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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1945, p. 6

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 2Oth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Miss Marg. Nichais, tawn, with FAMOUS BAND LEADER Pî Ma leGrve Miss Betty Stevens, Miss Lenora B,.rown's t Coliacutt, Toronto Normai, at _____ Week-end visitors at Mr. and home. Home and School Association gr Mrs. Roy VanCamiirs: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Miss Jean held the first meeting of the sea- e Mrs S Bgg, is Adry egsStevens attended the Foley-Mac- son and electcd the following as s MsS.BgsMisAde egMilan wedding in Ottawa on Sat- officers: Pres. - Mrs. H. Reich- gr Mrs. Owen, Mrs. Ansley Wemyses, urday. rath; Conveners - Mrs. J. Cur- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benson, ail of Mr. and Mrs. Munroe, Miss son, Mrs. C. Turner, Sidney Li Toronto. Sheila, Masters Bob and Brian Brown, Freeman Eddy: Rec. Sec'y r Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp en- Munroe, Toronto, at Mrs. L. C. - Joan Curson; Cor. Sec'y al tertained about 30 relatives and Snowden's on Sunday. Mrs. Booth; Treasurer - Clarence friends on Saturday evening in Glad to welcome Mr. Bob Both- Turner: Pianist - Mrs. C. Turner. a hanar of their son, Sam, who has well home after four years over- Miss Bessie Law, bride-to-be, T returned home from the West, seas. was honored with a miscellaneous 0 where he has been stationed the shower held in the school on Sat- c past few months, and now has re- "Hello, Ruth, do you stili love urday evening with a goodly num-M ceived his discharge fromn the me?" ber of friends and relatives pres- of Air Force. "Ruth? My name is Helen." ent. After a sing-song led by e Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, "1I'm so sorry-I keep thinking Wilbur Baskerville, a reading was t Joyce, Zion, at Morley Flintoff's. this is Wednesday." given by Mrs. E. Gilbank and a M~ ~ _____________________________piano solo by Mrs. A. Brown. h' Chairman Clarence called on Mrs.t Tom Wilson who escorted Bessie M to an attractively dec'orated chair. P Mrs. Wilson read the address and sa SEFClarence Turner, Sidney Brown, W Bill Morley and Henry Reichrath t presented the gifts. After a very Mart Kenney S( fitting speech Bessie with the help g. of the groom-to-be opened the Mart Kenney and his Western in gifts. The remainder of the eve- Gentlemen, famed as "Canada's 12 ning was spent in social chat and Spotlight Band," will provide the p lunch. music for the first af a new series P Visitors: Joan and Doris Cur- of high-class dances ta be held p SE son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown and under the auspices of Bowman- m -aKathleen, Jean Perrin, Mr. and ville Rotary Club. di Mrs. Ken Tubman, Mr. and Mrs. This famaus band will open the til FGGD STORES pRCg$ SUSjiCT TO MAtg[T liCANGiS W. Farrow, Mr. Walter Farrow season here in the Bowmanville r W§ RfflUVE Tal!RIONT Io uffl OUANTm%11 and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. T. High School Auditorium, Wednes- CI 1 Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bed- day evening, September 26, with fo Bu T R SILVERBROOK FIRST GRADE lb. 37 win, Bill Morley, Clarence Turner Mart Kenney personally directing. ed and Sam attended Lindsay Fair1 Tickets are nowv on sale as per ad- F( NEW PACK 2 . . . Mr. Geo. Stephenson and 1 vertisement in this issue. The pub- s PEAS Choce o. Sive 22TOtons- 3,9 Bobby spent the week-end at lic are urged to make early jeser- re ChoceNo.4 iee 5 TrsBelleville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stan vations. ir 5-lb. Bag24 li Lockhart's, at Mr. W. Far- M________________ OCL I A S «row's. .. Mrs. L. Stephenson and pg FL URn ROAYAL 7-1b. 23e 2dB. 73e Jimmy, Newcastle, at Mrs. Go n ikle LUUE ~HOUSEEHOLD Bag ag Stephenson's.. Mr. and Mrs. En ikle DO ICIS1 -lb. Payne, Pontypool, visited their ___E_ OG BISCUITS 2 Pkgs 25< daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and YugPol' ege a or TRRIR lieL Mrs. F. Eddy. opened Tuesday night, Sept. 18, hc JUN EMTABLETS - p w n il with Pres. Donald L a m b in Ço a vil charge. Bible reading - Ralph Lamb, vocal duet - Ross and b: PALMqOLIVE g Marie Ashton. Topic was given !CHIPSO 2 '1P-ks.3 Visitors: Miss Ellen Rambottom by Ronald Rahm, Ray Werry and SOA? af Bowmanville visited at Mr. Donelda Griffin. Lively spelling or Reg. I Andrew Bandy's over the week- match was conducted by Alan ai 2Cakes 11Ilre end. .. Sunday visitors at Mr. R. Werry, Myrtie Allin's side win- 1 L rgei Hollingsworth's were Mr. John ning by 3. Came to our next e 3 iaIM2<V L ~~Pkg.2e Hollingsworth, Mr. Ron Hollings- meeting, Tuesday night. 3Cakes3 i WH EN AVAILABLE worth and Mr. Bob Kerr of To- Choir members are asked to be WHEN AVAILABLE 1;ronto; Miss Phyllis Hollingsworth, present Friday night for practice ___________________Miss Erico Kurtz and Mr. Her- at 8 p.m. man Dunlop from Oshawa, Mr. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Murray FLRUR E IS NG3-1b. Pk23< and Mrs. James Rutherford and Mustard and family, Uxbridge, at FLOU SEL RAIINGfamily. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wes. J. and F. Dorland's. . . Mrs. A. ONTARIO WHOLE, BOILING lb. 9 Stringer visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Leadbeater with relatives in To- P , AS Langstaff and Mr. and Mrs. Willis ronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. Pere- OLO lb.n NEW lb. Farrow on Sunday. .. Mr. Hector man, Columbus, at Mr. M. Hobbs' CHEESE 3le 27e Milîson, Miss Addie Milîson, Mrs. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pethick NEW PACKB. Milîson, Miss M. Thompson and and Gail, Mrs. Verna Wood, To- TONATO JUICE FNEWPCK 22'Tins- 179< Mr. T. Kinsman visited at Mr. ronto, Mr. Floyd Pethick at S. R. FANC Elmer Wilbur's, Hampton. Pethick's... Mrs. 0. C. Ashton and VE . O P AYLMER2 Tins1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lois are visiting in Toronto... Ise Jack Moffat on their recent mar- Miss June Ashton, Bowmanville, 4's Pkg. le 'D's Pkg. nage (nee Bernice Andrews). is holidaying at home. . . Pte. G. OKO C BES 9 23eWomen's Association met at F. Reed, Barniefield, Ont., with OUR OWN FLAVOURFUL lb. Mrs. Wes. Stringer*s last week Mr. and'Mrs. A. Leadbeater... BLAC TEA570 with a good attendance. L!CpI. G. H. Stevens, Smiths ANN PAGE Dz Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Falls, Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, DOUuG NUTS oz 12e E. Gray (nee Kathleen Simpson) at H. Stevens' and other friends IL.j o their recent marriage. . .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, FRYS COCOA 3< Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. NEWPRT H ydonLeadbeater and G. Reid. . . Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mustard, x FPLUFFS Pkg. 25e bridge, visited Mr. and Mrs. John WOODBURY'S FACIAL W.A. met at Mrs. Cecil Slemon's Dorland... Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon CakesIs on Thursday. Bible reading by Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald. SOAP 2Mrs. E. Wenny and devotional by Pethick and Gail, Mrs. Verna Tin Mrs. H. McGill. Mrs. H. Ashtoni Wood and Nancy, Toronto, at M.« FLUSHO 219 gave a neading "Friends" and Mrs. Henry Sheppard's, Port Hope.. AYI..ArR W. Thompson presented Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, Port OLV S Plain Jar R.Omston with a black leather Perry, Miss Janice Beech, Bow- OLIES Quen 17< purse on behali of the W.A. and manville, at E. C. Ashton's... Mr. ,friends on the occasion ai hier and Mrs. Alymer Herring, Mr. - E.Y A SdOr 45e 'birthday. Readings were given by and Mrs. W. Byrant, Ruth and JELLY JARS Mrs. C. Siemon adMs C. Gar- Roy Byrant, Oshawa, visited Wal- rard and instrumentais by Mrs. ter Oke's. A"PG BUV REALLY FRESI- D. Carr and Mrs. H. McGill. It Our Sunday School Rally is j wasdecided ta f iii two ditty bags. Sunday, Sept. 23. Mrs. Dr. H. SAN WIC A.& P BO ARLunch was served by Mrs. J. Ferguson will be aur guest speak- Potts' group. er and Miss Aln Northcuttth BREAD ~~~Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert soloist from Bwavle 4 EXTRA SLICES COFUEE Hall and family, Oshawa, at Mrs. The W.M.S. spent an enjoyable zLb.3 R. Crossman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. aiternoon, Sept. 12, at the home 35<V- 7 Lloyd Ashton and famiiy at Mn. of Mrs. Sidney and Mrs. Earl Tre- 2 24ao 1Jim Brown's,. Newcastle. . . Mr. win. Mrs. J. A. Plant presided and Mvrs. Fred Ashton and family, for the worship, the theme being Miss Jean McLean, Toronto, at "Spotlight on Africa". Several Mr. E. Bradley's. .. Cpi. and Mrs. ladies touk part in an interesting t'/Silas Trewin, Simcoe, Mr. and discussion and questionnaire on ___________________________________Mrs. Floyd Reesor, Miss Verna Africa. Mrs. E. Trewin, group Trewin, Oshawa, Rev. H. Stainton, leader, called on this program: SPRING lb. 4e2/ lb. Mimico, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. .. vocal duet by Mrs. F. Beckett LAMBLEGSpercupon Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech, Caralyn and Mrs. L. Lamb; readings by 813RING lb. 2 V lb. Carr, at Mr. E. Beech's, Port Mrs. S. Trewin and Mrs. Harding; LAM RON S 2e pr Dpon Hope. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, Miss Marie Ashton gave the ne- BONLES l.n~ i/elb Mr. Allun Staintan at Mr. Wm. port ai Scbool for Leaders, Whit- BONEESS b. 30 iv ILMartin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Walter by, in the absence afilher mother, L M FR N S ROLLED ~ per coupon Bridgett and iamily, Bowman- Mrs. L. Ashton; vocal solo by Rev. ville, at Mrs. W. Thompson's. . . J. A. Plant; instrumental music STEAKS OR ROASTS Mrs. Herb Bradley spent a few by Mrs. H. McGill. The us BIRLOIN lb 2 lb. days at bier home... Several from speaker for the aiternoon was PORTERHOUUE or WING'b 43e per opo here attencled Lindsay Fair. Miss Norma Hooey, teacher of lb. ne 2 lb.ment in Mrs. T .Cowling, wha has gave the highlights of lher vacation BLAD IRO ST percoupn ben qit ll.trip ta Ottawa, also ta Geneva PRM I 1t 5 Rib8 le 1 lb. MACI&4CHEREBLOAF 3<pe cu" lark. Muskoka. A bearty vote of ,anks was given ta the hostesses id ta the group for the fine pro- ram and lunch served and ýpecially ta Miss N Haoey for her ;lendid contribution ta the pro- yram. Several from here attended ýindsay and Blackstock fairs and .port them bath being exception- ily gaod. Sewing Circle held their lst )nniversary at the Church on rhursday, Sept. 13. The meeting )pened with singing Onwari ýhristian Soldiers. Then Mrs. T. [. Slemon introduced Miss Aked )f Tyrane, who gave a very inter- sting talk on hobbies such as xopical shelîs, paintings, knitting, naking floor rugs and tays. She -ad th e se on display and Ioroughly explained each in a nanner that others might take leasure and pastime for the ;me things. A vote of thanks 'as tendered Miss Aked for ber alk which was enjoyed by ail. ne'y-Treas. Mrs. C. Pethick then lave the yearly repart. Clathing nade and sent in the last year: 12 tunics, 17 blouses, 102 haspital )ads, 10 pr. rampers, 10 pr. boys' )ants, 25 pr. men's shorts, 1 quilt, roceeds $15.50 fromn tickets, do- iatian of $10-00 ta the Red Cross rive, $5.00 ta Britisb War Vie- ms' Fund, $10,00 ta Sick Child- .'s Hospital, $10,00 ta the hurch for inside painting and $5 or ditty bags. The meeting clos- id with singing The Maple Leaf ýorever. A pot-luck supper was erved i the basement which -alized $13.25, making a balance n the treasury ai $17.04. Next neeting will be at Mrs. C. ?ethick's an Monday, Sept. 24. Big improvements are being nade at aur cburch ai a coat ai )aint an the autside also Mn. How- id Pye bas been painting his iouse. Discard cames from everybody Iowing his own horn. We will reach cammon ground rily wben we ail came down off or pedestals. Starkville Heavy nain feli in this district which is a great hclp to the plawing. Mn. Ross Hailowell and Mn. Minto took in the fair at Lindsay. Mrs. R. Bougen at Mn. A. Mc- Kay's. Visitons at Victor Farnow's: Mn. a nd Mrs. Raymond Farrow, Hampton, Mn. and Mrs. G. Philtz and daughter, Osbawa, Mn. and Mrs. C. Allen and son, Kirby, Mn. and Mrs. Paul Mimiton, Panty- pool. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka wcre in Peterboro on Thunsday. Mn. Victor Farrow also Billy and Betty attended Lindsay Fair. Mr. Frank Howse and daughter, Mrs. Howse Sen. and friend, Mrs. H. Harrington, al ai Toronto, visited at Mrs. Jacob Hallawell's and Mns. Frank Howse netunned home witb tbem. Mn. and Mrs. M. Shutka were in Oshawa on Friday. Mns. Bert Tnimm has returned home fnom a pleasant visit in To- ronto. Mrs. Howard Farrow bas ne- turned home fnom visiting in Newcastle. Enniskillen Service Club met at the home ai Mrs. Leonard Stainton, Sept. 4th, with attendance ai 15. Minutes were read and adopted; $5.00 irom the funds will be donated towands the painting ai the inside ai the church. Lunch was served by Mrs. Stainton ancý ber graup ai Mrs. Wearn, Mrs. G. Yea and Mrs. H. Degeen. Next meeting at Mrs. Harold Milîs', Sept. l8tb. LAC Roy Trewin, Camp Bar- den, Miss Daisey Drew, Toronto, Mrs. Ansan Taylor, Mrs. Marwin Nesbîtt, Mn. Merlin Pbilp, Nestle- tan, at Mn. Sid Trewin's. Pulling tagether keeps the mar- niage knot tied. KERSLAKE'S SWEET PICKLE Mixture A good sweet beet plekie 35e per gai. Fruit Kepe ---..-------25e Certo ------------------25e I I I.. I. Il m. *7ii e FOR THi ADRLE DEODORANT CREAMS Arnid--------------- 39e, 59e Etiquet ------- - ----- 3QC Neet--------------- 39e Odorono----------- 39e Mum ---------------- 39c-, 59e LOWER PRICES Pinex Compound ------32e Corega Powder 23c, 39e Lactogen ------69c, $1.59 Frnonn 1 lb. absorbentFo rng Cotton ------------ 39e Lifeduoy Soap 2 for Ilc rsnes. Roblnson's Barley -----32c Halibut 011 Caps 59c, 98e ,.dlkOA IN TAE FAMSat bedtime ~ -- DAILY... Wampole's Extract $1.00 One-A-Day Tablets 44, 985R Waterbury Compound 93 Scott's Emulsion --------59c, 98e 81 Aiphamettes $1.00, $1.85 Calcium A Caps $1.10, $2 Kepler's Extract 75c, 1.25 L I Creophos - Ideal tonie and cough remedy $1.00 large bottle PhoneG'S DR G TO E Fi 695 O LN ' R GS O E rse More Facts Showing Need of New Hospital Rural Doctor Supports New Hospital May I also add a word tawards the building af a new bas- pital for Bawmanville, iromn the viewpoint af a rural practitianer who uses yaur baspital a great deal. No longer are your rural dactons in the horse-and-buggy stages. We are endeavoring ta give aur patients the best in medical cane that can be pravided for themn by advanced know- ledge and advanced facilities. It is no longer neccssany ta take the risks with patients' lives that at anc time wcre the order ai the day. Surgcry periarmed on the kitchen table saved many lives but also lost many lives that could have been saved in hospital. Maternity work dane in the home has taken its tal ini mothers' lives and babies' lives that was nat at all necessary. Sa, you sec that the lendency cames framn the public itseli, a naturai demand by them for more protection, through the medium ai more bosuitai cane and better hospital cane. This demand is felt in the rural aneas as wcll as the town areas and is in no small way one ai the causes fan the overcrawded condi- tions at Bowmanville Hospital taday. Duning this past wan, sa iresh in aur memories, it was found necessary ta move the well-equipped hospital right into the front lines with its facilities for instant sungery, blaad trans- fusions, fracture setting and many other functions necessary ta early emergency treatment on the spot. Untald lives were saved in this way, and in your awn community many lives now lost could be saved by having, on the spot, a hospital large enaugh ta accommodate all the patients needing its services - and equipped well enough with modern laboratories and x-ray ta take cane ai any emengency. The need in Bowmanville for a new hospital is real and is felt ahl through the country surrounding Bawmanville. Many ai my patients bave had ta be tnansportcd in a hurry ta Oshawa and Toronto hospitals, when the work shauld have been donc on themn as close ta home as possible, and could have been donc here if the accommodation or facilities had been better. Our rural people will be cantributing ta your building iund as heavily as passible, bath as a personal duty and as a municipal duty, so we ask you ta pass your necessary by-law on the 24th. Wc will help you in your building fund as wc have helpcd in your Hospital Auxiliany in the past. C. J. AUSTIN, M.D.C.M. New Hospital Training School for Nurses I am thoraughly in agreement with the letters which have been written by my canfreres showing the necessity for a new baspital, except for the one covering the x-ray. This I must question because I feel we shauld endeavor ta give a truc pictune ai the situation. In my opinian the new x-rayequipment would be a great convenience but would not increase mucb the x-ray work that could be donc here. This machine would permit us ta set some fractures under direct vision and wauld take perhaps ane an twa fracture pictures a year that we have had difiiculty with in the past. It wauld nat ikcly permit ai any appreciable amount ai gastro-intestinal work being donc here because a large part ai that work is the interpretation ai the pictures and observation under the screen which can only be adequately donc by an expert. Perhaps Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanvulle district can support anc at Oshawa. Doctors in Bowmanville have had bath heavy and portable equipmen, for years, aid naw, but quite serviceable. The reason the heavy is not in the haspital is that there is not a noom ta put it in or an elevator ta take the patient up or down. We have had ta lug the portable from floon ta floor and set it up. A new hospital would permit of us having a training sehool for nurses. Your difficulties in getting nurses during the last few years bave been great but we have came tbrough, thanks largely to the girls trained here in the past. If they are not neplaced soon 1 do not know what wc will do. Girls are nat going ta take a three-year course in a big hospital and neturn here to work with antiquated equipment, in an old firetrap, and lug a stretchen up and down stairs, sametimes with a 200 lb. patient, at wages that are lcss than an unskilled workman in aur factonies. That is -a fact-a registered graduate nurse in aur haspital does not get as much as a floor sweeper in aur fac- taries. How mucb longer are they gaing to do s0 on the pleading af the Supenintendent ta be loyal ta their profession? Our Hospital Board, Ladies Auxiliany and Supenintendent have cannied an daing the best they can but they can't "make a silk punse out af a sow's car". I am dclighted that aur Council has put the question right up ta the people ta decide. If the by-law is defeated let nat the apposers camplain if they shauld not be able ta get a nurse or tbey or theins injured on the stairs on caugbt in a fire. V. H. STOREY, M.D. Fire Hazard ToId by Head Nurse Bawmanville needs more bed space in a modern hospital to cane ion the sick ai the community. The following figures fnom the annual reports on bospitals shawing the percentage ai beds accupied will bear me out: 1938-53.5; 1940-69.1; 1941-75.2; 1942-99.6; 1943-94.8. The figures fan 1944 bave nat reached this office at the time ai writing. As well as the need for beds there are other needs as follows: (1) Electric elevatar; (2) Focd elevator; (3) Laboratony facilities; (4) Isolation units, should a patient nequire ta be isolated tjmporanily; (5) Isolation nursery; (6) More space for Our nursery sa that modern facilities may be installed ta coriiorm ta the standards set by the Ontario Department ai Health; (7) Fire protection. The set up as it now exists is a fine hazard and I hope to make this dlean ta the home awner sa that he may recagnize the public responsibility. In due respect I must thank the Hospital Board in office, the Wamen's Auxiliary with their willing aid, the efficient, co- aperative medical stauf and Mns. Florence Smyth who, thnaugh the yeans, laboned faithfully ta mýaintain a baspital ai good repute. My most earnest viish and the wish ai my entire staff is te sec a building program worthy of Bowmanvillc and Durham County, where the sick may be cared for with a bigh standard ai efficiency. PEARL LUMBY, Reg.N. Supt. ai Nurses. PL~M~BEST FOR EATING Ibo.. GR PS CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS lb. 15e< ELGERTA PEACHES NOW AT THEIR BEST. BUY AND PRESERVE NOW.1 . r s i Vote for the Hospital By-Law on Sept. 24 Bowmanville Hospital Board DR. WM. TENNANT, Ohairman Parowax -----c I HOT WATER BOTTLES 89c, $1.34, $1.69 , ~ Thermos Botties ---- $1.19 - 11À , we Lunch Kits ------------- 69c SKleenex ------- 2 for 25c Allenbury's Soap ----25e S. R. JAMES, See'y-Treas. PAGE SIX

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