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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1945, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN THE CANADIAN STATI!SMAN ~OWMANVTT.T.E~ OM'rARTO THURSDAY, DEC. 2Oth, 1945 Orono News Orano Girl Guides and Boy Scouts assisted in the collection of over a ton of salvage on Sat- urday. Warkers in the Red Cross work raom are taking a vacation and will commence warking again January 1th. Mr. Oliver Smith, surveyar, Lindsay, has been employed at the Provincial Farestry Station for several days. Mr. John Rabinson who passed away at Newcastle was interred in Orono cemetery, Dec. 17th. Armstrang's store was braken inta last week when a large amaunt of men's clothing and mast of the cigarettes were taken. The thieves were later caught in a stolen car in Toronto. Women's Misisanary Auxîliary of Park St. United Church elected these officers for 1946: President, Mrs. M. H. Staples; ist vice-presi- dent, Miss M. Davy; 2nd vice-pre- sident, Mrs. R. A. Delve; 3rd vice- president, Mrs. W. M. Stutt; rec- arding secretary, Mrs. C. Wood; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. J. Mellor; treasurer, Mrs. R. E. Logan; Christian stewardship sec- retary, Mrs. A. A. Drummond; cammunity friendship secretary, Mrs. N. Cobbledick; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. W. S. Cabbledick; supply secretary, Mrs. Walter Couch; press secretary, Miss F. Cabbledick; literature, Mrs. S. Littlewood; temperance and citizenship, Mrs. H. Walsh; pianist, Mrs. R. H. Brown. A very interesting talk was FUNERAL DIRECTORS King Street - - given by Miss M. Davy on a chap- ter in the new study book "Currie of Chisamba," and well rendered vocal duet by Mrs. S. Littlewood and Mrs. W. Cobbledick accom- panied by Mrs. M. H. Staples. Mr. C. H. Froste has purchased the praperty belonging ta Mrs. Jas. Dickson, in which is situated the "Corner Store," R. E. Logan's tinsmithing shap, and Dr. W. W. Sherwin's office. Mrs. I. Winter was in Millbrook with her brother, Mr. Farrow, who broke bis leg in a car acci- dent. Miss Fern Chapman has gone ta Wilsonville ta spend the winter with Mrs. H. Welsh, her sister. Gnr. Gea. Mitcliell has return- ed home for Christmas after spending four years in England and on the continent. One of the basketball teams from Bowmanville High School under the supervision of Mr. R. J. Latremouille, B.A., played a friendly game with Orano boys. Score 17 ta 4 for B.H.S. Annual meeting of Women's Association of Park St. United Church was held Dec. 11 when these officers were elected: Pres- ident, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn; lst vice-president, Mrs. Littlewood; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. W. M. Stutt; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. M. H. Staples; recording secretary, Mrs. R. E. Logan; carresponding secretary, Mrs. N. F. Porter; treasurer, Miss M. Davy; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Hoar. Goose dinner put on by ladies of the church for the Holstein Association brought into the treasury, $96.73. Mr.* John C. Fisk returned from almast four years averseas, May your every wish be granted, every hour filled with happiness, and good cheer be yours at Christmas and throughout the new year ahead '.1 AMBULANCE SERVICE - - Bowmanville has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisk here,- and his sister, Mrs. Nichols, at Baptiste Lake. A very successful dance and draw were held in the tawn hall, Dec. 12 by Orono Oddfellows' Ser- vice Club. Music was furnished by Alex Merriam's orchestra of Cabourg. Turkeys were won by Chas. Stapleton, Orana; Winni- fred Jordan, Oshawa; Clarence Martin, Leskard; Joseph Lowes, Whitby, and W. E. Sherwin, Or- ana. Geese were won by Ernest Dent, Orono; Mrs. Jas. Darch, Bowmanville; Lillian. Berry, Or- ana; Doreen Dobbie, Oshawa; Geo. Bareham, Peterboro. Apples were won by Fred Willis, Ponty- pool and E. R. Woodyard, Orono. The doîl, Miss Betty, was won by Mrs. John Armstrong. Among the army awards re- cently announced at Ottawa, was the name of Major T. W. Bigelow who received the M.B.E. Major Bigelow is a son of Mr. and Mis. A. J. Bigelow, Kirby, and has many friends in Orono and vicin- ity who congratulate him on his award in special recognition of çervices performed overseas._ Last Sunday at Park St. United Church, twa beautiful bouquets of chrysanthemums sent by Dr. Floyd Cutteli in loving memory of his mother, Mrs. Sam Cutteil, were much appreciated. Recent visitors-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanvîlle, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woods --- Mrs. H. S. Luxton, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mercer Pte. Kenneth Green with Mr. adMrs. Fred Green ----Bands- man Arthur White, Toronto, at his home ------ Mrs. W. E. Arm- strong with relatives in Millbrook -----Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle, Kenneth and John, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood --- SANTANS VU~%for CHIRISTMAS Just Arrived for Your Last-Minute SHOPPING VALSE de FLEURS TOILETRIES Cologne and Talc - $2.00 Cologne and Bubble Bath - - - - $2.25 Cologne, Perfume Sachet, and Talc - - - $6.00 Cologne, Perfume, Bubble Bath, Dusting Powder and Sachet . - $8.50 Spring Parade Valse de Fleurs Perfurne - $4.25 HELENA RUBINSTEIN TOILETRIE13 Heaven-Sent Cologne Ato- mizer and Tala - $3.10 Heven-Sent Dusting Powder - - - $3.15 Apple Blossom Cologne and Body Powder - $2.00 Enchante Cologne and Bac: JURY & LOVEL] THE REXALL STORE When We Test Eyes t la Dons Propei PHONE 778 w dy Powder -$27 L ery C.N.R. TICKETS Mrs. H. Walsh with relatives in Toronto ------ Mr. John McNabb, Oshawa, with friends ----Tel. R. C. Forrester, R.C.N.V.R., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. For- rester ---Mrs. Chas. Reid, and Mips Hazel Reid, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid. Mrs. Grady and sons Bill and Harry, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong. Hamipton Cfn. P. A. McMahon, Mrs. Mc- Mahon and son Wayne, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert'McMahon. .Mr. and Mrs. J. McCourt, Jean and Joe, Mr. John Whitsett, Osh- awa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Keetch. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Keetch, Alan and Jean visited friends at Port Perry. Congratulations are offered ta Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson on their 48th wedding anniversary. A gathering in their honor was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman on Saturday evening when relatives presented them with gifts. A White Gift service was held at the Sunday school session on Sunday afternoan and the con- tributions will be forwarded to the British War Victims' Fund. Christmas hymns were used and the yaung men favored with carols. At the evening service our pas- tar gave a splendid message on the theme "Spreading the Good News." Choir rendered appropri- ate music. Next Sunday evening a Christmas carol service will be held and a Christmas message will be given. The funeral service of Mis. G. Barron was held from the church on Thursday afternoon and was Iargely attended by rel- atives and friends. Harvey Balson recently return- ed home from averseas and Mrs. Balson and son Glenn, Oshawa, visited bis parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balsan, where a party in bis hanar was held. Welcome home Harvey. Maple Grove Mrs. J. H. Munday, with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Foley, Town. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron and Joyce, Zian, with her brother, Mr. Morley Flintoif . Young Peaple's Union will hold a candlelighting service on Sun- day evening at 7:30 p.m. Hope ta see a good turnout. On Sunday afternaon Rev. H. G. Crozier, Whitby, chairman of Oshawa Presbytery Crusade Com- mittee, was present at the church service which was conducted by Rev. H. C. Linstead. Mr. Crozier gave a special address on the Cru- sade from a local viewpoint, stat- ing that a spiritual revival was necessary in aur work in con- nection with aur efforts in the in- dividual cburch and the church at large. He answered questions presented by the pastar on "The task of the church and the meth- ods of carrying out the cruside," aIl of which was inspiring and in- formative. Newtonville Mr. Rabt. Jones, of Spokane, Wash., and Miss Ruth Jones, Tor- onto, with Mrs, Thos. B. Jones.--- Mrs. Arnold Wade is recavering in Port Hope Hospital ----Miss Ruth Chambers, af Peterboro, at jMr. Robt. Mortan's.-----Miss Lois IChambers and Mr. Wm. Morton, IPeterboro, at Mr. Robt. Morton's --- --- Mr. and Mrs. Milt Kimbal Iwere in Oshawa .-. -- Mr. William jArgahl passed away in Oshawa Hospital, Monday ------ Sgmn. Lloyd Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton, bas arrived home from Overseas. We are glad ta see Lloyd laoking so well. Mrs. J. A. Barrie and Murray at Mr. Roger Tamblyn's, Zion ----- Keith Burley, Toronto, was borne_.---Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodbam and Marie, Toronto, and Mrs. Norman Samis, New- castle, at Mr. Ed. Samis' ----- Newtanville friends extend sym- pathy ta Mrs. John Robinson, of Newcastle, in ber recent bereave- ment. Newtonville Young People's iUnion met Dec. 10. Meeting op- Iened with prayer by Rev. Smith. Meetings for Dec. 24 and Dec. 31, are cancelled. Attendance 17, col- lection $1.19. Mrs. R. Burley toak over for the pragram. Jimmy Gil- mer read the scripture. Annie Wright gave a reading on the pe- ctliar train system in Prince Ed- ward Island. Mrs. C. Burley gave a talk based on fellowship. Nestieton Nestieton W.A. and W.M.S. met at Mrs. Malcolm Emerson's, Dec. l2th with meeting in charge of Mrs. Wilfred Bowles' group. Scripture reading by Rev. R. B. Harrison. Christmas'carols were sung. Ladies tied a quilt for the relief. Next meeting is ta be at Mrs. Stanley Malcolm's. Dainty lunch was served. There were 9 ladies and Rev. Harrison pres- ent. Laurance Malcolm visited with friends in Toronto. A number of Caesarea school pupils were sick and the school was closed a few days. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. David Johns in the passing of her mother, Mrs. John Wonnacott who was buried in Bowmanville on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry and Garry, Columbus, with her sister, Mrp. Harold Wheeler. Miss Jean Black was operated on for appendicitis in Port Perry Hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and Billy at Mr. L. Joblln's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, Bowmanville, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous. Burketon Deepest sympathy to Mr. Ar- thur Tompkins and family on the sudden death of Mrs. Tampkins, Saturday evening. Visitors-Lois and Albert Stev- enson in Torontoa ---- Mrs. E. Adams and Mary in Peterborough -----Miss Viola Adams has re- [turned from Kingston -------Mrs. Florence Caughill, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mis. J. Sinclair.---- Mr. and Mrs. H. Gill and Donald PASCINATING AS A master de tective story. the book ATOMIC ENERGY IN THE COMING ERA by David Dietz (McCliand and Stewart) takes the reader down the1 centuries ini the story cf scientific de- veiopment, leads up ta the final Isolat- ing and smashing af the ultimit segment ai matter. and discusses the tremendous question ai atomi( energy's potential future. This bookc la an education In chemistrv and physics, a history of the great men1 who pioneered in science, and informa- I tive readable literature as weli. WITH THE INSTALLING OF 'tIPT-E-ZE'. out-dated bal1 k y garage doors can now be made ta open easiiy ouerhead by a simple set of hardware which can be at- tached ta gour aid door providinq le lias a six-inch clearance overhead. and at a very low price. There are many aduantapes in this new ef fi- cient garage rmprouement. You gel away fram the hazard of the doors siammlng shut. dama ging fenders. and gou aiso do away u'ith shovel- lino snow to open the doors. thoý;, piles of liard -packed icehr.%lhe. hind doors. wedginq themn hall closed. Aiso there wîll be no more sagpinq hunges and doors scrapingq on the ground. This set af hardware can be procured front gour local dealer or throuph Eastern Steel Products Limted. Montreai. To- ronto and Preston. the price on),; 15.00. THE BREATHLESS PROMISii of an earlv Springtime . .. there's thati and the subtly endearing fragrance coi a sun-baked garden In the VIOLETI SEC sequence ai batb-tlme fragrance by Richard i-udnut. Luzuriousiv Per- sistent yet daintiiy tenuous as a heavv- petaiied violet, this là a fragrance tci remind a girl that It'a a lovely respon. sibility ta be a woman. VIOLETISEM.. Gift Sets af two Items corne with dust- Ing pawder and toilet water. or ai tbree Items, Cologne, talcuni and per. fume. Either of these sets, or anr VIOLET SEC item will make P charminq gift for the girl who saVe she bas lust evervthing." SORE MUSCLES NERD MORE OXYGENI You can limbe, Up creaking muscles by pattinp on Sioan s Liniment. Sloan*s heips the biood stream rush new oxygen into the over-worked muscle areas, tas- lng soreness. shorteninq thetitme for recouery. Il aiso helps the biood stream sweep away distressinq lactlc aclds which pallier in the muscie-4 durinq oeriods of fatigue and olue gou that heavy "ail in" feeling. A battît af Sloan's for an eiderlrj friena "You Iovely littie rascals, peeking on Santa Claus like this" Don't tallc over the heads of If you want ta keep your think- others-it gives them a pain in mng on a high level think less of the neck. yourself.-- A JOYOUSi in Toronto----Mr. Harold Wil- son and Donald Mountjoy, Osh- awa, and Mr. Jones, Oshawa, with Mrs. Bertha Wilson ----Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rogérs, Birchediff with Mr. J. Tompkins ---Mr. and Mrs. Slingerland with Mrs. Hubbard -----Gnr. Orval Greer arrived home after 5 years' service, Dec. l3th. W.A. meeting was held at Mrs. Bertha WiIson's. President Mrs. J. Gill opened the meeting. Mrs. J. Plant lead in prayer. Lesson was read by Mrs. W. Hoskin. Roll caîl was answered with nine members present, collection 85 cents. Fruit will be sent ta sick members, also thank you notes ta Mrs. Tompkins and Mrs. Breck for gifts donated for the bazaar. Gifts will be sent ta two members away who have helped much. Caretaking for 1946 is left in charge of the board. Two dollars will be sent ta W.M. Society. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Ashton's group who was unable ta attend, Mrs. Hoskin serving for her group. Elected off icers for 1946 as follows: President, Mrs. J. Gill; vice-president, Mrs. H. Trick; secretary, Mrs. A. Wilson; treasurer, Mrs. E. Adams; associ- ate secretary, Mrs. W. Hoskin; or- ganist, Mrs. Roblin; assistant or- ganist, Rev. J. Plant. King St. B. Bowmaneile iLet 0 Print Covered Oven Mitts Lovely Chenille Spreads Padded Satin Housecoats Sheets and PiIIow Case Sets I 2-pocket Chintz Shoe Bags 549'x54" Printed Rayon Cloths . - . - - - *39e - - - - - -$10.95 (12 to 18) $- - 10.95 - - - - (set) $7.00 - - - - e - $1.25 . - . - - - . Attractive Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets Baby's Ail Wool Fascinator Coats- Kiddies' Che»nille Housecoats 2 to 6 Chenille Bedjackets Fine Linen Hankies Men's White Rayon Dress Scarves $3.98 - - - - $1.79 . . . - $4.95 - . - - - * $2.98 - - - - 25c « . . . $ 1.00 klueZ4e"4cSlo 4"f .eùnd'ed Phone 451 THE MODERN SI TORE BowmanvllleI CH,.,JRJSTM.AS With ma.ny good wishes for yaur health and happiness. Northcutt & Smith Christmas Cheer for Every Member of the Family Gifts galore for everyone, Mom, Dad, Junior and Sissy. No need to run from one store to the other.. Right here umder one -roof you '11fand Christmas cheer for every member of the family. Corne in today and shop with ease for the choicest gifts. - - -4 -4 - -4 -4 -- - ~ ~ - - I..ý.ý,ý . - 1-1 ý - , , - ý . , - - -*,, h,.tý '--- . - - - - 1 --- ------------- - - - - - - - - - - PAGE SIXTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. 20th, 1945 STUJART R. JAMES INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone 681

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