THURSDAY, AUGUST l6th, 1945 THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVXLLE, ONTARIO PAGE TrrRiI 1945 d off flcing rhose LCIud- ;Mr. pton, ekell, ~linic the ~qon- have mfors and orn- The )be This is a wondierful year to b. buying a fur coat ! Why? Weil, just corne in and see the. luxuriously beautiful things fashion has don. for your furs!1 Nover has there been such styles . . . with their fascinating ballooned, pushed up, turned up, and cuffed siseves; with their soft shoulders and deep arrnholes; their fout necklines and softly flowing tuxedos. Nover have we had such variety. Nover have w. been able to offer such lavishness, such richness, such An expensive look to the moat inexpensive furs ! Glorltous Furs of Exceptional Value In Smartfur Coats! One of the smartest and richest Iooking of budget furs. Black Persian Coats (Persian sides) wonderfully warm and sturd>'. Just One ef our big collection ot budget furs. Each a solid invest- ment. Wornen's sizes. Each - Be Smart, Be Well Dressed, Be Warm This, Winter Invest In One of These Luxuriant Fur Coats Rich looking brown or black seal (dyed rab- bit) fur ceats. Luxuriant te look at and thrilling te wear. Each - $19530O 19454 SeeCYOIXCoat ItOw An Outstanding Value! Dyed Coney fur Coats You will be thrilled at the warrnth and durabilit>' of this beautiful Iooking coat. A coat at a price that fits your bud- get. Bu>' it on Our lay-away plan. Sizes 12 to 18. Each $12 5.00 $125 Select our Coat NOW! Either from the stock we have on hand, or have it made to your masure. Select your'f ur, style, and size, and a small deposit wiIl hold your coat for you until the cold weather cornes. i LUXURJOUS Grey Coney Coats Smart Iooking and expensive look- ing are these coats. Something reail>' out of the ordinar>'. Smart, new full sleeves with turned up cuffs and turned back tuxedo fronts. Select yours now! $149 (X -- 'I Deautiful Muskrat Coats Well matched, shimmering 'Muskrat Fur, with art silk lining. These coats corne in the ever popular Tuxedo front, and with ful siceves and cuifs. Ready te slip on and wear or made to your individual measure. EACH - $ 350.300 This Year Duy Your Fur Coat at BIR E SLIN'9S DreslifS New york-Approved Fashions! Prime Peits! Big Savings!y 1 i TOP Quality! 'ýHURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO