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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1945, p. 13

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THE CAADIANSTATEMAN, PWMGNVLLE. NTART HARNDEN'S GARAGE NORTH WEST CORNER KING AND ONTARIO STS. - BOWMANVILLE - Eiquipped to repair alniakes of cars. Latest equipment of tools, machines, parts already installed. Having 25 years of ex- perlence, inciuding five years in the Canadian Army and four and a haif years with the Art- lllery overseas, after ten years service on Dodge and De Soto cars at the Challis Motor Sales, rny range of experience 1 now bring to patrons of Bow- manvilie and district. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS My Motto is: "Prompt and efficient service for ail makes of cars at reasonable rates." Oils, Grease, Anti-freeze inistock. Bowmanville Phone 501 Tag Day m Saturday Local 189 United Rubber Workers of America are holding a Tag Day on SATURDAY, NOV. 3rd PROCEEDS ARE IN AID 0F THE 10,000 FORD WORKERS AT WINDSOR who have been on strike for the last six weeks. We appeal to you to donate to this fund. Watch for the taggers and give, them your generous support. N. ALLISON, 'President Local 189 U.R.W.A. E. A. JONES, Chairman Ford Strike Fund Committee a SALUTE TO ACHIEVEMENT III A S Solina Visitors-Mrs. T. C. Kaiser, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson,' Taunton; Mr. John Lyle, Mr. Alex Lyle, Bowman- ville, at Thos. Baker's ----- Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruickshank and Joan, Mrs. Ida Wilcox, Peterboro, at Bruce Tink's ----- Mrs: Jessie Cation, Toronto, at N. C. Yel- lowlees' ---- Mr. and Mrs. James Tbempson, Helen, Janette and Jimmy, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Richards, Orone, at J. R. Kivell's ------ Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold, Miss Gla- dys Yellowlees, at Stan. Sharp's, Ida ------ Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Dav- is and Patsy at Alan McKenzie's, Columbus, and attended anniver- sary services ----- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lorne and Dianne, attended Columbus anniversary and visited Mrs. W. Ormiston ---- L.A.C. Roscoe Baker, Toronto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Baker. Y.P.U. pres ented their drama at Kinsale last week and go te Conlin's School on Friday night. A Hallowe'en masquerade, un- der auspices of the Y.P.U. was enjoyed Monday evening. Prizes for notable costumes were awar- ded te Mrs. James Smales, best dressed lady; Myrtle Hall, best dressed man; Ewart Leask, co- mic; Margaret and Marion Tink, best couple; Donald Taylor, best Hallowe'en costume; Lamne Tink, best dressed boy; Marilyn Dew- elI, best dressed girl; Margaret -Anderson, best dressed child. Judges were: Mrs. Wes. Yellow- L lees, Mrs. A. J. Balson and Clar- ence Vice. Harvey Yellowlees, president, conducted the pro- gram, consisting of greup singîng led by Pearl Leach, reading, Elaine Baker; instrumental and vocal music by Mary, Hazel and Jean Cryderman and appropri- ate contests. Lunch was served. Orono News Mrs. Nichols and daughter, Baptiste Lake, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Fiske. Mrs. L. D. Bell, a resident of Kendal for many years, was bur- ied in Orono Cemetery on Oct. 24th. Mrs. Healey who bas resided in Orono for the past year, has returned te ber home in Trey, N. Y. Her son, who was everseas, bas also returned home. On October 27th, at St. George's Church, Newcastle, by Rev. Mr.t Dewdney, Miss Eve May Bouck,1 daugbter of Mr. and Mms. C. D. Bouck, Toronto, was married te Mr. Russell George Maluske, of Chesley. A receptien was held in Oreno at the home of thei bride's sister, Mrs. R. A. Ferres-1 ter. National Film Board pictures under the management of Mr. E. R. Woodyard, were shown in the Town Hall, Orono, te the local schools, Thursday. Ernie Bowen, R.C.A.F., son ofV Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen, and -Gordon Major, son of Mr. ands dels echeing up and dewn New corne from the dimbers. Il mOLONCSH'R BUE CRA : d.29C -LIPSTICK1 4 Levely, D...g n,,30 3 hUln lents, 30c AYERST ALPI-AM ETTES 25's -5O's - 1.OO's - 500's 1.00-1.85 -3.50- $15 1 AMAZING NEW DENTAL LIQUIO 2 m, 3 cdmps pu, brushing Scoops your dlazzllng white..1 (ceps your mouth frsh, brmath swet. LARGE ~MEDIUM On the ar-"Shal e s.W.alth" every S1 ada ighî.Loso f cs h pr*., A L ' lcu lca fll', .. 15C. 2 for 25e radio listing for "eim oaoný . Lux Soap 2.. for..... 10c, 3 for 25e Anniversary Congratulations to Goodyear Long May They Prosper" d'LEN B U RYS" PRSCRIPTIONS A SPECIALT [ALRG A LEX McOEO 71W T nieot way of t" talgHaibut Live He.85c-$1.50-$2.25 LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRU aS PHONE 79?, - WR Dus Ivu FALL t E t c a E a( iv 01 '-THE PRIEST, THE WOMAN and THE CONFESSIONAL" by Father Chiniquy NEW EDITION UNABRIDGED 75e A COPY Mail this advertisement with 75c and your name and address to THE GOSPEL WITNESS Dept. 122 130 Gerrard St. E-ast Toronto 2, Canada JIEWS in the Light of Prophecy will be the Sunday Eve. Subjeet at Evangelistie Tabernacle Ontario St. at King St. by REV. ELDON G. FORD - Don't Miss This 1 - -Il' Lovely Party Dresses Mrs. Russell Major, have return- and Mr. Ken Caverly with Tor- M i rv ed from Overseas. onto relatives ----Douglas Cav- a l Grv Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond erly with Jack Smith, Oshawa -_____ have returned from Haliburton. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Mr. and Mrs R. Stev ens in To- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson are Bowmanville, with Mrs. L. Truli otwt hirduheMs moving into their new home, pur- and Mrs. Austin Barron Mr.-oto----tei-auhtr Mrs. chased from Miss Elva Tucker. R. Griffin, Union, with Mrs. G. Ray Snowden. Rev. Sam Delve who has been Adcock ---- Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, recuperating seveYal months from Enniskillen, at S. Williams' -- - attended the funeral on Monday an operation, has taken the Seel- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett and ey's Bay Circuit. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, with of their uncle, Mr. Sam Bray, En- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. relatives ------Cpi. Lorne Brad- field. Mervyn Keane, formerly Mar- ley, Kingston, with Mrs. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Bobcay- garet Lcckwood, Oshawa; Mr. and and family. geon, with Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. Mrs. L. McFeeters, formerly Nel- We welcome Cpi. Percy AllUn We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ste- lie Wright of Orone; Mr. and Mrs. who arrived home from overseas Harold Sydney Luxton, the for- on Tuesday. venson and family of Haydon to mer Greta Mercer, Orono, and Our pastor gave a splendid our community. They have pur- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green ail of message on Sunday evening. chased the home formerly occu- whom are October newlyweds. Mrs. Bessie Robbins' sale of pied by Mr. David Bothwell north Mr. Gordon Leamen has mecciv- household effects on Saturday of the highway, side road west of cd his release from the R.C.A.F. was weil attended and a very Maple Grove. and is taking a position in Tor- successful affair. This conunity extends hear- onto. The young ladies' service club tiest congratulations to Mrs. Chas. Clarke Township Public Speak- enjoyed a Hallowe'en party at the Axford who on Oct. 27th cele- ing Contest was held in the Town home of Mrs. Ted Chant on Wed- brated her 9th hirthday. Hall on Friday evening. nesday evening. Mr. Michael Jagger, Toronto, Rev. F. A. Bunt of Vrooman- Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibbs and fa- at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's -----Mr. ton took services in Park St. mily and Mr. Geo. Gibs, Oshawa, and Mrs. Howard Cryderman and Church on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman family, Audley, at Mr. H. R. Fo- Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. H. Tay --- Mr. Bert McMullen, daugh- ley's ----Miss Pearl Collacutt, lor and son, Kingston, witb Mr. ters Lois and Joyce, and son with Miss H-elen Drew, Oshawa and Mrs. S. E. Allin ---Miss Gerry, Janetville, with Mr. and --- Mrs. J. D. Stevens with ber Margaret Roy, Toronto, with Mrs. Mrs. Frank Rogers ---- Mrs. G. daughter, Mrs. C. White, Osh- A. Roy ----- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adcock with relatives in Oshawa awa ------- Mrs. John Hathaway Cornish and Billy, Port Perry, ----- Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards (nec Margaret Barrabaîl) of with Mrs. J. J. Cornish ---- Miss and family, Toronto, with Mr. Dand, Man., formerly of Orono, Audrey Billings, Toronto, witb and Mrs. -L. Cryderman ---- Mr. with her sister, Mrs. Russel Mr. Carl Billings ---Miss Jeanne and Mrs. C. Smith, Oshawa, witb, Gimblett, whom she bas flot seen - Forrester, Ingersoll, with ber par- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis TrulI. for 24 years. ents ------ Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, CpI. P. W. Allun, son of Mrs. MrTosSn dnr.L.C Mimico, with Mrs. I. Winter and Cora Allin, Hampton, returned 1rhs Snowden, Mrs. .. r Cma Mrs. J. J. Cornish ---- Mrs. Eve- home recently after serving over- attended trs.H . fnGr. freira lyn Hall and Anna Marie with seas for 2 years with the Royal ted hefnrlo tei relatives in Oshawa. Hamilton Light Infantry. cousin, Mr. Sam Bray, Enfield. Mrs. Percy Morgan is in Bow- Pte. Fred Holwell, Dundas and manville Hospital for an opera- Glengarry Highlanders, returned tion. from overseas on the Queen Eliz- abeth. Fred is son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Holwell, Toronto, form- Burkton rohaservicewill be at 10:30 A nnouncing a.m., Sunday, with the W.M.S. in Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smith and charge. Mrs. Bullett will be the family, Fleetwood, Mr. and Mrs. guest speaker and Miss Doris Frank Westlake, Solina, Mrs. Ed- Stevens, soloist. teoeigo ith Marlqw and children, Mr. and the___________of ville, Mr. R. Stevens, and Mr. Enfield George Young, Bowmanville, ____K ING'S AXI wtMran r.F. Cook.NT Mr. Mrs. H. Simpson, Port Per Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bulkowski, ry, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Aldred.- Torontô, with Mrs. W. J. Ormis- 185 Duke Street Mrs. A. Aldred and Ruth in Tor ton ------ Mr. and Mrs. E. Hawes onto. Gog and family, Whitby, at H. Smith's BOWbIANVILLE Mrs. Gog Carter with M~rs- Mrs. R. Pascoe has returned F. Willan, Bowmanville. fro visiting friends at Solina ________ George Carter is in Toronto and Hampton ---Congratula- getting his discharge from the tiens to Mr. Russell Cochrane and PHONE 5il1 Y Coek Miss Ruby Moore on their mar- Ross bok as purchased the niage. farm of C. Soucb, Hampton. Syrnpatby is extended to the Long and Short Hauls Mrs. H. Rabme visited ber sis Bray family on the death of Mr. ter, Mrs., Westlake, who is ilî in Sami Bray. Mr. Bray was a higb- Day and Night Service V Bowmanville Hospital. IY respected and successful far- Mrs. Bertha Wilson witb friends mer, and bis passing leaves a big "CoreyoiMt" in Oshawa ---Mr. and Mrs. S. gap in our community life. CutsorMto P Moffat in Osbawa ----- Mr. and We were favored by having Mrs. Mervin Gatcheil and fam Rev. L. B. Smith of Newtonville CayKnPoreo ily at J. Gatchell's ----Miss Ru in the pulpit on Sunday. Rev. CayKnPoreo by Bailey, Mrs. Graham, Oshawa,' Smith preacbed a fine sermon at Mrs. Tom Bailey's ---Mr. whicb will net be forgotten soon. q_______________yc OTHERS FRON $8.95 to $16.95 W/ae4 81o&t, .tmdec Phone 451 "The Modern Store" Bowmanvifle Elevator Strîke Note: Those1 York City's skyscraper canyons DRUG MONEY -SAVING VALUES AND REMNDERS1 For the Week of OCTOBER 3lst TO NOVEMBER lth 198c Cod Liver 011 16 oz ......... 77e $ 1".25 Pinkham's Compound....... 87c 25e Camphorated Oji 3 oz ....... 22e $2.25 Lactogen ................. 1.29 33c Everready Shave Cream ....... 23c 50c Pinex Compound ............32c 50e Milk of Magnesia ............ 23e 35c Corega .................... 24c 25c Kîcen-or-Antiseptie .......... 21c Y 1 98e Cod Liver glk% GIN Capsules .......... 89e -P LS ILS A.B.S. & 0. Tabiets 39c-69c alibut Liver OuÙ.0 VITADIET Multiple Vitarnin Capsules 30 day 1.25 90 day 2.701 25c Analgesie Balm ..21c 79o Minera il......... 67c 25e Cold Tabiets 19c Idamalt - Malt & Cod Liver Oil ...... 47c-79c-$1,39 Cocoanut Oul Shampoo .. ..... 19c-33c ODEXn h ANTISEPTIC BATH SOAP Odex ie made with ti-tree oil, an exclusive, odour-free antiaetic il tirea more effective %an carbolic as a germicide, yet mild and pleasant to your skin. 2 CAKES 110z CHRISTMAS CARDS Special Assortments of Gaily Coioured Cards 25C - 75C - $1.00 Antifreeze Alcohol One Galion Containers Dee Tee 1.39 Certified 1.59 Hot Water Botties, 69e -$1.39 -- gt ..,, - - For that speciai paty or dance of these smiat dresses is the answer. Smatly taloed in the latest styles in wooi om rayon cepe. Some are sequin tim. Sizes te, fit Il to 241/. Ross-- Hiubb alla rec, tta-n wa,- iet. Wallac-------Br. ta-d wa, wH frsend . Mr. aMrd aMrs. H.eouse en ay, Mr.a andh Mrs. aGeore Gnnyok----saa waih Mr anofMrshCoo-ae-i spite of ramn, Oct. 24th, and gave a fine program to a well-filled churcb. Lunch was served. Pro- zeeds $15., Rev. J. Plant thanked the company for the deligbtful entertainment. Rev. L. B. Smith, Newtonville, ook charge ef the merning ser- vice and delivered a splendid ad- dress. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn, Kir- by, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Dean -----Mr. George Tempkins, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tomp- kns ---- Miss Bernice Needham and Frances, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Needbam ---Mrs. A. Gully, Mr. Glen Hoskin, Osh- wa; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wood, )reno; Mr. C. Heskin, Kedron, t Wes Heskin's ---Mrs. Wes. Hoskin with ber sister, Mrs. Flin- toff, North Osbawa. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens and Vr. and Mrs. Bert Winston, Tor- )nte, with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. tevens. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo and arol, Bowmanville, at Mrs. C. olwill's. Mrs. H. Tink, Selina, at Clar- nce Tink's ---Mrs. W. Thomp- on, Bewmanville, at W. Green- ýway's.------ Mrs. Cooper and Miss tuth Cooper, Oshawa, with Mr. rîd Mrs. G. Keetch'---Mr. and Irs. R. Selback, Toronto, with iends ------ Mr. C. W. Soucb -1 a m THURSDAY, NOV. lst, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1D A n1v lrwTwrrvv?.T SALE

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