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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1945, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TECNDA ~Arq~A EN( Mr. and Kendal, wi gagement ter, Marjc Henry Lom David Lom marriage% November. Mrs. C. announce1 daughter, Lloyd Gec son of Mr. late Mrs. N' wedding is ty United Saturday, Mr. and ronto, wisl gagement daughter, Coulson iHE Of Mr. an( ]Bowmanvi] take place St. Hilda's ronto. Free Parl Thursday 0 The ScreE Spectacle4 Bright sc UT'S A Michael 0'! aid, BillJO! ln Glor Monday - Ti 0( Lana Turi Su KEEF Pol Agiies Mooi son - Lee iP SEEN A G LATELY? You're going of these ti 'Who take of scrap It out. They CLAM Startii Th Juidy Garian THE COM "SON4 Wate rA E ENSCrd fThna ___________ ___________ Notice To Creditors HlpWatd otc 1 M s.Norma Pattn,_________MR._ND_____ Foundte t Ms. ormn attn, e wshto express our sincere COLVILLE -M.ADMS BOARD AND ROOM for elderly IN THE MATTER F THE GIRL OVER 18, with Housework Dr. R. E. Dinniwell has resum- RETURNED SO IESGE ishto nnunc th e- thanks and appreciation to Mr. Robert A. S. Colville, (nee Bes- woman. Apply Geo. W. James, ESTATE F SARAH RUTH experience. Live in. Phone 322. ed practice at his residence, 30 ea evc utnfudO of their eldest daugh- and Mrs. Norman J. Scott an-d sie Hawley), wish to anounce Statesman Office. 41-f TOOLEY, LATE 0F THE Bamral Htl 21 ive t 22 igSt.rOier ayhae a orie Eileen, to Milton Mr. and Mrs. W. Newton who the birth of a son on October .. . TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON, ycligatSt ves, son of Mr. and Mrs. were so kind to us during our l2th, 1945, at the Bowmanville Wanted to Rent NTECONy0 DURHAM, PART TIME HELP WNE L. B. Tapson, piano tuner, will ves, Omemee, Ont. The recent bereavement in the death HospitaTHEen. Aply BrFokAengs E i omnvlete ek Hostaeplcpariital.rdugtrMayMr n 42-1* WIDOW, by at Statesman offnice.nvllethewee o .______pac__lyi f u auhe Mr.Mr n FARM, ABOUT 100 TO 150 acres, Ail persons having dlaims way Nurseries near CNR Sta- Oct. 22. Telephone 2257. 42-1 For Rent 42-1* Mrs. George Perfect. 42-1 GRIFFIN - MR. AND MRS. plenty of water. Apply Ross against the estate of the above tion. 42-1 Fred Griffin, (nee Ruby M- Cook, R.R. 1, Burketon. Phone named deceased who died on or- omnilEecrias 42NWSGRSW H. Burgess wishes to Mr and Mrs. J. Carter and Laughîin), wish to announce Port Perry, 193r15. 12 bu hBowma fDeébr ATD MEITLgilKn t .anielecrians 2 NEW Scin GEo R EWninG ahn the engagement of her famîly wish to sincerely thank the arrivai of a son, Donald 1942, are required to file proof of or woman for general house- wiring done. Motors repaired and month. Elec. port.$50,Sn Lois Rebecca, to Mr. their neighbours and friends for William, in Bowmanville Hos- 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING RO- the same with the undersigned on work on farm. Week-ends free installed. Phone 438. 14-tf er Sewing MachineC.,Oh rge Nichols, youngest letters of sympathy in the loss pital, on Oct. 7. 42-1* oms or small house, unfurnish- or before the l5th day of Novem- if desired. Write, stating wages 14-tfoanuneta Ihv aa hoe66 . A. J. Nichoîs and the of a dear son and brother, Flying near Goodyear, by young ber, A.D., 1945, after which date required to Box 566, Statesman Iws oanuc htIhv w.Poe66 qichols, Port Hope. The Officer Roy E. Carter. Thanks 4ET Scul.Phn 90 r261*the diitarxshall proceed Office, Bowmanville. 42-1* purchased the Supertest Gas Sta-Ls to take place in Trini- also to the Red Cross of Cart- DParkS coupl ., hone w9.0 or262 e aJistrtrxx saehvngto n aae uiesfrel Church, Bowmanville, wright and Darlington for par-DE lT AP TMN OR d 1t hi____ regard ony o te claims of operated by Spencer Burley, at WILL THE PERSON H to O ctober 27, at 2.30 p.m . cels and letters sent to the three CLEM EN C E In O shaw a H ospit- D Rooms, unfu ris e, O Rb coup e w icah ha a e h n h d _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ o g n erl e piand bod a dro mno's e Bh cab r S o , B w sonswhil onovereasservce. ai, October 12, 1945, William with High School boy. Write notice, and to the exclusion of al ognrlrpi n oyad fo oesBre Mrs. W.J. Abel, To-42-f John Clemence, beloved hus- Bo 54, taemn Ofc others. SLENDOR TABLETS are ef fec- fender work. Fred Saunders, manville, on Sat.nihOt h to announce the en- band of Georgina Allan. Bowmanville. 42-1* DATED at Oshawa, this lSth tive. 2 wceks' supply $1; 12 Newtonville. 414 13th, please phone Aa hr of their youngest Mr. and Mrs. George Perfect________________ day of October, A.D., 1945. Joseph weeks' $5, at Alex McGregors 27,Bwavl Catharine Hilda, to and family wish to thank their GLENDENNING..At Newcastle, -P Mangan, K.C., 141/2 King Street Drug Store. 3-8 Almmeso h omn ýnry Ruiter, eldest son many friends, relatives and neigh- on Friday, Oct. 12, 1945, Louisa rat saa naiSlctrvleuled tob resenarme et- . M m m mm 7id rs A . uie bours for thcir kind expressions Jane Glendenning, widow of AUC TION SALE faor aOliea o S1 Amir SPENCER SUPPORTS, IN ingto b held in the Bowmanville Il.Temrig iio yptyadfor the their Christopher Glcndenning.____ istratrix with Wîll annexed. 42-3 idually designed for health arifl HghSool udeorin e 'e 0ftio S on November l7th, at beautiful floral offerings, especi- comfort. Mrs. E. Page, Ei- Hîgh cool 25,aitoriu.m.Thuris- utonSl Anglican Church, To- ally thanking Dr. V. H. Storey PERFECT-In Bowmanviîîe Hos- Ganaraska Farmi Work Wanted - killen, Registered Spencer Cor- dusay, Octb 5, t 8 pfm., tois-W odL 42.1* and the nurses of Bowmanville pital, on Thurs., Oct. Ilth, 1945, _____________________ from an Association Library to About 8 Acres of Sadn Hospital, and Canon C. R. Spen- Mary Perfect, beloved daughter Dispersai PAINTING, GRAINING and stip WYSUFRth goyo a Free Library. 42-1 timber, prineipaliyhadod cer for his consoling words dur- of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Per- 50Hitispîing. Apply Eddie King, 76 Rh umt ____the___________of__ property of ing their recent sad bereavement. fect, aged 14 years. 5 osen Duke St., Bowmanville. 6-* Ruatic Pain, Sciatîca, Lum- 1TeCrei 42-1- Fully accredited federaiiy listed 3. bago, when Rumacaps wilgv atdT Bu MORTON-In Darlington, on POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER You welcome relief. McGregor's Co. Th nse t nepoyet Sat., Oct. 6th, Norma Fay Mor- A richly bred Rag Apple herd to rcfined gentleman about the Drug Store. 42-i METRONOME. Phone 2460, Bow- to be sold a ishwork Wercnsleti rb ton, with a Monogram herd sire, 18 end of Oct. no other in charge. manville. 42-1* Lt7 o.4 avr w OSAW cm work feca oralv e til wrork Mr.Sttoton, onyduh fMagd 1 months' old son of Montvic Mon- Please write full particulars to LAST CHANCE ON CARNIVAI.o , o.4,Mn OSHWA eniofwor fo al i weallwor Ms. tuat Mrtn, ged15ogram.. At the farm, 3 miles Box 560, Statesman Office. 41-2 prize of 1946 Ford Deluxe Se- WILL PAY CASH FOR CAR in 1 mile north of Ponyo, at it. years. The funeral took placenot PotHp2da.DaNeYa'sE, 0 gdcniin.FE.Let Con. south of BaRldf n k i g P h o n e 10 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fro m . th e fa m ily re sid e n ce , o n n r h o o t H p i h a a . D a e e r s E e o g o o d t o . F . L c t , a o t 1 m l e t Monday, Oct. 8th. Interment in and 28 link between Wclcome TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - don't delay. Proceeds for Wel- Orono. 18r1. 42-2 abu mieeso .. BQwmanvillc cemetcry. 42-1 * and Dale on Wedncsday, October All kinds of tractor work, fare work. Tickets, 3 for dol- rday, co 24th, 1 p.m. ploughing, cultivating combin- lar or get 3 free for selling book. SMALL CEMENT MIXER, p Fn Frda -Sauray10 cows and heifers frcsh in, ing, etc., donc. F. S. Allen, Write, Womnen's Institute, Rocky er or hand opcrated. Phone Sale at 1 p.m. Term:Cs )ct. 18-19-20RO A MURRELL - I n Bowmanville balance due soon or milking; 15 phone 594, Bowmanville. Mountain Hlouse, Alberta. 41-4* 2636, H. J. Brooks. 42-1 TED JACKSON, Auioe Hospital on Oct. 18th, 1945, yearlings and calves. These cows 24-tf-4* 41-2I HNORPH p n's Most Thrilîing R O Y A L T H A T RE F a k W u rl, a e 9 a e d u h es o a p l l at r C n el ,P O o f ai. A Star . . . BO WiM ANVIOLE PHONE 589 years. Resting at Northcutt & arie du tcrs of ag a pp ,leW OD F O R AI , A t c es F r S l with Lovelight Smith's Funeral Chapel. Ser- War Rag Apple and ail under 5 sanded and finished, old floors________________ 360, Bowmanville. 421* THU..FRI. NLY ot.-1-9 ic nthe :30p.m. onStermet yeairs. Everything under 3 yrs. resurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 HEARING AID. $20. Mr. Bond, PIANO5--SMA.L A.ND medium inEAS RE "BJECIVE Ebente1819zer at2:Cemr. Itr vaccinated. ycars' experience. P h one Newcastle 42-1* sized pianos desired. Write or G A A T ________________________ Sale under cover if wet. For 908-J-12 Oshawa. Residence 2______________ U IM I. P E S R yCourtice. 36-12* VNUR AS EDO telephone F. J. Mitchell, 204 1- catalogue write Fred Austin, Jr., VAN____________________OR Church St. 39-4* G A A SeMrecDn Agrapctrewith OJCIERat IN MEMORIAMI R.R. 1 Port Hope. TYPING OR GENERAL OFFIC Fecdý. 75c per bus. Phone 2586. i e A g eat picur wih g eatAutioeer: ork waned y xpeiened42-1 WLL A Yr HIGHEST MARKET R ad ie v c 'haMat co-L. E. FRANKLIN * wor watedbyfxoerencd _____________Phone__ )hnson, Gus Schilling stars. Heroisni of the para. GARROD-In loving memory of J. H. WILSONoung woman t.hawnoreHND cUTBfornan cut- y20 Necîae3-. A.W. 1ien4y Tubes, Batteies rfous Technicolor troopers in the Burmese a dear husband and father John 42-1 0f omptoe te oha(a6o5 tinecomnd haytAply20ewasle laWilliam Garrod, who passed _________ Statesman Office, Bwa TOP PRICES ADFRNWec ruesday - Wednesday jungle away, Oct. 18th, 1942: ville. 42.1* CHEVROLET COUPE, 1931 Mo- and used feterfateItcs ___2-3-4-___b _h stl w et C o p e e D p r a V î È - de in good condition . Serial pillows, etc. H. Glober, Port mer - L arain e D ay S A T U R D A Y O N L Y O C T . 20 m eet ag ain . " E U N E A R E o 3 4 7 h n 6 2 2 1 o e h n 6 .4 - o . N msn Peters -Always lovingly remembered EMPIREaptal TIMOTHYmed bn ____ad ___ly 4-1 sesad oste ns.GrdeFully accred. yearly employment wîth QUEBEC HEATER, EPRE'n WE ARE BUYERS 0FTIOTY 85 King St. E. Pon58 CRAWFGRDWestn Yovng mady'ory t anfderallylste. cllinated view to purchasing farm within good condition. Phone 2558. and Clovers. Mail or bring in » OU RAFRDI lvngmeoy tdfdealylitd.Slln at vicinity Cobourg, Port Hope, 42-1* your samples for highest offer. WDER DRYand of Will Crawford, who passed the farm, Lot 28, Con. 4, Darling- Bowmanville. Write G. Good- Stewat's Sd Stor.Phone______________ 0F THDRY i away Oct. 23, 1921: ton Township, three miles north man dlo "eteran's Land Act, CAMBRIDGE UPRIGHT GRAND 57,wa il oe. oe_______________ LA FTEWL" "October brings back memories of Camp5bellford. 41-3 piano in excellent condition. ~ Bwavle with 0f a loved one gone to rcst; COU RTIa' _____________ Mrs C. W. Woodley, phone 2414 SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING Se bead - Bill John- Y ou w ill enjoy this H e w ill alw ays be rem em bered o m n il .4 - m a h es W l p y c h, al Partie double bill program By those who love him best." Tuesday, Oct. 3Oth ________________ OL TSEANleENswit, or write, Singer Sewing Ma- HO R I rODCTFGT-Sadly misscd by mother, sis- OLSOEADOE wie hn oOhw,1 nai NOO? .. T Ihen M nTusW ter and brother. 42-1* at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Bessie Robbins, Hampton, trimmed with black). Price chiethne . 96haa, 1 O triaW A T O? get ba nMonOTbes., 4 OWI-nloin emryo Twenty-four Guernseys will selI by public auction, her $20. Apply 57 Duke St., Bow- Srepoe6 6 4t N E togeta bng ut OLWLL-n lvin meoryofhouschold effccts. Date and other manville. 42.1* I AM pREPARED TO BUY USED FOR FOX MEA we udyKtes Otbr2-4Clifford William Colwill who Twelve Hoisteins details will be published next cars or trucks for wrecking pr reese cudlwKttn Oct. 18, 1943: quite a number to freshen about week. 42-i BLACK BUFFALO ROBE. Will oe. ebr Knapp. Auto ff their mittens and MONTY WOOLEY "You're not forgotten father time of sale. 1 seli cheap as have no further poses. erLbertyS. omnPH N ýThey BAWL ...»ea I have been authorizcd to sell use for one. John James, ville. Phone 418. 41-4* ORONO 42-1. Y hyLV R CEFED oever shahlyub No reserve. GiVing UP by public auction for Wilbur Phone 663. ________________ 42-f _______________________P l_ RO D C O AL As long as life and memory last daiyn Blackburn, Lot 18, Con. 1, Dam- 4 ACRES ST'ANDING CANNING LIVE POULTRY and feathers. O ------R D YMcO AL Wc shahl remember thee."ai"n lington (l¼1 miles south of Maple dorn. James Housego, l½ miles Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. ORONO 77-0- ing Thursday i -Lovingly remembered by A. T. Stainton, owner Grove) on Wednesday, October south Maple Grove school. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi.-37t irce Days daughter Ruth, son-in-law Hmtn n.3lst, the following: horses, cattie, 42.1* ness carried on by Mm. Flatt Bruce and granddaughtcmhres ipeet, ri n personally, no agents cmploy- id - Robert Walker ai Carol. 42.1* ELMER WILBUR, Auctioncer hay. Sale at 1 p.m. Temms cash. DRUMS' TANKS, STE d)4-* in_________andS TEE EL cd. EU 11 E '~ IA ___ __42-2 Theron M ountjoy, Clerk; Elm er plates o ods and lugs, steel *COLWILL-In loving memory of Wilbur, auctioneer. 42-2 be, angle iron, beamis, watem WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR *CLOCK Many laughs and a did or Wl8am C1943: who A C INS L piping and fittings. H. Giober, ail varicties of Claver and Tim- diffoýr Wllim olwlAUC43:SA E1 have been authorized to seli Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 othy seed. Bring or mail sam- W JIE [N ONfwhar us o Remembrance is a golden yPbiAutofr George-- lsPhnCare312A.W T D IN OO ew s r ugThoo hi aebe ato e osl angstaff, Lot 3, Coni. 7,Carke BU N WHITE FIGURED W. Glenney, Newcastle. 41-8 OFo atSe o Ms hsne D atiesn; rabt l nb uli ut o Twp. (i % miles east of Kendal Evnng Dress with separate To hrDae avei oloeadthnt;. .Bi and i mile north), on Fmi., Oct. jacket, size 12-14. Write Box L HOS WNE fo Si Ca p n Is theae tsommfone'sLot 35, Co. 4, Dailntn t19, at i p.m. sharp, al his famm 567 Statesman Office, Bowman- OLD andHoRSES WANd f for$.0 pat o 3,Cn 4 alngoatstock, implements, hay, grain, ville. 42-1 f to $10.00, accomding to wcight. For Construction wor h _____the_____________________of_______ TAUNTON etc. Farm sold, postively no re- LADY'S POLO CLOTH WIN- Margwill Fr Farm, R.R.1, y- hpartîuoan sere rrscabihs. A.oE. Mrt- ter coat size 19, practically nevw. mone, Ont. Phone Bowpnanville Port Hope. APPlY Yo01lca SThe years may wipc out many Oct. sebll.A E ot A bargain today. Apply 146 2679. 40-tf Selective Service Offie things, Thursday, Ot 25 on,tdlemk; Jack Reid, auctioncer. Wellington St., aftem 6 p.m.- But this they wipe out neer- tefllwn:41.2* 42-1* ANTIQUES 0F EVERY descrip- Refer No. C. O. 5517 É5The memory of those happy thefloig ion, coîored glassware, old 4- dayswrealtgte" Dairy Cattie The undersignecl has eceivcd SMALL CHILD'S CRIB AND iamps, old buttons, furniture, When we 24e cow, 5 rs, bred Ja instructions from Mrs. William mattrcss, folding camp dot and dlocks, ch i na figures, bric-a -_______________ -Sadly emembered by wife SmHo,îsteiny uli acio F2b;Simpson, to sdi by public auctio mattmess, wicker carniage, dan- brac, jewellemy, silver. Amer- an fmly 2-*10; Holstein cow, 7 yms, bmed at the Rectory, Blackstock, on vas baby swing, canvas baby's can buyer. WrieBx56 FOLE -I eer ovngMac 2; lckco~ msbrdSatumday, Oct. 20th, aIl hem house- car seat. Phone 2610. 42-i rttsa fie Boxma53i6, mcOWLRy- If our lov g Mar. 25; Holstein heifer, breti Ap- hold effects including clectric MARON COT AN _____ Isbll Camourbl Fd owle' i ; osen o,4yr r lamp, couch, beds, dressers, tab- GIRL'S MROne m.Ccci il RevANdD5t MIsbep ass bedlto r estOt.1, wnd y8hHotincw 4ys lbe es chairs, lawn mowem, oak writ- Hat, with grey fur tim, size 8- 10. ae penerMwho CMai' N ourbcovd aterThma My 1;Ayshreco, ysbmdin? desk, dishes, pans, ketties, 10. h e S12 Little, Chaimman, A T Au g. 24.shovels, and numemous other ar- sn odotem r1.SlaeCmite states that vaLI Fowler who passcd to rest Oct. Cattie4 ticles. Terms cash Sale at 1.30 42-1 the recent drive for wastc paper 27, 1939: Cfl p.m. Clifford Pcthick, auctioneer. O was as good as expected and "Those whom wc love go oui of BlchicmbedAg 10 42-1 WEHV UPY 0 wishes to thank the public for Bl e h i er r d A u . 1 ;barbed wime on hand now ; 2 F O R en r u s p o t siButneeouofmd Black Cow, 3 yms, bmed Sept. 10;'0-H HETP I Btnvrotomic; Durham cow, 7 yrs, brcd Sept. 14; The undemsigncd has rcceived gas engines; used Case silo uIgnru upr.HG ETPIE They are cheishcd in the Bloc heifer, bmed Sept. 17; 2 cows instructions from Frank Delyca, filler. W H. Brown, Case Deal- hearts due Nov.; 2 Holstein heifers, 2 Lot 23, B.F. Darlington (1%k mile cm4igW.Poe 21 ad _________________ _______2__Blak Ai kinderofGrade an 0f those they leave behind. ys lc efriy. south of Maple Grove Gas Station, 4942- Registered Cows and Loving and kind in alterHiti efrcle;iHiti mile west and 1 mile south) ta BOY'S OVERCOAT like new, fit Ways, bull, 21 months; i Holstein bull, sel by Public Auction on Tues., boy 14 to 15 yeams, cost $15 willHefr -7Upright and just to the end Reg. No. 187437, born April 27, Ot23thflowg:oseje- seli for $5; also vacuum dlean- of their days; 1945, Sire, Eim D.C.E. sey cow and caif; poultmy; sepa cme like new. Phone 2208 Bow Sinceme and truc in heamt and Horses 7 wcesld0 wgminston; 4sigle p.m. ANTIen an ý o ato; pgs 1 weksol; pga, mavilebewee 7an T421 FREEZE M ax liei Whn, we' odBayginstBay inleR.R. 4 Port Ferry they left behind." 10 yrs. trees, cook stove, Quebcc heater, LATE MODEL B ALLIS-CHAL. Phone Port 198tr 2 -Sadly missed but remember- 2 smail heaters, work bench and mers tractor, ubber tires ,,o- Prr cd always by sons and daugh- Tractor Equipmment ie oksoesadmny c aeof n etpl om Octo When WC PHONEM7 j.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L E I C E S T ER__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U n t l f u r t h e r n o t i c e w e a r e P a y i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g p r i c e s 1 o an ee abs A L lach SQucbecrescolas heater (new), cook stove OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE LIVE POULTRY deliveredtoutpathWiby a d, e e î m s. A . BanH maessdollars.or(n arly n w), seve al congo îcm Store - Eve ything in modern,. ToOuGrade Heav Folby Lo e l244 a pon hn 23 r Dairy EquipMent rogs, nearly new, 3 bedroom chesterfield, bedroom, dining TpGaeHvy Wl . a yov i254421suites, choice dressers and chif- suites, and studios. Bedding an Top Grade Llght Fowl, 4 to 5 lbs. - - - -3 b 421 DLvlSeln obeuifonier, coffee table, i good inne----------20r or coveringa a specialty. Top Gradé Light Fowi, under 4 Ibs ------- --lb. THE REXALL STORE Pull your weight-don't throw wt a nie(e) spring mattress, radio, lamps, Qelynecads at com. o raeBofes o 3 -- s.-2890lb it around. IHay kitchen cabinet, spinning whcel, petitie pie.Bfre baying TpGaeRatn hceS vr4 s 8 Quantity98 piece dinner set, odd dishes' tviatrade' e Furniture I Top Grade RoaStlng Chiekens, under 4Y2 _lbs. -----28clb aTest EYes tla Done Properly Sgt. Jeilva Newman, after three Quatthy of hay, clovcr and bedding, blinds, dortaîrns, mirmors, Store. B156SxceSt ., osh- Top Grade Heavy Capons, vr5Ib.- ---1 O b I ty a s s r i e w t h W C o î o h .garden tools, vegetables and nu- aw a. 46-ti v r5fs---------3 0 I 78 - - C.N.R. TICKETS rccroiting duties throughout On- Sale at 12:30 P.M. Terms: Cash merous other articles. Sele 1.30 . tario, has rejoined her parents J. D. HOGARTH, Clek. p.m. Terms cash. Wm. . Challis, The man whos always watch- WHITBYRà __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ aftem dischage from headquar- L E I B R A ci n e uti n e. T . M unjy lr. in h o k wll n y r b h ER e o e - W ib 3 N A I ters at Long Branch. 42-1 42-2 ma 1 n fthe ouwllvr.b h OT T ______ _______ _______ ____42-2__man__of__ the______ _______ _______-______ ____336

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