PAGE SIX oii iL1Ur,~ MNVLE NAI ~.D ~?TTT% Starkville Mrs. Forester, Westport, and Mrs. E. Ruthven, Zion, visited A. Dobson's ---- Misses Helen Dech- CHRISTMAS SPECIALS BOOKS for Young and old. New Fictioh - Travel - Poetry and Inspirational Juveniles- Picture Books. STATIONERY-The gift that is useful ail the year. Attrac- tively boxed, white, colored 25o ta $3.50 See our selection Hasti-Notes CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxed and Singles 1946 CALENDARS Floral and Scenic JL Wf. JEWELL "BIG 20"1 PHONE 556 ert and Betty Scott spent the weekend in Toronto ----Mrs. N. Bennett bas returned to Toronto after spendin a few days with ber mother, Mfrs. Jacob Hallowel] - ----Mr.Dock Mudrew, Oshawa, visited Russell Savery -----Mr. Bert Trim is enjoying a holHlay at hunting ---- Mr. Arthur Mc- Kay at Wilfrcd McKay's---._ Mrs. S. Brownlee at M. Shutka's ---- Mr. M. Morris, Orono, visited at Orme Falls --- Miss Eileen Farrow, in Toronto _.--- Mrs. M. Shutka visited friends in Osha- wa ---- Rev. Smith, Ncwtonvillc bas been making pastoral calîs in this vicinity ---- Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hal]owell and James wcre in Oshawa rccently M---- ýr. and Mrs. Harold Little and son, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falls, Bowmanville at Thos. Falls'. Cowanville Miss Marion Simpson at Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin's ----- Miss Phyllis Hollingsworth and frîend, Oshawa, with Mr, and3. Mrs. R. H. Hollingsworth ---- Mr. and Mrs. Wcs Stringer had tea with' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade ----Mr. Getlick, Margaret and Helen mo- tored to Toronto Saturday ----- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ban- dy and Harry at Mrs. B. Millson's -----Our Sunday School at Clarke Church will reopen sbortly with Mr. Alfred Perrin as superintend- cnt. Clarke Union Leslie Tbompson, Tyrone, is in the section finishing up tbeshing ------ James Nixon is holding a sale Friday ---- Home and Scbool meets on Wednesday evening of this week ------ Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Bailcy and Wayne are maving ta their home at Orono wbicb tbey purcbased -----Sias Souch bas purchased a flock of sbeep from Oscar Ralfe, Orono --- Mm. Jack, Helen and Marion Rick- aby, Toronto, at H. J. Sauch's. E SELECT YOUR GIFTS NOW Molinard Ladies' Sets $2.50 - $4 -$5.75 -$7 -$18 - Molinard Men's Sets- $3.00 - $4.00 - $5.00 Mohinard Toilet Water $1.35 - $1.85 Waterman Pen and Pencil Sets $5.95 - $9.52 UN UMIY TUBE Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror, 3-5-8 pieces 25 4 9 Modern Shades $3.98I $8.50 - $10.80 - $15.00 Perkins BiIlfolds E Sot as a fleecy Cloud! $1.15 - $2.25 - $3.75 - $5.00 Men's Brush Sets ---- -$1.85 - =Gillet Razor ---------49e Autostrop Razor -------98e Sehick Razor ------ ----98e Shaving Brushes 59c to $5 * I HOT WATER BOTTLES 69e - 89e - $1.39 - $169 Drene Shampoo -39c 67e 1pads Pinex Compound ------32c 9,5c n box Corega --------- 23e-39c '69e ..c I2Palmolive Soap -- 2 for lie- Keenex --------2 for 25e Thermos Bottles $1.19-$1.50 C Lunch Kits ------ 9er MACLELAN Laxaeold Tablets ------- 25e BRANDn Grove's CoId Tabs 24c-44c STOMACI POWDERn Buekley's Capsules ----35en Nyal Nasal Drops ---35C hO Viek's Drops E 5 Buckley's Mixture t075,1 ---- 4 -75e t Cherry Cough Syrup 25-50c tc Pmnol --------------- 25c-50e -CREOPHOS FOR STUBBORN COUGHS -------------.. $1.00 f& PhonoC OWLIN G'S DRUG STORETruses i G' IVE YOUR CAR WINqTEIRCHECKUP NOW As there is no sigu of civilians getting new cars for some tixne to corne it behooves ail car owners to give their autos extra attention ta keep thern in good running order. Our advice is ta, have your car given a check over regularly, partîcularly with the heavy driving of winter ahead. Bring your car or truc% i.n now and have aur exper- iexxced mechanics put it in-good running order. GARTON'S GARAGE PHONE 2666 BOWMANVILLE J Enfield Zion Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidsan and family at Russell Cochrane's, Brady ---- Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and Alan, Mrs. F. B. Glas- pel, at Ivor Gerrys, Toronto. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel is staying ----- Miss Mary Geissberger at August Geissberger's, Harmony -----Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rabbins and Ruth with Newcastle friends --- Miss Joyce Gifford with Mrs. Ha- zel Boumne, Osbawa ----- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Arthur Youngman's, Tyrone ---- Mr. and Mrs. Christian Star and Bruce, Mrs. E. Etter, Toronto, at Hans Geissberger's ----- Mr. and Mrs. Mel Morgan, Joan and Glenna at Jack Leacb's, Toronto ------ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly, Lloyd and Kenneth, Ebenezer, at Wes Cameron's ---- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and Gmace, Mrs. Jas. Staintan at Bernard McEw- en's, Dunbarton ----- Mms. Har- vey Balsan and Glenn bave mov- cd ta Robt. Killcn's fmom Oshawa ------ Mrs. A. T. Staintan and Ei- leen, Mrs. Alf Ayre at J. W. Bal- son's, Hampton ---- Mm. and Mrs. Anson Balson and Doris, Cale- donia East, at Fred Cameron's and Ray Camemon's ----- Mr. Lloyd Ayre, Miss Alne North- cutt at Harry Wilcox's, Hampton ----- Mr. and Mrs. A]ex McMaster and Joan at George Hilts, Osha- wa ----- Several attended the Sunday evening service at Hamp- tan and cnjayed the Quintette's singing ---- Mr. and Mrs. Orville Haoey and Wayne, Courtice, at Ray Cameron's ---- . Mrs. Alex McMaster entetained the T.M.S. M. Sewing Club from Oshawa an Monday night ----- A. T. Stain- ton is deer bunting at Haliburton.s Blackstock Women's Institute met Nov. 71 at Mrs. Larmer's. Subject, Cil zenship, Peace and Internationý Relations, Legisiation and Car adianization. Rail eaul, "Our r& ponsibilities ta newcomers." Mo ta for the month: "There is n( satisfaction comparable ta that( making one's neighbor happy Reading, "Things I Meant ta Dc by Mrs. Trewin. Reading, e> cerpts from speech made on sut ject "Durham" by Mr. Stepher son, M.P. Quiz on Legisiation b Mrs. Hooey. Reading "One Da: at a Tîme" by Mrs. N. Mountjoa' It was decided ta send $15 t central fund and ta sponsor driv ta fr11 ditty bags. Blackstoc] branch to fill 3 from Cartwrigr Red Cross. Articles sent ta wa stricken children were as follows 33 pairs of mitts, 10 helmets, 1ý pairs of stockings, 20 toques, pairs of 'shoes, 1 child's slip, child's kimona. Special services were held ir Blackstock United Church, Nov Ilth. Guest speaker J. E. Ken riedy of Claremnont. The regulai choir provided the music assistec by Miss Vivian Sadier, Toronto wvho favored with some lovel: riumbers. Service was held on Sunda: morning at 10:45 in the Com- nunity Hall ta honar the fallen heroes of bath wars. Dr. R. Pý 3owles gave a short, inspiring alk and Rev. J. E. Kennedy anc Mr. Chas. Venning assisted. Ther the gathering proceeded ta the enotaph where the wreath was placed by Mrs. John Carter. Mr. T.Langfelt read the names of the fallen heroes of the last war andi ohn Werry read the names ai te fallen heroes of the recent war. The Girl Guides attended I a company and led the gather- jg. The service at St. John's Angli- ,n Church, on Sunday afternoon 'as ta bonor the memory of F0. Roy Car$er, who gave his life in 1ie figbt for freedom. Beautiful 'hite 'mums decorated the altar he gift of the Carter family and ,.Y.P.A. Mr. Gansbery, student )f Trinity College, took charge of he service and spoke very com- c rting works ta the bereaved fa- ily and the large assembly of iends. Rev. Bruton of Port Ierry assisted in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright have eturned. from holidays with Mr. id Mrs. George Wells, Detroit. Mrs. C. Marlow in Toronto, vis- ing Rev. and Mrs. M. Sander- on---- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Book- rTrenton, with Mr. and Mrs. ýP. Devitt ---- Harold Farder .d Keith Johnson are home from elping with the harvest in the est ---- Mrs. F. Bailey has re- irned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. ýwson, Windsor ----- Misses Ma- el, Wilma airid Jessie Vancamp, oronto, with their parents---- ss Gwenyth Marlow with her rents. A miscellaneous shower was id ini the Community Hall, Nov. àfor Cpl. George and Myrtle arter. Jack Smith made an able iairman. Many useful and ýautiful gifts were given to the )ung couple. DIED AW-At Windsor on Nov. 15 L945, S. Ida Law (formerly of Solina and Oshawa), wife of the late W. L. Law, in ber 86th year. Funeral from the Arm- strong Funeral Parlours, Osha- w'a, on Sat., Nov. 17 at 1 p.m. wî Rc ti wl ti A. af thi foi fri Pe r itir Soa er, C. anc hel We tur Da, bel Tor Mh par hel 7th Car cha bea yau LA' Solina Maple Grove Mrs. Gertie Darby, Whitby with her cousin, Mrs. H. G. Freeman ---- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laird, Jr., Miss Vivian Laird, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble ---- Miss Mildred Snowden is visiting relatives and friends in Brantford and St. Catharines ---- Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Oshawa, Mrs. Tunnacliffe at Mrs. H. R. Foley, Misses Louise, Mar- ion Foley, Mr. Ross Allin with the former's daughter, Mrs. Howard Cryderman, Audley. Haydon W.A. met at Mrs. B. Asbton's. 9 Rev. A. E. Cresswell took the ciwarship periad on "The Brevity af n Tears." Election of afficers for enext year are: P'resident, Mrs. sJack Patts; vice-president, Mrs. A. Read; secretary, Mrs. B. Ash- tan; assistant secretary, Mrs. T. Mountjoy; treasumer, Mrs. C. Gar- frard; pianist, Mrs. A. Beecb; as- Ssistant pianist, Miss Winnifmed Trewin; card cammîttee, Mrs. H. Ashton; emergcncy committee, Mrs. W. Thompson, Mms. H. Ash- tan; group canveners, Mrs. How- ard Abbott, Mrs. Leslie Grabam, Mms. Cccil Siemon and Mms. Frank Osmond. Rcadings were given by Mrs. A. Beecb and Mrs. Jack Potts. Miss Marie Ashton rendered a solo. Lunch was semv- ed by Miss Winnifred Trewin's graup. Visitors-Rcv. A. E. Cresswcll, Tyrone, at Mr. C. Slcmon's -- - Pte. and Mrs. Bill Brooks and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trcw- in, Miss Aura Prout, Miss Clare Trewin, Bowmanvillc. Miss Verna Trcwin, Oshawa" Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, at Mr. W. Tmew- in's ---- Lloyd Slcmon at Mrs. Johns, Hampton ----- Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mrs. S. D. Nid- dery's, Hampton - --- Miss June Anderson in Torontoa--- John Graham, Norman Hall, Clinton Hall, Oshawa, Kenneth Graham, Toronto, at Mr. L. Grabam's -- - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. E. Bmad- lcys---- CpI. and Mrs. Don Kaiser, Ottawa (nee Betty Ger- rard, England) at C. Gcrramd's and R. Aunger's _---- Lloyd Ash- tan returned frmm is hunting trip witb a deer. Those who listcned ta the Show Shap pragram on CFRB Tuesday evening will be intcrcsted ta know that it was Miss Olive Ran- kine, daughter of Charles Ran- kine, wbo sang the leading arias in Gounod's Faust. Mr. Milford Wilkins, Mm. and Mrs. Theodore Wilkins and thmee children, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Ted Folcy, Darothy and Donald Foley, Maple Grove, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weir, London, at W. Bowman's --- Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston and family at Mr. Milton Stainton's, Enniskillcn --- Mrs. L. Pascoe, Miss Bessie Pas- cae, Mrs. H. Beaton and Ian, Osh- awa, at G. Bowman's. The annual At Home.-of the Women's Association was bcld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Friday night. About 45 wcrc present ta, enjoy a vcry pîcasant.evening. After a plenti- ful, tasty supper the cvening was spent in conversation and Lost Heir. Special guests of the oc- casion were Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley, Enniskillcn; Mrs. L. Pas- coe, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilbert, Sauina; Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, Maple Grove. I d 1 1 Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville Mrs. George Raby is in hosPi- Newtonville tai in Peterboro ----Mrs. S. Ar- ______inorotohospîtal.---- 1 Mrs. Lloyd McGabcy and Gary-, Mr. Wm. Hale bas returned home Peterbaro, with Mr. and Mrs. from Oshawa hospital --- Mr. Robt. Morton ---Mrs. H. G. Cal-. and Mrs. Frank Ovens were in vert, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Staples, Toronto ---Cecil Burley, Keith Lindsay, at Mr. Harry Wade's Burley, Ellsworth Caswell, Bud -----Mrs. Clifford Hilton, Toronto,' Joncs and Frank McMullen were with Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Mill- deer hunting ------ Mrs. George son ---Çapt. and Mrs. Jack Has- Stapleton is rccovcring from a kili and Stephen, Toronto, guests severe attack of pleurisy-- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Haskill has just eturned on ROY Ncsbitt (fommerly Olive the boat, Ile de France ---Mrs. Whitney) who were married Fni- Jack Wade, Sr., is home from a day. month's visit in Lindsay ----- Mrs. A number attencied a charivari J. A. Barrie and Murray with Mr. party Manday night for Mr. -and and Mrs. James Darcb, Canton Mrs. Roy Nesbitt. ----- Mrs. J. A. Barrie and Mur- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid, Orono, ray wvere Sunday guests of Mr. attended anniversary services in and Mrs. Walter Cauch, Orono the United Church, Sunday. -----Mrs. Lennox Vasey is re- Rev. and Mrs. Patterson, New- turning home ta Part MeNichol castle, Mrs. Ella TbomD)san, and with ber husband after spending Atur and Annie Thampson, twa weeks with ber parents, Mr. Kendal, bac: supper wltb Mr. and and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton ---- Ro- Mrs. John Reid on Sunday. nald Burley bas purchased Ar- thur Redknap's bouse and moved in this week -- -- Mr. and Mrs. J~fs Arthur Redknap bave moved in ]r w " with ber mother, Mrs. Wm. Wbit- taker for the winter ---Mr. and Red Cross met at Mrs. Gea. Mrs. Alf Graham, Newcastle, with Stepbenson's for a quilting. Next Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimbal ---- meeting at Mrs. A. Vennor's. Geo. Stephenson and Bob spent Mrs. W. N. Stevens with ber a week's holiday bunting, at May- brother, Mr. Alec Brown, Peter- naotb. bora --- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Naylor and Gary and Miss Leona Graham at Mr. Chas. Alldread's, Tebble, Newcastle, called on Mr. Lake Shore ---- Mrs. A. Vennor and Mrs. George Stapleton. is in Toronto ---- Mr. and Mrs. Unusually large congregations Alex Moffat and Alex, Dundas, attended the Tbankaffering serv- at Mr. Gea. Stepbenson's ----- ices in the United Cburch, Sun- Farm Forum met at Clarence AI- day. Rev. L. B. Smith preachcd ]in's. Next meeting at Clarence a splendid sermon in the after- Turner's. noon and Rev. W. Pattersan, New-- castle, dclivered another challen- Mr. O. A. Gamsby, familiarly ging sermon at nigbt. Our own known as "Mayor of Orono" will chair provided speciai music. Mrs. celebrate bis 82nd birthday on Redknap sang a solo in the after- Nov. 17. He says bie continues to noon and Miss Mary Lane took live bis religion while too many the solo part at nigbt. others just preach it. For Sturdy Children Serve Carter's Body-Building Bread At Every Meal Baked fresh daily and best nourishing ingredients. from baker ta customer. foi Eoau ~ ~iztg contains the Sold direct Skirts $4.95 AUl wool plaid, plain or checked skçirts in pleated or gored style. Suzes 12 ta 20. Fine for school or office wear. Several from bere attended Thankoffering services at Hamp- ton and thoroughly enjoyed the King's quintette of Toronto. Mrs. S. E. Werry bas rcturned from a pleasant visit at Toronto -----Mrs. Mabel McKessock, Osh- awa, with fricnds here. Women's Institute had a quilt- ing Thursday and quiltcd five quilts and had a pot luck dinner. Home and School Club are starting their winter meetings this Frîday evening when Rev. H. C. Linstead, Courtice, will be guest speaker with Ross Metcalf, Maple Grave, gucst entertainer. Everyone welcome. The beef ring bas flnished for the year. Mrs. Gea. A. Stephens who bas spent the summer in her home at Salem bas returncd for the win- ter with ber daughtcr, Mrs. Roy Langmaid. We amitted to mention last week how much wc enjoycd the "Open Hause"l and bospitality of the Goodyear people, and are looking forward ta their golden anni- versary. A. L. Pascoc says "He thanks ail those who supported hlm in this bis 9tb campaign for the Victory Loan." There were four new pupils at aur school last week. Howard and Betty Lau Wcstlakc and Rus- sell and Alberta McQuade. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert at- tended the annual get-together and supper of the W.A. at Enfield Friday night. Mrs. Violet Naylor and Mrs. Hayes of Columbus attended the ladies' quilting at Eldad, Thurs- day. Howard Milîson had a tonsiI operation at Osbawa Hospital and bas since left for the Bancroft dis- trict where he purchased a lum- ber area, fallowing discharge fram. the R.C.A.F. Y.P.U. will present their drama for the ninth time, at Brooklin, Friday night. Friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlces Friday night ta present gifts and gaod wishes before their departure ta Hampton. After introductary re- marks by the chairman, E. R. Taylor, Mrs. Everctt Cryderman read an address in whicb was expressed the appreciation of ýcurcb and cammunity for the qualities of good citizenship ex- emplificd by Mr. and Mrs. Ycl- lowlees and family and fond wish- es for their future. Gardon Leask, on bebalf of the cammittee, pre- sented them with an e]ectric table lamp and an electrie iran. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. Don Yonson and Peter at Toronto - -- Mfr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe at Pickering ----- Mrs. J. W. Yel- lowlees witb ber sister, Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto ----- Miss Ella Mijîlson, Oshawa; Mr. Gardon Taylor, Toronto, at E. Millson's ----- Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, ahome ---- Mrs. W. Ormiston, M.and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston. and baby, Miss Marion Ormiston, Col- umbus; Mrs. R. J. McKessock, UAINADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY' NOV' 15th' 194 1 INFANTS DRESSES A lovely baby dress nicely embroid- ered in sizes 1 ta 3 yrs. Note the price: 79e WOOL TOQUES One of the cute be-tassled toques for baby ta keep him snug and warm; Blue and white. 79e SKI PANTS For the 2 ta 6 year olds: Ail wool frieze cloth ski pants - The very thing for school or play. $2.69 CHENILLE HOUSECOATS For the youngster from 2 ta 14 years, a practical, washeable house- coat - Makes a fine gift. $2.98 ~. i ~77h 7M-J e For Baby For Daughter «V IHRSTIlASSHOPPING! For Sister iýU(H lsTM s 10For Mother W hile the Stocks Are At Their Peak At Walker Stores 1 FUR TRIMMED COATS Nicely trimmed wlth fur and snuggly lined in sizes to fit from 7 ta 14 years. SKI PANTS Girls ail wool ski pants, warm, smart and practical. Sizes 7 ta 14 years; Dark shades. $3.79 WOOL CARDIGANS A 70% wool child's cardigan that is smart and warm - colors of navy, red or brown; 2 ta 6 years. $1.79 FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS We have obtained a limited quan- tity of this child 's two-tone butcher boy style pyjama. Sizes 2 ta 6 years. $1.39 -ýTTICýOTA'%r TJi-%IF ire. i.- 45 TNP CAJA M'A W Qlra IPVQjrà m ne%"mz A %- ý - -. - '11