to give ;hanks for everything. - Every furrow in the Book of Psalms is sawn wlth the seeds af thanks-« giving.-Jeremny Taylar. Sat--------v Jury-39, 9 & a Hepaia ve, 9, 11 M t Livestock For Sale 10 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks old; quantity of Buckwheat; also a buggy. Blake Short, phone 2479. 28-1 1 SPRING COW; 2 cows, renew- ed; also some stockers, about 50 bs. Apply Thos. Gimblett. 28-1* 15 SHORTHORN CALVES, 4 months old, also 1100 8-ft. cedar posts. Jack Smith, phone 32r2, Bobaygeon. 28-4 8 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Also, liqud duster sprayer in first class con- dition. Also fanm, 128 acres, open to best bidder. Phone Wilfrid Samis, Newcastle, Ont. Phone Clarke 3803. 28-1* LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carnied on by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents employ- Town 0f BowmanviUo SH ORT SUPPLY - and that's another reason for avoiding picir- ling failure. It doesn't pay ta, take chances with low-priced vinegar. In- sist on the best-Canada Vinegar-and be sure of success. Canada Vinegar has been the leader for over 89 years, and is sold at al grocers. Write for FREE Pick- ling Recipe Booklet to Canada Vinegars Limi- ted, 112 Duke Streeti Toronto. CANADAL Vinegars PA6.l'emzeil Sunburn JPreparations ... jNoxzema Ski Cream ----- 17c, 39c, 59o Tan-Gel .--------_50c, 31.25 Velvetta Sunburn Cream--------- ---- 39e Gypsy Cream for sunburn --- ------------ 6c Skol prevents painful sun- bu-n --------------._ 53o Sun Tone for sun tan ---60e Itallan Balm -------- 35e, 98c Jet-gen's Lotion 25c, 47c, 98e Effervescent Salines .. . Eno's Fruit Sait --- 59c, 98e Effervescent Fruit Saline tumbler frte --- -------- 4. c Certifled Health Salts --89o Nottingham Refreshlng GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 8King St. E. Phone 580 26tf Higher Prices for Live Poultry Until further notice we are paying the fol- lowing prices for LIVE POU LTRY, delivered to our plant in WHITBY: Top Grade Fowl - ail weights -------------- 25%ce l. Top GradeDrmilers -2 to 3 bs- -------- --- 2e . basting & Frying Chiekens-over 3 Ibs ------ 30 7-Se IL PICKERING FARMS, LTD. WTy ONTARIO Telephone - Whltby 336 PRESCRIPTIONS ... You wil finit nour Ruxall Drug Store always prepared with quality drugs and ehemicals and the right equipseent to f111 your needs - great or smail. Rexall prescription service is complete ln every detail. SUGGESTIONS and BARGAINS for SUMMER VACATION REQUISITES THE REXALL STORE When We Test Eyes Ut lu Doue Properly D'ICI DID L DI FI N I TELY MiId Enjoyable NIOTICE Re WEEDS Citizens are advised that al1 weeds must be cut at once i order ta prevent the ripening of seeds. Failure to comply with this notice will resuit in the penalties of the Weed Control Act being enforc- ed. OLIVER ROBERTS Weed Thspector Lost LOST-KHAKI GROUND sheet lost in vicinity of King St. and Scugog St. Reward if found. Phone 757. 28-1 LOST - BLACK LEATHER wallet, Wed., July 4th, contain- ing sum of money and personal papers. Vicinity Bagnell's store and Royal Theatre. Please re- turn papers to Helen Bickell, 63 Church St., Bowmanviile, clo Mrs. Cain, or leave at States- man Office. Reward. 28-1* Your Co-operation Please EThe Pick7cof Tobacco Lucien LeLong Colognes - Sirocco Opening Nght, Balalcuka, lIndiscrete $1.50, $2.50, $3.50 Helena Rubinstein Colognes Heaven Sent-$1, $j.50 Apple Blossom, Enchante, 85e, $1.25 Har-Jet Hubbard Ayer Colagnes Honeysuckle, Pink Claver ------------- 1.10 Adrienne Cologne 65Sc, $1.10 Friendshlp's Garden Cologne - - ---- 3---- 1.25 Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass............3------- 1.50) Deodorants ... Neet, the new mrain deodorant--------- 9c, 39e Ar-Id ---------15, 39c, 59c Odo-ro-no liquld -.- 39c, 65c Cream - --------------39c Future Fur Farming MINK and FOX Bay a trio - we ranch them. WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. IR. KNOX Orono, Phone 42-r-2 28-4 THE CANADLALN STATýMAit-"IROWMANVIý.1r.P. rIMP,&Uye% ts it n 1