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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1945, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT liere are a few gift suggestions from our new stock of jewellery and other articles suitable for Christmas presents Candelabras Men's signet Rings We only have a few and they 57.50 Up are beautiful Ladies' Wrist Watches Rolex, 17-jewel 4 ' $29.50 up Men's Key Chains Sterling Silver $4.00 Ladies" Toilet Sets $16.75 M en's Famous Montrose Wrist Watches 15 and 17-jewel 29.50 up Glamour Pins $1.00 up Genuine Leather Bilifolda $1.57 up Ladies' Lapel Watches $29.50 Boudoir Lamps $3.95 up Shades 60e up Dont fail to drop Into Our store whea dolng your Christmas shopping and see the many glft suggestions we have on display. OPRSJEWELRY & ITSI H O O P E R 'STvo Doors East of Royal Theatre BIRTHS MARRIAGES Notice SWEETE-Mr. and Mrs. D. L. HUTCHINSON - MITCHELL-On Mr. Fred Saundens, of the Su- Sweetc (nee Florence Shotter) Fiday, Nov. 3th, 1945, by Rev. pertest Gas Station, Newtonville, wish to announce the birth of John Douglas, Margaret. elder announces that the garage will their son, Donald William, at daughten of Mn. and Mns. Alex- be closed for alterations until Bowmanville Hospital on Thurs- ander B. Mitchell, Arbroath, Apnil 1, 1946, and desines to ex- day, Dec. 6th, 1945. 50-1 Scotland, to Sub/Lieut. (a) Wil- tend Best Wishes for a Mcrry _______liam James Hutchinson, R.N.V. Christmas and Happy New Yean ASHTON -In Oshawa Hospital R., son of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, to al bis ficnds and patrons. on Wednesday, Dec. th. 1945, Bowmanville. 50-1"' 50-1"' to Mn. and Mrs. John Ashton (nec Doris Hedge) the gif t of LENNOX - COTTONAt Christ a son, Robent John Wesley. Church, South Yarra, Malvern, Reception 501 Australia, on November 3, 1945, Helen Mary Cotton, only daugh- Mn. and Mrs. G. A. McTaggart DEA iISter of Mns. Helen Cotton and of Bowmanville are celebnating DEATHS - the late R. M. Cotton, Bowman- their 6th wedding annivensary, ville, to Ian William Scott Len- at thc home of their niece, Mns. SMITH-Rosetta Berry. In Dan- nox, onlîy son of Mn. and Mrs. D. Morris, 105 Bruce St., Oshawa, lington on Wednesday, Dec. 12, T. R. Lennox, Malvenn, Aus-onStrath 2dayfDe 1945, Rosetta Berry Smith, wi- tralia. 50-1* con atu945day ternd day3of De- dow of Colin Smith. Resting at _____ ember7, 194,afen. n3 o50- the Morris Funeral Chapel un- POOLE-OSBORNE-On Monday, Eeig7t 0 01 tiI Thunsday noon, thence at Dec. 3, 1945, in Carlton United the f amily nesidence, Lot 1, Con. Cbunch, Toronto, by the Rev. Personal 5, Darlington. Service on Fni- James Finlay, Violet Erie, RN., day. Dec. 14, at 2 p.m. In- daughter of Mn. and Mrs. E. L. terment Bowmanville cemetery. Osborne to Ralpb Lloyd Poole, BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, of- 50-1 son of Mn. and Mrs. P. F. Poole, ten aftcn first dose. RUMACAPS Winchester. two-way action attacks the BARRON-In Bowmanville Hos- cause, relieves the pain. Mc- pital on Dec. 11, 1945, Alice J. IN MEMORIAM Grcgor's Drug Store. Barnon, beloved wife of George A. Barnon, aged 70 ycars. Rest- BALL-In even loving memnory of ing at the family residence, oun dean mother, Mary Prout Livestock For Sale Hampton, until 12 noon, Thurs- Baîl, wbo died December 15, SUARS RNE3î OK day, Dec. 13, thence to the Un- 1943. UARSPIC31YOK ited Churcb. Hampton, for ser- " 'Till the dawn breaks and the sbire boar, 20 montbs old. Les- vice at 2:30 p.m. Interment shadows fiee away." lie Coombes. Phone 2581. Hampton cemeteny. -Ever rememnbered by Harold, 50-1 ______________________ Hilda and Bessie and Grand- _________________ children. 50-1"' HEIFER, MILKING 3 WEEKS. _____Nelson Robbins, Hampton. C. H. TUCK MARTIN-Ini loving memory of a Phone 2349. 50-1 dean mother, Elizabeth Martin, PRBE OKHR I' Registered Optometnist who passed away Dec. 11, 1943. uRe to faORKInREnar, Lsi "Hen memory is as dean today dLeicester ram.Jn C. Hyoe Special Arrangement As in the houn she passed away." Necstea.Jhon C.lanke 93 -Sadly missed by daugbters Ann 50-ste hoeClre11 3-day service and Bella. 50-1* 50-_______________ By appolntment: 9.30 to, 12 DURHAM HEIFER, due in twc and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. weeks; young Holstein cow, duE this month. Apply Albert Zi- DISNEY BLDG., OPP. P.O. W A IN AL vensmit, R.R. 1, Enniskillen OFFIE 156 - ES. 526Phone 2291. 50-1 OSHAWA, ONT. 9 YORKSHIRE SHOATS, GOOI ____ ___ ___ ___ OL HO SESthifty bnc. AMstecafRfoi Bowmanville, phone 2616. BO0 Do It Right Wlth "Sealtite" Small or Large OETANDCLI U Quanttiesworking good. Apply Roy Me Laughlin, R.R. 2, Nestieton. Sealtite Q50-ii1 D ýý. COW, 4 YRS. OLD, AND CALI R ock woo Willow Creek 5months old. D. M. igno phone 697. 50-1 HBOEINSULATIoN Fur Faim DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORT (Biowlng Method)freshen immediate F. A. BRUCE C. R. KNOX ly. Apply Donald E. Gibsor Phone Clarke 3811. 50-1 47 Queen St. East Orono Phone 42-r-2 1 ES LV RDES Bomavile Phne494 45-t Apply Carl Weiss, R.R. 3, Bo-, _____________________ manville. Phone 2864. 50-1 lin~ PINE-CEpAR WOOD, STOVEPoe31 34t length .'Apply Wiibert Robent- ett son, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 48-4* DJ.. entJ R Y&iatEL McCLARY COOK STOVE; RED Indian gas; tires and batteries. Autat: Dr. E. W. SiuonHERXALSTR - Herbert Knapp, Liberty Street, Graduate of Roya Dental Col TERXL TR Bowmanville. Phone 418. legeTorotoO fie: Jury Jubil hau-. WMon W. Test Eyes It la Dons Proporly p 4.4*dgî., Bmanvile.Office huie - 8SMALL piGS, 6 1WEEKS OLD. 9 a.m. ta 6ý p.m. dally,PHN 78 C.N.R. TICKETS Apply Peter Kuzma, R.R. 2, 0 a.m. to 12 mson Wednesday, HN 7 Bowmanville. (By No. 4 Dar- Closed Sunday E,.hôol. Bse Line'>. Phone 790 - House phone 326 - - - ~ -~---ru-- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THUE The gre Articles For Sale Real Estate For Sale CARDS 0F TI-ANKS COMING EVENTS time; hier greatest enelfly 15 pre- Thu ieat edo truth is cl,*eee t McLR AG O OD30 ACRES in the Township o h aiy fteCm t h hitmscnetjudice; t soih ; is c king cern-e t MeCLRY ANGEFORWOO Daringon, ollng andsprng rank Everson of Courtice wish and tree urider auspices of the eth out of the chamberS of eter- Pone 2473, Bd omniione, 51-. and creek, gravel pit. P.O. Box to express their sincere appreci- Y.P.U., at Eldad Church, Solifla, nity.-Joseph Parker. Phon 243, owmavile. 0-1 399, Bowmanville, Ont. 50-1* ation to Dr. C. W. Siemon, the Friday, Dec. 21, at 8 p.m. Ad- superintendent ancd nurses of the mission 25c. 50-1 LADIES' BLACK C.C.M. TUBE 100 ACRES, HYDRO, highway 1/ Bowmanville Hospital, Mr. Ted skates, good condition, size 7. mile, model farm, Bowmanville Morris and Mrs. Everson's neigh- G A A T E _____________________ ale 12 acres wonderful or- and kindness during the weeks of cert and tree, including pageant PARBY'HCKYBOS faehue oms i ofTesaDc 8 a . o- a i e vc chard, 15 acres Fail wheat, illness prior to hier death. "The Best Day of the King," on andskaes sie . Pon 220, bank barn tie-up 53 head, 2 silos Mr. and Mrs. Howard Masters ducted by the Home League la- Bowmanville. 50-1 DeLavelle, school % mile, 3 and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Masters dies and Sunday school at the Tue, Bt res churches 1 mile, Wood's cooler wish to thank friends and neigh- Salvation Army Citadel. 49-2 Robert Cale, 24 Odel Street, or owner hpe 0cn ikudraes igter recent Dance at Bowmanville Arm- phone 476. 50-1* last year. Confidential and ex- bereavement._______ Creg h'urcsra . 1Admiss' R yW ed __________________ clusive listing. Quick action nec- 49iho'socetr.Ams2*» oyW e d NEW HAMMERMILLS, 1 USED essary. Contact Elmer Wilbur, Pte. Fred McLaughlin wishes 50c. 49-___ 85 King St. E. Phone 580 M-H. hammermill, tractor on Willoughby Representative, at to thank ahl his friends, and or-_____ 26-tf rubber tires (nearly new). Or- Hampton. Phone 2428. 46-48-50 ganizations of the community, Trinity United Church on Sun- ders taken now for new equip - who sent him parcels, cigarettes, day evening, Dec. l6th, the theme men. irstoe irs, ubs,100 ACRES, LOT 21, B.F. DARL- and letters, which were greatly will be "Youth on the Temper- batteries on hand. Phone 2610 ington, lake frontage, near new apeitd hl evn vr ance Issue." Gerald Brown, a and 497. W. H. Brown, Case highway, 7 roomed house, hy- seas. 50-1* boy from Newcastle will present Dealer, King St., Bowmanville. dro, water on tap, bank barn as his subject, "A Prohibitory - Consuit us about Your 50-1 with cernent floors and steel I wish to take this opportunity Law for Canada." Muriel Stev- stanchions, cernent silo; fali to thank the Bowmanville Fire ens, a girl from Maple Grove will, ___________________________7_ Brigade and neighbors for their give hier address on "The Advex- Heé Problems BADMINTON RAQUTwhe00.apl Wigon e rce$7, kind assistance when our pipes tising of Liquor." The worship press. Phone 2667. 50-1 R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 50-1 an hme eeo ieo evc ilcnr nteCrs-on M onday. t em .50-1 POTATOES-P.E.I. CERTIFIED Wanted to Rent 50-î1' -Leslie Brooks mlas tee Hot Air Furnace Work Cobbtaers, Seagoedis, Greein 2 or 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Mrs. George Fowler and fam- For Rent - stock. Stewart's Seed Store, by young couple. Write Box ily viish to express their appreci- phone 577, Bowmanville. 49-tf 57 Statesman Office, îBowman- ation for the many acts -of kind- NEW SINGER SEWING Machine Eavestroughiflg ville. 45-tf ness and expressions of sympathy in your own home, $3.00 per ________________________and condolence, extended by month. Elec. port. $5.00, Sing- .Roofiflg -DROPHEAD SINGER SEWING 2 OR 3 ROOM APT. FURNISH- friends and neighbors during the er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- machine in good condition; also ed or unfurnished, by young recent illness and death of their' awa. Phone 696. 14-tf electric radio. Phone 2583. business couple. No children. beloved husband and father. 50-2 References. Phone 402. 50-1* 50-1* GARAGE, 63 CONCESSION ST. -Apply Mrs. J. E. Elliott, phone & GR N 2o USED PIANO. May be seen atSt ye Work Wanted 41 omnil.5- S, Bowmanville High School. Bd. - hn:28 '27 1. of Education. 50-2 HEIFER-OWNER MAY HAVE SAWING. WOOD, WITH TRAC- Hein Wanted Poe 42-27 * ~~~~~~samne by proving property and tor outfit. Phone 2840. 50-2 _______________ - BAUIFU DMIIONPINO paying expenses. Fred Partner,OGAS EARD-Cony GIRL OVER 18, CAPABLE 0F ____________ ro mahoganycae odonio. Lot 2, Con. 8, Darlington, phone CuchoHoeisrmnsf tangepniilyore- ie T e b edrolTn 2328. 49-3 hrhoHoeisumnsf eral hotel work. Apply The d1 T esoldbcasenodrondi.Tion. any make completely overhaul- Balmoral Hotel. 50-1w aksBeuySo n deswill be received up to Dec. ONE STEER. OWNER MAY ed, new bellows installed. Sat -________________________ 1~ 18. Write Box No. 33, or phone have same by proving property isfaction guaranteed. Estimates MEN WANTED-Toronto Con- 23 ATHOL ST. W. - 27-r-16, Orono. 492* and paying for advertising. given. H. B. Creeper, 20 Horsey struction Co., Liberty St. S., OSHAWA D Russell Virtue, Tyrone. Phone St., Bowmanville. Phoflè 628. Bowmanville. Phone 566. or MAN'S TWEED OVERCOAT, 2878. 50-2 45-tf 1' 47-tf Get Your 4', size 34, and beige gabardine LE YLAY SCOPN FALL PERMANENT 1 ancoat size 36, both in good Wanted To Buy Lost ELDERLYLADY AACOMPA ram ____________W.__ --- ion to do light housework. Ap- a RA AIO P, Bridget i ngito,.as . 22 RIFLE. Phone Bowmanville BROWN WALLET CONTAIN- ply Mrs. Nurcombe, P.O. Box ---- Soft Lustrous Curis! 50-lA' 2290. 50-1 ing money and papers. Find- --o-ani-e 42 Genuine 011 Solutions!_. er keep the money and please AN OPPORTUNITY-One of the Shool Grl's ________________ ELECTRIC GRAMAPHONE, with mail the wallet to Connie Nault, nation's argest companies, ca- Permanent ---- - 10 PAIR 0F GOOD HOCKEY or without radio attachment. Orono, or leave at The States- tering principally to farmer's F sae;1pilayssie 10-12. Apply F. R. Schon, Beech Ave. man Office. 50-1 nes srayt lc a-GnceOlWv >11 $1 a pair. John Metcalf, 10 Phone 700. 50-* nesi'raytopac$5al.ence01for.ave- 2.-- 0 L* Concession St., Bowmanville.- A 3-STRAND PEARL NEC- uable contract which should Regula 2.50fo __ 50-lf CUTTING BOX. Apply Clarence lace between Centre St. and mean complete independence Wave Rite Oh l LN __________ Turner, Newcastle. Phone Post Office, Bowmanville, Mon- for a man fortunate enough to Regular $7.50 for ------ -5 n.SAE ADBOS BYS Clarke 2513. 50-1* day morning, Dec. 10. Valued have the following qualifica- 1*as a present and keepsake. Fin- tions . .. character record that MosCreWa . 50 1* size 1; skates and boots (girl's) WE ARE BUYERS 0F TIMOTHY der will receive reward by will withstand investigation Regular $10.00 for ----50 - size 5; fur coat, (child's) 5-6 and Clovers. Mail or bring in evn tSttsa fie and proven ability to efficiently Shampoo and M. years; 3 fur muifs, (children's); your samples for highest offer. levn sSaemn O-e. * manage both himself and his Finger Wave 10 W- wckrbbycriae rs . Stewart's Seed Store. Phone 5 own business. Fînancial status-----------10 wikrbb.crae r. ._________________ 1* R. Dewdney, Newcastle. 50-1 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf BROOCH, STERLING SILVER, not extremely important but a Expert Operators_ ___________________________set with stones. Lost in town travel outfit is necessary. Write .w Ï7cý CHILD'S FOURPIECE SUIT, I AM PREPARED TO BUY USED on Tuesday, Dec. 11. Valued The J. R. Watkins Company, PHONE 2580 bonnet, coat, muiff, leggingstge cars or trucks for wrecking pur- as keepsake. Finder please Dept. OB-9, 2177 Masson St., 49 six years. Mrs. Will Forrr, poses. Herbert Knapp, Auto leave at Statesman office. 50-1 Montreal. 49-4 Nestleton P.O., Ont. Phone Wrecker, Liberty St., Bowman- BULDOZERS WITH REVERS- SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING ible blade and V-type snow machines. Will pay cash, cal plows, $350 and up, for any trac- or write, Singer Sewing Ma- tor, hydraulic operated. 14- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario inch Hammner Mill, new and Street, phone 696. 14-tf ~/ used sleighs, drinking bowls. Carl Todd, implement dealer, OLD HORSES WANTED for poeClarke 15-r-20. '01 Mink and Fox Food from $5.00 phon 501 to $10.00, according to weight. CHRISTMAS TREES fnomn tops Also beef tripe. Margwill Fur of large spruce trees, delivery FrRR ,TrnOt Dec. 14. Leave your onder at Phone Bowmanville 2679. 43-tf 22 Liberty. H. Kelly. 50-1* LIVE POULTRY and feathers. XMAS TrEE-Supy imed Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. phone orders early. All spruce 1 ehn.Poe71.(ui size 2 ft.- 10 ft., priced accord- nss carried on by Mr. Flatt ing to size. Delivery 1 week personally, no agents employ- before Xmas. Brookdale Kings- ed.) 42-11* > way Nurseries. Phone 345. _______________ .493 _____________-< PANDORA COOK STOVE; Cole- FO SA I man lamp; Colenian mron; Mc- Clary cokse e Apply W. N. Hoskin, Burkcton. Phone 2579. 49-2* 1942 Kelvinator PAIR 0F SKATES, SIZE 1, $2; and electric soldering mron, $3. RfîeaO Leslie Phillips, 237 Scugog St. todos 501 17 cubie feet. 60 cycle QUEBEC CIRCULATOR HET First Class Condition er, almost new. Also electric heater, in good condition. Ap- Suitable for large home, store ply Mrs. Harrison, 49 Church or restaurant St., phone 464. 50-1 $395.00 original cost BOYS' SKATES, 2 PR. SIZE 3, ingood condition. Apply 21 WiIwCekFr am Beech Ave. during evening. * ilwCekFrFr C. R. KNOX, Orono 0 OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Phone Orono 42rZ 50-Uf chesterfield, bedroom, dinmg ___ suites, and studios. Bedding and ~u crn in floor covenings a specialty. ELIZABETH ARDEN SuUuvIriptioSESBYLAGLI Quallt merchndiseat SEmTS WhteLANGLOISe

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