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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1945, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Hampton Gwen Caverly, Toronto, at home -----Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burtt vis- Mr. nd Ms. WlburBurnttited their daughter, Mrs. Hall, et and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, ak m-----MrLly Are vistedMr.andMr. Wli ilbr.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langrnaid and viste M. ndMr. il Wlbr.Helen at H. Wilcox's ----- Mr. Ed. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Rackharn Doidge, Bowmanville, Mr. and and baby Nancy, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Percy Cowling, Beveriy and the parsonage. Barry, Mr. Jack Cowling, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne, Miss manville, at Jas. Cowlings.---- Susanne Thornpson, Mrs. W. Misses Mabel and Berthe Virtuè Thompson, Bowrnanville, at Wil- and Miss Margaret Spence, Tor- frid Greenaway's. onto, guests of Mrs. A. E. Billett Miss Edith Black, Bowrnanville,- ---- Miss Pearl Gilbert, R.N., with Miss Wilma Leach. and friend, Toronto, Mr. Billie Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Mrs. Gilbert, Oshawa, at Geo. Gil- Luther Pascoe, Ruth and Loran, bert's ---- Mrs. Wes. Reeds and Bowrnanville, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd son Vernon, Fenelon Falls, with Broom and Ronnie, Solina, at Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett.---- Harold Salter's ----- Mrs. Sher- Thankoffering services on Sunday wood Rundle, Miss Marjory Run- were well attended and were in- E die, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray,1 spiriîng and helpful.-----Rev. W. Bowrnanville, Miss Jean Rundle, Rackbarn preached at Maple Oshawa, at T. Wray's ---Miss Grov o Sunday afternoon ---- Reta Kerslake, Bowrnanville, at Wewecme t u ilg r T. Salter's ---Mrs. J. W. 'Mc- and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy of Master, Zion, with Miss M. Horn Cadmus, who bought Mrs. Annie Gý Miss Annie Hoît, Courtice, at Colwill's residence ----- Mr. Jas. L. Cryderrnan's ------ Mrs. C. Garneau, Cobourg, with his sister- Blanchard, Solina, at A. Blan- in-law, Mrs. Ida Smale ---Miss chard's ---- Mrs. J. Willê, Tom- Louise Goodman visited in Tor- onto, with Miss Beatrice Colwill onto. Her mother, Mrs. M. Good- -- Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, man, returned home with hier af- at home ---- Mr. and Mrs. C. Nel- tei iiigne agteMs son, Mount Dennis, at S. Willams' Allen Perker ------ Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Robson, Oshawa, with her par- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Ar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farn- thur, Jean and Fae, Solina, at J. comib. R. Reynolds' ----- Miss Arline __________ Nothcutt, Bowmanville, guest of Miss Madlyn Wilcox ----- Mrs. Coconuts are produced by four-- Geo. Vine, Bowrnanville, visited year-old trees but full production Miss Lulu Reynolds---- Miss is about the tenth year.- COMINO EVENTS1 Applications Wanted Reserve Wed., Thurs., Friday, Applications will be rece:l Nov. 28, 29,.'30, for High Srhool by the undersigneI un to Dtec ýive( d Commeêncement. 45-4 for the office of auditor for the Township of Darlington. Corne and dance ta Ruth Wil- J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk son's Variety Band in Tyrone Hampton, Ont. 45-3 Community Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 21. Admission 35c. 46-1 Cards of Thanks St. Paul's Women's Association Flight Lieut. Jack Nesbitt Group 3 will hold a Sale of Work wishes ta thank the Newcastle and Home Cooking, Fridey, l6th Basebaîl Club, Red Cross and November, stetng et 3 o'clock. Bombers' Club for their gifts and Aftemnoon tee 25 cents. 45-2* kindness during thmee yeams over- The Newtonville Woman's As- sa.4- sociation are holding a bazear, Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sm., wish- home cooking sale and eftemnoon es ta convey hem grateful appre- tee in the basement of the churcb - ciation for the many acts of kind- on November 23. Beginnîng et ness accorded ber during ber 2:30 o'clock. 46-1 stay et Bowmanville Hospital. 46-1 The Women's Canadien Club will meet in St. John's Parish Hall To ail those whom I had the an Monday, Nov. l9th et 3:45 p.m. privilege of cenvessing during the "China Our Ally in Peace" will be ninth Victory Loan and especially tic subject of an address by Dm. those who helped me obtain my Richard Brown, Toronto. 46-1 objective I wish to express my sincere thanks. Don't forget the Bowmanvillc -Arnold W. Wade 46-1 Firernen are holding a dance Sat- urday, Nov. l7th in the Armour- Mrs. Smyth O'Brien wishe$ 4- ies. Dancing 8:30 p.m. ta 12 p.m. extend sincere t. 1Aap- Ruas Creighton's Orchestra. Ad- preciation toaDiP-'xlndle and to mission 50c per persan. 46-1 ber fric nd negbos'o tbe aPny acts of sympathy and The Worncn's Auxiliarye.. kindness during the iilness and Andrew's Church will bn rý aedaho e ubn. 4- of fancy articlýe pr s aledeaho e ubn. 4- arnemade c0V ng and will serve We wish ta thenk aur neighbors, e ï tee on Thursday, Dec. friends and relatives for their acta 6 th fom 3 ta, 6. 46-1 of lave and sympathy duing the 48-1 recent loss of a beloved son, hus- 1band and brother. Also for the Dance ta Rusa Ceighton's Or- cards, fruit and flowers received chestra i the Newcastle Com- during Mr. Brooks' illness. munity Hall an Thursdey, Nov. 29, -Mm. and Mrs. Sam Brooks under auspices of No. 9 Home and and Femily 46-1* School Club. Booths and lucky draw. Pmoceeds for returning Mms. C. H. Felils and fernily service men. Admission ta, dance wish ta express their sincere 50e per persan. 46-2 tbanks and appreciatian ta, their meny frienda, relatives and Mil St. United Church, New- neighbors for their kind ex- castle, 77th Anniversary Services, pressions of sympathy and for Sundey, Nov. l8th et il a.rn. and their beautiful floral oqerings,E 7 p.rn. Dr. R. C. Chelmers, As- especially thanking Dr. R. P. saciete Secrctary of Evengelism Bowles and Rev. R. B. Harrison and Social Service, the United for their consoiing words during Church of Canada, will be the their recent bereavement in the gueat preacher et bath services. death of a dear husband and fa- 45-2 ther. 46--1 Economy in Funeral Service For aver 50 years Morris Ca. prices have been lawer than average - yet aur services have been the finest it has been possible for experienced funeral directors ta render. Camplete funeral as low as $70.0 xncluding use of aur convenient modern chapel. F. F. MORRIS CO. Durham's Largest Funeral Directors DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and dellvery in jour district. This in made neeeu.ary 1,7 new govotumumt regulations whlch permit un to cover aune asdistrict Three Days A Week We wiII, therefore, b. lnu B.wmaaivilio Mon., Wed., & Fri. HAVE YOUR BUNOLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LUdZTED SeFOR ECONOMY jed our cleanlng with jour Iaundrj PHONE - 419 Fb 1' j' B1RTH CLARK-On November 9, 19ý at Bowmanville Hospital to N~ and Mrs. Willet Clark, a son. 46- DOWN-Mr. and Mrs. Llo: Down (nee Eileen Pickell) ai nounce the birth of their son Bowmanville Hospital, Nov. 1 1945. 46-1 )OWNEY-Mr. and Mrs. E. 'V Downey (nee Mona Dickinsori announce the birth of thei daughter, at Oshawa Gener Hospital on November 12, 194! 46-1 BROUGH-In Bowmanville Ho pital Nov. 9, 1945, to Mr. ani Mrs. Jack Brough (nee Bett: Tennant), a daughter, Judit] Elizabeth. 46-1 *ARROD-Mr. and Mrs. A. Gai rod are happy td announce thq birth of their daughter, a sistei for Ruthie, on Saturday, Nov 10, 1945, at Oshawa Genera Hospital. 46-1 AROCQUE-To Mr. and Mrs Robert Larocque, formerly Misý Marie Sheehan, a son (Roberi Daniel), at Bowmanville Hos- pital on Friday, Nov. 2, 1945. 46-1* DEATHS -' PHARE-In Bowmanville, Nov. 14, 1945, Albert George Phare, aged 73 years. The funeral wil] take place from the family res- idence, 111 King St. E., Bow- manville, on Friday, Nov. 16, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton cemetery. CALE-At his residence, Antier, Sask., Thursday, Nov. 1, 1945, John H. Cale, beloved husband of Mabel Veale, formerly of Bowmanville, and brother of W. R. Cale, Divide, Sask.; Mrs. Di- ana Fice, Oshawa, and R. M. Cale, Bowmanville. 46-1 IN MEMORIAM ASH-Memary's tribute ta aa deerly loved husband and feth- er, Gardon Frederick Ash, who died suddenly, Nov. l9th, 1938, '-Wif e, (Mary Wetbereli Ash), and daughters, Margaret and Hel- en. 46-i* BROOKS-In proud qq,& gking memory of aur dear son a'nu brother, P. O., Glenn Wesley Brooks, wbr, 'failed ta return fram .-« bombing trip over Do ,mund, Germany, October é.-., 1944. Beautiful memories are all we bave left 0f him we loved deerly and sheil neyer forgef, His lovely smile and happy face, Broken link we cen neyer re- place, Sad was the perting no anecacn tell, Sa sudden on eerth the sarrow fell, Memories are treasures no anc cen steel, Death leeves a heartache noth- ing cen heal. -Ever remernbered by Murn end Dad, Gwendolyn and Grant. 46-1* ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Virtue, Bur- [ington, Ontario, announce the engagement of their deughter, Elelen Ruth, ta George 'Byron Crawford, son of Mm. and Mrs. E. W. Crawford, Bowmanviile. The wedding wili take pl'ace on Saturday, November 24th, in Trinity United Churcb, Burimg- tan. 46-i* Wanted To Buy BUZZ SAW OUTFIT, including engine. Apply H. Sucee, R.R. 2 Omono. 46-l* HIORSE, SUITABLE FOR MILK wagon, mnust weigh around 1600. Apply Glen Rae Deiry. Phone 444. 46-1 TOP PRICES PAID FOR NEW and used feathers, feather ticks, pillows, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 HORSES WANTED FOR FUR far-. Rankine Mink Ranch, Haydon, R.R. 6 Bowmanville. Phone Bowmenville 2888. 44-4* WE ARE BUYERS 0F TIMOTHY and Clovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cali or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf )LD HORSES WANTED for Mink and Fox Food tram $5,00 ta $10.00, accarding ta weight. Also beef tripe. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tymone, Ont. Phone Bowmenvillc 2679, 43-tf ITANTED AT ONCE - GOOD piano. Give meke, ege and lowest spot cash price. Ahl correspondence strictly confi- dentiel. Write Box 582 States- man Office. 46-1 IVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt personelly, no agents employ- ed.) 42-11* VE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all varieties of Claver and Tirn- othy seed. Bring or mail sern- pIes. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. 41-8 PERSON INTERESTED IN Canadien 'Local Histories,' de- sires a copy of a smell six page parmphlet-"Hîstory of Elliott's Mills - 1840-1936" (Hampton, Ont.)-will anyone heving e spare copy of this pamphlet ta dispose of kindly sa advise A. V. White, 2 Eerl St., Toronto. 46-1* t( E T LI wl A Notice Real Estate For Sale Strayed 45, After November 22nd Cold HOUSE ON CARLISLE AVE., STRAYED ON TO) LOI Ur, Spring Beverages will not refund Bowmanville. Apply Miss Anne 4, Darlington, heifer eny deposits on green bottles. 46-1 Connors, 170 Rosedale Heights old. Owner may i Dr. ILB. ______ofic_ wllb Drive, Toronto. Phone Hudson by Proving property , D coe r. H B Rndle'sofe will be 5626. 45-* ig expenses. w. idcnse- o November llthinlutae BARGAIN:- ACT AT ONCE: Irn- Phone 2252. n-Nvmer2t ncuie 45-2* mediate Possession. 6 room 11 Bowrnanville Electrician, 4 house, ideally situated, Highway W ne ol 1*King St. E. All kinds of electric No. 2. 31/2 acres, srnall barn, atd oR wiring done. Motors repaired and chickeii bouse. Apple, pear and2or3HU V. nstelled. Phone 438. 14-tf plum trees. Mrs. E. V. Scobell, 2O 3H EKEEPIN, ir Real Estate, Bowmanville. 46-1* 579y younOfe, al For Rent 100 ACRES, HYDRO, bighway V4 ville. L1 GRAEO5CUC.SRE mile, model farm, Bowmanvill4 OM R PC l* GARAG ON CHURH STREET -Newcastle area, 80 acres work- OM ORSAE i W. Phone 492. 46-1 able, 12 acres wonderful or- for Beauty Shoppe.C 's FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES, fr chard, 15 acres Faîl wheat, cation. Write Box5 id mefuies coî or - frame house, 7 roins, hip roof dian Statesman. ty Silver and King St. Available bakartiup5bed2slo URGENTLY NEEDED th Dec. 1. Apply N. J. Scott, tel- DeLavelle, school %/ mile, 3 30, five or six-room ephoe 33. 6-1 churches 1 mile, Wood's cooler Young business cou] ephoe 33. 6-1 and milking machine included; small child. Reliable r-NEW SINGER SEWING Machine owfler shipped 10 cans milk. Post Office Box 153. le in youm own home, $3.00 per last year.- Confidentiel and ex- St. E. ýr month. Elec. port. $5.00, Sing- clusive listing. Quick action nec- V. er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- essary. Contact Elmer Wilbur, IN BOWMANVILLE-01 1 awa. Phone. 696. 14-tf1 Willoughby Representative, at heated rooms, suitab« 1iHampton. 46-48-50 beeuty salon, central _______Noreen Ratz, c/o Mrs. Work ante 1 - ensoin, R.R. 1, Boxw S WL IGNmlt . Notice To Creditors Phone 2522. .t 32" cement tile. Also cernentA - tile for sale. Phone IXen Cain ALL PERSONS having dlaims A 56-r-19, Orono. 44-4* against the estate of William Articles______For_ George Cornish, lete of the Town-' -YOUNG MARRIED HOUSE- ship of Derlington, in tbe County UPRIGHT PIANO-Api Skeeper with child il. Wishes of Durham, Retired Farmer, who' 585, Statesman. Position. Live in. Write Box died on or about the 29th day of WO' A OLR - 584, Statesman Office. 46-l* August, 1945, are equired to send nWOODPSoATeR2 LLE. to the undersigned at Bowman- nw hn 17 BLACKSMITH: I arn now pre- ville, Ontario, full particulars Of LOVE-SEAT in goodc 1 Pared to do general blacksrnith- the sanie on or before the l4th Phone 77r4, Orono. - ing, horse-shoeing, etc. All day of December, 1945, after - womk guaranteed. J. Ennis, wbicb date the assets of the de- ROLLER PIGEONS-Ve t Hampton, Ont. 45-3* ceased will be distributed having colours. Phone 442. reg ard only ta the dlaims of which ONTARIO FLOOR SANDE tS. Executor shahl then have no- BLACK COCKER PUP, Floors laidf, sanded, finished ticea i d . Apply W. Begley, (Yaur satisfaction aur suce ss). DA'TED this l5tb day of cession St. 459 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa. November, 1945. Phone 3848W. 46 4* WILMER FITZE, Executor QUEBEC HEATER. Apl TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - by APHA I. HODGINS his H.RgsopitC] Ahl kinds of tractor work, Solicitor berein. 46-1 . fln, Bowmanville. ploughing, cultivating combin-WMASBLC C. ing, etc., done. F. S. Allen, In the Estate of Hugh McCullough 38-0.A LACdresosa Phone 594, Bowmanville. AIl persons having dlaims Phon42. lodessa 24-tf-4* against the estate of Hugli Mc -__Phone ____492.__ Cullough, late of the Township of BOY'S NAVY BLUE1 HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, Manvers, deceased, who died on coat, size 10 yrs, good sanded and finished, old f]oors or about the 5th day of July, 1945, Phone 391. Iresurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 are bereby notified ta send in ta years' experience. P ho ne W. R. Strike, solicitor for the Ex- A GOOD ALADDIN HA 908-J-12 Oshawa. Residence ecutor, Bowrnanville, Ontario on lamp. Reasonable. Apr Courtice. 36-12* or bef o-1- ý ïe ZCth dey aof N.,vern- John Marlow, Blackstc AUTMOBLES REFNISEpbr. ý45, full particulars of their AUOMBIESimINSH L, ARGE SIZE FINDLA) paint repair.ancorpet§ spray1 îmmediately after the said 26th bec heater, in Ai c( pan jb.-1 rt pies and day of Nove =ber, 1945, the assets C. H. Snowden. Phone2 satisW2ýi.yj- guaranteed. En- of the testator wîll be distributed ____________ - QUiýe 33 Church St., L. G. Ea- amongst the parties entitled PIANOACRIN ton. 44-3* thereto, having regard only f~o kNO ACRAN GENERAL H1UEWRK l aims f which the said solicitor keys, in good condition fhNt hr h hve Mrs. William Barrabal Bowmanville area in farnily 0f notice.excrse n St. E., Bowrnanville. adults. Fifteen years' exper- DATED et Bowrnanville, this 13 HVOE O ience including Kosher cook- 7h1ayofNoemer 145 eril o. 5146396. ing; wanted wage $65 monthly. W. R. STRIKEembe , cu Sriai Nhea463e. pp Write Box 577,, Statesman Off- SoWcitR.for theExecutorhatr.Apl ice. 45-1* Slctrfr h xctr P-mYI, 67 King St. E., E ORGANS REPAIRED - Country453 vle Church or Home instruments of _IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM MAN'S OVERCOAT, any make cornpletely overheul- JOHN CLEMENCE, late of the size, black, heavy mater ed, new bellows instelled. Set- Township of Darlington, in the new. Low pmiced. H. J isfaction guaranteed. Estimates County of Durham, Fermer, De- per, 20 Horsey St., B( given. H. B. Creeper, 20 Horsey ceesed, who died on the l2th day ville. St., Bowrnanville. Phone 628. of October, 1945. 45-tf 1* The Trustee Act R.S.O. 1937 DRY CEDAR AND HE] _____________________Ch. 165, Sec. 51. . boards and square tin Creditors and others having stavewood lengths, $12 pi dlaimis ageinst the above Estate Bring your own truck. B are required ta send full particu- Laughlin, Nestleton. HIGHEST PRICES lers and proof of such dlaims ta ___________ the undersigned an or before the DRUMS, TANKS, SI paid for l7th day of December, 1945, after plates, silo roda and lug Grae nd egsteed which date the Administration of ceble, angle iran, beems, Grad an Reistred the Estate will be proceeded with pipîng and fittings. H. HOLSTEIN and AYRSHIRE having regard ta dlaims that have Port Hope, phone 160. been receîved. r ' RW WE Spinger Cows and Heifers Dateci et Bowmanvîlle this LoAt Y'S BW oN-TWe lSth day of November, 1945. coat it iehbutton-new LAWRENCE C. MASON, lrg ie~ ienw F. Leob Barrister~, Bowrnenville, Ont. 521 or P.O. Box 239, Bc Solicitor for the Executors. ville. R.R. 2 Part Perry 46-3 MIXED HARDWOOD, cor Phone 107 r 3-1 46-1 0of herdwood limbs and Auction Sales 4 ft. lengths, 2 or 3 c( __________________________ the load. Price $12 pe GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 85 King St. E. Phone ",8o 26-t WAN-TED OLD HORSES Smail or Large Quantities WiIIew Creek Fur Farm C. R. KNOX Orono Phone 42-r-2 45-t FOR EXPERT PIANO TURING WRITE RAGEAI STEEN WHITBY, ONTARIO OVER 20 YEABS' EXPERIENCE SPECIAL RATES FOR MUSIC TEACHERS The undersigned bas receîved instructions ta seli by public auc- tion for Russell Virtue, Tyrane, Lot 6, Con. 8, north of the Long Seuit Schooi on Seturday, Novem- ber 24th, 1945, 5 acres of standing timber, ta be sold in Y4~ acre lots, more or less, consisting of cedar, hemlock, beech and mepie. Pur- chesers will be given until ApriJ lst, 1947, f0 remove timber. Sale et 1:30 p.m. Terma cash. Clifford Pethick, auctianeer. 46-2 I have received instructions from James Nixon, Lot 36, Con. 6, Clarke Twp. (3 miles N.W. of Orona) ta seil by public auction on Friday, Nov. 16, et 1 p.rn. sharp, all bis farm stock, imple- ments, etc., indluding a Moody thrqsher, 20" cylinder; 16 cows with calves et foot and 5S pringer caws. For fumthcr perticulars sec bills. As Mr. Nixon's son is teking over the farm the above must be sold without reserve. Terms cash, positively no meserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 45-2 I have reccived instructions from James Nixon, Lot 36, Con. 6, ,Clarke Twp. (3 miles N.W. of Orono) ta seil by public auction on Friday, Nov. 16, et 1 p.rn. sharp, all his ferm stock, imple- ments, etc., including a Maody thmeshcr, 20" cylinder; 16 caws. wkith caives et foot and 5 springer cows, 7 heed of Durham feeder caffle. 700 ta 800 lbs eech. For fur- ther particuiers sec bis. As Mr. Nixan's son is teking aver the farm the above must be sold with- out reserve. Terrns cash, positiv- ely no reserve. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 45-2 Auctian Sale of Purebred Shorthorn cattle and farm mach- inery, the praperty of Mr. William S. Staples, Lot 8, Con. 7, Darling- ton Twp., at the village of Tyrone, on Thurs., Nov. 22, et 12 o'clock noon. This sale will include e M.H. row-crap trector on rubbcr, equippcd with power take-off and pulcy, nearly ncw; a fulll me of good farm mechinery, matchcd team of Clyde hamacs, 1600 lbs e; 17 shoats; 600 bus. mixed grain. For further perticulers sec bis. Terms: cash. Positively no mc servc. Cettlc sale et 2 p.m. sharp. J. E. White, clcrk. Jack Reid, euc- tioneer. 46-2* THURSDAY, NOV. 15th, 1945 r13, CON. !r 2 yeers have sanie and pay- J. Cenn, kent IG Rooms lVmité Box Bowman- 45-tf ýUITABLE Central lb- 583, Cana- 46-2* BýY NOV.» house by upie witb le tenants. 75 King 46-1* 'ne or two ble for e 1location. sT. Stev- xmenville. 46-1* ýnsisting A birch cords ta y-rV-orclu 1 delivered. Apply H. Robitaille, R.R. 3, Pontypool. 44-4* GIRL'S BROWN TWEED COAT, with bat and muff to match, size 8-10 yrs. Also child's pink 3 pc. snow suit, size 3 yrs, in good condition. Phone 2354. 46-1 * 4 CYCLE JOHNSTON I RO N Horse gas engine; Wettlaufer 2 1 h.p. as engine; Bosch magneto; > Souvenir 6-lid coal or wood range with reservoir, open for 3 water front. Apply Bownian- 1 ville Electricians, 42 King St. E. 1 Phone 438. 38-tf VîACtJUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Good Vacuums fer Good Housekeeping." A 15s o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- rication, replacements, etc. Cal C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf ONE 122 FLEURY BISSELL tractor plow, 2 furrow with rolling coulters and skimmers, straigbtener if desired also No. 77 walking plows, the last for 1945. T. 'S. Mountjoy, RHR. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2503. 46-1 ELECTRIC WASHING M A - chines, radios, rangettes, plates, vacuum cleaners, modemn and antique furniture of ail kinds, Quebec heaters, cook stoves, box stoves, restaurant géril] stove. Also oil burners, e . W. Glober, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything ini modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dinn suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quaiity merchanclise at com. petitive prices. Before baying visit Bradleys New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-t NEW EQUIPMENT-14 INCH Hammer Mill, Automatic drink- ing bowls, 2 1/2 inch runner tobaggon sleighs, with five foot bunks, steel wheels with 600x16 rimas, with skeins or made-to-, measure, Fleury Grinders, Que- bec heater, coal or wood, large size used. Carl Todd, Implement Dealer, Phone Clarke 15-20. 46-3* Lost FOX HOUND, MALE, BLACK and tan. A. L. Darch, Bow- manville. Phone 2890. 46-1 BLACK WATERMAN FOUN- tain pen, with gold clip and bands. Reward. Phone 2834. 46-1* ep Wanted GIRL TO TRAIN FOR WVAIT- ress and gëneral hotel work. FARM H-ELP-SINGLE MAN for dairy farm, year-round employ- ment. Modemn equipment, good wages. Phone 2471. 46-1* Livestock For Sale EIGHT PIGS, 7 weeks old. H.. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. PUREBRED YORKSHIRE BOAR, 6 mos. old. Also some younger. Garneet Rickard. Phone 2813. 46-1 TWO PERCHERON HORSES, weighing about 1500, 6 and 12 years old. John Barrett, Liberty St., Bowmanville. 46-l* 15 --PUREBRED -YORKSHIRE Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Frank Bray, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Phone 3 YOUNG HOLSTEIN COWS due this month; 6 six weeks old pigs; quantity table turnips. Ap- ply Carl Weiss, R.R. 3, Bow- manville. Phone 2864.- 46-1 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN, 2 yrs old, bred in August to a grandson of Pietje B. Reg. Guernesy Heifer, bred Nov. 10. Reg. Holstein Bull, 7 months old, accredited and tested. No- ble Metcalf, Phone 1335M, Osh- Special Fire*Protection for MWaple Leaf Po licyHolders The Maple Leaf Parniers' Mutual Pire Insurance' Company has entered into an agreement with the Town of Bowmanville whereby ali ur Policy holders from the sauth part of the Eighth Concession of Darlington ta Lake Ontario are granted the privilege ta cail the Bow- manville Pire Department in case of an uncontralled fixe on their preniises. The said Pire Departmnent will answer cails, at no direct expense ta any of our Policy halders -in the abave area. The Maple Leaf Farmérs' Mutual Fire, SInsurance Ce. Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 32-48 IF BACKACHES are slowing you Up take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. McGregor's Drug Store. 46-1 QUICK RELIEF FROM STOM- ach troubles--indigestion, heart- burn, sour stomach, dyspepsia -with effective Wilder's Stom- ach Powder. 50c and $1 at McGregor's Drug Store. RORSEs WANTED FOR FOX MEAT PHONE ORONO 42,R"2 ORONO 77-R-4 37-tf It Right Wlth "Sealtîte" Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowlng Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanville Phone 494 34-tf Do Lieut.-Cal. R. B. Smith, President. Represent our Campany in -this territary. Blue Grass, one of the world's great fragrances, in a delightful after-bath mist by Use it Iavishly ta keep you flower-fresh throughout the day. BLUE GRASS FLOWER MIST . . . 1.50 I Jury & Loveli THE REXALL STORE Whem W. Test Eyes t la Bon, Prop.rly 'ffOeE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS P. G. Purve.s, Secretary. t., fr~I. I - 1 - i ý

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