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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO k PAGE SEVEN Corne t An Evening of Fun- and Frolic at EGIlO CAR PUBLIC SCHOOL OROUNOS9 DO WMAN VILLE Wednsday, August C MEM INGAT 8.00 p.m. 2qth DOOTHS t DOOTUS!t!t The booths wilI provide entertainment to please everybody. There will be ail kinds of wanted merchandise available, such as Full Fashion Hosiery, Blankets, Linen, Gr4ceries, Fruit, Refreshments, etc. Games wilI include Bingo, Horse Races, Free Money, Crown & Anchor, Money Bags, Copper Game, etc. Grand Draw for Luxury Liner 1941 Dodge The Carnival is being conducted by Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion, and pro ceeds go to aid in building or acquiring and outfitting suitable quarters for a Veterans' Memorial Hall. Coupe In Case of Rain the Carnival Will be Held on Thursday, August 3Oth SOCIAL AND PERSONA Phon 6638 Mrs. E. J. Gale, Belleville, is week-end with bis parents, Mr. < uest of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. and Mrs. W. A. Edger. Mr. and Mrs. E. Willatts visited Mrs. Alex Coiville has returned KMrs. Nowells, Toronto. from an enjoyabie tour in the Mr. T. H. Jennings, Toronto, is Muskoka and Northern Districts visiting Ilis sister, Miss M. M. witb Toronto friends. Jennings. Mrs. R. C. Cruickshank bas ieft Miss Ruby Aldworth is holiday- for her home in St. John, N.B., ing witb relatives ançI friends in l ater visiting her sisters, the Toronto and Vienna, Ont. isses Allen, Beech Ave. Mrs. Ivan Amery, Kingston, was Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barrett a recent guest with Miss Edythe and Walter Andrus attended the Carter. record -attendance basebail double Mr. and Mrs. George Lambert, beader in Toronto. '. Toronto, are visiting ber sister, Mrs. John Nichols, Mr. George * P. . Foter.Nichols, and Mrs. Robinson, To- v,iss Florence Reid, Vancouver, ronto, visited Miss Dingman and B.C., visited ber cousin, Reeve T. Mr. Alex Edmondstone. A. Reid, Clarke. Capt. W. M. Rudeil spent the Master Donald Oke with bis week-end in town with Mrs. grandmother, Mrs. Charles Carter, Rudeli. Sr., are visiting ber daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Damery, Mrs. George Kreig, Kingston. Kapuskasing, are visiting Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Summers are Mrs. Alex Mairs. holidaying at Waupoos, near Pic- MissRut Stvens Belevlleton, where fisbing is reported to MissRut Stvens Belevllebe exceptionally good. Generai Hospital, visited ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stevens. The popular town laundryman Mr. nd Ms. Jhn Lle, imi as closed shop for a week's holi- co, were in town îast week calli dycebaing t heoaifcyic on frends.Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jewell, Big daugbter, Kathleen, bave return- 20 Store, have returned from a ed from a montb's holiday at week's vacation at Caesarea, Lake their cottage on Lake Nipissing. Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Morrison Sgmn. Bill Edger, R.C.N.V.R., are spending their vacation at St. Hyacinthe, Que., spent the Rondeau Park, Lake Erie, with Bowmanville Business School Stenographic, Secretarial and Office - Training Courses. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS for RETURNED PERSONNEL Registrations accepted on or after September 4th - GET YOUR APPLICATION IN EARLY - Write or phone today for Sehool Calendar, contamina detalled outlites of Courses 44 Kbn .owmanville Business, School (Registered Trade School> ng St., West iPhone 434 Dowmanqvll le, Ont. l o -ýý 1The Bowmanville Fri"gid Locker System US NOW IN OPERATION AND OPEN ____._- FOR BUSINESS A Few of the Smaller Lockers Size 18 in. x 18 in. x 30 in., with about a 200 lb. capacity Are Stili Available BUSINESS HOURS: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays, 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Wednesdays, 8 a.m. - 12.30 noon PHONE 578 Visltors are lnvited to Inapect our plant Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Todgham of Windsor. Mrs. E. Willatts and family spent a week in Kingston visiting Pte. E. Willatts wbo bas sînce been discbarged after four years' service witb tbe Veterans Guard. Misses Alne Northcutt, Doro- tby Bedford, Helen Langmaid, Eleanor Johnston and Margaret Nichols bave returned after an en- joyable vacation at Bala. Mrs. R. Witheridge, Mrs. E. Hunt, Mrs. G. Witberidge and Kay, bave returned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackman, St. Catharines. Mrs. Annie Bradley and Miss Margaret Sutherland, Bond Head, Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. Albert Colwell and Master Teddy spent Tuesday with Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Oshawa. Troopers Donald and David Mairs, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mairs, Wellington Street, arrived home from overseas on August 7tb. The former was over- seas for a year, and tbe latter for 8 months. Misses Mary Jewell, Mamie Archer, Port Hope, and Ileen Soucb, Orono, are this week tak- ing a deiigbtful holiday cruise on one of tbe C.P.R. boats from Port McNichol to Fort William and re- turn. M i s s Syl il Burke, Toronto, spent the week-end witb ber mother, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Citi- zens will be interested to know that on October ist, Miss Burke will take over the business of John A. Holgate & Son, from ber mother. Mr .and Mrs. Alex Elliott, St. Jobn, N.B., are visiting ber sister, Mrs. R. E. Logan, and Mr. Logan, in Orono. Alex was in town Sat- urday renewing acquaintances. He intends to visit bis old friend, Mr. James McDougall, at Chat- ham, before going east. Mr. A. R. B. (Bert) Hutchinson, Listowel, wbo is visiting relatives in Orono, gave the editor of The Statesman a caîl on Thursday. He reports bis brothers, Dr. J. N. Hutchinson and Mr. H. W. Hutcb- inson, both of Winnipeg, Man., in poor beaith. Mr. Horace Southaîl, Board of Supervisors, Buffalo, N.Y., and Mrs. Southaîl are vacationing for two weeks, guests of Mrs. (àeorge C. Foster, Glenn-Larra. Also week-end guests were Miss Alice Southaîl, Reg.N., Miss Margaret Faus, Reg.N., and Miss iViIattie Linee, Buffalo. Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Colwell, Master Teddy and Mrs. Mina Col- well bave returned fromn a holi- day visiting at Bond Head, Wel- land, Niagara Falls, and with Mr. and Mrs. ArthurLymer at their cottage at Rice Lake. Mrs. Annie Bradley and Miss Margaret Sutberland, Bond Head, accom- panied tbemn on their trip and re- turned witb tbem for bolidays. Ex-Statesman Writers In Big Time Journalism Word bas been received that Miss Buelab Tommey, former as- sociate editor of The Statesman, is now on the staff of the United Press, St. Louis, Missouri. Since leaving this paper Miss Tommey was associated witb Public Opin- ion, officiai organ of the Pro- gressive Conservative Party, Ot- tawa,: and from there went to ber present po4t. It is also of interest that Miss Kay O'Neill, formerly of The Statesman staff, and daugbter of *Major Joe and Mrs. O'Neill, Bow- manville, bas been for the past two years on the editorial staff of the Canadian Press, Toronto. The Statesman offers congratula- tions botb to itself and these ac- complisbed newspaper Women for their success., C. Prinsen Appointed Teacher of Languages Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Prinsen wil sliortly leave for the United States. From December lst, 1941, until April 3fth, 1945, Mr. Prin- sen was interpreter at the Intern- ment Camp of Bowmanville, and since its closure bas worked in the same capacity at tbe Interniment Camp of Chatham until his resig- nation on July lStb. A native of Holland and a graduate of the University of Western Ontario, London, Mr. Prinsen is by pro- fession a teacber of languages and now bas accepted a position as Instructor on the staff of the Foreign Language Department at the Military Scbool of Howe in tbe State of Indiana. He will teach French, German and Latin. Mr. Prinsen will commence bis duties on September 6th. SIISTER 0F REV. BLAKE DIES IN WINNIPEG Mrs. Mabel Hortense McCurdy, 61, wife of Wesley McCurdy, vice- president and publisher of the Winnipeg Tribune, died at ber home in Winnipeg on Aug. 20. Born in St. Catharines, Mrs. Me-' Curdy went to Winnipeg in 1905 and seven years later married Mr. McCurdy. She was the daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Blake. Mrs. McCurdy bad a wide circle of friends among newspaper pub- lishers and editors, baving accom- panied Mr. McCurdy to Domin- ion-wide meetings of the Cana- dian Daily Newspapers Associa- tion and The Canadian Press. In addition to ber husband, Mrs. McCurdy is survived by four daugbters, including Mrs. R. L. Sanburn of Ottawa, and Mrs. Gor- don McKinney of Toronto. A bro- ther, Rev. W. G. Blake, is minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb, Bowmanville. 1'uneral services will be held to-day with burial in Elmwood Cemetery, Winnipeg. SALE 1-3 to 1-2 Off SUMMER AND FALL STYLES Corne In and Look Around Town Shop 85 King St. W. Bowrnanville w Obituaru Chief Scout's Last Meeting GONE BLIND His Excellency the Governor- Two hilîbillies wbo had neyer THOMAS C. OLSEN General, the Chief Scout for Can- been on a train before had been The an ho nstiate exortada wili preside for the last time drafted and were on tbeir way to ofhe mdanwhintgedepr as bead of the Canadian Bo camp. A food butcher came ScoutnMvementat theannualtbrougb the train selling bananas. when lie was superintendent at SotMvmn tteana The two mountaineers bad neyer the Harris Abbatoir Co., Toronto meeting of the Association in Ot-seen bananas and eacb bought plant, Thomas Christian Olsen, 64, tawa on June l4th. His Excel- one. As One Of them bit into bis died August 19 at bis home in lency wbo bas taken a keen in- banana the train entered a tunnel. Guelph. He had been superin- terest in the movement since com- His voice came to bis companion tendent of a Guelph packing ing to Canada was a personal in the darkness: bouse for the last 10 years. A frjend of the late Lord Baden- First Mountaineer: "Have you member of thbe Developmnent Powel, Founder of Scouting, un- et yours yet?" Council of the Meat Packers As- der wbom he served as a Lieuten- Second Mountaineer: "Not yet, sociation, lie was known to men ant in the South African War. A why?" of the trade in Canada, the United unique feature of His Excellency's First Mountaineer: "Weil, don't States and South America. terni as Chief Scout for Canada touch it. I've eaten one bite and It wiii be recalled that at one was bis playing bost to severai gone blind." time Mr. Olsen and bis family bundred Scouts who camped on lived on the Manvers Road, nortb the grounds of bis official resi- Sbrinking from responsibility of Bowmanville, on the farm now dence, Rideau Hall, for a week- does anytbing but stretcb our occupied by the Hamiltons. end in 1943. vision. 'I LOWEST PRUCES SAVE MONEY YOUR l.D.A. DRUGGIST IS YOUR BEST SUP- PLIER FOR ALL TYPES 0F DRUG STORE MERCHANDISE. You save two ways when you buy at your I.D.A. Drug Store. First, you get reliable products that give you resuits. Second, the co-operative buying done by I.D.A. druggists throughout Ontarlo brings you money-savmng prices. Check over the goods listed below. Phone 792 and order your sup- plies NOW. Itp~rs or Blue GiJette Blades -____________ .à Holps Privent lad lrtath * Glus A lvlghte, booBSa ISP&U ites4O 15c Boracic Acid, 8 oz.......12c $1.25 Pinkham's Compound .... . 87c 15c Parowax, i lb. .. 35e Corega, Dental Plate Powder 24c Sc Jar Rings, 12's.........4c $2.25 Lactogen, 212 ý,lb......$1.59 50c Milk of Magnesia, 16 oz....29c 60c Robinson's Barley.......33c GIN a 39c-69c FIGHT FLIIES WITH Wllson's Poison Pads - ---- -- --- 10c Fly-Tox 24c, 43c, 73e Aeroxon Fly Colis ----- 2 for 5c 2-Way Inseet Killer ------59e, 98c Sheli-Tox ---- 24c, 43e ND NTTUBE 25e*49 PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 25e Calamine Lotion 19 15e Mercurochrome 12e 39e Vitamin B-i Tablets ----------29e 15e Eye Cups -----8c 39e Cascara Tablets 1 loo's - --------- 33e fiem--u "Al.nburys"i Basie Soap super -cý fa=doe. lP-= from per cake 25e PICKLING SUPPLIES Sweet Piekie Mixture, 1 gai. 25e Whole Allspice, oz. 5c Preserving 'Powder OZ. - --- ----- 20C Parke's Catsup Flavour --- - ---25e Keen's Mustard 4 oz. ---------27e Certo -------- Fruit-Kepe -- Tumerie, 1 oz, ------- 25e 25e 5. c S ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES Searcb for tbe trutb is the nob- lest occupation of man; its publi- cation is a duty.-Mme de Stael. Jesus went about ahl Galiiee, teacbing in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the king- dom, and beahing ail manner of sickness and ail manner of dis- ease among tbe people.-Mattbew 4:23. NOTICE The deadline for Classified Ads is 1 o 'cock Wednes- days. Please co-operate by getting your Ad in early. "IT'" White Shoe Cleaner 15c, 25c Tangel for Sunburn --------50e ]Englis HeaIth Saits ---- ----59e &>VewwLAXATIVE 2349eP Il.LS Noxzema --------- 17e, 39c, 59e Mentholatu i -----------29c, 55e Meeca Ointment ---------- 23c, 45e ENOS ,FRUIT SALT' Imm. %é~ PHONE 792 .- WE DELIVER 'I McOREOOR DRUGS t .-. -3 m PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER mà ""Il IVAL BOOTHS! te el

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