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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1945, p. 11

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THURSDAY, DEC. 2Oth, 1945 ,~~bA'.a xbMAâ±, a1JUWv IYUI.ÂN v ONTRlIO uPAEEEE ------------mmum...wmuda. Bert Bounsail, foreman ofa -- ftBI Ularge ranch at Cupar, Sask., is 1 N ITHE uuM AND DISTArNT PASI oe n fl Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor, From The Statesmau Files Port Arthur, are here for the Enfield-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Ugliness of Modern Civilization;" Mountjoy have moved to Colum- December 9, 1920 Ralph Carruthers, "Arctic Ex- bus ----- F. F. Ashton has bought At the B.H.S. oratorical con- pîbrers;" Edyth Clemens, "One of the farm occupied by L. Brad- tests these students spoke: Day C. Canada's Problems-the Tide of eley ---- Wm. Si his instmein Warnica on "Uses of Sulphuric Immigration." Winners were Gor- electiceigssin rilhome. Acid;" Marion Warder, "Life of don Moorcraft and Hazel Hodg-fonhagnetCico GeneStrtto Poter; Hael on.Gus Oke and Alan Penfound are Hodgson, Choice of a Profes Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury have home from the West. sion;. Gordon Moorcmaft, The gone to spend the wînter in Ber-. Hampton-Glad to welcome to -sM Christmas, Belis Ring Louder This Year Let the trees be taller l et the holly be greener and the bernies redder! Canada lias the true spirit of Christmas . . . let it ise higher and higlier and fill our hearts with thankfulness for the deliverance from our enemies, Our faith . . . and the sacrifices of our men on the fighting fronits . . . have led us out of the night into the sunshine of "Peace on Earth, Good Wl Toward Men"'! Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowmai -'-. - - --- -.- - =-= . - =7 " 6z-z-z-z.. wonder what wilI be in that stocking?"1 ) " our village Mr. and Mrs. A. E. > Billett and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Jebson and family. () Dec. 16, 1920 Thos. Hooper bas sold bis 75- acre famm near Tyrone to a Dam- PM lington boy, Mr. Belîman. A number of ladies met by in- vitation in the Council Room to organize a Women's Canadian Club. Provisional officers ara. President, Miss Margaret Allen; lst vice president, Mrs. M. G. V. Gould; 2nd vice president, Miss Amy E. McKowan; coresponding sacretamy, Miss Floma Galbraith; recording secretary, Mrs. Fred J. Manning; treasurer, Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl; executive committee, Mrs. D. W. Best, Mrs. E. S. Senk- 1er, Miss Agnes Bleakley, Mrs. Thos. Tod, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. L. A. W. Tole. Maple Grove - Mr. and Mms. nville Noble I. Metcalf have moved to Blackstock-A debate "Resolv- ed that the consolidation of the Give as They Gave. THE members of. that ranch of the War Amputations of Canada ta which "amps" iu your district belong ask you ta subscribe generously to their "Amps Memorial Project". The total sum required is $500,000. It is planned ta provide a "Centre" for essential ;services which from their- very nature, cannot be covered by any official provisions ... not even by the splendid govemumental programme for the general care and rehahilitation of the war disabled whiclî "amps" themselves are the first to praise. The "amps" own Association alone lias the specialized experience, the knowledge, and the power ta encourage and inspire which are s0 necessary for success. In this Centre "amps" will have special apparatus and aids for exercise, sports and games; special health facilities ta combat the unseen cffects of amputation; training ta increase their skills in work, sports and pastimes and in the advanced use of artificial limbs and appliances; provision for happy leisure hours with the comrades who can hielp them 80 much. "Amps" pay a new price for our victory every day. Whule anything remains ta be doue ta help decrease the handicaps under which they face the world there remains a debt owing ta theml Won't yeu pay your part of it? You naturally don't expect "amps" ta canvass you. So please mail your contribution ... today . .. ta: The Hon. Treasurer, q P AMPS' MEMORIAL PROJECT TORONTO BRANCH, WAR AMPUTATIONS 0F CANADA 62 ST. ALBANS STREET, TORONTO 5, ONT. Donations to this pro ject are deductible from income for Income Tax Purposes. Make che ques payable te "Hon. Treasurer, Amps' Memorial Pro ject». Be sure to give your name and address s0 that an official receipt can be sent te you. schols would be in the best inter- ests of Cartwright" was the main feature at the Community Club witb Charlie Vanning and Miss Irwin on the affirmative (and win- ning) side, and Earl Dorreli and Mrs. F. Stinson the negative. Enniskillen - Tommy, 4-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beecb, died from diphtheria. Orono-Mr. John Buckley is making bis home witb bis daugh- ter, Mms. Harvey Curtis, Tymone. FIFTY VEARS AGO December 11, 1895 New telephones bave been put in as follows: Geo. H. Bickell, Police Office, Town Clerk, Rich- ards and Nokes. Miss Addie McDowell is taking a post-graduate course in elocu- tion from Grenville P. Kleiser, T.C.M. Central telephone office bas been fitted in a manner that does tha local manager, H. L. Simpson, great credit. J. B. Worden and W. Thickson bave returned from Manitoba. Mr. Henry, amtist, is back in The Statesman block. Tyone-A. J. Manning is going to teach at Roland, Man. Orono-A. T. Gamsby has taken a position in a drug store in New York City ---- Dr. Annie Car- veth will spend the wintem at Redlands, Calif.-----O . Scott and family have moved into the Hall residence. Courtice - A pleasant event transpîmed at the residence of Samuel Trick when bis sister, Alice was united in marriage witb Thomas Gale, Nov. 27. Hampton-Report of Senior Dept. Public Sc5hool contained these names: Eva Clatworthy, Gertie Creeper, Ada Cryderman, Louie Elliott, Effie Robbins, Her- bert Rogers, Ewart Creeper, Frank Hammond, Willie Clark, Nelson Brown, Winnie Penning- ton, Russell Tbompson, Annie Wilcox, Polly Horn, Clarence Ruse, Beatte Colwill, Norman Hannam, Hammy Pennîngton, and Frank Clark. F. J. Groat, teach- er. Dec. 18, 1895 Albert Odeli, Orono, has been appointed Inspector of Schools for Northumberland. Bowmanville Hockey Club was organized with these off icers: Hon. president, D. B. Simpson; president, Dr. S. C. Hiler; lst vice-president, J. W. Alexander; 2nd vice-president, Frank H. Ma- son; 3rd vice president, A. J. Lockhart; secretary-treasurer, C. B. Kent; captaîn, Fred Burden; assistant captain, Fred Horseý; committee, Malcolm Galbraith, Howard McMurtry, Geo. B. Mc- Clellan. J. Deyman, agent for Dominion organs and pianos, sold to Joseph Langmaid, Base Line, the mag- nificent upright piano that won the Gold Medal and diploma at the World's Fair. Miss Effie May Worden and AI- bert E. Belîman were married Dec. 4. Hampton-Miss A. Armour will teach the junior room of our pub- lic school ---- W. J. Inch is home from Port Hope Model Scbool. Tyrone-Miss S. Farrell has purchased J. T. Welcb's residence --Wm. Manning.bas moved in- to the Hodgson homestead. Ennîskillen-C. Rogers and fa- mily have moved to Hampton --- F. Maroney has taken a position in a dry goods store in Port Hope. Irliflt o wear aitother woflIs corseti You are if you bought yoar corset by sze alone! tbe samorizesoldom bava shé rame proporssons! Thats why a Graduare Charis corsetiere cakea AUL your measurenents, then prescribes your gar. ment from s any as 77 modela in a single aize' No wonder Charis raisvery curve of gour boy No wonder haids Lda onalong slimmer, love et Unes. F3rm Forums Reveal Need of Information The discussions for Nov. 26th bad to do with impmoving the nu- tritional value of the food produc- ed by the farmers. The answers proved that farming as a science, is far from being understood by the farmers themselves, but the desime for guidance and informa- tion is keen on the part of the farmer. Take the question of the soul on individual famms. Regard- ing testing of such soul, 30 per cent said they had theirs tested or knew wbat the soul needed, 45 per cent said they did not know, 25 per cent had no answer. A famm- er cannot carry on bis business intelligently if he does flot know the materials with wbich he bas to work. When asked about joint action, instead of individual action, that is, farmers working co-operative- ly, the replies were vemy varied, but the most fruitful joint action according to a very large group of forums would be "Community education along the line of bet- ter soul practice, contour plowing, use of lime, fertilizer and crop rotation." When asked about tbe balanced ration for stock and poultry, the answers sbowed how far in ad- vance the poultry business is. The percentage for a balanced ration for cattie was: 25 per cent prac- ticed it, 35 per cent did not and the balance only partly or did not understand. Witb poultry the story is diffement. 75 per cent said yes; 10 par cent no, and 10 per cent partly. Hera is a very striking piece of information resulting from the forums beîng asked about the planting of nutritional varieties of grain. 2 per cent seemed to undarstand it and practiced it; 8 par cent were not sure and 80 per cent did not understand it. In ail these questions there was a very wide interest and as a re- sult there is a big demand for more information. The number of forums report- ing in the province was 494, and the total attendance, 9,486. In Durham county theme weme 12 forums reported with an at- tendance of 214. Tentb Lina, Cavan, Betbesda, Darlington East, 8th Line Man- vers and Providence were given special mention. Here are some of Durham state- ments: "Very few aware of the nu-* tritional value of fruits, grains, and vegetables. Owing to the Forums and broadcast, gretrt in- terest bas been aroused." "We think meetings addressed by soul experts and the showing of films re soil conservation good practice in soul management." "It would be a good move to provide assistants to the over- get more expert instruction than worked Agricultural Represena is now possible." tives so that the farmerscod -J. J. Mellor, erty "USE MAILK" Says Santa. and youl'l corne through wxth the most nutritious and deliojous tasting dishes for your Christmas menu. Whether you're having Christmas dinner at home or elsewhere many of the temptingly prepared foods placed before you will contain our creamy, rich milk. &"M ERRY CHIRISTMAS TO ALL" ilq11 q 4 We would like to take this opportunity to wish ail our friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. orVA____etyu____WER & GIFT SHOIP MRS. H. TIGNE HOO PER'JEWYo DoorEast of Royal Theatre Church St. Phono 843 Bowmanvill. Ie .- [j 1 THURSDAY, DEC. 20th, 1945 THE CANAnTAN qrrATlk'.." ZMAM RnUfflAfflYTT.T.lkl nlVIr,&l>Tn T

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