THURSDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1945 TL1-iTr CAA TM ARYM 't u im vTT . ii(imuPT~ HORNSDY STUDIO 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Will Take Portraits 0f Your Children IN YOUR OWN HOME (In Bowmanville Only) On Wednesday Afternoons SEPT. 12, 19, 26 Appointments made by tele- phoning 4139 Oshawa 36-2 Nothing cooks Y o u r goose quicker than a boiling temper. A Sincere Thank You Wlth the opening of schools, Tuesday was an exceptional- 1v busy day at our store, when it was crowded wlth students to purchase their school supplies. We were partlcularly lin- pressed wlth the orderly and courteous way ins whlch the children patlently awalted thefr turn to place their or- ders We therefore wlsh to express our sincere thanks to these students, and con- gratulate thein on the coin- mendable way they conduct- ed theinselves under sucli trying cirirnistances. J. IW. JEWNELL "BIG 20", PHONE 55t, Marr's Jewellery I Miss Marlene Edwards aftcr bolidaying with relatives at Rose- neath, bas returned home ta re- sume sehool. Mrs. C. P. May, Windsor; Lead- er Coder J. C. May, Prince Rupert, are visiting Mrs. E. J. Silver, Manvers Road. Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers bave returned from their holidays spent at "Old Mill Inn", Twelve Mile Lake, in Halîburton Caunty. Mr. F. E. Rusbbrook of tbe Goodyear Company, New Toron- ta, was a holiday visitor witb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presson. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard have eturned home after hall- dayîng at their cottage at Wil- liam's Paint. Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard and Helen spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes and Jimmie, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meyers, Mr. and Mms. Edward Heal and Diane, Hamilton, were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maynard. Mr. E. M. Down, Detroit, Mich., spent the week-end witb bis sis- ter, Miss Lola Down. While here Ed. renewed bis subscription to The Statesman for the 53rd time. Leading Stoker Eric Coombes, R.C.N.V.R., witb Mrs. Coombes and daugbtems, Gwen and Colleen, Tomonto, with Mms. Coombes' par- ents, Mm. and Mms. Clarence Hall. Mr. and Mms. Melville Scott, Edmonton, Alta., wbo were caîl- cd ta Ottawa awing to the deatb of bis sister, stopped off in tawn for a few days and weme guests of Mm. and Mms. Russell Candler. Mr. Claude Oliver is spending two weeks holiday witb relatives in the Belleville district. Mean- time veteman Oliver Roberts cap- ably filîs bis place at tbe Royal Theatre. In reparting the l3tb Annual Flower Show of Stettlem, Alta., Horticultumal Society we are pleased ta note that our former fellow tawnsman Mm. Fred H. Joness was awarded f irst prize Miss Connie King is home after a month's holiday in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Linden, Toronto, were in town Saturday calling on friends. Mr. Markus Roenigk, Winnipeg, Man., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. T. H. Knigbt. Miss Audrey Humphrey of the office staff, W. L. Elliott, spent holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wylie, Mr. Donald Cox, Toronto, visited their parents over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, Wcs- ton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Miss Edythe Carter spent the week-end in Toronto, guest of Miss Gladys Houghton. Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Pointen and son, Admaston, visited bis sister, Mrs. Geo. Widdecombe. Mrs. Gladys Murray, Kitchener, is guest for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Casbourn, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Casbourn. Mr. W. C. Ferguson visited Rev. a n d Mrs. Clarence Ferguson, Avonmore. Miss Martba Serrelîs, Hamilton, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dewell. Mr. W. J. Berry has returned from an extended holiday in Que- bec and down the St. Lawrence. Dr. E. W Sisson captured sec- ond prize with a cluster of gladioli at the National Flowcr Show, Montreal. Lieut. Col. W. F. Banister, Mrs. Banister and Barbara, Millbrook, were in town Tuesday, calling on friends. Miss Marion Hooper has return- ed from a pleasant vacation with friends and relatives at Akron, Ohio. Rev. E. G. Ford and Mr. Murray McKnight, Bowmanville, visited the Pentecostal Rally held at Trenton over the holiday. Rev. Albert Busheil, Owen Sound, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George C. Foster and daugh- ters. SoeciaI Service Sunday Trinity United Church A special service will mark the resuming of warship in Trinity United Cburch, Sunday, Sept. 9. There will be Tbanksgiving for the close of the Wald Wam. Theme will be the Dedication of a me- marial Baptismal Font, the gift af Mm. Thos. H. Lackhart and Miss Doratby Lackbart, and a Baptis- mal service inaugurating this sig- nificant beginning of a New Day of Peace. "A little child shaîl lead." UNHE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES 0.______ Newcastle: Mellow's Drug. Hampton: G. A. Barman & Son. Enniskillen: T. M. Slemon & Son Burketon: Harold Gill. Blackstock: Alex Gilbert. Nestîcton: J. G. Thompson. C. H. Porteous. Pantypool: Post Master. Omono: Tymell's Dmug Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Coe Tymone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: WV. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell, Jury & LovelI. W. J. Bagnell, Statesman? Office. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phono 663 for best kept private grounds in that enterprising western com- munity. Congratulations Fred! Miss Pearl and Master Eddie Breslin are home f rom Muskoka wbere they spent the summer. In swimming contests, Eddie finish- ed among the winners in a 2-mile event. Mrs. Alex Colville, Church St., left Saturday for a tbree months' visit with friends in Western Can- ada and on the Pacific coast. Mrs. Colville hopes to return with her health greatly improved. Mrs. V. Argue, havîug resigned as Librarian of the Public Library here, has accepted a position in the Book Room of the Evangelical Publishers, 366 Bay St., Toronto. Mrs. Argue spent the week-end in town. Children and bicycles cluttered the streets Tuesday wben bath High and Public Schools opened registers for the faîl term. Later the bookstores were crowded buy- ing supplies for formal down-to- studies, Wednesday. Miss Julia Allin, aged 3, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Allmn ecently told hem mother she was going ta Oshawa. When missed she was found at the bus station a haîf mile away calmnly waiting for the driver ta start. Pte. Wilbur Terry of Saskatche- wan, reported killed with a west- ern regiment at Hong Kong, was repatriatcd from a Japanese pris- on camp and bappily ejoined his uncle, William Terry, Liberty St., for a brief visit. The Univemsity Extension Ex- amination of Queen's University are being written this week. Rev. W. P. Rogers is the presiding ex- a m i n e r at the Bowmanvillc centre. The July meeting of Bowman- ville Women's Institute was in the formm of the annual picnic witb Grandmothems and English Brides of service men as aur guests. Fol- lowing a brief business meeting Mms. Grant supervised several gamnes and contests, after whicb a lawn supper was greatly en- joyed. Major Evemett LovelI, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Loveil, Osh- awa, arrived at Dorval Aimpomt, near Montreal, Friday, Aug. 31, after flying across the Atlantic. His parents left for Montreal early last week ta meet him. Major Lovel has been overseas with the R.C.A.M.C. since July 1, 1941, and saw service in Italy. Major Loveli and his father were in Bowman- ville Tuesday calling on friends. Gilmer, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mms. Clarence Gilmer... Misses Betty and Damothy Farrow with Mms. G. Plitz, Pickering... Mm. and Mms. Llew Hallowell and family, Miss Nomma Hallowell in Toronto. . . Mm. and Mrs. Fmank Hawse, Toronto, called on hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. Jacob Hallowell. .. Mr. James Emerton, Nestîcton, at Mm. Brenton Far- row's. . . Miss Helena Hallowell bas returned ta Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton and Mrs. Smith, Oshawa, with Mr. W. A. Hallowell. . . Mrs. Dickson, Ta- ronto, wîth Mms. Wiifmed Woods ...Mr. and Mms. S. Brownley have returned ta Peterboro after spending several days with Mr. and Mms. M. Shutka. . . Mm. Minto in Toronto. .. Miss Beulab Hallo- well bas eturned to Toronto ta esume hem teaching duties. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Napanee, witb Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell. .. Mrs. Chas. Yule and famîly have eturned ta Oshawa after visiting ber sister, Mrs. Ewamt Robinson. . . Miss Mary Lau Dobsan bas returned from visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Ed. Ruth- yen, Zian.. . Mr. and Mrs. Lomne TURMING FIRST SOD AT MEMORIAL PARK Abave pictures show turning not been ploughed for aver 30ý first sods at Bowmanville Memor- years) it was necessamy ta use twa ial Park on Liberty St., which tractors in tandem as shown in was donc by F. S. Allen & Sons, cuts. Duing the past wek the King St., Bowmanville. Owing ta gounds bave been levelleýd and the wet spring, and the condition seeded, the latter job being cap- of the land, (same of which bad ably done by Fred Luxton. OSHAWA FAIR SEPT. 10-11-12 Visitors at D. McReelis'! were Mr. and Mrs. Hahwald, Mrs. Dix- on and daugbter, Doreen, Hamil- ton, also Mrs. W. Sloan. Sonny Douglas who spent a week at F. W. Bowen's and D. McReelis', at whose homes her daughtems Joan and Margaret have been spending the holidays. On Friday evening Mms. Bowen treated the young friends Joan has made while with her, ta a camp fire party, wheme bot dogs, tarts, cookies and lemon- ade were enjoyed. Sgmn Elroy Gibson is now at Kingston. He was delighted ta find there several of the lads wbo weme witbhlm there before, and ,who have been rejected for over- seas service but have been doing instructional work since. Elroy spent Labor Day with his parents here. Miss Mary Gibson and her friend Lois Crossley, Auroma, at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson's. Helen Turner in Orono with Carolyn Jones. Doris Allin and girl friend, To- ronto, at home. The Imwin Allun famîly spent a day with Mrs. Harry McBain, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedwell motor- ed ta, St. Catharines ta, visit their daugbter. They were accompanied by their son Keith, and Gardon Gibson. The boys went ta see Niagara Falls and then hitcb-hik- ed home. Miss Belcb bas returned ta pre- side in aur school for another year. (Intended for last week) Mrs. Harmy McBain, Ida, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. AllUn. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Garvock and infant son at Alden Gibson's. Elmoy Gibson left on Monday ta report at Exhibition Barracks, thus terminating his 30-day leave. Jacqueline Hilîs, Tyrone, with ber cousins, Madeline and Lenore Osborne. Life's always hard wben you figbt for yourself. Ztpîs zto uk for Blue Gillette Blades for I Id w I NelPi P98vont Bad Drega * Gives4 Bfllgh:u batth 0 SpariusSue$40 Geo. Garner, Chamber of Commerce, Oshawa (Genosha Hotel) Geo. Hurren, A.F.C., Airport, Oshawa Geo. W. James, Statesman Office, BoWmanville Mr. & Mrs. R. Metcalf Given Surprise Party On 25th Anniversary Metcalfe-Trenouth--Sept. 1, 1920, by the Rev. J. O. Totton, Lyra Cîcora Trenauth, daughter of Mr. and Mms. Ambrose Tre- nautb, Hampton, and James Roy Metcalf, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Metcalf, Base Line, Darlington. About anc hundred friends and near relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Metcalf gatbered at their home on Saturday evening ta celc- brate witb them the anniversary of their 25tb wedding day. When al bad arrived Howard Foley, Who acted as chairman, after making a few remarks, caîl- ed on Noble Metcalf wbo read an address ta the bride and groom af 25 years, telling af their stimling qualities and the high esteem in which they are held in the church, scboal and uainmunity. Grant Bennett an behaif af the neigh- bars, pesented the bappy couple FIGHT FLIES WITH Wllson's Poison Pads ------- - -----lô Fly-Tox 24o, 43c, 73o Aeroxon Fly Colis-------2 for Se 2-Way Insect Killer -----59c, 98c Sheil-Tox 24c, 43o 25e o,49e I I I lm with a sum of money on a silver plate. Jovial as always, although sur- prised, Roy and Lyra replied, thanking aIl for their kind re- membrances and gifts. Ail sang "For they are jolly good fellows". Other gifts received were a beautiful Sheffield silver platter, a lovely three-stomy wedding cake and a corsage of pink roses for the bride from their tbree childrcn, Madeline, Glen and Ross. Con- gratulations and gifts weme also received from Mm. and Mrs. J. Cox, tawn. One of the interesting items was a few intemesting emarks by Mr. J. L. Mctcalf stating that ahl Roy's brothers, bis sister and father and mather were able ta be present. Short speeches were made by Bill and Dick Metcalf, Mrs. Trenouth, Mr. Challener, Mr. Virgin and others. Several choice selections of music were rendered by Ross and Uncle Rick Metcalf on the har- monicas, Mrs. Edra Price with ber piano accardian, solo by Ross Met- calf and some cammunity singing ably accampanied by Miss Grace October 1-20. 15c Boracic Acid, 8 oz.......12c $1.25 Pinkham's Compound ....... 87c 15c Parowax, 1 lb ............... lic 35c Corega, Dental Plate Powder 24e Se Jar Rîngs, 12's................. 4c $2.25 Lactogen, 21/2 lb.. .. . .... $1.59 SOc Milk of Magnesia, 16 oz ...... 29e 60c Robinson's Barley............ 33c GIN PILLS 39c-69c 25c Calamine Lotion 19 15e Mercurochrome 12 39e Vitamin B-i Tablets ---------29e 15c Eye Cups --- - 8c 39c Caseara Tablets 100's 33e dIffý-u-u "A 11.nburys" ~ Basic Soap tender skia. per cake 25c PICKLING SUPPLIES Sweet Plekie Mixture, 1 gal 25c Whole Aulspice, os. 5c Preserving Powder oz ---- ----------200 Parke's Catsup Flavour - ------ 25c Keen's Mustard 4 oz. . _27e Certo -------- - 5c Fruit-Kepe . 25e Tunierie, 1 oz. --5c Phone Day Niglit 2771 3415 348 3156M ............663 413 lb Truli at the piano. Among the guests present were Mm. and Mrs. Claude Tueker, Stir- ling, who happen ta be celebrnting their 30tb wedding anniversary. After the congratulations and program a dainty lunch was serv- cd by the ladies, the bride and groom of 25 years, and their par- ents sitting at a nicely decorated table. The youngem people spent the remainder of the evening playing games and dancing while the others enjoyed themselves visiting and renewing acquaint- ances. As the midnight bour olled around good-byes were said with best wishes ta Roy and Lyra look- ing forward for another celebra- tion in 25 years. "It is inconceivable that the United Nations could abandon the peoples of the liberated areas of Europe at the moment of tbeir greatest peril'", Herbert E. Leh- man, Director - General of UNRRA. Give your spare used clothing Io the national Clothing Colleciior, for liberated countries, "rrT" White Shoe Cleaner 15c, 25e English Health Saits ------ --59e 0$CAXATIVE Noxzema -- ------- 17c, 39c, 59e Mentholatum ------------ 29c, 55c Mecca Ointment ---------23c, 45c ENOS 'FRUIT SALT' 1 4 :1(t41 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER " Central Ontario's Leading Exhibi- tion 0 The Place Where OId Friends Meet " Splendid Exhibits of Livestock, Gr a in, Flowers and Novelties " GRANDSTAND Performances Both Afternoons and Evenings, on SEPTEMBER 11-12 HORSE RACES $1000 IN PURSES Starkville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Herb Todd with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Newtonville . . . Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trimm, Oshawa, have moved to their farm here.. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka, Mr. and Mrs. Brownley motored ta Osh- awa. .. Miss Hazel Reid, Toronto, with Miss Norma Hallowell... Mrs. C. Reid, Toronto, with Mrs. W. Woods. .. Miss Olga Trimble has returned to Oshawa after vis- iting ber aunt, Mrs. M. Shutka... Mr. Kincaid, Winnipeg, came by Plane and visited his niece, Mrs. Arthur Dunn. . . Mr. and Mrs. 'Vice, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn. Rev. Smith delivered a fine sermon in keeping with the world wide peace. Our school bas re-opened for another term with Miss Helen Deckhart, Toronto, teacher. Thirty-five members of t h e Hallowell connection enjoyed a family picnic on the lawns of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood. S.S. No. 9, Clarke To Ail Citizens of Dowmanville and District The Ontario County Flying Club of Oshawa wish to an- nounce that their club will shortly obtain the use of the Airport, hangar and clubroom facilities at the Oshawa Air- port. Also, that planes and instructors will be available. The opening, date is planned for Septeniber 15 We wili be open for application for membership until Sept. I 5th, or until our present quota of 10O0 is filled. A. G. STORIE, President For further information, application blanks, etc., apply to any of the following members of the Committee: S A VE j~O NE y Soft as a fleecy cod YOUR I.D.A. DRUGGIST US YOUR BEST SUP- PLIER FOR ALL TYPES 0F DRUG STORE MERCHANDISE. q Yon save two ways when you buy at your I.D.A. Drug Store. Flrst, you LOWSTget reliable products that give you results. Second, the co-operative buying PRICES ics. Chck over the goods listed below. Phone 792 and order your sup- O ~ 12pd What Have You Done to SDeserve A High Salary? Hlighest Prices are willingly for Hîgheut Qualities I8 IT HIGH QUALITY YOU OFFER OR Are you hoping to gel Somothing for Nothing? BUSINESOS TRAMNIG QUAIFIES YOU for Better Pay, Desirable Positions, a Brighter Future - Write.or Phono today for outlile of Courses - FALL TERM DEGINS SEPT, 4 Registrations accepted on or after that date Bowmanville Business School 44 Klnx St., West P'hone 434 BowmaLnvllle, Ont. MaDREDOR - - ----------- TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE- ONTARIO mAfýxl I-Ci r PHONE 792 - WE DELIIVER DRUCS