PAGE SIX UfLNVIANSTATSMA, B0.97MNVILE, NT'.AIO TUR Durham Club Enjoys Pictures*- Durham and Its County Borders (Elsie R. Fair) Durham County Club of Tor- onto held its second meeting of the season Friday evening, Dec. 7th, at the I.O.D.E. headquarters, with Mr. A. W. McLeod, presid- ing. Mr-. Ewart Pollard, secretary, read the minutes. It was unan- imously decided ta hold the next meeting the flrst Thursday in February. Dr. L. B. Williams, with bis well-known ability ta use me- chanical and technicolar auxiliar- ies, "was the pragram of the ev- ening." As a tribute ta deceased 1Kin, laid the faundatian of an org. atian that is fulfilling its misý and has een of great benef Dr. Williams referred ta great part the U.E. Layalist r ed in building the country, ýaz- sion, ft ta the play- par- memerslieintadued is ub-mentionpd Michael Grass, who re- ject "Durham and its County ceived the first allatment of land Borders Thraugh the Years," by udrUprCnd' is rg playng "ock f Ags."inal survey, and said, hîs fourth The Club xvas organized on direct descendant was in the aud- June 1 lth, 1898, in the parlors of ience. the Erskine Church, Toronto, ta Also the namne of Truli, whose promote the acquaintance and re- ancestral sword and medicine pot new the former association of re- were on exhibition. This medicine sidents of the East and West rid- pot was used for brewing the ings of Durham. The original berbs, used by the original Mrs. -innual fee was 25 cents per an- Trull, who was recognized as the num but, for unavaidable reasans, medicine man and the pianeer has been increased four-fald. country doctor of those early Many namnes, of which the club days, travelling by harseback, has reason ta be proud, were through blazed trails, and fording amQngst its early members, who swollen streams, as a benefactar Select Your Gifts From This List i 1 eb t, ntfl flflCt *'1 s' The above articles from our Gift Department make gift shopping an easy task when in seareh of a Christmas gift for mother, wife, sister or sweetheart. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman ig St. W. Bowmanville1 10 4.5 ta the early settiers, from east af Toronto ta Cobaurg. The speaker then taak his aud- ience for a fascinating trip through central Ontario, that is fuillaf historic interest and nat- ural beauty. Stapping at Whitby we were reminded of its early ambitions ta use its splendid bar- bar as an important link, con- necting the Atlantic ports with Lake Superior and the great hin- terland then but littie knawn. He told of the "plank raad" from Lake Scugag ta Lake On- taria, and later the turning of the first sad of the Whitby and Port Perry railraad, by Prince Arthur an August 6th, 1869, followed by the select party at "Trafalgar Castie, where ail were rayally entertained by Sherifi Reynolds. We were then shown the beau- ties of the present gavernment and educational institutions of Ontario County's historic centre. Dr. Williams then took his aud- ience on a visit ta the eastern neighbor and partner, Northum- berland County, where a number of beautiful and historic views were shown, such as the Town Hall; the Dressler home; the An- glican Church, and the splendid beach and harbor at Cobourg. Then on ta the Barnum bouse at Grafton, built in 1817, and re- built in 1837, after an over-jayful military party. but still consid- ered the finest hause for archi- tecture of its size on the contin- ent. The trip cantinued ta the east- ern boundary of the twin caunty of Northumberland. Several in- teresting views in the vicinity of "the Carrying Place of Quinte" were shown: The Yaung home- stead, that was chasen, instead of 1,200 acres on Yonge Street, Tor- onto, by its awner, Col. Robert Yaung, believing the capital of Upper Canada would be located in the neighborhaod of Trenton. The audience was then given some fine views of Rice Lake and its picturesque countryside before returning to. Durham by south Monaghan with its historic Pres- byterian Church; Cavan and that narthern tier of townships that have been s0 ruthlessly denuded of their young forest growth by a thoughtless generation that will live ta regret the destruction of the trees. Mr. Arthur Grass of Columbus, Ont., county councillor for South Ontario, thanked Dr. Williams for his outstanding pragram. Mr. Herbert Fair said, in con- nection with the South Managhan Church: When the question of the use of an organ was raised, an elder had said, "he was nat in f a- vor af warshipping God by ma- Smith af Murray, and coming fram Trenton, and G. T. McCub- bin of Percy, living in Warkworth, will no daubt contest the warden- ship. Even Clyde Haey, North Carolina's fchinery, but, if it must be done, nothing but the best should be used." The social hour was under the 3leadership of Mrs. L. B. Williams assisted by Group 2. Mrs. R. J. Stuart and Mrs. J. Hutchison pre- sided at the coffee urns at the ta- ble centred with bronze 'mums. Amangst the many out-af-town Lguests were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kimberly and Mr. and Mrs. John H. McBride of Cobourg; Miss Car- rie Cherry of Bowmanville, a nursing sister in warld war No. 1, and athers. "Through the Years"-"The bis- tory af the world is a drama be- ing played out in the human soul, and the fate of humanity depends on us." Trinity W. A. Hold Election of Officers Mrs. (Rev.) H. W. Faley and her group led the Worship at Trinity W.A. on Tuesday, Dec. il. Mrs. F. C. Calmer read the les- son, Mrs. Summerfard gave a splendid Christmas solo, accamp- anied by Miss E. Swallaw and Mr. Foley led in prayer. The guest speaker was Rev. W. P. Rogers who gave a rausing temperance address. Mrs. A. S. Baker, convener of the nominating committee, braught in the following siate of afficers which was approved: Past President, Mrs. M. W. Tam- blyn; president, Mrs. D. R. All- dread; lst vice-pricesident, Miss C. E. Allin; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. H. Hardy; recording secre- tary, Mrs. J. E. Elliott; carrespon- ding -ic7ro.tary, Mrs. G. Rice; treasurer, Mrs. C. Bagnell; Red Cross canvener, Mrs. C. W. Sle- mon* advisary committee conven- er, MTrs. T. W. Cawker. Four Aspirants To Warden's Chair In United Counties The caveted post of Warden of the United Caunties of Northum- berlanid and Durham, which gaes this year ta Northumberland Caunty, will, from ail accaunts, lie vigorausly cantested says the Brighton Ensign. The opinion seems ta be that four will throw their bats in the ring. 0f the four men, Rolit. T. Love, of Cobourg la the only one definitely in the field, having been elected Reevé of Cobourg by ac- clamation. If elected in their own townships, W. Cale, of Hamilton, wbo resides in Bewdley, W. E t E E c -SI r b b E t: li t] c c c u e v -ýýlÀ ý,lÀ ý ý-ýlÀ -ýý "À "--À Jý Jýn r;A zý 774MA 7:72 TP M "I was driving through my Il Fifty,' he replied. State," said the Senator, "when I "How many active members stapped in a little town. I noticed do you have?' the congregation of a Negro "'Fifty.' churcli standing about the en- T'ifty members and fifty ac- trance of their edifice. One man tive! That sounds like yau must informed me that he was the be a goad preacher.' preacher. "I'Yes, sir-fifty members, 25 «"Haw many members do you active for me and 25 active against T14P VANATITAN mýyTimci-%Av nirr gnfli Senator, is credited witb this ane. have?' I asked him. ~ & À.