PAGE FOUR T E C N D A T T S A ,B W A V L E N A I COURTICE BROTHERHOOD stones which should be put in this believe in God their own way. Orono Public Sehool for five years AUCTION SALE new structure. 5th. Guard against repeating ObiLuaies after which lie accepted the prin -________________ On Thursay evening, Dec. 61 lst. Learning to live with oth- the foolshness f war and learn cipalship f Glencoe Pubie M A R LD the first meeting of the Courtice1 ers. fnltionly those of ouir onto, talk and consider things. MRS. JAýMES MASTERS School which positionle heldSFAORL Brotherhood was held with Pres- niatina iy but others such as the 6th. Finally "live as well as for 25 years previaus to his sup- I have been authorjzed oslbY' id en t W alter R u n d le in ch arg e . Jew , th e Jap , th e G erm an . W e teach th e p rin cip les of t e l w y T e d a h c u r d O a a e a n a i n .p b e a c i n f rF After the opening prayer by Pas- must try to understand them and Nazarene." 0 thnloiy hedayeat ccur2edat hawaoe Wl eran ain tSS o tor Linstead and business trans- help them to understand each oth- George Annis in a very able 79 Westmoreiand Ave., of Martha Clarke he married Miss Mary A. Kari Weiss acted a special offering xvas taken er and us. We have no right to and comprehensive speech ex- Jane Graham, beloved wife 1 Clemeice on May 24, 1883, daugh- Lot No. 23, Con. 3, Darlington for the Navy League. Mel Sta- despise ainy of those who God has tended a vote of thanks to Mr. James Masters. ter f the late John Clemence and (1% miles east f Courtice and pies, Orono, led in community made in his own image and who Mellor for his excellent address A native of Manvers Townshp, Maria Rickard. After his re- 1 mile north of highway No. 2 on singing. Chas. Osborne introdue- God is not ashamed of. and was heartily endorsed by the deceased was daughter of the late tirement fromn teaching Mr. and ed J. J. Mellor, Orono, the guest 2nd. We must try and cure our- audience. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and Mrs. Allun moved to Bowmanville TUESDAY, DEC. 18 spe ker w o ater a ew pen slve 0f th dieas w ich we H. R. Foley rendered a number was born on M arch 15, 1866. where they built a new home at ing humorous remarks, gave a Anglo-Saxons have, of what the fof read igs iand H. loF. AOso -1beck horse 2 yS .1blc splendid address in his usual speaker termed "The Give Mes. " cfavorie with panosl o. A so- eieaersbamn er passigh-72 ide vsin t. whereetheyhav earnest and very impressive man- We must îearn to give as wehîascaliewa s pn, l f hc ers, des.b eryadto daug h- esideeersnce, Mrac.brs, 2 rs; ibac ner on "Buildng a Structure of tkehelped materially to round out a Poters, Mrs. M Gre . (E -fthel) of Wben h ed thbe Mr. Alin yrs. T towi te eae sa igerjo ita Rhakltae npr-eta- lesatann poftaleeenng PntpooanfMs.Reabithlfetfulyatede te etods R e al L if ." h e a sk b ef o e u 3 r . R h ab lit a e a d r -es ab -e ll (In a ) o f T o ro n to , a n d fiv e so n s, a n d la te r th e T rin ity U n ite d H o ste in co w , 5 y rs., b re d A p ril thao h0 win nn the wa s igr.jWe iish people, particularly wounded Howard of BwavleHarold church. loh osencTTL4easbe B o w m a n v î l l e , L a -O tr h H o t e g . c o , s4 t e a r s o , b r e tae tah members 0f the 2ndarmyW men from the services, and wi- Christianity is the Compno of Oshawa, Elwood of Myrtle a Surviving to mourn his passing Mearch 28th; Reg. Holstein cow, 6 aro facl et s u of bthe n somc dows and fatherless children as a of liberty in ail its conflits-the verne of Toronto and Archie of are bis widow and three sistersyas rdMch2t;Hlei to acethi duy, ut otso uchreslt f te wr.cradle of its infancy, and the di- Bowmanviîîe. Mrs. Masters was Misses Adab and Elizabeth Allin' years, bred March 5th; îti as a unit as individuals. He pre- rsi ftewr vine source of its dlaims-De Toc- predeceased by a son, James Mel- Nwate and Mrs. W. R. Hawk- w sented the following points as 4th. Be big enoughi to let others queville. vno etme 0 90 ~blue beifer, bred April lst; Hol- vi, nSetmr10 91. i, Bowmanville. stein heifer, bred Juiy; Holstein m~Te funeal was held from h The funeral service was held cow, 4 years, bred April 2nd; Hol- homeofhr son, Howard,' 21 from bis late residence on Dec. stein cow, 5 years, bred June 1Oth; Beech Ave., Bowmanvilîe, on Dec. 5, with Rev. J. E. Griffith offici- Holstein cow, 6 years, bred June 5.ating. Interment was in Bow- Sth; Holstein cow, 3 years, due manville cemetery. time of sale; Durbam cow, 6 years On Dec. 1, George Newton friends and relatives wbo gath- due time of sale; Holstein cow, 4 Fowier passed away at bis home at ered to pay their last respects. years, due January; Holstein cow, Cadmus. Mr. Fowler was the Paîl bearers were six nephews, 3 years, bred April lOth; Holstein youngest cbild of the late Mvr. George Allin, Howard Allin, John cow, 5 years, bred May l5th; Hol- and Mrs. Wm. Fowler, and was Ashton, Bert Jewell, Allan Cie- stein cow, 6 years, bred May 10; born on Jan. 22, 1883, in Manvers mence, Ewart Clemence. Holstein cow, 4 years, bred June township. 28th; Holstein cow, 6 years, bred In 1905 be married Alma Holmes Mrh2t; Holstein beifer, bred of Ballyduif. They have resided Another Shorthorn August 28th; Holstein beifer, re- on their farmi at Cadmus for tbeSae Bo d newed bred 4 wks. (milking past 25 years. SaleSooedS esem barn5 escars. re He 50 bushelsdbuckwheat, 150tbu- Tb4l we4e re s w re co e e y J ac m i utesBakkrom ensla e f r;1 c l;b lrs _rfard sheds mixedagrain.iQuantityao ~ ensAlinMcil, rinCp- the gro l bfundstheMPEENS' ic, aGordo Bstrow, MrD ave Wil- Themed ofbgbaspedior- 1B ider ft40.H. .; 5; mo9wer, ___ n, Cecl H mil on, Osc r M - re d ShO rt.,orns i d lde. 1 2 a 5 R ockshu ts, ll ath n earlyd ude. 3interdmesniteda inCad-choieyugblsad1 u-nw;se rl,1-ic c lg stooc. Theb, 1873, daugh- 'ecenaucio. ndsaNes t2edeman2,00s; okhoe, hfe ter f th lat Robrt ad Saah es benexcepWtionl orhhe trees, ncky oes nd many other Morrow. he as marrîed Tohea Sothrn ndsic te rices FraniinofI.aEveroFeb. 4thdean d oninusoin, numerurURIUR, 1895, b o re d eceas e b e n pi ae sls ti i a u to 0 u niy o o se od f r iu e ag.lOtbn, 193. FoLn er 1945 brna ste ane l d fto ac- bSal a 1 cka,10b wbol lie i theTowshi ofcmm ot anstiandlooing fore Tesms Cash.rJ. . HogatCerkf Darl in on , she was a m er o u lt r e i g s o k ,E M R W L U , A c i n e Teezer nie hrch andlsete un-a intes 50-1omenilge tirieAlventedil, Ewas an the wonshail ntrouce nto Missionary Society of thatschurcb _ s: Babout andt. ROYAL P et -J Z-I) shissurdiv rimitDae i ve Cboritiarnsit wl cae 1 t okhtolbt n the aceof he orldrBejamn CUGHS BRnENWIN new); seed ec, 1qicklyMe choice y ung M ixture, ifoutyou m us nion ce m e ery sta ding fe m les. C o nt ib u ors eeri g;u ffeat r ing f rm are idel kno n b eedes in spr ade, C malady N . 5$1.00 cluding BeathFCowlinsh'sa ly ew) hoe mde pho 2340 Friend, Loh6, Bowmandlle. 50-1 Messrs. Cn.HospDarington (2milesEas Sonsand ouFseAhbrpo;gntyga) fi e poble, a mch s - Goodwll Fams, bisebous e- hiec., in oulive peacablyitbrll . . . . . . MaryJulia______ Hancock. of ldhefftyec ts, incauignewJ BCe-arL mein-Romans 12:18.h rck suits, in- Onl wRtbfedstndanlîCth of th à S rah as be n ex eG urney sf o ve dan gie, ec e and ood will to- r row J. he wa Cares tc. sSe bilis ae at 1 theartp.m. 72Dvso tBwavle~Cek er Ws ilAuction-o.Qatt fhueodfriue Dec. 2. H was93r4.JLiv7,i855,er. 0-1 lat WllamAlinan1Jae lak-thriedt elbpb lic ar aucdtona aea 1 'l bunie a n te Tfni 0of o rak asco, Lti26, ongfrTmsCh.JD.Hat, lk i bres bave wail peeedof Courtice> on Wednesday, Dec. trac e cr lent fe veChr whcandeftn- ood a nd cb edar) to cbk. ld i the ill hae, hicb ntwa rm-50- scHo e ucto sha F r Stc ano thiemmero h oen Ipeet h rpet fte aesouga o aet -Misinar Sciey f tatcSrclatp.Georgi e wlr ciLot 20, i sock aditt.P cer-mCon.v4,CrtityTw., chanfgareg O tifcae Hitut urvdbline soo ile ato amso audy at iry nd .S N. 9Clrk te5.auc tie or.edmi SPENCEROKTRACY Th eadtRoedrinciphmeal J ckonak. 50ol* KATHAINtEmpHeB, URN ky brThrJonMooCouTh-R e cue ofaT msATUReD y - EC. 15 evr Busy Housewlveas "Ter Gos ely" en ' a tice, oe newith Jackie Moran, eand Mr.eRuere artclarn Miss aysxh hiWadaMianW festivities appranacLove, There arenso nsanyathingsrtotbes gde D dean 0fw adstdotem.gth ik i eey aeb temkr Wa h dowon pegoad ' gm an te wvsad Sno n aIy mothersinareidoiggthetheir baixturepif eo our hopYoull fnd alar e a rrte fBakercaEsChrsy.rr ~ T h e a o v e a r i c l e s r o m o u G ift a R T R SClR S M S C K se vT h e Ihe d ro the MrrisFuneal CapTheBow Deatmn mk gf sopigMeta bne efrmaamousenglFRIs reipe Orer Devecmb eayfr t17nng.-19 F L an as tak He.inserc ofa u s tda. We nhae thinri o sseb ules. ym Tr .. hn 30 Th pal eres ee esr. n- ' al-gtn(2mie Es Christmas gift for mother, wife, "CO VER GIRL"Th sister- or sweetheart. ATcnclrMscl'h Extravaganza Si wlth Rita Ihayworth, Geneiae Kelly, Phil Silvers and ~ouc, Jhnson eCrderann many other favorites John Loi Jo nson C yd rman - B.Uwith the Cover Girls Miel ~t. . B w m a vill Ad ed: FoNews _ CartoonCh st St.wWmanvilale oojiveT Vcrily, verily, I say unto you, Wbat we have in us of tbe im- He that believetb on me, the age of God is the love of truth and works that I do shall be do also; justice.-Demosthenes. and greater works than these To this end was I born, and for shaîl be do; because I go to my this cause came I into the worîd, Father.-Christ Jesus (John 14: that I sbould bear witness unto 12). the truth.-Jesus, John 18:37. Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror Se Ini Gift Boxes MACLE N Boxes of Paper & Envelopes 39e - 50c - 75e - $1.50 - $2.50 Cutex Manicure Sets Youlig Idea - - - 50e EOOIA Blue and White - - $1.00 RM E Pus'i1it- - - - $2.00 Double Duty - - - $3.00 amSU Bugle Corps - - - $4:009 4 7 BRINGS INSTANT EAS! Men's Tollet Cases SOL ý»4s Fitted - $6.95 -'$7.95 - $8.9 btjÎ,".-s Rubber Llned - $4.95 - $5.51 Waterman's Pens $3.57- $4.19- $5.95 - $10.11 Sets - $5.95 - $9M5 Men's Shaving Sets Thirty Five Sets - - $1.2,5 Colgate's - - 80C - $1.35 Pabnolive - - -$15 Revelon Manicure Sets $1.00 - $1.50 - $3.00 Molinard Bubble Bth - - - 75e- $1.5o Billfolds - $1.15 to $6.50 Shaving Bowls 59c-89c-1.25 Shaving Brushes 59c to $5. Sbick Razor Sets --98e Molinard Toilet Sets in Gift Casesg $2.50 - $5.75 - $10. - $18. 'Wake up your lIIver Wà'rsay Cologne $1.-1.50-$2. dean.. your syste..> D'Orsay #..i fîghtîîq fit by Perfume - 60e - $1.20 - $2.40tkn Ilidut Ladies' fkin - - - $3.00 - $4.65j I 1 U NIen's Brusb and $8 R I -om - - - - 79e"F U T A T 4Lywon Men's Sets 59e-79 1SI Pinard's Men's Sets - $3.00 tW iPes - 1.25-2.20-2.69-3.75 %C igarette Rollers 98e - 69e esk Cigarette We have a complete Stock of Cigarettes and Tolbacco Phone flII1' flIl Çf~ We Fit 695 UC IVR IIGJ'S lIUG S RE Trusses OSHAWA eParking Phone 1011 'RS. - FR1. - SAT. Ocember 13 - 14 - 15 lette Colbert and Fred MacMurray in acticaIIy Yours' ld: Musical Parade in Technicolor 'You Hit The Spot" Latest Paramount News JDAY - TUESDAY December 17 - 18 John Hersey's MI For Adano'l starring ['ierney - John Hodiak William Bendix NES. - THURSDAY )ecember 19 - 20 Sensational Features Boris Karioff in 1ody Suatcher' Shriek and Shudder Sensation -And - SBrighton Îtrangler' starring oder - June Duprez hael St. Angel bheatre Tickets for ruas In Attractive day Envelopes 50 ;2 t Stationery "The Lasting Gift" Our stock is the largest in years Coloured and white, attraâcive- ly boxed to suit every taste and every Durse. Costume Jewelleryj Ear Rings and Brooches Single and In Sets $'l .25 up Books For Young and old STh e gif t that always pleases New Fiction - Current Events IiisPlrational - standard Juveniles - Picture Books Cut Outs FToys and Games Many new numbers on this year's list - suitable for ail ages For The Babies Stuff ed Animais rand 'DIols (soft and cuddly) - Blocks Rattles - Baby Plates and Sets J.W.JEWNELL "'BIG 20", PHIONE 556 THURSDAY, DEC. 13th, 194,5 c King S