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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, DEC. 27tb, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESM~Êtr~, ~, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN t HOLIDAY VISITORS Cpi. Irene Casbourn, C.W.AC., Bennett. >ong Brancb, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Maynard ý dney Casbourn, Toronto, with with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kitchen, tpeirý parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oshawa. Casbourn. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Papineau, Capt. Bill Brown, Lord Strath- Mr. Loftus Papineau, Toronto, cona Horse Regiment, Camp Bor with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. den, with his wife and his par- Clifton Papineau. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mrs. Charlie Harris, Orono, Mr. Tom Rbeder, McGill Uni- with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fowler, versity, Montreai, with bis par- Elgin St. ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rheder. Mr. and Mrs. R. Downey, Pet- Mr. Stanley Ellis, Welland, erboro; Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hoar, with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rheder.' Miss Dorothy Hoar, Mr. Charles Sgt. and Mrs. James Culiy and Hoar, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jean, Mrs. W. J. Cully, Jr., Mar- Kerr, Oshawa; Mrs. J. J. Smith, ilyn and Billie, Toronto, and Mr. Welcome, witb Mr. and Mrs. E. V. and Mrs. W. Watson, Hamilton, Hoar. with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cuily. Mrs. Muriel Webb and daugb- "r. and Mrs. Carleton Greene ter Maureen, Vancouver, B.C., aFMarilyn, Avon, N.Y., with with ber sisters, Mrs. Leon Moore Myw Eva Hellyar and Mr. Fred and Mrs. Allen Moffatt. H ilyar. Mr. Lindsay Mitchell, Univers- A~ir Geo E. ritcard ity of Toronto, witb bis parents, ers.Geo.E. ritcardand Mn and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell. Helen witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ir. Keith Siemon, University Hughes and Jimmie, Toronto. of Toronto, and Major and Mrs. Cpi. Tbos. Bernnett, R.C.A.F., Harold Siemon, Chorley Park Deseronto, Mrs. Bennett, Gordon Hospital, Vice Air Marshai and and Dorotby, Mr. Peter Walker, Mrs. Roy Siemon and cbildren of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bal,: Ottawa, with Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Fred and Ronnie, Mrs. E. Bennett, Siemon. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mn. Don Venton, Aylmer, witb Laxacold Tabs. - - 25e Vick's Vatronai - - 43e Vick's Rub - - - 43e Nyal Nasal Drops - 35C Groves' Cold Tabs. 24e - 44e Buckley's Capsules - 35e Buckley's Mixture 40e - 75e CREOPHOS The guaranteed Bronchical Cough Medicine Lge. Bottle - - - $1.00 COLU VACCINES ORAL Vitavax Caps.-- Vacagen Tab&. Entoral Pulvales-- $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 ENOS 'FRUIT SALT' ET TAKE VITAMINES DAILY Wampole's Extract - $1.00 Scott's Emulsion - 59e - 98c One a Day Vitamin 44e - 98c Kep1er's Extract - 75e - 1.25 Vi Mi Caps. - $1.85 - $3.25 Waterbury's Comp. - 93e Calcium A Caps. $1.10 - $2.00 Frosst's Neo-Chemical Food Caps. -$1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Liquid -$1.15-$2.45-$4.45 HOT WATER BOTTLES 69e - 98e - $1.39 PhonI ' lIIlSTl~ We Fit 695 COWILING'S F UG I STOIILTrusses TIRE RATIONINO 's OFF On Tuesday, Jan, lst',1946 We have the largest stock of new tires in the commiunity, but we can 't guarantee a steady supply. At the present time some sizes are almost impossible to obtain. We wQuld advise anyone who definitely needs new tires to have their name put on our priority list, as we realize the demand is greater than the supply. Go Fe JAMIESON TIRE SHOP Ring & Silver Sts. Bowmanville LOOK! New High Prices for Live Poultry Until further notice we are paylng the followlng prices for LIVE POULTRY dellvery to our Plant in Wbltby: Special -P Ma Till further notice wlll pay 23e per lb. lve weight, for Fat Dueks.1 TOP GRADE HEAVY . 23e TOP GRADE LIGHT FOWL - 4 to 5 Ibs . 2le TOP GRADE LIGHT FOWL - under 4 . 19e TOP GRADE BROILERS - 2 to 3 lbs............-------b. 28e TOP GRADE ROASTING CHICKENS, over 41/ lbs. lb. 28e TOP GRADE ROASTING CHICKENS, under 41/ lbs. lM. 26e TOP GRADE HEAVY CAPONS - over 5 lbs.----- lb. 30e We are also i the market for dressed poultry- wouid Mie to receive your shlpments of dressed Chicbens, Turkeys, Dueks and Geese. PICKERING FARMS, LTD.0 WIMY Telephone - Whltby 336 ONTARIO bis parents, Chief and Mrs. Sid- ney Venton. Mn. Bert Jobnston, Milton, with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. J. H. Jobnston. Mn. and Mns. Ward Hoffman, Toronto, and Master John James, Onillia, with their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mn. Herbent Cole, University of Toronto, with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Cole. Miss Helen Joncs with Miss Janet McGîllPs, Pont Hope. Miss Emma Werry, Toronto, witb ber cousin Miss Florence Wenry. Mn. John Symons, Sudbury, with bis daugbter, Mrs. Fred W. Nelles. Sgt. and Mrs. Chas. Detlar and two sons witb Mrs. Frank Dethar, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Power and two cbldren, Onono, Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Houck, Bowmanville, witb Mn. and Mns. E. J. Power, Oshawa. Miss Fay Found, Ontario Ladies College, Whitby, witb ber par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Found, Courtice. Mrs. Maude Harris, Toronto, with Mn. Luther Stainton, Man- vers Road. Mn. Robt. Battie with bis bro- ther, Mr. W. G. Battle, Oshawa. Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Mn. C. H. Haddy, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Haddy, Sarnia, with Mns. C. H. Mason. Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, with ber mothen, Mrs. N. S. B. James. Dr. James left Christmas nîght to visit friends in Philadel- phia, Pa. Mn. Bill Edger, Peterbono, with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. W. A. Edger. Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Miss Marion Warder, St. Marys, witb her parents, Mn. and Mrs. R. H. Wander. Mrs. R. H. Hoskin, Toronto, witb ber sister, Mrs. A. S. Baker. Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson and family, Peterboro, with his mother, Mrs. Mary Jamieson. Lt.-Col. Day Warnica, recently ly nturned from overseas, witb friends. Mrs. Beatrice Hall and son Barry, Toronto, with ber father, Dr. J. C. Dcvitt. In last week's Christmas edi- tion we regret that we made an error in Owen Nicholas' coal deal- er adventisement. His phone number is 410. Mr. Howard Maebus, Peter- borough Collegiate staff and Mrs. Maebus and Catharine wcre gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe. Wedncsday was a general holi- day among mercbants but banks, Hydro, drug stores arnd The Statesman were open for business and the Post Off ice resumned to take care of mail for New Year's episties. Christmas Day was usbered in witb slect, snow and rain Streets and roads were in dangerous con- dition but police report tbat there wcre no local accidents; that Christmas eve was observed quietly with no one booked for a bcd at the Town Hall. The staff of The Statesman were pleased to receive s0 many com- pliments on last week's issue of our publication. Wc bad intend- cd publisbing ail these comments but as space is scarce this week we would just like to say "tbahIk you" and we certainly appreciate your words of encouragement. ,Christmas meeting of Women's Institute was beld Dec. 20 in the forma of a Cbristmas party. Pres- ident Mrs. C. Mutton conducted a short business session. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and ber group gave a vcry interesting talk on Indus- tries of Bowmanville, whicb will be publisbed next week. Misses Loryne Wbite and Mildred Snow- den sang a duet and later Loryne entertained with a solo accomp- anying berseif at tbe piano. San- ta distributed Christmas presents to aIl wbich was followed by a deligbtfui lunch including Christ- mas cake. Bowmanville Fire Brigade was called out at 10:30 Monday morn- ing to put out a cbimney fire in Ralpb Ames' bouse on Carlisie Ave. The fire whicb was quickly extinguisbed did small damage to the walls and partitions of the bouse. The fire brigade deserves - When you hear midnight strike out, ringing in 1946, remember that wherever you are our good wishes go with you for a year of content- ment. We wishi to thank ail our friends for their kind co- operation du.ring 1945 and we are sure that we will be able to serve you better in 1946. Prom the Staff of J, W. JEWELL ,«BIG 20", PHONE 556 ______________________________________________'s' particular credit for tbeir effort in gctting the fine truck out o! the fine bail in just under thnee min- utes from the time the sinen soun- ded with only two men missing from the hose and adder depant- ment. Fine Chie! Hooper and bis men deserve heanty congratula- tions on their speedy efforts. Weddings JOHNS ON-BAKER Evergneens, cbrysanthemums and candlc light formed the set- ting for a pretty wedding at the home of Mn. and Mrs. John Baker, Solina, Tuesday cvcning, Dec. 18, 1945, when their daugbtcr, Muriel Irene, was united in marniage with Charles Johnson, son of Mn. and Mrs. Johnson, Newark, N.J. Rcv. Waltcr Rackman officiated at the double ring ceremony. Wcdding music was played by Ileen Balson and during the sign- ing of the register Mrs. J. C. Smales, sister of the bride, sang "For You Alone." The bride, given in marriage by ber father, was lovcly in a floor lengtb gnwn of white satin, fasb- ioned witb sweetbeant neckline, fitted bodice, and long sîceves with points oven the hands. Her fingen-tip veil was hcld in place witb plume cononet and she car- rîed a wbite Bible witb white nib- bon streamers and tiny white flowcrs. Sgt. Helen Baker, C.W. A.C., Ottawa, attcnded ber sisten as bridesmaid, wearing a floor lcngth gown of mauve brocaded crepe with matching headdness and carried a nosegay of ycllow chnysanthemums and roses. The groom was attended by Thomas Baker, Jr., brother of the bride. For the reception following, the bridai party wcre assisted by the bride's mother wbo chose a green crepe ensemble with corsage of red roses. For their trip to U.S.A. points the bride changed to a blue wool dncss with red coat, silver fox fur and black accessories. Attending the wedding, othen than relatives and friends fromn the immediate vicinity, were Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Gould, Mrs. Greta VanNest, Peterboro; Mrs. E. M. Leeson, Rcg.N., Miss Irene Bragg, Miss Betty Snowclen, Ton- onto; Lieut. Gertrude MacLean, Lieut. Isobel Beveridge, King- ston; Maurice Baker and Janice, Georgetown. The bride is a graduate of Pet- erboro Normal School, Nichols' Hospital, Peterboro, and necently returned fromn serving with the R.C.A.M.C. overseas as a Lieut. Nursing Sister. The groom, who also retunned recently fromn ser- vice wlth the R.H.L.I. overseas, is a graduate of Corneli University. Previous to ber manniage the bride was guest of bonour at the home of Mrs. Pency Dewell, of Hampton, when about 25 friends were entertained at a miscellan- cous shower; at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mns. Ar- thur Gould, Peterboro, and a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Howard Couch, Bowman- ville. MASSIE-NEEDHAM The cbapel of St. Mary the Virgin, Anglican Church, Toron- to, was the scene of a pretty wed- ding on Dec. 8, wben Miss Ber- nice Needham, daugbter of Mn. and Mrs. Fred Needham, Burke- ton, became the bride of Sgt. Ai- exander Massie, R.C.A.M.C., son of Mrs. Thomas Massie and the late Mn. Massie. Rev. Gordon A. Hemn officiated. Mn. Densem, or- ganist, played the wedding music and during the signing of the reg- ister Mns. R. E. Wood, sang. The bride, given in manniage by ber father, wore a gown of ivory silk jersey with sweetheart neckline, fitted bodice, long sîceves witb lily points over the bands, and full skirt falling into a train. She wone a fingentip veil witb halo of silk jersey~ loops and carried a showen bouquet of red roses, baby white 'mums and fonget-me-nots. The attendants were Mrs. Eliz- abeth Shipley as matron of honor and Miss Betty Anderson, cousin of the groom, as bridesmaid. Thein gownIs were of pale blue and pink satin, fashioned alike with sweetheart neckline, fitted bodice, full skirt. Tbey wore cha- pel veils with floral beaddresses and cannied cascade bouquets of mums and roses. Miss Mary Lou Goodwin was flower girl in pink taffeta, trimmed with nusbings, with a floral beaddress and a gar- land of baby 'mums and fern. Mn. Tom Massie was best man for bis brother and Mn. Gordon Mar- den, .fiend of the groom and Mn. A. Middleton, cousin of the bride, were ushens. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was 3-strand peanîs. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a silver cigarette case; to matron of honon and bridesmaid, pearîs; flower girl, silver locket; and to best man and ushens, tic and col- ian pin sets. The recep)tion was held at the ~IN THE DIM AND *DISTANT PAST Fro The tates:File FIFTY VEARS AGO Dec. 25, 1895 Fred W. McClung, Toronto, wbo passed the Junior examinatuons at the College of Pbarmacy with honors, is home. W. St. Pierre Hughes, son o! John Hughes, Cartwright, bas been appointed chief keeper at Kingston Penitentiary. Successful candidates at Port Hope Model Scbool arc: E. W. Al- lin, Jas. Benson, Wesley Clarke, Howard Cbestmct, Fred Davy, H. W. Foley, Chas. Haydcn, Alex Hougb, Wm. Inch, Fred Moroney, Norman Moyse, Frank Moore, Stanley Pickup, Mabel Bennett, Lena Davy, Jennie Jackson, Grace Laing, Minnie Lctbidge, Agnes Onchard, Gertrude Snow- den, May Sparling, Mary E. Vin- tue. Arthur McMurtry is home from McGill College, Montreal. Enfield-Thos. Hall bas gone to England. Enniskillen-F. Rohbins is mn- ving to Rochester ---- L. W. Wil- liams bas been re-engaged as tea- cher of Peryman's Scbool. Coutice-A. F. Rundle will go on the road for the McLaugblin Canniage Co.----- S. J. Courtice, Victoria University, Toronto, and Miss Fbo Annis, Demili College, Oshawa, are home. What the Rubber Industry Means To Bowmanville (Second Pnize Essay by Peggy Dippeil) Few towns are able to boast o! the industry and beauty that Bowmanville can. This bas been made possible largely by the ef- forts o! the Goodyear. In 1910, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company o! Canada was establisbed in Bowmanville after purcbasing the Durham Rubber Company. Since that time the Goodyear plant bas grown until now in 1945, twenty-six buildings replace the original six buildings o! 1910. Hôwever in 1917, the tire dcpartment was moved to New Toronto and the Goodyear bene suffered a setback. Later, many more uses were found for rubben and a big industry sprang up in Bowmanville. Mn. C. H. Carlisle came to Bow- manville in 1910 looking for a place in which to establish the Goodyear in Canada. He saw that witb improvements, Bowmanville could be made into an industrial town. In 1912 waterworks and sewage disposai were installed, followed a few years by the Hy- dro Electric and the telephone system. Employees coming to the Goodyear needed homes in wbich to live so the Goodyear bought land and built some fifty bouses on Carlisle Ave., named in bonor o! Mn. C. H. Carlisle. The Goodyear in Bowmanville bas played a veny important noIe in the war production. For near- ly six years, the Goodyear manu- factured many items for use in the army, navy and air force. Real citizcnship is displayed by the employees o! the Goodyear- Bowmanville. For example, take the victory boans. The Goodyear- Bowmanville bas neached its ob- jective in record time in every Victory Loan drive. Many of the employees, in fact between 100-200 people have con- tributed to the Blood Donor's cli- ic in Oshawa. We find the Goodyear employees taking thein place in the civic ife o! the town. Some are on churcb boards, the Hospital Board, Board o! Education, and many belong to our town fine department. They also take an active inter- est in community sports such as basebahl, hockey, basketball and bowling, as well as belonging in community affains ike in our service clubs. A few employees are on our town council which proves the great community in- tenest o! the employees o! Good- year-Bowmanville. The "Wingfoot Clan" is a montbly paper publishcd by the employees containing news of the plant and the town in genenal. The employees o! the Goodyear enjoy a modern cafeteria with self-service facilities. Besides the meal bours, thene are lunch pen- iods both un the morning and a!- tenoon. We also find an up-to-date bos- pital with ail modern conven- iences. It bas five compantments with Dr. V. H. Storey in dauly attendance and a fuli-time nurse. Any employee wbo meets with an accident or takes sick while on duty, is admitted to the hosp)ital baýs become the la-rgest.producer o! mechanical goods in Canada TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Dec. 23, 1920 Bowmanville Cbamber of Com- merce bas opened an employment bureau at the office of Secretary, C. H. Mason. Mrs. Lawry Cryderman was in Oshawa attending the 83rd birth- day celebration of ber grandmo ther, Mrs. Eleanore Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cox, Mar- jonce and Lillian, Liberty St., lcft for Liverpool, England. Maple Grove-Lloyd and Eber Snowden won 4tb and 6tb prizes at the swine judging contest at O.A.C., Guelph. Tynone-Emiiy Atkinson bas gone to Hamilton -----Mns. Sam- uel Pollard, motber of W. Blake Pollard, town, Oswald S. Pollard, Toronto, and Alma, at home, died Dec. 15. Courtice -Miss Ethel Brooks will attend Shaws Business Col- lege, Toronto ---- Frank Walter met every dlaim for clever acting and kept the audience in roans of laughter with bis portrayal of Rev. Homer Alexander Brown in the play "The New Minister."' Solina-Eidad churcb will ne- open Jan. 9 with Rev. W. H. Spar- go, Bowmanvillc, gucst preacber -----The W. Van Nest orchestra furnisbed music at the Christmas concert and Miss Annie Williams was organist and supervisor. and bas made tbis town beautiful as well as industrial. Thus on their 35th anniversary we con- gratulate them. Exhibition Hockey Game Played on Boxing Day Bowmanville Red Raiders Ju- venule team managed to whip the Bowmanville Intermediate team 10-7 in an exhibition game play- cd Wednesday morniihg in Osh- awa arena. The game, touch and go throughout the whole 60 min- utes of play, was won in the last period wben the Juveniles came out from bebind a 6-4 tally to score 6 goals to the Intermediate's one. Standout players for the Juven- iles were Colwell, Hooper and Rundle and botb goalies did ex- ceptionally fine work. Reception Given Bridai Couple A reception was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Man- tin, 61 Cromwell Ave., Oshawa, Dec. 19, when friends and neigh- bors gathened to honon Mn. and Mns. Allen Martin, the latter the former Betty Mabel Welsh, of Bowmanville and Oshawa, a ne- cent bride and bridegroom, with a misceilaneous sbower. The gifts, piled bigh in a big basket, deconated in pink and white, was carried in by Master Elmer Martin and his cousin, Billy Martin, of Whitby, and plac- cd between the bride and bride- groom wbo sat under an arch- way decorated with pink and white streamers and white wed- ding belis. Before tbe gifts were opened, Jeif Martin, of Whitby, proposed a toast to the bride and bridegroom andi an address was read by Mrs. S. Snelgrove. After the gifts were opened, a dainty lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Don Lea- vitt and Mrs. Bud Miller. The remainder of the evening was OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. December 27 - 28 - 29 Betty Hlutten, Arturo de Cordovai Slincendiary Blonde' with Charles Ruggles, Albert Dekker Barry Fitzgerald A Spectacular Cavalcade of the Terrifie Twenties in Glorlous Technicolor MON.- TUES. - WED. Special Holiday Attraction Il NEW YEARI spent in dancing and all joined in attended, but ber grandfatber a sing-song. was unable to attend owing to ilU- The bride's grandmotber, Mrs. ness. Other guests were fromn Thc'nas Cartwrigbt, Bowmanville, Wbitby and Toronto. I Happy New Year Nineteen-forty-six may stili be swaddling clothes, but it's going to grow up fast and take care of the whole wide world. 80 give the new year the kind of welconie that it deserves and have a head start on a Vand and glorious year. DO WMAN VILLE DAIRY King St. E. Bowmanville We've pieked a four-leaf clover and we 're pass- ing it on to you! It's 1946 - a petal for every season, and every season promising us good luck, good fortune and good tinies. We 've ail been through a lot together, and now we can look forward to sharing in future years which will endow us ail with the things we miust desire and require. FAML King St. E. Bowmanville RtOYAL THEATRE Bowanvlle- Phone 589E A Week of Superb Entertainment Today & Friday Saturday Only GEORGE FORMBY "Blondie Goes Latin" i "George in The Homeguard"p Added for Laugbs LAUREL & HARDY COMEDY Cartoon - And - "lights of Old Santa Fe" with Roy Rogers, Trigger Cartoon SPECIAL - NEW YEAR'S EVE Midnight Show And Shorts to Please You Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Dec. 31 - Jan. 1 - 2 "v -- International Picium proonls GARY COOPER e LORETTA YOUNG A1Ionq Came Jones ~.WILLIAM DEMAREST -DAN DURYEA DModed by STUJART EM Soe u M y by 1Mmay JIcia -An, 9410M ?Ot4PCIIRE RoWd..dby IKO RAMOfCTRM oc< Fox News - Sport Reel - Cartoon mur --Iqffl PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, DEC. 27th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESeA-ly, --_ ONTARIO 1 ti

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