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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, NOV. 15th, 1945 THE ANADAN SATWSAN RWMAMTT.TW CI'PAPCi nA t"r o.,n, Mrs. J. H. Scobeil, Ottawa, was 4~ ~ guest of Mrs. W. J. Roar. Mrs. Gco. W. James speut the weekend with Mrs. L. M. Kcitb, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Quecu St., spent a fcw days at Leaffington. Cpl. Don Allun, Rockcliffe, Ot- tawa, visited his parents, Mr. and Mis. Norman J. Allun. Mr. Jack Kent bas returucd from holidaying at New York City, Baltimore a4d Washington. Mr. and Mrs. oeHarold Tuckcr and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tuckcr, Toronto, were in town, Sunday. S Mr. and Mrs. W. Watson, Ham- ilton, were wcekeud guests cf Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Cully. Mrs. Cully spent lust week in Ham- ilton. Mrs. Clarridgc and son- Ivan and wifc, Mns. F. Evans, Mr. W. Cowan, Milton, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Palmer. A/B. Hcrbert Smith, H.M.C.S. Scotian, bas returned to Halifax aften spending 30 days with bis Jew ellery DURHAM COUNTY TEMPERANCE CONVENTION MILLBROOK UNITED OHURCH Wednesday, Nov. 21 Sessions at 2:30 and 7:45 Supper served at the Church 50 cents Program will consist of ad- dresses, discussion, temperance film, public speaking contest. A Cordial Invitation to Al ROYAL THEATR Bowmanville - Telephone 589 WB PRESENT ANOTHER WEEK 0F HIITS THURSDAY, PRIDAY, NOV. 15, 16 "The Pîcture 0f Dorian Gray" Something new, something different. You 've neyer seen anything like it. Added shorts, cartoon and sport reel. BATURDAY ONLY, NOV. l7th "Blondie In Society" - and - "King 0f The Stallions" CARTOON: "LONESOME MOUSE" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19 to 21 A Great Story and a Great Picture "The Song of Bernadette" Starring Jennifer Jones and Charles Bickford Make this a must on your entertainment fare iparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ISmith, Qucen St. Dave Alldread and LorneKel- Ilett closed up shop for a week Iand went hunting in the viclnity o! Millbrook. It was a most suc- cessful holiday as the party bagged four red foxes, 10 rac- coons and three jack rabbits. Miss Edythe Carter was guest at Lions Club banquets in Toron- to and Hamilton which honored International President Dr. Coil- azo and Mrs. Collazo, of Havana, Cuba, and Mayor and Mrs. Saun- ders, Toronto. For faithful and dcvoted ser- vice Miss L. L. Bragg of the Public Schol teacbing staff recent- ly had the honor of bcing pre- sented by Major Joe O'Neil, chair- man of local Red Cross, with a Red Cross service pin. For 18 years Miss Bragg bas organized a Junior Red Cross Society in ber room.1 Charles Carter, Jr., District Governor, Zone A3, Lions Clubs, prcsided at tbe Lions banquet at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Tuesday, and introduced Inter- national President Dr. Ramiro Collazo of Havana, Cuba, who ad- dressed the gatbering of 400 Lions and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe were guests o! Dr. and Mrs. W. G. McCullocb, Orono, on Sunday, wben they entertained prior to leaving to spend the winter in Florida. Mrs. A. Clouston, Springville, NY.; Mrs. Geo. Hall, Toronto, are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Palrner, "The Ros- ery," Qucen St. Sto. I (FF) Ronald N. Cole, R.C. N.V.R., has returned to H.M.C.S. Sheiburne, Nova Scotia, after spending a month's leave with bis mother, Mrs. W. H. Cole, Prospect St. Messrs. John and Thomas Martin, Noranda, Que., were called to town owing to the ser- ious illness o! their mother, Mrs. John Martin who is in the hospi- tal. Tbey are staying with their sister, Mrs. Howard Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Todgham, Walkerville, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kerslake and other friends. They were'called home unexpected ewing to the serious illncss of bis father, Mr. Walter Todgharn. Mrs. Donald A. MacKenzîe, of. Ottawa, entertained informally at ber residense in honor of Miss Guelda K. 3ohnston, whosc mar- niage took place this week. Mrs. C. Edward Rainey and Mrs. A. Abbott"presided. Those assisting were Mrs. F. Stuart Wilder and Miss E. R. Hunter. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met in the lecture room, Nov. 7th with Pres- ident Joan Rice in the chair. Shir- ley Grant was in charge of the worship service, after which a short business session was held in which the girls decided to pack a ditty bag. The gnoups then di- vided to close their study. Meet- ing closed with Taps. The next regula.r meeting of Toronto Durham Club will be de- layed until Friday, Dec. 7th at OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. - FR1. - SAT. NOV. 15-16-17 MEET LADDIE - Son of a Champion ln 'Son et Lassie 1 starring Peter Lawford -.~ Donald Crisp June Lockhart --- Nigel Bruce Lassie and Laddie in radiant Technicolor Added: 'Swingsbift Cinderella' Latest Paramount News MONDAY - TUESDAY Nov. 19-20 Jack Benny --- Alexis Smith in 'The Hern Blows At Midnight' It's this year's BIG WARNER Laugh Smash WED. - THURS. - FR1. - SAT. NOV. 21-24 Betty Grable Dick Haymes ln 'Diamond Horseshoe' wlth Phil Silvers --- William Gaxton Beatrice Kay Carmen Cavallaro A Musical --- ln Technicolor I.O.D.E. headquarters. Dr. L. B. Williams will entertain with a Technicolor screen presentation entitled, "D.urham and its Bor- ders, Through the Ycars." His subject is significant, and since bis library of "stilîs" is the largcst in' Canada, bis audience, in bis sel- ection when he looks at his na- tive county is due for a splendid treat. Bowmanville Legion will hold a grand rally with suitable re- frcshments at the Armouries, Friday, Dec. 7. It is expected that all returned men will be invited. The Local Council of the dean- ery of Durbam and Northumber- land met Nov. 7 in the chapel of St. Johns. There were represen- tatives from Blackstock, Port Hope, Cobourg, Perrytown, Gore's Landing, and Bowmanville.* The meeting voted in favour of car- rying on for three months with chairman and secretary. For chairman Werner Standback of Cobourg and Miss Grace Hall of Bowmanville for secretary. Re- freshments were served. There .will be a meeting of the A.Y.P.A. Nov. 26, and evcry second and fourth Monday of every montb. Obituary King St. Phone 681 Bowmanville ter, Miss Nellie Lincoln, and the bridegreom's brother, Keith Johuston. A receptien was hcld ut the Homestcad. LAC. and Mrs. John- ston will reside in Winnipeg. LOWES-PATTON A pretty wedding teck place Nov. 7th in Mark St. United Church parsonage, Peterboro, whcn Marjorie Eileen, eldest daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patton o! Keudal, becume the bride e! Mn. Milton Lowes, son o! Mn. and Mrs. David Lowes o! Omcmee. Rcv. E. Rowland offi- ciated. The bride looked lovcly in a floor-lcugth gown o! white sheer with wnist length vei tnimrned with blue, and carried au anm bouquet cf red sweet- heurt roses. Mrs. Alvin Lowes, sister o! the bride, was brides- muid. She was dressed in a white lace fiocr-length gown currying a bouquet o! ncd roses. Mn. Jacob Loes, brother o! the greom, was groomsman. A reception was held ut the borne o! Mn. and Mns. Alvin Lowes. The tables wcre decor- ated in pink and white centred with a three-tier wedding cake. Mid shcwers cf confetti the bap- py couple lcft for Toronto and peints west. The bride donned a navy blue pin-striped suit with black accessories. On their returu they will neside ut Omemee. SCOUT NEWS The 2nd Bowmanville Scouts met ut the public scbool gym. Larry Chant o! Beuver Patrol and Ross Jeffrey o! Eagle Patrol wcre investcd by Scoutmasten Deunis Pickard. P.L. Jack Mundy pass- cd bis handymun's, steckmau's, farmer's, poultryman's borse- man's and areo-cugineer's tests and rcceivcd bis proficieucy badges. P.L. Bill Fraser reccived bis hcalthyman's badge. Cliff Samis gave instructions lu morse signalling. Campfine and games followed. At the Court of Heu- oun Bill Fraser was electcd trea- surer. Scouts cnjoyed buskctball except for a few bruises and a shiner. IEnniskIllený Enniskillen people observed Armistice Day by attending a Remembrance Service at the Un- ited Church at 7 p.m. when a tab- let was unveiled, on which were inscribed 26 names of those enlist- cd in the late war. Mrs. N. E. Wright, Mrs. Etta Page, unveiled the Tablet, each having tbree of their families in uniform. Rev. J. A. Plant based his address on "Whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoevcr will lose his life for My sake shall find it," exulting in the triumph of those who gave their lives, and strcssing the thought that some have lost their soul while living. Well chosen hymns and the choir service of song with Miss Marie Ashton rendering a solo added much to the inspira- tion of the service. A large audience enjoyed lan- tcrn slides on Angola and the building of Alaska Highway giv- en by Mr. E. Summers. Dor- otby Stainton delighted with a piano solo. Mrs. Fletcher gave interesting lecturette on Miss Margaret Dawson's work in An- ATTENTION Boys and Cirls LANTERN SLIDES ON "THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS"1 Friday, Nov. lGth at 7 p.m., I The Evangelistie Tabernacle BIE SURE TO COME gola and Dr. W. P. Fletcher, Bw manville, gave a talk on Rev. Don Amos' work along Alaska Higbway. Ralph Peters capti- vated the audience with piano solos. Mrs. Plant moved a vote cf tbanks to our guests and Mns. F. Beckett scconded it. Proceeds $12.50 was divided between Mis- sion Baud and C.G.I.T. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis pur- chased a new home in Port Perry and moved Saturday. Miss Donna Lewis was pre- sented with an identification bracelet and a book cf "Quecn Elizabeth and Margaret Rose;" aIse Miss Joan Lewis was present- cd with a tbnec-piece dressing table set, before leaving our pub- lic school. Wilfred Sanderson, Harold Ste- venson and Jack Johnston went deer hunting around North Bay. A social evcning was beld at the borne of Mrs. Harold Milîs on Tuesday evcning whcn tbe Service Club ladies gathercd in honour cf Mrs. Don Lewis who has left our village. On behaif of the club Mrs. Milîs prcsented ber witb a gold locket and car rings. A delicious lunch was servcd by the bostess. Visitos-Miss Mildred Humble- ton and brother Frank, Rochester, N.Y., called on Mr. Russell Grif- fin ---- Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan are with his mother at Marlbank ---- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton with Mrs. W. Trewiu, Haydon --- Mrs. J. Henry, Sr., Mrs. J. Henry, Jr., Mr. Melville Griffin and Doris, Blackstock, at Mrs. M. Griffiu's -----Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton at- tcnded the Goodyear Dance at Bowmanville ----- Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pethick and Gail, Mrs. Venna Wood, Toronto, Mr. Floyd Pethick, enroute te Moutreal, Mr. Alex Taylor, Osaco, at Mr. S. R. Petbick's ---- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Preston, Ruth, Maurice and Ray, Maple Grove, with Mrs. J. Mc- Gi and Mrs. Etta Page ---- Mrs. E. C. Ashton ut Mrs. S. Rodman's, Scugog Island ----- Mn. C. W. Souch, Hampton, Mrs. A. Cole, Bowmanville, with Miss Eva Souch ---- Mrend Mrs. E. Ray- ment, Mr. and Wns. C. Fife, Scar- boro Bluffs, at Mr. Hugh Annis' ------ Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethick, Mr. aud Mns. Bruce Ashton, Cart- wright, at Lindsay ----- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Orval C. Ashton --- Pte. Donald Simpson with b is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Simnpson ----- Miss Margaret Snmith, Eufield, is with T. M. Sic- mon and son ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett with Mrs. Gregory, Osh- awa, wbo is still coufined to ber bcd ---- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wea- ving, Toronto, at W. H. Moorc's -----Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Griffin and Baby Laura, Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rabm. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John Dorland, Enniakillen, celcbruted their gol- den wede.tng auuiversary at a dinuer at home on Nov. 6th. The members of their family aZd their brothers and sisters wcrc ail pres- cnt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorlaud -vere married in Oshawa and have lived at Enniskillen for the past 34 years, having retired to the village six years ago. Both are in good bealth. The happy couple received sorne lovely gifts, telegrarns and many letters of congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rowe, Lorne Park; Mrs. Roy Burrows, Ton- onto; Mrs. Roy Trewin and Doyi- na, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tnewin, Nestleton; LAC. Roy Trewin, Camp Borden, with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Trewin. Roy left Monday for Edmonton, Alta., for funther posting. Mrs. Anson Taylor, Cartwright, with ber daugbter, Mrs. Sid Trew- in. THE cry of "Fire" brings an instant picture te your mind - youx' own home going up in fiamçs and everything in it destroyed. If that happons, FIRE INS¶JRANCE provides the oniy certain indernnity you will receive te, enabie you te rebuiid. Be sure it is adequate. Ask Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Successor to J. J. Mason & Son DAVID SMYTH O'BRIEN The hate Smyth O'Brien, wbo entcred inte rest on.Oct. 3lst at bis home on Quecu St., Bowman- ville, was held in fond regard by bis relatives and mauy friends. He had been ill and cenflned to bis bome fer the past six month, suffering a heart condition. He was boru lu Kirktou, Ont., son o! Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Brien wbe bath predeceased him. some ycars ugo. Iu 1906 be was married to Jose- phîne Souch and tbey teck up re- sidence in Bowmanville where he was employed with the Durham Rubben Factory. Tbis company later amalgamated with the Good- year Tire & Rubben Ce., te which company he gave cf his best ser vices for 30 years, bavîng super- annuatcd abeut six years ago. The funenal service was con- ducted by Rev. J. E. Griffith, pas- ter o! Trinity United Cburch, which church Mn. O'Brien attend- cd when possible. Intermeut was made in Bowmanvilc Cemetcny on Nov. 2nd from the chapel. Paîl bearers were Heber Soucb, Sulas Souch and Fred Blackburn, Orono; Samn Conlin, Harmony; Harny Pye and Leonard Richards, Bcwmanville. Ris wif e and one sisten, Mrs. J. J. O'Brien o! Brucefield are left te mouru his loss. Mrs. O'Brien and hen daughter Miss Rhea Rou- att, Londen, atteuded the funeral. The estecm lun which the late Mn. O'Brien was beld was silently expressed by the beautiful floral efferiugs and other kind messages cf sympathy. Weddigs JOHNSTON-LINCOLN St. Stephen's-Broadway church, Winnipeg, Man., was the setting for a wcdding Nov. 3, ut 4 p.m., when Edith Mary Lincoln ex- chauged bridal vows with LAC. Neil Alexander Johuston, R.C.A. F. The bride is the duughtcr o! Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Lincoln, Wa- wota, Sask. The bnidegrooma is the son cf Mn. and Mrs. John Alexander Jobuston, o! Bunketon, Ont. Miss Ethel Luthes sang O, Per- fect Love and 1'l1 Wulk Beside You. Filmer Hubble prcsided ut the ergun. The bride wore a gown o! white bridal satin sbowing twin panels o! lace frem the sheulders cf the pleatcd bodice to the hcmline of the bouffant skîrt. The bodice had a sweetheart ncckline and lily- pointed sîceve. A headdress o! white feathers held ber veil. She carnied a bouquet o! pink roses. Attendants were the bride's sis- E» S. Naylor Retires From Shoe Repair Business Owing to iii heaith, I arn retiring from the Shoe Repair business. Wiil customers who have left boots or shoes at rny store kindly cail for them at once, as 1 wish to close out this end of the business by Nov. 30, at the latest. I have also sold my retail business and take this opportunity of thanking ail customers whom it has been rny privilege to serve during the past 25 years. E. S. Naylor DANCE at ORONO TOWN HALL - EVERY SATUEDAY MNT - ADMISSION: L.ADIES 25o - GENTLEMEN 35c 46-1' FRESH & SMOKED FROZEN WE HAVE A SUPPLY ON HAND 0F SILVERBRIGHT SALMON SLICED OR WHOLE SALMON FILLETS SLICED OR IN TUE PIECE COHOE SALMON SEA TROUT WHOLE OR HALVES FILLETS 0F COD PRESH AND SMOKED FILLETS 0F SOLE We will add to our stock of f ish when we find what the Demand wlll be. ILegion and Returned (Continued from page eue) will te pence found in -the bearts and beartbs cf those completely cuptivated by truc Christian vir- tues. We shall get the kind o! peace we want only under these bigh virtues and witb the bclp cf Almigbty God. Capt. Adye deplorcd talk about wbo won the war. The men wbo fougbt were net amoug this stu- pid category. Alongsidc loyal al- lies tbey alone know bow mucb ahl se wihingly sacriflced. Great tribute was accorded Canadians botb at borne and abroad in wiu- ning onward te victory. In two wars wc bave lest 100,000 dead, have suffcrcd 360,000 woundcd and sbattened, te purchase at the price of blood the high duty ncw of reforming our ranks to ensure the pence. Dedication to Peace Iu conclusion, Capt. Adye, teld of visiting the tomb cf the un- known soldier in Westminster Abbcy, and there, in silence, bcaring the trcud o! couutless, in- visible feet; the silent and solemu march of men who gave tbeir aIl. Tcnigbt and together let us join in high resolve and consecrate ourselves anew to the task before us; te win the peace that their sacrifice bas made s0 ultimatcly our living task. The spontancous applause that greetcd this moving appeal was again ecboed when Lien and Vet- cran Pert Parker meved the vote o! tbanks. He coupled witb bis rcmarks a request that ahi 1914-18 veterans stand. To the ncw vet- crans hie said "That is how you will look 25 years hence" and te the ehd vets facing their young comradcs, "That is bow you look- cd 25 ycars age." Felicitations Ou behaîf cf the Legion aud ahi returned men, the Legion Vice- President, M. Breslin, tendered sincere thanks for a genuine wcl- corne, an excellent dinner and programn. It was a fine gesture which happily brought together veterans o! the two great wars soon te become more closely ac- quaintcd as comradcs lu the Can- adian Legien. Lion Stu James introduced a1 numben not on the official pro-( gram when on bebaîf o! the Lions Lion Jack Brough who had re- tendering thanks io the ladies of cently become a proud daddy. St. John's Church, to Padre, Can- President Charles Carter raised on C. R. Spencer and to Miss Il i ..~...THIS YEAR SAVE MONEY BY BUYING ~ AT YOUR 1. D. A. DRUG STORE We are again able to offer you outstanding Values in Boxed Assortments and Individual Cards. Visit our store and select your Christmas Cards NOW. Special Box 12 CARDS - BOXED ASSORTMENTS 18 CARDS ---49e 12 CARDS, Religious Subjects - - - 50e 20 CARDS - - - 50C 21 CARDS - - - 75e 12-15e CARDS $1.00 21-10c CARDS -$1.00 TAGS, CARDS, BEALS, TISSUE, RIEBONS 5c - loc - 15e - 250 XMAS STOCKINGS XMVAS STATIONERY - 50c - 75c 35e te $2.50 TAXE VITAMINS NOW ASt a Neo-Chemicai Food $1.15,.$2.45, $4.45 iii Cod Liveu @11 N.C.F. Capsules $1.25, $2,25, $5.00 Containe Wampoie's Extract - - - $1.00 Jl Vitamine A and D Halibut Liver Oil Capsules59 an 98 69c, $1,19, $5.00 5 ç n Abdoi Capsules Idamait with Cod Liver Oul 59c, 98c Aiphamettes $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15.00 Horner 's Maitievol 12 ozs - $2.00 GIN PILLS 39C-69C PRI Fbh. ck New Waj It.. ~Isnerbah. rlhts SII. sLAURA SBECORD CANDIES ESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McOREOOR DRUOS PHONE 792 WR DELIVER 'I 25Ç 60e VALUE XMAS CARDSý CANADIAN ARTISTS SERTES 12 CARDS - - - 50e 12 CARDS - - - $1.00 16 CARDS - - $1.00 INDIVIIDUAL CARDS BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Club he prcsented a blanket te a finale of concerted appl~use in Rus cf Toronto., OUR y A wA Y PLAN 1 --ma THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ipAtl-p- _QVVVV m %i $2.00, 3.45, $7.59 ý --

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