PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. llth, 1945 MARRIAGE MOFFAT-ANDREWS-At New- castle United Church Parson- age on Saturday. Sept. 15, by Rev. W. W. Patterson, Bernice Hilda. younger daughter of Mr. Norman R. Andrews and the late Mrs. Andrews, and John Douglas. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Moffat, ail of Orono. WAR NERVES, LONG HOURS, Cards of Thanks hurried meals, bring indiges--_______________ tion, acid stomach digestive ail- The farnilv of the late John ments. Get relief with sooth- Spry wish to thank their friends ing tasteless Wilder's Stomach and neighbors and Dr. Ferguson Potvder. 50c and $1 at McGreg-j and Dr. Siernon and nurse, for or's Drug Store. thecir kindness in their recent-be- __________________________reavement.411 LAST CHANCE ON CARNIVAL prize of 1946 Ford Deluxe Se- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stephens, Church St., Bowmanviile, wish to dan. Draw New Year's Eve, s0 thank their many friends, neigh- don't delay. Proceeds for Wel- bours and relatives for the lovely fare work. Tickets, 3 for dol- gifts and social evening and mu- lar or get 3 free for selling book. sic in the Union Hall on our 25th Write, Women's Institute, Rocky wedding anniversary. 41-1* Mountain House, Alberta. 41-4' ________________ Auction Sale 0f Wood Lots About 8 Acres of Standing tumber, âpnincipally bardwood, property of The Carnegie Lumber Co. ta be sold at Lot 7, Con. 4, Manvers Twp., 1 mile north of Pontypool, 1 Con. south of Ballyduf! and about 1 mile west, on Friday, October 19 Sale at 1 p.m. Ternis: Cash TED JACKSON, Auctianeer 41-2 Heip Wanted GIRL, OVER 18, with Housework experience. Live in. Phone 322. Balmoral Hotel. 41-1* WOMAN FOR COOKING AND housekeeping duties in private home. Wages $50 monthly. Pri- vate quarters, ail evenings free. Write stating experience ta Mrs. W. M. Cockburn, 292 Rus- sell Hill Rd., Toronto. 40-2 Impantiality is the life of jus- tice, as justice is af ail gaad gov- ernment.-Justinian. There is no virtue 50 truly great and gadlike as justice.-Addison. Let us not be weary in weil doing; for in due season we shahl reap, if we faint not-Gal. 6:9. FEEDER CATTLE PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH ME I can supply you with year olds and two year olds, AUl Good Beef Breeds Would like some Cattie Wintered by the month on Good Hay and Straw Would pay 12c per lb. gain on some good steers Fed for the Winter TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED PHONE 2570 - - BOWMANVILLE WRITE E. A. WERRY- ENNISKILLEN How Is That Car Running ? Long years have made their effeots feit in that auto of yours, and limited driving due to gasoline rationing bas done mucli to keep it on the road. With The Gas Ration Off You are going to do more driving than the old bus can stand. Drive ini now and let us check it over. The coat is small, but the added hours of safe, pleasant driving are priceless. GARTON'S GARA GE Phone 2666, Bowmanville -PRESCRIPTIONS -- JYau will find yaur Rexali Drug Store always prepared with quality drugs and chemicals and the right equip- ment ta fili your needs - great or small. Rexal prescription service is complete in every detail. BABY NEEDS Dextri - Maltose No. 1 65e Pablum Nutriru 45e 29e-49e Mulveney's Mothers' Friend 50c-$1.0 Johnson's Baby Cream 55e Johnson's Baby Soap 15C Vaseline Daisy Diaper Dip Infant Syringes lOc-15c-25c 3ze Rigo Nipples 10c, 3 for 25e Stork Nipples 10c, 3 for 25c Aromatie Cascara 25c-50e Castor 011 15c-25c-50c Boracie Acid lOc-20c Senna Leaves, 1 oz. 10e Rigo Baby Bottles 10e. 3 for 25e Pyrex Baby Botties 25e Philips Milk of Magnesia 23C-39c-69e CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS for the boys in the Army of Occupation Valet Auto-Strop Razors complete with blades 79c Schick Injectar Razors with 20 blades 98C Leather Billfolds $2.75-$3.40-$3.95-$4.50-$5.75 Shaving Brushes 75e $1.00- $1.50-$5.0 Waterman Fountain Pens $3.57 -$4.16-$6.54-$ 10.11 Sets $5.94-$9.52. Also the Citation $10.41 Matching pencil $5.06 Colours: maroon, blue, Black or Gray PERSONAL GREETING CARDS What would bc more per- sonal than ta send Greeting Cards f romn your owa nega- tives this Christmas Plain Greeting Cards 1 doz Black & White 98e 1 doz Hand-Coloured $1.98 French-fold Greeting Cards 1 doz Black & White $1.50 1 doz lland Coloured $3.00 PHONE 778 - --C.N.R. TICKETS Personal DEATI- PINGLE - In Bowmar Oct. 4, 1945, Thomas beloved husbana of Frances Burton in his McKELVEY-In Clarke Oct. 3, 1945, Hugh H.:1 aged 75 years. The took place from the f a dence on Saturday. 0 terment Orono cemetE McGREGOR-At the hor daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Birks. Bowmanville.A Lee. beloved Nvife of John A. MeGregor. in year. Interment in Uni tery, Oshawa. ALLIN-In Bowmanvîlý 1945, Mary A. Alun. wife of the late Williar, and dear mothe- of (Mrs. Howard Gr;!L- wood, Roy, Toronto man, Leduc. At.inr year. Resting a- Nor Smith's Funera' Ch-ape vice in the chape' on1 Bowmanville Cette-e: Tenders Wanted Found Tenders will be received up to RETURNED SOLDIER'S GEN- October 18, for caretaker of New- eral Service Button found on castle United Church Duties to King St. Owner may have same commence November lst. Lowest by calling at Statesman office. or any other tender flot neces- 40-f sarily accepted.__________________ HERBERT HANCOCK, Sec. ,. 41-1 New;castle. j vanted to Rient Notice FARM, ABOUT 100 TO 150 acres. SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 wecks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5. at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 32-48 SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIV- idually designed for health and comfort. Mrs. E. Page, Ennis- killen, Registered Spencer Cor- setiere. 41-4' BIRTUI CARPENTER-TO LIEUT. AND Mrs. John Alexander Carpen- ter (nee Ruth Cryderman) a son, John Frederick, on Thurs- day. Oct. 4, 1945, at Bowman- ville Hospital. 41-1 WEIR-REV. AND MRS. G. C. Weir (nee Pauline Wagar) are happy ta announce the birth of twins, a son and daughter, on Friday, Oct. 5, 1945, at Victoria Hospital, London. 41-1' McGILL-MR. AND MRS. CLIF- ford McGill (former Grace Mauntjay) wish ta announce the birth of twin daughters in Oshawa Hospital, on October 6, 1945. 41-1* PICKARD - MR. AND MRS. Howard A. Pickard, Bowman- ville, Ontario, are happy ta an- nounce the arrivai of their daughter, (Margaret Eileen) on Fniday, October 5, 1945, at the Bowmanville Hospital. A baby sister for Eleanar. 41-1 Auction Sales I have been authorized to seli by public auction for W. E. Lewis, Lots Il & 12, Con. 2, Hope Twp.. at Welcome, on Wed., Oct 17, al his farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Farm sold. Positively no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 40-2* I have been authorizzed to seli by Public Auction for Fred Pow-1 ell, Lot 18, Con. 1, East Whitby ' (opposite Mount Lalkn cemetery) on Thurs., Oct. 18, aIl his farm stock, implements, household furniture and many other articles. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 41-1 I have been authorizzed to seli by Public Auçtion for Thomas Brock, N. haif of Lot 15, Con. 4, East Whitby (1 mile N. of Osh- awa Airport) on Wed., Oct. 17, al his farma stock, implements, pigs, poultry, harness, wood and some household furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 41-1 meein i o£YewcaedI. 41-4 Ihave been authonized to sel meigiscalled ofal those mn- .'y Public Auction for L. M. Bal. terested in playing badminton for JUICE APPLES for pracessmng, Lot35Co.4Dalgn(t the purpose of organizing a club. $2.10 per hundred at Bowman 3,Cn ,Drigo a .nvlile, on Meeting will be held at the Arm- ville, Canadian Canners, Bow Ti anto) onthu, rs., Ocndt. 5,atl ,C. Pingle, aunies on Tues., Oct. 16, at 8.00 manville. Phone 782. his3dairy ctt, i, tr ac hntrato the late p.m. Those unable ta attend but equipmO BNGLWad ten t ilisg machine, hay 95th year. wishing ta play please give yaur 4 O iROMD UiALW n terties.isue. iteize name ta someone who will be central location. Wiil pay ca st nnx eksise aea on Wed. present. 41-1 if reasonable. Write Box 563, 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. D. Ha- MvcKelvey. Statesman Office, Bowman- garth, clerk; Elmer Wîlbur, aue- Le funeral Work Wanted ville. 41-1' tioneer. 41-1 ami1y resi -___EAR_______O_________hav_____________ tose )ct. 6. In- PAINTING, GRAINING and stîp- WEa EBYRS0dI TY IhvebClataiedt e tery. 41-1 pling. Apply Eddie King, 76 adCovers. Mail or bring in by public auction for Mrs. Fred Duke St., Bowmanville. 36-9' your samples for highest offer.1 Falls, Lot-9, Con. 6 (12mile S. of )me o her- Stwart's Seed Store. Phone Kendal) Clarke Twp. on Sat., .)W. H. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf Oct. 13, ail her farm stock, impie- jriaM tarfndgnlmnaotteSINGER DROP HEAD SEWING ments, hay, grain and one acre fthe late end o! Oct. no other in charge.j of hardwood ta be sold in 1/4 acre nher 90th Please write full particulars ta machines. Will pay cash, caîl lots. Terms: cash. Positively no ion Ceme- Box 560, Statesman Office. 41-2 or write, Singer Sewing M a- reserve. Sale_ at 1 p.m. 'Wiliard chine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Lord, Clerk; Jack Reid, auction- TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - Street, phone 696. 14-tfI eer. 40-2' le. Oct. 9, Ah kinds of tractor work,____ 1beloved ploughing, cultivating combin- I AM PREPARED TO BUY USED The undersigned has received m C. A11Ùin, ng, etc., done. F. S. Allen, cars or trucks fan wrecking pur- instructions ta sel by public auc- f eth, phone 594, Bowmanville. poses. Herbent. Knapp. Auto tion for Russell Luke, Lot 15, Con. d) Beta- 24-tf-4' Wrecker, Liberty St., Bowman- 7, Darlington (1 mile west o! le). Oak- ~~~~ville. Phone 418. 41 4'1Trn)o usdy coe 6 and Non- HARDWOOD FLOOnS LAID,- Tyon) ng:Tues, ctoer 16g, ihen 89th saddadfnseadfor LIVE POULTRY and feathers. the followighascttepg, )rhcutt & resurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 Goad prices pald. M. Flatt, R.R. implements, harnessan Sqae t >el for ser- years' expenience. P h one 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. ('Busi-ofhseldurire Saet 'r "rsday~, 908-J-12 Oshawa. Residence ness carnied on by Mr. Flatt 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, Ttprmprt qR n*prsnall. n aiens m l clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneen., IN MEMORIAM LEWIS - In laving -ernory of Arthur Edward Le-wv- who passed away Octaber 14. 1933. "Nothing can ever take away The lave a heart holds dear: Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near." -Ever remembered by Father, Mather and Sisters. 41-1* SMITH - In loving memary of aur dear father, Frederick Wil- liam Smith, who died Oct. 10, 1934. "October brings sad memonies 0f a laved one laid ta rest; He will always be remembered By those who loved him best." -Ever remembered by his Family. 41-1 CROZIER-In laving memary of a dear friend, Christina Crozier, who passed away, Oct. 11, 1941. "We do nat forget you, nor do we intend, We think of you often and wil ta the end, Gane and forgotten by some you may be, But dear in my memory you ever will be." -Sadly missed by David. SOMERSCALES-In loving mem-' ory of a dear husband and father, George Samerscales, who was killed in a highway accident, Oct. 14, 1941, and a dear son and brother, Pte. Charles Samerscales, killed in action in France, Octaber, 14, 1944. "This world may change fromn year ta year, And friends fromn day ta day; But neyer shail the ones we loved, From memory, pass away." -Ever remembered by their fanaily. 41-1 COMIN E'VENTS Reserve Dec. 6th for Annual Bazaar and Afternoon Tea in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 3-6 p.m. 41-1 Reserve Thursday, Oct. 25th for piano recital by pupils of Vera McGill Ferguson, A.T.C.M. Ad- mission, adults 25c; children 15c. Proceeds for Navy League. 41-1 Haydon Thankoffering service wiil be held October 14, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. H. C. Linstead, Court- ice, will be guest speaker. Special music by Maple Grave Choir. 41-1 Rex Frost will present his fam- ous moving pictures, "Looking Eastward ta the Sea," in New- castle Uniited Church, Monday, Oct. 15, at 8.15 p.m. Admission, aduits 25; children 15c. 41-1 Thanksgiving Anniversary Ser- vices will be held at Burketon United Chunch on Sunday, Oct. l4th. Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Ty- rene, will preach at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Special music by the choir. 41-1* Women's Canadian Club will hold an open meeting in St. John's Parish Hall on Friday, Oct. 19 at 3.45. Dean R. O. Hurst, Ontario Callege of Phramacy, will present his lecture an Teliow Travellers.' 41-2' The Eastern Sectional meeting o! the W.M.S. will be held in St. Paul's United Church an Thurs- day, Oct. 18. Registration at 9.20 a.m. Dinner will be served, 40c. Miss Luella Rorke, Trinidad, andj Mrs. G. Ernest Forbes, editoraof Missionary Monthly, will be the guest speakers. 41-1 RETURNED MARRIED VETER- an with capi.tal, desires immed- iately, yearly employment with view to purchasîng farm within vicinity Cobourg, Port Hope, Bowmanville. Write G. Good- man c'o Veteran's Land Act, Campbellford. 41-3 Livestock For Sale 12 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks aid. Phone 2135, Bowmanville. 41-1 11 PIGS, 7 WEEKS OLD, WELL started. C. F. Parker, phone 2689, Hampton. 41-1' JERSEY COW, 6 years aid, ta freshen this month. Apply T. W. Cawker, Bowmanville. 41-1 10 PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD - IG- natius Kush, R.R. 2, Bowman- ville, phone 2845. 41-1* 5 ACRES STANDING CORN in field; 8 young Yorkshire pigs, 2 months old. W. G. Werry, Phone 2253. 41-1 HOLSTEIN & JERSEY COWS, milking, due April 1946. T.B. and blood tested. A. A. Gibson, Newcastle, R. R. 2, Phone Clarke 3904. 41-1: 5 PIGS, 10 WEEKS OLD; 8 HOL- stein heifers, 2 years old, start- ing to freshen last of January; 3 young sows ready for service. Apply Wes Hoskin, Burketan. 41-1* OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Friday . . . Saturday Oct. 12-13 Walt Disney's Miracle Musical Feature in Gloriaus Technicolor THE THREE CABALLEROS Featuring Panchito . . . Joe Carioca ..Donald Duck and in the flesh AURORA MIRANDA of Brazil CARMEN MOLINA of Mexico DORA LUZ o! Mexico So Utterly Amazlng... You Can't Belleve Yeur Eyes -Ad ded- Hollywood Vlctory Caravan Monday, Tuesday, Oct. 15-16 A ROYAL SCANDAL Starring Tallulah Bankhead, Cha.rles Coburn, Anne Baxter, William Eythe Saucy as a Wink o! the Eye ... Scandalaus as a Keyhole Pek ... FOUR DAYS WED. TO SAT. Oct. 17-20 SONJA HENIE in UTS A PLEASURE in Technicolor - With Michael O'Shea, Marie Mc- Donald, Bill Johnson. The First Lady of the Ice in hier first Technicolor Pîcture and Dancing for the first time. ed.) 1 l9tf- 12 * WE ARE IN THE MARKZET FOR ail varieties of Claver and Tim- othy seed. Bring or mail sam- pies. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. 41-8 OLD HORSES WANTED for Mink and Fox Food fram $5.00 ta $10.00, accarding ta weight. Margwill Fur Farm, .R.R.1, Ty- rane, Ont. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 40-tf ANTIQUES 0F EVERY destrip- tion, colored glassware, aid lamps, old buttons, furniture, dlocks, c hi n a figures, bric-a- brac, jeweilery, silver. Ameni- can buyer. Write Bo3t 536, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 35-tf-6* ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE PHONE 589 A DOUBLE BILL FOR THURS., FRI. ONLY, OCT. 11, 12 The DOUGHGIRLSI With ANN SHERIDAN, JACK CARSON, ALEXIS SMITH, JANE WYMAN, AND MARY OTHER FAVORIT LAUGH MAKERIS. A LAUGH A MINUTE, amid MARITAL TROUBLES, and the HOUSING SHORTAGE ! andj 'MOONLIGRT IN VERM«ONT' Starring Gloria Jean BATURDAY, OCT. 13 Roy Rogers and Trigger in SAN FERNANDO VALLEY' and 'A Guy, a Gai & a-Pal', Special Added Every Baturday Cartoon in Color MON., TUE., WED., 15-17 'BELLE 0F THE YUKON' LIFE IN THE KLONDIKE, ITS LAUGHTER AND ITS TEARS, ALL TOLD IN TECHNICOLOR . .. WITH OUSTANDING STARJ3 INCLUDING RANDOLPH SCOTT, DINAR SHORE, GYPSY ROSE LEE, CHAS. WINfflNGER, BOB BURNS.1 WE KNOW YOU'LL LOVE IIT! Thursday, Oct. 18-The under- signed wili seil by public auction for Menwin Mountjoy, Lot 22, Con. 5, Cantwright Township (21 miles east of Cadmus), 3 hanses, 120 cattle, sheep, a ffill uine of lm-1 plements and some furniture; geese, white leghorn hens. Na reserve. See bis. Terms cash. Sale at i p.m. Thenon Mountjoy, clenk; Ted Jackson, auction. 41-1' I have been authorized ta seli by Public Auction for George Langstaff, Lot 3, Con. 7, Clarke Twp. (l1Y2 miles east of Kendal and 1 mile north), on Fnl., Oct. 19, at 1 p.m. sharp, ail his farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. Farm sold, postively no ne- serve. Terras cash. For further particulars sec bis. A. E. Mort- on, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 41-2' I have been authonized ta sell by public auction fan Mr. Chnis Petersan, Lot 15, Con. 3, Manvers Twp (1 mile E. o! Pontypool) on Thuns., Oct. 18., a fulll une o! nearly new farm machinery, 5 Percheron hanses, 30 head o! chaice Durham cattie, 35 hogs. 600 bu. mixed grain, 35 tans o! hay, quantity o! exceptianally good househoid furnitune. Terms cash. Positively no reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. For further par- ticulans see bills. Ed. Youngman, clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer 40-2' The undersigned has receivedi instructions from Frank Delyca, I Lot 23, B.F. Darlington (11½2mile i sauth of Maple Grave Gas Station, % mile west.and 1 mile south) ta sell by Public Auction on Tues., Oct. 23, the following: horse, jer- sey cow and cal!; poultry; separ- ator; 5 pigs, 10 weeks aid; 4 pigs, 7 weeks old; 2 gnindstones; single scufflen, cultivator, plow, whiffle. trees, cook stave, Quebec heater, 2 smail heaters, work bench and vice, fanks, shovels and many other articles. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. 41-2. The undensigned has receve instructions fnom Mn. W. C. Fer-, guson, Liberty St. N., ta seilb Public Auction his household o! furnitune, including antique liv-i ing roomn chairs, parlor suite, lib- nary table, dining room suite, floar lamps, cook stove, electric stove, kitchen funniture, sewing i machine, writing desk, couches, 2 bedroom suites, rugs, curtains, drapes, bcdding, dishes, cooking utensils, washing machine, lawn mower, garden and carpenter toals, wheelbarrow, rubber hase, vegetabies, used lumber & bricks,j and numerous othen articles. Sale at 1.30 p.m., Satunday, Oct. 20.' Tenms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auc-. tianeen. 41-2 Furniture Sgle-The undensign- ed auctioneer wiil sell by public auction for the estate o! the late Mrs. Jane Bush(in Sauina, % mile north o! Hampton and 1 ½ miles west) on Saturday, Oct. 13, the fahlowing: Organ, Dining Room Table and Chairs, 2 Bedroom Suites, 4 Mattresses, folding cot and mattress, 2 couches, side- board, 5 cane bottom chairs, 51 stands, 4 small tables, 6 kitchen! chairs, arm chair, high chair,1 phonograph and records, exten- sion table, medicine cabinet, 2 dlocks, bcd eouch, electrie plate, 1 electrie toaster, eleetnie table stove, floor cavenings, mats, toilet set, quilts, sheets, pillows, bed- ding boxes, linens, dishes, silver- ware, glassware, cooking utensils, washtubs, wringer, inaning board, boiler, coal ail lamps, 2 eleetnie lamps, coal ail cans, garden tools, Findlay Ovai caok stove, reser- vair, and sheif (goad as new), electnie radia, (late model), and mnany other articles too numerous ta mention. Sale 1 p.m. Tenms cash. Elmen Wilbur, auctioneer;, J. D. Hogarth, clenk. 41-1 Wanted 1BOARD AND ROOM for elderly woman. Apply Geo. W. James, Statesman Office. 41-f Articles For Sale 41/2 ACRES STANDING CORN on high land. Phone 2150. 41-1 MAROON ENCLISH STYLE pram, in good condition. Apply Mrs. K. Hull, phone 2648. 41-1* GIRL'S BROWN WINTER COAT, size 7, in gaod condition. Phone 875. 41-1 HOUSE DOORS, frames, base- boards, planks, odds and ends o! lumber. Wm. Wilcox, Qucen St., Bowmanville. 40-2' CARROTS-by the bushel or pound. Mrs. Pete Stackaruk, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Phone Bowmanville Electricians, 42 King St. E. AlI kinds of electric wiring done. Motors repaired and installed. Phone 438. 14-tf ELECTRIC WIRING and appli- ance repairs of ail kinds. Dun- can Smith, Lover's Lane, Bow- manville. 40-2 I wish to announce that I have purchased the Supertest Gas Sta- tion and garage business formerly operated by Spencer Burley, at Newtonville, and am prepared to do general repair and body and fender work. Fred Saunders, Newtonville. 41l-4' BADMINTON - A genera1 MASSEY-HARRIS ENSILAGE cutter Na. 8, potato digger, tractar tandem dise harrow, manure spreader No. 9, tractor plow, 2 furrows; 1 1 dise fertîl- izer dril. Above machines niew and ready for delivery. J. Howard Hancock, Bowmanviile. 41-1' OSHAWA-S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor caverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at coni* petîtive prices. Befare baying visit Bradley's New Furniture- Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf DUY ANlTI- FREEZE Pre-War PERMÀNENT ANTI-FREEZE No Restrictions It is Impossible to buy enough for our requirements. BUY UT NOW! AT REDUCED PRICES $3.45 per gallon TIRE & BATTERY SHOP Phones 467, 376 - King & Silver Sts. plenty of water. Apply Ross Cook, R.R. 1, Burketon. Phone Port Perry, 193r15. 41-2* Wanted To Buy GOOD USED TRICYCLE. Phone Clarke 3804. 41-1* PIANO BENCH OR STOOL. Phone 2803. 41-1* PIANOS--SMALL AND medium sized pianos desired. Write or telephone F. J. Mitchell, 204 Church St. 39-4* WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET prices for Buckwheat. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, WANTED FOR HUGHEST PRUCES Ail kinds cf Grade and Registered Cows and Heffers Max Relit R.R. 4 Port Perry Phone Port Perry 198 r 21 40- Do le Rlght With "lSealtite" SeaItiteà. Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowlag Method> F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanvllle Phone 494 34-tf t hq QUEBEC HEATER IN GOOD condition. Apply Maude Rey- nolds, 53 Brown St., Bowman- ville, phone 2152. 41-1* 1BOY'S COAT, size 10. Also girl's coat, size 7. Both in good con- t dition. V. Jeffery. Phone 237,9, 1 ~41-1 1 rCHILD'S CRIB, IN GOOD CON- dition. Also girl's coat, mauve, t size 6x, and boy's blue coat, size 2. Apply 23 Brown St. 41-1' TRAILER, COMPRESSOR, SING- er electric sewing machine, large wardrobe with drawer. John Maguire, 28 Brown St. 41-1* PRACTICALLY NEW BEACH Range for coal or wood, reser- voir attached, excellent baker. Apply A. Jaynes, Newcastle' Phone Clarke 1904. 41-1 2 AIRTIGHT HEATERS, suitable for summer home or workshop. Used 6 months. $5. each. Mrs. G. Bowman, Enfield.ý Phone 2839. 41-lf AUTOMATIC DRINKING Bowls at $4.25 f.o.b. Wood wheel and steel wheel f arm trucks 14" Hammer Mill. Phone Carl Todd, Implement Dealer, Clarke, 1520. 41-1' LADY'S BLACK WINTER COAT and grey tweed winter coat, both size 38. Man's dark grey overcoat and navy blue suit coat, both size 42. Phone 2830. 41-1* DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut and oak - nine pieces - red leather seats. Beautiful and in excellent condition, also pro- tection pads for table. Phone Bowmanville 2237. 40-2' 4 CYCLE JOHNSTON I R O N Horse gas engine; Wettlaufer 2 h.p. gas engine, Bosch magneto; Souvenir 6-lid coal or wood range with reservoir, open for water front. Apply Bowman- ville Electricians, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 38-tf VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuumis repaired. "Good Vacuums for Good Housekeeping." A 1s o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- rication, replacements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manvîlle, 774. 19-tf ,Il- Jury & Loveli THE REXAIL STORE W>uen W. Test Eyez t la Don. Properly L00K 1 New igh Prices for Live Poultry Until further notice we are paying the followlng prices for LIVE POULTRY dellvered to our plant ln Whltby: Top Grade Heavy Fowl - ------------------- -- /3, Top Grade Llght Fowl, 4 ta 5 lbs.----------- --O l b. Top Grade Light FowI, under 4 Ibs. ------- - -190 lb. Top Grade Broilers, 2 to 3 Ibs -- . ------------- ----_ 28o lb. Top Grade Roastlng Chlckens, over 4%3 Ibs. . 2890lb. Top Grade Roasting Chlckens, under 4V2 Ibi. 26e lb. Top Grade Heavy Capons, over 5 Ibo. --------- 30@ lb. PICKERING FA MSf%, LTD. WHITBY jONTARIO Telephone - Whl ty 336 For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00, Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14e'. Lost LADY'S YELLOW GOLD WRIST watch. Lost Thursday, Oct. 4, in Bowmanvillei. Reward. Phone 374. 1* Strayed BLACK AND TAN FOX HOUND strayed to premises of Ray Mc- Gi, Burketon, on Oct. 7. Own- er may have same by paying expenses. Phone Port Perry 254r2.4-1 Scarlet Fevéer Immunization Toxin for immnunization against Scarlet Fever wiil be given at South Ward School at 9 a.m. on the following dates: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25 and Nov. 1. At Central School on Oct. 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2 and 9. Parents who wish to have lheir pre-school children iununized may bring them to either school on the above dates. W. H. BIRKS, Acting M.O.H. for Bowrnanvile 39-3 GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 85 King St. E. Phone58 2 6-tf ROIRSIES WANTED F08R FOX MEAT PIIONE ORONO 42-R-2 oit , ORONO 77-R-4< WANTED Six Carpenters For Construction work in Port Hope. Apply your local Selective Service Office. Refer No. C. O. 556-170 40-3 ----------- - 1 PAGE TEN THURSDAY, OCT. llth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -l