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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1945, p. 6

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THURSDAY, OCT. llth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX TOWN 0F WHITBY APPLICATIONS FOR POLICE CONSTABLE Applications will be received until noon on Saturday, October l3th, for the position of Police Constable in the Town of Whitby. Applicants should state age, height, weight, educa- tional qualifications, salary expected and whether married or single. Apply NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE, OSHAWA, File No. 3190. Newtonville ,Thlompson ----Mr. adMs I Mu. and Mrs. Wmn. Chester, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tomlinson, awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mi. Haury Stone, Sr., Toronto,: Redknap -- Misses Annie and Mu. and Mus. Chas. Cooper. Oro- Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, were home no, with Mus. Arnott . Mr. and'-,--- Mr. and Mus. J. C. Moore, Mrs. Haruy Stone, Jr.. Toranto, Hamilton, with ber parents, Mr. Mr. and Mus. Albert Morton and and Mrs. Thos. Buukell --Mr. Adele, Orono. with Miss Jenniei and Mrs. Harry Burley and fam- FGGD STORS PuES UIJECI TO MARKET CHAMOIS WM RESEITRI iiMOW N ? o UANIT 1mm BUTER SILVERBROOK FIRST GRADE lb. 37e BLACK TEA OUR OWN Ft.AVOURFUL lb. 57e WAX DEANS Hf £22TI", -23% ~AS CHOICE 4 Steve * 20-01.23# PA CA E LO E AUNT Pkg. 13g BUAKER GATS Pkg. 191 DGUGHNUTS ANN PAGE * D"' 12e DONETIC SHORTENING . I*L.9 ANN PAGE NILG HBREAD WHITE or BROWN Loaes159 OATS 4. 17 FLOeUR e NANYFLGWERS SGAP 4 Cakes 179 PRUNE PLUNS CHOICE 20-mz Tin, 13Ç TONqATO SOUP CAMPBELL'S 2 Tins 17ç: CUSTAIRD DALTON$'- - . 3 Pkgs. 1 4 L -f Steaks and Roasts, Porterhouse, Sirloin and Wing Lamb Legs (Fresh) Veal Fronts Rolled Bacon, Sliced Breaki Lamb Fronts (Fresh) Beef Liver -- Lamb Liver -- Halibut Steaks- Salmon Silverbright Salmon Silverbright1 Salmon Cohoe Filleti Cod Fillets - Kippered Herring . . . . . lb. - - - -Sb. - - - -Sb. fast S . b. . -l . . b. -l . . b. -l . . b. Steaks - S b. Fillets - S b.. s - - - - lb. SlSb. . . . lb. 43c 43c 27c 44e 19C 27c 22c 4ic 25c 35C 49c 29c 25c California Tokay Grapes - - - lb. 17e California Bartlett Pears - - - lb. 12c Calif. Valencia Oranges, 344's doz. 19c Louisiana Yams, No. 1 - - 2 1b9. 19c No. 1 Cooking Onions - - 3 Ibs. lic Celery Stalks, White - - 2 Behs. 19c Will close at 6 p.m. Bat. Nights commencing Sat., Oct. 6 ]Please Shop Eauly ily, Oshawa, with ber parents, Mr. and Mus. J. E. Anderson ---- Mr. Elmer Randali, Oshawa, with iMus. H. Randaîl Miss Lila' Payne, Port Robinson; Mu. and Mrs. Allan Harris and Mr. and iMus. Otto Kîniser, Toronto; Miss Sybil Hood and Mu. Stan Payne, iPeteuboro, with Mu. and -Mu/Is. Reuben Payne ---- Miss Pearl Taylor, Toronto, guest ef Mus. W. E. Reid ---- Pte. John Stark, Peterboro, was home -- - Mu. and Mus. Lawrence Saveuy and tam- ily, Oshawa, cailed on Mu. and Mus. Willis Jones on their way home fuom Crow Lake Monday. ----- Arthur Redknap has sold bis house te Ronald Burley ---- Miss iMaebelle Groover, Peut Hope, with Miss Laureen McCullough. -----Raymond Gilmer, Montreal, was home -----Mus. Mabel Lang- staff, Toronto, was home ---- Misses Olive Johnston, Audrey Jaynes and Florence Buuley, Peterboro, at their respective homes -----Mu. and Mus. C. Robb, Montreal, weue at their cottage here. The Preabyterian Chuuch held its annual Thanksgiving services on Sunday when Rev. Dr. Flet- cher, 13owmanville, was gucat speaker and delivered two elo- quent sermons. In the atteunoon the church's own choir led the singing and Mus. Arthur Redknap sang a levely solo. In the evening the Osborne Quartette, Bowman- ville, puevided a speciai tuent when they rendeued tbree excel- lent selectiens. Nestieton Women's Institute met at the home ef Mu. and Mus. Leonard Jeblin Oct. 3rd with 20 ladies and 9 gentlemen puesent. Rol caîl was answeued with a good health habit. Mus. Cecil Wilson was convener fou Social Welfaue and Miss Ethel Tbompson fou the pueguam. Readings by Mus. Wil- son, Miss Thompson and Miss Ruth Puoutt. Mus. Vine and Mis. Loune Thompson sang a duet. Ladies decided te pack another bale and f ill a number ef ditty bags. Lunch was seuved by Mus. R. W. Mariow, Mus. M. Emerson, Mus. J. Johns and the hostess. Pte. Thos. Cole of the 48th Highlanders is spending bis leave at Mi. Henry Thompson's. Tom- my has just ueturned tram ever- anas wheue be bas been almost tbuee yeaua. Welcome home! Mu. and Mus. Percy L. Mal- com, Toronto, with his sister, Mus. L. Joblin. Mu. and Mus. Stanley Malcolmi with Mus. Robt. Ford, Toronte. Mu. Roy Wright, Torente, with fuienda. Mus. R. W. Mauiow and Miss Evelyn with Miss Sarah Malow, Rockton. Mu. and Mus. Harold Wheeleu and famiiy with heu parents, Mu. and Mus. R. M. Hoskin, Janet- ville. Mu. and Mus. Jas. Bon, Shirley and Andria, Torento, with Mu. and Mus. M. Emerson. Mu. and Mus. Wilmnu Fitze witb Mu. Edward Fice, Oshawa, wbe bas been sick in a Terento ho- pital. Rev. and Mus. N. Robertsn Toronto, with Mu. and Mis Wl- mer Fitze. Mus. Jas. Williamson and Mu. Arthur Jackman witb Mus. Ivan Wright, Janetville. Mr. and Mus. Victor Malcoli and Wayne aut Yelveuton. Mu. and Mus. George Johns and Billy at Mu. L. Joblin's. Mu. and Mus. Frank Pinyf cet and Bryce, Bowmanville, with Miss Ethel Thcmpscn. Mu. and Mus. Harold Nesbitt, Gaury and Rosa, Bcwmanville, P.O. Robt. Ewers, mater mechan- ic, Mus. Ewers and Ann, Quebec City, Leading - Stoker Gorden Woods and Mus. Woods, Teronto, witb Mu. and Mus. C. H. Pouteeus. Miss Kate Deacen, Port Peury, with Mus. Heuman Samelîs. Edwaud Williams had a suc- cestul shooting match. Congratulations te Mus. Mary Jernisen, Pontypool, and Mu. Wil- liam Armstrong en their mar- riage. Miss Kay Stinacn, Lotus, witb Miss Hilda Johns. Mus. J. Won- nacott, Miss A. Taylor, Misa Shirley Hazelden and Miss M. Taylor, Teronto, witb Mu. and Mus. David Johns. Mu. and Mua. Heub Luke, Ronnie and Teddy, Toronto, at David Johns'. Maple Grove Holiday visitera: Mu. and Mus. Ray Snowden, Helen, Mary, Don- na and Bill, Torento, with their parents, Mu. and Mus. R. R. Ste- yens, and Mi. and Mus. W. J. Snowden. Miss Mary Stewart, Teronto, witb Misa Jean Stevens. Miss Diana Salvat, Mexico City, wbo is attending Whitby Ladies' College, with Miss Muriel Ste- vens, Mus. R. Caru and Mus. J. Creighton, Toronto, with their brother, Mu. A. Laird. Mus. John Nicholîs, Courtice; Mus. H. G. Thernpson, Mu. anci Mus. J. L. MacDonald, Weston; Mu. and Mus. Douglas Thompson, Raymond, Donald and Marilyn, Mt. Dennis, at Chaules Green- ham's. Miss Lenora Coilacutt, Miss Betty Stevens, and Miss Margaret Campbell, Toronto, with their parents. Mu. and Mus. Will Trenouth, Napance, with Mu. and Mus. J. R. Metcalf. In report et Rally Day puoguam 1 at week we omitted the nmre et Mildued Metcalt, who toid the stouy, Rev. C. Linstead, who gave a short adduess, in keeping with the Rally Day therne. Sympathy is extended te Mu. and Mus. Stuart Moton and Jack on the death et their daughteu and sister, Norma. Young People's Union held their fiust meeting on October 3 witb Audrey Greenham in charge. These officeus were elected: Hon. puesident, Rev. H. C. Limstead; Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay and Bill, Toronto, Mi. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, Mr. and Mis. Allan Henry, Mrs. H. Henry and Paul, Lindsay, at A. Sharp's. Miss Ruby Virtue, Montreal, with ber mother, Mus. C. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milîs and fam- ily, Port Perry, at H. Milîs'. Mrs. H. Rahm, Burketon, Miss Isabelle Rabm, Miss Mary Ade- lime Bradley, Toronto, with W. Rahm's. Mu. and Mus. A. Leadbeater at London. Mrs. J. Hannant, Mu. and Mus. J. R. Neill, Peterboro, at D. Lewis'. ,Mr. and Mrs. F. McGill and Donald, Miss Clara Page, Toron- te, Maurice Preston, Maple Grove, at A. Buunt'a. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bouuowdale and Brian, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Sunday Scbool, 10 a.m. and preacbing service at il1 a.m., Oct. 14. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and famiiy witb Mu. Lloyd Asbton's. Mr. and Mrs. F. McGill and Donald, Toronto, with bis moth- er, Mrs. J. McGiil. Miss Coudula Stenger, Toronto, at ber borne. We all wish Cou- dula the 1ést of iuck and also conguatulate ber on doing se well on ber recent examinations. Mu. and Mis. Stenger, Frank and Judith attended the presentation given ber at Victoria College, To- rente. Mus. Verna Wood, Toronto, witb Mu. S. Petbick. Mus. B. A. Mitchell, Pontypool, with ber sister, Mus. C. Boyd. Mus. C. R. Waiton, Donald, Ronnie and Teddy, Kingston, at Think About This YOUR HOME inay be the next one that will be destroyed by fire. How far will your insur- ance go towards replacing the loss to your home and your household gooda?. Ask this agency to go over your policies and make certain you have sufficient insurance. Stuart R. lames Insurance and Real Estate iuccessor To J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King st. Bowmanville president, Audrey Gueenham; secretary, Art Burgess; assistant secuetary, Doreen Jeffeuy; treas- urer, Bert Snowden; assistant treasurer, Ray Munday; pianist, Loryne White; conveners: Mil- dred Snowden, Stan Snowden, Jean Burgess, Alvin Metcaif; re- creation, Mildued Metcalf, Pearl Collacutt; social, Jean Jauvie, Ruth Preston, Vic Ceekson, Sami VanCamp; ushers, Jack Munday,I Haruy Snowden, Harvey Metcaif; publication, Dereen Jeffery. A short recreatien peuîod was held. ]Black1sU0-tock Visitous: Mu. and Mus. Gea. Joli, Toronto, with Mu. Sam Jeffery. Mu. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson, Catherine and Sandra, Windsor, with Mus. Fred Bailey. Mus. Bailey retuuned home with them for a visit. Mu. and Mus. Ross Curtis and famiiy, Cobourg, Mu. and Mus. G. Strong and family, Purpie Hill, witb Mus. R. Bruce and Miss King. Mu. and Mus. O. Cauley and Apuil, Cavan, wltb Mu. and Mis. C. Mauiow. Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, witb Mi. and Mus. C. Wright. Misses Mabel and Jessie Van- camp, Toronto, Miss Helen Van- camp, Oshawa, with Mu. and Mus. W. Vancamp. Mu. and Mus. Frank Wright and famiiy with Mu. and Mis. O. Wright. Mu. and Mus. Ross, Toronto, witb Mu. and Mus. Finînyson. Mu. R. Allun, Mus. Butler, Mus. Dean and Miss Peteus, our teach- eus, spent tbe holiday at their homes. Miss Janet Watson with Miss Vera Forder. The ladies had a Red Cross quilting in the hall Wednesday afteunoon. There weue 24 ladies there and 6 quilts weue quilted. Mu. and Mus. Benson Dunn (nee Edna Fouder) celebuated their silver wedding anniveusauy on Satuuday evening a tb teiu borne in Oshawa. Among the guesta weue Mus. John Fouder and Vera, Mu. and Mus. W. Fou- deu and Joyce, Mu. and Mus. G. Wright and family, Mus. J. Fou- der and family, Mu. and -Mus. J. Fouder, Nestleton. Mu. and Mis. Dunn weue puesented with a ail- ver tea service and other gîftsaof silver. A veuy pleasant evening was spent.. EnniskillRn Ebenezer Best wishes are extended te Mu. Hedley Oke and bride, whese marriage took place in Cobourg in Sept lP. We welceme Mus. Oke to our cemmunity. Glad te welcome Charles Peak- er borne from overseas. His wife, formerly Fiera Belle Marshall, and ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall and daughters, June and Wilma were in Belleville, when the boys aurived home, bringing Charlie home with them. Mi. Will Young bas returned to Toronto after spending a week witb his sister, Mrs. A. J. Oke. Mr. and Mus. Houace Hancock are making impuovements te their home before moving in. Home and School Association met on Tuesday nigbt witb presi- dent, Mus. Noingman Hinds in the chair -and Mus. Fulton at the piano. Principal Ferguson an- nounced some needs fer the school and Messrs. Hockin and Feuguson were appointed a cern- mittee te assist with rink prepar- ations. Piano solo was given by Vivian Snider. A playlet, "The Cooking School," with Mesdames Taylor, Hockin, Dean, Croek and Miss Ann Hoit taking part, was well received. Piano solo, Bar- bara Young. Report on Regional Conference held at Oshawa, was weil given by Mrs. Clyde Saun- ders. Mus. Taylor and Mus. Dean wiil have charge of Nov. 6 meet- ing. AU who are interested in the CIVE CLOTHES TO WAR VICTIMS OCT.L to 20 WI4AT YOU CAN DO 1. Get together ail the serviceable wsed clothing you can spare -men's, womnen's, children's and infants' weau, oid blankets and footwear. 2. Take your contributions te your nearest Post Office or any officiai COLLECTION DEPOT. 3. Support your local Comoittee not only with youir clothing contributions but aise with your urne, effort and energy. NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION This Space Sponsored By Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 or 703 CKEY 580 8 p.m. CJBC 1010 8Sp.m. Mu. H. Stevens'. Big changes are being made here. Mr. and Mus. G. Yeo have moved inte Mr. A. Bycîs' bouse, foumerly occupied by Mr. H. Ste- yens. Mi. L. Stainton has purchased the late Jas. Parr puoperty and are meving. Mr. A. Weaun bas purcbased the late Mrs. W. Oke's home. Mu. John Graham, Osh- awa, has purchased the preperty of the late G. Preston. W. Moore has bought Rev. Harding's dainty little home. Mrs. E. Strutt with friends in Oshawa. Mrs. E. C. Asbton with her daughter, Mrs. S. May, Toronto. Mrs. M. Griffin is baving ber home wired, aise Mu. A. Brunt. Our Mission Band met Sunday morning with 27 puesent. Read- ing by Joe McGiil and story by Mrs. L. Ashton was given. Master Garry Beckett had bis tonsils removed at Bowmanville Hospital. Sewing Circle met at Mrs. H. Annis' on Oct. 9th. The after- noon was spent on sewing. Lunch was seuved by Mrs. Annis and her committee, Mrs. Plant, Mus. C. Pethick and Mrs. C. Austin. Ladies of the Sewingt Circle have made a -Welcome Home" banner and extended it acuoss the highway in our village te wel- corne the boys home. We all hope fou tbem a quick ueturn Mr. and Mus. Russell Ormiston, with his sister, Miss Veuna Or- miston, Touonto - ----- Mr. and Mis. Eau-t Squlch; Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Mr. Walley, Oshawa, at Walter Oke's. H-ampton Mis.A. McMahon and Miss M. Kateuson visîted fiends iniTe- rente. Mu. and Mus. W. Gibbs, Crys- tai Beach, and Mu. and Mus. Sid- ney Nash, Detroit, Mich., Mu. and Mua. Tom Gibbs, Tyrene, were Tbanksgiving visitous with Mu. and Mus. W. Cbapman. Misa Eileen Wray witb Bew- manville frienda en Slinday. Mu. Russell Reynolds and Alan, Toronto, were week-end guesta ef Miss L. Reynolds. Misa Gwen Caverly, Toronte, spent the week-end at heme. Misa Pennl Gilbert, R.N., To- rente, with heu parents, Mu. and Mis. Geo. Gilbert. Mu. and Mus. John Milîs and Clifford, Ajax, at S. Kersey's. Mu. and Mus. Gea. Burtt are viaiting relatives in Toronto. Mu. and Mus. S. Tomlinson and family, Bowmanville, at C. Tom- linsons. Miss Cassie Ruse and Mu. and Mis. W. Ruse and two daugbters, Toronto, cnlled on relatives and frienda heme. Misa Nancy Johns, Toronto, at home. Mu. and Mua. Jack Chapman and Gail and Mus. Wright, 'Ie- ronte, at Joe Chapman'a. Mu. and Mua. Raymond Farrew with relatives at Brooklin. Mu. and Mus. Gorcion Wilbur at Bobcaygeon. We extend sympathy to Mus. Jon Crawford in the paasing cf ber mether, Mus. Phillip, et Brougham. The North Group met fou sew- ing at the home et Mus. A. E. Billett on Wednesday atteunoon, with a goed attendance. Various kinda ef sewing was done, and dainty rnfreshments weue served by the hostesa, and n short social period spent together. His many triendsarne glad te welcome Lieut. Bruce l-iegarth whe aurived heme frem overseas lat week. Homne and School Association heid ita epening meeting on Tueaday evening at the aclhool. A number cf Thnnksgiving gatheuinga weue hnld in our vil- lage on Menday. Tbe date set for aur Women's Inatitute bazanu is November 28. Mu. and Mus. Standeven, St. Mary's, with Mu. and Mus. Chas. Warren. Mus. Harvey Balson and Glen, Oshawa, with Mu. and Mus. J. MacNab. Mu. and Mus. Chas. Nelson, Mount Dennis, Mus. Edwin Wood, Bowmanville, with Mu. and Mus. S. Williams. Mu. and Mus. Will Trenouth, Napanee, Miss Eva Soucb, Ennis- kilien, Mis. J. A. Cole, Bowman- ville, at C. W. Souch's. CARS BOUGST AND SOLD Genuine FORD Parts & Service Specializing ini Motor Tune-ups 168 King St. West - OSHAWA TELEPHONE 666 41-4 SEVEN MORE DAYS RACING -AT- DUFFERIN PARK TORONTO "ONE 0F THE ORPEN RACE TRACKS"1 Oc.t. 13 to 2Oth FIRST Saturdays 1.30 RACE Week Days 2 pemm Admission (Includling Tax) $ 1.20 CHILOREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMI11?ED METROPOLITAN RACING ASSOCIATION 0F CANADA LTD. Scout movement are asked to at- Reeve Sidney Little reports of the local committee. If some tend a meeting to be held in thej that the waste paper drive last parcels were missed it is expected schoolroom on Oct. 12 when the Friday met fully the expectations they wîll be picked up later. guest speaker will be Mr. Kerr, _________________________________ Oshawa. A pleasant time was enjoyed at_________________________________ Pidduck's Hall on Friday nght last when a goodly number gath- ered to' wish Mr. Fred Preston For Coughs and Colds and bride, who were married on Mason's "49" ___ 40c, 75e d ~ j Friday, gooci luck, and te present Venos Cough - 39c------ed9 tbemn with many lovely gitts. Prusn5c 9 IPJ Dancing was enjoyed atter whlch1 refreshments were served. Penol -------------- 25c, 50e Ameng those attending the Buckley's wedding of John Walter and Miss Mixture------410c, 75c Jean Thackeray at Peterboro onl Buckley's Rub --- 3c'50e Saturday were Mr. andi Mrs. Ce- Lxcl alt 5 cil Adams, Miss Phyllis Adams Lxcl alt 5 and Winnie Walter, Mir. and M~rs. Grove's Cold Carl Down, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tablets ------ 24e, 44c Walter and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vlck's Vapo Rub 43e EE Barber, Mrs. Cecil Adams being4e on the receiving line. John has just returned from overseas. The Nyal Creophos young couple wiil take up resi- stops Bronchial Coughs dence in the Ebenezer district. Large Bottie -------- $1.60 Their many friends here join in congratulations. Giad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pinex Comp ----------32e Alan Trevail back among us, they aPnhmsCmon 9 having purchased Mrs. Piersons Pnh sCmon 9 home south of Prestonvale. Corega Powder 23e, 39c The Woman's Association held aiu01Cps5,98 a sewing bee at the home of Mrs. .Habu01Cps9e9c Earl Gatchell on Wednesday ev- s Lactogen ---------- ening when much was accom- Thermos Botties 1.19, 1.50 plished. Lunch Kits -----------69e Miss Bessie Wellbank had as RbsnsBre 2 her guests two aunts, Mrs. Clare, Rbno' aly-- 2 Vancouver, and Miss Hamilton, _____________ Belleville, and was hostess to a few ladties during their stay. HOT WATER BOTTLES Vîsiters: Miss Muriel 1Found, 69C 89c - 1.39 - 1.69 Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. _____________Food_"S Found ------ Misses Audlrey and Eileen Beauchamp spent the bel- NeEheîalFo iday week end with fuiends ---- Miss Mary Wilkins, University of Capsules -- 1.25, 2.25, 5.00 Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. fiarry Fluid ---- 1.15, 2.45, 4.45 V Gay ---- Miss Florence Courtice, Oshawa hospital, with her moth- Scott's Emulsion 59e, 98e er, Mrs. B. Ceurtice ---Tpr Bob Wampole's Extraet __ 1.00 Muir, Camp Borden, on leave Apa with bis parents, Mr. and Mus. A. Aph~ Muir, Sr ----Pte Gordon Brown, mettes--- 1.00, 1.85, 3.503 9 Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ext. Malt and Ced Liver Y U Brown ---Mr. and Mus. S. J. 01- 59c, 98e, 1.69 Courtice, Leamington, returned Cae ACpsls .0,20 with Mr. and Mus. George Annis, CaeACpsls10,.0 wbe spent a week's holiday with Vi Mi Caps--- 1.85, 3.25 friends in Leamington and Lon- don Mrs. Gerald Balson and ______________ childuen, Hamipton, Pte. Harold NEW AUTOSTROP RAZOR- 5 BLADES & STROP -- 79c Wilkins, Barriefield; Miss Dore- tby Pingle, Hampton, with Mrs. W. J. Brown Communion Phone W i service was attended by a large .. COW LING'S DRUG STORETWe Fit congregatien. Special music was given by the choir and Miss Lou -__________________________ ise Pearce---- Mu. and Mrs. Jack Elsten, Bowmanville, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Oke. Congratulations te Pte. John Walter and bis bride and aise Mr. Walter Brown and bis bride.F .CX NSO ;6ýý 1 lui Burketon Thanksgiving visitera :Mr. and Mis. Glen Hoakin and Darlene, Oshawa; Mu. and Mus. M. Heard and family, Enniakillen; Mu. and Mis. Leune Heakin and family, Tyrone; Mu. and Mus. Frank Hos- kmn and family, Toronto; Mus. Mary Phasey, David and Diane, Orene; Miss Ella Heakin, Bow- manville, witb Mu. and Mis. W. N. H-oalîn---- Mu. and Mus. W. Heskin at heu parents, Mu. and Mus. R. Woed, Oreno.

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