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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1945, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. ROWUTAMVTT.T1~. flAuTC~ THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1945 DEATHS HAYES-In Darlington, on Nov. l5th, 1945, Everett George Hayes, beloved youngest son flf Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Hayes in his llth year. TRENOUTH-At Kingston Gen- eral Hospital, on Nov. 16th, 1945, Elizabeth Ann Trenouth (formerly of Bowmanviiie), daughter of the late Richard Trenouth. SLEEMAN-At Port Hope Hospi- tai on Nov. 15th, 1945, John Robert Sieeman, beloved hus- band of Bella C. Scott, in his 76th year. Funerai service at George Funeral Chapel, Port Hope, on Nov. 17th. Interment at Orono Cemetery. 47-1 BEVAN-At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Toronto, Wednes- day, Nov. l4th, Frank H. Bevan formerly of Bowmanvilie. Fu- neral was heid on Friday, Nov. 16th, interment Veterans Plot, Pine Hill Cemetery, Toronto. 47-1j* MARRIAGE HOCKIN-ENWRIGHT - At the United Chiurch parsonage, New- castle, on Nov. 10, 1945, by Rev. W. W. Patterson, Betty Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Enwright and Harold Ormi- son, son of Mrs. W. J. Hockin, ail of Newcastle. 47-1* IN MEMORIAM WILSON-In loving memory of our dear Mother and Grand- mother, Hilda Victoria Wilson, who passed away Nov. 23, 1940. -Ever remembered by Bella, Art, Mariene' and ROY. Art, Marlene and Roy. 47-l* Livestock and Pets COUGHS, BROKEN wIND Coids, distemper, etc., quickly mastered by ZEV where every- thing else fails. Try this great remedy, made by the makers of Buckley*s Mixture, if you have an animal suffering from any res- piratory malady. $1.00 a bottie at P. R. Cowling's. 47-50, Notice To Creditors, MARTIN-At Bowmanviloe Hos- In the Estate of Hugh McCuilough pital on Saturday, Nov. l7th, Ahl persons having dlaims 1945, Jean McNaught Menzies, against the estate of Hugh Mc- beloved wife of John Martin, Cullough, late of the Township of formerly of Toronto and Nor- Manvers, deceased, who died on anda, Que., and dear mothor of or about the 5th day of July, 1945, Vivian (Mrs. Howard Pickard), are hemeby notified to send in to Bowmanville, and Jack and W. R. Strike, solicitor for the Ex- Tom, Noranda, Que. ecutor, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or befome the 26th day of Novemn- ber, 1945, full particulars of their dlaim. Immediately after the said 26th day of November, 1945, the assets of the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled Keep M eals themeto, having regard oniy to dlaims of which the said solicitor **~* ~ * . for the Executor shahl thon have IhIAN M I~fl~fl notice. W I l B laiWiU d DATED at omnilts 7th day of November, 1945. W. R. STRIKE, Solicitor for the Executor It's not hard when you reaizetha te mst m- IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM1 reaizetha te mst m- JOHN CLEMENCE, loto of the portant part of healthful Township of Darlington, in the wel - balanced meals is County of Durham, Farmer, De- ceosed, who died on the l2th day milk. You are sure of of October, 1945. eating right when you use The Trustee Act R.S.O. 1937 Bowmnvile Diry i]k Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Bowmnvile Diry ilk Creditors and others having ini soups, desserts and as a dlaims against the abovo -Estate mre required to send full particu- beverage.. You can tell lars and proof of such dlaims to the quality of Bowman- the undersigned on or befome the vill Daiy Mik byits 7th day of December, 1945, oftem vill Daiy Xik byits which date the Administration of creamy rich, flavour. the Estato wili be procoeded with _______having regard to dlaims that have been eceivod. Dated at Bowmanviile this nuiuaiiiiir lth day of November, 1945. BU UW lIAIVILLE LAWRENCE C. MASON, Barrister, Bowmanville, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors.2 DAIRY__ _ _ _ 46-3 Phone 446 or 703 Contentment is a peari of great price, and whoever procures if at the expense 0f ton thousand de- sires makes a wise and a happy purchase-Balguy. DISCOUNT Room & Board Wanted Real Estate For Sale ROOM AND BOARD REQUIRED by ex-service man attending Bowmanville Business School. Apply Wm. McCaw, Balmoral Hotel. 47-1* Work Wanted WELL DIGGING, complete with 32" cernent tule. Also cernent tule for sale. Phone Ken Cain 56-r-19, Orono. 44-4* BLACKSMITH: I arn now pre- pared to do general blacksmith- ing, horse-shoeing, etc. Al work guaranteed. J. Ennis, Hampton, Ont. 45-.3* ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS. Floors laid, sanded, finished. (Your satisfaction our success). 459 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa. Phone 3848W. 46-4* TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - All kinds of tractor work, ploughing, cultivating combin- ing, etc., done. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanville. 24-tf-4* HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, sanded and finished, old floors resurfaced. C. H. Levy, '25 years' experience. Ph on e 908-J-12 Oshawa. Residence Courtice. 36-12* ORGANS REPAIRED - Country Church or Home instruments of any make compietely overhaul- ed, new bellows instalied. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Estimates given. H. B. Creeper, 20 Horsey St., Bowmanviile. Phone 628. 45-tf 1* Livestock For Sale GOAT. Phone 2196. 47-1 WHITE DUCKS $2 EACH. Mrs. Harold Allun. Phone 2825. 47-1 40 HYBRID HENS 1 YR. OLD. Crossed White Leghorn and Black Minorca. Phone 2351. 15 HEAD 0F YOUNG CATTLE, cross Holstein and Polled An- gus. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3823. 47-1* TWO HOLSTEIN MILK COWS, 3 years oid, freshen in January; 5 Angus cows, 1 horse. Harvey Wight. Phono 2892. 47-1* REGISTERED SHROPS H I R E shearling ram. Registered Yorkshire boar, 18 months oid. Bill Rowland, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1902. 47-1 HOLSTEIN BULL REGISTERED 2%/ years old. Son of Ux-Spring Sir Fobes Plus-out of a 4.4 dam. Blood tested, quiet and virile. F. E. Morrill, phone 2456, Bowmanvilie. 47-1 2 HOLSTEIN BULLS. One 7 months old fromn Good Plus cow that has produced around Il,- 000 lbs milk ovor 4 per cent in 7 months; other bull ready for service. Herd accredited and listed. Also Steward Hand Clippers in good repair. Phone 2234. Fred R. Stevens. 47-1* SALE As we are disposing of our gtneral store business on Dec. 31 st, we are offering our entire dry goods stock at 10 to 20% discount. Our stock includes: Thread Sheen Prints Flannelette Cotton Cheesecloth Tickcing Sheets Table Cloths Quit Batts Centre Pieces Window Blinds Bed Spreads Blankets Ribbon Hose Supporters Bath Saits Bar Rings Combs Bobby Pins Straight Pins Safety Pins Élastic Barrettes Razor Blades Beits - Sweaters - - Collars -Dickies Bed Jackets - Aprons Bags - Jazz Garters Baby Gowns - aby Bootees Baby Dresses Fine (Shirts - Work Sh Bocks - Work Glove, Caps Rubbers Underwear Work Boots - Overshoes. Ties Baby Toys Baby Stockings - Baby Muffs - Baby Ratties. hirts - Work Pants - Work Socks - Fine Bs - Fine Gloves - Braces - Overalis Sweaters - Ties - 5-eyelet Rubber Boots Handkerchiefs - Scarves - Caps - Ski Sweaters - Pants. Stockings -Shirts -Children's ONTARIO SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 44 Concession St., with furnace and bathroom. Apply 71 Lib- erty St., South. Phono 692. 47-1* 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, mo- demn, hard and soft water on pressure, oak floors; glass en- closed verandah; hot air heated; insulated; two corner lots; gar- age. Early possession. Appiy owner H. J. Toms, Newcastle. 47-1* Auction Sales I have received instructions from the estate of the late John R. Sloeman, Lot 33, Con. 4, Hope Twp. (1 Con. N. of Har- ness' blacksmith shop, % mile W.) to sol] by public auction on Wed- nesday, Nov. 28, househoid ef- focts, including furniture, dishes, bedding, garden tools, etc. For further particulars see bis. Terms cash, positively no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 47-1 The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auc- tion for Russell Virtue, Tyrone, Lot 6, Con. 8, north of the Long Sault School on Satumday, Novem- ber 24th, 1945, 5 acres of standing timber, to be soid in 14 acre lots, more or less, consisting of cedar, homiock, beech and maple. Pur- chasers will be given until April lst, 1947, to remove timber. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 46-2 Auction Sale of Purebmed Shomthorn cattle and farm mach- inemy, the poperty of Mr. William S. Staples, Lot 8, Con. 7, Darling- ton Twp., at the village of Tyrone, on Thurs., Nov. 22, at 12 o'ciock noon. This sale will include a M.H. ow-crop tractor on rubber, equipped with power take-off and pulley, neamly new; a full lino of good farmm machinery, matched team of Clyde horses, 1600 lbs ea; 17 shoats; 600 bus. mixod grain. For furthem particulars see bis. Terms: cash. Positively no me serve. Cattle sale at 2 p.m. sharp. J. E. White, clerk. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 46-2*1 Auction sale of Purebred Short- homa cattie and farm machinery, the property of Mm. William S. Staples, Lot 8, Con. 7, Damlington Twp., at the village of Tymone, on Thumsday, Nov. 22, at 12 o'clock noon. This sale will include a M.H. row-crop tractor on ubbem, equipped with power take-off and pulley, nearly new; a full lino of good farm machinery; matched team of Clyde horses, 1600 lbs. each; 33 head Purebmed Shomthorn cattie; 40 Suffolk beeding ewes; 33 Suffolk lambs; 17 shoats; 600 bushels mixed grain. For furthem particulars s00 buis. Terms: cash. Positively no reserve. Cattie sale at 2 p.m. sharp. J. E. White, clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer. FARM SOLD I have been authomized to soul by Public Auction for George Benetin Lot 18, Con. 6, Darliuxgton <iV miles north of Hampton) on Th ursday, Nov. 29th HORSES Brown horse, 5 years old; bay horse, 12 years oid. CATTLE Durham cow, 6 yrs., bmed June 22nd; black cow, 5 yrs., bred Juno Ilth; red cow, 5 yrs., bmed June l3th; red cow, 4 yrs., bmed Aug. 22nd; gmey heifer, bred June 1ýth; Holstein hoifer bred June 23md; 2 Holstein heifers 1Y2i yeams; black heifer 11/2 yeams; Jersey heifer 1%i years; steer 11/ years; 5 sping caives.' PIGS 4 pigs 6 weeks old; 1 sow. POULTRY 50 Rock puilets; 6 ducks. GRAIN 50 bushels of fail wheat; 50 bu- shels of buckwheat; 50 bushels of oats. HAY Quantity of good hay. IMPLEMENTS Cockshutt tractor No. 70, on mubbem with puiley, lights and starter (new); Cockshutt tractor plow 3 furrow (new); Cockshutt spring tooth harows (nearly new); Cockshutt fertilizer drill (new); Cockshutt mower, 5-ft., oul bath (new); Cockshutt hay rake (new); Cockshutt grain grindor (new); binder, M.-H., 6 ft. cultivator; farm wagon (good); 2 wagons (1 steel wheels); sleighs; 3 scufflers (1 neamly new); mon- ure spreader M.-H. (good); har- mows (4-sec.); 2 discs; roller (steel); turnip dump; brooder stove; turnip drill; scales; gravel box; hay rack; single plow; riding plow; gong plow; circular saw and rip saw; wheelbarrow; grindstone; implemont trailer (noamly ne%ý); sepamator M.-H.; 3 drums; sling opes; 40 rods farm fonce (new); 20 rods pig fonce (new); fomks, hoos, chains, whiffletrees, neck- yokes, grain bags, tools, and many other articles. P.S.: Many of the above impie- monts are new. LUMBER Quantity of inch lumber (new); quantity of inch lumber (usod); quantity of 2x4's; quantity of 4x 4's; 3 beams about 30 ft. long. HARNESS Set of team harness (new); sot of plow harness; 2 new coliars. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Battery radio tnearly new); breakfast set 6 piece (neamly new). organ, table, sideboard, settee, 3 steel beds and mattresses, 1 sin- gle bed, crib, floor coveings, some neamly new; Gumney stove with reservoir, shoîf, 6-bid (used 6 months); box stove; incubator 60- egg; lamps, many other articles. Sale 12 o'clock. Ternis cash. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 47-i Strayed TWO HEIFERS. OWNER MAY have same by proving property and paying for advertisement. C. Barlow, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2237. 47-3 Court of Revision VOTE ON LIQUOR STORE By-Law No. 1415 TAKE NOTICE that the list of voters eligible to vote on the above by-law will be posted in my office at the Town Hall and on the bulletin board in the hall at the Town Hall on Thursday, Nov. 22nd, 1945. FURTHER Take Notice that al persons omitted from the said iist but qualified to have their names entered on the said list may ap- ply to His Honour Judge J. C. M. German at the Council Chamber in the Town Hall on Wednesday, December Sth, 1945, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., either in person or rep- resented by an eligible voter to have his or her name added to the said voters' list. 47-2 A. J. LYLE, Returning Off icer Wanted To Buy_ GOOD USED CAR. WILL PAY cash. Phone 590, Bowmanville. 47-1* FOLDING BABY CARRIAGE, in good condition. Phone 591. 47-1* TOP PRICES PAID FOR -NEW and used feathers, feather ticks, pillows, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 HORSES WANTED FOR FUR farm. Rankine Mink Ranch, Haydon, R.R. 6 Bowmanviile. Phone Bowmanvilie 2888. 44-4* CHINA CABINET, IN GOOD condition. Write Box 587, Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. 47-1 FARM-50-100 ACRES. PLEASE give particulars and price. Write Box 586, Statesman Off- ice, Bowmanville. 47-1 WE ARE BUYERS 0F TIMOTHY and Clovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. '41-tf I AM PREPARED TO BUY USED cars or trucks for wrecking pur- poses. Herbert Knapp, Auto Wrecker, Liberty St., Bowman- ville. Phone 418. 47-4'* SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cal or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf OLD HORSES WANTED for Mink and Fox Food from $5.00 *to $10.00, according to weight. Also beef tripe. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone, Ont. Phone Bowmanviile 2679. 43-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. 1, Bethany. Phono 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents employ- ed.) 42-11* WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ail varieties of Clover and Tim- othy seed. Bing or mail sam- ples. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glonney, Newcastle. 41-8 TIME TABLE CHANC ES effective Sunday, November 25, 1945 Pull information from Agent Canadian Pacific etc. Phone 580 26-tf Orono Phne 42-r-2 45-ti Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 2 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 32-48 ENJOY LIFE! Get fast relief from indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, dyspepsia with pleasant, soothîng Wilder's Sto- mach Powder. Also in tablet form. 50c and $1 at McGregor's Drug Store. For Rent FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES, for- mer Business School, corner of Silver and King St. Available Dec. 1. Apply N. J. Scott, tele- phone 345. 47-lf NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00, Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf Articles For Sale MAN'S OVERCOAT, size 42-44.1I Phone 378. 47-1* LOVE-SEAT in good condition. Phone 77r4, Orono. 46-2 WHITE THRESHING MACHINE, new. F. S. Allen. Phone 594. 47-1* WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE in excellent condition. Phone 516. 47-1 BEATTY ELECTRIC G R A I N Grinder 3 h.p. motor.. E. Cain, 56-19, Orono. 47-1* GIRL'S RED BLANKET CLOTH Jacket, navy piping, full boit, size 16. In good repair. Phono 708. 47-1* MISSES' BLACK BOUCLE COAT persian lamb trim, size 12-14, in good condition. Phono 346. 47-1* LADY'S BLACK CLOTH COAT with black soal collar. Size 40- 42, in good condition. Phono 2524. 47-1* LIBRARY TABLE, DRESSER, go-cart, chiid's commode chair. Apply 44 Lamb's Lane, Bow- manville. 47-1* TUXEDO 3-PIECE SUIT, SIZE 38, good condition. Also Ax- minster rUg, 9'xl2', good con- dition. Phone 795. 47-1* COCKSHUTT MANURE SPREA- ders, No. 4 Grinders, Sleighs, Otaco drop centre steel wheels. Keith Bradley, Pontypool. Phone Bethany 11-r-13. 47-2 25 ACRES 0F WOOD, Lot 15, Con. 3, Clarke, $200 or noarest offer. Also 3 acres stooked corn, cheap. C. Mitchell, phone Clarke 1914. 47-1* DRUMS, TANKS, ST EE L plates, silo rods and lugs, steel cable, angle iron, booms, wator piping and fittings. H. Glober, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 HOUSE DOORS, FRAMES, baseboards, pianks, odds and ends of lumber, quarter round. Wm. Wiicox, Queen St., Bow- manville. 47-2* 1929 2-TON TRUCK IN GOOD mechanical condition and good tires, Serial 210127. Or will trade for car. Len Downey, Phone 423. 47-1* LADY'S BROWN TWEED BOX coat with button-in chamois lining, size 18, like new. Phone 521 or P.O. Box 239, Bowman- ville. 46-2* McCLARY COOK STOVE; RED Indian gas; tires and batteries. Herbert Knapp, Liberty Street, Bowmanville. Phone 418. 47-4* MIXED HARDWOOD, consisting of hardwood limbs and birch 4 ft. lengths, 2 or 3 cords to the load. Price $12 per cord, delivered. Apply H. Robitaille, R.R. 3, Pontypool. 44-4* 2-PLOW TRACTOR ON RUBBER 1 section spring tooth, 1 one- horse disc, gang plough, Cocker puppies, rogistored, well bred make nice Christmas presents. R. W. Whyte, Maple Grove. 47-1* 4 CYCLE JOHNSTON I R O N Horse gos engine; Wettlaufem 2 h.p. gas engine, Bosch magneto; Souvenir 6-lid coal or wood range with reservoir, open for water front. Appiy Bewman- ville Electricians, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 38-tf VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Good Vacuums fur Good Housekeeping." A i s o guaronteed' expert repoirs, lub- rication, replacements, etc. Cal C.U.C. Service Bronch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manvillo, 774. 19-tf ELECTRIC WASHING M A - chines, radios, rangettes, plates, vacuum cleoners, modemn and antique furniture of ail kinds, Quebec heaters, cook stoves, box stoves, restaurant grill stove. Also oil burners, etc. W. Glober, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Evemything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dlning suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandiso at com. petitive prices. Befome baymng visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tt NEW EQUIPMENT-14 INCH Hammer Mill, Automatic drink- ing bowls, 2%V inch runner tobaggon sleighs, with five foot bunks, steel wheels with 600x16 rims, with skeins or made-to- measure, Fleury Grinders, Que- bec heater, coal or wood, large size used. Carl Todd, Implement Dealer, Phone Clarke 15-20. 46-3* Kelp Wanted MEN WANTED-Toronto Con- struction Co., Liberty St. S., Bowmanville. Phone 566. 47-tf HOUSEHOLD HELP. DAILY or as much time as can give. Sleep out. Telephone 510, Bowman- ville. 47-1 Wanted to Rent RETURNED SAILOR WISHES three rooms or apartment in Bowmanville. Phone 2276. 47-l* 2 or 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS by young couple. Write Box 579 Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 45-tf IMMEDIATELY, HOUSE O R apartment, by business party. Post Office Box 153, 75 King St. E. 47-.j* ROOMS OR SPACE SUITABLE for Beauty Shoppe. Central lo- cation. Write Box 583, Cana- dian Statesman. 46-2* ROOMS SUITABLE FOR BEAU- ty salon, central location. Nor- een Ratz, care of Mrs. T. Stev- enson, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. Phone 2522. 47-1 1 ING ST. È.~ Applications Wanted Applications wil be received by the undersigned up to Dec. 1 for the office of auditor for the Township of Darlington. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk Hampton, Ont. 45-3 Loat BLUE PICK HOUND, BLACK and white and some tan, an- swers to the name of "Mac." Anyone knowing his where- abouts please cail Ross Cook, Burketon. Phone 193 1-5 Port Perry 47-1 Do It Right Wlth "«Sealtite" Sealtite Rockwool >i HOME INSULATION (Blowlng Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanvllle Phone 494 34-te BOWMANVILLE LOOK! New High Prices for Live Poultry Until further notice we are paylng the followlng prices for LIVE POULTRY dellvery to our Plant ln Whltby: Special Till further notice wll pay 23c per lb. litre welght, for -Mi IIIIIIIIIIVFat Ducks. TOP GRADE HEAVY FOWL--------------------------lb. 23e -TOP GRADE LIGHT FOWL - 4 to 5 lbs ---------lb-- . 2Me TOP GRADE LIGHT FOWL - under 4 lbs---------- lb. 19c TOP GRADE BROILERS - 2 to 3 . 28c TOP GRADE ROASTING CHICKENS, over 41/2 bs. lb. 28c TOP GRADE ROASTING CHIICKENS, under 4y2 lbs. jb. 26e TOP GRADE HEAVY CAPONS - over 5 lbs.- 'lb--- . 30e We are also lInfihe market for dressedl poultry - would like to recelve your sbipments of dressed Chlckens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. PICKERING FAIRMS, LTD. WH TY Telephone - Whltby 336 ONTARIO PRESCRIPTIONS Scientifie training, a rleh heritage of pbarm- aceutical experlence and a constant awareness of his responsibilîtles quallfy your Rexail pharmacist f0 serve you and fthe communlty falfhfully i ail pre- scription work. ELIZABETH ARDEN Flower Mlst Cologne, White Orchld, Carnation June Geranlum .-------$1.25 Bine Grass Flower Mlst ---- $1.50 - $2.75 Blue Grass Perfume ------- $1.50 - $4.35 Dustlng Powder and June Geranlum Soap $2.25 Gift Box:- contalnlug Haud-O-Tonic, lune Geranlum Soap and Bath Mit ---------- $3.00 Gift Set:- lune Geranlum Soap and Baud-O- Tonlk ------------------- $2.00 Beauty Kit:- Black fabri- koid contalulng essent l preparations --- $8.50-$13.00 STATIONERY Lixien, vellum and kid finih papetries, attrac- tively boxed. Priced at ------ 75e to $2.50 SEAFORTH ' Talc, Shaving Lotion, Shav- ing Bowl, Hair Dressing Each -- . ..------------- . 50 BACHELOR GI! t Box:- Shavlng Cream, Af fer Shave, Brillian- fine................---------$1.65 GI! t Box:- Shavlng Cream, After shave, Talc. --- $1.65 Gîf t Box:- Shavlng Cream, Talc.----------- $1,00 Glft Box:- Talc, Shaving Cream, Brilliantine, After Shave ------------ $2.00 Leather Writing Kit, Blue ------------ $1.50 - $5.25 Waternxan's Pen and Pencil Sets 5.95-9.52-15.46 For a tlmely Christmas gift have your favorite negative enlarged, coloured and fram- ed lu waluut, gilt or blond mnaple. Completed size 8 x 10 luches------------ $1.85 Amnouncing Opening of the Kent Shoe Store In the store forrnerly occupied by E. S. Naylor, Opposite Garton's Garage We have a full line of Shoes and Slippers for the Entire Family. You are invited to corne in and see our new stock of upto-date footwear. KENT SHOE STORE 7, M PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO

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