PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST l6th, 1941 Field Crop Winners Announced for 1945 In spite of unfavorable seeding weather the entries in the 1945 field crop competition, ýconducted by theilDurham Central Agricul- tural Society, produced exhîbits fully up to -the standard of other years. The foliowing report list- ing the winners failed to include the name of the judge. Here is the standing: lst Prize-James Brown, New- castle. 2nd-Ivison J. Tamblyn, Orono. 3rd-Leslie Coombes, Bowman- ville, R.R. 4. 4th - Milton Wight, Bowman- ville, R.R. 4. 5th-John Cruickshank, Hamp- ton. 6th-Alex. Hendry, Newcastle. 7th-J. H. Jose, Newcastle. 8th-Evrett J. Brown, Orono. Sgt. Irene Casbourne Flies to Germany Having enlisted for the Pacific theatre after four years overseas with thîe CWAC establishment, Sgt. Irene Casbourne had noti- fied her parents that she would arrive home on leave around the middle of August But military authorities again changed her plans according to a cable receiv- ed Saturday by her mother. It advises that Irene has been chosen as a member of the cham- pionship softball team recruited among military units in England to play a series of games against the best team that can be recruit- cd among the forces on the con- tinent. The teamn wiil be flown to Germany where the games take place for the inter-allied cham- pionship. Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Met- cal and Ross, Base Line, with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tucker, Stirling ...Miss Betty Stevens has re- turned home after a couple weeks at Bolton Camp. . . Miss Muriel Stevens is home from Girl Guide's Camp at Cameron Lake, Fenelon FaUs. . . Master Danny Coates, Brantford, with Mrs. L. C. Snow- Knox's HONEY IN SMALL QUANTITIES Nfow Ready In 2 and 4 lb. containers, at 2 lbs. per coupon. PHONE ORONO 42-r-2 32-2 De.DeTe Now bcing made available for civiilan use as a Barn Spray. First orders are receiving preference as shlpments ar- rive. Book your orders at once for best deiivery. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 Bowmanviile 30-1 FOR PRESERVING1 Parowax------ Certo -- -- Certo Cryst-a ---s l'emba Scal r uit Kepe - Powdered Ginger Whole Aluspice -- Wbolc Cloves--- Mustard Seed---- Cclery Seed ---- Whole Mlxed Spice Powdercd Nutmeg Salicylie Acid 2 for --- --- -- Citric Acid - 2 for ..--- --- --- --- Tartaric Acid 2 fpr .- --- 14e 25C 12e loc 25e 5c oz. 5e oz. 5c oz. 5c oz. 10e oz. 5e oz. 5e oz. 15C oz. 25e 15C oz. --25e 15C oz. 25C Jury & Loveil Famous Sweet Piekie Mixture 35c 3 for -------------- $1.00 den. . . Mrs. C. H. Snowden in Toronto with her daughter, Mar- ion. Threshing is the order o! the day. About 80 friends o! Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swallow met at their home on Friday evening, August 10, to, show their appreci- ation o! the work done in the community by Clifford and ex- tend a welcome to Mrs. Swallow te, our community. The company was called to order by H. G. Free- man. Miss Susie Laird read a nicely worded address and Jean Jarvie, Betty Snowden and Wal- lace Munday presented Clifford and Jessie with an occasional chair, Kenwood blanket and wall mirror. Clifford thanked all for the lovely presents, after which lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. PROUTT PICNIC Proutt family picnic was held at Rowan Beach, Caesarea, Aug. 6th, with 33 present. Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt, Donald, Beth and John, Mrs. George Proutt, Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Jamie and Nola, Port Perry; Mrs. Albert Nairn, Portreeve, Sask.; Mrs. George Nesbitt, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Blythe Morrison and Nancy, Leaside; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doak and Dorothy, Orilhia; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, Bowmanville; Mr. Sam Jeffery, Mrs. Kate Downey, Jane and Mary Ellen, and Miss Florence McLaughhin, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele, Nestleton. Mrs. Jas. Malcolm was oldest lady present and Nola Hunter, young- est one present. Owing to the dampness o! the afternoon ahi de- cided to go to C.O.F. Hall, Nestie- ton, where a lovely supper was served and a good time enjoyed. Ivan Proutt was appointed chair- man for next year. DARLINGTON COUNCIIL The building By-Law passed by the Darlington Township Council will be advertised and ail owners o! property affected by the pass- ing o! said by-law wil be notified of l date to, be set for a hearing o! ahi parties interested, in support o! or opposing the same. A committee from Hampton Women's Institute presented a petition asking the Council to have street lights installed in the village. Reeve and Clerk were appointed to consuit with Geo. E. Chase, manager o! Bowmanville Hydro, in regard to this matter. A committee was appointed to, investigate the possibilities o! having a bulldozer blade attached to the tractor. These bills were ordered paid: Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H., $30.00; F. L. Byam, charity, $4.56; Bell Telephone Co., service c h g s., $2.88; Whillier" & Co., supplies, $36.51; J. D. Hogarth, July saiary, $100.00; J. D. Hogarth, excise and postae, $4.O0; G. A. Barron & Son suplis, .66; Claude Smith, relief, $21.2'; M r s. Florence C i a r k e, housekeeping, $35.00; Bowmanvil.le P.U.C., light and service, $4.05; Miss N. E. Neads, i n s. premium, $10.25; Harold Aluin, cattie damage, $5.00; N. J. Woodley, livestock insp., $3.35. Council wihl meet Sept. lst, at 1 p.m. Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra ta made when advertisement ia not pald same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c wheu replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deatha and marriages 50c each. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10c Per lme for verse. Classlfied adver- tisements accepted up until Wednesday noon. 1INSECTICIDES 2-Way Insecticide Flit - -- - Fly Kili ---- -- Fly Tox .--------- Shell-Tox - -- -- Sapho Liquid ----- Wiison's Fly Pads - 59c, 98e 23e, 39C 24c, 43e 24c, 43e 24c, 43c 24c, 47c ------ - eo Stickfast Flycatchers 2 - Sc Sheil Livestock Spray . ------- $1.50 gai. Fly-Kil Animal Spray- $1.50 gai. DEODORANTS Etiquet - - -. --------- 39e Arrid -- ----------- 39c, 59e M um --------- ----39e, 59e Nonspi .---- 77c, 44e Neet Deodorant 39C Odo-Ro-No Cream -----39c Bachelor -.40e Quest Deodorant Hampton Visitors: Mr. Russell Reynolds, Toronto, with Miss L. Reynolds... Miss Elena Niddery, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Widdicombe and Mrs. S. G. Niddery. . . Mrs. Marion Laramie, Clinton, with Mrs. Gerald Balson. .. Miss Jean Balson with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Caledon East. .. Miss Kate Hortop, Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor and son, Earl, Cherrywood, Miss Mildred Web- ber with Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell. . . Miss Connie Niddery, Bowmanville, with Mrs. S. G. Niddery. . . Miss Joan Trimble, Base Line. with Mary Lou Widde- comb. .. Mrs. Grace Doherty and daughter, Mrs. Anthony, Oshawa, with the former's daughter, Mrs. Bruce Clarke. . . Mr. and Mrs. LWalter McClellan and grand- daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. George McCleilan, Toronto, at Mrs. R. Avery's. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Churchill, Bowmanville, with Mrs. W. G. Doidge. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. MeMahon at Port Perry and Bowmanville. .. Mrs. C. Tom- linson and baby with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muir, Caledonia. . . Miss Yvonne Williams is visiting cous- ins at Trenton, Mich., accom- panied by Miss Marion Tink... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour and daughter, Nellie, at Williams' Point. About fifty ladies, members o! ithe Women's Institute and sewing groups, enjoyed a picnic at Orono Park on August 2nd, when a pleasant afternoon was spent. Contests were conducted and an appetizing meal was served. Mrs. W. G. Doidge was hostess for the north sewing group on Wednesday afternoon when 14 ladies were present and a quantity o! sewing was done. A short business meeting was held and me- freshments were served by the Lhostess. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. R. Petley and family, Toronto, fommerly o! Hampton, in the pass- ing of her son, Ralph, overseas. Hampton Womcn's Institute Women's Institute meeting was 'conducted by President Mrs. E. H. Cole. Many items o! import- ance were deait with including street hights, and a committee was appointed to canvass the rate- payers and also to interview the council. It was decided to hold a picnic at Orono Park for August meeting. Reference was made to Sthe Standing Committees and to holding a bazaar, and an encour- aging report on war work was presented. It being Gandmother's Day there was quite a large num- ber present. Centre group was in charge of the interesting program with Mrs. G. Adcock, convener, presiding. Ralph Peters !avored with piano music. Mrs. M. Black- burn in appropriate costume, gave a literary selection, "The Little Church Organ". Mrs. Ken Caver- ly contributed a vocal solo, '-Smilin' Thro" which she dedi- cated to the Grandmothems. Mrs. S. G. Niddery gave a reading, "Grandmother Sits in Her Old Arm Chair", in honor o! the old- est grandmothem present, Mrs. R. Avery. Miss Gwen Caverly !av- ored with two vocal selections, "Shomtnin Bread" and "By the Waters o! Minnetonka". Mrs. F. Honey gave a reading, "Grand- ma's House". Mrs. J. A. Cole, Bowmanville, favored with a piano solo and also accompanicd the vocal soloists. Mrs. Jno. Bal- son read an interesting story o! "Grandma's Glasses". The roll caîl was responded to by-Things I remember about my grandmoth- er. Refreshments were served and a social half hour spent. The !ollowing Is a report o! war work and Red Cross work done by the Women's Institute and four sewing groups. Donations: Navy League, $25.00, I.O.D.E., $5.00, Red Cross $63.00, Tamblyn Ser- vice Unit $5.00, boxes for boys and girls in services, $64.50. Sewing- mothers' gowns 27, jumpers 68, gertrudes 1, man's overcoat 1, blouses 95, ladies' coats 3, over- ails 14, quilts 41, girls' coats 4, skirts 18, slips 57, pyjamas 7 pr., layettes 5, ski pants 3, man's over- ails 1, ladies' dresses 6, slippers 1 pr., childmen's dresses 3, play suits 16, boys' pants 39, girls' dresses 43, blankets 5, childmen's gowns 30, stuffed animais 34, body beits 13, 1 quilt and a quantity o! clothing for Russian Relief, and Saivation Army. Knitting-Socks 41 prs., mitts 15 prs., sweaters 30, slippers 2 pr., soakers 19 prs., jackets 14, bonnets 17, bootees 5 The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, which ended on March 3ist, 1945, contributed 128,841 aircrew members alone to the United Nations' war effort. O! this number 70,619 were Can- adians, while the rest, 58,222, were made up o! Royal Austral- isin Air Force, Royal New Zeaiand Air Force, and the Royal Air Force. Rotary Carnival (Continued from page one) Glen Rae Dairy. Kiddies' Parade Character Group: Jean White, K. Campbell, Joan Munday and 1G. Snowden, Marie and Dorothy 1Lewins, Mabel and Marion Van- stone. Decorated Bicycle, Girls: Janey Maguire, Yvonne Henning, Betty Flett. Decorated Bicycle, Boys: Alton 7Moffatt, Teddy Colweli, Billy Laskaris. Decorated Doli's C a r r i a g e: Sharon Kilpatrick, Arlene Begley, Joan Beckett. Costumed B o y: Lawrence Brown, Jack Widdis, V i n c e n t Vanstone. Costumed Girl: Beatrice and Aud- rey Branch, Jean Coyle, Joan Wonnacott. t Decorated Tricycle: Rosemary -and Margaret Goheen, Derwyn 1Highfield, Marlene Falls. 1 P o n y Outfit: Billy Hooey, Bruce Myles. Pet Turnout: Murray Wonna- cott, L. Hooper and Wallace Armour. Comic Character: K. Branni- gan, R. Frank, Lydia Bates. Singers & Their Songs By the Late FRED R. FOLEY THE PIELOT HYMN Jesus, Saviour, pilot me Over life's tempestuous sea; Unknown waves before me roll, iHiding rock and treacherous 1 shoal; Chart and compass come from Thee, Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. As a mother stilîs her child, Thou canst hush the ocean wild; Boisterous waves obey Thy will When Thou say'st to thema 'Be stili'. Wondrous Sovereign o! the sea, Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. 3When at last I near the shore, And the fearful breakers roar 'Twixt me and the peaceful rest,- Then, while leaning on Thy breast, May I hear Thee say to me, 'Fear not, I will pilot thee.'Aen Songs o! the sea, whether sacred or secular, have always touched a responsive chord in the heart o! music loyers. A moment's reflection will bring to mind many popular hymns o! the waters, such as' "Will Your An- chor Hold?", "Let the Lowcr Lights Be Bumning", "For Those in Peril on the Sea", "Pull for the Shore, Sailor", "Throw Out the Life Line", etc. These gospel songs have come to us from the pens o! gifted spirits who have themselves "gone down to the seas in ships",-men who have known the mingled pleasure and discomforts and dangers o! a sea voyage, or conducted missions for marine men. *Their songs appeal to all o! us as voyagers on the sea o! life. Jesus, Savîour, Pilot Me is full o! pictures o! the sea and suggests the miracle o! Jesus with his disciples during the storm. on, the sea o! Galilee. The author, Edward Hooper, was a Presbyterian clergyman, bomn in 1818 and graduated in 1843 from Union Theological Col- lege. From 1870 until his dcath in 1880 he was pastor o! a Marin- ers' Church at New York Harbor, "The Church o! Sea and Land". This hymn was first published in the Sailors' Magazine in 1871 but the authorship was not known until May, 1880. Mr. Hooper was asked to write a hymn for the an- niversary o! the Seamen's Friend Society to be held in Broadway Tabernacle, New York City. It was for this occasion he presented the verses he had published an- onymously in 1871, and only then was the authorship o! the Pilot Hymn made known. How many prayers o! thank- fulness have been offered up for this helpful hymn will neyer be known. Wanted to Buy SILO F I L L E R with 12-inch mouth. Apply phone 2437. 33-1* Lost For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf COLLACUTT COACHES Change of Time Table Effective Aug. 1, 1945 Eastbound Coaches Leave Toronto 9 a.m. 1.30 p.m. 6.15 p.m. Arrive Bowmanville 10.35 a.m. 3.05 p.m. 7.50 p.m Westbound Coaches Leave B'ville 9.25 a.m. 3.10 p.m. 9.25 p.m. Arrive Toronto 11.00 a.m. 4.45 p.m. 10.45 p.m. BIRTIIS GAY - In Oshawa Hospital, on Monday, Aug. 13, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry *Gay, (nee Ann Wilkins) a son, (stillborn). WRIGHT-At Bowmanvîlle Hos- pital on August 6th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Enniskillen, a daughter, Betty Lorraine, a sister for Gloria, Carrol and Doris. 33-1 GAY-John and Norma Gay (nee McQuade) o f Courtice, a n- nounce the arrivai of a son at the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, August 12, 1945. 33-1* OSBORNE - At Bowmanville Hospital, on Thursday, August 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Osborne (nee Aileen Wight) the gift of a daughter, Mary Ruth. 33-1* HALL-Mr. and Mrs. R. Clifford Hall, 929 Kingston Road E., Oshawa, are happy to announce the birth of a sister for Sylvia Louise at Oshawa General Hos- pital, on Thursday, August 9th, 1945. 33-1 STONEHOUSE - Sergeant Ross Stonehouse, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Stonehouse (nee Amber Mor- ton) are happy to announce the jbirth of a son (Robert Wallace) on Sunday, July 29, 1945. Moth- er and baby well. 33-f DEATIl CHATTERTON - Entered info rest at his home in Darlington Township, Sat., Aug. 4th, 1945, John Chatterton, beloved hus- band of Sophia Hodgins, in hîs 65th year. Fuenral service was conducted by Rev. A. D. Cor- nett, pastor of Simcoe United Church, from the family resi- dence, Aug. 7th. Interment took place in Union Cemetery, Oshawa, Ont. 33-1* ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Goodman, Oshawa, wish to announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Ruth Evelyn, to Glen Clarke Han- cock, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hancock, O r o n o, Ontario.ý, The wedding will take place in King Street United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, September 8th, at 4 p.m.* 33-1* Carda of Thanks Mr. Spencer Burley, Newton- ville, wishes to express thanks to friends and neighbors and New- castle Fire Brigade, for willing assistance given at the time of the recent fire. 33-1* Mr. W. C. Ferguson and family wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neighbors for their kindness and expressions of sym- pathy during the illness and death of a beloved wife and mother. 33-1* Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Richards wish to extend their sincere ap- preciation to doctors and nurses, and thanks to I.O.O.F., friends and neighbors, for kindness ex- tended, also for enquiries, cards, fruit and flowers sent to Jim dur- ing his illness in Bowmanville Hospital and at home. 33-1* Mrs. John Chatterton and fam- ily, Hampton, wish to thank their friends and neighbors of Hampton and Burketon for their floral tri- butes and cards of sympàthy ex- tended to them in the loss of a dear husband and father, also Dr. Siemon and Dr. Austin for their kindness during his ilfness. 33-1* IN MEMORIAM KING-In loving memory o! Pte. G. L. (Tommie) King, No. 2498023, C.F.C., C.E.F., who died at Christie Street Military Hospital, Toronto, on August 19, 1925, aged 25 years, 3 months. Sleep on, dear son, and take your rest, They miss you most who loved you best. - F on dl1y remembered by Father, Mother, sisters and bro- thers. 33-1* Wanted to Rent LARGE SINGLE GARAGE, OR two-car garage, in Bowman- ville. Write Post Office Box Notice The John A. Holgate and Son coal yard and office will be closed from Aug. 20 to Sept. 4. 32-2 Miss Miiler's Beauty Parlour will be closed from Aug. il to Sept. 15 inclusive. 32-2* Dr. Birk's office will be closed from Aug. lSth to Sept. 5th in- clusive. 32-4 Dr. Rundle's officé will be clos- ed from Aug. 4 to Sept. 3, in- clusive. 30-5 The office of W. R. Strike will be closed from August l3th to September 3rd, inclusive. 30-3 The office and factory of Cold Spring Beverages will be closed for vacation, from August l8th to Sept. 4, inclusive. . 33-2 Bowmanville Electricians, 42 King St. E. All kinds of electric wiring done. Motors repaired and installed. Phone 438. l4tf Builders and contractors, Bow- manville, Jack Leddy, Hunt and 167 Church St., Dick Leddy, Cor. Ontario and Queen St. 30.4* Expert s p r a y painting done, cars refînished, reasonable costs. Apply 33 Church St., Bowman- ville. 33.1* Mrs. C. A. Wight will take a limîted number of pupils for Kin- dergarten which wil open Sept. 17. Phone 2222. 33-1 TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - All kinds of tractor work: ploughîng, cultivating, etc., donc. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanville. 24-tf-4* AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from Laura and Isa- belle Allin, Church St., Orono, to sell by public auction on Sat., Aug. 26, ail their household fur- niture including Findlay range (new); Enouch Blundali piano, in excellent condition; Beatty elec- tric washing machine; dining room a nd bedroom furniture. This is only a few of the many articles to be offered for sale. For further particulars s ee bills. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 33-2 AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received In- structions front Clarence Wood- Iey, Lot 10, Cou. 8, l'A MILES NORTH 0F TYRONE to seil by Public Auction the househoid effects of the late Mrs. Samuel Woodley -- SATr., AUGUST e8, 1945, the foilowing: Cambridge upright piano; hair' cloth parlor suite, antiques; ex- tension table; drop leaf table; sideboard; Quebec cook stove; Supreme cook stove, rocking chairs; smal tables; hal trees; couches; carpets; mats; churn; garden hose; silverware; glass- ware; cooking utensils; quilts; cushions; 85-piece dinner set; two burner coal oil stove with oven; three burner coal oul stove; Radiola battery radio; combina- tion writing desk and bookcase; incubator; lawn mower; toilet sink with back; screen doors; screen windows; cream separator; n1ilk cans for cooiing; circular saw; single plow; tools and other articles too numerous to mention. Ternis Cash - Sale at 1:30 p.m. THERON MOUNTJOY Clcrk; CLIFFORD PETHICK# Auctioneer. 33-1 Work Wanted PAINTING, GRAINING and stip. pling. Apply Eddie King, 76 Duke St., Bowmanville. 33-4* REPAIR WORK - Persons re- quiring repairs on chimaceys or cement work, communicate with A. Kellar, 14 Queen St., Oshawa, phone 3594R. 32tf HARDWOOD FLOORS SANDED and finished, old floors resur- faced. C. H. Levy, 25 years' ex- perience. Phone 908-J-12 Osh- awa. Residence Courtice. 32-4* Livestock For Sale TWO SPRINGING HOLSTEIN heifers. Carl Weiss, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2864. 33-1 GRAY GELDING HORSE, 9 yrs. old. Apply Ross Cook, Burke- ton. Phone 193-15, Port Perry. 33-1* HOLSTEIN COW, due August 20. Apply Bert Johnson, R.R. 2, Burketon, phone Bowmanville 2290. 33-1 BAY MARE, 5 years of age, 1200 lbs., very quiet, beautiful type, sound. C. G. Brown, R.R. 2, Oshawa, phone 723r2, Oshawa. 33-2 CATTLE COLLIE PUPS (maies) four weeks old, bred from rea] heelers. Blake Johnson, Ponty- pool, known as the Tom Byer's farm). 32-2 Lost LOST - SILVER COIN Broach, initiais "M.V.B." Lost Wednes- day, August lSth. Keepsake. Reward. Phone 2558, Bowman- ville. 33-1* LOST - WALLET Containing about $4, between Duke St. and Harry Allin's store. Finder please leave at Statesman Of- fice. 33-1 LOST -LIBERAL REWARD TO finder of brown wallet, contain- ing large sum of American money. Lost on Highway No. 2, Bowmanville vicinity. Leave at Statesman Office. 33-1* LOST-HUB CAP for Chev. car, lost on Highway between Orono and, Newcastle. Fînder please notify W. J. Clemence, phone 2217, Bowmanvîlle, (reverse charges on Long Distance calîs). 32-2, 1*, Wanted'To Buy BABY'S HIGH CHAIR in good condition. Write P.O. Box 250, Bowmanville. 33-1* SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cal or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, preferably on envelopes or original paper. Fair prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman Office, Bowmanville.* LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices pald. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7rl3. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents employ- ed.) l9tf.12* Personal SLENDOR TAtLPIS are effec- tive. - 2 weeks' -.$l; --12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 32-48 CHANCE TO WIN A $7,800 home for $1. on restricted residential area in Long Branch, consola- tion prizes announced later. Send Postal Note for shares at $1. each to C. B. Hodgson, Sec'ty-Treas., Eastwood Villa, Box 400, Long Branch, Ontario. Sponsored by L.O.L. 2820 Long Branch. Proceeds for building fund. Details on receipt. 33-4 Ilp Wanted SINGLE MAN for farm work. Apply R. L. Worden, 1 mile west oX Bowmanville, phone 2243. 33-2 WAITRESS WANTED: Two girls or women as waitresses, part time. Olympia Cafe, Bowman- ville. 33-1 GIRL OR WOMAN for light housework. Every afternoon and evening free. Go-od wages, sleep in or out. Phone 624 between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. 32-2* WOMAN TO HELP with the housework - no cooking-good home-liberal time off - two children - state salary and when available. Apply P.O. Box 420, Bowmanville, Ontario. 32-2 WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER lst, -2 reliable women for laundry work, 1 hall woman, 1 kitchen helper, 3 dining-room girls. Permanent work, good wages, Si v e in residence. Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, On- tario. 33-1 Articles For Sale MAROON PRAM, )n good condi- tion. Phone 289 1, between 6 and 7 p.m. 33-1 DINING R O O M EXTENSION tàble; smail tool trunk; quart glass sealers. Phone 2385. 33-1 FAIRBANKS MORSE Gasoline engine, 11/ h.p., just over.haM:4- ed. Appiy Ross Cook, Burketon.j 33-1* McCORMICK-DEERING Binder, 7' cut, and Case pony disc plow. Both nearly new. Priced to sel. Phone 1631, Clarke. 33-1* ONE TRUCK PLATFORM, Body 7'x9', complete with 48" racks. Mrs. J. W. Knight, phone 448. 33-2* 1931 OLDSMOBILE S E D A N, serial No. 39218, price $125. Ap- ply H. C. Hailman,- Bowman- ville Glove & Mitt Co. 33-1* FARM WAGON AND COCK- shutt plow, both in first class condition. Apply Sandy Moffatt, Newcastle. 33-1 PLAY PEN, commode chair, go- cart with reversible handie, re- movable boot. Good condition. Phone 2635.. 33-1* CULL DUCHESS APPLES, $1.00 bushel. Mrs. F. S. Phillips, east of Training School. Phone 2,567. 33-1* FORDSON TRACTOR in good working condition. Apply Leroy Short, Wharf Road, phone 2479. 33-1 SMALL QUANTITY 0F DucheMe culîs and grounders at a rea- sonable price. Mrs. Irwin Bragg, phone 2192. 33-1 PRINCESS PAT COOK STOVE,' for coal and wood. Good con- dition. Six plates and reservoir; also pipes. Phone 2326. 33-1 TOY TERRIER PUPS. Lorne Metcalf, phone 2469. 33-1* MAN'S BICYCLE. Apply Garnet Wright, phone Port Perry 196r4. 33.1* QUEBEC RANGE, Clare Bros., coal or wood, with wood grate, in good condition. Fred ACL- cock, corner of Church and Là'" ward Streets, Newcastle. 33-1* COMBINED F A R M TRUCK, tractor, buck rake, from. a re- buîlt '35 Chev. truck. John Dryden, Brooklin, phone 69r23. 33-1 VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Good Vacuums for Good Housekeeping." A 1 s o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- rication, replacements, etc. Cal C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, Chesterfield, bedroom, dinimg suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qu.ality merchandise at com- petitîve prices. Before buaying vislt Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf WANTED 60 CYCLE Electric F a ns 10" face or over MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION Write Box 534 Statesman Office Bowmanville GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries,4 etc. Roy W. Neads 8King st. E. Phone 580 26t! Precision Dispensing US THE KEYNOTE 0F REXALL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE You may bring any prescription to your Rexail Drug Store with cvcry confidence. Here, quallfied dispensers compound your prescriptions with thc freshest and flnest ingredients obtainable. Jar Rings, 1 doz.--------e-8 Powder --------- -- -35e 2 for -------- - -- 1- 5e ý Dainty Deodorant -----.- 40c Jury & Loveli THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Eyes t Ua Don. Properly PHONE 778 - - C.N.R. TICKETS ýWhat Do You Want? ~~oneighbor, that's ixot an impertinent question, so don't get huffy and say "Noue of your business." To make sure that your "wants" are properly presetel on the Statesman classlfied page la our business and we have plenty of proof every week that we're doing a pretty good job. Whether it la aomething you want to seli or buy, live stock, implement," ta, rent roonis, an apartment, a house, hire help, get work, or what- ever you want, a Statesman clasaified ad will put your message Into every home in Bowmanvllle and district and good results are assured. Make use of this service by binging your ad in to The Statesman or by dialing 663. I"Everyone reads Statesman Clasaified Ada" 1 RE,& De, USE WA iitqi tir ýtd die NTcA THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1946 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO