PAGE EIGHT THE CANA1JIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. llth, 1945 District Teachers rather, welcomed back to the Good baseslhe suggested, a1 HoI Covenionconvention. mde bynligtoes InterstConventscilone orange crates together witli I At HarmonyIpisrintereste Dipinewa grain of the wood crossed. Fq At H rniny I puils re nterste in hatvolley bail in public school, they are doing, declared F. L. heiglit of only six or six and At an ail-day convention of 120 Bartlett, Director of Physical Edu- hait feet is desirable, hie declare Public Scliool teachers fron' cation. Department of Education, The criteria 0f a good game,J Southi Ontario and 50 fromi West there is no problem of discipline. lis opinion, are that the childrE Duriai me Oc. atthePubicWith 20 pupils from the Harmony are interested and that a inax Duram et ct.3 a th PuliePublic Schooi, heÈ demonstrated School at Harmony for considera- rhythmic swing work, tapping mui number are active. tion of two topics, Play Direction exercises and bouncîng with and Mrs. Edith Colling, Supervisc and Arts and Crafts. The speak- without music, al of which can of Art and Craft Work in Aja ers from the Department of Edu- be effective means of relaxation Scliools, told of publishing monti cation, Taranto, were F. L. Bart- for pupils in the classrooms be- y bulletins for her teachers an lett, Director of Physical' Edu- tween class periods. The marked displaying on bulletin board catonan C.D.GaiskelDirc-increase in proficiency which his types of work done by pupil tar of Art, bath of whom brought dmntaincassiwdi Her policy of iavish praîse for ai thes tecesnwadisiring the course of the hlaf-hour in wark and no criticism worke Idea. wicl hewored ithit vokdist year, she affirmed, for th Rev J V Mceeyof in hecli os nd d iton d hildren got criticism from eac SrevJ. eet ntd hrl, onduKing efromahis ane. miatonother, she added. Most of th Street Unied Churpupilsdudo notrobathanaueyence the devotional exercises at the Tebetplyrun qupnettldoey aret go skehin, i 0ap e n i n g of the convention, isdicade garden hase, volley rvae.Tersbet a brought the timely message that bail and quaits, asserted M. Bart_ beven sen.e and bldinsaou one generation sliould be bridge let, and of these, old hose ranks Ajax. "Artcnb uhfn n builders for the next generation. first, hie added. Cut in foot- it s rt" hecnclbedc , ao AMter the introduction of tcach- iengths, hose was shown ta be 5fun," ewassheaonude and o ers by the two inspectors, T. R. specially useful for classmaami Miss Failis spoke on the Enter McEwen, 0f Oshawa and A. A. games. Hose also, by the way, prise Method whicli invoive: Ardhibald af Whitby, R. A. Hut- makes excellent quaits. For pub- tig o hlrntfn ut chisan of Whitby, who retired last lic schaol pupils, Mr. Bartiett ad- thins fo chld he o idr, June after 30 years' service as vised sinaller basebail and soccer wark in groups with conveners inspector, was intmoduced, or fields than for older students. she explained. A Teacliers' Summer Course ir ________________Art in whicli there were no stu- ________________________________________________dents but participants; no teach- FOR FASHION NEWNESS Your classie favorite, vibrantly attrac- tive in the newest fall styles-Tweeds, camel liair and shag mateýials, some with Silver Fox coffars, In blues, greys and browns, reasonably prlced from $16-50 up Couch, Johnston& Cryderman PHONE 836 BO W [ANILLE e, rs out counseilors; no curricu- lum but wliat one wanted ta do- sucli a course iast summer, said Mm. Gaitskell, resuhted in 3.6 hoiurs of overtime work a day for eadh person. This overtime was entireiy voluntary, le said em- platically. And-evemyone pass- ed. Art Makes Citizens The primary purpose of art anc crafts in general education is not to produce artists but to make good citizens, lie maintained. The object of the Enterprise Methoc of whicli Miss Fahis liad spoker is to teacli the chld to live in groups and so avoid extreme in- dividualism, lie declared. In these days of passive enter- tainqient sucli as radio, cars andI show, youtli slould deveiop ac- tive pursuits for leisure hours, Mr. Gaitskell asserted. The new art program. is an effort in this direction. We are drawing all subjects in the art prograin, she saîd, and sliawed pictures iliustrating even abstract nouns, conjunctions and Frenchi accents-the policy of ini- tegmation, lie calied it. He de- clamed lie would welcome the day wlien teere would be an art pro- grain in evemy subject on tee cur- riculum. "Just scribble and your inhibi- tions wili float away," Mm. Gait- skell advised those wlio say tliey can't draw even a straiglit une. When sucli inhibitions are gone, teachers may begin teaching their course in art, lie added. On exhibition in one of the classrooms was a good variety of pupils' art work whicli included bu ddi ng non-objective work whicli was iabelled "Imagina- tion. " Plaques, nmade of ciay from a ceek and vaseline and then Painted with watem colors, weme interesting objects. So too were tee Grade X samples of finger- painting. Excellent pieces of wood carving done witli only a jack-knife were contributed by William Agar, Brooklin. Brown's Red Cross met at Miss Jean1 Perrins for a quiiting. Next meet- ing at Mrs. W. Farrow's.r Visitors: Mm. and Mms. Howard 1 Beilarny, Orono, at Mr. H. Rei-a chrath's - Mr. and Mms. R.1 Graham wite Mm. and Mrs. Stan . Porteous --- Miss Ruth Honey,b Fenelan Falls, at hoine. Cowanville p Mm. Percy Edwards and sister, h af Peterboro, at Mr. M. Edwards R __Miss Ellen Ramsbottom, sc Bowmanville, at Mm. and Mrs. A. s( Bandy's and Mm. and Mrs. J. J. L W. Stringer's ---.Mm. and Mrs. M W. A. Reid and fantiiy i Hamil- I ton - Miss Dorotliy Simpson, b( Toronto, Miss Marion Simpson, Ti Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hendry w Bruce, Bowrnanville, and Mr. T. lo P( It Is agalast the Iaw ta kigt or moiost any deer while It Is swimmlng.1 Laws such as this one are deslgned ta protect the wfld lite of Canada sa that it may be preserved fer our enjoy ment. -~--. ~- _ CO0 N T R 1 UT ED 8 Y TO PROTECI CARLING'S 11E CAULING DREWERIES LIS41E w -w w- -'w-'w w- W -w- - -~ be J. Simpson at Mr. and Mrs. Alfred --- - Mr. Don Wates, recently re- of Perrin's. turned from overseas, witli Mr. lie Sormy ta lose our good neigh- W. B. Ferguson ---- Mrs. Pres- or bors, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ýLayton ton Sterling with her daugliter, a who have moved to their new Ivrs. Harry Philp ---- Mr. Gul- a home in Newcastle. bert Gibson and family with fis ed. Miss Lillian, Jean and Mae parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gib- in Hale with their parents, son ___ Mr. and Mrs. John Gay .e n and Denny, Courtice, Mr. and xi (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Roger Oke and Wayne, Port Rev. and Mrs. W. Patterson, Perry, and Miss Audrey McQuade, orNewcastle, had tea with Mr. and Bowmanville, witli Mm. and Mrs. axr Mrs. Andrew Bandy Thursday O. McQuade -- Miss Leah Mc- axevening _.-- Miss Phyllis Hol- Quade with friends in Bowman- th- lingsworth with lier parents, Osh- ville ----Mr. and Mms. Ceci Fer- d awa Rev. Oak, Welcome, lad guson, Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and Is charge o the church service at Donna of Newcastle, called an Il .Carke an Sunday --- -- Mrs. Chas. friends here. atCowan witli ler daughtems, Whit- Mr. Chas. Fallis is again in the edby Mr. and Mrs. B. Clark, liaspital undergoing further treat- :li Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. ment and ahl wish him a speedy ,hMilton Edwards' ---- The Clarke recavery. eW.A. are invited ta Mrs. Patter- On the eve of their departure fn or Nwcastle, on Wednesday fromn this community, Mr. and hefrtheir October meeting. Mrs. Herb Galbraith and Marj- vd orie were hanored at a little social ýidgatliering wlien they were pre- id 24c!S h o sented witli a floor lamp and set ri. Lok afsS h f bookends. The W.A. alsa pre- r- Mrs. G. Barcliard went ta Tor- lovely mirror in appreciation aif eonto to meet her son, Cpi. Bihllier many yeams of generous sup- no Barchard, who returned home on port in her work here. .thieIlie de France. She was ac- companied by Miss Gwen Hooper, HOG PRODUCERS 0F ONTARJO Ajax. Tliey had more than their TO VOTE ON MARKETING in share of excitement in Toronto_____ Lwhile tliey went in to pliane some Hog producers of every Ont- Sfriends tlie taxi was ht by a street aria County during November car. In consequence tliey were will vote by ballot on the adop- -very late getting home. We are tion of a pravince-wide hog ýd happy to bid CpI. Bill "Welcome marketing sclieme under the .6 Home.' On Friday aftemnoon Mi-s. Farm Products Minister of Agi- )r Bardhard liad al lier sons home, culture. Producers wiii express Is Mr. and Mrs. Cliris Bardliard and titeir wisles. 1- family also Mr. and Mrs. Edward The thing is of major propor- -Barcliard and family. tions and the Board lias cailed the Thanksgiving visitors: Rev. and assistance of Agricultural Repre- Mrs. Stanley Osborne, Port Credit sentatives of tlie 42 counties of i at Russell Osborne's ---Mary Old Ontario. A register of ail ýt Bowen, Cornwall, at home - ------liog producers is wanted for com- eMary Gibson, Toronto, at home pilation with all district repre- - Pte. Elroy Gibson, Kingston sentatives by mail or personal d also Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gar- contact. n rock and infant son and Maurice Publicefmeetings wiil be called ,i Wickett at A. F. Gibson's- ---Mr. during tlie week of Nov. 12 ta -and Mrs. E. B. Stockdale, Cpl. and leamn tlie views of producers. At Mrs. H. D. Stockdale and Ian tliat time registrations will be - Stockdale at F. W. Bowen's ------ accepted and balloting take place 1Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and but ballots will be accepted tramn - Helen, accompanied by Mrs. W. those unable to attend. Cowan, Orono, in Toronto with Lists wili be lielçJ for 10 days Mr. and Mrs. Arthiur Doaley. after the meeting for expression 9 of views in the matter and signed ballots wiii be accepted by the 1Burketon local Representative up ta Dec. 8, 1 1945. 1 The place and date of each Mr. and Mrs. Bihl Caok, John meeting wil be arranged by te and David, Leaside, witli Mr. and local Representative anci announc- Mrs. F. Cook ---Mm. and Mrs. ed by advertisements in the press. Frank Westlake, Solina, Mm. and Wliere there is a County Commit- Mrs. George Mutton and Judy, tee, the Cliaimman will act at the Bowmanviile, witli their parents, meeting. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook --- Mr. The vote by ballot is taken un- Ross Cook is home from Lenore, dem jurisdiction of the Farin Pro- Sask. -- George and Arthur ducts Control Board. In view of Tompkins at Mrs. Tompkins' --- the urgent nëcessity of iaying Mm. and Mrs. Grant Wilson and plans to support the drive for bet- Beryi, Kinsale -- Mrs. E. Stmutt ter bacon products for overseas witli Mrs. Pearl Avery ----Effie to hoid the position won during Glennie is home ----Henry De wamtime, it is expected local pro-- Mille witli Mr. and Mrs. B. Hub- ducers will take full advantage- bard----- Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- of lis plan. Lauglilin spent Thanksgiving in _______________pu] Oshiawa. acc We are collecting used clotliing ,. ~un, for thie National Drive this week ~ É~'~'/the at the Churcli, October 11. -ee o4 Starkville oAPTER READING teke w vau become aware af the tact that Mr. and Mrs. E. White, Eliza- von have came under the spefl ai a bethville, witli their daughter, pair ai verv competent story-teilers. Mrs. Ross Hallowell__ Miss Charles Nordhoff and lames Normai2 Dorotliy and Betty Farrow in Tor- Hall coilaborated ta write MUTINY~ onto Week-end visitors at ON 'THE BOUNTY and m this Miss Norma Halloweli's weme Mm. they teflthe stary/ af what becarne Tom McCloud and lady friend, of the aurviving fivers af a Catalîca Miss Beuiah Hallowell, Toronto Fiv-0t Boat forced down one bun- Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Gii- :dred mies offi a Pacific Island isarkcd mer at Niagara Fals __Mm. and cm the officiai maps as "Exîstence Mrs. Herb Gimerw.Bowmanville, Doubthil." With the subtility ut at Mr. Clarence Gilmer's crahtsmen. the writers have made duer Tlireshing in this neigliborIood c3T8cteCs z- caavinclnq sasanv is finislied _ Miss Deckard at couple ci normal vaung flvicrs t'ou hem home in Toronto-- Mrs. C. 1010w. and trots there have woven a Reid, Toronto, witli Miss Norma t aci advC3tur and taaearv wbiî Elaliowell _ Mr. and Mrs. War- àB doubtlesa çetined to became a ren Carson and family, in Ponty- Steart.o u tms cefadat pool - Mrs. Arthiur Tubb. Osh- Seat awa, with Mm. Howard Farraw ~ __ Miss Minto, Oshawa, witli HAS THIS EVER HAPPENED her father _ Mr. and Mrs. E. TO YOUé Thtte wrndu Aall ua futhven, Zion, at Mr. A. Dob- brnq trouble coarace aoos son's - Mrs. Lew Hallowell and banP0o'h'srà coenoltcato, sn Jim with hem sister, Mrs. H. whucha usafl takes oLace muit 'lIe .yttle in Oshawa--- -Mm. and cm tsbackuîa (the car 0w o ne Mrs. R. Lowery, Toronto, at A. nQ& inYODc'stIdoa0 ivw # h Dobson's__ Warren Carsan has titis nnovance ana the excenhe ai unsohtio or ,craoa eo tetis e ins- ouglit a piece 0f land froin H. S. staffinc a nent overheac liît-on tyo mîimm Miss Berthia Hailo- Co atacit,,eta ON YOUQ OLD well, Toronto, at Mrs. Jacob Ha.l- DOOR.S This ,-ew nethod roset ,well's __Mr. Bll Trimin, les r acu 'niche' fmaofe »os- 'art Hope, at Mr. Bert Trin-în's. qible, cw *nlch il net, -je,n 'neit.'g qaraqe door set. on/q $15.00. Tihe sname Co thse teetUrEZ'G Cacinus eeaoc t-tardware ata if pe bu Pehr 'itra-en, ervafluve am e.. hiable f/u'n iEa.qger,, Çeei Prceinoi Thank-offering services were Limtte Preston, Tornca ituM<w. l el i n l- t U t e d C i uc.o*r ul T teA - _ -l e ta ~ 't i son. Dr. Bowles gave an inspir- ing message using Conscience as his theme. Mrs. Lamne Thomp- son and Mr. Leonard Joblin pro- vided music which was greatly enjoyed. The evening service was canducted by Rev. W. C. Smith of Port Perry, using Thanksgiving as his theme topic. Betliesda maie quartette deliglit- ed the audience with their selec- tions. Sunday visitors: Mrs. Bill Rab- inson, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson - Miss Eileen Hyland with Miss Bessie Edgerton --- - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutherford, Oshiawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fawler -- Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanderson and Marion, Toronto he St se: To Ail Blood Donors Thank You 2,347,000 blood donations were made lu Canada, 1,423,000 lu Ontario, through the volunteer Blood Donor Service of the Canadian Red Cross Society since the first clinica were estab- A lished in January, 1940. The lives of hundreds ini the army, the Davy and the air force were saved through this service. This record was only made possible through your donations of : blood. We wish to thank you sincerely for your generous help at a ie when the need was so great. Special thanks are also given to the doctors, nurses, transport drivers and ail other j volunteers who gave so generously of their time and talents. The Volunteer Blood Donor Service is now closed as a war measure. A new challenge is presented, however, for many . deaths occur i Canadian hospitals each year for lack of an adequate transfusion service. -iM To meet this need, the Red Cross is making a survey with a view to providing ail Canadian hospitals with blood for transfusion purposes. To aur thanks, then, we add an invitation to help us as we continue aur humanitarjan work. When the tixne 4 cornes, and plans are ready, announcements will be duly made. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY BLOOD DONOR SERVICE C. BRUCE HILL Prei dent RUSSELL T. KELLET Ontario Division JACK COLE Chaiwman Citairman Ontario Committea Local Commaittea Blood Donor Servicea e Blood Donor Service ..... . ... w .V te j-.- t is the old lesson--a worth Fortitue I take to be the uit Let prudence always attedÏW rpose, patient energy for itS session of a man's self, and an your pleasures; it is the way to r !omplishment, a resoluteneas undisturbed doing his duty wliat- enjoy the sweets of tliem, and daunted by difficulties, ad ever evils beset, or dangeriei not be afraid of the consequences. me success.-Punshon. the way.-John Locke. -Jeremy Collier. DESIGNED uTO -SAVE VOtI FACE whea big dmt appemft a mu bout s warning. Du Sams. Rome Crea Malilk la à tragfaut. voivep cfeam ieveiaped far the maVm ofa makinqte face soit u su, »CI givtrs Ir a lokai hm u mveut Spread thc mask a3 mmoeehitaso-. sibie over the face and thcoai umot,# arl upward end ')Utlmrd sucep, dea Ife lown end rela tor ftl, twentv minutes I'he stimulaistne que- Mtes of this musk aresomMrtn&W ania tt dries ift -Iets dte face If ite i temnnra-ifaêtiguc limes amti bcicJ, la the complexion a refre"liq glew, COUNTER IRRITA TION jeob tri cd ama accredeS te of ete- lieurn a inresultinq romnn"àrsu/ aorenesç.çTins eninteç lrrtuftcnmo b. Solea brq uohicat ion el)heat orbucoam,,qo o o o '~a sLme,- ment abher. thse vain is htrslOme. T'herrise a ot/u' n mge abot u ealitess end eomiart nw/t ei Aews cf/te, met /ao The eftet b amalw a nertiw el eaxiîQ 0& remo ouo tsr ln teflic etd oert w/ic/t Ji brmWuh abnn tbu t',, ,lared cyrril/aeon Hedd apm etincalqor lant LUiment wM Ilsum',on u irent cuaaton re-in- fnrcemem'ta drve au'au thse naiu. There Ms more Slnan's miade in Co.- aathait anq at/ctUiIment. AND REMEMBERI Yoi bde WARMER thi.s wînter if vois support the National Clathea Collection i used clothea for the destittîte people of ELrone. VOURS TO ENJOY e YOURS b-'m IDEAL NOURISHMENT FOR CHI LDRE N 1 ý', 1 ai, m-e"e 1