PAGE ÈGHTEE PAGE~IGHEENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO Trade ini your oldwatch on a new one and receive a generous trade-in allowance. BIRTH STONE AND SIGNET RINGS See our assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Birth Stone and Signet Rings. from $4.50 up CHRISTMAS SPECIAL A full assortment of Ladies' and Gent 's 15 and 17 Jewel reconditioned wrist watches. Priced from $7.00 up - AUl guaranteed for 1 year. - i i IHA4RT WIG'S JEWELLERY 75 King St. E. Bowmanville BEST WISHES for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a H-APPY NEW YEAR OWEN NICHOLAS FUEL MERCHANT Bownianville <I. Another Accident Occurs at Curve, King 'St., East Palice and the Hydre crew were again called ta direct traffic and repair damage at the scene af an- ather accident, Friday, at the curve an King St. east, appasite Bawmanville Dairy. The raad was freshly sanded but a Smith transpart praceeding west cauld nat be braked in timne ta avaid hitting a car driven by Haward ChalliEf and ta careen farward and knack dawn a Hydra pale. Mr. Challis was turnîng into the new garage at that paint and had signalle.d accardingly. But the truck plawed inta his car, caus- ing much damage ta it and slight- ly injuring Mr. Challis, the anly accupant. The transpart was da- maged when caming inta cantact with the Hydra pale but the driv- er escaped unhurt. Cauncil had discussed plans during the summer far widening the street at this paint but due ta lack af materials and labar the there have been several accidents wark was held up. Meantime ar nean accidents at this curve and matanists are warned ta drive carefully until the street carrec- tian can be made. Bowmanville Legion Fastest Growing One In Province of Ontario Bawmanville Legion is going places bath in securing member- ships and in future wark planned which includes building a new Legian Hall. The officers fer the past year have shewn real pep and it is claimed that the local unit has grawn mare rapidly than any ather similar district in On- tarie. At the meeting Wednesday ev- ening, 18 new members were in- itiated which brings total mem- berships abave the 200 mark. Can- didates wene naminated ta MIl the offices fer 1946 and will be vated upan at the first meeting in Jan- uary, 1946. Discussian taak place in regard ta the Community Centre project and a letter was autharized ta, be sent ta, the tawn cauncil stating that a Legian committee weuld be pleased ta meet with a cauncil cammittee ta discuss general plans. te TI th fu ai bi I ALL-CANADIAN CONTEST gFOR BOY AND GIRL CALF * CLUB MEM4BERS Annauncement has been made that the Haîstein-Friesian Associ- atian a! Canada will again this Iyear sponsar a special Judging Cantest amangst Cal! Club mem- ibers thnaughaut the Daminian in Icannectian with the Ali-Canadian iSelections a! Halstein ate iPrizes amaunting ta $100 are be- iing affered ta the winners. The cantest is apen ta all beys and girls wha are this year shawing Halstein calves in their clubs. Fram amangst the animais ne- minated fer All-Canadian con- sideratian, a cammittee a! judges will select up ta six in each ciass. Phatas a! these selectians will be published in the December issue of the Haîstein-Fniesian Journal. Frem these pictures, a cammittee cansisting o! the judges at the majoan shows threughaut the Do- minian will chaese an Ahl-Cana- dian and a Reserve Ail-Canadian in each class. Fram the published phota- graphs, the cempeting bays and girls must designate their choice for AIl-Canadian and Reserve All- Canadian in each class. Paints will be awarded far each decision that agrees with the officiai ver- sien, and the prizes will be awarded on the basis a! the tatal peints scared. Truth Eternal Christ did nat simply speak truth; hie was truth; truth, through and through; for truth is a thing plot of wards, but of hife and be- ing.-Rabertson. "l'Il bring the turkey later folks."9 For Lucky Strikes SPORTNEWS At Bowling League - - il High triple far the week's bawl- ing fell ta Mel Dale af Lucky Trryout Hockey Game fallawing. Juveniles have been Strikes, with a mark af 741 and a At sha anamed ta appean in unifonm far high single of 305. Earlier in the At sha aDec. 26tli the accasian: Gaal, Bud Haaper, week the anly triple aver 700 Harvey Rawe; defence, Strike, went ta P. Cancilla, with 703. Bath the Juvenile and Midget Tighe, Haar, Pallard; farwards, High singles were registered by Hockey Teams have been raund- Rundle, Waadward, Haaper, Stur- T. Lyle, 296, and M. Oke 275. ing ata arm ithreguar rac orck, Cattran, Dadsan, Leman, In league games,. Luxten's ingiiqo frm it reula prc-and several athers whase naines Hams beat Hearl's Dark Harses, tices an Oshawa Ice under direc- cauld nat be secured at the ma- 5-2, with belaw par bawling, ta tian of Caach Mae Breslin. At the ment. hald first place. Bagnell's Wild- same time an Intermediate team Schedules far league games af cats dawned Carter's Bums by 7 sponsared. by Elmer Ott af the alI three teams are naw being paints ta mave inta 3rd place. Pepsi-Cala Ca. has been limber- drawn up ta appear later in the ing up. press. Meanwhile bath fans and Westlake's Headpmns maved A challenge has been issued players are requested ta came aut dawn in the standing by lasing ta and a game will be played be- and da their best ta put pep and Fred Cale's Lucky Strikes, 7-0. tween Breslin's Juveniles and winning canfidence inta the teams Mickey Raach led his teamn mates Pepsi-Calas an Oshawa ice, Wed- and playens. aut a! the cellar by beating the nesday, Dec. 26, in the manning __________ Cauntice Jumbas, 5-2. between 10-11 a'clack. A large Present standing is as follaws: turnaut af fans is expected. A bare is a man wha talks Teams Wan Last Pts. The lineup a! Pepsi-Calas has abaut himself when yau want ta Hams ---------- 23 10 53 no e be noucd uttetlkaotyaurself. Dark Harses 20 13 47 na yt en nnuce, u te ak batWild Cats----- 18 12 44 Head Pins ----- 18 15 43 Jumbas ------- 13 17 31 Has Beens ------i 22 24 Bums -- ------ 9 24 20 THISCHRITMASAverages: F. Williams (B.T.) --------- 237 Sam Gay --- -------- ----- 228 GIE A W T HHarry Gay ---------------223 GIVE A WATCIR ~~K. Luxtan...............---------222 W. Westlake -----------------217 The gift that can be used every day throughout J. Callan ------------------ 216 the whole year. W. Hearl ---_ -----------215 P. Cancilla ---- ----------- 215 For that watch corne in and see our selection D. Rundle -----------------215 of Lerie, Relex and Elco, which are priced to J.Caaper-- ----------------- 210 suit eeyn'spre D. McKnight ---------- ------ 210 H. M urphy ------------------ 207 M eT. Lyle ---------------------- 207 E T. Bagneli -------------- 207 O R ER. Hearl -------------------206 B. Cachrane --------------- 206 LO Il I B. Hayes -------------------- 205 ( '\ L . Wiseman..............--------204 c l f I r W. Carden --------------------204 e The Season's Best to Our Customers and Ail Their Friends Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 Bowmanville CHRISTMAS DAY AND THE DAY AFTER Admission Christmas Day - 50c and Tax NEXT DAY FREZ Ladies and Armed Forces Free Both Days EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE Full Course Christmas Dinner ............... 75e (Turkey and ail the "Trirnmings") as ght fi- 'Ta .ist up )rt Bowmanville to Have a player ta be in play as lang ey he has ane skate an the rug Inter ediat H ockside a! the blue lne. The ai] ream This Season cial warding af the rule is " cammit affside bath skates mu Bowmanvill is to hbe a b ven ahead a! the puck." Bawmnvile s t hae afirt Te team, althaugh shapingt class, smart and hard-hittîng In- in recard time is still rather sh< termediate hockey tean- this year. af defence players. Anyane il The team is being spansared by terested in playing shauld coi the Pepsi Cala Co., wha have sup- tact Jim Crambie ar Elmer C1 plied the latest in hackey equip- The team se far cansists of Gearf nent plus a really modern celer- Piper, Carl Raby, Tam Cowai ful greup of sweaters. Jim Lew Wiseman, Bob Bird, Max: Ticker" Crambie and Elmer Ott Yaurth, Russ Halîman, Jack Cý are caaching the team which has meran, Dick Ott and Bill Mu already had several warkauts in tan. Several ather brilliant plai Oshawa and Whitby ta start ers have been lined up but as ïî bringing them inta fighting trim. haven't been able ta turn eut fc Ticker Crambie wha attended practice. the O.H.A. refenees meeting in It is haped that the team wi Tarante last week is making the be playing against the ather Lak( best o! the new rule that allaws share tawns but that will be d( finitely braught aut at the La share meeting an Friday nig] It has been rumared that Ba manville will get a bye inta t semi-finals ar the finals but m( a! the bays an the team want wark up ta the play-affs the ha T---------D E.---t---194 1ht. )w- he ast ta rd I I v n- Wtt Doctors and Nurses of .ge County Health Unit xi Put in Busy Month ut- At its meeting Dec. 8 in the y- Caunties Cauncil chambers with ret Mr. C. R. Carveth, chairman, pre- *ar siding, the Narthumberland-Dur- ham Baard af Health received F1l1 fram Dr. C. W. MeCharles, Direc- e- tar af the Health Unit, a repart af e- activities during Navember, and -discussed plans far the future. There is naw a staff af three medical afficers af health, includ- ing besides the Directar, Dr. Mac- Charles, Dr. G. W. Miller, Baw- manville, wha started his duties Nav. 1, and Dr. Charlatte Harner, Campbellfard, wha has been here since Nav. 18. Other members af the staff are: One sanitary inspec- tar, Mr. A. R. Hall, wha reparted far duty Nav. 7, six public health -nurses, and ane affice secretary. The lack af cars far all the staff cantinues ta be a great handicap. This results partly fram the de- lay in getting new cars and partly as the resuit af wearing out af aid anes. At present there are three cars belanging ta the staff in run- ning arder, and ane car an Jean fram the Ontaria Department af Health. Office quarters are being pre- pared far the head affice in Ca- baurg, and fer twe sub-effices, in Bawmanville and Campbellfard, and these will be accupied Jan. 1. Applicatians af twa qualified public health nurses were accept- ed. Miss Anne Earsham, Belle- ville, is a graduate af Belleville General Haspital and af the pub- lic health nursing caurse at. Mc- Gill University. Her experience included schaal nursing in Belle- ville priar ta the war, and she is a recently discharged Matran af the R.C.A.M.C. Miss Mary Scatt,1 Crystal Beach, Ontaria, is alsoaa returned nursing sister. She is a graduate ef the Haspital far Sick Children, Taranta, and af the public health nursing caurse at -Western University. Her exper- ience included V.O.N. nursing and generalized public health nursing in tawns in Western Ontaria. Bath Miss Earsham and Miss Scatt repart far duty Jan. 2, 1946. Nel- ther has a car. Activities af the medical affi- cers have included inspectian af 55 rural schaals, visits ta dainies, factaries and haspitals. Immun- izatian pragrams have been ar- ranged in certain accessible areas. One suspected case af diphtheria was iivestigated. Canferences were held with farmer lacal me-I dical afficers af health. The sanitary inspectar has made preliminary inspectians af public water supplies, dainies, restaur- ants, slaughter hauses, etc. The nursing staff visited 77 rur- al schaals and 5 village and tawn schaals during Navember. 595 children were given special phys- ical inspectian by nurses, and amang these 131 appeared ta have same defect ather than dental, cancerning which the parents were advised ta cansult their fa- mily physician. 328 children had dental defects. 578 childreni were given a su- perficial examinatian, because af suspected minar cammunicable disease such as scabies, head lice, etc. 47 children were excluded fram schoal because af these can- ditions. Nursing assistance was given ta the farmer lacal medical afficers af health in their immunizatian programs in Cramahe, Brightan- and Murray townships, Brightan village and Bawmanville. In these areas 257 children were gi- yen diphtheria tai6oid, 130 were vacrinated against smallpax, 51 were given scarlet lever taxin, and 138 whaaping caugh vaccin*e. Public health nurses made hame visits in reference ta the fallaw- ing: schaal children 218; cam- municable disease 26; tubercula- sis 5; maternity patients 25; in- fants 52; pre schaal children 59; crippled ch'ildren 2; sacial welfare 14; bedside nursing care 9. There were alsa 30 visits ta dactors an behaîf af patients, and 65 ather visits ta arrange details ef the work. OGIL VIE OATS XMAS CRACK ERS M EAT SPREADS CUT MIXED PEEL LIBBY'S MUSTARD TOMATO JUICE Fancy 9MOTHER Iackçson's SJIFFY PORRIDGE BRUNSWICK SARDINES 2 SHELLED ALMONDS OLD lb. 290 NEM HEINZ - - * e ORAN9 CALIFORNIA NAVELS 220's . .- 252'8 . . . ONE OR MORE 0F THESE 81 IN ALL A. & P. STI GRAPEFRUIT TeXAdI G RAPES afonaEpr 'UBAN Ri PINEAPPLE SPANISH TONATOES CUBAN: RIPI ORANGESFda Pinapp *5-1b. 23g doz. 69g Pkg. ~3-os. j Tins. 25% /2 -lb. 139 " 6oz ' 5 ~jars rnz 17< Pkg. 170 2Tins 139 3-z 219 .W lb. 25 % 2 Tins 250 DES * doz. 479 *dox. 41< *dos. 33e IZES AVAILABLE 4 rORES. MARSH 5for25 ess 96'8 5 ,or IL l . 1 9 9 ED *539e 24t lb.IL29e Pl@ daz. 6's 39e FREE lNSIJRANCE-Eýe,.y Loi* Waf d ls insured upn request egcinst cil risks of Io"i or dmage for ont irnor. 0 u~ ILb. 36c GRADE B lb. 43o FGWL CHOICE BOILING - lb. 33e SPECIAL OR CONNIOCIAL BUALITT' * BEEF - - STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTEEHOUSE SIRLOIN or WING lb. 43o PIERB Firat 5 Ribe lb. 29e CHGPPED SUET GYTESNo. 1 NORTHERN SELECT& 'V2 Pt- Z59 FILLETS 0F SOLE * .. lb. 39s SNELTS No. 1 l* b. 27o BUTTER SILVERBROOK FIRST GRADE lb. 38s B LACK TEA OUR OWN FLAVOURFUL lb. 570 SOA YUKON CLUB - 30oz. 25<! SODA ~~(Contents only) 3Bs ' POULTRY DRESSING 2 Shakers 15f PEAS CHOICE 4 SIEVE 2 2-x Tins 230 IXlED RUTS IMPORTED SELECTED lb. 499 OLIVES PLAIN QUEEN le-oz. Bti. 39e CRANBERRY SAUCE 12-oz. Bt. 294 STORE HOURS: Monday, Dec. 24-8 arn. ta 6 p.m. Clased December 25 and 26 Phone 2673 THURSDAY, DEC. 20th, 1945 GEESE CHOICE DUCKS GRADE A GRADE B GRADE A GRADE B IL 340 lb.320 lb.36e lb.34o CHICKENS TUIKETS NEW, LOW PRICE VEG. SOUPS GRADE A 1 ýý . ý --% ýd - A A - .Owv, 1 filffl ----------- miti I lb. 46o 0 GRADE B I ~1 h. 2