PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. Oth, 1945 E i 11 nfin, Blaekstock, M.Mlil rf Mm. and Mrs. I. Travelle and chihd- Visitars: Mm. and Mms. R. C. ren, Osbawa, Mm. and Mrs. G. Werry, Pauline and Billy, Mont- Wermy and June, Keitb and Bev- erley Stainton, Mimico, Mrs. L. eal, with Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Asbton, Ronald and Ray, at Mms. Werry and also their cousins. . . E. C. Ashton's . . . Mrs. W. H. M. and Mms. Howard Bradley, Rabin, Burketon, Mrs. W. Coch- Oshawa, Mm. and Mms. A. Brunt, rane, Jean and Harold, Toronto, Mona and Carl, at Mm. R. Robin- called ta sec Mr. W. Rahin. son's, Campbelcmoft. . . Mrs. E. Sewing Cirche met at Mrs. A. Ridge and Mr. Baxter witb Mms. Leadbeatcr's on August 28tb. C. Boyd. .. Mm. and Mrs. Walter Sewing was donc on cbihdren's Oke, 'Mr. and Mrs. Clifford nigbtgowns. Lunch was served Pethlck and Mrs. E. Stmutt at Sun- by Mms. Leadbeater and box derland. .. M. and Mms. Ed. Jen- goup, Mms. T. M. Slemon, Mrs. nings and family, Acton, Mm. and Harding and Mrs. D. Lewis. Next Mms. Cecil Mihîs and family, Mms. meeting will be a pot luck supper, M. Wells, Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Sept. 13. Shunk, Mrs. Roy Goode, Misses Children are off ta schooh again Marie, Marlon a nd Shirley, for another torm witb siniles end Clarke, Port Pcrry, Mrs. Jack laugbter. Theme are six new be- Swift and Kathleen, Ennismore, ginners, Gloria Wright, Reva Mc- witb Mm. and Mrs. H. Mihis. . Gill, Ruth Lamb, Diann Austin. Mrs. F. Spry and Glenn, Roches- Bort Werry, Teddy Yeo. tem, at Edgar Wight's. Mm. and Glad ta sec Mrs. Plant and Mms. Edgar Wright and fanily ec- David back efter a long holiday. companied thein as fer as Cobourg ..Mm. and Mrs. S. Hockadey, Mr. and Mms. E. Hockaday and Evelyn, Brown s Solina, at W. E. Senderson's... Master Ray Sanderson witb bis sister, Mms. V. H. Ratz, Golden Scbool opened on Tuesdey wth Valley. . . Mrs. F. Spry, Harold 13 pupils enrolled. Lynne Steph- and Glen, Rochester, NY., witb enson is the only heginner. hem sister, Mrs. W. E. Sanderson Visitors: Mrs. C. Brown and ...Mm. Murray Sanderson in Sidney, Mrs. Tom Wilson and Rochester, N.Y..-. Flying Officer Wyilene et Mm. and Mrs. Cecil H. D. Milîson end wife et John Malley's, Lockhert's. . . Mm. and Slemon's... Mm. end Mrs. Osweld Mrs. Tom Gimblctt, Maple Grave, Pethick, M. and Mrs. Morris Helen Gimbiett, Columbus, and Holmes, Kennetb and June, To- Kenny Gimblett, Bowmanville, et onta, witb Mm. and Mrs. S. R. Mm. and Mrs. C. Turne's... Miss Petbick. .. Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Peggy Stephenson witb Mr. and Baker, Mms. Bessie Rabbins, Bow- Mrs. Jin Brown, Toronto. .. Mr. manville, et E. L. Wigt's... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aildmed and fain- and Mrs. W. Rodunan, Lindsay, ly, Mrs. P. Hotson, Lake Shore, witb Mm. and Mrs. M. Hobbs. R. Graham's. . . Miss Doris Cur- Mm. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and son in Toronto. .. Mm. Melvin Gra- Nancy with Newtonville fiends bam witb relatives in Buffalo and ..Mrs. E. C. Ashton et S. Rad- Lockpomt, U.S. man's, Scugag Island. .. Miss Isa- belle Rabin with ber parents, Mm. Wbat a man knows bas ta be and Mrs. W. Rabin. . . Mesdames put into action ta eally count.- Henry, Jr. and Sm., and Doris Grif- Roy L. Smith. More Facis Showing Need of New Hospital Overcrowding In Our Bowmanviiie Hospital There is a new spirit being graduaihy instilled into the bearts of the people of Bowmanvilie and vicinity. There is a desire for a btter mode of life, for ontertaininent for aur young folks, for an uplift ta aur scboois and cburc'aes, and for botter accommodation in aur hospitai. As many people know, Bowmanville Hospital was formerhy a private home. It bas been in aperation for more than a quar- ter century. The saine aid building is there, with. additions "tacked" on bere and there. A new whng was addod yoars ago. It is stili an antiquated, overcrowded, fi'c-trap of a building, wbicb even now requires severai thousar ds of dollars for beat- ing and room decorations. The normai bed capacity is at pr-sent twenty-tbree. This last montb we bave bad as many as tl irty-fivo at anc time. This hast week we bave bad patients in the north-east sun porch, in the west sun porch, and a thirteen-year aid cbild in a four- year-old's cat in a room where tbere were tbree aged ladies. Saine days the Superintendent, Miss Lumby, is at ber wit's end to know wbere ta place thein. While writing this, 1hbave re- ceived word that a maie patient of mine is coming in tamarrow, and it wil bave ta be anc of the porches for bim. How thank- ful be sbouhd be tbat it is summer stili! The Hospital Board have been working for over two years now on the iciea of a new bospitai ta be known as Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, and bave requested behp froin tbe town. Our Council (ail honor ta thein) unanimously agreod ta submit a by-iaw by wbich we wilh be granted anc hundred thousand dollars towards the erection of a new building. This wihh flot be sufficient as we ail knaw, but it wil be a very great help, and wilh take care of the major cost of the hospitai. We must get belp as weli froin other sources. These other sources are frorn the surrounding inunicipalities and froin private subscrip- t4ems The Town of Bowmanvilhe sent ta aour Hospital hast year 46 per cent of the total patients adinitted. About 28 per cent came froin Darington Township, and the balance froin Clarke, Newcastle, Cartwright and other outlying districts. If a new hospitai were buiht. the prabability is that the Province will take aver the present anc as a convalescent homo. The people from these areas know that they bave been wehi and laitbtully served by the bospital staff, nurses and doc- tors and Bowmanvilie Hospital bas an cxceptionalhy good naine. How muchbebtter this service would be if we bad a new fifty-bed hospital, witb a training school for nurses again establisbed, witb gond laboratory facilities, witb new x-ray equipinent, and above all other things, an ehevator! Lot ur ahi shoulder aur responsibilities and "lift that elevator". Sept. 3, _J4E. C. W. SLEMON, M.D.C.M. New Hospital Needed to Accommodate Up-To-Date X-Ray Equipment The Hcspital Board bas atehy been presented with an up-to-diate, complote x-ray unit. Owing ta the present crowded condition of the present haspital bueding there is no room un whicb it caxi be accommodated. ln a new hospitai building, ac- commodation would be provided for it and with the aid of an x-ray tecbnician, complote x-ray diagnosis could be made in aur own local bospitai. This would be af inestimable service ta aur cammunity as ail x-ray work couhd be donc bore instead of asking aur sick and injurod people ta travel ta Toronto or Osbawa. We sincerely hope that a new hospital building wilh be provided wbich wili accommodate aur x-ray unit thus pro- viding a reai service ta aur community. HAROLD- FERGUSON, M.B. Open Letter from the Mayor To Alil Citizens of Bowmanville MAYOR'S OFFICE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. August 28tb, 1945. Whereas the Town Council have voted unenimously in favor of a plebiscite ta be taken September 24th, witb the question on the beiiot-"Are you in favar of the issuing of $100,000 in debentures far the purpose of building a new Bow- menville Memorial Hospital" end wbereas meny citizens are not acquainted witb the pertinent facts, the folhawing sttement is submitted: 1. The mayor and council after tborougb consideration state thet the present bospital building and equipinent is the most obsolete of any municipal service provided for Bowmanvilhe citizens. 2. As a municipal bospitai providing its services at cost, any capital expenditure shouhd ho finenced by the municipality. The presont bospitaý grounds and building wes given ta the Corporation and bas for over 30 years been practicahly soif- supporting witbout any assistance froin general taxes. The present building bas been condemned as nat complying with Provincial Fire Regulatians and the increasing costs of repair, upkcep and maintenance bave not been covered by the sinali annuai grants froin the municipahity. 8. While $100,000 is not estimnated as the total cast of a new 50-bcd modemn hospital, the voting of this amount wilh permit the Board of Dimectoirs to complote their plans and specifica- tions and proceed ta raise the required balance by donations fromn other sources. 4. The council are on record as commending this praject as the most wartby and suitable Memorial that Bowmanvilie can buihd ta commemoae the great sacrifices made by those of this district in the two great wars. Years of destruction that have so nearly pamalleled the peiod that the present bospitah bas semved this community. 5. The present opportune timo for ratepayers ta support and vote for this local improvement may not recurm. Local assess- ment is at an aIl tino bigh. Debentures are et a lower leveh than in thirty years and the tax rate of 36 mîis (the howest in many years) shouhd not be affected by the debentume issue ta ho votcd on September 24th. Respectfully submitted in the interests of a bigger and botter Bowmanville. C. G. MORRIS, Mayor. "The bighest respect ta the dead us in considemation for the living.'" Bowmanville Hospital Board DR. WM. TENNANT, Chairman 8. R. JAMES, Seo'y-Treas. Mrs. A. Trenoutb, Mr. Gien Met- MapleGrove caif, Base Line; Mr. and Mrs. H. Cryderman and family, Audley; Mr. Noble Metcaif has sold bis Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Mr. and farm to Mr. Wilfrid Allison, Osh- Mrs. Ross Lee, Brian, Kedron, awa. spent a very enjoyable time at Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mrs. Fred Mrs. L. C. Snowden's on Sunday Stevens, M is s es Doris Stevens, wben a picnic supper was enjoy- Christine Campbell, Susie Laird ed. They also had a nice visit attended the School for Leaders at with their cousins, Dr. and Mrs. Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Liyn Coates, son Danny, Master Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jimmy Dickson, Brantford. Danny Staples and Barry, Bethany, witb returned home with bis parents her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. alter spending a couple weeks at Trimble, and at Lew Hockin's. Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Mr. John Snowden returned with The young people enjoyed a tbem. . - Mr. and Mrs. Cad game of bahl at the sehool grounds TucerStelig; r. ndMrs. on Monday evening, then journey- Dick Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ed ta the beach and indulged in a Gunning, Miss Glady Gunning, corn roast. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniels, son Neil, C w n il Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stevenson, C w n il son Glenn, Osbawa; Miss Carol Martin, town, at J. R. Metcalf's Visitors: Mrs. Hazel Stogy, Lon- ... Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thomp- don, with her sister, Mrs. Clarence son, Raymond, Donald, Marilyn, Burley... Mr. and Mrs. Jint Simp- Maunt Dennis, at Mr. Chas. son and son at Miss Flossie Gra- Greenham's... Mr. and Mrs. Wes bam's. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Graham, Pontiac, Mich., at Mrs. Stringer have moved into Milton L. C. Snowden's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Edwards' bouse. . . Miss Phyllis Everett Hall, London, Mrs. S. T. Hollingsworth, Oshawa, witb her Bartlett, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. parents... Mr. and Mrs. B. Clark, Herman Coolidge, Miss Rosezella, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Calvin Coolidge, Miss Laura Milton Edwards'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, Woadville, at Mr. H. R. Sid Hallowell and family attend- Foley's. ed the Hallowell Picnic at Mr. W. Sympthy s etendd toMr.Wood's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ronald anympathy esextended ttainMrheHollingsworth and son John, To- and o Mrs.cLesliCo.lAcutrnther ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ruther- Wlo , Ohaouiar. Atu ford and family with Mr. and Mrs. Westlke, Ohawa.R. Hallingsworth. .. Mrs. Frank Schoal re-opened on Tuesday Ogden and son Orin, Toronto, at witb Mrs. Moffatt, town, Jr. Mrs. B. Millson's. .. Mr. and Mrs. teacher, Mr. Wm. Lycett, Princi- S. Burkess and family, Orono, Mr. pal. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer bad tea Mr. and Mrs. Denis Pickard with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stringer, and family, tawn; Mr. and Mrs. E. Sunday evening. . . Miss Violet L. Gilbank, Shaw's; Mr. Ross Hoiingsworth in Toronto. .. Mr. Allin, Newcastle; Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Cecil Cowan and son, Morley Flintoff, Mr. Thos. Snaw- Toronto, had tea with Mr. and den, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, Mrs. Chas. Cowan on Monday eve- Miss Marion Foley, Mr. and Mrs. ning. H. R. Foley, Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist, two boys, Miss Louise The war cast Cânada $16,939,- Foley, Oshawa General Hospital, 600,000 ta V-J Day. Sgt. Robt. Smith, R.C.A.F., is at home and will be getting bis hon- orable discbarge in a month. Mm. and Mrs. O. Carley, Cavan, with Mm. end Mrs. C. Memhow. Mrs. Gaidwyn Feint, Toronto, with ber parents. Rev. Bruton, Church of the Ascension, Part Perry, preached at St. John's, Sunday efternoon. Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy in Toronto. Misses Mabel VanCamp, B.A., Toronto, and Hehen VanCamp, Oshawa, with their parents. LAC Rager Dommeil is in Mont- real visiting bis wife wie await- ing bis honorable discharge Iran the R.C.A.F. Miss Hazel Mountjoy is in To- onta and is getting an appoint- ment as bostess for Y.W.C.A. work somewbere in Canada. Miss Lois Larmer bas gone ta Betbesda ta teach. Miss Kathleen Wright bas me- tumned ta ber teaching duties at Scugag Island and Miss Gwyneth Malow bas returned ta Toronto ta resume teacbing. Sympatby is extended ta Mms. Herman Sameils, Mm. Cecil Wil- son, Mm. Burney Hooey and Mm. Roy Hoocy on the death of Mms. John Hooey. W.A. of United Chumch met at the home of Mms. Wesley Brad- humn, Tuesday aftemnoan. Rev. R. B. Harrison took charge of the devotionai peiod. Plans weme made for decorating the chumch. Miss Flamenco McLaugblin gave an interesting talk on the Con- ference at Lake Couchiching. Miss Hezel Mountjay gave a reading. Lunch was served. Miss Flamenco McLaughin bas returned ta Toronta ta hem teach- ing duties. Miss Editb Peters is hack teach- ing at the Public Scboh and Mm. Allin, Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Dean are the staff at the Continuation Scbool. Sixty-two pupils enmolled et the School Tuesday morning. The International Service or the CBC is sending special start- w ave broadcasis ta Solii America in Spanish and Portu- gese Sa that South Americans may keep abreast of the meetings of the interin council on civil avia- tion in Montreal Haydon Mrs. Russell Crossman is brightening up ber hause with a coat of paint. Mrs. St. Germain bas taken ber grandson ta Montreal ta attend scbool tbere. The main raad tbough aur vil- lage bas been widened and gravelled. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay and family, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Garrard's. .. Cpi. and Mrs. Doug- las Fontaine, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. .. Mr. and Mrg. Stan Moffatt, M is s Betty Maffatt, Burketan, at Mr. C. Avery's. , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Glenn, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's ... Mrs. Fred Ashton and family have returned ta Toronto after/ spending the summer at Mr. E. Bradley's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 1Graham, Pte. James Grabamn, Mrs. James Kennedy at Mr. Albert His, Tyrone. . . Miss Mary Lau Ashton bas returned ta Taronta after a week at Mr. H. Ashton's ..Mrs. E. Hondricks bas moved near Simcoe baving taken a sool at Walsh. .. Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian with relatives in Toronto ..Mrs. W. Tbampson in Toronto. ...OjPtmn Roland Thompson, Halifax, wba is an furlougb, Pte. Glenn Thampsou, Quebec, with Mrs. Frank Osmond. Solina Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sanderson, Toronto; Mr. Sam Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Darroîl and Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jahnston and Keith, Black- stock; Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Betty and Donald, Oshawa, at Bruce Montgamery's... Mr. Nelson Hud- son, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Guernsey McClellan, John and Garth, Toronto, at Mr. Tbos. Bak- er'.... Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ander- son and Margaret at F. Ander- son's, Ai]sa Craig. .. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bail and family, Taunt- on, at Walter Parrinder's. .. Miss Muriel Langmaid, R.N., Peter- bora, at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke and John, Miss Olive Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Bell and Clark, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Pauline and Billy, Mont- reai; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werry, Osbawa; Miss Nora Werry, Elinor Mauntjoy, Kedron; Mrs. George Werry and Caralyn, Bowmanvîlle, at S. E. Werry's... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yellowiees at Les. Thomp- son's, Tyrone. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at Lamne Hoskin's, Tyrone. .. Mrs. Jack Davies and Karen, Southampton; F0 Robert Scott, Rackcliffe; Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Bar- bara, Burketon, at R. C. Scott's and B. G. Stevens'. . . Miss L. E. Taylor, Bowmanvulie, at E.R. Taylor's. . . Sgt. Jobn Baýker,* Kingston, at W. T. Baker's. .. Mr. Fred Tuckcr, Ohio; Mrs. Bowen and Jean, Evanston, Ill.; Mrs. Os- borne, Sbelby, Obio; Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Wood, Keitb and Doreen, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chambers and Gail, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barrabail, Mrs. Gardon Barrabail, Lynn and Donald, Courtice, at J. R. Kivel's. Mr. Jack Baker was a judge at Sherbrooke Fair, Quebec, last rand Mrs. Wes. Werry at- è ~ded tbe Silver Wedding anni- versary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Base Line. The community was grieved ta hear of tbe tragic deatb of Mr. Arthur Westiake, wha was fataiiy injured on tbe C.N.R. at Oshawa, îvbere be was employed, and sin- cere sympatby is extended ta bis family. Many from bore attended the funeral on Monday. Blackstock Visutors: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and family, Orono, witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbail... Mr. Bob Morton and Miss Muriel Morton, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden and Ruth, Osh- awa; Miss Donna Stark witb Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl. .. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randali and John, Osbawa, with bis mother, Mrs. H. Randali. . . Mrs. Max. Stapleton at ber son's, Mr. Hugh Stapleton's, Oshawa. . . Ronald Burley, R.C. A.F., is home from the Pacific Coast awaiting bis discbarge... Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson, Ken- dal, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Rab- inson. . . Mrs. Corbett, Lamne Park; Mr. and Mrs. Hadden, Oak- ville; Mm. Ail. Thompson, Chi- cago, at Miss Bertba Tbompson's and George Tbampson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Kiernan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dix and famîiy, Toronto, witb tbeir par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dix... Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery, Elgin and Jin, Osbawa, were down for tbe ball gaine and had tea witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones, Monday evenîng. . . Mrs. J. T. Pearce in Niagara Falls, wbile Miss Laurna Pearce, Toronto, was at home. . . Raymond Gilmer, Montreal, at borne. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown bave returned te their daughter's, Mrs. W. N. Stevens', after spending a month in Peterboro, Roseneath and Ca- burg. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Robb, Montreal, at tbeir cottage here... Mr. Arthur Bell, Dawn and Glenn, Bowmanville, at Mr. George Stapleton's. . . Mrs. W. E. Reid, Joan and Elva, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weatherilt, Caesarea. Mrs. Sidney Lockhart passed away at ber home, Aug. 29, after a prolonged lllness with intense suffering whicb she bore witb great fortitude. Her pastor, Rev. Dr. C. Oke, conducted tbe funeral service at the home, Saturday, and spoke with mucli feeling of the great amount of trouble that had visited this home and of the won- derful Christian character of the anc just departed which' showed even after death in the saintly expression on ber face. The myriads of flowers banked on and around ber casket and the ex- ceptionally long cortege that fol- lowdber ta ber last resting place in Lakeview Cemetery, bore sulent testimony 0f the honored place she beid among ber friends in 111e. Deepest sympatby is extended ta ber bereaved husband and ta ber aged father, Mr. Harry Nicholis and loving brother, Mr. Roy Nicholls. School re-opened Tuesday with the new teacher, Mr. Duncan Sey- F or Fali CIîesterFields - - - that Satisfy $22m50 TO $3950 For that smart tailored appearance a Chester- field Coat is the answer - Be sure and see them at Walker 's before you buy. Bizes to, fit up to 42. FOR READY-TO-WEAR IT'8 WALKER STORE.S BY THEE YARD Golden SI'uttle $2n25 yd. Yes, we have this xiew glamor fabrie and are showixg it in the latest shades of Green, Blue, Gold and Rose for your approva1. 54" wide, Ideai for Dresses or Suits. Idoz"4Ioect, .t?ùnde Phone 481 THE MODERN STORE Bownlanville NOW AVAILABLE Thermos Botties -- $1.19 e Lunch Kits - - ------ -- --69 Hot Water Botties 89c, $1.39, $1.69 MWAC LEAN Kersiake's Sweet Pickle Mfixture STOMACI POWIER 1 gal. 35e - 3 for $1.00cO D.D.T. FLY SPRAY For Barn Use 1 qt. $1.00 - 1 gal. $3.65 SCHICK Injector Razor 20 blattes, metal case Complete 98c Start your vitamins NOW Ayers< 10D Cod Liver Oil- ---- ----67c, $1.69 ~~Mwm I&iiiWampole's Extraet $1.00 ~~Z 7 Calcium A JVI4 9 Caps ------- ------ $1, $2 'a jà9vjg 14 9 4 VI rR Caps---- $1.85, $3 ##ÀA &fklScott's Emulsion 59c, 98e I I I I Halibut Oil ______________________ Caps - -59c, 98c FOR HAY FEVER Allergltabs ---- $1, $2.50 Estivin ---------- $1.10 Lantigen E - ---- - $6 Multlvemns --------$.9 Vlcks Drops - --43e Ephedrine Jelly 50e A Benzedren inhaler ---60e - a. *Ic& ' Palmolive Soap 2 for lic ~MLfS Lifebuoy Soap 2 for lc Taylor Bath Soap 2 for 25e Castlle Soap --- 6 for 25c Jergen's Soap -- 4 for 19c A Safe, Satlsfaetory Cleaaulng Fluid for clothlng --60e gai. Phoneoe i 695 CUWLW4 G'S DRUG STORETrusse mour, Ida, in charge. ed most successfui wîth the high On Monday evening the old class furniture seiling at good timers with Lawrence Savery, prices. Oshawa, as their peppery catcher, Mr. W. N. Stevens is again ini piayed the younger boys' teamn a Bowmanville Hospital. fast gaine of hardball, the old tim- ers winning 4 to 1. Some people confuse "I want- Chas. Dix's sale on Saturday I won't-I'm right-and li get" with Jack Reid, auctioneer, prov- with the four freedoms. Vote for the Hospital BymLaw on Sept. 24 THURSDAY, SEPT. Oth, 1945 I