1945 er the zed by federa- special cks, at e themn servie- h sales in On- ing ar- repre- tion ta ni Bur- .iat the wages must 15, Saver- :)n the h with d with i l94â icrease ( Literary Evening At Woods Senate A quorum assembled at the of- fices af L. R. Wood, Saturday ev- ening, ta mark the opening af the faîl session of Wood's Senate.1 The gathering is non-partisan but a Liberal majority prevails on contentious political questions. In attendance were Geordie Gilbert 94, Bill Painton 85, Thos. Hogg 75, and many junior mem- bers including Mel Wight, Reeve Bob Stevens, Bill Paterson, Oli- ver Roberts and other less vocal adherents. Ater reading ai minutes, the meeting resolved into a literary evening while awaiting the Ot- tawa budget ta be introduced next Friday. The pize for the best effort feu ta Thos. Hogg who submitted the following original poem: The Soldier's Return Canada we greet you, the best place on earth, At war and at peace it's the Place ai ur birth, Neer ta falter when far from aur home, Attached ta the boys, the ones that are gone, Demanding a living, it's ail that we ask, And also God's blessing, we have finished aur task. TO BUY MOPR BONDS THIS LOAN. 1 JUST CAN'T I YES, YOU CANJ SALLY' IT WON'T KRS. GR.EEN? SIMPLE! YOUR. MOWTHLY PAYMENTS CARRY ON ýFOR. A Y EA P YOU CAN, TOOI1 Everyone can buy more bonds in this, Canada's Ninth Victory Loan, with- out increasing their regular outlay. The samne amount per montb, at the end of the year, will bring double your investments in pre- viaus boans. Sa, sign up for twice as much this time. And remember, Canada needs our continuedsupport. JOHN LABATI LIMITED London Canada kede ati n O panddT he me;thods .er.iploYed to ay of Quinte Conference; ReC.D. MLellanj Believing p sed Tothat the immedite> onference recommendation of Belleville ecto e actions it eetsN pnePresbytery becomes its member effet ofthee acion is o i- Seect Napneeon the samne body of which Rev. crease the spread between the Dr. J. Semple of Peterborou gh s thatpai bythe onsmer andcia)-Panswere made Oct. 9 B.A. of Delta, Secretary. Durhm Cunt Feeraionof eldin he ewcstl Hal o ata meeting of the executive held Four ministers have died since Agicure onyFeeaino held n the ewcastl HallDo knowing that this invariably at Bridge Street Church, Belle- the Conference met at Oshawa in fui meeting at the home of Ar- Thre was a lengthy discussionfothhldn Cther2nee thur Thompson, Kendal, Oct. 4.rgrin odiin peang in tage both as an employer of la- annual Bay ofQuneCfrnewresttoheramis.Ty The hol rgading 0fteemnh te cont onsaComtee of bour and as a citizen, we, the of the United Church. Rev. H. are: Revs. A. F. Shorten of Har- meetings is proving to be quite a 0twows appointed to draft a re- Durham County Federation of ineacairesidet Renfr.E Be, sort, Mfater af1evA.oydro feature when they can be held in solution dealing with the samne Agriculture, strongly disapprove Elin h e car d e. J. E. Bce hre, Biniste ngatFon;oro the homes of different members and the resolution below was of the attitude of Organized La- Eling s secretary.and. . LG ,B., Knston; J throughout the County. Last passed. t is self explanatory. bour during recent strikes which Kn5-00l ad .L ora, Caellev ndlle. month meeting was held near The Federation agreed to have indicate a decided indifference to miniteripr a deeas pfor te.D .PKnxBeeil. Blackstock on the west side of the weekly findings sent to the the growers of foodstuffs and the gater parlttofas week h as provd-_________ the County, this time at Kendal Secretary and he in turn will for- maintenance of democratic insti- tions, whîch this year will pre- in the centre and next month's ward the samne to the Director of tutions and government. vent the Conference meeting at Obituaries metig il e t apbllrotFoum.Brockville, which would have ____ at the home of W. Bannister, on The meeting also expressed its been the normal place. Depend- JOHN SPRY the east side. If we can only get endorsation of the 9th Victory . *11 a______fuete-_n o hesurunig ilae plans laid down to get to the Loaon and urged ail its members Teei t~.t fqite-igo h urudn i e northern parts we wil be able to ta do their utmost by way of pur- durance as signîfîcant of courage and countryside ta help out, a On Tuesday, September 2, at caver the County regularly. chasing bonds sa that this boan as the most daring feats of prow- delegation.from Napanee church- the home of his daughter, Mrs. Plans were laid for a Faîl meet- will be the greatest success of ail. ess.-Henry Theodore Tucker- es: Rev. C. D. McLellan and Mr. Lingard, Bowmanviîîe, th er e ing of the whole County. It wiîi Copy of a Resolution passed by man. Burton Elliott of Grace Church passed ta rest John Spry, aged 82 take the form of a Pot luck sup- the Durham County F. of A.: A man may faîl into a thousand and Rev. Nobel Hatton, Harry and two months. Since the pass- per. They have been most fortun- The members of Durham perplexities, but if his heart be Vanluven and George Switzer.0f ing of his wife, six months ago, ate in securing Lieut. Col. F. Ban- County Federation of Agricul- upright and his intelligence un- Trinity Church conveyed the in- he has been in ailing health. Two ister, who has been a Padre dur- ture have watched with gtowing clouded, he will issue from them vitation, which was gladly ac- months ago his son Robert pre- ing the war, to be our guest concern the demands being put ail without dishonor.- Robert cepted. deceased him. He leaves ta mourn speaker. This meeting will be forward by Organized Labour. Louis Stevenson. It was decided to open the his passing three sons and one Conference at 10 a.m. Tuesday, daughter, William of Bowman- - - -----May 29 and to organize imme- ville, Frank of Rochester, James diately ta permit an extra day's of Toronto and Dora, Mrs. Lin- work at committees in view of gard, of Bowmanville. this being General Council year.1 Funeral services were conduct- The Communion service and ed by Canon C. R. Spencer of St. ......Memorial ta deceased ministers John's Anglican Church. Inter- -will begin at 3 p.m. the openint ment was in Bowmanville Ceme- day. Meetings will continue un- tery. The palîbearers were Rus- The ousetil Friday night. sel Spry, Roy Spry, Ernest Lin- The Lay Association of Con- gard, Herb Stainton, Wilfred San- ference of which Inspector R. F. derson and Walter Oke. Downey, B. Paed., of Peterbor- th t ac ough, and Mr. H. S. Johnston of MRS. ARVILLA M. MCGREGOR Lindsay are, President and Sec- didn't build ~ ~~~~retary respectively, reported that Alf-ogrsdn fEs the devotional speaker who thisAWhiyTonsian of Ethe yeaiwil e fom heUniedmost highîy respected members States will be Dr. Edwin McNeill of the community, Mrs. Arvilla ~/ Poteat, President of Colgate Di- M. McGregor passed away Oct. vinity School, Rochester, N.Y. He 8 in her 90th year. In poor health will give an address each morn- for the past four weeks, she died ilssinand be the speaker at W. H.Brsin owavle --------------teLaymen's Banquet which i . ikssnBwmnil .~always an outstanding event with Mrs. McGregor was bora in an atendane up aas00 Whitby Township near Ked- ron 89 years ago last May, hier Named Chairman parents being the late Mr. and Rev. J. R. Trumpour af Can- Mrs. John Lee. In 1880 she was nifton, who is secretary of the married ta John A. McGregor and Belleville Presbytery will be they spent their entire l!ves in chairman of the Business Comn- East Whitby. Mr. McGregor ......mittee of the Conference, along passed away in 1939. with Rev. Alfred Poulter of Ma- Mrs. McGregor was an active doc who is chairman of the Belle- member of Knox Presbyterîan vile P esb ter . W th hem 11l Church, Oshawa, taking a par- ~ ~be associated a layman to be ap- ticuary keen interest in mission- pointed from Napanee.arwrk ~' iPresbyteries af the Conference, She is survived by four daugh- 0f which there are seven, are ters, Mrs. G. Arthur Campbell, af aske7d ta make nominations for Blairmore,Ata;MsW.H the office of President for next Birks, of Bowmanviile; Miss Mar- year bo far Cobourg has no- jorie MeGregor, ai Toronto; and mintHe adKgtn Rev. .Grdn . Mrs. B. E. Montgomery, of Osh- D3, Por Hoe ad KngsonRev J.awa; four sons, Dudley G., of In old-fashioned melodramas E. Beckel of Elgin. They wiil Brampton, Malcolm E. of East also nominate a minister and lay- Whitby, Bruce J. of Oshawa and- AL EA Dofte the mortgage was a threat to f amily man ta the Conference ta the Lloyd F. af Brampton; as well as Ji securiy. Toay it s jus the re-nfluifl Geneial Counciliof 1946 13 grandchildren and two great rece secrho. e that JaCktth re tbuee italabuttllundecided. grandchildren. She was pre- thai, verse. Thousanascand thousantsOne of the mstimportant af- deceased by one daughter, Jean, Balk verse. housficesndinhuthedUnited Church will be in 1921i. nobody hears of the houses that o ailslv npaeadCll open befoethe General Counicil The funeral was held Oct. 10 of fmiles ivein eac an co - 1of 1948 because the Rev. Dr. C. with Rev. H., F. Davidson, pastor thousands of jacks haven't built. fort in homes they own themselves A. Myers, brother of Dr. A. Y. of Knox Presbyterian Church, W. Myers recently of Belleville off iciating. Interment was in the They've existed in dreams, or they bcueo otaefnsmd will have reached the age limit. family plot in Oshawa Union becase f motgae fuds adeThe executive placed in nomi- Cemetery. may actually have been planned, n1 i. T~Tfation as his successor, Rev. D. ________ available L.rurOgL the .aie .L11ur- T. 1. Forsyth, B.A., B.D., who before going ta his present pas- ANCIENT COPY F "GLOBE" but for one reason or another they ance companies. torate in Waterloo was a well- FOUND IN OLD PICTURE have failed to materialize. known Field Secretary for Re- liglous Education in the Bay of In removing the back from a Whe yo se anoldwee- .<1> Aporionof ver d llatI- Quinte and Montreal Confer- framed picture, Mr. G. Baker, %) esptdn of Luer llarcm ences. Tyrone, found a folded copy of When ou se anold eed-At the Conference next year "The Globe" dated Jan. 13, 1864. covr.e plt tanfored ntoa ~ ~ ' panies has helped finance tov.Tf at Napanee there will be an Or- It was the weekly edition of 8 covre pottrnsoredino and farm mortgages for solid dination Service held on the Wed- pages published in Toronto. Pass- stret f C5Y ome .. whn yU tirity orrwer ai acoss nesday evening. Last year there ed along ta the editor for inspec- s t r e t o c o y h m e s . . . h e n y o uth r ft y b o rr w e r ai a c o s sw a s n o n e b e c a u se a i e a rlie r e x - tio n , th e issu e w a s fo u n d to c o n - see old tumble-down barns re- < Canada. The balance is in gov- pediting the graduation of min- tain twa main features of cur- isters ta meet war-time shortages. rent interest, The American Civil plaedby in ne bildng on.~ernment and municipal bands, Prospects are that the candidates War and the political battie in Sindustrial securities, etc. Life In- wiil be E. Donavan Jones, B.A., South Ontario centering about prosperous farms .. . you can surance builds prosperity at the of Emmanuel College, Toronto, Thos. N. Gibbs and A. Farewel usualy fiure hat morgagesainie tirne that it stands guard tery and is student minister at Hon. Oliver Mowat. vctdb uanuas hefig er theseapeople to over the homes and loved one Albert Street Church, Oshawa With twa whole pages af edi- and Frank J. Whiely, B.A., af tonials and another of "Letters ta lon a hlpdthsepope oof four million policyhoiders. Queen's Theological C a lle ge, the Editor" the political news reaizether dreas.Kingston, member ai Peterbor- took precedence over the war.M realze heirdrems.ough Presbytery and student Speeches reported verbatim with ........ ---minister at Parham. "double dealing"l, "political pal- Rev. H. J. Latimer, ai Seely's troon", "fence straddier" and lîke Bay, was permitted ta retire from terms hurled at opponents in the active minîstry as froni Oc- open, joint meetings were re- tober 1, because ai ill-health. minders that today we miss much It i god cfizoshi toownBecause of his removal from of the colorful polîtîcs af the past. Tweed ta Millbrook, and on the The newsprint of that day was A Message from the Lie Insurance Companies Ln Canada. recommendation ai Peterborough ai exceptional qualîty and the Presbytery, Rev. G. C. McQuade copy was well preserved. Pages L745X was appointed representative on were 18 x 25, seven column wîth . Settiement Cormmîttee of the not a single illustration. Hand set from case Nonpareil, the wonder ___ is how so much soiid reading 0 Ce couid be assembled in 6 days. IS i' I Tcf TluI fjr'No 8 Pblshd vey riay ÀtA i 7-i,É What makes a littie farm a BIG FZ4RM? It has been said that "a rich man business and aur manager will is oniy a poor man with money"l. weicome the opportunity of dis- You have aiso heard that "money cussing your plans with you. He makes the mare go" and that will be elad ta study your pros- "'nothing succeeds hike success". pects wîth you, plan with you, discuss actuai and promised Old sayings like these tell yau revenue, and work out with you ta see the manager of the Bank a plan of canvenient repayments. of Montreai if you need money ta make your fa&,r a better farm Manybig farms-successfuî farms -if you see oppartunities for in- - in aliI parts of Canada were creased incarne from increased iitdle farms once. For their de- production. velopment many of their awners have relied an timely loans froni You do nat ask a favour when the Bank af Montreal. Yaur B of you ask for a loan at the Bank af M manager invites yau ta share Montreal. Lending money is aur their experience. ~'M IIfB-ANK 0F MoNrTEAL, ,~. *,,,* ~working with Gsnadians in every watk of 1ife since 1817 Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager lustice delayed, is justice de-, Be temperate in thought, word, Temperance is the firmn and eive from mankind justice, and deed. Meekness and, temper-' moderate dominion af reason over in that we deserve it.-Mary ance are the jewels aovese passion and other unrîghteous, :er Eddy. in wisdom. -Mary Baker Eddy. impulses ai the mind.-Cicero. THURSDAY OCT. l8t, 1945 *~' '.'CILI rXM STii o.Lh 1 Mî 1N, ISWMANVILLE, ONTARIO P G H E g 'J ISN'T A HUNDRED" DOLLAR. WO KT H 4 BOND WOKTH TWICE AS MUCH DOUBLE! BUT J AS A FIFTY? YOU PAY THE -SO. DEII CIOUS AND NOURISH 1 NG m THURSDAY, OCT. 18th, 1945 THE ClAriAràT.&w M I'VE ALWAYS WAMTED TO BE ABLE TO AFFOKD A HUNDPED OLLAK BOND. NOW 1 CAN! q