PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE ONTARTO TTflJRSDAY. AUGUST lOth. 1945 Burketon Burketan W.A. met on August gth in the church with Mrs. J. Gi presiding. Mrs. H. Rahmn read the 23rd Psaim. Mrs. Hos- kmn read minutes and missionary stary. A gift of cloth patches for quiit was given by Mrs. Rahm. Committee reparted plans for new porch for church have been started. Mis. Ha sk in served lunch far Mis. Ashton's group. Next meeting, Sept. 13. We welcame Howard Gatchell home fîomn overseas after five years' service. Visitors: Fred Needham, Ta- ronto, cailed on friends. . . Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard at P. David- so n's, Oshawa. . . Bill Hoskin in Toronto. .. Mrs. Florence Caughill at J. Sinclair's. .. Mrs. Dickie and Jean, Enniskillen, Mrs. E. Strutt, Mr. and Mis. Grant Wilson, Kmn- sale, Helen and Effie Glenny at Mis. Pearl Avery's. . . Mr. and Mis. Rogers and Barbara with Mms. Tompkins . .. Albert and Louis Stephenson are in Toronto ta meet their father from over- seas . . . Mrs. Bertha Wilson in Myrtle . . . Mrs. Leonard Coates, Marlene a nd Teddy, Toronto, Cecil Coates and June, Toronto, at J. Carter's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Milk Producers Help To Organize Cream Producers The O nt a r i o Whale MiIk help the province's estimated 8, Milk League are (left ta right): Owen Sound, 2nd vice-pres.; Roy League is co-operating with other 000 to 90,000 cream producers orý- Fenton McIntyre, Brantford, pres- F. Lick, Oshawa, secretary-man- milk products groupsanthO- ganize a marketing scheme. 1 ident; A. D. Wilson, Chatham, ager. tario Federation of Agrcluet Officers of the Ontario Whole vice-pres.; James C. Weaver, Haydon vvki rosinai1_rsons , tiw- Beverly Stephenson had her manville. . . Miss Eiia Hoskin tansils remaved at Bawmanviile with Miss Nellie Armour, Wii- Hospital on Friday. liams' Point. .. Mrs. Wes. Hoskin with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wood, Or- Henry Ashton has sold his well an... Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hoskin drifling machine ta John Adams. entertained Mr. L. Gatcheil and Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howard ta supper ta weîcome Gage and famiiy, Miss Lena Nid- Howard, just home from averseas. dery, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ..Mr. J. R. Hanthorn at Bruce ard Widdecombe and family, Hanthorn's. . . Mr. and MrsJ.Hmtn Mis JonTibe Wotten and family in Cadmus... Mapie Grave, at Mr. C. Avery's Mi. and Mrs. J. Carter, Mr. Cecil ... Mrs. Jas. Kennedy, Toronto, Coates, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan, at at Mi. H. Ashton's. . . Mrs. A. E. H. Coates', Brooklin. , . Har- Randle a nd family, Mrs. F. old Cochrane, Toronto, with Mrs. Adams, Keith Richards, Hampton, H. Rahm. . . Miss Mary Coula- et Mr. E. Stephenson's... Mr. and chuck, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Ashton and famiiy, Arthur Moffat and family, Mr. Mis. R. J. Ashton, Mrs. Roy Carr and Mrs. Lea. Moffat, Paul, Osh- and Doreen, Port Hope, Mr. and awa, at Stan Moffat's. . . Miss Mrs. Les Taylor, Mr. Roy Ashton, Ruby Baiiey and Bud Thrashen, Burketon, Mrs. B. Powers and Oîiand Baiiey, Toronto, at T. famiiy, Mount Dennis, Mr. Mans- Bailey's. .. Nelson Hudson at N. field, Toronto, at Mr. Leslie Gra- Woodley's, Tyrone. .. Isabel Car- ham's. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay ter with Mrs. R. Rowen, Ennis- and family, Oshawa, at Mr. C. killen. Garraîd's. Mrs. Garrard returned with them and attended the fune- Allin and Grant Larmer had raI of Mr. Frank Crossman... their tansils removed in Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and mnanville Hospitel1 . Glen, Mis. E. Westbury, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's. . . Mary Lou Ashton has îeturned ta Toronto A man should neyer be asham- after spending severel weeks with ed ta own he has been in the her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. wrong, which is but saying in H. Ashton. .. Eleanor Gay, Osh- other wards that he is wiser today awa, with Shirley Garrard... than he was yesterday.-Pope. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milis and Patsy, Montreal, at Mr. T. Mount- joy's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and famîly, Oshawa, Miss Ruth Prescatt, Enfield, at Mr. A. Beech's. Mrs. Jack Potts at Mr. B. Ferguson's, Enniskilien. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Toronto, at Mr. E. Bradey's... Mr. W. Gif- flar, Sunderland, at Mr. T. Mountjoy's. .. LAC Jack Russell, Ayimer, Miss May Trewin, To- ronto, Miss Aura Proutt, Bow- manville, at Mr. W. Trewin's... LAC Clifford Trewin, Goose Bay, Labrador, is home on furlough.. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGili and family, Mrs. Langmaid, Ennishili- en, et Mr. L. Ashton's. . . Mrs. R. Aufiger, Miss Cora Degeer, Mrs. L. Ashton and Mrs. A. Read at Mrs. C. Crossman's, Bowmanville. W.A. at Mrs. W. Trewin's, on Thursday, was weil attended. A Psalm was read by Mrs. Fred Ashton. A reading was given by Mrs. E. Hendricks, an instrumen- tal by Miss Shirley Garrard, a reading by Mrs. B. Ashton and an instrumentai by Eleanor Gay. Lunch was served by Mrs. Frank Osmond's group and a social time enjoyed. If we would have anything of benefit, we must earn it, and earning it hecome shrewd, inven- tive, ingenius, active, enterpris- ing.-H. W. Beecher. Kirby Mr. R. Sherwin, Orono, took charge of the service Sunday. During August Sunday School meets at 10:30 a.m. and Church at 8 p.m. Mis. George Gianville, New- castle, entertained. her quiiting group, Thursday afternoon. After quiiting a lovely quiit, a dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigeiaw, ac- companied by Mrs. Wm. Wannan, went ta Toornto to welcome home the formeî's son, Major Wilfred T. Bigelow, wha has served aver- seas for five years. Visitors: Miss Margaret Mac- Kinnon with her parents. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitkin with Mr. and Mis. Youmans. .. Mis. Wm. Pat- tersan and Mrs. Norman Patton, Kendal, with the former's daugh- ter, Mrs. Wm. Wannan. . . The Walker girls with their grand- mother, Mrs. J. Thampson... Mrs. Forbes and Helen wîth her daughter, Mrs. R. Whittakeî of Scarboro... Mis. M. Wannan and Mis. Wm. Wannan in Oshawa.. Mrs. Crumback with her sister, Mrs. Stanley -Chapman. W.M.S. met Aug. 7, with Mis. R. Allen, president, preslding. After îeading the 23rd Psalm the president read the Indian trans- lation of it. Mms. Lowery gave an interesting talk on Temper- DpOER FA TU£ ance. The theme for the month is Canadjan Indians. Mrs. R. Ailin taak a study on this theme bringing out that the Indians, like ourseives, are children of one Father, and ail numbered among those whom the Saviour came ta seek and ta save. The wark a! the Indian Missions, which began aver 120 years aga, began thraugh neighboriy f riendllness. Th e preachers neyer missed an appor- tunity of meeting the Indians, visiting their encampments, and preaching ta them, but the early missionaries soon realized that preaching was not enaugh. The Indians must be taught-if for no other reason than ta be able ta read the Bible. W.A. meeting foliowed with the president, Mrs. Wm. Wannan, pre- siding. Mrs. Yaumans took the devotionai. Enniskillen Service Club met at the home a! Mrs. H. Degeer, Juiy 24th with 17 present. The evening was spent in sewing for the haspital. Lunch was served by Mrs. Degeer and lier group of Mrs. Austin, Mis. R. Rowen'and Mrs. E. Trewin. Service Club met at the home o! Mm. Don Lewis, Aug. 7, with 12 present. .Lunch was served by Mis. Lewis and her group a! Mrs. R. Thompson, Mrs. L. Beckett and Mis. L. Steinton. Next meeting at Mm. M. Heard's, Aug. 21. The club held a picnic at Cream of Barley Camp on Aug. 12 for mem- bers of their families. A good time was enjoyed by the 46 in ettendance. Visitais: Mrs. Ansan Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, Mr. and Mis. Albert Wright and Mr. and Mis. Fred Trewin, Biackstock, at Mi. Sid. Trewin's. Tyrone Visitais: Mrs. Howard Philp and Ronnie with Mi. and Mis. Larry Hauber, Phiiadelphia, Pa, ..Leading Wren Jean Robson, Alex, Alta., with Mi. and Mmr. W. Miller. . . Mi. and Mis. Fred Brooks, Cobourg, with Mi. and Mis. George Brooks. . . Howard Philp, R.C.A.F., left iast week for Dawson Creek. . . Mi. and Mms. L. J. Goodman with friends in Ta- ronto. . . Mi. and Mis. Gamnet McCoy and Jack and Mis. J. H. Muttan, tawn, with Mr. and Mis. Albert Hawkey. .. Mi. and Mis. F. L. Byam with Mi. and Mis. J. Liilicrapp, Cannington . . . Miss Marion H a m m, Bowmanville, with Miss Yvonne Byam. . . Miss Jean Philp and Marilyn with Mi. and Mis. W. A. Goodfeliow, Cod- rington, and Mi. and Mrs. Russel Philp, Peterboro . . . Dorothy Skinner with her aunt, Mis. Jim Brown, Newtonviiie . . . Mis. Maude Wade, Toronto, with ber sister, Mis. Sarah Moore. Sonry ta hear Mi. T. H. Rich- ards is confined to his bed. Solina Visitais: Misses Gw y ne th Stapies and Betty Carveth, Mill- brook, with Velma Gibert. .. Mi. and Mis. Raiph Davis and Patsy, Miss Kay Hallett at C. Hailett's, Sonya. . . Mi. and Mis. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold at Geo. Annis' and Glen Pickeil's, Eben- ....... Cpi. Helen Baker, OtUa, et home. . . Mr. and Mis. Stan Waiker, Ailsa Cîeig, et Roy An- derson's. . . Mi. and Mis. Ivan Ellicott, Peterbora, et N. C. Yei- lowiees'. . . Mis. Orval Jackson and Murray, Braaklin; Mi. and Mis. Eddie Harvey and Brian, To- ronto, at Bruce Tink's. . . Mi. and Mis. Jack Reynolds, Arthur and Fae, spent the week-end with Miss Bessie Reynolds at Norland... Mi. and Mis. Hector Bowen, Orano; Mms. Ernest Bawen and Wayne Bethnnv. et A. J. Balson's ..CpI. and Mis. James Smales at Maurice Bekei's, Georgetown. We welcame Flying Officer H-oward Milison, D.F.C., home a!- ter almost twa years averseas where he completed two tours o' operational flights with the R.C. A.F. Howard reports ta Trenton after a manth's leave. About 50 members of the Y.P.U. eniayed a weiner raast et the home af Mi. and Mis. Ed. Milison, Saturday evening. Mi. and Mis. H. L. Pescoe, Coh'imbus, at A. L. Pascoe's. Mi. and Mis. A. L. Pascoe vis- ited friends et Meriposa and Lind- say. Frupality is gaod, if liberality be jained with it. The fiist is ieaving off superfluous expenses; the hast bestowing them ta the benefit o! others that need.-Wil- heam Penn. Blackstock Black Preceptary annual Church service was Sunday night at the United Church. Rev. J. R. Bick, Janetville, conducted the service. We were pleased ta have Rev. Bick with us again. Kendal Fife and Drum band provided music for the procession. Neil Johnston, R.C.A.F., Sask., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston.' Sgt. Rabt. Smith, R.C.A.F., re- turned ta Vancouver Island after being with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Carruthers, Toronto, and Miss Anne Car- ruthers, New York, cailed on their way home fromn holidays in New Brunswick. Mrs. Ivan Shook and Marjorie Anne, Toronto, with Mis. J. Mar- low. Misses Helen VanCamp, Osh- awa, and Mabel VanCamp, Toron- ta, at home. Mrs. Stan Williamhs and Gail, Toronto, with Mrs. O. Wright. Mr. Sam Jeffrey is home after a week at Stephenson's Paint. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. W. C. Ferguson, Bowznanville, and famiiy on the death of Mrs. Fer- guson. Many from here attended the funerai on Friday. George Crawford and heipers are building a new front on the corner store which wiil be a great impravement. Mis. Alex Gilbert, Joan and Patricia, went ta Kitchener with lier mother, Mrs. Green. The bail games Frîday in con- nection with the Red Cross annual event were much enjoyed. Zian and Solina piayed the first game with Zion winning. Janetviiie and Blackstock played w i t h Blackstock teami winning. In the play-off, Zion vs. Biackstock, aur team won. It was fine ta see bal games again and it is hoped that after these days of shortage of help are past we will again have lots of games. In the evening a dance was enjoyed in the Arm- aury. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnan,i Lucknow, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinson.c Mr. Creighton Devitt attendedt a lodge meeting at Belleville in T his officiai capacity. Mis. Devitta accompanied h im ta Trentona where she is visiting hier daughter, f Mrs. Alan Broaker. Miss Leona 1 Devitt and Miss Jean Harris are : a]so visiting Mrs. Brooker. Thresting and cambining is the order of the day. Visitais: Miss Jean Malcolm with Miss Veina McNally, Col- borne.. . Mr. Sam Nicholson, To- ronto, with Grant Campbell... Mi. and Mis. Percy L. Malcolm with his sister, Mis. L. Joblin.. Mis. Smith, Lindsay, with her daughter, Mis. K. Samels... Miss Eveiyn Campbell, nuise in train- ing, Lindsay, with Mis. Wesley Campbell . . . Elmer Wright, Kingston, and Roy Wright, To- ronto, with their mather, Mis. Peter Wright. . . Mis. Robt. Jack- son, Mi. and Mis. Henry Shef- field and Christopher, w it h friends. . . Miss Ethel Thampson and Mis. Leonard Jobiin with Mis. Wm. VanCamp, Blackstock ...Misses Eveiyn and Marie Marlow, Oshawa, with Mis. R. W. Mariow... Miss Evelyn Campbell and Miss Kathern McEachern and Mr. Jas. Beggs, Lindsay, Mi. and Mis. Bill Bîyan and Miss Sadie McGibbon, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Percy Bradbury, Don and Ray- mond, Scugog Point, with Mis. Wesley Campbell. Service on Sunday morning, put on by the cottagers from Scugog Point, and Dr. Bawles, was mucli enjoyed and weil attended. Newtonville IVisitais: Mi. and Mis. George Speliers and Mis. Elias McCul- lough, Toronto, at Bert Semis' ndattended Decoration service Mis. Ronald Burley is home fîom the Pacific coast. . . Miss Miidied Coolie, New York, et George McCulloughs... Mis. Vm. Todd and Mi. Robt. McGahey, Oshawa, et Lanson Miilson' s... Mi. and Mis. Lennox Vasey, Part McNichoi, witb bier parents, Mi. end Mis. Wm. Stapleton.. *Mis. Lena Wiiey, Victoria Herbai, et Cecil Robinson's. .. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Bell, Dewn and Glenn, Bowmenviile, et George Stapie- tan's. . . Mis. N. Semis, New- castle, Mi. and Mis. Reg. Wood- hem and Marie, Toronto, et Ed. Samlis'. Mis. Ellis, Si., is quite ill. We regret that Mi. C. J. Dix's health has made it necessary for him ta give up store-keeping. We wiil miss Mi. and Mis. Dix very mucli but we welcome their suc- cessais, Mi. and Mis. Bert Staple- ton. Mi. and Mis. Earl Walkey and Mi. and Mis. Sidney Lancaster enjoyed a matai trip through noithein Ontarioaend cailed an Mi. Herman Peters and family, Huntsville; Mi. and Mrs. Lennox Vesey, Port McNichoi returning via Collingwood a n d Wasage Beach. Sunday guests et Mi. Sidney Lancestei's weîe: Mi. and Mis. Ivison Munday, Ray, Jack, Joan and Mary Lau, Meple Grove, Mi. and Mis. Sam Buttery, Doris, Kenneth and Marion, Salem; Mis. Chas. Weish, Donald and Keith, Bawmenviile, and Mis. J. W. Lan- caster. Mis. Ah!. Graham, Newcastle, et Milt. Kimbaîl's. Mi. Fred Woodham and mother, Mis. Harry Woadhem, Toronto, et their home here. Sunday guests et Mi. Arthur Redknep's: Mi. and Mis. Elmer Whittaker and t w a childien, Hamilton, Mi. and Mis. Gardon Whitteker and Eva Ann, Mi. and Mis. Alfred Redknep and Daug- les, Mis. W. Chester, Oshawa. On Sunday efteînoon a large crowd gathered et Lakeview SPECIALS . .. PowderPuffs 10c, 15e Ssft as a fleecy cloud! Lunch Kit & Thermos - - -1.98 Castile Soap -- 5 for 23ce Lactogen ----- 69c, $1.59 Pinkham's Comp. --S7c Pebecco Pd. 2 for 30e FOR HAY FEVER Razmah Caps --- 50c, $1.00 Allergitabs - --$1, $2.50 Vlcks Drops - .-------ý43e Gluco Fedrin -------85o Ephedrin Jelly ----- 50e KERSLAKE'S SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE No Sugar - No Cooklng ------------ 20c, 35e pkg. MOIS B--S2 and is excellent for palme and spraina, flan- ritia, lumbago, s<ITI.TNO jtica, etc. ANDIPI milr aie 49c 1oz*.001ff aize .U FOR SUNBURN Tangel ---------------- e J1. & J. Burn Ointment --------35c Suntan Cream -------39e Unguentine ----------44o Trushay ------- --49c Noxzema --------39e, 59c CERTMFED HEALTH SALTS 1 lb ------------59e POND'S PRODUCTS Makeup Fat - . 69c Creares ----- --- 34c, 59e Rouge ------------ -250 Powder------------ 29c, 55o Llpstick - - 19c, 55C Odorono Cream 39e Odorono Llquld 39c, 65e Neet Cream --- 39e Films Developed FREE 65C OWALING'S UUbSTOUIETrse Cemetery here ta pay respect ta thase who rest there. Mr. J. Elmer, caretaker, had the grass and trees neatly trimmed as usual and with the many beautiful flowers the cemetery looked love- ly. Rev. W. G. Blake led in the fimst part of the service with Rev. L. B. Smith givîng the address. Reeve T. A. Reid, President of Cemetery Board, aiso spoke. Visitais: Mis. M. Bennett and Miss Berthe Haiiowell wha have visited Mis. Jack Helloweii, have returned ta Toronto. Miss Joan Bennett remained... Misses Amy and Helen Cerson with Mis. John Scott, Newcastle... Mi. and Mis. Ross Halloweii and Mi. and Mis. Wm. Hailowell attended decore- tian services in Port Hope, Sun- day. . . Bill Trimm, Port Hope, with Gardon Trimm. .. Mis. M. Shutka in Oshawa and Peterboro ..Mis. A. Dobson and Mary Lau with Mis. R. Lowery, Toronto, at their summer cottage. . . Laine Paeden wîth Mis. I. Paeden, New- tonviile. . . Mi. and Mis. Walter Simpson, Oshawa, at Gordon Tiimm's... Mr. and Mis. Arthur Dunn and Eleanor in Part Hope ...Mi. and Mis. Laine Todd et Don Stepieton's, Newtonvilie... Biliy Faiiowr with his sister, Mis. G. Plitz, Pickering. .. Misses Aud- rey and Lorraine Farrow home from Newcastle. . . Mis. Chas. Hait and family, Toronto, with her father, Mi. Frank Stone. Congratulations ta Miss Eiieen Farrow, who passed her exams at Summer Course, Toronto. Mr. Minta has had a pleasant visit fram his sister fîom Toron- Enfield Women's Association meeting was a mother and daughter meet- ing held at the home of Mrs. H. Smith. The daughters provided the program consisting af musical numbers by Lais Ormiston, Mary Bowman, Kathleen and Margaret Smith and Ruth Prescott, and re- citations by Marion and Evelyn Pascoe. Mrs. A. Pasce gave a fine paper. September meeting wifl be withdrawn. Newcastle Services of prayer and thanks- giving wiil be held in bath Angli- can and United churcÊhes, New- castle, at il a.m., Sunday, Aug. 19. Summer lime HELPS FOR PICNICS.. Use paper, save time and labour. Paper cups, plates. forks, serviettes, table paper and baskets. FOR HOME.. Paper towels, paper nap- kins, sheif paper, wax paper, baking cups. Water Glasses and Juice Glasses 5c each J. W. JEWELL Î"BIG 20", PHONE 55t BALANCE 0r 1944 INCOME TAI DUE 31st AUGUST, 1945 Taxpayers are reminded that any balance of inceme tax on 1944 incomes is due on 31st August, 1945. To be sure that there wiII be ne error in account.. ing fer your payment, complote the remittanc. form provided below und mail it with your r.- mittance te your District Inspector of Incarne Tax. DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL REVENUE-TAXATION DIVISION -- -------------- ------ ------a INCOME TAX REMITTANCE FORM To Inapector of Incarne Tex et .. .................................. Enclosod pIgea find........made payable ta "Iteclvor General of Canada- (Choque, Money or "Pos">tal Order) for S ......................................'n payment af Incarne Tex for the yeaz....... Name... ............................... ... (Surname or leat Dame) - .- (Christian or givon nomes)........- Address....................................... Ctly or Town................................... ...... ... Provinceý ................. Prini Nome and Addross abovo exacily as shown Go our Incarne Tex Return. era a................................................................................................... -, (State haro preant &a4rsi6j#Ay change since retun li ed) THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TRURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1945 Nestleton