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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1945, p. 1

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With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News VOLUME 91 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1945NUBR3 Col. Layman Speaks ai Rotary On S. A. Home Front Appeal The Rotary Club was honored tory dates back to the early day! Unhaving as guests at Friday's of the town. Her great-grand. %,Vuncheon in the Balmoral Hotel, father, Alexander Fletcher, cam( Col. Arch. Layman, Chief Secre- to Bowmanvjlle in 1804 and at onE tary of the Salvation Army in time owned two-thirds of the pro. Canada, and Mrs. Layman, both perty on which the town nov of whom spoke in behaif of the stands. He and bis family werE Home Front Appeal to raise funds builders who gave a real star~t fo: for the great work carried on by later developments to take place that noted religious and humani- Their original borne, solidly buill tarian organization. For this of brick, was today the Kingsway special occasion the învited guests apartments. For one of the sonE included 15 local ladies who are was also buiît witb their handç to lead in the drive as weil as the brick dwelling now called Rev H. C. Linstead, pastor of the Glenn-Larra and presently owned Courtice Circuit, Walter Souch, by Mr. and Mrs. George C. Foster. town, and the local officers of 0f the next generation, Mrs. the Salvation Army, Capt. J. Win- Layman's grandfather, Gordon D. ters and Lieut. Stagg. . Fletcher, took an active part in Ladies' Committee church and civic affairs and wasa Pre.qident C. W. Slemon extend- leader in Salvation Army work. ed a greeting to ail and Past Mr. James recalled that wit] President Morley Vanstone intro- other lads of his age, after attend- duced the ladies present, Conven- ing Sunday Scbool, they used tc er Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Mrs. Stan go to the Salvation Army to hear McMurter, Mrs. A. MeMillan, Mrs. the music but were always warn- Milton Elliott, Miss M. Trebilcock, ed by Mr. Fletcher that if they Miss M. Jarvis, Mrs. J. A. Cole, went in they would have to stay Mrs. W. G. Pascoe, Mrs. W. L. until the meeting was over. Il Eliott, Mrs. C. G. Morris, Mrs. W. was a great pleasure therefore to E. Gerry, Mrs. R. E. Dinnîwell, welcomne back to Bowmanvilie a Mrs. E. Perfect, Mrs. E. Willett, lady whose family had done s0 Mrs. B. King and Mrs. H. Sum- much for the temporal and spirit- merford. ual welfare of the community. Past President Geo. W. James in Mrs. Layman Speaks introducing Col. and Mrs. Lay- Mrs. Layman spoke feelingly of man, told that the former, having coming back to the scenes of ber been born at Kingsville, Ont., bad girlhood and to receive such a devoted a lifetime of service to warm welcome. She recalled hav- the Salvation Army in Canada, îng been converted to the service the U.S.A. and Hawaii and had of God at the age of 14 and of been brought back to occupy bis ber resolve to dedicate bier life to present bigh post as Cbief Secre- the service of bumanity witb the tary for Canada. A more general Salvation Army. After a lifetime sunîmary of his activities was told of work both at home and abroad, i The Statesman two weeks ago. always cherisbing bier original Bowmanville Girl resolve as a girl, she came back 0f more intimate interest was with a heart filled witb gratitude. the introduction of Mrs. Layman, It was a joy indeed to see so niany the former Editb Meader, a Bow- present, many wbose namnes she manville girl wbose family bis- (Contlnued on page 2) Local Schools Opened Tuesday with Few SChanges In Staff -4 Comparatively few c b a n g es Tnave been made in the teaching staffs of the Public and Higli Schools for the 1945-46 season. According to Principal L. W. Dip- pell, B.A., M.M. and Bar, be was pieased to introduce to bis able staff on Tuesday at schooi re- opening, two new teachers wbo are aiso weicomed to Bowman- ville. Miss Leita Carr, B.A., wbo for- meriy taugbt at Port Credit High Scbool is the new teacher of French, German and Art and was bighiy recommended to the local Board of Education. As for- merly toid in The Statesman, Ray- Latremouille, B.A., recently mar- riled, comes with bis bride to take up residence here. He wiii teacb Science and Mathematics. In an interview with Principal A. M. Thompson at the Public School be was happy to report the return of four weli known teachers. Alf Higgs resumes bis duties on the staff after three years' service in the R.C.A.F. Miss Margaret Me- Gregor rejoins the staff after teacbing in Oshawa and in South Anuenica. Miss Agnes Carruthers returns to duty after six months' leave of absence. Mrs. Floyd Dudley bas been engaged to teacb Home Economics to the senior gris. Enroilment at the High Schooi approximates tbat of last yean. At the Public Schoois the present enroilment is upward of 580, with 65. beginners. Witb 14 rooms occupied the average per noom wiii be 45 ini the several classes. The faîl term is now in full swing in ail schoois and the Board of Education is to be congratulated in securing an able and complete staff of teachers and instructors. Zion IL Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Adam ffawley, Peterboro, at A. T. Stain- M'ton's. - . Mn. and Mns. Alex. Mc- Master and Joan at George Hilts', Wiiliam's Point. . . Mn. and Mns. .Harold Gifford and family at Markham. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leach, Paul and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Morgan, Mn. and Mrs. G. Potts, Mrs. G. Ogg, To- ronto, at Mel. Morgan's. . . Miss Ruby Martin, Harmony, at Han- old Gifford's... Mrs. M. Robinson, Oshawa, at Henry Ball's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Knapp, Mn. and Mrs. Leo Moffatt and Paul, Mn. Clive Abbott, Mn. *and Mrs. L. McKenna, Miss Lois Hamiyn, Osh- awa, Jack Hendershot, Halibur- ton, Mn. and Mns. Howard Abbott, Haydon, at Percy Davidson's... Mn. N. Hircock, Jr., entertained some of tbe young people to a weiner roast on Tbunsday nigbt ..Mn. and Mrs. Henry Bail and famiiy at Wm. Robinson's, Osh- awa. .. Mn. and Mrs. A. T. Stain- --aot)n and Eileen, Mn. and Mrs. Adam Hawley at Ross Lee's, Ked- non. . . Mrs. F. B. Glaspel at Ralph Giaspei's, Tyrone. . . Mn. and Mrs. Robent Killen, Jobnny and Marie, Mns. Jas. Stainton and Grace Stainton with Pte. and Mrs. Michael Nemis at Niagana-on-the- Lake. .. Mrs. Reta Burgess, Osh- awa, Jimmie and Raiph Burgess, Kedron, at Wes. Camenon's,... Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Toronto, at Russell Penkins'. . . Pte. Margaret Kilien, Long Brancb, Mrs. Harvey Balson and Glenn, Oshawa, at Robt. Killen's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Russell Penkins and Margaret, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Asbton at Wm. Ashtorýs, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton are staying for a few days ..Mrs. Jas. Stainton with Mrs. Gordon Short, Maxweli's. We welcome our teacher, Mn. Henry DeMille, back again to oun community. Miss Helen Cameron is attend- ing a hairdressing scbool at To- ronto. Zion Women's Association held a successfui tea, bazaar and home cooking sale at Mns. Harold Ben- nett's on August 29th. Pnoceeds over $65.00. Nestieton Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Robt. McColi, Toronto, with friends... Mn. and Mrs. Frank Joblin, Janet- ville, Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Job- lin with Mrs. John Williams... Mn. Harold Wbeeier, Bobby and Gien, St.-Cathanines, at Mrs. Jas. Williamson's. . . Mn. and Mns. Dan Black, Jean and Dora, in Peterbono. .. Miss Evelyn Marlow, Dorothy Bowens a n d Marian Thompson in Peterboro. . . Mn. and Mns. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Bowmanville, with Ethel Thompson. .. Mn. and Mns. Wil- bent Dinkie, Victoria Harbour, Master Kennetb McGibbon, To- ronto, witb ber sisten, Mrs. George Bowers. .. Mn. and Mns. Dan Black, Jean and Dora at Mn. Mai- colin Emerson's. .. Mn. and Mrs. George Johns and Billy at Mn. L. Joblin's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Wayne at Yelventon ...Mn. and Mrs. Nonman Mc- Naiiy and Miss Venna, Coibonne, Miss Gwen Brooks, Providence, at Mns. Stanley Maicolm's. . . Mrs. John McKee, Blackstock, Mrs. Norman Muirhead, Janctville, with Mns. Herman Wilson and at- tended the decoration service... Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and Joyce, Onono, with Mrs. G. Bow- ens. . . Mns. Winnifned Oliver, Oillia, Mns. Hugh Taylor, Lind- say, Miss Myntie Beacock, Toron- to, Mn. Clifton Beacock, Peter- bono, witb Mn. Wm. Beacock... Mn. and Mns. Sid. Snelgrove, Osh- awa, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Jackman and famiiy, Toronto, with Mns. Jas. Williamson. . . Mrs. R. C. Jackson, Oshawa, with ber son, Mn. Wilford Jackson. . . Mr. and Mns. Jas. Dickey, Mn. Reid Dickey, Miss May Reynolds and Mn. Roy Reynolds attended a golden wed- ding in Hope Township. The decoration service was weli attended. Service in the United Cburch next Sunday at 11:15. Sympatby is extended to Mrs. Wihner Fitze in the passing of ber fathen, Mn. George Cornish in Bowmanviiie. Belford Panke who bas been farming at Stanley Malcoim's bas gone to Woodbridge to be with bis mother, Mrs. G. Panke and attend high schooi thene. Mr. and Mns. Roily Bate, Shinlie and Donnie, and Mn. and Mrs. Robent Bate, Toronto, spent a week's vacation at Nonwood. On Labon Day they visited Sgt. Bob Bate wbo is prognessing very wel at Christie Street Hospital. Miss Alice Southail, R.N., Miss' Margaret Faux, R.N, Miss Lillian Faux and Miss Mattie Lines, Buf- falo, wene week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. George C. Foster, Glenn-Larra. Returning ho me witb tbem wene Mn. and Mrs. Horace Southail wbo spent two weeks at Glenn-Larra. Group Capt. Ross TilIey Presented With Siren Legion Carnival The following dispatch will be of particular interest to Êtats man eadrs:Approximately East Grinstead, Eng., Sept.________ Group Capt. A. Ross Tilley, Rained out Wednesday evening, sure 0.B.E., of Toronto said bie neyer the Bowmanville Legion Carnival Presic would forget the air raid siren was held the following evening in an that used to wail its warninig near and although ail the bis bave so the pu the R.C.A.F. Hospital in this Sus- far not been tabulated, the confi- and si sex town. dent prediction is that net pro- preser The u r b a n district council ceeds will be close to $4,500 and watt heard about bis comment and members express themselves very corne made bim a present of tbe sîren, well satisfjed witb the resuits. and ti painted with the town's crest and The grand prize of a Dodge whicli motto. Tîlley is going to take it Deluxe Coupe was won by Mrs. For back to Canada with him. , T. Anseil, R.R. 1, Scarboro Junc- bc toi( Tbe siren's naine is "Ulysses" tion. The pony, cart and barness to rais and it weigbs 300 pounds. donated by Councillor T. A. Gar- erect Dr. Ross Tilley, son of the late ton to raise funds for Memorial Legior Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Tilley, Bow- Park and a new rink was won by where manville, joined the Royal Cana- Mrs. Philip Forgett, Queen St., in thE dian Army Medical Corps early in Bowmanville, wbose busband was gather the war and was station medical a five-year veteran of the Euro- promo officer at the R.C.A.F. station at pean war and at presdht associat- welfar Trenton before transferring tO ed with a local firm, Bowmanville 178 is tbe newly established R.C.A .F. Electricians. and D( medical staff. He proceeded over- The winning tickets w e r e one ar seas in 1941 as squadron leader, drawn by R. G. Flett, R.C.N.V.R., On studied plastic surgery in Eng- Oshawa inro h 2 o iil 1 the sale of the iucky ticket on the the car over to the winner, Mrs. Just when local police were con- work and was appointed in charge car was Mrs. Alice Clark, Divi- Anseli. It was disclosed that ber gratulating themselves that Bow- of ri the aa d HositaloteEas sion S. o .Tbere *was no husband is a veteran of the last manville had escaped the vicious tGroughot tbe Horptld fote street parade but during the first war and she bas been working in crime wave that bas been sweep- thratmenttheburcse.fos thof evening, the Bowmanville Band a war plant and Mr. Anseil run- ing across Ontario in recent tretmet f brn ass. ostoffurnisbed music to direct tbe ning their farm. Wîth ber were weeks, two cracksmen visited the burn cases for several years crowd to the carnival grounds at two sons, Gordon and Dick, just town early Wedriesday morning »of tbe war were air crew, many of the Public School. returned after four years over- and forced the safe at Vanstone's themn requiring extensive surgery. Members of tbe Legion from seas. They propose to join their Miii. Their haul amounted to Bowmanville, Newcastle. and father as members of the. Legion around $50 cash and some Disric G verorOrono, including both old and after discharge. Another son is cheques and papers. Some of these ToDisit RotaryClu new veterans worked bard to en- stili overseas. were later recovered on ground _______otay lu back of the Dudley home wbere ____________________________________________they bad been dropped in the The Rotary Club of Bowman- getaway. ville on Sept. 7, wiîi welcome Wben police were notified it Willam ellHethninton Gov UU II~DEAwas too late to apprebend tbem in Wii Bell Dsthringtof RGo-BOW M A 'V ILii - ON -THE.I BEA'CH the vicinity andithe alarm was tar Inerntioalwbich includes %%WPMAM-----------ctewihamgrdsrpio 34 otay lub i Onaro ad VEST BEACH NEWS weli to ber summer friends at a of the marauders. A further Northwestern Quebec. weîner roast on Sunday evnn. checkup revealed that once agaîn Mr. Hetberington is Mayor of The last Euchre for the season Mn. and Mrs. Howard eveneinge the C.P.R. tool shed had been the Town of Malartic, Que., and is was held in "Gary's Panadise". spending their furlough at their forced to secure a crow-bar and Construction Engineer for Es Winners were Mrs. Wm. Dunn, cottage. a sledge bammer which were MalaticMins Liite atused to crack the safe. QuebetcMiHes is c a Norrie, "Rusty Nook"; Mrs. David Ault; Mr. and Mrs. M. Lawson, Mn. The door of the miii was fonced Queec Heisa carermember Mrs. Edwin Vttrell, "XTC"; Mrs. Stanle Dnn oronto, with their but to get at the safe the men and Past President of tbe Rotary A. Edwards, "Fra-Vel"; Russell paeytM.adMs m Dunn, oe w oso edadte Club of Malartic. Haîlman, "Fyvie"; consolation, prets, Mrk.anrs.Wm unrovedtrougtns ofrfetdond th en The Governor wili visit local Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wm. Quinn. "ut ok.boetruhtepriint e Rotary Club to advîse and assîst The Euchres have been a splendid Mr. Donald Wh~ite, North Van- at the strong box wbich was com- President Cy Slemon, Secretary success and we wish to thank ail couver, is visiting bis sisters in pietely wrecked and is now use- Fred Gardner and other offîcers wbo came to play and helped the West Beach Store. less. of the club on matters pertaining make them sa The hammering awakened Mrs. to Club Administration and Ro- Mran s.JJ.Bo , THE SU1WMER ENDS Reta Cole Dudley wbo telepboned tary Service activities. He is one TMr. FJ. anJ.n wBrownedpo of the 141 Governors of Rotary B.T.S., hoiidaying in the Williams'Th y i ewelaieiod-Fed Vntoe wbonotiiedhe o- Intenatona whoaresuprvisng ottge.With many a sad and tear dimmed madàe off back of tbe Dudley tbe activities of over 5400 Rotary Mrs. Wm. Currie, EEEE's en- eye. housedand u the hili to Scugog Clubs with nearly a quarter of a tertained at a Eucbre for ber To friends and summer beneatb St. and ecauped in a car evidently million members in more than 50 Chapter on Friday evening, win- our sky1 parked tbere for the getaway. countries througbout the world. ners again being: lst, Miss Mar- The children have gone witb Mrs. Dudley saw tbem leave and Tbis world wide service organ- garet Cole, "Bosky Dell"; Mrs. ak rdlosdecidthmsyunmnal ization continues to grow in num- David Ault; Mrs. B. Lattimer, bakadnok.dscie.hma on etî bers and in strength. During the "Vei-Etta";- consolation, Mrs. W. Fo htda ado itr It is now beiieved that the same past year 237 new Rotary Clubs Quinn. F ookbtdars n f itr pair were responsible for a break- bave been organized in 14 coun- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole and T ok in earlier in the nigbt at Brighton tris o te Aerias inAutraiaGay, ndMrs Wm Crni.w T Bowmanviile Beach. Oh happy Post Office wbere $1600 was tak- tisoth mrcsinAsrlaGayan r.W.Cri ih land!frmtesf.Btjoswe England, China, Finland, Guam, Mr. and Mrs. W. Severs, Ajax, on Where the fisb must wait for next en rmtesf.Bhjoswe1 Iceiand, India, N e w Zealand, Sunday. year's hait, carrîed out in cool, deliberate Northern Ireland, S c o t 1 a n d, Mrs. B. Lattimer entertained at To where they'îlrtrn ev fashion and the methods used in- Sweden, Syria, Union of Soutb a card party a number of beri t1flIwee dicate t h ey are experienced Afnica and Wales, The frontier of friends on Tuesday evening. Mns. made it a date! craftsmen who probably carefuily international understanding and C. Severs and Mrs. Wm. Quinn looked over the ground before good wili is being continualiy ad- taking the honors. And for that day we ail must wait, operating. It is furtber believed vanced througb the efforts of Ro- Miss Jean Burr entertained ber We who are left do miss you sa, that ipen of this type go fuilyt tary International, many of whose friends to weiner and marsh- You were ail so nice to know, armed as evidenced in the many1 officers acted as consultants, ad- mallow roast on ber birtbday last We were loathe to see you go. shootings that have lateiy oc-j visers and observers at the San Tuesday. Good-Bye, curred in breakins, stickups andc Francisco Conference. Miss Joan Wonnacott said fare- THE BEACH COMBER. car thefts..t ,Nets $4500 success of the undertaking. ident Bill Watson of Orono, address of welcome, thanked iblie for is generous support suggested to veterans of the rit war that they should flot to be asked to join, -just along and join the Legion tke part in the activîties for h it was formed". rgeneral information it can Id that the carnival was held se funds to buy property and a building for the local )n as permanent lodge rooms 'veterans of ail the services llast two wars can fore- ýfor entertainment and to ote plans for their general re. Bowmanville Legion No. sa unit of both the Ontario ominion Commands, "ail for id one for ail".À Saturday the Legion of- New Arrivais Swel Number of Veterans Home from Overseas With the ceasing of hostilities on the Japanese front steps are being taken to speed up the re- turn of Canadian service person- nel from Europe. Several more troopships are reported to arrive at Quebec and Halifax during the coming week carrying a total of 7,750 service personnel. Among those from this district who have arrived home recently are: Pte. R. W. Withers, Pte. Mark Lam- boumne, Pte. J. R. Large, Bdr. 1. G. Beauprie, Bowmanviile, and Gnr. S. M. G. Frederick, Pontypool. If any names have been mise we would appreciate it if relativesdý or friends would advise us so that names may be recorded in our next issue. Robbers Crack Safe At Vanstone's Mill FLYING CLUB 0F OSHAWA ENJOYS EXCELLENT FACILITIES The hangar at the Oshawa Airport which gives some idea of1 able to the Ontario County Flying Club. The hangar was the excellent accommodation for aircraf t which will be avail-1 formerly a paf t of No. 20, E.F.T.S. GEORGE C. V. HUREEN, A.F.C. chier instructor Tiger Moth plane with George C. V. Hurren, Air Force Cross, at the Oshawa Airport. The Ontario Flying Club already bas five of this type of aircraft and plans are fast taking shape for the officiai opening which will prob ably take place sonietime in the early part o1 September. (Photos by Campbefl'à Studio( Council Petitioned to Open 's te -e It s s s d .Tyrone TeMission Band and Bab3 Band picnic was heid on Augus 2Bnd at tbe chunch. A spiendic program was given by the leaders Mrs. Leon Moore and Mns. A His, witb readings and choruserý by the Mission Band. W.M.S. was pieased to welcomE the mothers and cbildren anc later ail, numberîng about 70 en- joyed a picnic supper on the cburcb lawn. W.M.S. pnovided i treat o! ice cneam. W.M.S. ih getting empty seaiers to fi loi Bowmanvilie Hospital. Ladies ol the congregation are asked tc beip. Hanvest Home annivensany ser- vices o! the Tyrone United Churcb wene heid on Sunday. Beautiîul baskets o! giadioli adorned the front o! the cburcb. Rev. A. E. Cneswell preached splendid ser- mons to lange congregations. At the monning service Tyrone choir rendened special music and in the evenîng the Eldad choir suppiied splendid music. Miss Helen Miller who bas spent the summer at Port Elgin is home. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Wanarnak- er and Merle, Wellington, and Mrs. Milison, Guelph, with Mn. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mn. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy and 'Jack, Bowmanviiie, with Mn. and Mns. Simon McCoy. Mn. and Mrs. Kennetb Lamb, Clarkson, Mns. Harvey Hardy, VIns. Fred Hardy, Russel and Doreen, Bowmanville, witb Mn. and Mns. George Alldread. Mn. and Mrs. Richard Hawkey, 3owmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Larmar, Mtillbrook, with Mn. and Mrs. Gussie Rosevear. Mn. and Mns. Frank Hatheriey, Bobbie and Beverley, Lakeview, and Mn. and Mns. Clarence Hatb- erley, Dianne and Judith, Isling- ton, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Hathen- ley. Mn. and Mns. Leon Moore and John with Mn. and Mrs. Theo. )own, Lakefield. Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Bowman- ville, with Mrs. P. Hayward. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin, with Mn. and Mrs. Han- :d Skinner and Mn. Levi Skinner wbo is confined to bis bed. Royc Tilin Roenethwitli Stewart. Mn. and Mns. Nelson Wilkins and Ray witfi Mn. and Mrs. How- ard Brent. Mn. and Mrs. W. Cann, Salem, îitb Mn. and Mns. L. Hoopen. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mns. W. Miller. Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Byam were ýaIed to Cannington on Monday Dwing to the serious iliness of ber lthen, Mn. J. Liilicrapp. Schooi opened Tuesday with Ns. Edna Pbiip as teacher. There were two beginners, Laurie Buck- E 5 t 1 E o a a A c o fa German Walkie-Talkie Shown at Roy Neads' On dîsplay at the Roy Neads Radio Sbop opposite Garton's Bus Station, or theneabouts, is a caPtured German radio two-way transmitten, or in other words a "walkie-talkie" wbich was cap- tured in tbe forward tbrust of the LCanadians a few days pnior to the collapse f the German armies and the complete capitulation of rthe German nation. s How tis complete radio equip- rment was sent to Canada is a fsecret that cannot be disciosed at the moment, but it is here and in coipplete working onder. The *thing that is f greatest import- ance is how this equipment com- Pares with what bas been de- *veloped along similar lnes among tbe allied nations. According to tbe expert opinion o! Mn. Neads we have still much to learn about the construction and efficiency o! two-way radio. This captured machine appears to be fan abead of anything we have s0 fan deveioped. In a box rough- ly 18xl8x12 inches, with handies attacbed, the German product proved to be a marvel o! construc- tion. Divided into compartments for sending and reception, the closed parts are encased in the iigbtest of aluminum, easy to carry, and most notable of the whoie con- rapuion is the fact that tubes and iatteies are pnotected with the same mateial. Besides ail this ail the inticate wining is insulat- ed in a way we bave not ap- proacbed. All 0f which is ack- nowiedgment that we bave stilU mucb to learn in radio construc- tion. To show the reporter just what the diffenence was, Mn. Neads hooked up the German and Cana- dian tubes to the tester and the resuit in favor f the German was most remankabie. People inter- ested in leanning more than what this brie! story bas to tell can see and iearn from Mn. Neads mucb more o! this remankable radio machine. ley and Jacqueline Rusevear. Our school bas been wirecl wbicb we hope wilI be a great improvement. Mn. Earl Innis, Manchester, Mn. and Mrs. Tennyson Peneman, Mn. Gordon Pereman, Columbus, Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Allison, Miss Marie Herity, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy, Sauina, Mn. and Mrs. Wes Hoskin, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wood and family, Orono, with Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin and family attended a picnic at Geneva Park, Labon Day. Mn. T. H. Richards is not so weil and was taken to the bos- pital. Mn. H. Macklin bas aiso been con.fined to bis bed but is improv- ing. Two main items of public in- f debentures of $100,000 terest were dealt with at the reg- 't, assistin 'building the proposed ular monthly meeting of the Town Bowmanville Memoriai Hospital e Council, Tuesday evening. The wa rad and with minor changes firs t was consideration of petitions adopteid.Deails of Poiing booths, seeking authority to open a beer returnin oficers, etc., were fill- or vendors store in Bowmanvilie. ed in. aand between the bours of The second was final compietion 9a m. ad 6 p.m., Sept. 24, the of arrangements to vote on the people will decide the issue. Re- hosîta bylaw Setemer24. suits wîli be made known Sept. Other business was of minor char- 29. Hospital by-iaw appears in acter. this issue. Mayor C. G. Morris and Coun- The question was raised by one cilior Ray Diiling were absent councillor that a more complete when the meeting assembled and statement of town finances be Reeve Sidney Little presided un- made public before voting. He til the Mayor arrived shortiy be- was inclined to doubt that recent fore consideration of the bospîtai statements of the Mayor and Fin- by-law. Before pnoceeding with ance Chairman that the ta.x rate consîderation of the petitions, the need not be raised might not bold Reeve welcomed "t h e largest good under" new councils. But crowd to be seen at a council the position was clearly sbown meeting for years," many of that witb good government under wbom were union members. present provincial arrangements, Petitions were read from local the statements were entirely justi- unions No. 2375, C.I.O., and No. fied. It was expected tbat the 189, United Rubber Workens, sup- Hospital Board would make pub- ponted by a letter of endorsement lic the entire setup:* from the Osbawa and District Other business: Appearing pen- Labor Councîl, tbe district affili- sonally, Dick Morton, Orono, rep- ate. The resolutions pointeci out resenting the Osbawa Young Peo- the present inconvenience, ex- ple's Presbytery, asked permission pense and loss of time occasioned to erect signs witbin the town local people in baving to go to limits. Granted, provided there Oshawa or Port Hope for liquid was no conflict witb provincial supplies. jurisdiction. Therefore a direct request was Resîgnation of Harry Bartlett made that Council contact the from the Fine Dept. was accepted. provincial authority for permis- Application from E. W. Jacobs Wo sion to take a direct vote of quaI- join was filed since no vacancies ified voters on the question of obtained at the moment. opening a vendons' liquor store in Memo from the provincial Dept. town. Section No. 69, clause 2, of Planning and Development of the Liquor Control Act was asked for a list of what new in- read wbich disclosed that by its dustries might be attracted Wo terms a vote may be taken with- Bowmanville, giving full inf or- out the former requinement of a mation about present industrial percentage petition being circu- facilities. Clerk was instnucted lated and signed. to compile and forward aIl par- The Reeve raised the question ticulans. of a former request that an order Current accounts of $7,02 1.99 depot be opened here and pointed were approved and a check for out that it had been resolved to $500 issued as promised to the notify tbe local Ministenial Asso- Memonial Park Committee. ciation wben a reply was received. Reeve Little suggested tbat a It was sbown that no reply had sign "Welcome Home Boys" in the been neceived from the Board form of a streamer to stretch and the matter iapsed and the acnoss King St. at Temperance be present request takes a different approved. In general discussion form. The Reeve called for a it was finally nesolved to nefen the standing vote and every member matter o eneral civic welcome of the Council stood in unanimous ta rheturned soldiers be referred approval of the terms of the pe- tteCivic and War Activities titions. Funther action will await Committee and to report to Coun- decision of provincial authority. cil at the December meeting witb With the Mayor in the chair the the nesolution that it be held not formal by-law authonizing the1 later than May 24, 1946. 1 Z 1 be ýý à À

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