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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1945, p. 11

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THURSAY, CT. 4h, 145 -~ V1PUJ1-LEVE THE CANADTAN 'rA'TÉMAN. 13OfWMvANVJILLET fl'AR At the opening meeting of the C.G.I.T. held in the United Church these officers were elect- ed: Christine Alldread. president; Mary Margaret Bonathan, vice- president; Hazel May Fisher, sec- retary; Ruth Gordon, treasurer; Marjorie Toms, pianist; Clare AI- lin, assistant pianist; Helen Aiken- brack, press secretary. An enjoy- able everiing was spent and after recreation the meeting was closed witb taps. Newcastle W.M.S. met Sept. 6. 'presidet Mrs. N. Allin read a -@6pem, "Our Duty"l. The Study Wbok was taken by Miss E. Black- *0 IlTbursday, Friday, Saturday o * Oct. 4-5-6 0 Spencer Tracy fl Katharine Hepburn o in D "WlITHOUT LOVE" Hilarious M.G.M. Star Hit with Lucille Bail, Keenan 0 Wynn, Carl Esmond. You haven't seen love tili youo see Tracy and Katy in this f orolhickmng romantic romp.I OSpeclal Holiday Attraction1 IlFrttm vrsonSunday mîdnite-after 12.051 Il Canada f '«RADIO STARS ON PARADE" 0 o starring I n Wally Brown Frances Langford, Alan SCarney, Ralph Edwards & ICa., Skinny Ennis and His n Band I Don Wilson, Tony Romano MnTues., Wed., Thurs. 0 SO "A TREE GROWS f IN BROOKLYN,,I o starring I *Darotby McGuire, James I IlDunn, Joan Blondell, Peggyl HAnn Garner, Ted Donadson 0 Il James with JmsGleason Ruth Nelson The Be Selling Book in0 years.Th Best LovedPi-f ture of a Lifetime. pc 4 '%tN ~4iU 44 King St. West F. * umn and Mrs. Bemnan. Topic was 1Afnica and the life of the children there. Mrs. Cecil Fenguson and Mrs. J. Awde took part. Scriptune was taken by Mrs. J. Waite and prayer was offered by Mrs. Cole. Piano solo by Clane Allan. Evening Auxiliary o! W.M.S. met Sept. 19 at the pansonage witb First Vice-President Mns. Garnet Richard presiding. Mrs. J. T. Brown sang -The Lord's Prayer." It was decided to bold the Thank Off ering meeting on Oct. 17. Mrs. Clarence AllUn pre- 1sented a splendid report on Scbool for Leaders which she attended at Ontario Ladies' College, Wbit- by, in August, and summarized briefly tbe address given by Dr. Bryce. Mrs. W. Patterson also gave ber pensonal impressions o! the speakers and the coilege. Martba Belcb read the Scripture. Mrs. J. T. Brown sang "Just for Today." Marlon Allin introduced the new study book on Africa. Miss J. Rickand led in a contest after whicb refresbments wene served. Y.P.U. met Sept. 24 with Paul- ine DeLine in charge. Mrs. Charles Cowan sang a solo. Pro- gramme consisted of elocution number and encore by Mrs. Percy Brown; story on missions by Pauline DeLine and Rev. W. Pat- terson and a musical selection by Mrs. Archie Brown. After a per- iod of recreation led by Glenn Allin the meeting closed. Y.P.U. met Oct. 1 witb Presi- dent Evelyn Allun in charge. The worship period was in charge of the Christian Citizensbip con- vener, Glenn Allun, assîsted by Patricia Pearce. Mns. Wm. Pat-c terson rendered a solo and en- core and Marie Aluin and Rae Venner played a piano duet. Rev. Wm. Patterson led in recreation. Recent shipment ta beadquar- ters in Toronto from Newcastle Red Cross Society consisted o! 14 quilts, 4 babies' knitted baby jackets, 5 babies' knitted bonnets, 12 pairs babies' knitted bootees, 1 cbild's suit, and the following: Navy, Air Force and Army com- forts-17 scarves, 14 sleeveless weaters, 12 belmets, 2 long sleeved round neck sweaters, 64t pair socks, 8 pair gioves. Wanted-your gif t o! service- able used clotbing and shoes ta save the lives o! destitute millions in war-torn Allied countries., There will be a bouse-to-bouse collection in Newcastle on Oct. 10, 12, 16. Depot for collecting and packing will be at Walton's new store. If any furtber infor- mation desired pbone Clarke 2630. Phone 434 The Newcastle Independent Phone: Clarke 3314 Newtonville Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hutcbison bave received word tbat their son, Sgt. Garfield A. Hutchisan, Holland, bas been awarded the British Empire Medal for good service during this war. Congra- tulations ---Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Couch, Orono, with Mrs. J. A. Barrie ----Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stark, Donna and Gwen, at Castieton ---Mr. Lanson Mill- son, Mrs. Chas. Watters and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce, motored ta Toronto Mon- day to meet Chas. Watters just returned from overseas. Welcome home Charlie! ----- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newton, Toronto, ghests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hutchison. -----Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane and Gloria in Toronto ---Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gîl- mer at the farm, Starkville, where tbey were looking after things wbile Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gil- mer at Niagara ---- Mr. and Mns. Clinton Brown, Marie and Mar- garet with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, Lake Shore ---- Miss Olive Brown at Part Hope.---- Mr. and Mrs. Lau Truscott and three grandcbildren, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones.---- On Sunday evening Rev. L. B. Smith conducted the service in - the United Cburcb and took for bis text, "Lord, wbat wilt tbou have me to do? "---No service in the United Cburcb next Sun- day. Beginning Oct. 14 the United Cburch will begin at 7 p.m. Stan- dard Time ---Miss Fae Jones bas been home from scbool on accaunt of illness ------- Mr. Frank ovens was in Toronto ---Con- gratulations ta Mr. Bob Williams and bride. Tbey will reside in Mr. Wm. Stapleton's bouse, south o! tbe bighway ----The Presby- terian Cburcb will hold its an- nual Tbanksgiving services on1 Sunday, Oct. 7, at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher, Bowman- ville. Music by the Osborne Quar- tette. Starkville Mrs. Gordon Timm and son in Toronto---- Mn. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell and Mn. and Mrs. Ai! Dobson motored ta Dunsford ------ Sunday visitors at Mn. M. Shut- ka's were Miss Nellie Sbutka, Migs Annie Andree, Mn. and Mrs. Andree Sr., Oshawa -----Mn. and Mrs. S. Brownley, Peterboro, at M. Sbutka's ----- Mn. and Mrs. Lavern Patterson, Orono, at Bert Trimm's ----- Mns. M. Shut- ka picked ripe strawberries from ber patcb wbich is covered wib blossom ---Miss Deckbard in Toronto ---- We are glad to wel- came home Calvin Dunn from overseas on Monday ----- We also welcome Ray Hughes who bas returned fram overseas ta To- ronto and will be home here in a fe wdays. Also Mn. Billy Fox wbo bas retunned to Toronto ---- Mn. and Mrs. Lavenn Farrow in Toronto ---- Mn. Warren Carson in Pont Hope ---- Victor Farrow in Pontypool ------ The heavy frost on Satunday night did consider- able damage. A reception and presentation will be tendered the Newcastle boys who have returned from ser- vice overseas on Thursday, Oct. Il at 8 p.m. in the Community Hall. Lieut. Lynn Dudley Jr. and Mrs. Dudley, baby daughter Ma- delyn Brenda, Toronto, have been Èvisiting hîs grandfatber, Major Harry Dudley, and his aunt, Mrs. George Walton. Lieut. Lynn Dudley, Jr., returned home from overseas two weeks ago. He left for overseas in 1939 witb the To- ronto Scottisb and has seen ser- vice in France with the invasion forces. He received his commis- sion after a course at Sandhurst Military College where he stood first in his class, for which hie was the recipient of a Sam Browne beit. Mrs. Dudley is the former Brenda Newbound of Croyden, England, and with her baby daughter had preceded hier bus- band to hier new home in Canada in June. On Sunday, Sept. 30, at the morning service in Newcastle United Church their daughter Madelyn Brenda was christened by Rev. Mr. Patterson. Lieut. Lynn Dudley was born in New- castle and lived here with bis parents and bis grandparents, Major Dudley and the late Mrs. Dudley until his parents took up their residence in Toronto. His father, Lieut. Lynn Dudley, Sr., served overseas in tbe 1914-1918 war so bie cornes from a well- known military family. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton spent tbe week-end in Toronto with Dr. and Mrs. H. MacDonald ----- Mrs. Harold Toms spent a week witb bier sister, Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville ----- Miss Grace Mac- Kellar spent the week-end at bier home in Port Perry ---- Mrs. Robinson, Millbrook, bas been visiting at the home of Councillor T. Manes ------ Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Pearce, Midland, spent Sat- urday with Mrs. H. R. Pearce and called to see Mrs. George Rickard. -----Dr. Oke, Welcome, bad charge of the Sunday evening service in tbe United Cburch while Rev. Wm. Patterson had charge of the anniversary services at Welcome ------ Miss Patricia Pearce bas been visiting Mrs. George Rickard ----Mrs. Arm- strong is staying witb Mrs. W. H. Cooke ----Cpl. Bill Enwright bas been visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Enwright_.-Mrs. A. Reid, Beamsville, visited Mrs. J. B. Waite who returned home with ber for a visit ----Mrs. H. Bren- ton is in Port Hope with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brenton ----Har- vest Anniversary services will be beld at St. George's Churcb on Sunday, Oct. 7. Services will be in charge of the rector, Rev. Douglas Dewdney --- Mrs. W. E. Topliff disposed o! ber bouse- bold furniture by auction sale Sept. 27 and bas le! t Newcast.le to make bier future home in Peterboro. Salem S a 1 e m Women's Association met at the borne of Mrs. Carrne Curtis, Ontario Street, Bowman- ville, on Thursday evening, Sep- tember 20. The president was in charge o! the program. Scripture reading was gîven by Mrs. L. Welsb. The guest speaker, Miss Aked of Tyrone, gave a very in- teresting talk on "Hobbies" and suggested many tbings one migbt do as a hobby. She bad on dis- play scores of beautiful tropical shelîs and also many various kinds of floor rugs whicb she bad made. Mrs. Werry moved a vote o! thanks to Miss Aked and also ta Mrs. Curtis for entertaining the Association at ber home. This was seconded by Mrs. W. Cann. A committee of Mrs. P. Cann, L. Welsb and Mrs. S. But- tery was named to look aften the clotbing drive. Mrs. Curtis served refreshments and a social bal!- hour was enjoyed. Next meeting at Mrs. F. Blackbunn's on Oct. 18. Ham-pton Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cavenly, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Fenneil, Ban- bara and Donald, Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly ----- Mrs. Chas. Smith, Jack and Anna, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Trull ---- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock, Harry and Annabelle, with rela- tives at Perrytown ---- Mrs. H. Rahm, Burketon, witb ber sister, Mrs. L. S. Niddery ------ Mn. and Mns. W. W. Horn with Port Hope friends -----Mn. and Mrs. Luther Allin and Helen with friends in Toronto ---- Misses Bertha Ar- mour and Elleen Wray attended the conference yonng people's convention at Lindsay ----- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo and Carol, Bowmanville, at Mns. C. Col- wili's ----- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rab- son and son, George, Oshawa, with ber parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb ----Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise with Mn. and Mrs. Allen Parker, Toronto -Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billet at- tended the funenal of bis brother- in-law, Mm. Reeds, at Fenelon Falls.-----Mrs. L. Cockenton, Oshawa, guest o! Miss Mary Nid- dery ---- Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Rack- hama and daugbtem, Bowmanville, at the parsonage ----- Mn. Ken Caverly with bis brother, Harold, at Peterboro ----- Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams ----- Mn. and Mrs. M. Cryderman and cbildren, Osbawa, at L. Cryder- man's ----- Mr. C. W. Soucb witb Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cole, Bow- manville ----- L.A.C. Harny Win- terburn, recently returned fromn overseas, visited Mrs. L. Winten- burn. Welcome home, Hanry! --- Mr. R. Selbach bas improved bis bouse witb a coat of paint. A number a! aur Women's In- stitute ladies attended the speak- er service meeting at Tyrone and derived much belp fromn the bealth talks by Miss Grace Ham- ilton, a well informed speaker. A pot luck dinner and pleasant so- cial bour was enjoyed. Cburcb service will be beld at 10.30 a.m. next Sunday with aur pastor in charge. Rally Day was observed in the Sunday Scbool on Sunday. Mrs. H. Salter presented the story, "How I may become a useful fisberman for Christ." Women's Institute met in base-, ment o! cburch Thursday (today) at 2 p.m. Subject is "Social Wel- fane". Capt. Dorotby George and Lieut. Beulah Payton, Whitby, will speak and supply music. Ail ladies invited. Roll call, "Hints for the Bazaar." Rev. McVey, Greenwood, oc- cupied the pulpit acceptably on Sunday evening. Rev. W. Rack- bam, conducted Harvest Home services at Greenwood. - - Enniskillen Mn. and Mrs. Russell Steele, Ross, Aleta and Muriel, Purpie Hill; Mn. Merle Van Camp, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Black- stock, at Earl Trewin 's ----- Eve- Iyfl Virtue and Velma Masters, Bowmanville, with Mrs. C. Vintue -Mns. A. Leadbeater with re- latives in Toronto ---- Pte. G. F. Reed, Barriefield, witb Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and G. Reed. -----Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Trenoutb, Napanee, wîth Miss E. Souch ---- Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Lois with relatives in Toronto ---- Mrs. Harry Strutt, Oshawa, at Mn. Clifiord Pethick's.---- Gloria and Canal Wright, Garry DeGeer and Mary Lau, Bancroft, ahl had their tonsils removed in Bowmanville Hospitali-----Mn. and Mrs. D. Lewis entertained about 35 people on Saturday evening on the oc- casion of thein l2tb wedding an- niversany. They received several lavely gifts, also a purse of maney. Fniends wene presenit fram To- onta, Peterbora, Caesanea and Nestleton; also Russ Cneigbton and bis orchestra from Toronto. Any penson baving any old clothes for the National Clotbing Campaign, the C.G.I.T. girls will pick up parcels on Saturday. On Wednesday evening the people o! aur community met in the basement o! the church ta honar Mr. and Mrs. R. Rawland (nee Gladys Page, R.N.) on their mariage. Although they bave been maried a year it was the first time tbey had bath visited at Gladys' home. Mr. J. A. Werry acted as chairman and called an Mns. F. Werry who read a very apprapniate address. Miss Mona Brunt pnesented them wlth a sum o! money witb wbich ta buy something when they go ta their borne in New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowland made very fine speeches tbanking their !niends for tbeir kindness. A programme a! variaus numbers was given by home talent assisted by Miss Jean Crossman, Bowmanville, aften wbich a dainty lunch was served. CLOTHING COLLECTION IN TOWN WEEK 0F OCT. 8 W'ANTED 25 TONS CLOTHING N countries ravaged by war, thousands of fam2ilies are withaut adequate clothing, blankets, footwear. They face bitter winter weather unprotected - unless every scrap of serviceable discarded clothing li aur cup- boards la sent ta them at once! Turn out your clothes dlosets taday. Hand in whatever used clothing you can spare at yaur nearest Post Office or Coilection Depot. 'ï OCTOBER 1 to 20 CLOTHINS COICTION Hanse ta Hanse Collection of Clothing ini Bownanville will take place - OCTOBER 7 ta OCTOBER 13 TAKE CLOTHING DIRECT TO DEPOT It wil be a great canvenience if citizens wiii bring their clathing direct ta the Clathing Depot at the Halgate Building, appasite the High SOhool. People will be at the Depat claiy from Oct. 1. to 20, nat including Suxidays or halidays, fram 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m. Parties baving clothing ready ta pick Up should Phane 401 or Jack Cole, Chairman - Phonte 567 or 2675 Tbe tbing most important is wbat we do, nat wbat we say. God's open secret is seen tbnougb grace, tnutb, and love. - Mary Baker Eddy. Failure is often that early morning darkness wbîch precedes the dawning o! the day o! success. -Leigh Mitchell Hodges. j ulunes.Directoxy Legal W. a. STRIKE Barrister, Soicitar, Natary Salicitar for Bank cf Mantreai Maoney ta Loan . Phane 791 Bawmanville, Ontaria LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Salicitor, Natary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9½' King St. E. Bowmanville --Ontario Phanes: Office 825 -Hause 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DU. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Rayai Dental Col tege, Taranto, Office: Jury Jubile( Sldg., Bowmanville. Office houié 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. to 12 roon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 326 X-Ray Equlprnentin t Office Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Part Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 23-tf L00KI Now High Prices fer Live Peultuy Until further notice we are Paying the feilowint prices fer LIVE POULTRY dellvered to our plant ln Whltby: Top Grade Heavy Fowl---------------- 23e lb. Top Grade Light Fowl, 4 te 5 lbs -- -------21-c -- -- lb . Top Grade Llght Fowl, under 4 Ibs. 19e lb. Top Grade Breilers 2 te 3 Ibs.-------.. 280 lb. Top Grade Reastlng Chiekens, over 4 % lbs. 28c lb. Top Grade Roastlng ChickenB, under 4V2 Ibs. 26e lb. Top Grade Heavy Capons, over 5 lbs. 30e lb. PICKERING FAIMS, LàTD.* WHI BYONTARIO Telephane - Whitby 336 SALVADE COLLECTION The next salvage collection wili take place In Bowmanville FRIDAYs OCT. 5 Waste Paper of ail descriptions and Rags are ail that are wanted in this drive The public are asked ta have same, bundled, and placed at curbs for the pickup which will commence at 6 p.m., and continue until the whale town is covered. SMn LITTLE, Chairman 1 Zion Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gerry, Mr. Artbur Gerry, Toronto, at Gerry Glas- pel's----- Mr. and Mrs. Christian Star and Bruce, Mrs. H. Etter, Toronto, at Hans Geissberger's --Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Mrs. H. Allim, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mms. Chas. Knight, Oshawa, at Russell Robbins' ----Mrs. F. B. Glaspel at Ray Scott's, Oshawa -----Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron, Joyce and Jack at Stanley Cov- erly's, Ebenezer ----- Mr. and Mrs. Robt.. Killen, Delmen, John- ny and Marie, at Mrs. Harvey Bal- son's, Oshawa ---- Mrs. H. Wbeel- er and Judd, Agincourt, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart, Victoria Square, at Mr. Morgan's ----- Pte. Ray Gifford, Sherbrooke, Que., at Harold Gifford's ----- Mr. and na, at W. Hudson's, Millbrook --- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret at Fred Asbton's, To- ronto ---- Gnr. Don Iverson, Bar- riefield, Mrs. Dorotby Iverson and Vernon, Oshawa, Miss, Helen Camenon, Toronto, at N. Hir- cock's ----Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterboro, Miss Bernice Cbap- muan, Toronto, at A. T. Stainton's ---d- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoif adfamily, Mapie Grove, at Wes Cameron's ------ Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Eileen, Mns. Aidam Hawley at Wilbert Budd's, Port Hope ----Miss Helen Cam- enon, Toronto, at Fred Cameron's ------ Lloyd Ayre at Lakefield F'air ---- Aif Ayre and Lloyd Aiyre attended Bobcaygeon and Pont Hope Fairs ----- Miss Mar- guerite Martin, Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mar- tin. LEARN MORE, EARN MORE NIGHT SCHOOL Each Tuesday and Thursday evenlng from 7 to 9 o'clock BEGINNING OCTOBER 2nd - Cet Your Marne In EARLY - Day Sehool now open for registrutions. Write or phone for particulars or cail at sehool durlng school houri. Bowmanville Business School Bowrnanville ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 589 A WEEK 0F DOUBLE BILLS THURSDAY and FRIDAY - OCT. 4-5 "THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU" with Dennls Morgan, Eleanor Parker and Dane Clark SECOND RIB TICKLING HIT "TOP MAN" Starrlng Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan and *other well known laugh stars SATURDAY ONLY "FALCON IN HOLLYWOOD"Y and "KING 0F THE SIERRAS" Special Double Bill Program for SUNDAY MIDMITE ONLY - OCT. 7th "LOUISIANA HAYRIDEF" wlth Judy Canova and "ITHREE GIRLS ABOUT TOWN" JOAN BLONDELL - ROBERT BENCHLEY Corne and EnJoy yeurself at this Harvefit Festival MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY - OCT. 8-10 "BREWSTER'S MILLIONS" starrlng Dennis O'Keefe and Helen Walker ADDED LAUGH RIT "NOTHING BUT TROUBLE" wlth Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy REMEMBER ITS AT THE ROYAL .1 .............. i THURSDAY, OCT. 4th, 1945 r c 1 r 9 13 ti

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