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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1945, p. 8

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PAGEEIGHT Newcastle His many friends in Newcastle and vicinity are glad to welcome Flt. Lieut. Jack Nesbitt home af- ter four years overseas service with the R.C.A.F. He arrivec home on the Queen Elizabeth~ which docked last week. FIt Lieut. Nesbitt is the husband of the former Miss Helen Lycett. C.G.I.T. meeting Oct. 30 was in the form of a Hallowe'en party. Recreation was in charge of Mary Hagerman and hier assist- ants. Initiation was also held for the new members. Mrs. Benjamin Moise has re- turned home after a week's visil in Toronto. She was accompan- ied home by her daughter, Mrs. Grace Hawkins, and her grand- son, AB. Robert Hawkins, who has been serving wîth the Cana- dian Navy. Newcastle Horticultural So- ciety held a very enjoyable card party in the Community Hall on Tuesday evening, Oct. 30. Lloyd Stephenson, George Wright and Fred Thomas have returned from a hunting trip north of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weatherilt and son and Miss Millie Weather- ilt, Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tapstick, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mns. E. L. Gilbank and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Prout. Mns. Wallace Holmes bas re- turned from visiting in Brampton, Oshawa and Toronto for the past two weeks. Week-end guests w i th Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes were Mrs. Glenn Pollard and children fromn Brampton, Miss Jean Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Raney and Miss Raney, Toronto. Our Red Cross Branch has ne- ceived a shipment of yarn for children's garments which are urgently needed. Will ail who are willing to help with this very important work get in touch with Mrs. J. C. Hancock, the knitting convener, for wool and directions. During the wînter months and commencing on Saturday, Nov. 10, the Memorial Library hours for Saturday evenings will be from 7 to 9.30 o'clock. Mrs. Jack Holmes and little son Bobby are visiting her mother at Shaws. Mrs. H. Ragen, Toronto, and Mr. Walter Douglas, New York City, spent the week-end at their Newcastle home. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Fish- er, Merle, Bill and John spent the week-end at Mountain View, Mrs. Fisher and children remain- ing for a week's visit. L.A.C. Gordon Garrod, Quebec, with Mrs. Garrod and Gordon. Hazel Mae Fisher is also visiting hier aunt, Mrs. Gordon Garrod. * Sunday visitors with Mns. George Rickard were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Babcock, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cie- mence. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. John Alkenbrack and Helen were in Napanee for the week-end. Miss Grace MacKellan spent the week-end at hier home in f Port Perry. Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, was home for week-end. Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, was guest with Miss Evelyn Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ingram (the former Betty Van Dusen), Belle- ville, visited hier father, Mn. J. r Van Dusen and friends. A deen hunting party consist- ing of George Stephenson, Ross j Dickenson, Howard Toms, Em- Ilmerson Fisher, Jack Holmes and Lewis Clark from Newcastle Kove left f or Maynooth, 100 miles north of Belleville. Young People's Union enter- tained Ebenezer Young People Monday evening, Oct. 29, at a Hallowe'en party. Prizes for best A' costum es wene aw anded to Rev. 41 Wm. Patterson, best dressed man; Miss Minnie Pearce, best dressed lady; Misses Betty and Marie AI- lin, best dressed couple; Mrs. Margaret Hockin, best comic cos- tumne. The programme consisted cf a cornet solo by Glen AllUn; reading by Marie AllUn; vocal solo, Pauline DeLine; reading, by Evelyn Alun; mixed quartette- * Betty and Marie Allun, Ross and Glen Allin. The necreation com- mittee were Marie Allin, Rae Venner, Joyce Martin, and Glenn Allin. Refreshments of pumpkin pie cookies and coffee were served. Mrs. Stella Anderson and Miss Cora Butter were joint hostesses àý at a tea on Thursday aftennoon in honon of Mrs. Saxon Graham who ~~Irl jn wintr i Floida -0, P - -l ,- - 9#- THE g CKE .50 8.m CJBAR00ADEm 1 Nestieton Miss Gladys Emerson visited Miss Dora Black ----- Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman, Ballyduff, visited Mr. and Mrs. George John _.-- Mrs. Conley, Mrs. Nor- val Crossman and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Oshawa, with her sis- ter, Mrs. Wm. Samelîs ------- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Samelîs ---- Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns ----- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Wayne with friends at Yelverton. A number of friends gathered at the basement of the United Church and presented Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson with an electric table lamp. A good pro- gram and lunch was served. Al joined hands and sang Auld Lang Syne. We will miss Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Jean in our church and community. Ebenezer Miss Catherine Minto, Oshawa Hospital; Mn. A. Minto, Stark- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir, Sr---.-_Mr. and Mrs. A. La Porto, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hockins ------ Mr. and Mrs. O. Ro- binson, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Ormiston and children, of Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkins.-----Miss Mary Wil- kins, Toronto University, Miss Corinne Lynn, Oshawa Hospital, Pte. Harold Wilkins, Newmarket, with Mrs. W. Brown ------ Rev. and Mrs. Harold Stainton, Mim- ico, with Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cour- tice ---Mr. and Mrs. Jack El- ston and baby Carol, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Oke .----Mr. and Mrs. E. Rose, Ajax, with Mn. and Mrs. Harry Gay. A group of local talent motored to the County Home, Cobourg, on Thursday evening to present a variety program of music, read- ings and sing songs. Another Red Cross quilting was heid Wednesday at the home of Miss A. Hoît. Bradley's On Wednesday night, Oct. 31, the teacher and the pupils enter- tained the people of the section and other friends to a lively mas- querade and party. There was a large number in costume who panaded to music provided by Miss Mary Cryderman. Judges, Mrs. J. Smales, Sr., Mrs. Byron Nesbitt and Mr. W. Yellowlees had a difficuit task but finally awarded pizes to: Best dressed couple, Mrs. W. Bowman and Mrs. F. Smith; best gent's cos- tume, Mrs. C. Vice; best ladies' costume, Eunice Leask; best girls' costume, Elma Cryderman; best boys' costume, Donna Vice; best comic, George Mooney and Doug- las Smith. Pupils presented a fine prognam of dialogues, choruses, necitations, piano and vocal duets and solos; followed by sevenal lively, grue- some and laugh-provoking con- tests. A dainty lunch of cookies, oranges and popcorn was served by the senior girls. Attendance 80. On Satunday evening, Nov. 3rd, the club met with about one hundred present. Mns.- A. Pres- cott, President, was in the chair and meeting opened by singing of "O Canada" with Betty Smales at the piano. Mrs. E. Cryderman, secretary, read the minutes. Mrs. C. Vice and Mrs. B. Montgomery wene appointed to buy some cups. Mrs. J. Smales, Sr., and Mrs. G. Leask will plan the mak- ing of a fancy quilt. Press Sec- retary and Mrs. H. Bail will in- vestigate the possibility of secur- ing necessary articles with which to provide the pupils with a hot drink at lunch hour. Program was a special treat be- ing the showing of pictures pro- vided by the National Film Board, and shown by Ted Woodyard, Orono, who delighted ail with his courtesy, wit and generosity, pre- senting five reels. During the evening the talented Cryderman sisters, Mary, Hazel and Jean favoured with music. Meeting closed with National An- them followed by lunch. OId School Diplomacy An old tale tells of a tutor and his pupil, a very young Prince. The lesson was in Roman histony and the Prince was unpnepared, as usual. "We come now to the Emperor Caligula," said the tu- ton. "What do you know about him, Prince?" His question was followed by a silence that was becoming nather awkward when it was broken by the diplomatic tutor, who said: "Your Highness is quite right . .. penfectly right! The less said about Emperon Caligula the better!" The power of destruction we now have in our hands can only be' contnolled by God in our hearts. AT DRESLIN'àfS It doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to discover the secret of the success and growth of Breslin's Stoé... Variety of selection ... Quality of merchandise , and the values offered . . . have made the name Breslin's synonymous with "Shopping Centre" throughout Durham County. HORSEHIDE MITTS FOR BOYS Built for extra wear, these boys' horsebide mitts corne with long leather cuf or knitted cu.ff and are lined for warmth. Per pair 79Ç Practical and Packed With Comfort This jaunty short coat cornes in Air Force blue cotton gabardine with hea- vy sheepskin liing and brown sheep- slkin colar. Sturdy wearig and built te keep out the zero blasts o! winter. Four pockets and ail-around beit. $1495 MWen's Overcoats - You'll net get cold in one cf the warm wooily over- coats. Well tailored with balmaccan collar, loose fit- ting, fly front style or with Guard model and belted back, and o! choice domestic tweed. Extreme- ly smart looking and right up te the minute in style. Bizes 35 te, 40. Each MEN'S MULESKIN MITIS Men 's muleskin mitts, lined with knitted cuifs or un:ined puilover style. Per pair 69$. MEN'S FLEECED COMBINATIONS Exceptionally good quality heavy mottled fleece- lined combinations for nmen. Knitted wrists and cuffs. Bizes 36 to 44. Per -Suit $198 BOY'S FLETTE PYJAMAS Boys' warm flannelette pyjamas ini striped pat- terns. Bizes 24 to 34, limited quantity. Bach $1. 50 TO ALL VETERANS.. AND THEIR FAMILlES HERE ARE THE m ANSWERS - QUESTION-Wil you have to wait 'til your ship cornes in before you can have the clothes you dreamed about in foxholes and camps? ANSWEP-Not as far as we 're con- cerned! You can step into civvies and dress yourself on the Brealin plan. QUESTION-Just how good is the cre- dit rating of a discharged veteran at Breslin 's? ANS WER-Tops I As good as the job you did for Canada. QUESTION-Does it matter that as a service nman you haven't held a "reg- ular job" since you joined up? ANSWER-Who says you haven't? The job you did sets you up for the best we can offer you-in service, in credit, imerchandise. QUE8TION-What about ternis! ANS WER-The ternis we offer at Breslin's are limited only by govern- ment regulations. KING ST. Burketon Visitors-Miss Ruby Bailey, of Oshawa; Orland Bailey, Toronto, at home ---- Henry De Mille with Alden Hubbard ---- Mrs. Joe Chant and sons. Larry and Gor- den. Chapleau. Mr. Mrs. P. Chant, Bowmanville. at Mr. and Mrs. S. Moffat's ---- A memorial service will be held in St. John's Church, Blackstock. Nov. 11, at 2:30 p.m. in memnory of Flying Officer R. E. Carter. Rev. E. G. Bruton, Port Perry. ill be in charge of service__-- Mrs. J. Gili, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gi and Donald with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rowsome, Col- borne ---- Mrs. A. Aldred receiv- ed a box of beautful yellow and mauve chrysanthemnums from her son Ross., who is overseas.---- Mrs. F. Coughill and Mr. Ander- son, Port Perry, with friends. $35ý00 Stock up now on these fine gloves for men. Made frorn fine capeskin leather in light tan, brown or black. Warinly lined and in sizes 8 to 101/2. Give him a pair for Christmas. Per pair GIVE MIM A FOR À XMAS ' $7n95'Us. You'Ill fot go wrong 'n hurryxng to Breslin's to purchase one of these smart loafer coats for him for Christ- mas. Diagonal tweed sleeves and back with corduroy front. In brown or navy. BOWMANVILLE CLEARING Men's Ribbed Pure WooI Shirts Here is an exceptional buy for the man who wants extra warm underwear for the cold winter weather. Ail pure wool, Scotch knit underwear nmade by ]Pennians and Dods MiRs . .. have double chest for extra protection. Ail sizes, shirts oniy $198 1, . FOR QUALITY - VARIET VALUE DBRESLIN'1S T he Well Dressed Man Will Want One 0f These Suits Styled to the minute. Well tailored o! all wool wors- teds i browns, dark and light blues with pin stripe, t w i n stripes, cluster stripes and two-tone chalk stripes. Cn.ti ever pop- ular two and three-button styles. These suits wiil be remembered for quality that was f uIIy maintained at a time when quality was the most precious conimodity on the mar- ket. Sizes 35 to 44. ------- -------- --- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ,TI-IURSDAY, NOV. 8th, 1945 $2000 $29m75

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