k$UW, JMANAVILÂLE, OJNJTAIO JTHURI~ANV tl I4 AN INDEPENDENT NEW&PAPEIR WIth which lM Incorporated The D.wmaavile News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono New&. 91 Year's Continuons Service Te The Town oetflowmanvmfe and Durhamn Oonty. Member Audit Bureau of circulations canaaim ~~ Weeày Newppru SUD8CR1IMONRTE 8200a Tea", trlctly in adrance. 82.50 a Yeur in the United Statua. GEgO. W. JAMES. Editor. Rural-Urban Centre Suggested Bv Local Farmer When Forbes Heyland, Toronto born and educated, came from the city to make good at farming just outside the town of Bow- manville, lie brought more than a deter- mination to make good. H1e brouglit some sound ideas as well. Some of these lie pre- sented to the Rotary Club in lis classifica- tion address on Friday. One of lis striking suggestions ivas .that the entire community, both town and country people.' ouglit to get together and pool funds to create a "real community centre"' primarily for the benefit of our greatest asset, the youth of the whole district. Some people stili vîew this as nîcre idcalism. Wc deem it one of high practical worth, easily attainable once thle public are properly aroused. The things suggested were first and fore- most, a modern, free public library, then a rink and playing fields and community parks and possibly facîlifies for a "littie theatre"; the whole a heailihful, cultural project, which once attained would be sus- tained in perpetuity. There is a central lo- cation now habited by an unsightly, unused factory building, which could be converted to use for some of these units, particuiarly for a rest park surrounding a iibrary. It is true that some of these projeets have long been mooted and, only lately, money bas been raised for a new hospitai and a memnor- ial park and funds started for a rink. But the suggestion of Mr. Heyland was that if people of the country were invited to join in tlie$e projects a better impetus would bc provided. Since al oads lead f0 town aud automobiles have made possible a freer association, the rural youth could enjoy fully flie advantages provided. Now we are supposed to be at the dawn qj a new day, it is very logical f0 entertain sugges- tions of this character. It is quite possible too, that were some public spirited citizen, plentîfully supplied with worldly wealth, to start the bail rolling witli a remembrance gift, the genemal public would follow on and complete this creative community plan. If is jusf the sort of thing that a community newspaper would back f0 the limif. Pity The SmaIl Business Deprived of Excess Profits The Toronto Daily Star recently car- ried a remarkable ediforial, aguing fliat the making of profits by corporations in excess of the amouilt requimed to provide faim inferest on in.vesfments in them is a very Wicked thing. The argument is that these excess profits are then used by corpor- ations to provide expansion which would otherwise have f0 be paid for by niew cap- ital. As the Toronto Leftist paper points out, the excess profits are used by the cor- porations withouf paying any interesf on them, whule new capital would have to ob- tain interesf. The Toronto Star finds this unfair f0 consumers and wants ahl excess profits taken away by the State. This is the sort of sfory which sounds quite impressive wlien if is told about some large corporation, but if is easy to see how absurd if is when we apply the sainie prin- ciples to a store or a taxi stand, or a saw- mill. A mail invests $10,000 of bis nonev iii a business, on which lie makes, say .6 per cent, which is no more than reasonable inter- est on 11101ev whicli is risked iii this way. Suppose lie succeeds iin good years ini mak- ing naîothr 4pr1 etwi4.a-odîgt chance for awhile, anid seIlluhs goods and bis services more cheaplv fliaitif lic lad paid interest on thflinoney for ftie extension. trusfing f0 the growtlu of his btsîîîess f0 bring a compeiLsation for doing this. Thaf is where we tliiuk the Toronto Star is absolutely wmong. Thle accumulationi of excess profits saved ul) to inake extensions to business is not unfair to flie consuniers, and is quite likely to be less of a burden on the consumers flian would be tlie making of al extensions and improvements on bormowed capital on whicli intemesf bad to be paid. The point is, of course, that the Troronto Star would uever use this argument about a store or any. other small business, for flicre are too inany people wlio would sec the joke at once. Biy using this sort of laîîguage about great corporations the Toronto Star hopes that if w'ill be able to exploit the pre- judice builf up by- the Toronîto Star and other journals off lis type agaiiisf large cor- porationîs. However flic fmufh is flic trutli. The same priîîciples apply in flic case of large corporations as in flic case of a small enter- prise, and even flic Toront o Star caniiof change fliaf fact. Ineidenfally, if would be quite infcrest- ing f0 know whflicr flic Toronito Star, whicb lias made ifs enferprise one of flic mosf suceessful and oufstaîiding corporations in Canada, followed fthc plan whicl iti now ecomunends. Our informationî is fliat The Star builf up ifs businîess b3- accumulating exacfly fliose exeess profits of whieic i is now eomplainiing. Prime Minister King Returns From Overseas TriD) More tlîan a 'monifh ago Prime Minister King weîîf overseas on a mission whicli mai13- flouglît to be iargely concerncd witb an aftcînpt f0 restore a measure of liarmony amoîîg stafesmen wliose conclaves eîîded iii disagreemeîîf and recrimiîîafions. lis per- soîîal message before leaving w-as liaf lie planned a tour of Europe f0 conîfer wif h personages of importance. f0 view some of tlie scenes of armed coîîflict and most cer- taiiily to visif wifh Canadian forces still abroad, wlio were still standing f0 if affer a magnificent contributionî f0 victomy. The wbole projeet was ini accord withi Canadian public sentiment. But now lie is returning home in state on the greaf liuer Queen Mary witli none of his continental engagements fulfilled. Ac- comding to press reports lie neyer leff Lon- don and spent most of bis f ime in bis liotel room. While f lire lie received a joint cable from 25 memibers of thie Canadian parlia- ment, including 7 Liberals, praying fliaflic infercede against tlie forceful removal of displaced persons from western Europe. These membei-s evidently felf as did flic Canadian public, fliaf Mm. King 's mission uvas one of great opportunify for bis recog- nîzed talents in compromise. But fliere is no record fliat lie eu-en acknowledged flic uire, let alone acf. Particularlv disappoinfing w-as bis failure f0 meet wif hfthc Canadian froops ini Europe, 0n13 a few minutes away b3- planie from London. This failume lias been; widelv noted and condemîied by many in flic stmoîgest ferms. If seems a callons omission, particu- laml3- siîîce many boys uveme expecting bis personal reassurance egarding their repa- f riat ion. The happy coincidence of the afomic bomb confemence ini Washingt on, ini whicli le will share, will no doubt be seizcd upon as flic means preveîîting fulfilment of flic original plans and of greeting Cana- dian soldiers. "Jusf an infommal visit" f0 England. w-as the expressioni made as Mm. King sailed for home. There will be many questionîs asked wlien Mr. King resumes bis place in flic House. P. W. Litchfiel d Stili Gets Home Town Weekly Paper Some interesting sideliglits on flic char- acter of Paul W. Lit clfield, Cliairman of, fhe Board of flic Goodyear Tire aînd R.ubber Conmpany of Akron, Ohio, w-cre notcd w-len kecamne f0 Bow-manvillc, Friday, Nov. 2, f0 fake part ini fli 35th Anniversary of flic Company. Today, Mm. Lit elfield is known ail over flic globe as one of flie greafesf contcmpomarv indusfrialists and flic liad of flic greatcsf industr3- of ifs kind. But lic lias nof lost flic common touci. Wrifcrs bav-e off en notcd fliat bi mcin îîev-r forget fhelic hfle fhings no matf cm wliafliciglifs flic3-affain. Ini conversation wifli Mr. Lifclifield, flic edif or of The Stafesînan w-as plcased f0 leamn that this great execufive stiil subscibes for and stili reads flic w-eklv paper of flic small tow-n wlicre le w-as born tihficNew .-England States. Hee ieff as a y0uf11 and for 47 3-cal-s bis lîcart lias been with fliaf rural commun- it.Anofleicinlstane vas disclosed af flic ifarlaii cuelties on flic onue iaud and iuîept. unceu-aiti lolicies oui flic ofler, could lead 01113- f bitter recrimiuiations, nrest anid danger of revolutioui. Menubers of varions parties support cd Iini. Terming flic situation as "fli grcafest catastrophe of flic luma i ra-e" flicddbafe disclosed fI-at disease w-as rampant anîd tlircatcned f0 spmead like wildfire across Europe unlcss prompt, coîîcerted ixîcasumes weme taken f0 improve sanitafion, provide Stephenson Coe Headlines Telllng Business 0f House Charles E. Stephenson, M.P. for Durham County, lias been featured over flic radio recently in fdlling of flic current business in flic House ofl Commons. His first address at Pet erboro was followed by a radio tall c ver CFRB, Oct. 24, on "Our Nation's Parhiament."l Besides this, a fcw items from current Hansard show thaf Charlie is digging into things fo flnd where flic money goes and in insistence that work should be hast ened in tumning back flic Boys' Training School f0 provincial autliorify. In lis radio talks, Mm. Stephen- son deait witli parhiamentary personalities of variaus parties, witli credif given f0 others not of the officiai opposition. He paid fine tribute f0 Minister of Justice St. Laurent and flic members of flic delegation represenfing Can- 'ada at flic San Francisco Con- ference. There wcre infercsting com- ment aies on curment debafes sucli as flic United Nations Char- ter, flic Food and Agriculture Organizat ion, flic national bud- get, national and soldier's lions- ing, indeed flic wlole range of current business now before flic House. Space precludes other than this brief mention of wliat one member is doing f0 report back tfa fli people on the people's business. In Hansard of Oct. 31, is found Mr. Steplienson's query asking what price was paid for land near flic city of Ottawa, f0 erecf houses for returned soldiers. Thc rephy given by flic governmenf was: "A total of 29 1-5 acres were bouglif for $40,000 cash from a "C en tral"- clothing, food, shlec and medical services f0 fhlimit of our capacit3-. Wc are now eaping flic price of man's sfupidify and eau no longer afford f0 adliere f0 a lunatie pol- iec-. Britain w-as pepared f0 go if alone, give up food points f0 succor a cmuslied race and let histom3- beflic judge. There wililibc voices raiscd thaf f bis is flic old policy of a " soff peace " wifh l aheli traditions fliat flic British bave displayed ini dcaliîîg wif b conquercd focs. But saner minds furn tf0heflcpiglif of flic millions of innocent children not yet influenccd by flic Hitler doctrine. And, even as this plea is made, fliey note flic resolution of flic Britishi ini brînging f0 justice flic real adult Gem- man criminals. If is simply justice femper- cd wifh mercy and let history judgc. A discase-swepf Europe is flic ultimate pic- f ure. This fmank and realistie attitude of flhc Britishi will bave a soberinîg influenice o1 flic thouglifs of ahi democrafie peoples of flic world. Government Housing Seheme Clutters Peoile*in Cities Wieilich new Member for Keîîora-Rainy River, Mr. Bcnidicksoîî, made flic firsf speech ini fli present Session, lie fouchcd on one point whicli will strike a responsîve ', N EW needs have corne with Victory ... new tasks that must be accomplished to make possible the kind of peacetirne Canada we ail want. You are asked to buy Victory Bonds now because Canada needs the boan Of your savings to help finance these great national tasks. But ini buying Victory Bonds you are doing the most beIplul tivng possible for yourselj! When the days of plenty corne again your abiity to do the things you plan will depend on whether you have enough Savings with which to do themlI You cannot own too many Victory Bonds . .. you can easily own too few. So don't miss this chance to add to your Victory nest-egg. You won't have another chance to buy Victory Bonds for a whole year. HeIp yourself by helping your country. Buy Victory Bonds today. SBUY VICTORY BONDS_ eliord in tfli minds of many of fliose wh live in smallcm communifies. 10 The young Air Force officer, a good Lib- cral, given flic lonour of moving flic Ad- drcss in reply fa flic Speech from flic Tlronc, poinfcd ouftfliaf alliheGovernmcnt's bous- ing plans so far seem fo forget flic fact fliat a greaf many of flic smalher communifies also bave liousing problcms and fliat flic liousing situation is nof going fa bcecumed by simply 'building a lot of bouses in and around flic great cifies. If flic Govemument is going to get into this liousingbusiness af ail, if is going fa be vcmy neccssary for flic representafives of smaller communities to raise their own voice. Wifli bousing as short as if is, flic decision of flic Gou-nment as f0 wbcrc bouses uvill be built is also a decision as f0 wlicre people will live. Up fo flic moment, as Mr. Bcni- dickson lias pointcd ouf, this decision scems f0 bc in favour of people liaving, to ive in and around a fcw' great cities. The danger of those supporting sfrike votes is fliaf some time flic "ycs" vofers will flnd tlicmselves actually ouf on a strike fliat fhcy rcally didu 't waîif-Cbnistian Science Monitor. BUV CUSTOM GROUND A. & P. DOKAR COFFE l350 JIFFT PORMIDE Mr. August Mamtineau, who as- sumed flic responsibilify of me- moving a bmick bouse, a barn, some shieds and relocation of fwo power limes. For this extra work, Mm. Marfineau gets an extra $5000 cash." There, was no in- formation when soldiers' homes would be erecf cd on this very ex- pensive property. The seller seems f0 have made a profitable sale for ail but the taxpayers. Again on Nov. 1, Mr. Stephien- son returned fa the question of the Bowmanville Boys' Training School. He asked: "Is anything being actually donc?" The Mînister, Mm. Abbott, said: "If is ail bcing taken care of. I believe flic De- part ment of Munitions and Sup- ply lias let flic contracf f0 put ANN PAGE OVEN FRE8H ILK BREAD bWHITE or BROWN b 2 24-cz. l Loavos£D MOTHER Pkg. 170 JACKSON'S E RODINHOOD GATS - NVTS SELECTED 'AUSTRAL.IAN BL 5-lb. Box 23" lb. roi. l2 lb.. STEAKS Un BliASTS PORTEIHOUSE 8r WING lb- 43<2 l b.-o EONEESS OUND lb. 3M lyý lb.* PEINE RIB ROAST Ri b. 31< or oupon LAM LEGS - -lbe43<F o VEAL FRONTS Boolie lb.27<cupon VELLES ROLLED *IL.35e<1/2 b. CHOPPE» SUET *e * lb. 179 OYSTEIS Norffhern Select - 1/2 pt. 59c COD FILLETS Frsh IL 290 COHfOE SALMON FILLETS lb. 49o FRESH KILLED - MILK FED GRADE A &B lb.3g PrESF;7H KILLED74 FWL -l.339 ORANGES Dos. 199 GRAPERUIT LORIDA & TXAS 5for25 DIRANGES FLORIDA New Crop, 250's Dos. 33e ÇRAPES CACIFORNIA EMPEROR 2 Ibs. 35e SWEET POTATOES Golden Jorsoy j lba. 25< TOMMTES Californie, Firm, Ripe lb. 250 GElON]S No. 1 YELLOW COOKING 3 Ibe. 15% CAillOTS I ~Iv - - ______.-.--.---- I CORELESS, No. 1 Wash.d 4 Ibm. 159 R ARE A.& P. TOUR EEADBIUAnTEns FOR POTATOES CHGICE PEAS No. 4 SIEVE 2 20-oz..Tin3< PASTRY FLOUR Sunnyfield 7-lb. Bag 23% DAKINC PGWDER AN PGE 16o. 15e V-8 COCKTAIL JUICE 2 20o 91 PANCAKE FLOUE AUNT JEMIMA Pkg. 139 DLACK TEA OUR OWN FLAVOURFIJL lb. M7 BUAKER OATS Large 9 fOll %pOri1ed FRY'S COCOA -319 SELLED ALNONDS skg.2 1 "'-~ ~ 'SOUPAylm:r ~.2Tins15 51ROES LOUR 7b. 2 miss no chance fo add A dALIFORNIA VALENCIA 344's Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co., Ltd, 1 work is now under way."' This appears fe be a hopeful view but is apparenfly unrciated fe actual conditions. "What about flic armouries at Port Hope?" confinued Charlie, but fthc Minister turned fhls off by saying if was flic concemu of anot hem depart ment. Mr. Ste- phenson rounded ouf lis search for facts by getting into a verbal tangle with Mr. Coldwell, C.C.F. leader, whicli nailed the socialist doctrinaire down to a plank of his enunciated piatform. Say Not Sa Reconversion, that's the stuif, Back fa normal,1 sure enoughu, Se we know thaf corne whaf May We'll have flfty strikes a day.- flic schooi back in shape and that James A. Sanaker. PAGE TWO THE CANADL6ý,N STATP-qUATJ 1:tilWM.&WVTT.T.V - --ý . %? ýTýiT oýi- ýn.. 5 v v