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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1945, p. 10

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w's. PAGE TEN BIR, BALSON-Mr. Balson, Catai the birth of John, at Kingsý pital on Dec.2 DEA TAYLOR-In Hospital on1 Clara Taylor, James H. Taylc DINGMAN-At Dec. 25tb, 19' Dingman, daug Werren Dingrr the family resi gog St. Servib Friday, Dec. 21 Interment, Bom tery. COULTER-At Hospital, Toror 1945, Rebecc Coulten, wife cl as Coulter, Bo dean mothen Coulter, Toront Resting at the Chapel, Bowma in the chapel on at 3:30 p.m.1 manville cemelg Rai Seri Have your radi a Phono-pick-i on ail makes of Expert I Guaranteed rep any make of rac ruinning conditi( AIL TYPES1 AND BATI Roy W. 85 King St. E. ANt any The guarantee lesa of whE and associ throughoul charge - every deta yet at a bereaved! Fe.] EJRHAM'S We hope th package for thing in stoi and ail thosi the best for fGAR a PHONE 2666 ci Murny Randi Roy, Mn. and Mrs. Assistant: Dr. E. W.Sssn hurcli School of the Air, Bos- Toronto; one sister, EiaehA-k VernnRt and Donna, at Edgan r adaeo oylDna ton University, said, "We have a gaîl of Oshawa; tbree brothers, a . great many delinquent boys andEdadfNecseCitoerI -Sufferen. Wrigbt's, Enniskillen. College, Toronto1 girls under 17 yeans of age. Be- in Saskatchewan, Charles in Vic- StiuartIL* l am es 'S GA EP iof bleedng Our scool concert was quite a Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. tween 80 and 85 per cent of hese toia, B.C. Ms. Gertrude Mc- success, credit being due to our King Street, Bowmanville cmefoih esweeiqo Taggart of Oshawa, a niece and INSURANCE and REAL ESTATI and p r o- teachers, Mn. M. Hobbs and Mis* OfceHuc:anornkennhoes is a pniaror one grandchild also survive. Scesrt .j ae o Bunkrsud B e r ma Hclln i oy.The cildrn did 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily contributing factor." Service was beld Dec. 19 in ple soldko Bner era xclen n og, eitton lda-__________ Newtonville United Church, ofPhn 68 PIll treat the cause at its source. logues, drills, etc. Mn. Work- 9 .. 12no edn esabibh asammer e. Kinug St., Bowmanvilîe BOWMANVILLE Meney back If the flrst bottle man, Bowmanville, was pianist. Cosd una32 Homes are the heant of a na- L. D. Smith conducted the service does net satlsfy. At your local Santa Claus was sure wlo,1 Phone 790 - House phone32 tion. Are we suffering froni heant and interment was in Newtonville ---Drug Store. Proceeds $27.wecng X-ray equipment in Office failune? cemeteny. _______________ TiSIN MEMORIAM Articles For Sale For Rent O iu re CHUCKE iradi Mslan W.c STAPLETON-In loving memory POTATOES-P.E.I. CERTIFIED NEW SINGER SEWING Machine 1 T c EU -or MontyBa traiaoner 0f a dear mother, Mrs. Thomas Cobblers, Sebagoes, Green in your own home, $3.00 per MS .ANI RNUH p uc af rmien theirson, eter Stapleton, Nwtonville, w h o Mountains, Katahdins, now in month. Elec. port. $5.00, Sing- I IS E ANI REOUH crntc rlif roici cçdbycua :so Gnrl o-Th e ca te In e e deadte's foot. s@=bien. vimp uand t tnGeeaHo- passed away, Dec. 31, 1943. stock. Stewart's Seed Store, er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- Elizaeth neTenouethofsisser . D. D. 22nd, 1945. 521 Often and often our thoughts do phone 577, Bowmanville. 49-tf awa. Phone 696. 14-tf Phone: Clarke 3314 ofiathunnpeTe deth, f iss rGn wander of____________________________ Mr. W. J. Trenouth, Napanee, It~ thn.Dutafe ~THS To a grave flot far away, OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE FOR 25e BEST RESULTS with . . . . M m m* occurred at Kingston General tdfrB .O UE.nI __________ Where we laid our own dear Store - Everythlng in modern. Statesman Want Ads. Phone Mr. anl Mrs. Archie Martin, Christmias Concert Cleverly Hospital, on Nov. l6th.______________ Mother chesterfield, bedroom, dinmng Bowmanville 663. 52-1* and Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, Presented by Newcastle Pupils The previous Monday Miss Tre- D tRgtWt ss Toronto General Just two years ago today. suites. and studios. Bedding and- at home. nouth fell at the home of hier D tRgtWt elio Det2. l9th, 1945, The flowers we placed upon that Qlity moercndi To u Miss Virginia Cooke, Port Cre- A splendid and very noal brothewr s hdbnr- But the lo o gr ve Qforiher who sleeps WEARE .-dit, at hm.X-ray s ienb teppissiigfor the past five years, and or. a wthranMayy;peiiwither Bfreba andAR BYRSOFTMOdecssay; Ces f heNexamiPulenationsXry xaiaton isloe shee ltt Beutedwihee0lgrve frhrwose p etviitive ries. Newfor bue an BUYoERS 0i M o THY inwiMs Hno rChsson, Toronto, their Christmas concert on Fni- had suffered a broken hip. She Bowmanville on beneath Str,16Smo t . s-H .Bn-dye ig i te Cohmmunity was taken by ambulance to King- ~5,Susnn Jae illneer ad awy.awa. 46-ti your samples for highest offer. than. Hall. The proceedings opened so eea optlweei VJ 15, Susanna Jane Will never fade away. ~Stewart's Seed Store. Phone Miss Dorothy Trenwith, Toron- with "0O Canada" after which the so eea optlweei o ko tghter of the late Days of sadness stilI come o'er us, BALED HAY AND STRAW $18 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf to, at home. Her aunt, Miss Lou-. Rhythm Band composed of pupils was intended to set the break in man. R esting at Tears of silence often flow , per ton, or $10 per haîf ton. W N s r n i h r t r i g w t her hrm t eI t r e i t o m i s e w i bu n sl p.( ow g M th d sidence, 103 Scu- For memory keeps hier ever near Phone 2519. 51-4* SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING s Tenwthe itrinTowit , herfrmte MIntemate ro, Miss Fia h ps-%M ISLTO ce in the home on us, machines. Will pay cash, caltopnd rtherwMrnterg Trno, erHattieasontact ith iss ednawaMis rnober sleep. i En 8th, at 2:30 p.m. Though she died two years ago. THOROUGHLY RECONDITION- or write, Singer Sewing Ma- and h etrnither indMrr. GorTrn-M reiser aby ting el-as co n-dMisstrcenout aoina wEn F.BRUCg Et wvmanville ceme- -Ever remembered by son ed Mozart piano, satin-finish ma- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario itrunngoWndr.ucrededtrewe-pa g l but came lito C anaawenFAB UC George, Daughters Dora and hogany case. Terms if desired. Street, phone 696. 14-tf Mrs. W. H. Gibson in Meaford. ed selections. Rarmand chl ibth he rents, 47 Queen St. Eat Alfred, and Grandchildren. Mrs. D. Irwin, phone 4402 New- Ricar and ElizabethithinAn Trenouthoed y gou Bowmanville Phone 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ r. n d r s . J . . S it h i n n - h i s w a s f o l o w e b y a g o u p w h o s e t t l e d a t B o w m a n v i llè a n d Queen Elizabeth castle. 51-2 LIVE POULTRY and feathers. caster the guest of their daughter of six "Action Songs" by the pu-maetirh efoterstf )nto onDec.26,Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. pils of the Primary room, Mrs. . their life. Miss Trenouth was ýca Montgomery EMERSON-In proud and loving 4 CYCLE JOHNSTON IRONT. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- John Burbîdge. Jones, teacher. It was very fin- one of the first telephone exchange Dthe lateThm memory o Flying fie RalphHos gas nie Wettlaufer2 ness carried o by Mr. Fatt Mrs. Godo Watson chilren, most fch these little operators in Bowmanville, a pos- ýowmanville, and Emerson and five members of h.p. gas engine, Bosch magneto; personaîîy, no agents empîoy- and Jack, Orono, with hier par- hlrnmotf them appearing ition which she held for many of Miss Annie bis crew who lost their lives Souvenir 6-lid coal or wood ed.) 42-11* ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown. on the platforma for the first time, years until she retired to look WN E to, aged 84 years. over Belgium, Dec. 26th, 1944. range with reservoir, open for go through without one mistake after hier aged parents. For the SMolris Funeral Think of him as faring on, as water front. Apply Bowman- OLD TRACTION STEAMER that Miss Jean Gray, Bracebridge, their action songs. They also past five years she had spent most ianville. Service I dear tee stelv ville Electrîcians, 42 King St. E. will maintain arciund 150 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gray, Oshawa, sang three Christmas songs. of lber time in Napanee, with oc- Interment Bow- of here; - Newcastle. 51-2*' Gray. tereit me r o pilsgofae asioalvisits inMTornouwthV~ A 8 W Think of him stili as the same, GET RID 0F THOSE UNUSED 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, Osh- group of six Chr sisting aof ni a ubr r ther, .dari .enuthhrS alo ag ýtr.I say,de -h articles cluttering up your house HORSES SUITABLE FOR FO awa, with Mrs. Stella Anderson. Teprsntinopizswn icMssReShidn Se He is not iedh is just away. tbrough Statesman Want Ads. meat. Phone or write F. C. Harold and Frank Hoar, Toron- du rin lsettrm ereth pri e w as ife-lonss embSeridaf.the r -Saly issd y Mthe, ad hon Bomavile 03.52 * Bultee Orno.77r-4 52tfto, with their mother, Mrs. Ed. sented, the following pupils win- mer Methodist and the present ______ndBoter._2- OLD HORSES WANTED FOR Hoar. ning the awards: Grade VIII, the United Churches. She is sunviv- Livestock For Sale Mink and Fox Food from $5 to Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeLine, Masonic Prize to Rodger Mellow, ed by two brothers,- W. J. Tren- do TREWIN-In loving memory of M.CPR t- $10 according to weight. Marg- Harold, Pauline and Carol, with presented by George Walton. The outh of Napanee, and E. M. Tren- WiIIow Croe our dear daughter and sister SIX HOGS, 4 MONTHS OLD. will Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. their daughter and 501-in-law, Canadian Club prize, Grade VII, outh, Toronto. W lo r e 11 0Anne, h passed away Ja. M.Dmhcna PR s- Phone Bowmanville269 52-tf and children~, Mn. and lM4,s. E't Mariorie Toms. Grade VI to Her funeral was conducted Nov. I st, 1942. tion, Nwasl.52-1* relnrTot. Betty LuHgra;GaeV, 9a h ata uea oe vi e -Sadly missed by Mother, Father *Mr. Walter Douglas, New Yr rfc. yJs emra rz, b19 a . Nth e atn, muner oer ar loi & ULETS BARE ROK. Tenders Wanted City, at his home hene înspecting tPrciny osuenMeo IaVPnîze, bi y v.nobled Htto ndiniter 0 ____ad___esan rohrs 2-* Phone 2594. A. W. Martin, totaryHoebeno.nViPofi Trnit UntedChuch ndlate jo itedwih OOER- lvig emryof Bowmanville. 52-1 Tenders will be neceived by ih*etnsv leatosb ciency, Mrs. H. S. Bitton's pnize, hierboywstknoBwm - C. R. KNOX tiofitedwit COPE -InloingmeoryofTrustee Board of Zion United having made to his home. to Mp-rle Fisher. Grade IV Prof,- ville, for burial. The paîl bearens Isaed a dean husband and daddy, Wil- DURHAM COW, SECOND CALF Church till Jan. 15, 1946, for shed M Mr. Howard Toms wifl succeed ciency, given by Miss Hattie Ma- at Napanee were Messrs. David Onono Phoîqe 42-- up ntald liami Cooper, who passed away due Dec. 30. Nick Hasiuk, Ma- about 50 by 70 ft. on Lot 31, Con. Mr . Ward as propnieton of the son, to Nellie Holubenko. Brown, John Topping, A. V. Roy, frai.Dec. 28th, 1944, at Bowman- pie Grove, Lot 20, Con. 2. 52-1* 3 Township Hope, County Dur- corner General Store on Jan. Ist. PresfrnawokndotH.LVnuvnGo..Swtr ville Hospital. hame, one mile north of No. 2 Mr. oms oris wellu and fvoray bos boy and girl, judged by and R. H. Paul. "Nothing can ever take away THE QUICKEST AND CHEAP- highway containing knon fr is xeutie ailty oos,. onsand r ogr ~eais The love a heant holds dean est way to selI your stock. For ly the following mostîy dean pne having been on the staff of the psne y Mis n. MRoger Fond memonies linger every day, best results use Statesman Timber 9 ½h by 9 % ini., 6 pieces bn ee lohvn edars Grade V, Norma Allin, Roland FOAMYTYO WantAds.Phon Bowan-ponsible position with the J. An- ýpairs to keep Remembrance keeps bimi near. Wat ds Pon Bwmn 35 ft.; 6pieces 30 ft.; 12 pcs. 14 ft.; derson Smith Co., and more re- Spencer; Grade IV, Doreen Sel- WONNACOTT O R S L di n pec -Forever remembered by his ville 663. 52-1* 1 PC. 18 ft.; 8 pcs. 10 ft. ctî wth UDI. tAa. T by; Grade III, Leona Stoneburg, diinpret wife and little daughter Dar- 8 by 8 mns. 4 pcs. 35 ft.; 12 pcs enyWoy.. a Ajx. Tue oyS Death occurred suddenly on on. lene. 52-1* epW n d 8 ft. 6 by 6 mns. 12 pcs. 8 ft. residents are thenefore assured oeug Dec. 12th, at the home of ber 1942 Kelvinator 6 b 8 s.1 p. 0 f.;6 b 4 i e will continue to operate the Prizes to Room I presented by' daughten, 37-32nd St., Long 0F~~~~~~- 6U bWryWnedMN ATE8orno o- 0p s. 1½f.;ps. 1 4 ft. Raf4 as an up to date business. Mns. W. Jones. Printîng, Grade I, Branch, of Flora May Taylor, wifeRf MEtruction C o., ibet Cot - 10ters.3% y 7 4 ms. 4 pc. 18 ftThe best wishes of the commun- John Pollard; printing, Grade IIof the late John Wonnacott, who Refigerator OFTURGANS REPWAIR ED sContryonviCo.,Phoety66. S.' r3 by 71/s248 ps.412 ft. 18iding ity are extended to hlm in this Joan Stoneburg; genera] profici- predeceased bier Feb. lst, 1941. TERIESnvle.Pon 66 n new undertaking. ency, Wanda Hagerman. Sepsdt eti e 6htodos ChANch rHePAisrE -untro 47-tf 8 ft. by 1 in., 140 ft.; 10 ft. by 1 in1. Misses Lydia and Muriel Lake The highlight of the programi Sepsdt eti ir6t 7cbefe.6 yl CucorHmintuetof100 ft. Roof boards 1 in. 60 ft. by wt hi yean and was daughter of the late17cbcfe.6ccl any ake ompetel ovebau- ANOPPOTUNTY-Oe o the 7 t.Gbsn mother, Mrs. Frank was the cantata "Trouble in Toy- James and Eliza Taylor of Ton- Flnst Class Condition Nead ~ med, new bellows installed. Sat- nation's langest companies, ca- Shed to be removed by June 1, M. M Hl. rttn and " bom. puplsceof the Snior onto She wasorrnlingKentmeEng isfaction guaranteed. Estimates tening principally to farmer's 1946. The bighest or any tender Neil . d MndMs. H. S.B ittn- androni. pleacene fa efnt a la s y land and came to Toronto at the Sial o ag oe tr Phione 580 given. H. B. Creeper, 20 Honsey needs, is ready to place a val- not necessanily accepted. Terms soSoi nCnsmsEejs fe ge of 6 years; making bier homeoresaan St., Bowmanville. Phone 628. uable contnact which should cash upon acceptance. Mn. and Mns. Allan Howard, the elves bad finished making the 'nBwavleadSln i-$9.0oimles 45-tf 1* mean complete independence W, A, J, WALKER, Sec. rc oto e ie ni w ________________________________ for a man fotunate enough to RR 3, Port Hope. 52-1 Toronto, with Mrs. Scott Howard. dolîs and had left the worknoom tnict ot f er shf me, ntlto hav th flloingqulifca ____________________ Miss Mary Dewdney, Bishop for a short while wheneupon the Long Branch. hv th olwn qulfc-Strachan School, Toronto, at dolîs came to life and proceeded Wlo CekFur É tions . .. chanacter record that COMING EVENTS home. to compare notes and bave a lit- Mrs. Wonnacott . WiIofw a.quietr wil wthsan inesigaio - Miss Frances Toms, Montreal tle jollification of their.own. Each nature always doing for othens C. R. KNOX, Orono and proven ability to efficiently Come and dance to Ruth Wil- with bier mothen, Mrs. Harolci doîl adding to the gaiety by dem- and very fond of lber home, fam- PoeOoo4r 0f Wehp rgtlgt luiemanage both himseif and bis son's Vaiety Band at Tyrone hall Toms. onstrating their ability to sing, ily and fiowers. PoeOoo4r We hoe brght ight illmineown business. Financial status Friday, Jan. 4 Admission 5Oc. Mrs N. Duncan, Toronto, with dance, etc. Keith Aiken, as the She leaves to mournber pass--- yourway hrogh 146,and hatnot extremely important but a Dancing 9 to 1. 52-2 Misses Horrocks. clown, and Jack Allin, as Jack in ing five children (Hilda) Mrs. you wy hrug 196,an tattravel outfit is necessany. Write - _______________ the Box, provided an abundance Wilfrnid Wonnacott of Lambeth; every step you take is in the Te J. . Watk217nssomnySt, Cards of Thanks of laughter and applause. (Manjory) Mrs. David Johns of Dep. O-9,217 Maso St, _______________________The cantata opened with ail the Nestleton; Howard of Dixie; Gor- direction of happiness and con- Montreal. 49-4~ Mrs. Alex Colville wishes to doils singing a Chorus "We Wel- don of Oshawa, and (DorothyF) therless home. R. G. Scott, 280 remembrances and expressions of lowed the Elves' Song. AU the as well as fourteen grandchildren, everybody! Onchard Ave., Oshawa. Phone sympathy a n d understanding. H c, toys sang "'Tis the Night Before and two brothers, Will of Calgary Oshawa, 4251M. 52-2* They were gneatly appreciated. è Christmas." The parade of the and Arthun of Toronto. Four 52-1 f» O wooden soldiers was, especially sisters also, Miss Mary Taylor HOUSEKEEPER WANTED TO good. The boys dnessed as toy and Miss Annie Taylor of Toronto, ý'R N T0 A Edo bousework, help take cane Mae we extend our thankq and soldiers and carrying wooden guns Mrs. Albert Ramage of Vancou. e of invalid lady. Thnee in fam- appreciation to the public gener- wettrug h Cprd u eadn . EzaWlodf BOW'MANVILLE ily, for winter months. Apply ally for their co-openation in the like mechanical toys. Cldn L. A. Squain, phone Bowman- despatch of Christmas mail and Luck be with you in ail Hazel May Fisher looking like The flowers were most bea7iti- vile 223.52~* ancls.Parkuarl wethak yurendavos t~'ugh a big French doîl in a bouffant fui and numenous, showing the vill 223. 2-1*parels Paricuarl we han yor eneavrs hro dress 0f pink crepe paper and tin- high esteem in which she was .the Carter Family for bot coffee the year ahead. We ail sel, gave a novelty song and dance held.Ma orhuebfl Wanted to Rent and Mns. Alex Colville for sand- wiches ail supplied eveny night wish you and your fam- .number, "I'm Fnom Paris." A The funeraI was beld froni the Myyu os efl during the Christmas rush for the ily the best of every- group of dolîs in costumes from residence at Long Branch on Dec. ed with mnerriment, good YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE (no entire staff. Wisbing these good thing. foreign lands sang "Over the 15 Rev. R. E. Gosse officiating health and good spirit children) desire 1 or 2 furnish- people and everyone, a Happy ____ World Since Time Began:" These at the bouse. Interment took -er ceed or unfurnisbed rooms in New Year. were Jean Toms, Margaret May place at Bo'wmanvifle cemetery every moment of the a tion W4ide S r e Bowmanville. Write Box 593, -Postmaster and Post Office Staff ~..fA .~~ Bonathan and Betty Lçu Hager- wbene Rev. Anderson of Oshawa New Year. That 's the Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 52-if *R.vW. PUAL & SON man, with Norma Allin leader of tok the final service.. 52*General Merchant - Taunton Cathar~ine Dewdney dressed in Paîl bearers were a grandson time .. any whereNoceT C edtrEn ikle Phone :- Oshawa 163w3 a very effective costume as a Rub- Roy Wonnacott, five nephews, through this message, to Notice_ __________________________ ber Doll, sang and whistled a Frank Welwood, Gordon Taylor, every one of out* ous. ________________________seciality number, "I Can Whistle" Sydney Wonnacott, Bob and Glen tmr ALL PERSONS baving dlaims_______________ Jack Allun was 'also good in bis Hancock, a cousin, Frank Jenn- es- past, present euse of Morris Funeral Service is your against the Estate of William Mn. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanville, title solo "Jack in the Box." Mary ings and three friends, Harry Ha-- and future. >0f economy and satisfaction regard- Charles Allun, wbo died on on hry o eAtu n i er et cun.Orln xeineabout the second day of Decemben at E. C. Asbton's -----Mr. and C. H. TUCK Hagerman in an awesome costume Atheny, onMecAing tuthand im iation ith ocrliab lo neldiecr 1945, at the Town of Bowmanville, Mrs. Oswald Pethick and Gail,ofnehlbacadoe l ndtera hegvsi. Jain ih eial unrl iecosmust be filed with the *under- Miss Joy Orchard, Mrs. Venna Registered Optometrist wfthe tgavea odinterpretaionadohesa h gaeie wfithe trouemaking bra fir God knew that she was suffering t Canada allows us to take complete signed, Executrix, Bowmanville, Wood, Toronto, Mn. Floyd Peth- singing as ber solo "What Trou - That the il were bard to climb Everei * sb r .performing the services requested in Ontario, on or before January ick, Montreal, at S. R. Pethick's Speclal Arrangement ble." Two more choruses by the So lie closed bier weipry eyelids aicncetosyadefcety-9tb, 1946, after wbich date distni- -- n n r.Hg evn,3dysrie dolîs and then Santa appeared And whispered "Peace be thîns." Impenial Service Station îil, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- cosiniuM n fiinl uinwl aepaeaddisT rt. and Mrs. Howeard sngin "Its Tie toGo."TeeAway in the beautiful hls0ho, - iladPrcosdrbesvngt h aiyno ie ilbebne.Sees.M.adMs .o.f ponmnt .0t 2 prt0 oudjvilSnaCasBytevle frets anKn S.W hn 9 Dated at Bowmanville, Ont., Moore, at Mn. Floyd Beckett's ----- and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. was well taken by Wallace Coucb. Some time, some day, we know wmnil December l8th, 1945 Mn. and Mrs. D. R. Yeo, Oshawa, A h otms ntecna not hn NINAE. EADS Mr.andMrs.R. . Yo, Tron, DINEYBLD., OP. .O. were exceptionally clever and a We will meet our Mother there.8 Executrix, Bowmanville, Ont. Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Collacutt, FIE11 E.22 ra da11o rdti u hs 51-3 Bowmanville, at Mn. Gordon FFCE116 - E. 52 reat e o reit i e fthose jS ARLNELM F. M orris C o. XYon ----- Mn. and Mrs. E. C. OSHAWA, ONT. fittneof the nembes of the MsCnln AB0 AhoJune and Harold at I.a cantata. The programi was unden r.Crln Lamb, ohrf Travell's, Oshawa ---- Mr. and the capable direction and super- Mayor Chanles Lamb, Lindsay, LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mrs. R. McNeil at Mn. Fred Cow- vision of Mrs. Douglas Irwin, A.T. died a h oeo e agtn aind M Pr H cill -and-- f.andly auast"-sc-ool. ber e2hde ohr ei Wood- r, t, -I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILT-V. nivrAPM r il

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