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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1945, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANDIAN STTESMAN ~OWMANTI.T.1i OM'rATci fl~TTTDcT~~7 ,~T M 14SjftjLOLmJ. .J.. . Orono News Mrs. W. H. Rowe attended the Ontario Womnen's Christian Tem- perance Union Convention in St. Catharines. Orono Women's Institute met Friday afternoon under War Work Convener Mrs. R. A. Delve. The ladies enjoyed quilting and a social time. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn have returned from a trip to Flint, Mich., where they attended a sale of Holstein cattie. Mrs. Roger Self, Dominion Board President of the Women's Missionary Society, was enter- tained over the week~-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples. Orono is very proud of Lieut. Victor Phasey, who has been mentioned in despatches, in re- cognition of gallant and distin- guished service during the war. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie have returned from a threei weeks' vacation spent in Northern1 Ontario and near Perth.0 Mr. Don Graham is now out ofé the Air Force and has a position D in Newcastle.r Miss Muriel Fiske has returned to Baptiste after spending a week It with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.V John Fiske.1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mofat en- n tertained about fifty relativesv and friends in honor of Mr. and s Your classie fa vorite, vibrantly attrac- tive in the newest faîl styles-Tweeds, camel hair and shag materials, some wlth Silver Fox coUlars, in blues, greys and browns, reasonably priced from FOR FASHION NEWNESS $16.50 up Couch, Johnston& Crydermar IPHRON 836 BOWX&ANVMIL MWen Wanted! TO PRODUCE CASTINGS FOR AGRI-' CULTURAL IMPLEMIENTS AND DAIRY EQUIPMENT Steady year around employment Good Wages Good working conditions in Modern Plant Full or part time The Bowmanville Foundry Co., Limited Bowmanville, Ontario Âpply to NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Oshawa, Ontario File 2391 36tf i I p I si c c A s. fc ai fc e, d The bills were ordered paid: Vorkmen's Compensation $ 5.00 0. T.. Allun, spreading calcium ------------------- 41.60 Clinton Farrow, spreading calcium................--------3.00 A. Langstaff, spreading calcium................--------2.00 D. Myles, repairing tank..-- 8.00 $ 59.60 It was decided to spend $150 n till for the hole on the west side 0f Tannery Bridge. Owing to the change of date for municipal elections it was de- cided by resolution to hold the annual meeting and nominations for Police Trustees on the Friday evening preceding the last Mon- day in November in each year. DRONO CONTINUATION SCHOOL FIELD DAY Despite traeigweathej rooCntinuation Sehool helc it nnual Field Day under quit( favourable weather condition. Sept. 28. A large number of con. testants entered each event mak. ing the competition keen, espe. cially in the High Jump competi- tion. Winners in the various divis. ions were: Senior girl-Anna Staples; Intermediate girl-Aud- rey Cochrane; Junior girl-Heler Lewis; Senior boy-Carman Cor- nish; Intermediate boy -Junior West; Junior boy-Dean West. 0f the two teamns into which the student body was divided, the Blues, captained by Joan Har- ness and Junior West, were de- clared winner of the meet with a total of 233 points, as against the Whites, captained by Shirley Myles and Carl Flintoif, whose total was 221 points. Winners of various events were: Tug-of-war, won by a team froni the Whites. Girls' events-High jumnp, sr., Anna Staples, Shirley Myles, Pauline Robbins; int.- Audrey Cochrane, Joyce Tennant, Beverley Payne; înr. - Helen Lewis, Kay Gamsby, Grace Hud- son. Standing Broad: snr.- Shir- ley Myles, Pauline Robbins, Dawn Mofat; int.-Audrey Cochrane, Beverley Payne, Joyce Cornish; jnr.-Kay Gamsby, Jean Rainey, Helen Lewis. Running Broad: snr. - Anna Staples, Shirley Myles, Pauline Robbins; int.-Audrey Cochrane, Joyce Tennant, Mar- guerite Rutherford; jnr.-Helen Lewis, Kay Gamsby, Jean Rainey. Discus Throw: snr. - Dawn Mofat, Anna Staples, Jean Fee; int.-Donna West, Joyce Cornish, Joyce Tennant; jnr.-Mary Bur- gess, Jean Rainey, Helen Lewis. Basebail Target: snr. - Helen Woodi, Anna Staples, Pauline Robbins; int.-Donna West, Joyce Cornish, Joan Harness; jnr. - Jean Turner, Ruby Collett, Helen Lewis. Club Throw: snr.-Shir- ley Myles, Helen Wood, Anna Staples; int-Donna West, Joyce Cornish, Reta McKenna; jnr.- Jean Rainey, Grace Hudson, Lor- raine MacDonald. Bicycle Race: snr. -Shirley Myles, Anna Staples; int.-Joyce Cornish, Beverley Payne, Audrey Cochrane; jnr.-Helen Lewis, Kay Gamsby. Slow Bicycle Race- Anna Staples, Helen Wood, Shir- ley Myles. Dashes: 100-yard- Anna Staples, Shirley Myles, Pauline Robbins. 75-yard-Aud- rey Cochrane, Donna West, Bey- erley Payne. 50-yard - Jean Rainey, Kay Gamsby, Arlene Boyd. Boys' Events: Pole Vault-snr. -Carman Cornish, Peter Chmara, Bill Rutherford; int. - Junior West, Wallace Lihou, Brian O'Boyle; jnr.-Dean West, Nor- man Fee, Morley Tennant . High Jump sr.-Mont Richardson, Car- man C#ish, Howard Coatham; int-unior West, Wallace Lihou, Dick Wood; jnr.-Dean West, Morley Tennant, Gerald Rainey. Standing Broad: snr. - Mont. Richardson, Carman Cornish, Bih Rutherford; int.-Wallace Lihou, le------au -" crvin ur cars more, and that brings up many prob. lems, flot the least of whl ch Is balky garage doarsl Out-riated strugglîng with garage doors cao now be over- corne by a simple and efficient set of hardware that swings the door easily and smoothly overhead. You can qet away from the hazard of doors slam- ming shut, thus damaging fenders, and do away with shovelling snow ta open the doors in winter. No more sagging hinges and scraping doors! This szt of hardware can lie put on your old doors or installed with new doors at a price as low as fifteen dollars. The onlv *'must'" is six inches clearance at the top of vour door. Eastern Stec] Products Limited, with offices at Preston, Toronto and Montreal, make this hardware under the trade name jTHAT VERY CHARMING LADY. Christine Chiossi. Interna- tional Beauty Aduiser of the Richard fludnut Company, will be in To- ronto at the Royal York Hote! on fhe lui and 5th of October. whcre she will instruct Richard Hudnut bcauty consultants from many parts of Ontario on the art of teachinq their clients more ways ta keep sua ucly well groomed. Miss Chiossi brings with her a breath cf New York's finest beauty sophistication in makc-up. as well as information on the new hair-dos. scientific data on skin care and skio problemns. She will instruct Hudnut and Du Barry consultants of local Ontario stores into the latest beauty netvý of the day. so that they in turo can hand on the information to each individual customer. + - + .1- -SPEND MORE 'TO HAVE MORE" is the very pleasing phil- osophy of Eugen Berkovitz. who wrote, in collaboration with George C. Atkins, the new book. THE KEY TO FULL. EMPLOYMENT WITHOUT REGIMENTATION (Longmans- Green). In this discussion ai Can- ada's ecanomic future, the authors produce sonie very lucid arguments in favour of putting unused capital te zvork while protecting ownership rights. Explained in simple language. wrltten the authority of wlde experi- ence, this is a book which merits study and will provoke considerable discussion. + + . FOR A COMPLEXION with that afier-holida.q. weather-beatcn look, Du Barry lias created a Spe- cial Skin Cream which sinks deep it te dried-oui skin texture and brings new pliant vitaliy. Aflter Mhis cream lias been used as dire cied. sof ieninq and freshening Mhe face. usc Du Barry Fou odation Lotion as a powder base. The Foundation Lotion tones oui and irons oui blem- ishes for a final delt touch of powder and make-up, the two preparatione, giving an easy beauiy treatmene. pleasant, qu ick and effectivue. THE BLACK ROSE is a bard. hitting historical novel spiked wlth the perfumed spîce of the Orient, but it is more than a novel, It is a pene- tratlng comparison of the cvilization of the Monqul Emoire in the l3th cen. turv wlth that of England as she was durlng the same perîod. A littlp humnbling to us in our calm assurance of "white superbority.- it Is a bookc which does flot hesitate ta betray the deficiencies in out cultural heritage. It is a fascinating book, onc which worksi deep into the sou cof medieval cus- toms and mentality. The authc.r Thomas B. Costain; the publisher, Mc- Clelland and Stewart. THESE ARE THE DAYS whcn hsues are more uncomfortable than ai any other time cf year. The weather is oct cold enough for cen- tral heating and get too cool for interior ccm fort; twvinges cf rheuma- tisn begin ta make themselves cui- dent in ctherwisc well-mannerea constitutions. You and a million other people begin to wcnder. oeed- lesslg. if aId age is not iust aroundi the corner alter aIl, which i3 the trne to purchase a bottle cf Sîcan s Liniment on pour next ttip tc the druggist. and have it handy for quiclc and ccmlcruing relief. Excellent for ccld feet ai night, toc. Pat it an belote retit-Ina. Mrs. W. S. Mofat, who celebrated ble trio were very -much appre- i Junior West, Henry Leaman; jnr. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm with identified the powers that be their 25th wedding anniversary. ciated. -Morley Tennant, Dean West, his parents ----- No church ser- might cancel his gratuities, soome- A very happy evening was spent. r.H Visitors Bill Found. vice in United Church next Sun- thing that has occurred with oh Mrs.RovLanmai rea anad- rs H.T. Turby, Belleville, Running Broad: snr.-Carman day ------ Mr. and Mrs. Victor ers who have fought. The letter Mr. oyLagmidred n d-with her inother, Mrs. Jas. Dick- Cornish, Mont Richardson, Carl Malcolm and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. states: dress, and three sons, Grant, Neil sonl. Flintoif; int-Jumior West, Wal- Rae Malcolm, Yelverton, at Fene- an Ae peene tebrd ad Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Awde with lace Lihou, Raymond Lunn; jnr. Ion Falls ----- Mr. and Mrs. Har- "Dear Mr. James: I am writing groom with two chairs and a table their son and family, Toronto. -Dean West, Norman Fee, Bill old Wheeler at Mr. L. Joblin's n o avury o el tos era e lamp on behalf of the guests. Mr. Mac Smith, Toronto, with Found. Dîscus Throw: snr- ----- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous why they wîth high points and Mrs. Howard Walsh entertain- friends in Orono. Carman Cornish, Bill Rutherford, with friends at Tweed ------Sym- required operational service are ed the W.C.T.U. for their Sep- Mr. Robt. Cooper at his home. Mont Richardson; int.--Junior pathy is extended to Mrs. R. B. not getting home Just look at the tember meeting at her home on Mr. Wm. Brown and friend, West, Bill Moffat, Wallace Lihou; Harrison in the passing of her Maple Leaf enclosed with facts in Church St. Mrs. Stutt presided Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. jnr.-DIean West, eill Found, father at Napanee. the case. The information is ac- at the piano, and Mrs. Delve led Brown. Norman Fee. Shot Put: snr.- curate." The writer here refers the devotional period. A goîd M~iîss A. Basnett of the O.C.S. Carman Cornish, Carl Flintoif, to disclosures above. medal contest was p]anned for staf at her home in Toronto. Mont Richardson; int.-Junior Overseas Soldier "You folks at home who think October 26. M.W.Mircnl eun et alc ioHwr ed from overseas, with Mrs. R. Wogd; jnr.-Bill Found, Dean Speaka His Mind we are staying here just to have Miss K. Foster attended the Glanville. West, Morley Tennant. Abu on ytm abgoe timexplas e rewhe funeral of her grandmother,, Mrs. Mrs. L. McGinnis and daughter Bi c y cle R a ce: snr.-Peter AbushitSy mabesofteprset hemoe John. FseiBomnieas th, Mro. dMs .J cln haa Carman Cornish, Bill A well known BowmanVille I have no idea who is to blame week. ton, Toronto. ~~~~~Rutherford; int.-Wallace Lihou, slirwt ogaddsi-bti' lc akaantCn National Film Board, with Mr. Mrs. W. Buckley, Newcastle, Howard Wood, Junior West; jnr guiedrecord aoveges anddstre- ada, thsablc atrkngth artinton E. R. Woodyard in charge, showed with Mrs. H. Curtis and Mrs. -Dean West, Bill Found, Reid cently wrienrdtheeitr f ha edth fiedura whe aryp ut in educational films in the Town Delve. Hres afMl ae-Cr etywitnteeio fTetefedawoeambti Hl hrdyafternoon, when Miss Margaret Roy, Toronto, at Hres afMl ae-Cr Statesman on the government's peace couldn't plan a better ef- Orono school pupils, and several her home. ' "of ery anss a-ýpoitsoerptito cee otta hs1 rural schools were in attendance. Mr. Vance Cooper, Mountain -aCr Fint owJuiorcestac and to emphasize his scathing "In the next few days probably -Car Flitoff Junor Wstterms he enclosed a copy of the there will be a public announce- Sixtieth Anniversary services View, with his family. Howard Wood. The Relay Race am aeMpeLadtdmn n natmta esn in connection with Park St. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fiske, was won by a team chosen from Wednpesda, MpeLaS e ept. and an this is-abl peaforsch asn. United Church Women's Mission-BwmnieitMr and Mrs. the Whites. Dashes: 125-yard-sueteetoofMpeLagve(tehaniptstesaemn ary Auxiliary were held on Sun- J. Fiske. Mervyn Hres alFitfseteeio fMpeLa ae(oeh niiae h ttmn day morning and evening with Carman Hrnss, C0-ar F lf acts and figures showing how in the House.) "But the fact is Vrs. Roger Self as speaker. Her Cae iorJni WestyarWaî Zombies were being returned to we know the truth and nothing message was a very timely mis- ORONO HYDRO COMMISSION acoe;Lihu, unr Da West,ra Canada ahead of whole units who they say can convince us there sioarymesagefitting in with Orono Hydro Commission met O'le; 75-yfatGrd Danest, had fought not only in Italy but is legitimate reason for NRMA ~ionry essge lec Mofat GealdRaiey. on the western front. *men to go home ahead of us. he Crusade Rally for Christian with - aIl the members present. A wiener roast, held at New- h dtr0 al f o- "We are completely fed up and workers in all parts of the world. Mr. C. T. Miller was appointed to castle Beach in the evening, Toin he disc f losrewasfirdcaenfohlkos- W a The Mission Band sang at the go to the Eastern Ontario Hydro brought the day's activities to a tram g-h jo orturev a ing fcaet teewas a real r. eo afo morning service, and the young Convention in Brockville on Oct, close. fonhsjbfrtu eelrgfl hr a elrao o w'omen's choir in the evening. A 4. These bills were ordered paid: government policy and action, keeping us here, and personally election by the choir and a dou- E. Dent, salary.........-------$ 30.00 and Canada's Minister of National with 164 points I was willing to ____________________Workmen'1s Compensation 5.00 Defence rose in the House of carry on but in view of the above N. F Poter E ent Bon 5.0 N stltonCommons and defended the dis- what can we corne to believe?" N. F. PorteEPenb ondc5.00 estieInn ther words he put his "The day will corne when we Utilities...............--------52.15 Mr. Valieri Voyer, Quebec, vis- claak around Zombies who neyer can say what we have to tell. But Ont. Hydro Commission --- 310.98 ited Mr. Laurence Malcolm'___ heard a shot fired, approved their at the moment our hands are tied - Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and return to Canada before men who for we value the gratuities we $403.13 Wayne, also Mrs. Leonard Joblin had fought, then approved the have earrned. Our task here is by Bank balance $1,846.65. visited Mrs. Jas, Malcolm, Port firing of the editor who sought to no means pleasant. We have con- It was decided to get ready to Perry.-----Mr. and Mrs. Stanley tell the soldiers and public the tinual set-to's with the inhabit- take over the office work trom Malcolm visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil t acts. ants, with casualties by the way. the Bowmanville Public Utilities Malcolm, Blackstock.-----Mrs. Maple Leaf gives the names And the NRMA men are on the. at hefitof the year and C. T. Alex Mairs and Bruce, Bowman- an ubr fN mAnen sent waFy home. Prit tis for infor- Miler asautorzedtopurchase ville, with Mrs. M. Emerson . home together with their point mation of the people at home and tencsayeupetand the scores___and______________the numbers Zombies as el Sreayisrce owrite to of many "fighting" soldiers with Yours as ever, M.DI.Ntrs sigfor an pitsoe wc shg who -A adinwt long srie Auio obe sent to help set up are held overseas until in the _________ theobothe.Everybody findsmoutesoonercor coehome. The letter oftho canbdyfns uso ro EES owmavill solierappears be- later, that all success worth hav- ORONO POLICE TRUSTEE low. We do not give his name ing is founded on Christian rules Oron Police Trustees met Sep- NOW TI-AT GAS RATIONING for he states that if he becomes of conduct.-Henry Martyn Field. Ii tembr2 ihalmhpQno T H E ~ ~~"\ ~ 0 F ANW EMPlI'PLATE* I-1 iP M furM9Meoe M fr e ue.*ou IMI I ~W. supplied oiily 0500,00Ibo. te Aug.if 31.I AT stl t b *ipe. Te. Unitd ICndom ud flbrat.d Europe r.Iy an Canada for 14»W00,=00 b. li y.e. I W. supplied only 43»,=,00 b. te Auat 31.I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ln most Iib.rated European countries;, there is a desperate shortage of meat.. As a grealt food-producing nation, Canada must, con - and wilI - help ta meet the emergency. The job wilI not bo finished at the yeor's end. Food scarcities in Europe wUll continue until the next harvest. This year, Europe is relying on Canada for a minimum of 789 million pounds of beef, pork and canned meat. Up te the end of Augusi, enly 479 million pounds hod b.en sent. How soon can we bridge the gap? Livestock marketings are normaly at lteir heavlest in the laist four months of the year. If we are te holp feed the hungry peuples of de.. vastated Europe, this is the time te make our grealeai effort. To do our part, we must reduce our own consunp. lion of meat and aise assure thaI everyone in Canada gels a fuir share. That is why rationing lu necessory. MEAT RATIONING ADDS TO EVERYONE'S WORK The. PvoduceWho siaughtrs, Ithe reoailur Who salis,the cofisumerw ho buys muid .ats-fh.oy ONi plY avital paf. AS A CONSUMER, HERE IS HOW YOU CAN CO-OPERATE 1. Try te plan your meat purchases before Ieaving home by determining what culs you Inlend te buy and their appçoximate weights. 2. Make sure you have eneugh valicd coupons and tokens te cover yeur proposed purchas.. by referring te lhe Consumer Coupon Value Chart and the Coupon and Token Calculator. Copies may b. obtalned from your Local Ration Board or Ration Branch. 3. Know the dates your "M" coupons become volid.- 4. Do flot buy more meat than you realîy need. 5. Avoid shopping at rush hours. 6. Be patient. Remember - your butcher may have inexperienced help. HELP TOUR BUTCHER TO SERVE YOU WELL DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delvery i your district. This Io made neceflary by few gvrmum.t regulatonh whch permit us to, cover aw one distc Three Days A Week We wil, therefore, be In owmanvile Mon., Wed., & Fn., HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LEUfTED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning wtb your laundry PHONE - 419 -.5 o' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARICI IVTJTTR.q«nAV- OCT. 4th. 1945

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