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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, NOV. 29th, 1945 Statesman Mailing lists have been crrcted up to Nov. l6th. Social and erschack Your yellow label is any ethere Miss Eva Hellyar has been get HgShool on the evenings de- Port Mr. dMs ynyBnocompeting for a busy season at Port ope.home and at outside points. Mr. Raymond Cole, Kitchener, Charles Carter, Jr., District Go- spent the weekend with his sisS- vernor, Lions Clubs, received a ter, Mrs. Reta Dudley. fine gift Tuesday, with the comn- Mrs. W. p. Corbett pliments of District Lions Clubs, were weekend guests with Mr. Salt Lake, Utah, USA. It was a and Mrs. E. Corbett, 'Toronto. box of fresh celery from that state Mrs.JimDevtt wo hs teenlong famed for that particular guest of her father-in-îaw, Dr. J r. dct C. Devitt bas returned to Halifax, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N.S.' S. T. Dowson, Providence, were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dowson and Miss Ruth Stevens, niurse-sn- family, Bowmanviîîe, Sgt. J. Ed- training, Children's Hospital, in ward Lowes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Montreal, visited hier parents r and Mrs. Lorne Stevens. Mr. Lowes, Omnemee, and his bride. Sgt. Lowes who has recently re- Miss Kaye Roberts, Montreal, turned from overseas, has been is spending a week with hier par- 41/2 years on active service. He enta, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Roberts has decided on taking a course while convalescing from a recent in medicine at the University of operation. Toronto. The Jupp Construction Co. have Citizens in town and country the sanding contract for local will welcome the announcement highways this winter. Crews had in another column that Mr. Hig- their flrst sanding operation Fni- gon of Port Coîborne, an expert day morning. electrician of long experience, is The "Detter Busineàss"% Bouey It has frequently been eated that the "Establisbment of Liquor Stores" in Bowmanville wiIl make for better business. That men going to Oshawa for beer take thefr wlves along to shop there, taking business out of Bow- manville. Let it be understood: 1. That any "lbetter business" that may be gotten will be for the "Liquor Stores." The trade will see to that; 2. The Butcher, the Baker and thse Book Seller ail know that if one buys Booze, the same mnoney will flo buy Butter; 3. Ample evidence la gleaned from Newcastle, Ophawa and a score of other towns that rather than making for "Better Business" the Liquor Store dlverts business and whlle men and women lie up at the door of the Liquor Store, as happens in Trenton, Oshawa and other places, they are flot spendlng the pay cheque for clothing, bouse ruit or food. It may be true that isolated cases exist where people have, when in Oshawa, purchased a carton of alcoholic beverage and purchased some other things but thse extra trade la of minor advantage te thse place where beer la bought,.. Thse Liquor Store la tthe enemy of otiser business, of home life and of public safety - Mark your X after "No." FA 'NO' BALLOT IS A VOTE AGAINST THE LIQUOR STORE Put no otiser mark on your ballot exeept an X af ter NO as above. Use peneil only- provided ln booth. LAYA Kw locating in Bowmanville, ncxt to McFeeter's (formerly Infantine's) Fruit Store. There has been a scarcity of expenienced electri- clans in town during the war years so Mr. Higgon cornes at an opportune time with rural hydro extension going on as well as town demands in electric repairs and contracting. Have you been to the Town Hall to sce if your name is on the voters' list to entitle you tct vote on Liquor Stores By-law on Dec. 19? You have till Dec. 5 to get your name on the iist. Se advt. headed "Court of Revision" on page 10 for particulars. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foster, Campbellcroft, Mn. and Mns. F. J. Foster, Port Hope, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fosten in hon- or of Mn. Foster's birthday. Mrs. and Miss Ross, Owen Sound, who remained for the occasion, left for their home on Monday. Those attending the banquet and Installation of Officers of On- tario Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Pickering, last week wcre: Mr. and Mrs. William Found, Mrs. Cora Rice, Mrs. Florence Nesbitt, Mrs. Victoria Frank. Soloist for the installation was Mrs. Eleanor Chambers with Mrs. Edna Ander- son as accompanist. On Monday, Nov. 19th the Can- adian Onder of Foresters met in Oddfellows hall when two mcm- bers were presented with their 25 year pins. The two membens were Mn. A. M. Hardy and Dr. J. C. Devitt. A lunch was serv- cd. There was a goodly attend- ance with some brethren from Oshawa. The ladies of St. Joseph's Church held a sociable and suc- cessful bazaan at Miss M. Bot- trell's on Friday. A splendid dis- play of attractive aprons, of love- ly fancy work and of tempting home-made cooking drew a large crowd of patrons, many of whom stayed to have afternoon tea. Mrs. A. Northcutt dnew the pnize-win- ning tickets. The blankets went to Miss Ethel. Rochon, Ottawa. The doîl and wandrobu to Mrs. Wilbur Hoar and the lamp to Mr. Leo Leddy. The ladies and Father Coffey wish to express their thanks and appreciation. Sol1ina Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Bob, Maple Grove, at Thos. Baker's --- Mr. and Mrs. E. Yonson, Simcoe; Mn. and Mrs. Alux Yonson and Anne, Port Elgin, at Don Yon- son's ---Cpi. Helen Baker and Shirley Campbell, Ottawa, at Jack Baker's--- Mr. David Oul- bank, Waldron, Sask., at A. J. Balson's. Trinity Y.P.U., Bowmanville, visited our Union Monday evening and presented a most worthwhile program on "Education in the World of Tomorrow," which was the theme of a timely address by Mr. J. Fôrbes Heyiand. A dutail- ed account appears in another col- umn. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens and Robt. Scott, Jr., with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott at Whitby----Mný1. A. L. Pascoe attendud the Qur- ham County Temperance Femra- tion at Millbrook ----Mr. Ivan Law, Whitby, accompanied his brother Claude E. L. H. Law and his wife from St. Vital, Man., to visit several old friends here, Thursday. They dined at S. E. Werry's and Thos. Bakur's --- Mr. Livingstone Miller is spund- ing a few days in the deer haunts of Eastern Ontario. Pleased to hear that Mr. W. R. Westlake is getting along nicely after his critical operation at Osh- awa Hospita.' MARRIS JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP Christmas Shopping is away to an early stant this year, so we advise customers to shop now - take advantage of our Lay Away Plan- to avoid dis- appointment. Selections are at their best too. Dresser Sets 3-piece Sets $5.95 up 3-piece Plastie . $12.50 (ass't. colours) 5-piece Plastie'. -. .. $17.50 3-piece Sterling Silver $35. Relish Dishes $1.50 up to $8.95 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL FANCY VASES a lirited qzantity, only one to a customer Large Display We have every style watch, lady's or gent 's, suit your requirements. Diamond Rings Oné, oft he lovolie - * 25 rings ever pMIBU*de - -iirive diamends. Priced with mo2er ation - - et 129Pc O t A MONmo$. Goroesus mouRtine. Other Diàmond Rings Prieed from $20. to $200. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Election Cards BOWMANVILLE To the Electors of Bowmanville: Ladies and gentlemen. I have again qualified for the position of councillor. After two years' experience as a member of coun- cil I wish to use my ability to the best advantage for the citi- zens of the Town. Wishing you ahl a Merry Christ- mas and Prospurous New Year, sincerely, 48-1* N. ALLISON To the Electors of Bowmanv Ille, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am again a candidate for the office of councillor and solicit your support on Monday. 1946 will bu an important year for Bowman- ville, and if elected, 1 will do my part to make this town a good place in which to live, work and raise a family under ideal con- ditions. 48-1 T. A. GARTON Electors of Bowmanville, Ladies and Gentlemen: After serving the ulectors as a councillor for 4 yeans I have again consented to be a candidate for 1946. If elucted I again assure you I will give municipal busi- ness my careful attention to se that we get efficient administra- tion. Your vote and influence will bu appneciated at the pols on Monday. 48-1 OWEN NICHOLAS To the Electors of Bowmanville: Having beun nominated for councillor for the forthcoming el- ection I once again ask your sup- port. During my term in office I have supported nîl worth while projects and I trust the council will be backed 100 per cent for the proposud nink. If we are to have an animated community, healthy and properous wu must aid our youth. My platfonm is a Progressive Town with a Balanced Economy. Sincerely yours, 48-1* A. S. BAKER Having served on Bowmanville Town Council for the past few yeans as one of a tuam that has given good govénnment in both progress and economy, I am again standing for re-election. I have been particuiarly concerned with the War Activities Committee as its Chairman and in the good work accornplishud I should be happy to continue and to aid in plans for the "wulcome homne" to our soldiers on May 24 next. May Isincurely invite my ratepayer friends to accord mu thuir con- tinued confidence. Sincerely, E. J. GIBBS To the Electons of Bownianvifle: Another year has passed us by, a year of achievement and vic- tory, and once again I corne be- fore you soliciting your vote on Dec. 3rd for councîllor. I have served you for two years now, and voted in council the way I bc- iieved the majority of you would vote, if you were in rny place. The yean before us is going to be a big onu, and if eiected I will con- tinue to do my best for you and a butter Bowmanville. If the wea- ther is inclement, or you are a distance from the poiiing place and dusire a car, kindly cail 2669, or 2604 and I shah be pleased to haqe a car caîl for you. Thank- ing you for your pnst confidence and trust that I stili warrant it, and wishing you the compliments of the season. 48-1 RAY J. DILLING To the Electors of Bowmanville: Instead of the old stereotypud deciaration, "I will be a good boy" if elected, il seemas to me the aims of a prospective candidate are fan preferable. First: Whilst the front streut sidewalks are passable many of our sidewalks eisewhere are in terrible condition and before making huge commitmuents else- where, money first should bu spent on this. Second: This election unfortun- ately is bound to bu infiuenced on the liquor question. Save for. onu councillon, I know no other who would not accept a drink, if and whun offened. If abstainurs views are respected they in turn should respect othurs. Churchill, Roose- velt and Stalin each had and un- joyed their "wee nippie" and save for them where would we bu now? la a 'weu nippie" only for the high and mighty? Should the man on the streut bu barred? Third: Acclamations and jock- uying for council suats should bu "taboo." Similarly non - housu owners should bu barned from council seats. Founth: It is difficult to believe that taxes wiil not bu raised with the "Squandermania" views of oun 1945 cornritments, in spite of as- surances to the contrary. Fifth: If ulected, I promise to bu no "Yes, yus" man, non will I bu any obstnuctionist. I will sim- ply do what I bulieve is the will of those whose support I may have received. Sixth: I do not propose tele- phoning or canvassing. The out- line la givun hune from which you rnay gather my viuws. To those who may support me. In ad- vancu, I say thank you! In any uvunt I shaîl shed no tears. 48-1* J. F. NICKERSON NO. 4 WEST FORUM No. 4 West Forum met at Elton Werry's. In answer to the ques- tion "What stupa can you take to improve thu nutnitional value of the food you produce?" wu sug- gest by having soil anaiyzud and following instructions as to the right furtilizers to use as wull as a libural application of barnyard manuru; also by plowing down more green crops; by uxpenirnent- ing on our own farma; by feuding livestock and pouitry bnianced ra- tions. Wu think meetings ad- dressed by soul experts and cdu- cationai films on soil churnistry and nutrition would bu hulpfui. Mrs. Wurry servud rufrushrnents of fresh fruit. Numbun presunt 8. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's -----Pte. James Graham, London, at home ---- Mr. C. Rankine, in Toronto - -- Miss Muta Degeen, Bowmanvillu, at home -----Mn. and Mrs. Roy Chatens, Mr. Glenn Thompson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridget and fa- mily, Bowmanville, at Mrs. W. Thompson's ---- Miss June An- derson in Toronto ---- Mrs. John Graham, at Mrs. Russell Cross- man's----- Mrs. W. Thompson at Mn. R. Chaturs, Tônonto -----Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. Clar- ence Aveny's, Burketon -----Mr. and Mrs. F. Richards, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Miss Clanu Tnuwin, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. Stan Aungen, Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Aunger at Mr. W. Trewin's Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech, Mr. and Mrs. D. Carr and Carolyn at Mr. Gordon Beech's, Bowmanville_ Mr. and Mis. Don MacKenzie and Douglas, Ajax, at Mr. E. A. Mc- Neil's -----Mr. and Mrs. W. Mar- tin, Mrs. J. Potts and Lynda, at Mn. Cliff Puthick's, Enniskillen. Congratulations to Miss Jean Werry, Enniskillen and Mr .Ross Ashton on winning second place in judging potatous at the Na- tional Judging Contest. (Last Wuek) Mn. and Mrs. Percy Carr and family, Mr. Walter Carr, Brigh- ton, at Mr. D. Carr's ---- Shirley Garrard, Bowmanville, at home ------ Mrs. W. Thompson at Mr. E. Thompson's, Bowmanville ---- Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmnond and Con- nie, at Mr. R. Chaters, Toronto -----Miss June Anderson, Lloyd Beech, at Mr. Geo. Rahm's, Green- bank -- ---Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ru- therford and family, Kirby, atI Mr. W. Martin's -----Mr. Bill Grant, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. Mc- Neil's -----Mr. and Mrs. Stan Aungen, Edmonton, Mn. Jack Virtue, Miss Mary Virtue, Toron- to, at Mr. Russell Aunger's ---- Mn. and Mrs. L. Graham, Pte. Jas. Graham, Mrs. Roy Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, Mrs. B. Ashton and Brad, Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and family, accompan- led by Roy Ashton, Burketon, at Mn. R. J. Ashton's, Port Hope --- Mn. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy at Mr.I Don Cameron's, Bowmanville --- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ma- i rie, Ronald and Ray at Mr. Jrni Brown's, Newcastle ---- Mr. EanI Deguen retunned from hunting1 with a deer. Evuryone had a most enjoy- able time at a social evening held at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's, Saturday evening. Mr. A. Beech, Mr. C. Rankine and Mns. A. Read won the highust scores. Collection of over $10.00 was taken in aid of Christmas chuer for British child- ren. A sumptuous lunch was served. Mn. and Mrs. Erlu Brooking, Wesleyvillu, at Mr. C. Slemon's. A Sunday School meeting, which was weli. attended, was hseld at Mr. C. Slemon's. Business1 was discussed and a bountiful Lunch was served. 9~tùdta#ttea*e '~i Es telle Beauty Salon FWill Be Pleased To Give Advice to Problem Heads. Cool Waves Our Specialty Machine Permanents And This Is For The Wife's Permanent Under the Mistletoe cati be happy co-incidence for - al] collcerne(l if you'ne Iooking your lovc]y best. Make your ap- pointment now for Xmas Per- ma nent. Machineless Permanents Ail Different Prices to Suit You - PHONE 453 - Mr. and Mrs. H. Bickle Assistant: May Wright Corner Ohurcli and George Sts. MEN: This is the Ideal and Practical Gift for Your Mother, Sister, or Sweetheart. It's the ONE Gift That's Sure To Pleasel ECTIO OMUST S'xAD O 'TS THIS YEAR Visit our store now and select your gifts from our ample stocks. We list a f ew selections below. CHRISTMvAS CARDS, Special 12 Card Box - 25c BILLFOLDS - - $1. - $1.50 - $2.00 to $8.50 FRIENDSHIP COLOGNE, fancy bottie - $1.25 BABY GIFT SETS - - 50e - $1. - $1.69 and up RIUDNUT GIFT SETS, Dubarry, Three Flowers, Etc. - - - $1.20 up Men's Shaving ISets A59c - $5.40 Manicure Sets, Outex, Revion, Peggy Sage - - - 50c up mt iz Pies- - - 25e - $4. Hls prevent lad BuE reath*Ovs 0 Ç Se ais, Tags, Cards, E A N S -1 rliht uth 0 $parim ibes Etc. - - 5 -0 -5 -5 Cigarettes, 50's - 80c-95c Ash Trays - 35c to $2.50 Jane Seymour Gift Sets - - 55c-$2.80 Vita-Ray Sets - $2.50 up Bath Dusting Powders - 69e to $2.20 Brush, Comb and Mirror 'Sets - $5.95 up Perfumes - 30e to $10.00 Baby Rattles - 20e to 85o Gillette Tech Razors 49c Shaving Brushes 50c up WASEPTIC OINTMENT Pen & Pencil ~ Sets - $1.5o to $20.00 2 3tw4 9 hrstatr 25c-50c to $4. .- Photograph ____________________Albums - - $1.00 up Palmolive After Shave Compacts, Lucite - $9.00 Lotion - - - - 39e fllra's q have flvm29ni 3 TUB. CASHMERE ISE CAHETISSade 15. oGrade 15c, 3 for 26c 10e, 3 for 25c 1411411 ANTIFREEZE ALCOHOL Certified non-corrosive Blow Evaporating $1.59 Sot as a fieecy cloud!J For Tight, Chesty Colds BRONCHIDA- 8 oz. 50e ENOS ,FRUIT SALT IMMe~%~4 PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 41cALEX McOREOOR LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER FOR THE BEST SELI SHOP, FOR XMAS GIF1 LARGEST SELLINGTOT;H~ % PASTU IN GREAT .1 BRITAINs ýMACLI vp.ff%à96r%à96r%à96~ 11 , 1111 ý i il 1 1 1 1 1 il l 111 l l là Ill Il ýý JTýTjO S .dd L ;'C't All IKIN '1ýR'RITATIONMS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIÔ PAGE SEVEN eý4'

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