PAGE -FOUR PAGE SIX 411 ~ Florence Burley. Peterboro, at Newtonville home -- Mr. 'and Mrs. Ronld.I _____Burley in Peterboro-- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Harper and Mrs. Ol-1- VStlton withan Mrs. otr -o iver Turner, Cobourg, at Mr.1 onpton iMr aroi Nols, To- Lanson Millson's --Little Joan> ontoley-v-iMr. arrthlbissi st, Mrs.Reid. eider daughter of Mr. andJ Weslyvile, wth hs siter, Mrs. r.W. E. Reid, is suffering fromn S. J. Lancaster - Mrs. Berta er clanistetnd Stapleton in Bowmanviiie -----with pneumonia _ Mr. Wm. Mrs. Leushner, Niagara, with ber Argalli tl nacrtclcni sisters, Mrs. F. Gilmer and Mrs. tion in Bowmstil n Hoscitcal condi- J. T. Pearce ---- Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sid Lancaster visited ber THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BowmANVILLE, ONTARIO ened with prayer by Rev. Smith. Fae Jones acted as secretary. An- nie Wright was in charge of the following program: Scripture by Lewis Stone; reading by Eleanor Johnston; piano solo by Jean Sta- cey; reading by Mary Buriey; "Ci- tizenship," by Rev. Mr. Smith. A citizenship contest foilowed. Bradley's Trade in your aid watch on a new one and receive a generous trade-in allowance. BIRTH STONE AND SIGNET RINGS See our assortment af Ladies' and Gent's Birth Stone and Signet Rings. from $4.50 up CHRISTMAS SPECIAL A full assortment of Ladies' and Gent's 15 and 17 Jewel reconditioned wrist watches. Priced from $7.00 up - Ail guaranteed for 1 year. HART WIG'S JEWELLERYj 75 King St. E. BowmanviUe PLEASE bring back those EMPT lES The .busy holiday season is almost here - bringing with it additional demnand. CARTONS and BOTTLES ARE SCARCE They will be urgently needed to enable us to maintain a steady flow of supplies to the consumner. Please return empties now. If you can't bring themn in 'phone or write your nearest Brewers' Retail Store. THANK YOU THE BREWING INDUSTRY (Ontario) Church service Sunday will be under auspices of C.G.I.T. with members taking part in a candie- light service. White gifts will be offered by the Sunday School. Mission Band elected thair off i- cers for 1946: President, Clarke Werry; vice - president, Joan Hobbs; secretary, Joe McGill; assistant secretary, Elgin Heard; treasurer, Stuart Lamb; birthday Box, Ruth Adams; librarian, Clarence Stainton; press reporter, Doreen Rahm; pianist, Dorothy Stainton; assistant pianist, Doreen Rahm. Members of C.G.I.T. were en- tartainad at the parsonaga on Saturday afternoon. Worship ser- vice was conducted by Miss Marie Ashton with Miss Joyce McGil] at the piano. The quiit which the girls have been working on was completed and a social hour speal iin games brought the meeting to a close. Monday evening our Sunday school was vary fortunate to have Dr. W. P. Fletcher and Mr. E. A. ÎSummars, Bowmanvilie, corne out and show lantern sldas on Ango- la (Africa), and India. We were proud to see one of our mission- arias, Rev. Merrill Ferguson, 1shown on a slide. Readings were igiven by Joan Hobbs and Doreen Rabm; piano solo by Allan Wer- ry; piano duet by Mrs. Arthur Reed and Miss Marie Ashton. iVote of thanks was extended to Dr. Fletcher and Mr. E. A. Sumn mers by Mns. Francis Werr: and Mrs. Harold Milîs. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton and family at Mr. J. T. Brown's, Newcastle -----Mr. and Mrs. S. Aunger, Mrs. W. Moore bad dinner with Dr. and Mrs. C, W. Slemon ------ Mr. and Mrs Reg. Weaving, Toronto, with Mr W. Moore's -- C.G.I.T. quilt iý being quîlted at the home of Mrs E. C. Ashton ------Mn. and Mrs. C Stainton and famiiy, Oshawa, witl Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb---- Mrs. E. Mitchell, Ballyduff, Mr and Mrs. Ed Davey, Little Brut ain, with Mrs. C. Boyd---- Mr Williams, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cow> ing and son at Mr. R. McNeil' ----- Mrs. H. Willoughby, Islanc A LeL work and no plaY .L~makes Jack a chll boy r. To make a tuc- ceas of thee aid battis of liE e you muet develoP physicaiiy as welI as -en- tally. Billiards on the. modern Brunswick oquip- ment of our recreation roome is the came t. do it. OSDOR! Ring Street' ME'IS West billiards A. Gentleman&'s Game t-S s. M il111! 1 Reuben Payne at MVr. WVII. mother, Mrs. W. Tr Nicnolls, who Payne's, Port Granby ---- Mr, is in Port Hope Hospital recov- Our community club met Dec. and Mrs. Jas. Payne, Jr., Mea- erng frorn pneumnonia. 7th, with President Mrs. A. Pres- ford, at Mr. Reuben Payne's ---oesco-intechi.-r.-.C-dr Mrs. George Stapleton at Mr. Newtonville Yun Pole mao ntse car, rs.E.minue an Gordon Drew's, Oshawa --- Miss Union met, Dec. 10. Meeting correspoence. Comra mites are to stili persevere in efforts to car- ry out various projects. Treasur- er Ewart Leask read treasurer's report showing a nice balance. Program planned and arrang- ed by Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryder- THISCHRITMASman was varied and excellent. THS CH ITM SArthur Milison, au stee GIE A WATCII picture of his trip to Vancouver GIVEand down through the US. via The ifttha canbe sedevey da thougoutthe coast to Mexico; giving vivid The ifttha canbe sedevey da thougoutdescriptions of Banff, Lake Louise, the whole year. the treacherous but beautiful Fortht ath omeinan se urselection Great Divide, famous bridges, oul For hatwatc cone i an seeourwelis, asbestos mines, beautiful of Lorie, Rolex and Elco, which are priced to cities and wide-open spaces. Mrs. suit everyone's purse. Wesley Yellowlees and Miss Gla- dys Yellowiees rendered two beautiful piano duets. The Cryd- erman sisters, Mary, Hazel and Jean sang a lively number and ldin a lively sing song. Evelyn -Y1 l gave a fine reading "Pigs iPigs" iilustrating the mischief r ... ... ... .......... tatcnbe done by too mucb red uw~W e m MsJas. Smales, Jr., recently raturn- #-i~.~KIEFOUR ed fromn overseas and a former pupil of the school; gave a very L~bore, the magnetic bihl, beautiful valles and large fishiag indus- WATCHES tries. The Betty Smalas and Hazal Cryder- - 1 FLOREEN' man conducted a stunt in which -~ j - - Mns. J. Yeliowlees was to trans- VICTORY -th forma Bruce Montgomery by using nWu n bh f er bat and soma lîpstîck; while Cr $ur&i Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Charlie Natufl e« m&Smart to look at Naylor did likawise for J. Yel- PWn M75and so reliable. lowlees and C. Vice. Bruce Mont- EIirIved - $5-0075 gomery was deçlared the best ~ hLlooking and received the prize- The $26- an empty box. Lunch was served */a"wordto about 70 people. MISS VICTORY Z.- - Lovytnmk -c iEnniskillen Grove, àt Mrs. J. McGill's. schools, $7,671.78; debenture,T (Intended for Last Week) $521.85. Mr. and Mrs. S. Aunger with Setting aside the following tof Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil.---- Mr. the credit of Orono Police Trus- S and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston, Mrs. L. tees: Balance of levy, $713.21;n Lamb with Mrs. Garnet Towns,' standing agreement $537; grant,m Cobourg.----- Mr. and Mrs. L. $100; dog tax rebate $25. ý I Ashton and family with Mr. and Granting leave of absence to Mrs. Milton Stainton ----- Mr. and the road superintendent for theq Mrs. Walter Rahn', Ronald and winter months.v Clem, at Lorne Griffin's, Purple Requesting that 'the county Hill'---- M. and Mrs. 'Walter snowplow be used to dlean the Bryan, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Kendal streets of snow. Bruce Ashton and Larry, Cart- Dealing with dog tax rebates. e wright; Mrs. Jack Potts and Lyn- Authorjzing the Treasurer to da, Haydon, at Walter Oke's. pay necessary bis up to the endc Tuesday afternooin a number of the year.t of ladies assembled at the home of These bills were ordered paid:r Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Sewing was Ontario Treasurer, insulin, 33c;1 done on girls' jumper dresses. A fe a,$l;MsI.Rnhcor visitor, Mrs. Stan Aunger, Ed- fer care,2$10;is I&.i, lctor monton,' was welcomned. Tea was sfees, $2 .04;liT.& C. R,eti served by Mrs. Pethick and her sple,$00;T .Risr Mayvices as reeve, $80; E. R. Wood-1 gnoup. Mrs. J. McGili, Mrs. Mayardsevices as deputy neeve,1 Griffin and Mrs. J. Allan. Next yard, seoekn cunilo $0 meeting will be a quilting at Mrs. $8;FW .Loeicuni1r$0 Ashon'. m. Laing, councillor $80; Mel-g E. C.Ao'. ville Jones, councillor $80; R. H. Wood, messenger, S25; Chas: F. CLARKE COUNCIL Awde, achool attendance offîcer, $1 1.50; Josepn J. Mellor, salary, Clarke Township Council met postage, etc., $92.97; charity, $5; Dec. 4 with all mambers present. Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, R. vs F., $32; Two matters ariaing out of the Dr. A. F. McKenzie, M.O.H., sal- correspondance were dealt with. ary, $ý200; Geo. Buttera, sanitary One concerniilg a case of relief inspector, 2-3 year, $33.33; Wm. E. was left in the banda of the clark, Davey, taxi, pneumo nefilîs, $5.50; and another explaining the need R. H. Wood, cane of hall, $38; E. of the Bowmanville Hospital. R. Woodyard, dog tax refund, $2.- Ed. Neilson addressed council 15;1 V. Tock, dog tax rafund, $2.- stating the difficulty ha had with 15; Mns. M. Luxon, dog tax rafund, the approach to his factory dur- $2.15; Onono Weekly Times, pnint- ing the winter time. Council ing $34; Orono Hydro, Town Hall, agneed to look into the matter. $12 82; road voucher No. il $1,- These resolutions were passed: 066.42. Authorizing the Treasurer to pay the following: County rata, A real friand la oaa who knows $17,397.10; County schools, $6 J R jnn~ail.81 the worst about you yet expects IGenaral na schoo ls, $ $1012.41 oale et *THURSDAY, DEC. l3th, 1945 - --ýbybierartI - At - *W alker S tores - Limited - CHENILLE BATH SETS A fine heavy quality bath set of closely tufted chenille. A grand range of colours is featured. Set consists of a mat and seat cover. c LINEN TEA TOWELS A fine gift item is this linen tes, towel. Whiite with red or blue border - a practical gift. LINEN HANKIES 25e Enclose a hankie in yurXmas cards as a nice personal touch. YThese lace-edge linen c hankies are fine value. ClIILDREN'S IIOUSECOATS $2.98 For the girl from 4 to 14, a Chenille House- coat "like mother's" would be a fine gift. See them at Walker 'a. BABY KIMONAS $1.49 In pink or blue - a soft snuggly Kimona for baby. See these and rnany other fine baby gift items ini our baby department. à> Hg LUNC*IEON SETS î %$1.98 A stuinni e ~be one( In printed cotton, a lovely boxed item that satin hoi will please. Colours of red, blue, green and Sizes 12 e gold. Set consista of one 36" cloth and n four napkins. po Our Entire Stock of Ladies' and Mii ýy COATS -REI STORE HOURS NEXT WEEK J 'S. Dec. 17 -18 -19 - 8:30 ta 6 p.m. k a s Dc. 0-1-2 - 8:30 ta 9 p.m. Phone 451 !YKONE WOMENS INSTITUTE Tyrone Womn's Institute were fortunate la ecuring as speciai speaker on "Health," Dr. Miller, ow stationed in Bowmanville, with the County Health Unit. Dr. Miller's main purpose was to ac- quaint bis audience with the working of the newly created County Health Unit-wbat is be- ing done and what it hopea to do. Briefiy ha related wby we sbould hava preventive mdicine. Ev- eny day 200,000 wonkens are 111 whicb could ha pravented; 44 pan cent of service personnel were unfit for actual active duty; 85 par cent of ahl accidents are in the home which could also be pre- vented. Preventive medicine is a fIght waged against anything which prevents a man from doing a full time job. Ha also showed that where preventive medicine is carried on, there la a manked im- provemant ln health, for example through the use of serums some diseases bave become practicaliy extinct, fewer men died in thîs war than aven before from dis- eases due to serums and insecti- cides. Two causes of illness are pov- erty and ignorance so we must seek to overcome these. The County'Health Unit is at present engaged la scbool medical ser- vices la the following way: A yearly examination of all pupils by the school nurse and two ex- aminations by a doctor duning the child's life at school; immuniza- tion againat certain diseases of al] children. They aim to improve light, ventilation and sanitation ir schools and indeed all rural san- itation by the appointment of in. spectors; dental service la th LU èITECOM PACTS $5.95 A smart square shaped, clear compact. One that will be appreciated, app. 5" square, in black or red centre. DRESSER SETS $6.95 What could be more acceptable, than one of these fine lucite dresser sets - many col- ours including white. Comb, brush and nurror in the set. FUR MITTS $4.25 pr. She will love the soft luxury of these cornfy lined f ur back mitts. Sizes S, M, L, and many colours to choose from. SPARKLER BANGLES ould $2.00 plus tax ilted 1k. Just arrived! a shipment of thia popular bangle. In sets of five, made of sterling silver by Coro. Others from. $1.00 ta $2.00 9LiU plus tax. I14 OFF THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville achool, also hot lunches; more to ravise the Institute prize liat; practical health instruction; men- tal health service for the back- ward child aiso aid la speech de- fects, hearing and sight; labora- tory service; chest clinica and mass X-rays. These are some of the aima of this unit and services will be ex- tended outaide the achool as quickly as help can be obtained. Nothing is compulsony as to ac- tion taken after examination, but it la hoped all will co-openate for the common good. Where fin- ances prevent parents from ob- taining the necessary services necommended at present it is hop- ed Institutes, service clubs, etc., will assist. Mrs. Raymond Clapp was hoat- esa for this meeting which met with President Mrs. L. Annis la charge. It was decided to again fll Navy League ditty bags. Mrs. L. Goodman was named to meet with othera of Oshawa Fair Board Mrs. N. Yeliowlees~ group pre- sented $5 of their group's quota for the yean; it was decided to purchase two palms for the church. Mrs. D. Davey rendered. a delightful piano solo; Mrs. A. Wood gave the devotional. Mrs. Rosevear introduced the speaker and Mrs. E. White extended the vote of thanks to Dr. Millern pr an informative discourse. and tea were aerved. T SCOUT NEWS The 2nd Bowmanville Scouts returned to scouting after a week's holiday. Fred Stannard was at the gym and la going to teach us first aid. Cliff Samis was also there and ha says bi& clasa is getting along very good, except once in a while. T.L. Don Dudley and P.L. Bill Fraser ne- ceived thein ail-round corda for holding the First Ciass badge and six proficiency badges. Firestone Tires We can now supply you with Firestone Tires, Tubes and Batteries. Farmers replace your worn out tractor' tires with new ones. Change overs from steel to rubber on tractors can now be made. Machines and repaira carried for DeLaval, Beatty Bras., Case, Canadian Steel Wire Fence. W. H. BROWN CASE DEALER 4 ,ffli" !9%9t9-ým QUILTED [OUSECOATS $12.95 aing gif t for her wc of these lovely qui] )usecoats, white or p:. eto, 18. isses' Winter c 1 ý 950.10; vocationai sunuum, 'the best. Generai schools, $13,522.42; local Bowmanville 1 Phone 497 - 2610