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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1945, p. 4

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1945 'THE CANAT3TAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR IM IBusiness Directory Legal W.RK. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 793 Bowmanville. Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Darrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmnanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, BA., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9% King St. E. Bowmanville -- Ontario phones: Office 825 - House 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Darrister, Solicitor, NotarY Publie Successor to M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentiat DRt. j. c. DEVITT Amistant: Dr. E. W. Simson Graduate of Royal Dental <sol lege, Toronto, office: Jury Jubilec Bldg, Bowznanville. office houré 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phione 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmenl. in Office Monuments The Rutter Granite ComPanY Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemnarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 3t The way ta gain a good reputa- tion is ta endeavor to be what yau desire ta be.-ýSocrates. The Qua T!x The Briisi Ameicn Oi THI ANNOUNI of interei Canadiai fler's a post-war pi 1 . British, Am.rican Gi COAST TO COAST at ouce-through the p, Comnpany of Canada b3 in British Columbia sud Canadian motorists at tE 2. British American Cn THROUGHOUT CAl Effective at once, custom, may use tbe convenienc not ouly coast to coast arrangement witb Gu] Petroleum ... Union Oul the United States! 3. British Arnerican Gi GASOLENE TO F Efective at once, gasoli economy is being mac the big B-A. As nevç1 t superior gasolens-pro will be at your disposai, Yu always Iwy with confid TRE.BRTISH AMERICA Vancouver@* Calgary e M Montreal GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS FOR AGRICULTURE At the Dominion - Provincial Conference on Reconstru c tio n which met in the House of Com- mons on Aug. 6, 1945, Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Dominion Minister of PRODUCTIVE PASTURES wHl provide grazing during the Agriculture, gave a comprehen- dry summer period A well-bal- t sive review of the proposais of By John D. MacLeod, Director, anced mixture is recommended the Government of Canada in re- Crops, Weeds and Seed Braflch. for the following reasons-grasseS lation ta agriculture. Stressing Ontario Departmeat of- Agri- and clovers vary widely in their co-operation with the provincial culture, Toronto ability ta withstand soil and cli- governments, the proposals em- matic conditions, therefore when braced, among other things, the (NOTE-This is the third in only one species is sown the re- questions of providing a greater a series of commnents by well- suits may be good or bad. More- degree of stability in farm incarne, known autharitieS, written over, each species has its peak a greater measure of security than especially for the Weekly production period, and produces had prevailed in the past, the pre- Press of Ontario.) littie in "off" seasons. By sow- ventian of violent fluctuations in ing a suitable mixture a thicker the f arm price level, the expan- The progressive livestock farm- stand is obtained, and t h i s sion of the services of the Depart- er is always concerned with the naturally results ln a heavier yield ment of Agriculture to pramote problem aof lowering the'cost Of and more uniform grazing productive efficiency and ta im- producing live stock and live throughout the growing season. prove the oppartunities and liv- stock products without sacrificing Cattle always prefer a mixture H ON ORARBLE TH MAS ing standards of the farming quality This can be accomplished and thrive better on it than when VIEN, P.C., K.C., vice-chairman population, the cansideration of by improving pasture which is grazing upon either grass or of the National Çlothing Collection the agricultural marketing field, aur cheapest feed crop. claver alone. The variety of sponsored by the Canadian United particularly in regard ta the two Iu addition ta producing digest- herbage provided uncreases both Alhied Relief Fund, and one Of the aspects of the regulatuan of mave- ible nutrients at lower cast than palatability and nutrient value, active workzers in orgauizing the ment and sale, on the ane hand, any other crop on the farm, a There is less tendency for cattle nation-wide campaign, scheduled for and the grading and inspection of well-managed pasture has the ta bloat, a condition which fre- October 1 -20, for the collection of pouto h tei h lr follawing advantages - it main- quently accurs when they are erviceable used clothiug for distribu- proicatsnofonteothendirectar- tain liestck or iveor six grazed on legumes alone, than tion by U.N.R.R.C. experts among iica of cantol nd iretio moinths eof th yer a lfieea when grasses are included in the the suffering millions in liberated Iof heactivte fcnsraio, motso h era o edadEuropean cauntries. utemteofcnrviat labor cost; milk and beef are pro- mixture with clovers. was prapased that the Dominion duced 50 ta 75 per cent cheaper Pasture crops may be divided and Provincial Governments wark on pasture than under winter into four groups-annual or sup- cornes established may result in ou tenppropriate ranemts or- feigconditions; pasture is di- plementary pastures, one or two hoof damage and pulling out of teeteion of agriculetralconv- gested 83 per cent, hay only 52 years; short tern hay-pastures, yaung plants, and should there- týies thraughout the Dominion, the per cent; pasture is aur cheapest twa ta four years; long terni Pas- fore be discouraged. fundamental principle being ob- source of protein-16 ta 25 per tures, four to ten years; perman- The pasture should neyer be served of assisting farmers ta, cent, which is about twice as much ent or unworkable pastures which eaten bare, and should go inta the salve their awn problems, gav- as that in the samne grain cut for will rernain in sod for an indefin- wne iha es he ofu rmnssadn ed opo hay; no lass of food nutrients frorn ite period. Rye, oats and sweet wnter oftopat eastthree tafour rmnsstnigrad apo curing, which in hay amaunts ta claver, and Sudan grass have be harrowed in the spring and vide such advisory s er vic e s 4 o50 per cent; high in essential proved best for annual or supple- giintefltosradid (agronomic, engineering and such minerals which are easily assimi- mentary pasture Sudan grasb manure, clear away the dead grass avkerae arertandtaid in t the lated f rom grass in the young sawn alone or in combinatian and aerate the roats, using the ovrg a atioof omudnte stage, and in essential vitamins with aats has proved particularly chain harraw ororag harrow farts (an excellent source of ahl the good duriug that hot, dry periad turned upside dowu. Open ditches "Na industry," said Mr. Gard- vitamins needed for efficient pro- in July aud August when other and drains should be cleaned out iner, "has made a greater contri- duction and reproduction); pas- pasture crops are nat so produc- in the fall in order ta remnove sur- bution to the Canadian war effort ture sod prevents soul erosion, tive. In planning a hay-pasture face water.thnarclue Ths chv- adds fibre and arganic matter and mixture, it is recammended that a hnarclueTis civ- imprvesthesoustrctues. fewpauds f sch eed asOr- The purchase of Victary Bonds ment has left problems of conver- Type of farrning, soil and cli- chard grass snd Parkland Brome anoduteestbis ret o me sion ta peacetime conditions com- mati coditins nd lngt ofbe included, in arder ta, add leafi- ments which will prove profitable parable ta those of manufacturing tim te iel i t b let n odness and feeding value to the hay for the individual farmer. Industry. Many branches of ag- are factors which must be consid- crop and ta make a thicker bt -icuture_______________nde ered when planning Pasture crops tom for pasture. When planning in response ta war needs, and ta be sown. Where possible the a long-term pasture, it is advis- EFFECT 0F LEAVING overail productions increased ta mixture should cantain s o mn e able ta sow only grasses and dayv- NILK ON DOORSTEP levels far exceeding those of the deep-rooted legumes which help ers. which are persistent and re- past. This accomplishment drew ta, maintain soil fertility and main productive over a periad of Hauseholders who allow bottled heavily u p o n agricultural re- drought-resistant grasses which years Much heavier rates of rilk on doorsteps or apartrnent sources, resulting in heavy depre- seeding are also advisable in arder passages ta be exposed ta direct ciation af machinery and equip- ta produce and maîntain a thick sunshine get less for their money. ment and great strain on the de- stand. according ta recent research re- pleted f arrn population. The Do- 1A*.It is essential that the seed bed ports. Tests showed that bottled minion Government feels it has a dîiY £7 be in a high state of fertility, weîî milk exposed ta late marning sun responsibility ta assist the indus- drained, reasonably free from for an hour lost 26 ta 36 per cent try in making the necessary re- weeds and weLl prepared. A fine, of its rîboflavin. In tko hours, adjustments ta peacetime circum- firm seed bed will permit shallow over haîf the riboflavin content stances and ta wark with the pro- seeding, maintain moisture and was lost. Riboflavin is one of the vincial governments ta pravide enable young seedlings ta estab- essential B camplex vitamins. for a greater degree of stability in lish a firm roat. Only adapted Prolanged deficiency ofA this farm income and a greater mea- seed of good quality, high germin- necessary food elemeut may result sure of security than has prevail- ation and free frorn noxiaus weeds in eye disorders and arganic dam- ed in the past." should be sown. age. As sa often happens under A . The seed should be tharoughly present regulatians, milk is de- *mixed before seeding and should livered after ahl members of a NEW WEED KILLER WAGES quatertoone-half inch deep on remnains exposed for a long time. heay silsand one-haîf ta one Under these circumstances, it is a The long suffering gardener inhdepo lighter souls. The gaod plan ta have a eovered box can look forward ta relief fromn most ommonand usuaîîy mast into which the rilkman could the back-breakiug c h o r e of covnetpractice is ta seed the Place the bottles digging weeds from his lawns, at mixtreithe__________along___ A revolutianary selec- nusecrpprfealyofealyEXORSSTOPPED tive chemical killer of the taugh- oats, and not too heavy. 0F ALL BARLEY est weeds with which hie has had To poduc andmaitaina god .ta contend is about ta make its il Compay LiMfetd aks andamaintainre a gihrlvlofd Mter reviewing the estimnated appearance on t he Canadian soil fertility than for most other production figures of the 1945 scene, according ta an announce- crops. Moisture permitting, pas- barley crop and the carryaver ment from the Naugatuck Chemi- tures grow frarn early spring ta from the 1944 crop, it is consid- cals Division of Dominion Rubber late autumu-five ta six months ered esseutial that in order ta Company, Limited. of the year, hence they are con- protect the agricultural live stock The new weed killer will be cloersandthemor prducivetheFees Aminstrtorof he pheoxycetc aid.Sprayed on grasses are succeeded by less de- Agricultural Supplies Board and affected areas, it is absorbed sirable species sud eeds. Ail the Wartime Prices sud Trade through the leaves of the weeds C M N Spasture crops require nitrogen, Board. sud is carried th r o ugh the GE NSphosphorus sud potash. Nitrogen Consequently, no further export branches into the farthest roat tip. is esenialfor promoting the permits will be grauted for bar- Ordinary concentrations do nat growh o grsse whle pos-ley whlegroud o prcesed.affect mast grasses. Just what torsad oahecorg h happeus inside the stemn is nat growth of clovers, therefore if the The latest use found for a Boy known, but apparently it either a high nitrogen fertility is advis- land, where a mather. uses her paralyzes them s0 that they ca't able. If clovers predorninate, the san's Scout hat, complete with funiction. Weeds s0 treated show fertilizer shauld contain high per- veil, ta attend hier bees The signs of trouble within a day, sud centages of phosphorus and pot- Scout hat brirn is ideal f rom in the course of time wither and m m oto ri st ash Soil tests will indicate the which ta sling a beekeeper's veil, diet. h peetiti nw relative amounts of each ta sup- so the mother thinks. tha th4-D denit ils kmare ply. Lime where required should than 304- var iet feds iclud-or -also be applied. The best time ta ihn30 b indw s f eedb doc, dancdein apply fertilizer on pastures is in sugbdwed udcdnei late September sud early Octo-an perennial s0W thistle. A white ber. The next best tirne is in powder in form, it can be dissalv- la lrd i pea ion erI spring before seeding comn- ed in water, with the aid of a men.s airnuy mn operandon eaysmall amaunt of another chemical. summer applicatious seldarn pro- I ilb supplied ta, the general i now operates duce satisfactary resuîts unless public in liquid forrn, requiring the season is very maist One of addition of water only. It is ef- IN CANADA! Effective the chief causes of poor pasture fective wheu used in such solu- is owfetilt 01Fvet enIod tions at the rate of one ta one sud 'urhas ofTh Unon uof manure applied every two to a haîf parts per thousaud. Ten yB-A-Union Oil t tio# three er will eaily double the gallons of the solution will do a saov ears easytharough job ou 2,000 square feet Aibrt wilbeingrazirug cspacity of a pasture. nye ýn Tt ipl u t corrode the field into sectios willpermit rotating the stock from section ta gsdovrd onc atthosig'f the big n-AI section, sud is souud practict. The FRESH EGGS lent ut he sgn 0electric fence pravees au econ- amnical method of coutrolled graz- AI Grade Large size, order Il OIL COMPANY LIMITEU ing. Do not graze too early in the te o spring or tao late in the faîl, sud te o Regia 9Winipeg Tornto do not undergrsze in June or tegin * Winipe * Toonto overgraze duriug July or August D w .î.I liu _____________ *Saint John The ides ta aim at is nat ta graze UUVVIIIL iWIIHi aiijqsIjV the pasture auy faster than it Phone 446 or 703 ____________________..._ grows. The practice of turning I OO IGEI ON cattie out in pasture when the sod _______________ is soft sud before the sward be -_____________ ths is t ehque JACK WROTE...0 B A <~ this is the Branch BaInk where jack keeps lis money- ~j so he does flot have to keep bis savings at home with the danger of loss, fire, or theft, and can pay bis safely and conveniently by cheque. _____ this is the Toiler in a '»ranch of a different bank in another t' ~~77jcity, who made sure that the man who presented the cheque was really the man jack intended to psy. Then he added the arnount of the cheque to that man's deposit ~q~v this is the Clearing House maintained by the banks s that customers' cheques can be exchanged and the banks can seule their accounts with one another every day. From here, jack's cheque was sent to the clearing de- partment of bis own bank, and from there to the branch where jack keeps his account. this is the Ledger-Keeper who made sure that the sig- nature was really Jack's. Then he debited Jack's account. The amount is entered in Jack's passbook next time he cornes in, s0 he always knows exactly where he stands. This is a sketchy outtine of what happens when you pay an out-of-town bull by cheque. Many people pay their large local bis that way too. To be able to pay by cheque is a tremendous convenience which costs you litie or nothing. Banks are the bookkeepers for millions of your fellow-Canadians. This Advertisement is Sponsored your Bank HOME FRONT APPEAL account.

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