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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1945, p. 7

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MHYUSAV OCT. 11*h.1945 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIMI\ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Enfield Mr. and Mrs. M. Scarlet, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cunningbam and farnily, Toronto, Mr. H. Cunning- 't3m, Palmnerston, and Miss Eve- lyn Cunningham, Brantford, at W. Pascae's. Rev. and Mrs. E. Harding, En- niskiilen, at H. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Stark and babe, Oshawa, Miss Grace Stark, Toronto, at J. Stark's. Mis. R. Pascoe with friends at Solina and Hampton. Misses Kathleen and Margaret, and Glenn Smith, with Miss Verna Ormiston, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Smith and family, Oshawa, at E. Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman at- tended the Weir-Ashworth wed- ding at London, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray, Blle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray, Toronto, at their summer home. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Charley Henry on the ar- rivai of a new daughter. W.A. met at Mrs. W. Bow- man's. The program consistcd of music by Rev. J. A. Plant, a paper by Mrs. Plant and a reading by Mrs. G. Bowman. Sacrament was observed on Sunday. The congregation was not large, as usual. BOY SCOUT APPLE DAY j' SATURDAY OCTODER 13 BUY'A ROSY APPLE AND HELP PROMOTE THE CAUSE 0F THE BOY SCOUTS IN BOWMANVULLE BE GENEROUS! St. Paul's United Church Anniversary Sunday, October 2lst, 1945 Guest Speaker at Both Services Rev. W. F. Banister B.A. Former Minister of St. Paul'a Church Publie Cordially Invited to Attend. Sunday Sehool will be equipped with sound system assuring adequate seating for ail. 41-2 I L M ---Î- 1946 P S WALL APIER and goi.w *..New Patterns *..New Colour Combinations *.Sunworthy - Suntested S . Semi-Triminied Spcial values in reninants of discontinued patterns ... Bring us you.r measurements and see the selection we cen give you for any room you wish to decorate. la W. JEWELL Books Big 20 School Supplies Orono News Orono Red Cross opened its work room in the Orange Hall Thcîrsday afternoon aiter the summer recess. President Mrs. W. E. Armstrong read some in- spiring messages urging ail wo- men to keep on with their work until the ravaging effeets o! war are relieved. Clothing of ail kinds and quilts are sa badiy needed, especiaily where fuel and food are iacking. Some yarn and materials are on hand in aur work roomn just waiting for mare help- ers. It was decided not ta hold a Christmas bazaar this year. $200 was votcd to be sent ta Canadian Red Cross. A very happy afternoon was spent at Park St. Chureb, Oct. 2, when the Women's Missionary Auxiliary, with a large number of guests from the Anglican Cburch, Newcastle Afternoon and Evening Auxiliaries and other places, celebrated its sixtietb An- niversary, continuing the beipfui services of the previous Sunday. Mrs. M. H. Staples, President, led the meeting in her very capable manner; Mrs. Littiewood condue- ted the worship service; Mrs. N. Patter welcomed the visitors and Rev. S. Littiewood bruught the greetings fromn the officiais of the cburch. Miss Mabel Davy, a for- mer president, brought the "Story of the Years" giving many inter- esting details of the leading wa- men in Missianary work and the splendid work donc during the past sixty years. Mrs. M. A. Lowe, a member of the Dominion Board, brought a message dealing witb the modemn work of the W.M.S., pointing out many changes in methocis during the years. Mrs. Reta Dudley, Bowmanvilie, f a- vnured with two beautiful solos, and Mrs. J. T. Brown and Mrs. Howard, Newcastle, with a duet. Letters of greetings were read by the secretary from Mrs. (Rev.) S. T. Tueker, Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. IAdams and Mrs. Roland Smith, formerly officers in the Orono Auxiliary. A deligbtful lunch ser- ved from a gaily deeorated table, centred by a beautiful birthday cake, was- served in the Sehool room. Mrs. Littlewood and Mrs. H. Walsh poured tea and severai ladies from the Goodwiil Bible Class served. Staff Sgt. Ken. Tamblyn has returned ta Oklahoma, U.S.A., after spending leave with his mather, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. After many years of suffering there pased away at Bowmanviiie Hospital, Mrs. Mary Hannas An- drus of Orono in ber 86th year. The funerai service was heid in Bawmanvîlie Oct. 5th and buriai in Orona Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hancock and family who have been living near Kirby, have moved ta Prof- C. B. Sissan's farm. Mrs. F. Peate and Mrs. Enri Haw have returned from a month's visit with relatives near F-ort Frances. They bas a motor trip ta Winnipeg during their stay. Welcome home ta Tom Lewis and Calvin Dunn who returned fromn overseas last week on the Ile de France. Another o! Clarke Tawnship's well known and highly respected citizens passed away on Oct. 3rd, in the persan of Mr. Hugh H. Me- Kelvey. ktev. Littlewoa conduet- ed a service at the home on the 7th concession, with interment in Orane cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood now have possession af their new home in Oshawa and are moving their furniture from Orana. Citi;ens a! Orano and sur- rounding country are respanding ta the UNRRA appeai for cloth- ing. Ail parcels may be le! t at Park St. United Church basement any time up ta Oct. 20th. Mr. J. J. Cornish is in Oshawa hospital as a resuit o! a seriaus accident on Higbway No. 2, just west o! Newcastle, when he was jammed betwcen two cars. Sev- erai men fram Orona and district have given biood transfusions during the past week. Bath legs were broken in the accident and Mr. Cornish bas suffered consid- erabiy from sbock. Mr. Milton Cornîsh has won a number o! prizes at recent fairs on bis herd o! Hereford cattie. In a recent issue o! a Taranto paper, Master David Cornish, 4, is shown in a picture taken at cMarkbam P'air with bis first prize bull calf. Lucky Domino. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Van. borne, Whitby, witb Mrs. F. Tamn- blyn ------ Miss Louise Cowan, To- ronto, witb friends in Orono Mer And M r. S. B . uthr- last wèeek f-raom a manin Nova Scotia who enclosed 25e. He said "I sec by Hansard that ThE Statesman is considercd the besi weekly in Canada. Please send me a capy." Even the remittancE places a high value an the pape: Smentioned. The Reader's Digest retails at the same price. Newcastle Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mott and daughter, Oakville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan ----- Mr. Tracy Manes, Mrs. Embley, Tracy and Ross, spent Thanksgiving with Reeve and Mrs. T. Manes, Lea- side. Y.P.U. met Oct. 8th. Period was in charge of Christian Culture Convenor, Shirley Brunt. Mfter a liveiy sing sang, the meeting was closed. C.G.I.T. met Oct 2nd. A sing sang o! hymns preceded the busi- ness period. Mrs. T. M. Gibson has closed her home in Newcastle for the winter months and has left ta visit her son, Mr. Fred Gobson in Cortland, N.Y., where she wiil at- tend the wedding of her grand- son, Sgt. Tom Gibson, U.S. Army, who recently returned rom ser- vice with the American forces in Europe. MVrs. Gordon Garrod entertain- ed her "500 Club" Friday even- ing. Mvrs. M. Ash, Margaret and Helen, were home for Thanks- giving. Guests with Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Paterson at the Parsonage were Mr. and Mrs. Luther Olan and family, Millbrook, Miss Marg- aret Pattersan, Garden Hill. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow, Rager and Keith spent Tbanks- giving in Napanee. Mr. and IMrs. Alkenbrack and Helen were in Napanee. Mr. Bud Bonathan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sal- iow. Mr. and Mrs. E. Langman, Port Credit, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark. Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, spent a week's hoiidays with Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Mr. Kenneth Pearce of Mîdland was also home. Mr. Alex McNeil, Ottawa, visit- ed his sister, Mrs. Gardon Martin, together with his three daughters, Lynn, Noel and Enid, who are at- tending Hatfield Hall, Cobourg. Mr. Thos. MNeil, Bowmanvilie, also visited nis daughter, Mrs. Gardon Martin. Miss Mary Dewdney, Bishop Strachan Scbool, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving holiday at home. Miss Helen Williams, Bowman- ville, was guest o! Miss Virginia Coake. Newcastle library report for Sept. shows: New members 44; total members 271; circulation of books: aduit non-fiction 160; ju- venule non-fiction 93; aduit fic-' tion 508; juvenile fiction 141. total 902 booxs. Fines on overdue books 92e. Books ftrebased dur- ing Sept. $37.43. CM'B. Butler, Li- brarian. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brereton, Owen Sound, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brere- ton. Mr. and Mrs. David DeLury, Waiker, Minn., Mrs. William Wil- son, Port Perry, called and had dinner with their cousins, Misses Ada and Elizabeth Aluin last weck. Mrs. DeLury was the for- mer Miss Elizabeth Alun and at one time was on the teaching staff of Bowmanville High Sehool. > Mr. and Mrs. W. Ashley, Pres- 1ton, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith. Miss Jean Gray, Braeebridge Publie Sehool, spent Thanksgiv- ing holidays with ber mother, MVrs. Kenneth Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lovekin, Ta- ronto, spent Thanksgiving week rend at -Kileolinan Farm." They were aeeompanied by their two sons, Lieut J. P. Lovekin, HQ. Staff First Cdn Army, and who is Eyesight Education And Efficiency C.H Ty Optemetrist ,Dlsne y Bidg. (opp. P.O.) Oshawa Phonel1516 -337 - With this necessity for the eye correction being 50 greatiy emi- phasized, we find that optical science also steps up and is ready to meet the demands made by necessity. The growing of public health services wili make us consciaus of the needs, will make us aware of symptoms as they come up and we will soon learn how and when ta seek the necessary aid. Periodic eye care wili now be more in mind if we feel that we should be fit. Dont negleet your eyes. (To be continued) The HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB Presents The Famous Borden Co. GOLDEN CREST MALE CHOIR Albert E. Farmer, Conductor In the King St. United Church OSHAWA Thursday, October 18 Featurlng ARTHUR FISHER, Guest Artist ROY STAPLES, Humourist Admission - - - - 35e each Tickets obtainable at Walrnsley & Magili and Ilenderson Book Store I. il Prescriptions CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you brlng your prescriptions ta us you can be assured of the finest possible resuits. Each one is carcfuily studied and accurateiy filicd with the purest Ingredients. We speclalize in this work. When sickness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions ta us PHONE 792. WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER IT PROrï1PTLY FIGHT WINTER COLDS TAKE VITAMINS NOW Nea-Chemical Food $1. 154$2.454$4.45 N.C.F. Capsules .... $1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver 011 .. .. 67c-$1.69 Aiphamettes $1.00-$1 .85-$3.50-$ 15.00 Horner's Malt Levol ...... 12 ozs $2.00 Abdol Capsules P.D. Co. $2.00-$3.45- $7.59 Wampole's Extract............ $1.00 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules .. 69r.-$1.19 Idamait (Malt and Cod Liver Oul) 59C-98C-$1.69 Vifadiet Capsules $1.15-$2.70 Idaphas 16 az $1.00 Narpiex Vitamin B. 1. Tablets $1.00-$1.75 es, QU9 1 E$4.75 liii' ~ ~ ~ ~ tvo Luk e a . l T$2.50-$7.00 r hDi .bê.tew afle aS o a fer Iran Tanie 4%icaner IeLI. ttSiDri4gie vm $1.25 BARGAINS 50e Pinex Camp --32e 35e Carega---------24e $1.25 Pinkhams Camp 87c 25c A.B.S.&C. Tabiets 19C $2.25 Lactagen-- $1.59 60c Robinsan's Barley 39C 39c A.S.A. Tablets 10's 19e 25e Saccharine Tabiets 1, gr 15e 30e Saccharine Tablets 12ý gr 17e Soft as a fleecy cloud! 25C ln box - - . l2padsý LOWEST MINIMUM PRICES Buckleys Mixture ---- 40c-75c Bayer Aspirin ---- 18c-29c-79c Alka-Seltzer----------29c-57e Dodd's Kldney Pulls------- 43c Baby's Own Tablets------- 23c Carter's Little Liver Pis 23c-69c Fruitatives -------------22c-39c Listerine-----------29c-49c-89c DENTAL LUQUID 2 or 3 draps pet *rthn *I1*f ix v--. dazzllng white. 1 Keeps yotfn mouth Iresh, breath sw..t. LARG33 EIM9 On the air-"Share the Wealds' every Saturdoy Nihe. Lots of bis cash prizes. i,,,ansda tons-C.B.C. Seo your radio litng for time sudsataion. L - L"ALLEN BU RYS"F Th. niceot way of tiking Halibut Iàver urwî 85c-$1.50-$2.25 il UI ScoTTS EMULSION A Setter Way t a e Cod Liver O00 Contains Vitamins A and D 590a nd 98a I Caigate's Shaving Cream 29è-43c Mennen's Shaving Cream 39C Listerine Shaving Cream --25e mueLRGEiIIMte amasi= r~N !for) PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 793 - WE DELIVER A and ivirs. Ecimuncî Thackray. Il,, Large congregations were pres- f itr.. ent at the Harvest Thanksgiving - services in St. George's Church gn Sunday. The services were in 1/ charge of Rev. Douglas Dewdney and harvest decorations approp- ' E riate for the occasion, adorned T n B8u TJ the altar and chancel steps.en 4/1If Et LAIMr. and Mrs. Richard Ander- TUfl NIE uests of Mrs. Stella Anderson. Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, ___ C H A K was home for the week end. FA U-EEDBESolina "tJ T u Visitors: Lieut. and Mrs. Bruce Oty u 1q Hogarth, Hampton; M.Rbr éoce nowden, Maple Grove, at Thos. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowiees and Carol, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs.C l d e 4 l s Ivan Ellicott, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant and Beverley, Mapie Grove, at N. C. C it e !i Yellowlees'. Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto; Mr. Milton Slemon, Lloyd and Gordon, Haydon, at Russel Gil- J bert's.*A Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and June, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne rone, at Raiph Davis'. Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Betty and ys' Donald, Oshawa; Miss Ruth Fer- 0~~' guson, Hampton; Mr. Harry San- 00derson, Blackstock, at Bruce Ail across Canada Montgomery's. lte lssan a- Miss Elia Milîson, Oshawa;cohecossan a- F.O. and Mrs. Howard Milison, tics are being turned Beauty at its best .. eauty Jerry Milîson and Gordon Tay- out this week - to provide clothing for the destitute she wilI wear vith pride. The lor, Toronto, at E. Milîson's. and needy in war-torn countries. Get out al the Beryl and Glenn, Blackstock; serviceable, used clothing, aid blankets or footwear Pierce "JOAN" is a distingnish- Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, you can spare - at once. The need is desperate. at E. R. Taylor's. ed timepiece, combining dainti- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Whitby, at B. G. Stevens' and R. ness and accuI'Qcy. C. Scott's.- [ Mr. and Mrs. Don ThompsonI Marr' Jeweley at Jack Yellowiees'. Mr. and.Mrs. A. L. Pascoe were This Space Sponsored By ThaniiKsgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hogarth, Har- now attending his 4th year Vic- mony. 0 toria University and P.O. E. Mr. and Mrs. Don Yonson and 1 Richard Lovekin, R.C.A.F., who Peter with his parents at Simcoe. 1 is in his ist year honor law, at Mr. Isaac Hardy with his Toronto University, Trinity Col- mother, who is iii at Peterboro. lege. Lieut. J. P. Lovekin has just Rev. A. E. Cressweii, Tyrone; returned from a trip to the coast, Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto; Mrs. where, in Victoria, B.C., hie visit- Luther Pascoe, Bowmanviiie, at ed Mr. Arthur Charies Lovekin, A. L. Pascoe's.D Ae y who is now in his 83rd year and Miss Lois Larmer, Bethesda; whose birthpiace was Kilcoiman Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers, ar.Betty and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. P H0 NE Mr. hares raye, SultSteHarold Baison, Mrs. Russell Bal- Mr, Chries.Frayer,satSteson and Carolyn, Bowmanville, Mare, es Mr. . Joidow, shawa, at A. J. Baison's. were esso f r n se. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa; J M i s e s o n r e.a d L d i a e C p . C h a r l e s J o h n s o n , R .H .L .I ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MissMre ndLdaLkNewark, N.J.; Cpi. Helen Baker,T.H Muty28Kna Toronto, spent the week end with Ottawa; Miss Irene Bragg, To- sages on the Thanksgiving theme. T.H Mc rty28Kna their mother, Mrs. Frank Gibson. ronto, at John Baker's. Appropriate music was supplied Avenue, Oshawa, ceiebrated bIs The Board of Management, John Baker assisted at the sale b h hiasse yMs 5hbrha nSp.3,we Mc rug urtWrgtSt ah- a dinner party was held in bis rlÊodernized the iighting system in at Phelpston. hnra h oeo i agt the Memorial Lihrary hy instaîl- Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr, is iliii es. and Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers, er, Mrs. Jean Stacey, 88 Lauder the fluorescent lights. The new in Bowmanville Hospital. Bowmanviile. Road. The guests ineiudted MiM iights have been much admired Harvest Home services at El- Helen McMurtry, Montreal; Mr. 1and greatly appreciated by the dad were a success on Sunday There will be no Church or and Mrs. Fred Spry and faraily, many patrons of the lihrary. when Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Ty- Sunday Sehool service at Eldad Toronto, and Mrs. and Mrs. Law- Tpr. Charles Thackray, Toron- rone, deiivered inspiring mes- Oct. 14. rence MeMurtry, Oshawa.

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