f PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1945 Orono News Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Cooper cel- ebrated their 25th wedding an- niversary on Sunday when a large number of relatives and friends gathered to offer congrat- ulations. The ladies of St. Saviours Angli- can Church gathered for a quilt- ing and supper in their hall last week. Mrs. W. J. Leamen was in Tor- onto attending the funeral of her sister, who has been an invalid for several years. The hog producers of Durham County met in the Town Hall Friday to organize for future work. Wm. Newman, Lorneville, was the main speaker. Mr. Ed. Graham, R.C.N.V.R., has returned from Halifax and will soon have bis discharge. Mrs. Jas. Ransberry, who was staying with Mrs. Jimmie Hooey, has gone to Montreal. Women's Institute held a bus- iness meeting on Friday after- noon and in place of a program, worked on some quiîts. Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher of St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville, oc- cupied the pulpit of Park St. Un- ited Church on Sunday morning, bringing much appreciated evan- gelistic message. Mrs. C. Wood took the solo part in the anthem and Mrs. Everett Brown gave a well rendered solo. Rev. S. Littlewood conducted the Sunday morning service in St. Paul's United Church, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Found and family have rented Miss Flora Cobbledick's home on Park St. for the winter months. Miss Cobble- dick is spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh. Congratulations to Mr. Orme Gamýsby who celebraed hîs 82nd birthday on Saturday. Mrs. M. H. Staples, Miss Anna Staples and several patrol leaders represented Orono Girl Guides at a rally in Oshawa Y.W.C.A. on Saturday. Womnen's Association of Park St. United Church met Nov. l3th with President, Mrs. M. J. Tam- blyn in the chair. Reports were given on the congregational can- vass and plans made for a dinner to be served in December. Mrs. Howard Walsh favored with a hu- mornus reading. Mrs. Chas. Wood and Gwenyth Phasey in Peterborough. Miss M. Archer, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch. Mrs. McHolm, Morrish, with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Jones. Miss Kathleen Smith, Niagara Falls, with Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn. Miss Margaret Roy, Toronto, at her home. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough, Niagara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cobbledick. Mr. Allan Brooks, Picton, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fralick and family, Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. L. Fralick and Miss Mabel Davy. Mr. Tom Spence with his sister, Mrs. Gordon Winter. Mr. A. A. Drummond with rela- tives in Toronto. NEW DRESSES.. To Suit Your Budget Rabbit Dresse Ini style, size and price to suit every requirernent. $1695 MIENI'S OVERCOATS ~17,4 New styles in Greys and Browns Better get yours now as stock is li.mited. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PH1ONE 831 BO WXANVILLE GIVE YOUR CAR WINTER CHECKUP NOW As there is no igu of civilians getting new cars for some time to corne it behooves ail car owxiers to give their autos extra attention to keep them in good running order. Our advice ia to have your car given a check .over regularly, particularly with the heavy driving of winter ahead. Bring your car or truck in now and have our exper- ienced mechanic8 put it in good running order. GARTON'S GARAGE PHONE 2666 BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. John Keane, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Mimico, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winter, Toronto, with Mrs. I. Winter. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Burns, Pet- erborough, with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Clemens, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Powers. Mrs. Thompson, Cobourg, with Mrs. R. R. Waddell. FORMER ORONO PASTOR HONORED ON RETIREIWENT The West Toronto Weekly of Nov. 8, reports a presentation and testimonial accorded Rev. W. B. Tucker on his retirement as High Park United Class Leader, after six years of outstanding service. With a fine testimonial letter, thE' Men's Brotherhood Class further expressed their esteem by presen- ting the minister with a Victory Bond. Many people of Durham County will recall that Rev. W. B. Tuck- er was stationed at Orono, 1902- 05 and at Oshawa 1905-09. He was president of the Bay of Quinte Conference, 1917-18. The splendid services carried on by Mr. Tucker ini this district have been continued in his later field according to the very fine senti- ments expresed by his High Park class. CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Township Council met with aIl the members present. A delegation from Bowmanville Hospital Board addressed the council on help in building the new hospital. Owing to the late- ness n the year it was decided to refer the matter to the 1946 coun- cil. In answer to a request from S.S. No. 10 for warning signs ati schools the clerk was instructed1 supplied those signs but had no objection to school boards erect-E ing them.% A letter was read stating thatc the Township Board of Healthz was non-existant after Sept. lst, 1945, but that Dr. McKenzie was to be continued in office until the end of this year. I C. T. Miller addressed Council E re the fill necessary on the westD side of Tanning Hill. Road Supt.a stated that the work would be i started as soon as possible. Nominations will be -held on Saturday, Nov. 24, 1945, at one p.m., and if necessary an election jfor reeve, deputy reeve and three councillors will be held on Mon- 1% day, Dec. 3rd, voting hours 9 a. ti m. tc5 p.m.v Following resolutions were passed: Investing $2,000 in the a 9th Victory Loan; laying over thev Bowmanville Hospital request to E the 1946 council; granting permis- I sion to remove snow from roads at own expense; road superinten- dent was ordered to purchase ones truck load of snow fence. t These bills were ordered paid:a J. C. Gamey, tax collection bonds $22.50; E. L. MacNachtan, hospi- 1 talization $81; L. Hooey, 1 sheep1 killed $10; J. Allin, 2 trips as val-d ubr, $5; C. F. Awde, tax acct., n $40.02; Orono Weekly Times, vot-e ers' lists and minutes $102.50; W. E. Davey, B.O.H., $13; J. J. Mel- lor, salary, postage, etc., $94.43; Mrs. H. Morris. charity, $5; Mrs. E. J. Randall, R. vs F., $32; R. H. Wood, town hall, $14.60; road voucher No. 9, $1,736.88; Receiv- er General, Victory Bonds $2,000;C After care, $10; Whillier & Co.,j office supplies $23.71; E. L. Mac- Nachtan, hospitalization $2.25;1 Geo. Butters, weed inspector, $50;v Carl Payne, 1 sheep killed $13; i Clarence Turner, 1 sheep killed, 1 $15; W. E. Reid, 1 sheep killed,E $13; Geo. Stephenson, 1 sheep kill- E ed, $10; J. Allin, 5 trips as valuer, i $12.50; W. W. Good, relief, charge back $58.47; O. W. Rolph, 1 lock and 3 keys, $3.75; road voucher No. 10, $1,223.75.t Council adjourned to meet Dec.c 4th at 1:30 p.m. ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES Orono Police Trustees met Nov. 15. A letter fromn Orono Women's Institute asking for a light on Park St. was received. There are no supplies available at present for the installing of more street lights. Nomination meeting will be held in the Orange Hall, Friday, Nov. 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. If an el- Gould isied friends in"Osh-awa and Toronto .- Mr. and Mrs. S. Moff at have moved to Oshawa for the winter- Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams in Barrie and Toronto. Mrs. H. Rahm and Mrs. C. Dean have been sick. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.i J. McLaughlin who celebratedi their 62nd wedding anniversary,i Nov. 14, quietly at their home.1 Life-long residents of Durham 1 County, both are in fairly good health. They have 3 sons, Il grandchildren, and 3 great- grandchildren. Three of the grandchildren served in this war. OEn Friday evening, Nov. 16, a miscellaneous shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gatcheli. J. Smith was chairman and sever- al made speeches wishing them happiness. After lunch, the ev- ening was spent in dancing. Many useful and beautiful gifts were given and greatly appreciated. Pte. Robert Carter, Hamilton, was home ---- Lieut. W. Breck at E. Adams'----- Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm with Mrs. H. Rahm .----- Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevenson, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hughes -----Miss Bernice Needhamn with her parents ----- Mr. and Mrs. Slingerland and Lynda, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard -----Mr. and Mrs. H. Gill and Donald in Bowmanville. The honor roll of Burketon Church will be unveiled next Sunday for 20 boys. Friends and relatives are invited to be present, Sunday, Nov. 25th. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook with friends in Fleetwood ----Mr. Howard Leslie with Mr. Ross Cook ------ Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dean and Carson, Oshawa, at C. Dean's ----- Mrs. F. Bailey, Black- stock, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Laughlin ------ Mrs. H. Strutt, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard ----- Mrs. B. Hubbard in Oshawa. Nestieton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Allan Suggitt, Nov. 151h, with meeting in charge of Mrs. Wesley Campbell's group. There were 17 ladies and some children. Ladies decided 10 finish the quilt for the relief before end of year. Mrs. M. Emerson invited ladies to her home for Dec. meet- ing. Reading by Mrs. John Wil- liams, "The Minister's Wife;' by Mrs. Allan Suggitt "Something Good." A dainty lunch was serv- ed and a hearty vote of thanks was given the hostess and those in charge for a pleasant and profit- able meeting. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and Billy et Mr. L. Job- lln's ---- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, Melville and Anna visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin M1ountjoy, Hampton, on Sunday, and attended anniversary serv- ices. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Cread, Barrie, celebrated their silver Aedding with her brother, Mr. Mlalcolm Emerson. Mrs. George Proutt, Caesarea, M4rs. Percy Woodward, Gail, Es- ther and Sharon, Point-au-Baril, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson, and Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- erson -- - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MIalcolm visited her sister, Mrs. Sid Trewin, Enniskillen.-----Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taylor, Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nes- bitt and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Black- stock, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Malcolm on Monday evening. The occasion of Neil's 25th birth- day. Congratulations ----Tom- my Cole, who has received his dis- charge, in Toronto, with Mr. Henry Thompson. Ebenezer Ebenezer W.M.S. ladies and C.G.I.T. girls were entertained on Friday evening by the Mission Circle girls. Mrs. Clarence H-ockin, president of the Circle, wvas in the chair. Devotional per- od was taken by C.G.I.T. under leadership of Mrs. Glenn, Pick- e1l. The meéting was then turn- ed over to the W.M.S. with Pres- ident Miss Louise Osborne pre- siding. Treasurer's report and Red Cross reports were given. Mrs. R. Pearce and Mrs. B. Cour- tice were appointçd a nominating committee. Annual donation to W.M.S. from C.G.I.T. was pre- sented by Miss Ella Down. Misses Merna Veenhoff and Erma Wade favored with a vocal duet. Chapter of Study Book "Chris- tian Education in the Angola Church-Africa," was taken by Mrs. Linstead. Meeting was in charge of Mrs. H. H. Nicholîs and Mrs. Cecil Found. Refresh- ments were served by the Mis- sion Circle. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courtice (Iona Woods) on their marriage. community and how greatly they will be missed. Mr. and Mrs. Mountjoy were presented with a beautiful elec- tric lamp, a fancy dish and purse of money for which they hoth made suitable replies for the many kindnesses shown. Lunch was served and many good wishes were extended to them as they de- part for their new home at Hamp- ton. An Open Letter ..m.. to the Citizens of Darlington, C(,larkel, Orono, Newca'stle and Cartwri,3lt Bowmanville, Nov. 20, 1945 Ladies and Gentlemen: There appears to be a lack of knowledge in the districts adjoining the Town of Bowmanville of the urgency of- more space to accommodate patients in the Bowmanville Hospital, and there- fore a misunderstanding of the citizens of their responsibility in relieving the situation se we are placing the following facts before you: The pre8ent hospital in Bowmanville bas accommodation for 22 patients under Government standards, but it is 80 over- crowded' that the number cf patients bas been running from 25 te 35. This overcrowding is net caused by the admittance of Bow- manville patients, for there is ample space for local residents. This crowded condition is caused by taking in patients from ad- joining districts. The people of Bowmanville appreciate their responsibility in this matter and have demonstrated it by passing a by-law of $100,000 towards the erection cf a new 50-bed hospital costing in the neighborhood of $200,000. This should be ample te ac- commodate both the local patients and those from adjoining dis- tricts for some time to come. We would like the people of the adjoining districts te show their appreciation cf their responsibility in a. like manner. In order that you may have an dea of what that obligation is, based on the use made cf the hospital we have prepared the following figures showing the use made cf it by the various districts: Bowmanville Darlington Clarke and Orono Newcastle Cartwright Elsewhere Per Cent cf Districts Share Patients Per Cent cf in Cost, cf Admitted Days' Stay New Hospital 44.34 41.47 $100,009 23.48 28.27 53,000 15.10 11.09 34,500 5.47 8.43 12,400 1.49 4.08 3,600 9.44 6.56 21,500 j We are net asking the adjoining districts to pay their full share cf the cost cf erecting the new hospital but we f eel that the minimum payment shculd be: Darlington --------------- -----------------------..$12,00() Clarke and Orono ------.------------------- 8,000 Newcastle------------------------------------------ 2,500 Cartwright------------------------------------1,000 We would suggest that this meney should be raised by taxation. In addition to the money raised in this manner in Bowmanville and the surrounding district, it will be necessary te raise a f urther $76,500 by way cf public subscriptions, both in Bowmanville and the surrounding district. For this purpose we already have $12,000 on hand and have the promise cf an addi- tional $7,500. We wish te peint eut that the new hospital cannot be built unless this money -i forthcoming. It is now your responsibilitr, for Bowmanville citizens have dcne more than their share and have led the way. Dr, Wm. Tennant, Chairman, Bowmanville Hospital Board il' 11