THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. 2Mt, 1945 Local Hostein Herd Improved by Fancy Sire In both dainy and beef herds one of thé features among local producers during the war years and at present has been the de- fermination shown to improve breeding and standards by the purchase of leading strains that have made outstanding records of performance and have com- manded high prices at public and private sales. Lafest f0 secure a future herd 75 Ring st. E. sire o! noted lineage is the es- fate of L. C. Snowden, Maple Grove. Bought from the Hawk- hurst Farm, Agincourf, lasf week was a caif sired by 'Emperor o! Mount Victoria, for the Snowden herd. Among Hostein breeders the Emperor of Mount Victoria is known as the sire o! many win- ners and producers including Monfvic Meg Empress and Mont- vic Rag Apple Sovereign and othens of the Glenafton strain that have worl top honors at Black and White shows. Glad Tidings To our faithful old fiends and our cherished new ones, we èxtend sin- cere Christmas greetings and good wishes for the coming year. S. G. CHARTRAN King Street Gent 's Furnishings Bowmanville I Bowmanville DECEMBER BEAUTY RHY-IE Your patronage we have enjoyed, (ioodw ili an d friendship, too, Our gratitude we trv to show By saying "THANKS" to you. We'd like to have y ou kîîow~, that with Our efforts we wiIl strive To keep y our valued friendship and Goodwill with us, alive. Anid now we wish you one and al Our hearty wish sincere, For a Very Merry Christmas Anîd a 1rosperous New Year. A Es telle Beauty Salon "Look, Mary! There he is! Let's get into bed." E. Cavano, Pontypool Wins Championship in Potato Club Contest The Durham County 500 Bush- el Pot ato Club held ifs annual banquet at Bethany when the ne- sults for 1945 were announced by Agricultural Represenfafive E. A. Summers and the prizes awarded. Ernest Cavano, Ponfypool, who came second last year, won the $50 gold watch by taking first List of! I Namne and Address 1. Ernest Cavano, Pontypool 2. Albert Olan, Millbroolç, 3. Delbent Olan, Millbrook 4. Alfred Johnston, Ponfypool 5. Milt on Weatherilt, Bethany 6. Melville Strong, Milbrook 7. Harvey McGill, Ennîskillen 8. Donald Lowes, Cavan place this year with a yield pen P.cre of 495.2 bushels. His 1945 mark was 559 which was topped by Alfred Johnston, Pontypool, with 575. The unfavorable season was responsible for the drop in yields but Durham came first this year for Southern Onfario with an av- erage o! 289. Last year if was 348.2. The speaker for the oc- casion was E. K. Hampson, Ham- ilton, who spoke on the use of fetilizers. Mvembers Yield per Acre in Variefy Bushels Chippewa 495.2 Sebago 405.3 Sebago 367.5 Chippewa 348.8 Sebago 338 Sebago 334.7- Sebago 301.3 Kafahdin 281.3 9. Alvin Brown, i-ontypool r.atan 244. 10. Fenton Fallis, Pontypool Chippewa 230.7 11. Leonard Poter, Pontypool Rural Russet 215.2 12. Clifford Hudson, Ponfypool Chippewa 212.9 13. Clifford Curtis, Pontypool Katahdin 208.5 14. Frank Dorland, Bunketon Sebago 202.9 15. Lawrence Hudson, Pontypool Irish Cobbler 149.3 Crop Improvement to the Ontario Crop Improvement Ass'n. Approve Seed sented a most comprehensive re- Fair at Port Hope port on the proceedings. Discus- ________sions initiated by President Gar- Af the annual meeting of the nef Rickard had f0 do with the IDurham Crop Improvement As- mixed grain -experiment; the isociation held in fhe Agricultural sweet clover investigation re fail- Offices, Bowmanville, Dec. 10, a ure f0 get a stand where crop resolufion was carried f0 hold an- was previously grown successful- iother County Seed Fair with Port ly; testing improved strains o! red Hope the location and the date dloyen, timofhy, etc., and on hus- f0 be leff with the executive. The king corn. 1945 Fair was held at Orono. New Officers Elected More than 501 members were in President: Gordon Staples, Cav- attendance from aIl parts of the an; 1sf vice-president, James county and keen discussions took Brown, Newcastle; 2nd vice-pres- place on mafters of general in- ident, Robert Armstrong, Ida; tenesf. The speaker of the day secretary-treasurer, E. A. Sum- was Kennefh Fallis of the Crops mers; directors, South Monaghan, Branch, Ontario Dept. o! Agricul- Gerald Anderson, W. C. Dawson; ture. His nemarks dealf particu- Cavan, Harvey Kennedy, Earl larly with the departmenf's polioy Morton; Manvers, Al! Johnsfon, on long terni pastures and the Ernest Cavano, Howard McMul- various mixtures of seeds suifed len, George Neale; Cartwright, f0 varying'conditions. Carl Wright, Ernest Larmer; Dar- Russell Bragg, counfy delegate lington; Elgin Taylor, Russel Bragg; Clarke, Carlos Tamblyn, ,Everett Brown; Hope, Mel Mc- Holm, Elmore Scott. Audifors, - George Annis, Forbes Heyland; Lloyd Kellogg, Murray Lord, Weston Bannister. Brown"s (Intended for Last Week) Red Cross met at Mrs. T. Clarke's. Next meeting at Mrs. C. Turner's. Several fromn here attended the Federation pot-luck supper on Friday evening. Farm Forum met at Harry Jose's. Next meeting at Orme Parker's. To have the secret of a sound home, have no secrets. A wise man will always be a Christian, because the perfection of wvisdom is to know where lies tranquility of mi, and how f0 attain if, which Christianity tea- ches.-Landor. Sunderland Shorthorn Sale Proves Success The December sale of Ontario County Shorthorns held at Sun- derland, Friday, under manage- ment of Jack Baker, Hampton, proved that demand for good breeding stock, even late in the year, was the equal of earlier sales, with prices generally in ac- cord. The average of $21 1.00 per head was almost identical with the Blue Ribbon Sale held a month af Blackstock. Off ered at Sunderland were 12 choice young breeding bulîs and 12 females, some with calves at foot. They were contributed fromn oufstanding Ontario and Durham herds and the buyers generally1 were fromn Ontario County. As at Blackstock, a feature was the number of new farmers who bought to improve herds and es- tablish themselves in the Short-i horn business. Ted Jackson, Port Perry, was auctioneer. Top price for a bull was $350 and for a female, $335 which indi- cates the uniformity of prices in the cafalog list. Lyall Gray, Cold- water, was top buyer, taking two head af $625. In ail there were 17 individual buyers which is in- dicative of wide demand. Of further interest to Short- horn men is the report on the ne- cent Chicago Congress Show and sale f0 which were sent 20 select- ed Ontario Shorthorns. W. A. Dry4len and Son, Brook- lin, had the high selllng Canadian bull at $ 1,500, also the top selling female at $2,100. Beath Farms, Oshawa, sold a yearling heifer at $1,000 and a bull at $700. John rlaur, 'l w rUl v r, vm H~OW wonderful it is for us to again say "Merry Christmas" to you - and really mean it! For this is truly a "merry" Christmas. At last there is wonld peace, once again homes are complete with sons, husbands, fathens back to help decorate the tree, command the turkey drumstick, add spirit and cheer to the Season. Yes, it's a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year that we are wishing you and it is with heartfelt appreciation that we sincerely thank you for youn kind and understanding patience during the war. Now that peace is here, we shall be able f0 serve you better, please you more. We look forward to your continued valued patron- age. Christian 's Electric & Hardware Oshawa - Belleville C.orner George and Uiiurui ?ll SsUViowmUC ii 09^. s t I Ail the Best Wishes for Real Christmas Cheer And the l-appiest Kind of A Bright New Year HART WIG'S JEWELLERY Miller, Jr., Ashburn, sold a bull ellyn FarmIs, Wilson, Indiana, at $700, and Glenburn Fare topped the sale wifh a bull at Unionville, a heifer at $1,300.Ed $7,000, and a female at $6,000. JoYOUs CHRISTMAS With this greeting we wish to include our cordial wish for abundant prosperity and contentment. If has been a privilege to serve you and we ili strîi e with our every effort to menit a continuation of y our patronage. COUCHI JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN King St. W. Bowmanville IL.r.; I PAGE TWELVE .r. Rnuynn)i vil 1 t-. fý - p- ý n -A Pliii-Il Qfe m