THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Cowanville Som" from here attended'the presertation that was held in Orono hall for Mrs. Robb. had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LaytoNewcasle, Saturday ev itdMr. and Mrs. ClRnceBurley rday night and organized for a Cowanville Community Club with Rev. W. W. Patterson as president. It will meet every two weeks. Mr. J. J. W. Stringer is spend- ing a few days in Bancroft. S.S. No. 9, Clarke The air is tense with expect- ancy in our community as word is awaited of the arrivai of three of our boys from overseas. io i g O io n o D i ,e,, Estimates gladly given. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Clair Wickett, Oshawa, eld- est daughter of Mr. * and Mrs. A. F. Gibson has receivcd definite word that Clair is in Canada and will be home in a day or two. Russell Osborne and Fred Bow- en made business trips to Toronto on Tucsday. Mrs. George Laing, with Peter and Doris, went to Toronto to see the Santa Claus parade. Mr. Laing went up Sunday to brîng them home. The ladies of No. 9 are holding a business meeting at Mrs. Aus- tin Turner's on Tuesday after- noon to lay plans for future actîv- ities. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allin have received a telegram that Bill is in Canada. Mrs. Clarence Hutton and sons were calling on friends here Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harold Gibson were in Toronto Monday. Chcerfulness is health; its op- posite, melancholy, is disease.- Haliburton. - Thirty years experience DAVIS & GRANT WatrScugag St.,.Bawnianville - Phone 2842-2674 WatrDavis: Phone 2842 Selby Grant: Phone 2674 Pirestonse Tires We can now supply yau with Firestone Tires, Tubes and Batteries. Farmers replace your worn out tractor tires with new ones. Change avers fram steel ta rubber an tractars can naw be made. Machines and repairs carried for DeLaval, Beatty Bras., Case, Canadian Steel Wire Pence. We Re BROWN CASE DEALER Phone 497 - 2610 Bownianville Carda of Thanka Miss Kaye Roberts wishes to thank her friends and relations for their acts of kindness during her recent stay in Montreal General Hospital. 47-1* Jack Cole, chairman, and the various committees of the Na- tional Clothing Collection wish to thank ail who helped and con- tributed to the recent successful clothing drive. 47-f Mr. Jesse Mantie and family wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbors, Drs. Siemon and Ferguson, nurses and staff at Bowmanville hospital for kindness shown during his, re- cent illness. 47-1* Mr. Thomas Haynes, Castleton, wishes to thank Dr. H. B. Rundle, Bowmanville, Dr. Russell and the nurses of Oshawa General Hospi- tal for kindness received during his recent illness. 47-1* Mrs. Albert Phare wishes to ex- tend sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to her friends, relatives and neighbours for their many acts ofi sympathy and kindness, also the beautiful floral off erings during the illness and death of her bus- band. 47-1* Mr. John Martin and Mrs. How- ard Pickard wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation t0 Doctors Rundle and Storey, Sup- erintendent and nurses, Bowman- ville Hospital, and their' many friends, relatives and neighbors for kindness and expressions of sympathy durîng the illness and passing of their loving wife and mother. Also special thanks to Rev. W. G. Blake for bis consol- ing messages. 47-1* Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Hayes and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation f0 their many friends, relatives and neighbors for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy and for their beautiful floral offerings es- pecially thanking Dr. C. W. Sle- man and Rev. Cresswell for their consoling words during their re- cent bereavement in the death of a dear littie son and brother. 47-1* Starkville .Shiloh W.A. met at Mrs. Orme Falls' on Wednesday with Presi- dent Mrs. A. Dobson in charge. Next meeting at Mrs. Dobson's. Mike Shutka and Ross Halo- well in Toronto. Miss Minto, Oshawa, with her father, Mr. A. Minto. Mr. Neil Stewart, Kendal, bas rbeen engaged to teach music in our school along with a number of other schools in Clarke. Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou with Mrs. R. Lowery, Toronto. Brimacombe Bros., Osaca, have been sawing wood in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and family have moved in with Miss Norma Hallowell for the winter. Ross Hallowell and Jacob Hal- lowell were in Port Hope, Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and family at Wm. Savery's. Mr. Claude Henry, Toronto vis- ited Miss Norma Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery and Betty at Mr. Muldrew's, Eliz- abethville. T. Falls has sold bis farm f0o the tobacco people. Mr. AIf Graham, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. nIIIImIThe Suaday Morn- i1riumlng Service of The CHUMPeoples Churcb, 100 Bloor East, Toronto, Is broadcast over the world's new- est Radio Station, CHUM, every Sunday from il until 12:15 noon. Bright Gospel preachlng, Inspiring singing. Dr. Oswald J. Smith, Pastor. 47-2 Skates Sharpened GOOD SERVICE EXPERIENCED OPERATORS at Everett Osborne King Street West BOWMANVILLE Mastic Tile Flooring And Linoleum Free Estimates Variety of Colours Expert Setter L. BROMLEY Phone: Bowmanviile 653 47-1* r flThe 0 9 Perfect Gif t D I..Sheer Blouses 00 Linen Handkerchiefs Leather or Fabrie Gloveso Handbags0 ..Bed Jackets =0O=0===0=0=DI TOWN SHOP 0 L IGS.W. BOWMANVILLE Z M=0c=0=0=0==0 Marr's Jewellery COMING EVENTS Reserve Wed., Thurs., Friday, Nov. 28, 29, 30, for High School Commencement. 45-4 The Junior W.A. of St. John'sI will hold an afternoon tea and sale of work in the Parish Hall, Nov. 30, 3 to 6 p.m. 47-l* Dance at Enniskillen Hall, Sat- urday, Nov. 24, under auspices of Canadian Order of Foresters. Fletcher's orchestra. 471 Dance at Bradley's School, Fni- day, Nov. 23. Bill Clark's or- chestra. Admission 35c. Auspi- ces of Home and School Club. 47-1 Providence School Christmas Tree and Concert, Friday, Dec. 2lst, at 8 p.m. Admission aduits 25c, children 15. 47-1 51-1 Dance in the COF. hall, Nes-I tieton, Saturday, Nov. 24 Music by Ruth Wilson's Variety Band.I Dancing 8:30 to 12. Admission 30C. 47-1* Dance will be held at the Ar- mouries, Friday night, Nov. 23rd, at 9 p.m. in aid of Bowmnanville Memorial Park. Rus. Creighton's Orchestra. Tickets 50e per per- son. 47-1 Solina Public Library is hold- ing a dance and cafeteria lunch at Solina Hall, Friday, Nov. 30, with Alex Barclay and band. Admis- sion 35c. Proceeds for the pur-I chase of new books. 47-2 St. Joseph's Church Bazaar, Friday, Nov. 23, at 2:30 at Miss Mae Bottrell's, Liberty S t. Aprons, fancy work, home made cooking, afternoon tea 25c. Draw for prizes. Everyone welcome. 47-1* Courtice W.A. will hold a ba- zaar, including quilts, mats, fan- cy work and children's counter. Afternoon tea and hot supper will be served. Bazaar opens 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 27th, at Pid- duck's Hall, Courtice. 47-1* Christmas Shopping? Comne f0 "Club 15's" Bazaar of fancy ar- ticles, aprons, toys, baby clothes, etc., in the Rotary Roomn of theI Balmoral Hotel, Saturday, Dec. 1 at 3:00 p.m. Afternoon tea will be served. 47-2 Bazaar at Hampton Church un- der the auspices of Women's Insti- tue on Wednesday, Nov. 28th,I from 3 to 6 p.m. Booths includte Children's Country Fair, fancy work, etc. A lovely pieced quilt will be for sale. Cafeteria lunch. 47-1*j Dance to Russ Creighton's Or- chestra in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall on Thursday, Nov. 29, under auspices of No. 9 Home and School Club.'9 Booths and lucky draw. Proceeds for returning service men. Admission to dance 50c per person. 46-2 I. Don't wait until the holidays for your new Permanent You '11 want ta look your prettiest for ail the gay parties ahead, Sa yôu'll wuant a perfect permanent ta create a coiffure individually suited ta you, to bring out all your nicest features. Ail Types of Permanents ineluding CoId Waves We are the only licensed and registered Beauty Salon in Bowmanviile ta give the Zotos and Jamal niachineless permanent waves. A Good Selection of Different Priced Permanents to choose from. Es telle Mr. and Mrs. H. Biekie CORNER CHUROR and GEORGE BTIS. J LU I ~ ~ t YOUR I.. D. A. STOIRE FEATURES l ENOS 'FRUIT SALT' GIN 39c-69C GIFTS FOR EVERYONE Let us help you salve your Gift Problems for everyane on your list. Visit aur store and make your selection* early. CHRISTMAS CARDS, Special 12 Card Box - 25c BILLPOLDS - - $1. - $1.50 - $2.00 ta $8.50 FRIENDSHIP COLOGNE, fancy bottie - $1.25 BABY GIFT SETS - - 50c - $1. - $1.69 and up HUDNUT GIFT SETS, Dubarry, Three Flowers, Etc. - - $1.20 -up T' AE IHOLV I Men's Shaving Sets 1,RVETS59c - $5.40 Manicure Sets, Cutex, Revion, Peggy Sage - - Sc up P4pipes ---25o - $4. Seals, Tags, Cards, Etc. - - c-1Oc-15c-25c Cigarettes, 50's - 80c-95c o Ash Trays - 35c to $2.50 s Jane Seymoaur Gift Sets-- 55c-$2.80LE Vita-Ray Sets - $2.50 up siMNPWE Bath Dusting Powders - 69e ta $2.20 * < * Brush, Comb and 5 8 Mirror 'Sets - $5.95 up ,, * Perfiunes - 30o ta $10.00 ~ N Dliclous Baby Ratties - 20c ta 85c 1at meals ** Gillette Tech Razors 49c Shaving ]Brushes 50ecup Beteen Pen & Pencil S meais Sets - $1.50 to $20.00 58ç 98ç Chrtistnias25e-50e ta $4. LÈ~TATTIPhatograph Albums --$1.00 up Compacts, Lucite - $9.00 PR<SCRIPTIONS A SPE ALEX McOI LAURA SECORD CAMUES . DRUCS Beauty Salon The Meaning of THE LIQUOR VOTE A section Of this community has by petition asked that liquor, for beverage use, be made more avallable than It now is. They have said a Depot, a Warehouse and now Liquor Stores. A By-law is being submitted se that the wlsh of the whole community may be registered and that the Liquor Control !Board may through its office deal with the request. Ini whatever form It takes ln your mmid, this Is clear. - The openlng of Liquor Stores wiIl provide "free drlnklng" 0of lquor whlch w111 flot be ln the best interests of faetory, business or professional men and women. We believe it mlght be a distinct detriment te the eilidren, young people and homes of cour tewn. THIS IS THE BALLOT: Vote NO x This Advertisement is inserted by the BOWMANVILLE CITIZENS' LEAGUE Opposed to Liquor Stores SHEET METAL WORK We wish ta annaunce aur desire ta establish ourselves in Bowmanville in the following Uines of business. Built-up Roofs - Tar and Asphait- Feit Asphait Shingles - Eavestrough- Sky- ights - Ventilators - Furnace Work Repairs - Agents for GILSON FURNACES- - Assistant:, May Wright PHONE 453 X.MAS FRESH AND SMOKED, FROZEN COHOE SALMON FILLETS, STEAK OR PIECE SILVERBRIGHT SALMON MILLETS, STEAKS OR PIECE SEA TROUT WHOLE OR HALVES WHITE FISIH - MACKEREL FILLETS 0F SOLE FILLETS 0F HADDOCK FILLETS 0F LAKE TROUT FILLETS 0F COD Let us know your fish needs -- We can supply you wlth flsh every day all the year round. KITSON DROS. Bowmanvilllê Frlgid Locker System COUGH SYRUP ~ "'Atiluburyop" ~J Basic Soap u prft doe uo -f. fom slà scoTrs EMIILSION A Botta, Way M ttake Vitamine A anid D 590t and 980 ODEX ?:w ANTISEPTIC BATH SOAF Odex i. made with ti-tree oil, au ecluive, odour-free antiaeptic 11 times more effective tan Carbolic as a germicide, yet mxld and pleasant to your akin. 2 CAKES j110 .ALTY PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER ------------- THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1945 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO