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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1945, p. 13

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THURSDAY, DEC. 2Oth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN Solinai Maurice Baker and Janice, of Georgeton; N.S. Gertrude Mac- Lean, Kingston, at Jack Baker's. Mrs. E. M. Leeson, Misses Irene Bragg and Betty Snowden, Tor- onto, visited Mr. Thos. Baker and Vera and attended the wedding of Miss Muriel Baker and Charles Johnson. Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Gladys Yeilowiees, citizen- ship convenor, in charge. After a liveiy period of recreation mem- bers asembled for an inspiring Christmas service of worship. Ral cail was responded with a verse of a carol. Mary Crydermnan as- sisted Gladys in the devationai, readings were.given by Dorathy Hardy, Pearil each and Harold Ciendennan and piano music by Jean Montgomery and Ileen Bal- son. Ti CE Phone 2666 Service Men Honored A memorable occasion was ob- served at Eldad Church, Friday evening, when the boys and girls from this community who have recently returned fromn service with the Army, Navy and Air Force in Canada and Overseas, and their families, were honored at a cammunity banquet. Rev. W. Rackham, as chairman, read the honor rail of ail who have served, pausing for sulent prayer at the name of Douglas Murray, killed in action. The naines are: Wilfrid Deweil, Ruby Dewell, John Broome, Robert Scott, Gar- don Scott, Harold Patter, Bruce Patter, Russell Balson, Michael Eiizuk, Don Parker, Roscae Bak- er, John Baker, Muriel Baker (Johnson), Helen Baker, Art Deboo, James Smaies, Jr., Byron Nesbitt, Jr., Howard Milîson, George Millson, Jerry Milîsan, Donald Yellowlees, David Mur- ro our faithful old friends and our ,ierished new ones, we extend sin- are Christmas greetings and good wishes for the coming year. LRTON'S GARAGE Bowmanville ray, Douglas Murray, Kenneth Murray, George Werry, Alan Tay- lor, Walter Butties, Jack Terry, Fred Wright, Arthur Wright, Her- bert Wright. Excellent entertainment was provided by Mary Niddery, of Hampton, and Mrs. W. J. Leask, elocutionists; Alne Northcutt, Bawmanville, and Ross Metcalf, Maple Grave, solaists; and Alan Clarke, Greenwood, sang leader. Great credit is due the Women's Institute and ail other ladies who contributed and served the deli- clous chicken dinner and were responsible for the entire even- ing. Zion Mn. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Bileen at Ross Lee's, Kedron.---- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Camenon and Helen at Wm. Smith's, Whitby --- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bryce, Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley and Ted- die, Toronto, at Fred Cameron's ----- Pte. Harvey Balson, has re- turned from overseas. Mrs. Bal- son met him at Toronto ----- Mis- ses Jean and Lynda Cameron with their sister, Mrs. Bert Hoskin, Hanmony ---- Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto, at Robt. Kilien's.---- Miss Edith Geissberger, Harmony, at Hans Geissberger's.-----Mr. and Mrs. Reford Cameron attend- ed a family party at S. G. Chant's, Toronto ---Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson and family at Howard Abbott's, Haydon ---Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron and Joyce at Morley Flintoff's, Maple Grave --- Messrs. Lloyd and Boyd Ayre, Misses Alne Northcott and Ir- ene Crossman attended the hock- ey game in Toronto on Saturday night -----Mn. and Mrs. Bert Hoskîn and Terry, Harmony, at Refond Cameron's ----Mrs. Alex McMaster had a W.A. quilting at hen home ---- Mr. and Mrs. Ro t. Killen atended a party for Harvey Balsan at J. W. Balsan's, Hampton. Your Zion correspondent sends very best wishes for a Merny Christmas and a Happy and Pros- perous New Year ta the Editor and Staff of The Statesman. Blackstock Thirty hockey fans chartered the Bawmnanviile bus and went ta the hockey match at Mapie Leaf Gardens Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Gar- don Banker and Wes Pearce mo- tored ta Listowel on Monday ta do some work for Norton Van- camp. Mrs. Fred Bailey has gone ta Windsor ta visit her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Dawson. Teachers and scholars are very busy getting ready for their Christmas concert. Red Cross remembered the "This is a beauty drum and train, Daddy darling"1 boys who are stili overseas by sending them boxes which wili make them feel that we are stîll thinking of them. If thîs very cold weather con- tinues the rink will be ready for skating Wednesday night. Gardon Barker and Ivan Mountjoy attended the "At Home" at the Normai School, To- ronto, an Friday evening. Miss Thelma Ferguson, Peter- bora, and Miss Lois Larmer, Be- thesda, were home. Cartwright Council met at the Communîty Hall and finished the business for the year then went ta Nestieton and had supper with Mn. W. Beacock, Township Clerk. FARM FORUM (Intended for Last Week) No. 4 West Forum met at Mrs. A. J. Oke's. In answer ta the question: "The Statement is some- times made national health in- surance wouid be a government handout, and that it is bettter if people have their awn initiative in obtaining gaod medical ser- vices for their own communities." We think that if it is contributary thraugh individual or corparate taxation it should not be consid- ered a handout, which in some cases is abjectionable. If the question of national heaith is kept ln mind we think that the govennment's shold han- die it ln co-aperatian. We des- pise the narrow provincialism ex- hibited by some af aur provincial leaders. After recréation period Mrs. Oke served lunch. There will be no forum meeting next week 0W- ing ta numerous Christmas con- certs. Number present, 15. lui l-- --- - --------- --- - --- - -- - - - - - Enniskillen Service Club meeting Wvas held at Mns. Edgar Wight's, Dec. llth with 14 present. Plans weno made for the dance. Lunch was pre- pared by Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodman, Lind- say, with Mn. and Mrs. M. Hobbs. Cpi. G. H. Stevens, Smiths Falls, with his parents. C.G.I.T. service Sunday night was well attended. The church was decorated with a Christmxas tnee, trimmings and candle. 'T'he choir rendered nice music with C.G.I.T. girls helping. Rev. J. A. Plant's sermon was a real inspir-1 ation. The white gifts were plac- cd under the tree and the W.A. and W.M.S. ladies are ta distrib- utc them whcre needed. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 12,1 the community gathcred at the hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Boyd (nec Miss Jean McLean,1 Uxbridge) who were marricd Dec. 8. 'Ernest Wenry was chairman. Cammunity singing was cnjoyed with Leonard Stainton as pian- ist. Pte. Fred McLaughlin and Pte. Harold Moore are welcamed home. Pte. Floyd Beckett has been home for sometime. The bride and groom were ushered ta the platform with Dareen Rahm1 playing the wedding march. Mr. Wcrry welcomed Mrs. Bayd ta aur cammunity and remarked how Alvin had been a real neighbor and friend, being gaod ta his ma- ther, aiways ready ta give a help- ing hand in aur cammunity, and at aur Sunday school being a teacher af the teen age boys class. Mrs. H. Degeer and Mns. Roy Graham presented them with a dcsk, a gift from the cammunity and friends. Mn. and Mrs. A. Boyd thankcd the friends for such a lovely gif t. The evening was then enjoyed by dancing. Lunch was served by the ladies. W.M.S. met Dec. 12th. Meet- ing apened with a Christmas car- ai sang service followed by elec- tion of officers for 1946. Mrs. Roy Graham gave the devotianal. Off- icers are: Past president, Mrs. J. A. Plant; president, Mrs. H. Mc- Gi; vice-president, Mrs. J. R. Ormiston; cor, sec., Mrs. E. A. Werry; rec. sec., Mrs. E. Trewin; assistant sec., Mrs. L. Wearn; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Werry; sup- ply work, Mrs. M. Hobbs, Mrs. A. Wearn; camrnunity friendship, Mrs. S. Tnewin; Christian stew-i ardship, Mrs. T. Sieman; temp- erance and Christian citizenship, Mrs. R. McGill, Missionary Mon-1 thly, Mrs. E. C. Ashton; pianists, Mrs. L. Lamb, Mrs. M. Staintan, Mrs. A. Wearn; Baby Baud Supt., Mrs. F. Beckett; assistants, Mrs. W. Rahm, Mrs. L. Wearn, Mrs. H.i Milîs. Mrs. J. A. Plant express- ed her thanks ta the ladies for their help and co-openatian dur-1 ing hier time of being presîdent. BOYD-McLEAN Rev. R. B. Warren officiated at the manriage of Annie Jean Mc- Lean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon McLean o! Uxbridge ta Alvin Boyd, son o! Mrs. C. Boyd, Ennishillen, at the parsanage in Toronto on Dec. 8th. The bride worc a street length dress of En- glish rose crepe and corsage of Joanna Hill rases. She was at- tcnded by Miss Erma Dowswell who wone lime green crepe and corsage of Joanna Hill roses. Mr. Neil McLean, brother o! the bride, was best man. For travel- ling the bride donned a musknat coat, brawn hat, with bnown ac- cessaries. The couple will reside at Enniskillen. Tpr. Kenneth Pediar Native of Darlington Victim of Massacre The triai now procceding in a Canadian militany court in Europe at which Gen, Kurt Meyer is charged with ordering the mur- der a! Canadian prisoners of war, now cornes close at home. For in necent lists appearing in the press, the name af Tpr. Kenneth Oscar Pedian is among those shot down in cold blood after capture and as the evidence reveals, entireiy unarrned. Tpr. Pediar was a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Taronto (nee Miss Florence Rahm). He was born in Darlington, and at- tended school at Bunketon. Mrs, Pediar is a sister of Walter Rahm who is emplayed at Jamieson's Tire Shop, Bowmanville. The mother and relatives of this young Canadian soldien wcre ap- praiscd a! this shockingly inhu- man act of the Germans when cv- idence appeared in the press ta- Canadians, he was captured, dis coid biood at the arder of Gen. We fought ta make Christian arme, ad mrche taa pi Meyer: "Kili ail Canadian prison- civilization safe. Now, ta be sale, near Authie, Narmandy. There ers." This Hun is naw on triai we must fight ta make civiliza- the graup were mowed down in for his life. tian Christian. May We Take This Opportunity I To Wish You Ail A 1 ALIMAN'S FAMOUS ORIENTAL PERFUME In Jasmine, Lilly of the Valley, Gardenia and Rose An où perfume she is sure to like per 2 dram bottie $1.00 SCARVES and HEAD KERCHIEFS v B 100O per cent wool $ 1.89 - $239 plaids and plains $250 Vool and Rayon, ail colora - 89e Irushed Rayon, ail colorsa - 69c MITTS and GLOVES White fur backs with leather palms fine quality $3.95 Wool Gloves $1.29-$1.191 Pigtex Gloves, brown and natural-$2O Chamoisette Gloves, fine quality $19 w I i i i I i i s, I I I i i i i i a' i i I i i i i Short PARTY DRESSE A short party dress to fiti occasion. Bparkling with quins or naiheadi. Bizes il to 17 EVENING GOWNS ini black only Bizes 13 and 17 m e p-Irgâo RY 0 PYJAMAS Fine Printed -Cotton Sizes 12 to 16 $2.98 Knit-to-Fit" Cotton SWEATERS perfect with your badminton shorts each $1.49 Town Shop (Next door to Bowmanville Cleaners) Kingý St. W. Bowmanville <~ The 1 ---------- w4r4woge- kbü>kY&M iPAGE THIRTEEN THURSDAY, DEC. 20th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO ES~ any se-

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