1945 nation Slives We care literczlly "beating swcjrs into Plowshai'es" as men turu from the wars to peaceful pursuits. Making such men quicly accustomed to civilian apparelis a task we know, and enjoy. Uncommon care i tailoring and fitting ensuxes such men a prompt return to ease and good appearance. BRESLIN'S, Bowmanvulle THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1945 W e dn sCHANT-RICHARDS of r. nd rR.Corns, and Trinity United Church, Bow- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. SUMERSFORD..STEVENS manville, effective with white Lockwood, of Orono. The form- 'mumis formed the setting for an er was gowned in yellow taffeta, afternoon wedding on Ocjober and the latter in pink, with mat- Autumn ]eaves and flowers de- 6th, when Velma Joyce, dffugh- ching Dutch caps, and they car- corated the home for the wed- ter of Mr and Mrs. W. J. Richards ried baskets of rose petals. ding of Miss Helen Jean, young- Boymanvjîîe, became the bride 0f The bridegroom had for his est daughter of Mrs. Stevens and Paul Franklin Chant, son of Mr. best man, his brother, J. H. Keane the late J. D. Stevens, Maple and Mrs. J. A. Chant, Chapleau. of Toronto. The ushers were G. Grove, to Mr. Kenneth Sumers.. Rev. J. E. Griffith performed the Lockwood and S. H. Keane, of ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ceremnony and Mr. W. E. C. Orono. Sumersford, Bowmanvilîe. Rev. Workman presided at the organ H. C. Linstead officiated. Miss The bride, given in marriage At the reception held at the Edna Swallow played the wed.. by hier father, wore a gown 0f church, the newly married cou- ding music and Miss Doris Stev- white slipper satin styled with P]eeeed itthrmtes ens, niece of the bride, sang "Bless sweetheart neckline, shirred bo- and the bride's two attendants. This House," and "0 Promise dice with long sleeves and full For the wedding trip to North- Me." skirt forming a slight train. Her ern Ontario, the bride wore a Given in marriage by hier bro- scalloped finger tip veil was navy suit and hat and had mat- ther Fred, the bride wore a floor- crested with a net halo edged ching accessories. Mr. and Mrs. length gown of white brocaded with seed pearls, and she carried Keane wiîî live in Oshawa. satin and her finger-tip veil was red roses and bouvardia. held with a coronet trimmed with Miss Dorothy M. Richards, Tor- MR. AND MRS. FRANK pearls. She carried a cascade of onto, was hier sister's only attend- RUNDLE CELEBRATE 35th Better Time roses and white bou- ant. She chose a blue sheer gown EDN ANI RS Y vardia. Mrs. C. R. White, Osh- with quilted taffeta jacket, andWEDN ANIRS Y awa, hier sister, was matron of halo of pink 'munis. She car- rdyeeig et 8h honor in turquoise crepe dress nîed an old fashioned nosegay o f oery eveigoSept.d2Btse with matching headdress and car- pink 'munis. Mr. Gordon Chantsoe frtni ghbrs aa s h oe ried bouquet of gold 'munis was bestma for his brother. ntLifMrieands gatherdatkthe home Miss He]en Sumnersford,1 sister of A reception was held at theofM.ad rsFan Rude the groom, -was bridesmaid in home of the bride's parents with twdn on e rs asino!t eir3t gold crepe dress with headdress Mrs. Richards receiving the woeing annpiersary. akn to match and carried bouquet of guests in a teale blue gown and compkletelymbyesurpr e dran yellow 'munis. Mr. Charles R.' corsage of pink 'mumis. She was Frae n sonmeiuevleryn e White was groomsman and Mr. assisted by the groom's mother cmne inThe irsu art pleasn Art Burgess usher. wearing a rust frock and corsage eninnner. Then irn pla o t At the reception Mrs. Stevens of yellow 'mumis. poesgsiv Lsp ent in plaing wore mauve dress and black ac- For the wedding trip by motor an address was read by Mr. Lloyd cessories and wore corsage of to points west and north, the Crago and Mr. and Mrs. Rundie creami carnations. The groom's bride chose a dressmaker Suit Of were presented with a lovely mother wore two-piece blue dress brown wool with dark brown ac- table lamp by Mrs. Edra Price. A with black accessories and cor- cessories. The happy couple are sumptuous lunch completed a sage of rose carnations. residing in Bowmanville. very pleasant evening. For the wedding trip the bride chose turquoise woo4 dress, mat- KEANE-LOCKWOOD M. r.R tvn ching bat and fur coat and wore Mr.____R._teen corsage o! roses. The marriage of Miss Margar- Guests of Honor et Lockwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lockwood, to William hnsinge mrdte Mervyn Keane, son of Mr. and Thnsingeemrdte Mrs. A. H. Keane, of Orono, took 25th wedding anniversary 0f Mr. place in St. Andrew's United and Mrs R. M. Stevens, Church chuchOsawa Sauray after- St They were gîven a surprise noonc, Ot.awaRev. GrgeTl when a car called for them and fordoffiOcit. 3 edattedoub l-gtheir famoily to take them to the G EN EIRA L ceremony, iasted by Rhev.ou H.-rCn Union Hall where 65 friends and Worm of Lasintday ncef HeC.relatives had gathered to extend bridermom idsy. eeoftecongratulations, present appro- ELECT RIC ridegoom.priate gifts and enjoy a programi The wedding music was played of music, a dance and an excel- by C. J. W. Taylor. Miss Louise lent buffet supper. LANIPS ~~~Pearce, of Courtice, sang "Av e Piemv ntearne Maria" before the ceremony and rmet mversinohe Yarrgane "Until" during the signing of the Cmes wereeorge oungchanr- register. White and yeîîow 'munsmsCarleoreeFnklinheshair- made lovely decorations in thepmasn eorge Frnklin Odshaa church. presented theadwr ittenaddess Given in marriage by her fath- whichensead by Miss Ieenu er, the bride wore a gown o! Sit eeamcson terlnmerous white satin on princess lunes with veift wervce o ster ln i- a sweetheart neckline and leg-o'- vr e evcwolnbak mutto sleeves ending in points ets and table linen. on h ad.Hrln kr Both Mr. and Mrs. Stephens formte asrt r n He r -replied with short addresses, briered net veil was caught by takn h sebe usso aa lace coronet. She wore a pearl behaîf of themselves and their necklace, the bridegroom's gift f amily of eleven children and andcarieda buqut 0 wht~three grandchildren. Mr. Stev- gardniasand ouvadia.ens, known as "Bob" to a large Threnidwas a tndd b y Mrsdi . circle of friends, is a veteran of J. H. Lockwood, hier sîster-in-Wol Wa1,srig itth law, and Mrs. J. H. Keane, of To- 136th Battalion at the front. ronto. Mrs. Lockwood wore a After Mrs. Stevens cut the wed- p loor-length gown 0f Nile green ding cake there were many vocal sheer draped over green taffeta. selections and for these and the Her Dutch cap and finger-tip dance, the pianist was Miss Dor- gloves were of American Beauty othy Bedford. velvet. Her bouquet was Ameni- pcan Beauty roses. Mrs. Keane o WeK w Mhad a fldor-length gown o! or-No WeK w chid taffeta with a neckline of Faithful but unsuccessful Con- orchid sequins. Her calotte and tributor: " 'A' says that an edto finger-tip gloves were Of plum- is one who puts things in a news- CANANANcolored velvet, and her bouquet paper, 'B,' which is myself, dlaims was of Talisman and yellow roses. that an editor keeps things out. GENThe two flower girls were lit- Which is right?" tle Miss Linda Cornish, daughter Editor:."B! plete anti-freeze outfit at BRESLIN'S, the neigh borly store that keeps its friends warm. Choose early from Our complete selection of winterwise wearing apparel. MEN'S WARM WINTER COATS. Velours, fleeces and tweeds in double-breasted tube models or flyfront balniacaan styles. Ex- pertly tailored with proper in- ner construction that wil help it to hold the shape foi~ a long time. These dressy coats corne in greys, blues, browrns and Sand. Bizes 35 to 44., Made from heavy navy blue wool melton cloth, these briques are sturdy weariug and warm. Pull cnt sises for wearing comfort. Regular style. Bizes 32 to 42. Men',s Mackinaw Coats Made from heavy ail wool H phreys cloth in bright, large checked patterns. Ras four pockets and all-arotund belt as pictured here. Bizes 36 lm-am4 MWen's Windbreakers Wool nxackinaw windbreaker in combination. Zipper front, slash justable side straps. Plain navy trim. Sizes 36 to44. iTURDY PLAIDS For Worlk or Play b g' n i o K i il o o o i i smnart two-tone pockets and ad- with light blue Men! Hlere is an opportunity to purchase serge trousers that will wear and wear and wear. Made from navy blue serge, just releaaed by the government, these men's trousers are just what you have I $7m50 Tweed Suits For Men:- Fine tweed suits that are tailored from a sturdy, good looking diagonal her- ringbone tweed woven from yarns that will give wear and style to your clothes. Coat is rayon lined. Vest and trousers are regular style. Bizes 35 to 40. Bach Men s Chamois Vests Men 's warnx chamois vests, tailored from extreme- ly pliable, lightweight sIns for greater ease Of mnovement. Gan be worn under jacket as waistcoat without appearing bu]ky. S il leàt "AManu's crowniflg glory PULLO VERS FOR BOYS ADÂAT iv'ely, bright colored doe- iin shirts for men and sys. AU sizes from 12 ta .7 DRESLIN'S Brushed pullover sweat.. ers for boys that are warm aud sturdy wearing too. AIl sizes 26 to 34. DO WMAN VILLE $3*95 b ~6.OO CoaMerS /aando se MICHAEL O'SHEA,, Popslar Hollywood star. Wheïlan Adamn sraces your head, youil have eveqy right to feel well-groomed. And even more so tis Fafl-as.Adain ha really outdone itself in its Fail array of styles and colors. Furthermore, that farnous Adamn quality, a.s usuaJ, is buikt into eveiy bat by Adamn. So drop around and *see us today-and the Adamu that you'Ll cheri.sh for many a Long rnooa ta corne. gAR~eAN bc 17 2 R E "S Wite cnbefu orth anwh rese hfe paM-eta cu ----0 -M!Mý i Il 101,181, Yod, EM 1 The Zero Hour approaches. 4 $29m75 s4*ýjýî CLOTHIES $3.95 to $6.00