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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1945, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAI4, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. 4th, 1945 CITY DAILY LAUDS CANADIAN WIÈEKLIES There is a tendency with some people to worship bigness. The large organization, however, does not by virtue of size alone contribute most to the welfare of the community. That is true in many things, and not the least is it sa with the written word, as has been shown often in the pages of Canada's weekly news- papers. The weekly press serves its constituents in a manner which many dailies do not. Nor are the qualities of courage, of intelli- gence, of public service shown by the daily press superior to those of the weekly. On occasion large daily papers have failed ta expose wrongs which deserve the light of day, while the weeklies have not hesitated ta do their duty. In addition, the weekly newspapers are, in many ways, dloser to their readers, and so are able to serve theni better. On the whole, the weekiy papers of Canada have done a most worthy job in the trying days of the war. They have given gen- erously of their limited space; they have discussed wlth re- sponsibility the actions of the various governments. and have not failed to be criticai where criticism was warranted. Because they are important institutions in community life, the announcement of the annual awards of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association is always of as great interest ta their subscribers as ta the newspaper profession. This year's awards again show that the vigor of the weekly newspapers bas not been lost, and that for general interest, makeup and editorial opinion, in many cases. they hoid their own with the metropolitan press. The award for the best ail-round weekly newspaper went ta, the Vernon News of Vernon, B.C. It is a weil-edited, bright paper whichi deserves the distinction of being chosen as the top one among fine publications with whirh it competes. The runner-up was the Midland Free Press-Herald, and next in line the Bramp- ton Conservator. Both of these publications are well known in Ontario, far beyond the environs of their respective communities. The Midland Free Press-Herald aiso won the highest award for the best editorial page for papers with more than 2,000 cir- culation. In second place was the Port Erie Times-Review. For the hest front page in the "over 2,000" circulation class the prize went ta the Brampton Conservator. Other awards for smallpr-circulation weeklies were also an- nounced, and among these the general standard was equaliy high. The home towns of these winning newspapers might well be proud of their papers, and, ini feling pride, should reflect upon the service which they have been receiving through the years. -(Globe and Mail. Sgmn. Derek Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barnett, Prov- idence, reached home from over- seas, Tuesday. He has to report at London, Ont., before getting leave. Serving with the Lincoln and Welland Regt, he was wound- ed in action on the Seine, France. WANTED Six Carpenters For Construction work ini Port Hope. Apply your local Selective Service Office. Refer No. C. O. 556-170 40-3 WANTED FOR HIGHEST PRICES AUl kinds of Grade and Registered Cows and Heifers Max Reladt R.R. 4 Port Perry Phone Port Perry 198 r 21 404 Piano Tuning WRITE RAGNAR STEEN 214 COLBORNE ST. PHONE414 40-1l* Former Statesman War Correspondent Trout Fisherman Back in Worid War 1, Sgt.- Major Dan Douglas used ta corne out of the front uine trenches and write despatches as The States- man's war correspondent as sa many recail and stili frequentiy mention. Since coming home Dan has lived in Peterboro and we scan daily that outstanding pro- vincial daily, The Peterboro Ex- aminer, for any news items of this iong-time friend. In a recent is- sue we find Dan mentioned as a trout fisherman extraordinary. The Examiner tells that Dan about a month ago caused a furor in the editorial offices with the display of a string of speckled traut that had to be seen ta be believed. He was told that it couldn't be duplicated. Sa he set out ta prove the doubters wrang. With guide Wiif Calver, Dan jaurneyed ta Williams and Sandy Lakes and when home again vis- ited the newspaper offices. Here is the report: "His efforts were weii reward- ed, for Mr. Douglas was ioaded down with 15 pounds of speckled beauties. Eight trout made up the catch with one measuring 18 inches and another 171/. Ail were caught with a bear bay Na. 6 spinner made by the Lucky Strike Bait Ca." This stary will likely add greatly ta Dan's per- sonal correspondence but it is a story worth teiling with aur con- gratulations. E. A. Summers, Agricuiturai Representative, in hbis weekly crop report states: There is stili considerable buckwheat ta be cut and silo filing is just nicely un- derway. There wili be ample sup- plies of ell kinds of feed, particu- larly raughage. Applications Wanted Applications wiil be received by the cierk up ta noon, 12 o'clock, Oct '6, 1945, for the position of working road superintendent for the Township of Darlington. Wages: 55 cents per hour. 39-2 J. D. HOGARTH, Cierk Twp. of Dariington. Wanted To Buy PIANOS-SMALL AND medium sized pianos desired. Write or telephone F. J. Mitchell, 204 Church St. 39-4* 22 REPEATER RIFLE, in good condition. Write Box 561. Sta- tesman Office, Bowmanviile. 40-1* JUICE APPLES for processing, $210 per hundred at Bowman- ville, Canadian Canners,'Baw- manvilie. Phone 782. 39-3 SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cali or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, preferabiy on envelopes or original palper. Fair prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. 24-tf-1* LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices pald. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7rl1. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents empioy- ed.) î9tf-12* OLD HORSES WANTED for Mink and Fox Food from $5.00 ta $10.00, according ta weigbt. Margwill Fur Ferm, R.R.l,1 'Ty- rone, Ont. Phone Bowmanviile 2679. 40-tf ANTIQUES 0F EVERY descrip- tion, colored glassware, aid lamps, aid buttons, furniture, dlocks, ch i na figures, bric-a- brec, jewellery, silver. Ameni- cen buyer. Write Box 536, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 35-tf-6* BIRTiI PROUT-Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Prout wish to announce the hîrth of a daughter at Bowman- ville Hospital, Oct. lst, 1945. A sister for Joyce and Donnie. 40-1 * DEATIIS SPRY-In Bowmanville, Oct. 2, 1945, John Spry, husband of the late Mary Spry, in bhis 83rd year. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Service in the chapel on Friday, Oct. 5, at 3.30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. ANDRUS-In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1945, Mary Hannah Reynolds, widow of Wesley Andrus (lately of Orono), in her 86th year. Rest- ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on Friday, Oct. 5, at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. IN MEMORIAMI GRAHAM-In loving memory of our dear mother, Emily Aiberta Graham, who passed away, October 1, 1942. -Ever remnembered by The Family. 40-1 JACKAN - In loving memory of a dear father, Frederick Ray- mond Jackman, who died, Oct. 8th, 1944. It's lonesome without you Father, There is such a vacant place. For we neyer hear your foot- steps Or see your smiling face. As angels keep their watch up there, Please God, just let him know, That we, down here, do flot forget. We love and miss hlm so. -Lovingly remembered by daughters and sons. 40-1* JACKMAN -.- In loving memory of a dear husband, Frederick Raymond Jackman, who died .October 8th, 1944. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break, but ail in 4*ain; To have, to love and then toi part, Is the greatest sorrow of one's 1heart. Whatever else I fail to do: I neyer fail to think of you. 1 S oligrin my memory stil, ot jus t toaay - but always will. --Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by his wife. 40-1* Cards of Thanka Mrs. Falls and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness and messages of sympathy in the passing of a beloved husband andt dear father. 40-1 Miss Edith Ruiter wishes to thank her friends and Dr. Birks, Dr. Rundle and Nurses, also Mrs. Roland Bate Jr., for the kindness shown her during ber stay in Bowmanville Hospital. 40-1* Scarlet Fever Immunization Toxin for immunization against Scarlet Fever will be given at South Ward School at 9 on the following dates: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25 and Nov. 1. At Central Schooî on Oct. 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2 and 9. Parents who wish to have their pre-school children imxnunized may bring them to either schooi on the above dates. W. H. BIRKS, Acting M.O.H. for Bowmanville 39-3, Help Wanted APPLE PICKERS urgently need- ed. Appiy Irwin Colwili, New- castle. 40-1 APPLE PICKERS. Apply Ross Stevens, Kingston Road. Phone 443. 40-1 DINING ROOM GIRL. Wanted at once. Apply Queen's Hotel, Part Hope. 39-2 DAIRYMAN, good miiker and feeder, married, position open Nov. lst. Apply Milton Tamb- lyn, Orano. 39-2 BY OCT. 15, A MARRIED MAN experienced in all branches of farm work. Apply Waddeli Farms, Telephane Road, Port Hope. Telephone 349J4. 40-1 WOMAN FOR COOKING AND housekeeping duties in private home. Wages $50 monthly. Pri- vate quarters, ehl evenings free. Write stating experience ta Mrs. W. M. Cockburn, 292 Rus- sell Hill Rd., Toronto. 40-2 MAN AND WIFE AS COTTAGE Mother and Father et Ontario Training School for Boys, Bow- manville. Should have some High School training. Preferred age under 35. Apply at School Office. 40-11 TWO MEN - man ta deiver coal by wagon, permanent employ- ment; alsa man with short wheel-base truck ta deliver coal. John a Holgate & Son. Ap- ply National Employment Ser- vice Office, Oshawa. File No. 3175. 40-1* For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf Livestock For Sale 8 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 weeks old. Phone 2253. W. G. Werry. 40-1 NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, 41/2 months old. Free range. Richardson Farms, Pontypool. 38-3 40 EARLY B ROCK PULLETS, also 35 year old hens, laying. Apply John Greer,eBurketon, R.R.3. 40-1* FOUR HOLSTEIN HEIFERS and part Holstein cow, 5 yrs old, due in 5 weeks. C. Frank, R.R. 5 Bowmanville. Phone 2403. 40-1 * TWO REGISTERED HEREFORD heifers in calf, 1 registered Hereford Bull. Also some good Hereford feeder cattle. W. C. Evans, R.R.1, Orono. 40-1* FREE RANGE NEW HAMP- shire crossed with Barred Rocks and Leghorn and New Hampshire pullets, 41/2 months old. Richardson Farms, Ponty- pool, Phone 81r16, Orono. 40-1 6 REGISTÈRED HOLSTEIN FE- males, ranging fromn one to five years old, including 3 year old with over 15,000 lbs milk as a 2 yr old; f ive are bred to grand- son of Tietje B; one bull caîf six months aid; ail are good type, accredited and listed. Set team harness. Apply Noble Metcalf, Maple Grove. 40-1 COMING EVENTS Dance at the Armouries, Sat., Oct. 6. Galloway's orchestra. Un- der auspices of the Women's Legion. 40-1 The Canadian Order of For- esters dance at Enniskiilen Hall, Sat., Oct. 6, Fletcher's orchestra. 40-1 Rev. Wood, returned Mission- ery wili speak in St. Andrew's Church on Tues. evening, Oct. 9. Everyone welcome. 40-1 Rex Frost will present moving pictures in Newcastle United Church, on Monday evening, Oct. 15th. 48-1 Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wed., Oct. 10, wben Alex Barclay will be there. Round and square danc- ing. Admission 50c. 40-1* Plan ta, attend the annuai FeU Fair in Trinity Sundey School roam on Oct. 9. There wiil be misceilaneaus apran end home ,coaking boaths, elso afternoon tee served fram 3 to, 6. Remember date-Oct. 9. 39-2 Came ta the bazaar et St. John's Parish Hall on Friday, Oct. 12, from 3-6, under the auspices of the Women's Guild - home cooking, afternoon tee, aprons, sewing, knitted articles, - touch and take. 40-1* Thanksgiving Anniversery ser- vices will be held et Newtonville Presbyterian Church, Sunday, October 7th et 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher of St. Paul's United Church, Bowman- ville, will preach. Special music by Osborne Quartette. 40-1 Eldad Cburch Harvest Home services Sun., Oct. 7, et 2 and 7 p.m. with Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Tyrane, as guest speaker. Special music by the choir under leader- ship of Mrs. John Baker, assisted by Miss Marguerite Wright in the etternoon and M.r. Wilfrid Car- ruthers et the evening service. Tbankoffering will be in aid of Church fund. 40-1 Social Reception and presenta- tions for the Newcastle boys who have returned from service over- seas in Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday evening, Oct. llth. Grand Concert by Rus. Creightan and bis Variety Enter- tainers et 8 o'clock. Concert wil be free. Dance ta follaw et 10 o'clock for whiich admission of 50c will be cbarged. 40-1 Roofing WE SPECIALIZE IN BUILT- up roofmng. Have the job done now before winter sets in. J. R. Pigden, phone 4050, Oshawa. 39-f Found GIRL'S IDENTIFICATION BRA- celet. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing for advertisement at States- man Office. 40-1 ATTENTION REPORTER to send news of new buildings, fires, and engineer- ing. Stationery and postage supplied. Interesting work for spare time. Write now stàting qualifications. MacLean Build- ing Reports, Ltd. 345 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. 40-1 ALL LADIES interested in Bowling, please meet at 'the Bowling Alley Friday night, October 5th. New Officers, Captains and Teams will be chosen. Anyone unable to at- tend, but wishing to bowl please leave your name with President Dot Nichols, dlo Har- ry Allin's Grocery. 40-1 Articles For Sale GIRL'S COAT, blue boucle, fur collar, size 14, almost new. Phone 863. 40-1 LUMBER from a frame shed, 40 x 12 ft. Ervine Foster, 196 Church St., Bowmanvile. 401f GIRL'S WINTER COAT, brown, in good condition, size 8-10 yrs. Phone 2425. 40-1 TWO COATS.- girl's size 8 and 10, both wine colour. Phone Clarke 3840. 40-1* TOMATOES - $1.00 per bushel. Peter Litovchik, R.R.3, Bow- manville. Phone 2895. 40-1 MAN'S LEATHER. COAT, size 38-40, also table tennis game. Real cheap. Phone 453. 40-1 MAN'S BICYCLE, in good con- dition. Duncan Phillips. Phone 2567. 40-l* CORN BINDER. Apply Mrs. F. Cator, Manvers Rd., Bowman- ville. 40-1 DAVENPORT, MOHAIR, mahog- any frame, in excellent condit- ion. Apply Mrs. A, Harding, Enniskillen. 40-1* ONE ENAMELLED WASH BAS- in, one enamelled basin 3 ft by 10", - Apply C. Lunney at Central Public School. 40-1 FOInDSON TRACTOR, in good condition. L. R. Wood, Bow- manville. Phone 726 or 597. 40-1* PERSIAN KITTENS, also kidst. does and bucks. Reasonably priced. Phone 2237, Bowman- ville. 40-î* QUEBEC HEATER. Will heat two rooms; used two months. Apply 32 Carlyle Ave., Bow- manville. 40-1* GIRL'S TWEED WINTER COAT, chamois and satin lined, size 14, in good condition. Phone 2127. 40-1 HOUSE DOORS, frames, base- boards, pianks, odds and ends of lumber. Wrxn. Wiicox, Qucen St., Bowmanville. 40-2* ENGLISH PRAM, best make, new bood, neyer used. Folding go-cert, man's Llama coat, size 38. Apply J3 Horsey St. 40-1* GIRL'S GREY TWEED COAT, chamois iined, size 14 yrs; boy's blue tweed coat, size 14. Bath nearly new. Phone 2190. 40-1* GIRL'S 3-PIECE CHINCHILLA coat set, cherry red, fur trim, size 3 yrs, good as new. Phone 2615. 40-1 WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, - smali size wooden crib and mattrcss, foléling camp cot and mettress, canves baby swing, canvas baby car seat. Phone 2610. 40-1 DINING ROOM SUITE, wainut and oak - nine pieces - red leather seats. Beautiful and in excellent condition, alsa pro- tection pads for table. Phone Bowmanviile 2237. 40-2* 4 CYCLE JOHNSTON I RO N Horse gas engine; Wettieufer 2 h.p. gas engine, Bosch magneto; Souvenir 6-iid coal or wood range with reservoir, open for water front. Apply Bawman- ville Electriciens, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 38-tf LIGHT BUICK '29 SEDAN, ser- il 252666, good tires, battery, 37,500 actual mileage, cheap at $130.00. Also good steel wheel and wood wheel farm trucks. Phone Carl Tadd, implement dealer, Clarke 1520. 40-1* VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums rcpaired. "Good Vacuums for Good Housekeeping." Alis o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- rication, replacements, etc. Cali C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- menville, 774. 19-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. cbesterfieid, bedroom, dlnlng suites, and studios. Beddmng and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com. petitivepics Before buying visit Br=de' New Furniture Store, 156 Slmcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Maple Grove, announces the engage- ment of her daughter, Helen Jean to Kenneth Sumersford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sumersford, Church St., Bowmanville. The marriage will take place on Oct. 20th. 40-1 Work Wanted PAINTING, GRAINING and stip- pling. Apply Edidie King, 76 Duke St., Bowmanville. 36-9* I WILL *CUT YOUR CORN. Everett Cain, Orono, phonre 56r19. 39-2$ TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - Ahl kinds of tractor work: ploughing, cultivating combin- ing, etc., done. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanville. 24-tf-4* HARDWOOD FLOORS L A I D, sanded and finished, old floors resurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 years' experience. Ph on e 908-J- 12 O sh a w a. Residence Courtice. 36-12* AUCTION SALES I have been authorized to, sel by public auction for Jack Wil- kins, Lots 30 and 31, Con. 3, Dar- - lington, on Fr1., Oct. 5, ail his farma stock, implements, pigs, har- ness and poultry. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. J. D. Hogarth, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 39-2 I have been authorized to sell by public auction for W. E. Lewis, Lots il & 12, Con. 2, Hope Twp., at Welcome, on Wed., Oct. 17, ahl his farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Farm sold. Positively no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 40-2* I have been authorized to sell by public auctlon for George Hicks, S. hall Lot 19, Con. 3, Manvers (3 miles E. of Ponty- pool) on Tues., Oct. 9, ail bis f arm stock, implements, grain, lumber, etc. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Theron Mountjoy, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 39-2 I have been authorized to stell by public auction for D. Rae, Lot 29, Con. 4, Darlington (2 miles N. of Courtice) on Thurs., Oct. 11, his f armn stock, implements, pigs, bay and a quantity of bousbold furni- ture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, clerk, Elmer WiI- bur, auctioneer. 39-2 The undersigned bas received instructions to sell by public auc- tion for Alex Dever at his farm, Lot 15, Con. 3, Cartwright, ail his farm stock and implements, on Tbursday, October 11, 1945. T»e farm location is one mile south and one mile east of Biackstock. Ted Jackson, auctioneer; Creigh- ton Devitt, clerk. 40-1* Friday, Octaber Stb - The un-I dersigned will sel by public auc- tion for Milton Robinson, Lot 8, Con. 8, Clarke, (1 concession North of Kendel) al bis farm stock, implements and some fur- niture, inciuding his entire herd of Durham cattie. Terms cash. A. E. Morton, clerk; Jeck Reid, auctianeer. 39-2* I have been autborized ta sel by Public Auctian for Thomas Baker, Lot 26, Con~. 6, Darlington, 12 head Reg. Scotch Sharthorns, 12 grade Shortborns, 22 Reg. Shropshire sheep, pigs, harness, horses and implements, on Wed., Oct. 1Oth, et 1 p.m. Sec bills. Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 39-2 Saturday, October 6th - The undersigned will seli by Public Auction for Herb Hooey, Lot 13, Con. l., Cartwright, bis farm stock and implements, 50 head of Durham and Hereford cattie including 7 caws, 9 heifers with calves et side, 24 feeders and stockers. Sale et 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Creighton Devitt, clerk; Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 40-1* I bave been eutborized ta selI by public auctian for Mrs. Fred Fells, Lot 9, Con. 6 (½miile S. of Kendel) Clarke Twp. on Set., Oct. 13, al ber farm stock, impie- ments, bey, grain and one acre of herdwood ta be sold in 1/ acre lots. Terms: cash. Pasitively no reserve. Sale et 1 p.m. Willard Lard, Clerk; Jack Reid, auction- eer. 40-2* I bave been eutharized ta seli by public auction for Mr. Chris Peterson, Lot 15, Con. 3, Manvers Twp. (l mile E. of Pontypool) on Thurs., Oct. 18., a fulli une of nearly new farm macbinery, 5 Percheron horses, 30 heed of choice Durham cattie, 35 hogs. 600 bu. mixed grain, 35 tans of hay, quantity of exceptionally gaod bausebold furniture. Terms cash. Positively no reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. For further par- ticulars see bis. Ed. Youngmen, clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer 40-2* The undersigned will seli bà public auctian for Henry Rusk, Lots 18, 19, Concession 2, Hope Township (1 1-2 miles west of Welcome, 1 mile sauth) on Wed- nesday, October lOth, al bis farm stock, implements, bey, grain, furniture, including M.H. 101 super trectar in excellent condi- tion; Goodison thrcsbing mil 36-54, with high elevatar; and fullilune of M.H. trectar machin- ery. This being a large sale it wiii commence et 12:30 sharp. Terms cash. W. Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 39-2* Real Estate For Sale 5 BUILDING LOTS, each 1/4 acre, on Liberty St., facing new Memorial Park. Leon Standish, Phone 2406, Bowmanville. 40-1 BRICK HOUSE - 6 rooms, hard- wood floors throughout, one acre of land, some fruit trees. Apply 87 Liberty St., or at Ai- bert Pickard's, King St. E., Bowmanville. 40-1* Notice Dr. Storey's office will be clos ed October 2 ta 8, inclusive. 39-2* Bowmenville Electricians, 42' King St. E. Ail kinds of electric wîring donc. Mators repaired and installed. Phone 438. l4tf ELECTRIC WIRING and appli- ance repairs of all kinds. Dun- cen Smith, Lover's Lane, Baw- manville. 40-2 Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, Dental Sur- geon, resumes practice, Oct. 1, 1945, et bis residence, 30 Silver St. Hours: 9:00 ta 12:00 a.m.; 1:30 ta 5:00 p,.m., cxcept Wed. and Sunday. 39-2* LostIl BROWN WALLET, containing $7. Liberal reward for its re- turn to The Statesman Office. 1 40-1 ON SEPT 25 - '36 V8 Ford hub cap, between Bowmanviile and Guide Board corner. Finaer kindly notify Albert Hilis, En- niskiilen. Phone 2496 40-1 SUM 0F -MONEY iost on Sat. at auction sale on George St, head of Carlyle Ave. Finder please leave at Statesman Office and receive reward. 40-1 COUGH and COLD REMEDIES Buckiey's Mixture 40c-75c Pertussin 59c-$1.00 Wood's Norway Pine 33-59c Ayers Cherry Pectoral 49e-93c Veno's Cough Syrup 39C Mason's 49 40c-75c Dr. Chase's Syrup 35e-75e Robert's Syrup 35e Rexail Branchial Syrup 50e Vlck's Vapo-Rub 430 Rexali Chest-Rub 25c-50c Anaigesie Balm 23C Vick's Vatronai 43c Rexail Nase & Tbroat Relief 25e-5Oc Mistol Drops . 33c-69e Sucrets 25C Smith Cougb Drops 10e Vlek's Cough Drops 15e Rexall Cold Capsules 25e Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. -2 weeks' -supply -$1; -12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 32-48 WIN THE FIGHT FOR FREE- dom from indigestion -with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Pleasant and tasteless, gives immediate relief. Also in tablet form. 50c and $1. at McGregU Drug Storp. F0 GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries, etc. R oy W. Neads r 85 King St. E. Phone 580 2611 HORSES WANTED FOR FOX MEAT .PHONE ORONO 42-R-2 OR ORONO 77-R-4 37tf 39-2 SHAVING NEEDS Schiek Injector Razors with 20 biades 98,e Giliette Razor Blades 25e Auto-strop Blades 25C Merlin Biades 10e Pal Biades 10e Shaving Brushes 75c-$1.00 $1.50 Colgate's Shave Cream 29c-43c Gulette Lather Cream 33e Paimolive Shave Cream 33c-49c Lifebuoy Shave Cream 33c Bachelor Shave Stick 40e Colgate's Shave Stick 40C Refliti23e Molle Sbaving Bowi 83e Lavender Shaving Soap $1.'. SPECIIAL OFFER Daggett & Ramsdeil's Perfect Coid Cream reguiariy 97e for 79c- AUCTION SALE ERNEST WERRY, ENNISKILLEN WILL SELL ON THURS., OCT. 4, at 1:30 p.m., 200 head of cattie, ail beef breeeds, calves, yearlings, 2-yr.-olds; 75 sheep and lambs, a flamber of hags and some machlnery. TERMS: MAY BE ARRANGED OR CASH ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer WHEITBY b WANTED AT.ONCE Northumberland and Durham Counties Health Unit A NUMBER'0F NURSES AUl nurses must have a certifleate in Public Heaith nursing and qualifications must meet with the approvai of the Ontario Department of Heaith. Nurses must supply their own car. A Sec retary, (experienced) 2 Stenographers ALL APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE SECRETARY, COUNTIESY HEALTH UNIT, Cobourg, Ontario. ý Prescriptions fiiied in your Rexail store carry the guar- lî antee of the finest quality in their ingredients and the utmost care and skiil in compaunding. We empbasize the importance of aur Prescription Department. Our other lines are just as compiete.à Do Tt Right Wlth "Sealtite" Sealtite Rockw"ol HOME INSULATION (Blowlng Method) F. An BRUCE 47 Qu'en St. East Bownianville Phone 494 34-tf WRE, Da;,dU-.SEUWWANTBAPS,ý, Aý ------------- 1 Im THE CANADIAN STATESMAI4, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. 4th, 1945 PAGE TWELVE

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