PAG TO 1'4~ rA Afl A N. ~l'A P~C1ffA T 1UWMffA NTrT rr, "r, ONTRIOTDT V KbP flh Q -. -J -------- JS f IÂfI IJ i, JN .1 .fÂJÂÂ LÂ LJ~l De %~ambian ets Established 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPE]a With whleh la Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, ana The Orono News. 91 Year's Continiuons Service Ta The Town of Dowmanvlfte and Durham County. Member #>Audit Bureau et Circulation@ 511 <Canadian III Weekly NewsPaperu l Association SUBSCRIPTI14 RATES $2.00 a Year, strictiy in advance. 32.50 a Year ln the United States. GEO. W. JAMES. Editor. CHRIST[TRS, 1945 'Wliat mneans this glory round our feet? The Magi mused, "More bright than 11on1., And voices chanted clear and sweet, "Today the Prince of Peace w-as bonii." No Nvonder it caine to be written that anigels sang over the sbeepfolds of Bethie- hemi the nighit that He w-as borni. Who could have dreamed, that in that common stable of the inn, fr om w-lose doors the auxions couple had been turiîed, there wvas to be boi tlat night a Child whose naine as to be "above everv raie" ever spoken by- the lips of men. Who could have dreamed, tlîat in that Iowly, unknown Mother's arnus thiere lay the Child to be kniown., to the end of time, as the Christ of Galilce and Judea, and the Christ of (alxary-the Christ whose "bless- ed feet . .. were nailed for our advantage on the bitter cross!"' Who could have drearned, that fromn that night were to corne the Christmas days that for centuries have ealled forth the joyful greeting. "Merri- Chiristnas." from uiîtold millions of human hiearts and gladdened hurnan homes? Ini spite of ail that war lias -wrought of sorrow, pain and heartbreak, our Christ- mas stanîds and will stand, such is our faith, for the dawîîing of that day wlîen "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men'" shah ble no longer the echio of a far-off song, but Life*s Eternal Realîtv. Labor Unions Losing Gains by Unwise Leadership Reports froin Washington say tlîat thiene is springing up a verv bitter attitude to Labor, flot onl3- in the House of Represeîîta- tives but even iin the Senate where thiere ivas, flot so long ago, a leaning towards labor. It is said that a pi'oposed bill whichî wil1 bring unions under very rigid inspection anîd control of the goverîinient and forbid union contributions to electioîî efforts is quite like- ly to be passed. It is not ilecessaî'y to be opposed to labor or to labor unions, ini order to realize that some of the union leader.ship todal seems to be înost unwise. It is not a case of downitrodden workers rising against iitolerable opp)ression as lias often been the case in listorv it is rather a case of the ighlest paid groups of wýorkers demanding a iiew typ)e of contract between union and employer or additionîs to thieir wages runniing rip to 30 per cent. Whiat both thie United States and Canada want to do is to sec business g-et going. If business does not get goingý on a broader scale than is the case at present there is every reason to feai' there wilI be a depres- sion. Thîis is no time for workers to be seek- ing %Nhat seem to be causes to stop) work. This wouild be a good tixuie for organized lao oly do%%n, asw a poli(.,that workers intend to co-operate to get p)roduction goiiîg as fast as possible, and are williing to leave somae of the arrangemenents betwveen themn- selves and emiployers for consideratiait af- ter production lias really got going. coinpaîîîes (Io. Iioweven, if thîis test is to be used, it lias to lie iarried ouît fiîlly. Tlwo or tliree vases cone to mind. Tii. Ontario Ilydro, wlîieii is w-cil eonduicted, is not rcal to be jîdgcd as to its suce ess or flot, liecajise ifthiii's not pay the $15~ million a year or so ini Domniîon taxes which it Nvoild hiave f0 pay if if were owned by a pri- vate comipan-. The C.N.R. would hiave to pay at icast $'25 il, iîieomne tax if if werc owvned b.- a pmivate conipany. Wartiine Illîsilig is free of taxation on any profits it makes and is able to lise elieap governmeuf 1ii01ieV. auîîd gets ifs luead office expenses paid lîY flic governument. iii a fashion wvliih îno p)livaitC ('olul)ali vu acopy. 'rue poiiit is tliat if is quite inmportant thiat accoumiits slîoild( be kept so as to show tlie tacts of the sîiceess or, othîerwise of any operafiou. Accounits caiiiiot be used as a test of siuccess or îîiof uiless fhey are kept îîîîîforml1]-. It výan neveî'bc, seftled w-hefher the gov- eriîîieîit is reallv coniiiiig I Socialisîn to cases in w-luic'l tlîe-, eau operafe more pro- fitabîr tlîan cari pnivate busine-ss, unless flue govenut accounits are kept on cxactly the saluie basis as those of private uniderfak- It is onlv coimion sense to insist on cor- rect tccotuîniiig. and îno service is done to Sociahisîn or public owiierslip by aliowilig pîibliely ow-ied entei'prises f0 keep flueir books iii a wav in w-hiclu is niot perinitted fo thîcîr private competitors. General Motors of Canada Issue Striking War Album The editor acknowledges witli greaf ap- preuiatiouu a pei'soîially inscribed copy of The War Albumn of Genieral Motors of Cani- ada. This 66-pag-e voiîunci displays in sfrik- iiig form flhe six-year effort of this great corporationi for thie Allied forces. The story us fold gcnerally with liaf-tone photos of xehicles, guns, airplanes. parts, the wliole vast range of wvar production thaf ini fact circled the globe iii the drive for victory. Facforx- production is show-n witli trained emiployees at beîuchîes and machines iin fashi- ioniiig the produets fluat rolied off assernbly lines in an uniending Streamn. But even miore imipressive are the tw-elve full pages of naines of euiployees wvho voluimteered aîîd served with Cauiada 's arîned forces duriîîg the lonîg conifliet. The introductioni to the book confains nmessages froin Col. R. S. MeLaughlin, Chair- manu of tlue-Board anud f'oîn President W'. A. Wecker. CSol. Mchaughlin ternis this pic- fuî'ed tî'ibîîte "A saluite to good men anud g"ood worik' a deseî'ved appi-aisai of tried anid tr'uc Caîuadians. Mir. Wecker \iews the album as a tribute fo clîaî'aeter, skill aid tlexotioii f0 dufu-, tlîe effort of each and ail. A few- liliglîts creditiîîg the severai fac- tories witlu pai'ticular contributions, reveals thiat 300.000 figlîtiug xeliicles w-ere produced ut tlue Oshuaw-a plant. Blood donations of Oshiawa einploy-ees niiinibered 26,800. Major D)avidl Curnie woni the Victoria Cross among the inany- emiployees decoi'afed. Vi ew-iig thîis album iii its entirety, the neader will agî'ee withî the letten of suinina- tiomu eoîitribufed b- Hoiu. C' D. Howe, Mini- ister of Munitionus , -ho States."Not only did tlhe volunme astonish the w-old but th;e (Jual ity brough t pî'aise fî'oni many- quarters. It lias beeî ami enviable r'ecord and may I comîvey mv tdeep appreciation to all cou- cenned for ivlat tliey accomplishied." What is "Democratie?" Ne%%uiy-foi'înied goverinents, these days, are iot acceptable to us if they are not " dem- o(iatc"But w-lat is demiocratie ?" Cari we clciand deiiioci'ac. ii other couîutries ? On is it soiethiiug that cari oiiiy be inspined? To mani- Caîîadiaîîs democracx- meaîus smply tlîe privihege of votiiig forteladr thieY -ould like aînd then ciitieizing what tuie'.-get. Thiis is îîot -venýy inspiriîîg to othier coumnities. Thîevnay-envylis Oui' food, edcc- tî'ieal gadgets anid oui' conîfoî'ts, buit wliat is tîem'e to inake them w-aiî oui' ' demnocratie" g-oveu'nnit ? T'uîe deinocrae', of course, is more than a foim of governîniemt-mnore even. than the pî'ivilege to ehioose anîd citicize. It is the fil expressionî of mcins carini orec iither. fo'ci It is a niatter liot simply of electingy oui't leaders but of caî'iîgeioughl for fhem to sec tlicy gro%- iii moral, spiritual and intellectual Stature and are i'ealh fi t to lead. Thenl to help flîem do thieir job by flic way w'e do our ow-n. -Yoîu lave moade my w.ork of govern- E ment casier," said ouie nationial leader to a gi'oup of patriots wluo w-ere living their fives and cdoiig thcir' -ork by the higlîest t mor'al sftiidai'ds.r Names Now Appearing ini the News A former Newcastle boy was elecfed Presîdent of the Durham Club of Toronto. He is Alex W. McLeod, whom many will re- member even before the tumn of the century as inferested ti fish conservation and in which branch of service he has spent most of his life. Born at Newcastle, June 1, 1873, Mr. McLeod was educated in Newcastle schools and entered the fish culture service in 1893 under Samuel Wilmot who orig- inated flsh culture in Canada at the Newcastle Fish Hatchery. Mr. McLeod was transferred from Newcastle f0 the Belleville Fish Hafchery in 1914 and con- tinued there as manager until Sept. 1919. Af that fime he re- signed fmom the Dominion De- pamfment, Marine and Fisheries to become Supervisor of Fish Hatcheries for the Ontanio De- panfmenf of Game and Fishenies, wif h headquartems at Toronto. Weli known in Masonic circles, Mr. McLeod became a member of Durham Lodge, Newcasfle in 1897 and was D.D.G.M. of fhe Onton- abee District, 1910-11. He is now a member of Bay of Quinte Lodge 620, Toront o. Joining fhe Durham Club in 1940, Mr. McLeod has been an active and inferesfed member which was aftesfed in his eleva- fion f0 the. Presidency. NEIW BANK DIRECTOR spokcîî aekîiowledmieîit of service reli(el'cd. F Give-cthe cî'edit, al]flieiredit f0 flic othier u fellow. It isti t easv. iiiftî'y ýif, evei C tlîoîglî you iîvuîrlîebel. Afteri' npî'ac- r tice if long ecurgli, if '.wilJ becomne seconmd r nîaturîe wifhi ou. YToîi 'ill feel a miilliomn t limes liappicu', more crei'taflel wifhin youm st owmî hcuu' thaflu you felt w'ln ou w'ei'en't ei passinig the credif oî.-Jaies T. Maîiagam,E iii Coî'oîet. a 4~dishome again,/ ~; George A. V. Spencer Mr. A. P. Reid, General Man- ager of Household Finance Cor- ' poration of Canada announces the appointment of George A. V. Spencer as manager of the Osh- awa branch, which opened on Dec. lOth. Mr. Spencer, who was born and educated in Bowman- ville, is a son of Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Elliott. He joined the Corporation' in 1938 and has served in 6 of the 35 Can- adian offices. Before coming to Oshawa he was manager of the qt Company's Sarnia office. His thorough undenstanding of the financial problems of today will make him an asset in this dis- trict. THE HYDRO.ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO Knowledge may be pow7er, but -1 0 ý knowiedge without wisdom e Power without direction. i-Messengers of Love and Happiness Your health 'and your happiraess begin at your feet. Winter is the time when your feet need more protection and better protection than ever. A paeir of good shoes is a real Messenger of Happiness. Give shoes to ail whom you love and give the'n to yourself. We have the best assortment of shoes for the entire family from about 460 different types and lines of footwear in our store. We are ready with all our experience in shoe fittings 6 9 M to give you the service you need and require. WMen's OrOx/ords Very popular, com- fortahie and conser- vative as one of the best new shoeclcas. sics. Child'ç Boots - For active little boys because of their wearing qualities. à$4.25 me M ffw - -, iir U C io ýeli'-n. & I 1'~ PAGE TWO THE CANADIANSTATERMAX RnWTvTAMIITT.T-V nMIrAnTri ,rT4TIRqDAY. DEC. 20th. 1945 1 r"u"w ... 1 'q