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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1946, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL~ ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN, Srd, 1946 Enfield ChrtulnssVisitors Miss Verna Oriston, Toronto, at H. SmitIt's - Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowmnan and Bruce at A., J. Tarnblyn's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Webster and fanily, Mies Mary Cole and Donald Sa- mis, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ab- ernethy and family and Miss Elsie Samis, Peterboro, at Mr. Milton S>amis'- Mr. and Mrs. H. B*Rton and Ian, Mrs. L. Pascoe, Mins Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and family, Mrs. R. Pagcoe at Wallace Pascoe's - Mr. and Mrs. T. Willier, Miss Vera Stinson at N. Stinson's - Mr. and Mrs. Normian Scott at Columbus#-- Mr. and Mrs. A. -W. Prescott and family at Rich- mond Hin _ Misses Gertie, Edytii and Emelinda Mays, Har- mony, with friends. The Christmas Tree and con- cert ýwas a success in spite of very bad colds. Much credit is due Mrs. Ashton for the fine concert ENOS 'FRUIT SALT' FOR BABY'S HEALTH Ayerst IOD Cod Liver OU1 - 67c-$1.69 Mead's Cod Liver OU1 - 50c-$1.00i 01. Percomorphum 75c - $3 Vlbiatroi - - - 65c-$3.25 Pablum - - - 45c Castorla - - - 33C Mennen's Baby 011 - - 59C4$1.194$2.50 Croup Syrup --25e-50 J. & J. Powder- 28cC:5 5c Baby Cough Syrup - - - 25e-50C 1Vbizm Syrup -' - '- SOci with s0 few pupils. Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Saxnis gathere4 at their home on Christmas Eve in honor of their 4th wedding anniversary, and presented them with a woolen blanket and a cushion. There has been no church ser- vice here for two Sundays owing to cold weather and bad roads. Blackstôck Hurrah for Bowmanville for voting "dry" on the recent liquor question. We are looking forward to hav- ing a District Health Nurse for our community. Geo. Crawford is fixing a clinic in the old bank building. We welcome the new high school teacher, Mr. Smitherland and fa- mily to our community. They will live in the rectory for the present. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. John Venning and Joan with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert at Kitchener Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow CREOPHOS Stops Bronchial Coughs Lge. Bottle - - - - $1.00 VITAMIN PRODUCTS Wampole's Extract - $1.00 Frosst's Neo-Chemical Food Liquid -$1.15-$2.45-$4.45 Capsules -$1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Vi Mi Caps. - $1.85-$3.25 Calcium.A. Caps. $1.10-$3.25 Vitempo (B Complex> $1.25 HAND LOTIONS Pacquin's Hand Cream - - - - 29c-57e Jergen's Lotion 25c-47c-98c Hlnd's Cream 25c-49c-85c Itaian Balm - - 35c-98c 16 oz. Ultra Lotion- 49c Whltch Hazel Cream- 45c Vewettia Baliù - - - 25e Barrington Hand Cream -- 29c-55c MACLEANS LARGIST SULINTOOTH.~e FASTE IN OUAT MEIAINS I Scott's Emulsion - 59c-98i Kepler's Extract 75c-$1.25 1:xt. Malt and Cod Liver 011 - 59c-98c-$1.69 LOW PRICES Lactogen --69c-$1.59 FI LLS. Pmnex ----32C D.W IPIW..kPahtiolive Soap 2 for lic &T.HILFENPinkham's Comp. - 87e Corega Powd. 23c-39c-69c Robinson's Barley - 32e Hot Water Botties 69e - 98e - $1.39 PhoneGS SOR Wie Fit 695 C IflN'S DIIfS OR Tus NOTICE FRUIT GR'OWERS The Northumberlan'd and Durham Apple Growers ANNUAL CONVENTION in St. Peter's Parish Hall, Cobourg Wednesday, January 9th, 194 6 Commenclng at 9:45 a.m. instructive Programme on Insect and Fungus Contrel Orchard Management, Etc. Please forward your Resolutions to Secretary or hand same li n ornlng of Convention. BANQUET - 12:15 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER - Rev. Norman Rawson, Centenary United Church, Hamilton, Ont. Mr. Rawson îs a very noted after-dinfler speaker. FRUIT GROWERS FROM THE SURROUNDING COUNTIES ARE CORDXALLY INVITED. JOHN ALYEA, E. A. SUMMERS, President. Secretary-Treasurer. Firestone Tires For Passeilger Cars and Tractors GOOD SUPPLY 0F ALL SIZES Beatty Bros. ELECTRIC GRAIN GRINDERS AVAILABLE AT ONCE W. Ne BROWN CASE DE~ALER phone 497 - 2610 Bowmanville Harry Haines, R.C.E.M.E., with his family ---Lt. Wallace Breck, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams ---Mr. Bill Hoskin with friends in Niagara ---Miss Ger- aldine Galley, Niagara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair ---Mr. and Mrs. Lowery, Point Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Drewery, Whitby, ,with Mr. and Mrs. Roblin ---Mr. and Mrs. B. Slingerland, Bowman- ville, Mr. Ross Hubbard, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard's. Solina The school meeting passed off quietly. Trustees, secretary-trea- surer and caretaker were re-elec- ted, with A. L. Pascoe, chairman. Walter Pariinder, secretary, gave a very comprehensive report of the O.E.A. at Toronto last Easter. Owing to the dangerous condi- tion of the roads, services were withdrawn at Eldad, Sunday. There will be Communion service next Sunday. Mr. Walter Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, attended the fu- neral of Will Iýanton of Smith$ Falls, at Hanmpton on Monday. Several from here attended the and Bill with Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson, Toronto -_ Mrs. R. Bruce and Miss King with Mr. and Ivrs. Gordon Strong- Mrs.- Eva Part with Mrs. Norble, Tor- onto-- Mr. and Mrs. S. Saywell, Oshawa, and Rev. and Mrs. F. Riding, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey __ Mr. Fred Yarvis, Nova Scotia, was in town Saturday -_ Miss Eva Brown, Hamnilton, with Mrs. John Forder Miss Vera Forder has return- ed to Toronto to be with Mrs. Downey. Glad to welcome Pte. Stanley Rahm home.- He came on the Queen Elizabeth to New York and arrived in Toronto on Saturday. His people went to the cite to meet him. Maple Grove Mrs. Ray Snowden, Helen, Mary, Donna, and Bill Snowden, Tor- onto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens -- Misses Bet- ty Stgvens and Lenora Collacutt at their homes ----Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, at home --- Miss Betty Mitchell, Fergus, tea- cher at No. 3 has returned to her teaching duties after holidaying with her parents. Mr. R. L. Worden has sold his farm to Mr. Ben Brown, Oshawa. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Howard and Virginia to our com- munity., Rev. H. C. Linstead delivered a special Christmas message, also New Year message. There was special music by the choir. Mrs. J. H. Munday feUl and broke her lef t arm above the el- bow. Sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. A. J. Gay, Cour- tice, in the sudden passing of her husband. Miss Audrey Hall, London, Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, Toronto, at H. R. Foley's. Annual Sunday school meeting will be held Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smales, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf and Lar- ry, Oshawa; Mr. Lawrence Wragg, McMaster University, Hamilton, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of Mr. John Snowden who passed away at Bowmanville Hospital, on Janu- ary 2. Union, Darlington Christmas Visitors Mr. Clarence Rahm and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Edwards, Weston, Mr. Walter Cochrane, Mr. Allen Walker, Misses Elsie and Ada Rahm, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm and family, Ennis- killen, Mrs. Harry Rahm, Burke- ton, at Mr. Cecil Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. Herb McLaugh- lin and Garnet, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, Miss Audrey McLaughlin, Tor- onto, at Mr. Russell McLaughlin's. .Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wotten and family, 1 Miss Clara Griffin, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis and Donna, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech, Haydon, at Mr. Richard Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bentham, Oshawa, at Mr. Will Bentham's -----Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Wayne, Oshawa, at Mr. Walter Ferguson's ---Mr. and Mrs. Will McLaughlin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell MéLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin and Donald at- tended the Ratcliffe-McLaughlin wedding on Saturday at Colum- bus. Burketon joyed followed by a sumptuous lunch prepared by the Institute ladies. One and all pronounced it a most successful and enjoyable evening. Brown's Walker's Jàanuary Clearance Sale Short Course at Hampton. Robert Scott, Jr., has accepted a position with the National Ern- ploymnent Service at Oshawa. Holiday Visitors Miss Muriel Langmnaid, Toron- to, at home __ Mr. and Mrs. E. Yonson, Simcoe, Miss Evelyn Macfie, Toronto, et Don Yonson's __John Cunningham, Toronto, with Arthur Reynolds - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson and Mar- garet wlth her father at Port Bol- ster Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and June, Kedron, at Ralph Davis' Mrs. Irwin Bragg and Ross, Mrs. Howard Couch, Mar- jorie and Eileen, Bowmanville, et Jack Baker's ------ Mr. Charlee Hows4m and Mary, Port Perry, at Thos. Baker's and W. Parrinder's -----Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Hampton; Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Betty, Bob and Mildred, Maple Grove; Mr. Arthur Baker, Bow- manvile; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Taunton, at Thos. Bak- er's ------ Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush and Catherine, Or- land, at A. J. Balson's. Roscoe and John Baker, Bow- manville, at W. T. Baker's ---- Mr. and Mrs. E. .R. Taylor and family;, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson and Ileen at Ernest Larmer's, Blackstock. Nestieton Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Samelis, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Gwen and Eunicç, with Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Samelis----- Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, Hampton with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelis -----Mrs. John Williams and Ed- ward with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong ----Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris apid Billy Wilkinson, Cedar Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stinson and Gerald with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitze ----Mr. and Mrs. Wjlmer Fitze with Miss Lou- ise and Mr. Fred Johns ----- Mr. Jas. Thompson with his sister in Kingston ----Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, of Bowmanville with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous. Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ewers, Bowmanville ----Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Laurance and Jean, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Malcolm, Yelverton ----Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Bowmanville, Mr. Tommy Cole, Hamilton, with Mr. Henry Thomp- son------ Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and Billy with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Preston, Lifford ---- Mrs. Jas. Williamson and Mr. Ar- thur Jackman with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright, Janetville ---Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler and f a- mily with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskin, Janetville ---Mrs. John Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sad- 1er and daughters and Mr. Wilfred Williams with Mr. and Mrs. -Robt. Sadier, Blackstock ----Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird and Nancy, Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Emerson ---Miss Jean Mal.- colmn with her brother, Mr. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock ---- Laur- ance Malcolm and Howard Ford- er, Blackstock, have gone to Tol- edo, Ohio, to take a 10 days' course in dairy cattle. W.]. Honor Veterans N*estleton Women's Institute held a social evening on Thurs- day, Dec. 27th, to welcome home the returned men of this com- munity. Several of the veterans were unable to attend, but those present, included: Douglas Fray- er, Percy Hulbert, Tommy Cole, Philip Langfeld, Max Fallis, Chas. Venning, Wm. Fergusion, Kitch- ener Burton and Thos. Langfeld, also our British war bride, Mrs. Philip Langfeld. Rev. R. B. Har- rison was chairman. Program opened with community singing of patriotic songs. Mr. Harrison Regular $22.50 ........ ............. Sale Price Regular $24.95 ...................... Sale Price Regular $29.50 ..................... Sale Price Regular $35.00........................ Sale Price Regular $45.00...OO .................. Sale Price $16.8 81/4 $18.71 $2.5O FF $37.75 Regular $ 8.95 ........- ..................................... SALE PRICE Regular $10.95 ..........................................SALE PRICE Regular $12.95 .................................. . SALE PRICE $ 6.95 $ 7.95 $ 9.95 Regular $14.95 ...........;...............................SALE PRICE . $11.95 Children' s Coats Fully lined and fur trimed. SBizes 7 to 14x. R e g u la .9r................................................$......................................... Suits "EISENHOWER" style Windbreaker Suits. R egular 9 - f r ............................................................................................ Single Breasted, All-wool Herringbone Suits, Plain Shades. R eglgu $ 4 .5a- for..$ r................................................................................. 1 Rack of LADIES' HOUSECOATS - Reduced to Olear. Includes :- Rayons - Orepes - Padded Styles Phone 451 Starkville Mrs. Cecil Glass, Kendal, with her brother, George Smith. A large number attended our Christmas concert and enjoyed a fine program which was well pre- sented by the children. The cap- able chairman, Mr. A. Dobson, welcomed Santa who said he was most interested in the little boys and girls. But in spite of his jolly interest in the little folk, he had given heed to the humorous re- quests of the older ones. Mr. Bill Fox, who has returned from overseas was presented with a ring from the community at the school concert. Bill iade a fine reply of thanks. Christmas Visitors-Misses Nor- ma and Beulah Hallowell, Hazel Reid, Mrs. C. Reid, Messrs. Claude Henry, W. Walker, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wark and Joan, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallo- well, and family, Cowanville, at Llew. Hallowell's------ Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou, Mr. D. Parker, at E. Ruthven's, Zion------ Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hallowell, Toronto, at W. A. Hal- lowell's ----Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Hallowell and Miss Bertha Hallowell, Toronto, at JacobHal- lowell's ----Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton and family at George Smith's ----Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Newtonville, at Wil- liam Robinson's ----Mr. W. Wea- therilt, Caesarea, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid, Orono, at W. E. Reid's --- Mr. and Mrs. Widdis and friends at Jack Reid's ----Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell and Jackie at E. White's, Eli abethville------ Mr. and Mrs .Hugh Stapleton and Kenneth at W. A. Hallowell's --- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow en- tertained members of their fam- ily ---Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd New ears Ee dncewasa- Mr. tn a Mr. L.FarrwtW.l huewsucers withdarn a700------gde nd Zis- r. and Mrst. present. Russ Creighton's orches- D. Armstrong in Peterboro.---- tra provided the music. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carson in Port Wellington Farrow was elected Hope. trustee at the annual trustee meeting. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. Austin e t nil Turner and Helen, Lockharts, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne, Eb- enezer, at Mr'. Clarence Turner's Christmas Vîsitors George Osborne. stayed with his Mr. and Mrs. George Kinibaîl, cousin Sam Turner Miss Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kixnball and Honey, Fenelon Falls, at home family, Mr. Varice Cooper, R.C.A. Pte. Ray Brown, Camp Ipper- F., Guelph, Mrs. Cooper and fa- wash, at home ---Mr. and Mrs. mily, Orono, at Mr. Wilfred Mc- Austin Harris, Cobourg, Mr. and Kay's - - Miss Laurna Pearce Mrs. Howard Bellamy, Orono, at and Mrs. Walter Whittaker, Tor- Mr. H. Reichrath's ----Mr. Et- onto, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce sal Graham, Tisdale, Sask., and and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walk- Miss Audrey Graham, at Mr. Robt. ey and family at Mr. Harvey Os- Graham's -- Mrs. Clifford Brown, borne's, Welcome------ Mr. and Ray and Sidney, Mrs. Tom Wilson Mrs. Stanley Rowe and family at and Wyllene at Mr. Cecil Malley's, Mr. Frank Gilmer's _ Mr. and Lockharts -_ Mr. and Mrs. Earle Mrs. Donald Stapleton at Mr. Wm. Booth at Claremount__ Miss Stapleton's -_ Mrs. Hanimond Peggyr Stephenson at her uncle's, Brown with her sister, Mrs. Har- Mr. Lloyd Stephenson, Newcastle. old Lee, Niagara Falls, N.Y. - THE MODERN STORE Miss Dorothy Skinner and Mr. Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown ---- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan, Cow- anville, at Mr. Lanson Millson's. Also Mr. Lawrence Milîson, Tor- onto ---Mrs. Louise Mclntyre, Detroit, Mich., with Miss I. Laing and Mr. Wm. Laing ----Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer, Bowmanville ------ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane, Miss Mary Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane and family, at Mr. Bruce Leuty's, Port Hope ---- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer, Elsie and Ralph Nicholîs, Stark- ville, Miss Florence Burley and Mr. Earl McEwen, Peterboro, Mr. Keith Burley, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Denault and family at Mr. Cecil Burley's ----Mr. Don Vinkle with his brother at Belle- ville------ Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown and family at Mr. Robt. Patterson's, Orono -- -- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stark and family at Mr. Moore's Castleton ----Miss Eth- el Cole, Bowmanville, at Mr. Lau- rie Cole's ---Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones entertained the Jones fam- ilies for Christmas ----Miss Fae Jones at Warkworth. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones brought her home Sunday ----Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallowell, Starkville, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton and Kenneth at Mr. Max Stapleton's. Also Miss Evelyn Stapleton, Osh- awa ------ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale and two daughters with Mrs. J. Clysdale, Crooked Creek -Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood and family with friends at Eliza- bethville ----- Miss Lillian Hale, Orono; Misses Jean and May Hale, Bowmanville; with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hale ----Mrs. J. W. Lan- caster and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster at Mr. I. Munday's, Maple Grove. Mrs. J. W. Lancaster went on to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. Lock- hart, Niagara Falls, N.Y----Mr. and Mrs. George Burkitt and fa- mily, Frankford; Miss Olive Johnston, Peterboro; and Mr. Tupper Johnston at Mr. W. Han- cock's ---Mrs. Howson, Toronto, at Mr. Hutchison's. Misses Bertha Thompson, Jen- nie Thompsori, Annie Nesbitt and Olive Johnston and Mr. Lanson Milîson motored to Toronto, Dec. 26, and attended the funeral of Frank Law. Mr. Law was clerk in the late Gen. John Hughes' store here for years, later becom- ing proprietor of the same store as well as postmaster. This com- munity extends sincere sympathy to Mrs. Law and son, David. A number from here attended the funeral of Jack Bryson of Kendal at Bowmanville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nesbitt, Port Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hun- ter and Mary, Brooklin, and Miss Gladys Whitney, Oshawa, at Mr. 1B. Whitney's. Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick and Mrs. E. Stutt with Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. Welcome home to Pte. Jack Potts ----Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Eunice and Ewart, Taun- ton, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh An- nis -- Mr. and Mrs. J. Stainton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stain- ton, Hampton, at L. Stainton's --: Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy with Mvr. and Mrs. R. McNeil - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mrs. H. Stev- ens attended the funeral of Wm. Ranton at Hampton --- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowmanville, Mrs. K. Caverley and Gwen, Hampton, with Miss E. Souch--- Welcome home to Alvin Page, son of Mrs. Etta Page --- Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird and Nancy, Brook- lin with Mr. J. R. Ormiston --- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston, Mrs. J. H. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb attended the funeral of A.1 $8396 $13.95 $11.95 Bowmanville J. Knox, Orono Misses liorothy and Evelîna Abernethy, Tottin- ham, with their sister, Mrs. Rus- sell Griffin --- Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Smith and family, Oshawa, with Mr. Claude Smith--Mrs. Bancroft and Mary Lou with friends at Oshawa -- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace, Mr. Allan Walker, Misses Elsie and Ada Rahm, Egow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Union at Walter Rahm's -- Kenneth Rahm hgs returned to work after a week's holiday ---- gr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Lois with Mr. S. May's. Toronto --Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mr. LeRoy Brown, Orono, xith Mr. and Mrs. J. R.: Ormiston -- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brownlee, Leaside, Miss Audrey McLaughlin, Miss Verna Ormiston, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and fam-ily, Hay- don, with J. R. Ormiston's.1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin, Mr. and Mrs. jack Potts and Lynda, Haydon, and Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Oke, Oshawa, at Walter Oke's. ........................ - ........... - ..-------------------- Pie TownSkop, off ers the Latest in Lad ies' DRESSES, And SUITS \J\.e Wool Dresses Slzes il - 17 In blues, greens, red, mauves - for $10.95 - $14.95 - $16.95 Crepe Dresses Slzes Il - 17. Green, mauve, cerise, black $8.95 to $16.95 Women's Dresses Sizes 38 - 44. In erepes, wools, flowered Jerseys I----mu $8.95 to $24-95 ... .. Imm mu......... ..... . r Ladies' Children' s CHENILLE CHENILLE HOUSECOATS HOUSECOATS Reg. Value $6.95 Reg. Value $2.98 Sale-- $4.95 Sale » $1.98 2 Racks of Ladies' Fali Dresses REDUCED TO CLEAR 4 1'j n fflv. m ,Our Entire Stock of Ladies' Wînter Coats PAGIC sur THURSDAY, jAN, 3rd, . 1946 [WALKER STORES, £IMITEDJ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVUAýi, ONTARIO

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