j Pt THECANrIA?' AF5'MAT.Tf(WT5ANVILLE NT ARI memorial hall of fame with pic- ONTARIO INDUSTRIIAL John Lyle and i-i wy ~ ~~ tures of past great players. The ACCIDENT FIGURESTo Bae Dics saine dimensions as 106 years ago. Industrial fatalities throughiut OId and New Times S PR ESIn 1872 a uniform bail was adopt-Onrifrthfrsfne onh ed,. 9 inches circumfereiice, 5 oz. nai o h is iemnh weight, the saine today. The Of 1945 total 358, the highest Town Clerk Alec Lyle missed Basbai anuetbaebîlhîsor b Rtaran Ed. National League was formed in number of fatal cases during the his father ex-Town Clerk John AtTrniyGratyBowman, Whitby, and moving 1875, the American in 1901 and saine period of time for the past LYle, age 97, insisted on driving .AtTEnjo y by Plyers presof byordsa sresgames i 195 Johnm Ga e the frtwlds15 years, reports the Industrial 9 miles ito the country to visit tario Hydro Commission. Giants, Connie Mack the Athlet- Accident Prevention Associations and chat with his old-time friend, The sound of revelry in Trinity Banquet tables were laid and ics, the latter stili manager at 82. Compecosatof or.Dr the ke' om argo, Sr., age 91oex eeve United Church banquet hall served by Trinlity Women's As. In conclusion Mr. Bowman sug- Cmesto or.Drn h fDrigowohsntbe sociation, the convener being gested: "Don't fear errors; the same nine month period of 1944 quite so brisk in getting about in which startled passerg.by on Fri- Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. Absence of ffans like to see you in there try- and 1943 the figures were 272 and recent months. day evening was merely the an- many Rotarians gave opportunîty n n don't mind striking out; 32 respectiveîy. M ye t otm ologcigar and nua ba que te der d t e b ys' for the boy to enj y s con he p- get in and take a healthy ut. L ast m onth (Septem ber) there t wod i e s go o e h r i buaebanque teams 0 Bowmnvih e gs ich oswoerj e tconed awa Even the greatest players make were 9,602 accidents reported, in- codo f soke to discuss old by the Rotary Club, which forwt ut n epth errors, the heaviest hitters often cluding 23 fatalities. For the ti mes and current events. Both the past two seasons has spon- The guests inluded the Rotary sthe aeswrik ut"smemChoh adaarded he b e r eadig te apers sored the revival f the game. Junior Team which headed tthe her speakrsnweore Coach $78,325.6 f cpnstinnd5,c27efreCofeertintn Rev. J. E. Griffith, Chairmnan of OMBA League and the members AnyTotsnworviewed medical idiof whch $1521 0bthsil e p eo evyih Rotary's Youth Service Commit- f the town's Juvenile League. some f the team's weaknse wr o mdclsrie Onkeie ing Toh ,wth events tee, was host and chairman and Dave Morrison agitated the ivor- particuarîy bunting, and he look- threog prss and radio. in led in he co m un ty in ing le an so g ead r rif it co x- ed forw ard to a successful season F O R F A R M P R O F IT S a l f l n r t h e l w n n whc ehed ro the rafersed ltenat singing isadonleerGfom diam- next year. Walt DeGeer, spark- lecofteyasoudhm andsea cod fouttard acros s m nried voicna e srnging from a_ plug of the juvenile teams and Under normal peace conditions, in agreement over political ques- andepreedt The proraein- hnrigh eo t voice cha ngingo local umpire, got a big hand and it is the responsibility of the Pro- tions of the day. With cigars cluded short addresses of local broken bassos. Mel Dale paced a few echoes fromn the diamond. duction Service, Dominioip De-cstn .2caieadrtiig officiais, an inspiring review of the pitch. lt was a grand sing- He too was hopeful of a fine sea- partment of Agriculture, to give and controls governing almost ev- song. son in 1946. national leadership in organizing erything and with the national Ed Bowman, noted natuit Rev. Griffith, with deep feeling, agricultural production. Through debt reaching dimensions they pernnil pors an ndacm ofre paera tebossto it, the work of the Dominion and could scarcely encompass, they lshd rtfanteacncluson- in one minute's silence in observ- Provincial field staffs is co-or- agreed it was high time a hait was "of his addrpss' drew a round of ance of the recent bereavemnt of dinated in interpreting to farn- cie oterinn ueu applause wîth his interpretation players Artie Clemence and Car- ers ways to bring about profit. crats. of "Casey at the Bat". Mr. Bow- man Cornish, whose fathers were a bl1e production, co-operating Both having almost a lifetime man spoke on the value of the lately laid to rest. with the Experimental Farms, of experience if municipal gov- gam as a m ans of eveopi g uess ic~u ed ayo C. G. Science and the M arketing Ser- ernment and financing, they be- character, health and true sports- Morris, Reeve Sid Little, Dr. H. vices. Thdrdctooevcelee heewssif llwrktht ~~ ~~ * ~ manship. Baseballwas a man's B. Rundle, Dr. William Tennant compie h eat fAi aIs oldsters c u t doi eecd t *-~ game which if accepted at its Mel Dale and the speakers abovePur Division, an the ePtokandtarleiaet. unether dconsntd u true value found its participants mentioned. PoutyDivision.ad he la t a ndrwhich on ionl cosen0. tru e g e n tle m e n b o th o n a n d o ff T e r s a p m m r e e e d s the field. He had high praise for Thoeir arpm eres ered- c the Bowmanviîîe boys and was MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE personalities in Bowmaivilie impressed with their ability and HANG UP HIGH SCORES baki hf0ie n ndw sportsmafship during the past thea ryears to the close of the late twoseaons (ItededforLas Wek)a w which was one in the long Speaking as an old basebaîl Doug carter, bowling in top sere inedthecrimeandWar. player, he told of his playîng form , hung up t e h g rp e M ST A S R N O D T heyvi Wrca ued Lio in he a d e semi-pro bah in western Canada, tehg rpl OTRAS RIN Omi R cCvlWa u oty hytle , cof the rowdyismi and umpire score of 778 for the current week date on the prospect of aomceeg f local events, a real "remember baitîng which had given way to with three-game marks of 264- cornes frorn the new bookb David when" talkfest. order and discipline by virtue of 228-286. High single game feil to Dietz. ATOMIC ENERGV ANI, What they had to say about present day rules which was ail veteran Frank Williams at 345. rHE COMING AGE (McCiellanc Hepburf, Hitler, Hirohito et ai, is for the best. He gave two pre- George Piper also bowled a hîgh and Stewart). Mr. Dietz ns aone cf the not for publication. When Mr. cepts: Always do your best; al- single of 340. foremost popularizers of science in thf Lyle rose to go he exacted a pro- ways be a gentleman. These were These were the highlights worid, is science editor cf the Scrlpps- mise that Tom return the visit the general characteristics amcng gleaned fromn a jumble of nota- Howard Newsrapers. and In 1937 won2 to his home on Queen St., before present day big leaguers, who tions handed in to The States- he Pulitzer Prize in Tournai-. Ir the tr ftecnuy h n S gessentially were businessmen man's sports reporter, who, be- this verv recent bock he discusses tp itturn of the cetur.Thin with a great sense of responsibil- cause of pressure of other assign- imnport Of events since Hiroshimna. vt etd ity. He spoke of their training ments, can fiînd no time person- makes a strcng oiea for the probabilit'. ohn sqie obika h f .£ and conduct to highlight that as- ally to report games of the cur- 2f neace In the new era as a resuit ot mnoth in i quite omrisk s-h ýGOODEAR RCHESRA-ý sertion. The orderliness of big rent season. If names and other n ervaadaas the agh fr i r ol. pos aner if nowhch orneon s- kleagues had now penetrated the highlights are mîssing from this neheaoson e lt for inteocea, f p osestfonote. ' rtnin. amateur ranks. report it is because of inability the ossîbîltv rnineng tht oan tcBoston7Globe. STA LEYSTJHNSpeaking cf the ambitions te decipher bowling shrrthand. ai now ma terinte ivis aiorn aroused among boys playing on Present teamn standings appear ýf'tuhe werld on the basis of the 'have .. sand-lots and local leagues, he to be: adv o'ain- GEOYGAKmentioned some cf the Canadians Won Lost Pts. . .v et nt .n who had gone up into big time: Head Pins --------- 7 2 17 + + +AFILDTH JEAN CAMERONGibson, Selkirk, Marchildon, La- Wild Cats ---------7 2 17RW H AE R HFrn aiLD Tf - li joie, Judd, Coleman. They put Lucky Strikes 6 3 14 d S8.000.00 fronMeiine ale their seul into it and hit both Dr Hrefo-~ 4 2 crved S8.oOOfo r cem ofedinfa ne a MIHE IZEAD 1 headhines and jackpot. The doors Bums ----------- 3 6 7 o nkqfu nce frmFi ' - e re o p e n to e v e r y e a r n e s t p la y - H a m s --- - - - - --- --- 3 6 6 the "u m e r -. w h e r o E da rd d e nt!g -er. Mr. Bowman told cf attend- Has Beens -- ---. 3 6 6 r tht Ee - oben E nd ut ing world's series, of seeing Ma- Jumbos ----------2 7 5 bdown th e rbtonstmantu t'o'e: ~< theson, Bender, Piank, McGin- Twenty high averages: K. Lux- and Foraettina te revoke a mnistak1en nity. His selection cf the greatest ton 236; F. Williams 226; P. Can- editoriai wfiere wmrns ere iv in the hall f fame was Ty Cobb cilla 226; W. W estlake 225; Dr. trrro» EAP ranchers hune 'ins olF -M C K E Y 580 as an ail-round player and Wal- Rundie 223; H. Gay 221; W. H-eari Wife Wanter over the door. et orHistorically the game wasor man 218; J. Gay 218; D. Carter oarden f Abertan folklore mfch Al Cfonn j 00 ganized in 1839, the mentor, Ab- 213; T. Lyle 212; A. Piper 212; L. Esit iieu to e fe "mp in cana-retiiosnth ciBf11 er Doubleday, Cooperstown, Wiseman 210; B. Cochrane 205; dian iiterature. H-is 1OHNNY rosricionro th N.Y. where today there was a E. Roach 205; K. Bickell 203; J. CHINOOK< PTonamans GreemI the Piocnrl Cole203 R.Heai 20; T Phl- em bck f Tfl ale.andTru ait which such ite lips 201. s written bu the 'man chý-'en to -on- Quotod prices do duct researcl intoohl,p Alber.ta Polk,- Under Consur lore and h'storu P--"*e l irder 'eFn"oe:1/ - Shorthorns in High 'nonsorsbfn cfofthe Rociref elle" iiny are 1/3 o ~of this Cieon, Fomiy Newspaper Demand According gndaonti bi hme ice tllFe kA N»wtinfw e T ECHRITIANSCIENCE MONiToR To Recent Sales + tet+ 4ro..Te .jp<L llotheo or Pr.frOm crime and sensational ews .- Fre. from Polaucal Interviewed at The Statesman FOR THo imE ELEF d odIS oM oneoffm mpenenth b i s a . . . F r e e f r o m s p e c t a i 1 ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O R c1c n r r e t e o f i e w h n a r n i g f r t e n - t a o o f Sî m o a qL i imentcI nd scu o n t o n gen ei the rut abut wrldevets. ts wn orldwid stff O cOrO-tice in this issue listing the 3rd of bouman water and hold the nose oves Fief om n.ter esand trol..eenntaelYOu n Bue ibnSotonte cf lean.',Linh enst 1: cup ThisIrnpOrn Salesheldat UbonvnseOct. enan oh ot te stue sO at salIwoesl vl a n d y o u f m il . a ch i s u e i l ed i t u n q u s2 -3 , rut re sS e a le d th t r ek, N d v 2 an d th k F a l o m 'e P rt ? h a r t a iP ta cli and confidaencgae0fsorthgihorn breeers. aenaeros beacionq uthe Es an - - - - - - - - - - - - - T e se li Grt r a -D ls e sald e mbranh e s. t- a i one otste C an- r T., Cbea &m M O IP. n-hi 9 SOC Y Pi erçm i -Pl t adis pe 47 e a d f rwit thhi f lans use t a la c h S asuppiq ohs eli ou@. Nerwal, Steet.erage priceM-&fo$891, and aà topiea# be outIn ad itionBtethermore e eeral G ~~t~ R tq Itt Moitor. lassrieeding -socka hed iren- ze,',smt amg ................... . E S.......Thce e acn -urps n h eath csale Fia n a nizetffu s i. f tte rlax n o e mit-a cl ~~~~dsosed c o e l i h cl s e f 45st ause-*Fe. bavearear ed th secre Salethaveage cf $782, c. ch e f mah butnernondervebut teCoon vri top fe ale b ought $2,75 , the Fiall u ' n r "'f-e h a nt Te inia es c p e er o top3bull $l00th. ten ad the -or tos Dn"l' evleatln orc R-1. eat o oieynea th Capet. Crilnî. aeu ei cfb t aerIlb.oe ~~teannual e fat891andashowp dmatei r'foue. CBut tter varecerF prceof$,*, o ahednie. hdleub andstwoand En iomen'tr to DStffOI oenmu sl h e a heookeu e., atur-sale h are lnfieiatine. i t te ao ovebe MISE IE Fday, lwer 30 adisfound brisk mauseat oo thaeerared theasrtE gra d ha pio ,uponolsa cavi GvarneEsth S. -Peetrtig-timîain S ii .e;;adngwith aeailesof$7in.red or eu beone nr tin'of butter arsle Actin Tattopk Jut Fne eigig 8 bo.was$,snapp e U p uoack o u'ire ch c ontin. f Tieu fpesvsm PentraesVStmulte at$2rl erb. cCp ber nrke o-quaiie aine or de bbnciihotadbk U- Mfr. B aker s ateratthe 3inrd ,'r li.one. u u ute.sl..z ___ - m dicnalva orswar îng poh ann ual fatibb n a le at Bl ck1 iit- . ___ sock ould find the s o t a d0f ih n d R Otan Rd URh mae AD fFrmilaee Home-roved Vap~&ub' speial p netralng-timultingshor t hs eer r oe bQe ., assem led s'osemetln usuavti a ten e &dane,.C nu e n ett acton tars e r ig at-KnHM ad kep o wrkngfo frhe ocso adeqiie r u we h'oo1trste00 e wosagte ia heurs-to re àiV .u.. sre fcla a o gigsps s ie d loig i i h ay hv e m k td f m fn a h ela e t gtoffto aep. The do;e So the Amps hope their campaign sr.. Tg~frtta eno "~ y be repeated, if necessary, accord- - will be a real success," said Ro- rest facar in reparatien foràThti why farmors n esso the direonfthere is tore bert Wilson, chairman f the War thoroughlyi cleansing face am n,,k Ration Boards-once nesacf he trea, ga~lewithtwcAmputations building fund coin-j Paraol ablts isslve inwatr. uatmittee. "We had no idea that -vlh eh. Du Barrg Centour Cream dates would tcenflicttwhenywe haretaan-d SEin Preshener. add a tee' drops try Paradaittesnextltlcnn en have ancweu Barsi FMrsce Othte a su cold and we believe that yen will be announced our own dampaign." fol DenuBanelg etttCe ar a.bn well pleased. Paradol does flot disap. rced c h WrAmsca- senth att mite re ut thtlac. point. reesoth a ms p mthtemt pttefc _______________________________________________ peal will be used to build, equip and necir and sUce' to semain hall and maintain a permanent healtti, an heur. Lie doms and relax il training and recreation centre for possible. This 1, a de luxe facia " * * e e war amputation cases. The ob- which leaves the sda delighEfuiliF ' . D r. C h se P ra o l ]ýjective has been set at $500,000. f e, PAGE FIFTEEN You will assist also in a patriotic and cvingsauinprevious. N< humanitarian way. We must co-operate Victory Loans, will with our alles in bringingz essential relief pay for twiceas many to Europe. Production fo;r this pur pose, together with production on thse back-logi bonds over the 12.' of homne requirements, will ensure fui month period. employment. . s. PUM S . E.*.O-. - e FXTRE ;i i i i i ~ i PAACHINERY OFF- RATION LIST gcontrais have been removed front sales of farm machinery, and *e production or importation of such machlnery have been lifted. I romain. Generally, maximum price for farm implements is the price tms sold during the basic period, August 15-September 11, 1941. >net include cest of delivery to the purchaser. imers' Credif Order No. 225, section 10, terms of sale for forrn mach- quoted price paid in cash; the balance of th, credif price te b. paid of the date of the contract in stated amounts ut specified dates. Any trade-in is te b. deducfed frem the unpaid balance. lifting of production rdstrlctions, if is expected that the shortage of as malleable castings and sheet steel wiII limif the maximum output ts during the year July 1, 1945, te, Jus. 30, 1946, te a 24%y increase iover the output in the preceding 12 months. P@ult'y 'Prices ail types cf poultry, rect ta consumers are smarkup over the wbole- established for the zone ocated. Turkey producers 0%cy marlcup over the P.tat. Storago AII@wanc. (Order A-1560 now in offect) A storage allowance cf 5c per 75-lb. bag of potatoes and 7c per 1 00-1b. bag is allowed on November 1.- Another 5c per 75-lb. bag and 6c per 100-lb. bag may be added on December 1, and anorber 5c per 75-lb. bag and 7c per 100-lb. bag on January 1, 1946. There will be no storage adjustnient for February but monthly in- MERS' RATION COUPONS ig former sales or fanm household consumption of meat and butter, and nust be forwarded te Local Ration Boards in primary producers' envelopes Ncvember should reach the Local Ration Boards not later thon December 10. he valid coupon dates for November: 8. 22. iuired te send in 'V' coupons to the Local Ration Board for meat they Pey seIl te former neighbours at the rate cf 4 lbs. per coupon. Farmers need net turn in at the end cf the mcnth more than haîf the valid meat books cf their household. Farmers who purchase meat from other farmers selling fermer one meat coupon for every 4 lbs. cf meat purchased, even ring coupons net yet valid. FARM SLAUGHTERERS jughter for their own household consumption or for the consumption of wrs, are not required to hold a sloughter permit. Any excess cf farmn r the farmer's or his neighbour's needs may be sold only te the holder wpermit in quantities net bass thon a quarter cf Beef or a side cf Park. s saughtered by the former for his own or his neighbours' use may not be de. erer's quotas for cattie have been temporaruly suspended and until ied slaughterer may slaughter ail the cattle needed for his requirements. <9 is your assurance of a fuir share. is a protection against waste... shortages ... iflation. sare asked to continue ta collect and turn in coupons te their Local e a month-in the RB-61 envelope. Worrnation apply te the nearest offic. of the Wartim. Pres and Trode Board. MEAT m 9 m 10 mil BUTTER SUGAR 128 PRE2ERV2S 45-as il THURSDAY, NOV. lst, 1945 qL 1 il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. nOWMAMUTT.T.W nMIrADTr% PRESERVES Lyfi