THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. l5th, 1945 AN EstaMlished 1854 AINDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEB With which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, ana The Orono News. 91 Year's Continuons Service Ta The Town of Bowmanvlfte and Durham Vount7. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian N ~Weekiy Newapaper SBCRITIOtRATES $2.0 aTea lntheUnited State. GEO.W. JMES.Editor. With No Board of Trade Bowmanville Stands Isolated There is always a great degree of diff i- dence and even of humiliation when a local paper fecis impelled to eall attention to local municipal shorfcomings. But in hew- in- to fhec une in an endeavour to arouse people to take action designcd to keep in step with the turnes and parficularlY to kecp in sfcp wif h surrounding mnincipali- ties, The Stafesman offers no apologies. As a cornmunity, and we consider ourselves an enliglifencd comniunity, it can be said flatly fliat we do nof measure np in several partic- ulars, nofably in vicw of the inferest s of men rcturming from active service. It is time we correcfed our omissions. At the mo- ment we mention only two and deal specifie- aily with only one. Wc -mnst have a new library building. We mnst have a Board of Trade. We shall talk abont the library in a series of later editorials. At the moment we point ont thaf Bowmanville stands isolated among al adjacent towns in hlaving no Board of Trade or Cliamber of Commerce. Look at the picture. Clear flirongli from Whifby to Trenîton there are active Boards of Trade, and fliey are getfing things donc. Latest f0 gef int o the picture is Whitby. Like fthc others ifs Board of Trade has ffled ifs indus- trial potentialities f0 be forwardecl to On- tario House, London, f0 be ini position to affract industries in the posfwar period. Meaîîwhile, Bowmanvillc, alone, sifs supine. *Well f0 say flic least it is an invidions dis- tinction. Let us mosf clcarly assess flic picture. WeT know that several men, rcturncd froin service, have lately gone info private busi- ness in fuiis town. We had no Board of Trade f0 hieip tlim. If is known that some werc denied governiment assistance and lîad to rely upon their own resources. A Board of Trade could have helped fliem immneasur- ably, but wc let thcmn down. WNe know ive haven'f made a single move f0 affracf indus- tries f0 enlarge onr local buying, power and sustaili tlise returned men. lni short we arc eollecfively, simply an aggrcgafion of buînp- kins, prating mucli and doing nothing. If is time we came alive and calleti a meeting f0 esfablish flic foremost necd of flic com- munit.), a live Board of Trade. Bank Managers Can HeIp Ail Returned Personnel One of flic most encouraging fhings we have seen in recent months is flic advice pnblicly fcndered by Stanley M. Wedd, President of flie Canadiani Bankers' Associ- at ion. In flic past, inany people have feif diffident about consulfing, their local bank manager ini regard f0 personal problems of money, whefher f0 finance a home, a business or of a nafure to improve their gencral prosperify. Ini fuis issue of The Sfatesman appears exfracts from Mr. Wedd's recent address under fhlileading '"Fnture Bright for Canada." If is worfh reading for flic reasons stafed above, for if invites consul- tations wifh brandi managers of the char- fered banks of Canada. 0f parficular inferest is flic suggestion that refurned men eau very profitably con- suif wifh their local banker. Just as they would without hesitafion consuif f heir lo- cal docfor, they eau lic assured equal wel- corne and sound advice from flîir home town banker. Mr. Wedd points ontt flaf flic back-log of Canadian savings is now greater than ever hefore andi of fuis g-reaf sum, refurncd mcei ow'î a considerable shiare. Elevate Spiritual Values To Rightful Place in Education Nazi Gernîaiiv andi Fa.seisf lfaly ]lave giv- en flic world apiooidl disturbing lessoni. Ay edutcafiotial systeni wliieh iiîeglects the cit ivafioiî of spirituial values hîcadsthsel nafioni whieh liarbors if for disaster. Our westerni world lias nof discardeti spiritual valuies. Tfli pressure of flic sche- dules of schools andi colleges lias tendedti f crowd thîcm out. lni fli rush for special- izeti training f0 eîîablc a inami f0 keep lis place iii a coinpefitive sociefy, educafiomi coîîîcs f0 ic reg-artiet primcipally as a means of faeilitafiîig lus carcer. Justice, priiîciple, itiealismi, brofhîerlîood, faifi, gooti will andt other spiritual values uipon whici thie permianenice of civilizafion tiepciîds tenîd f0 le subordiîîafed f0 expeti- Amiong ils îiaiîy tasks modern educaf ion faces tlîree, af lcast, which arc basically spiritual: Polifically, f0 builti supra-national loyal- fies, iîîf il intfernationîal co-operaf ion replaces nîational rivalrv. To fuis cuti religion pro- dlaims a world-widc basis for loyalfy-tlîe Fafherliooti of One Godi. Economieallv, f0 shape a wvorlti ecoîîomy whîichî will givý,eerYbody a tieceîîf chance af life ounflic lasis of flic Four Frections. To f lus end religion proclaims a wvorlti-wide fraferniify-fhe brofhierliood of aIl mcii. Racially, f0 train vouîig and oid alike ini bofh hîuîîame anti scienfifie attitude f0 flic race question umîfil discriminiation on flic grounds of race or color becomes unknown. To f lus eti religionî proclims a îvorld-witie basic affinify-flîc saiictity of persoiîalify. May Education Wcek beginniîîg Novem- ber lit i consfifufe a cal f0 parents, educa- fors anti clurchinî to levaf e spiritual values fo fhîir rigliffuI place ini educafiomi. Bowmanville's Memorial Park Needs Suitable Building No projeef of geiîral iîîferesf f0 flic cif- izemîs of Bowmnivillc lias hiat greafer sup- port f han tf lMeinorial Park lunflic Sout h W\ard. Origiiîally spoîîsored by flic Lions Club witlî a guaranfefliat f hey wouid fur- mishitheflcpaygrouîîd equipîîîeîf. li theiea w-as presseti by people living iii flat part of flic town, by Union 189, anti fullest supporf w-as given by N. J. Scott, Maager of Brookdale- Kiiîgsway Nurseries, flic firmu fliat suppiieti free of charge, allichefrees anti borders f0 make flic park attracfive. Thîroughi moncy andt free lalior douated bli- flese people flic park is iîow ami assureti success. But f hîre are f humgs vef f0 lie doue. Ini order f0 give aceoimmiotifi for wiiiter andt summer sports, for ice skafiîîg anti for fen- nîis, basebali andt othier sumimner sports, there is lieed for a cenîtral biuiling f0 serve as a dressiîîg rooîn anti clb-iouise f0 round ouf flic picture. When flic wliole tlîiîg is coîi- plete, this park will lic a credif f0 Bowmaii- ville anîd a memorial of whichi f0 le prouti. The -rounîd lias bccîî seetied, flic border frees ad ti hetiges plamteti, but tiiere is ino central buildiing so far arrang.eti for. Tlîe park coin- mîitfee lias receiitly matie recomiiicntifous iin fhis reg-ard. If is poinfeti ouf fhiaf flicgoverimmeuit erectel a tiozeli huihding-s ut flieGerîîian prisoni camip on flic outskirfs of flic fowm f0 accomnotiate flic Vefcraîis Guarti. These have îîow beemi vacateti andt await tiisposal iy flic goveriinieiit. No word lias come as f0 w'haf is proposeti reg-arimg their disposal. If is claiîned fhat these buildinîgs anti equip- ment oughît f0 lie disposeti of locally as femporary housimîg or as useful f0 local far- miers andti 5 forth. If sucli is flic case flic Meniorial Park Commiftce would lie gladt f buy for'spof cash, one of flic nuits for park purposes. Bowmnaiville people wîll iîîsîsf thaf flic goverîîmcîîf iili agree to this re- quesf which ivili be foruially preseîfedti f fliem liv Durham's member of parliameuf. Rivalry of Metropolitan Cities Cattiness at its Worst To Caîîatiians liviig( outside Moutreal amît Torontfoflic caffiîîess in flic relation- slips of fhiese two cifies is a source of won- dermeuf andt frequenfly amusement. Those whio fliti somefhîîîg to admire anti teplore iii liofl places arc af a loss f0 account for flic coutinual snipiîig., Rivaîries befweeu cifies arc commnî cîoug-li and are f0 be founti in every countfry. VWhiemi, as is flic case witlî Monfreal anîd Toronto, fwo competifors are outsfamiiigly flic biggcsf centres of popula- tionu,flic rivalry liecomes accenfuateti, but if is scltiom expresseti witli fli pettiness that disfiiiguislîes flic mutual liaifing indulgeti in iy fliese cifies. lnii cdicase flic situationi is causeti livan iiiferioritv c omplex. Moifreal, straiiig f0 keep alieati as.the lamrcsf centre iii Caniada us afraidth lat Torontoo nias overtake andt possiblv surpass if. Toronîto ,traininîg f0 catch up is fearful fliaf ifs rival will îiiait'i- s oin muîot so gooti. 'The oh jct <of îîuîic iipai groveriuîueiinti civi-eiifeipi'ise shiould lue f0 mulfiply thie fo'crr <id siibti'ae flic latter, and ti fshîoult i ctlie aniîîot ver% conmunity f0 cleai' flicsmow moini is ow;i streefs hefore poiiitiiîg Ioth fliriosf on its umilihu sshi imîles. No w-lbna ig uis- iness tries f0 scllichepubie o 1 >- coisfiifly: "kioe iiug" its coxaipefifiom:Io1(I <o So is comsideucti poor salesiîniisiipl. For aiiv fowiî or cify f0 hiolti a mival up fo scorn is poor hbusinîess 8a1(1stili pooreîr cîfîzeiishiip. Ralph Carruthers Appointed High' ýPostinhiN.Y. Library Affer an absence cf tîrce and a hlif years, during which time le was in flic service of flic United States govermiment in Èngland and various Eurcpean countries, ,Mm. Raipli H. Carrufliers, eon cf Mr. and Mms. W. H. Carruflers, Scugog St., Bowmanville, lias re- furned te flic New York Public Library wliere lielias enfereti on lis duties in a new position, as Chef of flicPhotographic Div- ision, a newly createti Division, formerly known as flic Photogra- phie Service Section. This Division will comprise flic order desk, whicli landles over fiffy fhousand orders a year for microfilm or photastat copies cf pages from books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, and flieusands of illustrations. These orders are filled by flic Photogra- phie Service and sent ail over flic Unitedi States and Canada and a Raiph H. Carruthers few abroati. Thc Division also ineludes flic microfilm reatiing raemn wheme whele bocks andi ether material whidli las been preserved on microfilm may be ead through tfli easily operateti pmoj ecters, or reading machines; and a laborafary wliere Mr. Car- uthers lias already donc a con- siderable amount cf research on photographie problems, anti cx- peefs te de more experimental work in mierepîofography and in the new techniques cf ticeumen- fary pliofagraphy in general. Mm. Carruthers lias been en- gaged in photographie reproduc- tion in an administrative or ad- visomy capacify since 1928, andi now affer lis highly inferesfing and important interlude cf -war work everseas, le lias returned f0 lis chosen fleeld ef daeumenfary phofegrapliy. Thc brandli cf library work whieli Mm. Carruthers lias made lis part icular spliere and lis adhievements in fIat spîere, can- nof fail to e oe f inferest f0 flic re- sident s ef Bcwmanviile where le grew up and received lis early educafion. Affer graduating from Quecn's University with an honcur degree in Arts in 1926, Mr. Carruflers teck a posfgraduafc course af Col- umbia University Scîcol, of Lib- rary Service in New York, anti received lis B.S. degree in lib- ary work in 1927. He joinedth fe staff cf tIc New York Public Lib- rary anti serveti for ncarly a year in flic Science anti Tecînology Division. In flic spring of 1928, le was placeti in charge of fIe rapidly expanding Photostat Sec- tien, remaîning in this position fcr four years. The years 1932 te 1936 were spent in flic Central Information Division, while also serving in an advisery capacity in aIl phctographie matters. These years in flic Information Division were valuabie for fIe wide kncw- iedge gainetio ef liresources cf this immense anti world famous library, and licw mcmi anti women in ail professions anti industries avail fliemselves of flic opportun- ity f0 secume information on au- mest every subjcct. If was duing these yeams, Mm. Camuflers says, fIat libraries be- came interesteti in micraphofo- graphy. Same experiments car- ricti on at the libary under lis direction, wemking untier the su- pervision of Keyes Metcalf (now Director of Lilimaies at Harvard Univcrsity) lad their influence on thc design cf microfilm cam- eras anti reading machines. In 1937 Mm. Carruthers was awartied a Carnegie Fellowship by flic American Libmamy Assaciation anti spent ncarly a year studying fIe poblems involveti in docu- mentary plotegmaply, especialiy flic microfilm process. The e- suifs of this work weme matie av- ailable f0 fhe association in a publisîcdti fesis of two hundreti anti fifty pages. TIc follawing year le retumnedt fthfe adminis- tration cf flic Photographie Ser- vice, whidli now includeti micro- film as weli as photostat wark. The Photographie Service las gown and developeti since 1912,i wlien, one year aff cm fhe New York Public Libmary openeti ifs tiaors te flic public, if began witl one photostat machine anti a part- time opemator. If new las four photostat machines, f we micra- film cameras anti many other pieces of photographic equipment. This service, Iandling over fifty thousanti orders a year, charges fhe ecipient enly flic actual pro- duction cosf anti postage. Most of flic users are engageti in scientific researech in industrial labarafor- ies, but lawyers, business men, publishers, authars, decorators, designers, gcneaiogisf s, sdhlars, student s anti many ethers make frequent use effflic service. Ealy in 1942, war fcmporariiy took Mr. Carruflers cut of lili- rary work, but flot out of phot o- graphy. Býecause of fhe place he had made for himself in the pho- tographie world, by reason of his work and research in micropho- fography, and also becouse of his knowledge of publications, Mr. Carruthers was called f0 Wash- ington in May, 1942, f0 fulfil a mission whose nature remained a strict secret until lie returned f0 these shores again at the end of August, 1945. Mr. Carruthers can now dis- close that he was sent overseas in June, 1943, as a representative of the Interdepartmental Committee for the Acquisition of Foreign Publications, first f0 Lisbon, the last neutral port on a continent in the grip of the Nazis, where he acted as local field represenfative for the committee. Then witli the advent of 1944, he was made the- atre chief for ail the committee's activities overseas, and directed these first fromn London, then fol- lowing the sweep of the Allied Armies affer D-Day, in various European countries. His task completed, Mr. Carruthers report- cd back f0 Washington in the early autumn of this year. He flien returned f0, Canada for a short vacation af home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Car- ruthers, and las now taken up his new position as Chief of the Pho- fographic Division in the New York Public Library. OFF TH-E PRESS THIS WEEK -. thc looked-for collection cf car- taons by Les Callan, popular artist orn the staff of the "Maple Leaf.- This book will make a treasured gift ta many a rcturned man who may have first read and appreciated its humour amidst the mud and uncertainties of Normandy. "FROM 'D' DAY TO) VICTORY. Normandy and On with the Fighting Canadians, a Car- teonique by Les Callan" is a tithe you will sec in many bookstores from now on. Les Callan was born near Kenora. Ontario. worked on the Vancouver Sun and Winnipeg Free Press. was taken onto the staff of the Maple Leaf overseas by Colonel R. S. (Dick) Ma- lone. (Longmans Green.) GOOD NEWS FOR KNITTERS ....those exquisitelp beauti fui Menargch Yarns. sa' dear ta the hearts of home knitters, are again in production . . . and should be on gour dealers' sheif in the verp near future, iflflot alreadg there. Ask for them by namne, Monarch Baby Waal, Monarch Andalusian. Mon- arch Dove. Monarch Speedway. Monarch 202, Monarch Down. The Mfonarch Knitting Company. imci- dentally. wishes ta thank dealers and customers jor their patience during these war pears. when "style knit- ting" cf necessitp had ta be listeci ameng the luxuries. It gives the companp vcrp real satisfaction to be able ta announcc that these neu' yarns will be in the hands cf Cana- dian knitters again. q. _! DU 13ARRY DERMA-SEC For- mula is arich, super-emoliient which supplies extra softness ta neck and throat. overcames the dryness which produces wrinkles and activates the functions cf the pores te produce a clear-toned skin. This cream for dry skin is a protective for Uic young, a corrective for the aider -skin. Use il in thc *'Beuty-Anglec way to brin@ up circulation, warking upwards along the throat column with bath hantis. tIen lie with feet about a foot highez tIan 'jour head in the way prescribed by famous beautitians. getting new supplies cf bloati flowing up ta nour- ish the skin of your throat and neck. THE OLD TIN ROOF in mod- ern dress is ne joke. On the con- trarp. galvanized roofing is a fine rofing material with many eut- standing aduantages. It's fireproaf. easily and quickly put on (ecan cvcr peur old roof), and because al new screw-type nails it will net blow cff. But the main objections to' the tin reof. that it halds heat and is nais p and unsightlp do net hold as yau can sec from the book- let "Hause Tops", pt et b~ East- cg-n Steel Products Limited. rstn Tarante and Montrcal. "Hause Tops" shows by illustration of ac- tua! houses raofed with -Rib Rail" galvanized metal rofing that it is suitable in cuerp wap for house roof- mng. andl net enly suitable, but very smart in appearance, ither in plain or paintcd like the finish of gour car. Send for a copp of1 'House Tops". THE GAUNTLET, James Streci s acw and penetrating novel based cr. thc story of a yaung Baptist minister in a smali American tawn has alreadv become a Literary Guild selection. The problcms cf London Wingo are hase of any young preacher who at- îempts to reconcile the tcachings of his faith te thc "petticoat pclitics'" of a narrow community. where even the friendly infarmaiity and warm enthusi- asm cf his wif e become misinterpreted. This is a book which will arouse much comment. and anc which mirrors the mintis cf littie people with almost cruel exactitude, written by a man wha was ordaincd for the ministry and has travelled the road of humaui experience. (McClelland and Stewart.)h IT'S SIMPLY NOT INTELLI- GENT ta limp around with a wrenched or spraincd ankle or in- step uhen a pattmnp an cf Sloan's Liniment will ca-eperatc with na- ture te relieve it. Slaan's werks by bringing ' circulation te the spot. driving eut the uncomfortable cut- ef f feeling wlîich results frem a part of the body havinp been inlurcd by a sudden fnl! or strain. S!oans is excecdinplp strong in its action. docs net require rubbing on but merclp a gentle patting on with absorbent or fin pers. The effeet is almost immediate. Goad ta relieuc simple hcad colds as an Inhalant when a teaspoan fuI is addcd to a glass cf hat watcr. D.C.M. Winner Told 'Pay Your Own Fare' To Kingsto-n Cememony The government las money for almost everything excepf the few- dollars required f0 transport war heroes f0 designafed lieadquar- fers, there f0 receive from a grateful King and thankless Min- isters, flic decorations won for heroic action on fhe field of baffle. That fthe war is now over can noa better be told flan in fhe ferms of flic leffer below. If was re- ceived by CSM Ross McKniglt, the Bowmanville soldier who won the Disfinguislied Conducf Me- dal in flic Ifalian campaign and wvas wounded in baffle. Today lie is employed in fthe factory of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- pany. "Pay your own fare"~ anti also hase fîrce days' wages, is lardly worfli fli expense cf a 4c stamp in reply is fhe attitude properly faken in this case. Here is flic letter, vèrbafîm: Department cf National Defence Army Kingston, Ont., Nov. 1sf, 1945 C.S.M. W. J. R. MeKniglit, General Deivery, Bownanvîlle, Ontario. Dear Sir: If lias been nofeti thaf flic King lias been graciously pleased, on flic advice cf His Majesty's Can- adian Ministers, f0 give orders for flic award f0 you cf flic Dis- finguished Conduct Medal. In this connection if is advised fliaf an Investiture wihl be leld at this Headquarfers af 1500 hours on Wednesday, 14t1 Novem- ber, 1945, and if you will be pre- sent, you are requesfed te report to Major F. I. Tanner, Rooni 306, Headquarters, M.D. No. 3, at 1445 heurs on fhe above-menfioned date. If is furtlier advised fIat Goverument transport cannot be provided, anti tha fhis journey, if made, will be at your own cx- pense. May advice be received, please, if if is your intention f0 lie pres- cnt on fhis occasion. Yours fruly, F. I. Tanner, Major for (M. Isbesfer) Lieuf.-Col., A.A. & Q.M.G., M.D. No. 3 TO FULFIL PURPOSE Objections fIat have been voiced regarding meaf rafioning appear f0 overlook tIc fact thaf Canada is commitfed f0 export large quantifies of beef, park, muffon, and lamb in fresh, froz- en, curcd, or canned form, states tIc Current Revicw cf Agricul- tural Conditions in Canada. TIc amount leff for domesfic con- sumption is considereti sufficient f0 mainfain an adequafe nutrition- al standard, but this amount must be fairly distribuf cd f0 obviate local scarcify and consequent suf- fering. Apparent glufs af varîcus sfockyards have been cf a tem- porary nature andi are not un- common for fIe season. Meat ra- tioning is lere te sfay unfil if las served ifs purpose cf equitably disfribufing fIe smaller stocks cf meat available for consumption in Canada. Here's Quick Relief from SINUS PAIN 3-Purpose Medicine Helps Clear Out Congested Sinus Areas, ONE best way te, get relief from tort uring sinus pain is te, clear con- gestion fromn nasal passages and give sinuses a chance te, drain. A few drops cf Vicks Va-tro-nol ini ecd nostril is usually encugli te bring this comforting relief. 3-Purpose Medicine . .. Va-tro-nol is so successful because it does fhree important things: (1) shrinks swol- len membranes cf flic nose; (2) helps cîcar out pain-catisiflg congestion and (3) soothes irritation. Many sinus sufferers say it's best relief theyve found. Try if! VICKS~ VATRONMOL I SHIE RELIES ON MILK1 To keep up the quickened pace of her busy day Ail housewives today are7 W r energy conscious. If is the wise' woman that counts on milk f0 pro- vide her with the necessary essentils of a good diet. In milkc, she has a source of vitamins, proteins, calcium and phosphorus ail needed for healfhful living. Thank, You! I Q We take this opportunity of thanking our many friends and new customers for the wonderful re- ception you have given the opening of our new o o Store.o We thank you for your patronage .. your D congratulations and your good wishes for the fut- N o ure of our business. O We have always had in mind the need for a f store such as ours, here in Bowmanville and withM n your continued patronage, you can be assured of D a always being able to purchase the finest quality in jewellery and gifts and also obtain the finest workmanship in your watch and jewellery repairs. i O Again, We THÂNK YOUI HOQPER'S Jeweleryand Gif t Shop JewelleryA. Hooper, Pro prietor a =O=o=o=o=o=o=O~O=O=O=O=O.I PAGE TWO m .1 ke 0 a 0 0 a a a 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 0 a 9 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a a a 0 **À