h1'P A ~T1~ TRU M8DAY, JA.N. 3rd, 1946TTHE CANADIAN b111. J4VULN, .... *UUUEUMUU.UUMMUem~~ o tok ebyWine YtS.S. Noe .Clarke txmer esmera sedo their letterhea s n eo e n HOL DAY VIS T O S _ ___Christmas Visitors:- M. nd the dozen and one other items 'bOL DA goVIrS heI s tlTbb br u omiiSl Mrs. W. A. Adams at A. A. Gib- which have been accumulating eyAs we gof rs teei tl o bb or n-w ni during December. We were al Hospital ince the arrivai of 1946. A near wlnner was borni 10 sons. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gib- set to relax this year whelour top Mrn. Robt. Cotton with her bro- Miss Selnia Bartlett, Ottawa, Mjr. and Mrs. Kenneth Flint, Maple Grove, on Jan. 1, 1946, but son at her parents' home, Sunder- advertiser. of the year, Breslin's ther in amilton.with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. they iost out on the home stretch because the child came soofer ln.M.adMs aodGbo Men's and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Cat. eldEdeeenyr- A. Bartlett. than was expected and there was not time bo go to tie hospital srrsdu ihwa eol turnea from4 years overseas, with Mis Kay O'Neill, Toronto, with where a room had already been reserved. Our contest manager, an blrnwt e ohr two paeprdsttgat- bila brother, Mr. W. A. Edger. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe after a. hurried survey, advises that there are two contestants lu Mrs. G. Annis, Scorboro ----Mr. and er record for the paper, because M Mr rs.Geoge l, ic- ONel. the Hospital so that by next week we hope 10 be able 10 announCe Mrs. Lorne Martin and family at we've neyer run any advertise- Geador Bail R. r. ilias, ewasteeifoil -ment over one page for a local mnond HM11, with her sisters, the Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cochran and awmirM.WilmsNecteorin merchant. Brother Breslin, inci- MissAnagaetebilcAve. daughter witlz hr parents in ner and for supper at Mr. P. Mar- dentaily, is reaily sold on States- Habli, M.W.SeeeEaaerWl-~ of "The Cove" arrived home Mrs. Bruce Tinik, Lorne andD- tin's ---Mr. and Mrs. Russell Os- man advertising. He's tested it Me itr rs omnPrs. W .SelmngrWl--- on n aiya r .oti aywy rmhd eteboo. r toeswih hs amlyatStin plenty of time for the family anne, Solina, at J. Chapman'5-- brean a il at---Mr. a.d out i many ws fdromhebidng eterbor. er Sores, ith bisfamilyat St.Christmas re-unions. Shortly be- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow at Belhnan's, Bowmanvl~~M.ad dvrsegodunrthsef .JhuoteQens ni hoa.rokin Mrs. Clair Wickett, Mauricean to see if people would ask for the Mr. ang sn., . Sithe ypr- Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hancock foreukihisream Phae was cain- TeaedCrsma ocr Beverley, Mr. and Mrs. James article by namne, to asking bis Mr ad rs . . ouhe.with relatives at Beverton andtoBcnga Plceobei- TeauaChsmacner Garvock and Ronald, Mrs. p. customers how they knew he had Pittsburgh, Penn. vested to the O.B.E. in recognition on Friday night was very largely Kichko and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. A. such an article in stock at a cer- of his work in Holland. attended. A good mixed program F. Gibson, Jack and Dennis and tain price. And he bas come to Miss Charlotte Hoffman, -Tor- Rain feli nearly all day Sunday was given by scbool pupils of theMay oentF.WBwns the conclusion that subscribèrs ont, wit e ohrMs etwich took away most of the Jr and Sr rooms and a short play Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Barchard andi really readThe Statesman. For- 1946 Curtig, 98 Simpson Ave. snow and ushered in New Year's by five Young People after which family, Mrs. Hooper, Gwen and tunately, bis copy was in well in Mr. and Mrs. RaymTond Cole with streets and bighways almost Mrs. Santa Clause arrived and Helen, Ajax; Henry Bowen, New- advance so the printing customers and son Billy, Kitchener, with bis bare; à considerable change from with ber helpers distributed the .ate tMs .Brhr' --Ms will still get tbe fast service we sister, Mrs. Reta Dudley. conditions a year ago when this many gifts from the tree.Behspanttrebtes had boped to give them. It migbt Mr. Don Venton, field engineer district was blanketed with the Sunday services were well at- anid two sisters, attended the be go dafr n ecat for Pigott Construction Co. at Ayl- heaviest snowfall in 72 years. tended and in keeping with tbe sho cnetndh t e ng this to check their printed '9 mer on the construction of a plant Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. McCartney Christmas spirit. Barchard's -- Leslie and Mary Gib- supplisnwt.e fte r for Imperial Tobacco Co., witb of 140 Mona Drive, Toronto,N., Miss Madeline Truli, Toronto, so M. ndMr.Walae ibo running îow. Chief and Mrs. S. Venton and Au- will entertain the Chapel-on-the- spent the Christmas holiday at and Gerald at Chas. Gibson's-nig ht'saddo forg et t ookee drey. Hill folk on Friday, January i lth, home.Cei alysfmyloWl ngtnd o' ortt kp Mr n r.K. B. Wood, Teddy at 8 .p.m. Any Bowmanville friends Pte. Walter Holwell returned CclMîesfmî,as e your New Year's resolutions, es- Mr. nd Ms. ington Brunt's family at Mrs. C. pecially the one which says you and Pat with his parents, Mr. and wbo are visiting in Toronto will home from overseas, Dec. l2th, Brown's, No. 2 Highway -- A farn- are going to spend more evenings Mrs. E. J. Wood, Toronto, at New be most enthusiastically welcomed on the Mauretania. lgaern atIwnAins" wthyufaiyadteoe Year's. by their summer associates. The ludateing s rthr winard asnd wihc ayou ailagng toequit Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ashton, onwfîn bih e pty th'7 bn is two sisters, Mrs. Downs' and smoking. Heaven help the maies St nede elv, Que., FL. on the bihetsos fteL. Mrs. Venton's families. if the wives ever unionize and de- A. L. and Mrs. Ashton, Trenton, upeetr it fslir cide that men will empty their Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton, M.adarrLoy tino n own asbtrays and equalizete W IL AP RSMakdle r.Ro AhtnTo iving on the Queen Elizabeth at M. n Ms.LoytSantnen New York, Friday. contain the Gail, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. AdamTh BakSonitsthme itJuor ,p's reduc- AMAZUNO NEW DENTAL LIQUII) 9or 3 drops put brushing keeps your teeth dazzlina white. A. J. Gay 1(Continued from Page One) January Clearance Ladfies' Rats and Wintex Coats The latest styles li ladies' Wintr bCoaýtsare being offered at greatly reduced prices. lI blues, browns, greens, blacks, in a wide varîety Of sizes. Visit Our Millinery Department Ail Hats at greatly reduced maintained bis enthusiastic inter- prices. The latest in felts, pi est in most forms of sport, par- ticulariy basebali and curling, boxes and sequent trims. Prior to war restrictions on trav- elling, he usualiy attended the World Series. In Oshawa he was- Corne in and1 a familiar figure at all basebal and softball games. He was the original sponsor of the Oshawa Colts softball club and many oth- e altasfudhim a gen- Go uch, Johnstoi erou suporer ithready assis- tance. Curling was bis greatest sports PHEONE 836 love, particuiarly in later years. At the time of bis death be hai________________ been re-elected President of Osh -_________________ awa Curlers Limited. His support and leadership constituted one of sessed in abundance. the bulwarks of the Oshawa Curl- Brother Died ReenitlY ing Club. Aithough be had not been active as a player he had The son. of télt Henry Gay worked bard and dîhîgently in and Elizabeth Morrow, the de- carrying out bonspiel organiza- ceased was born at Courtice and tional duties and conducting club h d rsd d t e e al h slf .H activities. Last night he presidedhareiethealbs1fe.H at the club in the arranging of was predeceased by bis first wif e, rinks for this season's play. His the former Viola Rundie and a efforts were endless and bis en- sister, Mrs. Leo Courtice. One ergy boundless in the interests of of bis four brothers, Milton J. Gay, the local curling club and rarely passed away also with tragic sud- a day passed in the winter season denness less than a month ago on that "Art" Gay did not visit the Dec. 2. club quarters to perform some du- Besides bis bereaved wife, the ty. former Ruby B. Courtice, he is Hye took a keen interest in ail survived by three brothers, Frank other sports, as an observer and of Winnipeg and Oshawa, Bert J. rwas an admirer of sportsmansbip of Oshawa, and Russell R. of_ .qualities, wbich he himself pos- Courtice.______ Look Around o&Cryderman BOWIEANVI=L The funeral, which was largely attended, was beld Monday after- noon from the f amily residence Courtice. Service was conducted by Rev. H. C. Linstead, pastor of Ebenezer United Cburcb, assisted by Rev. W. C. Smith, Port Perry. Rev. A. W. Cornett and Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa. Paîl bearers Leo J. Courtice, Cecil J. Found, Geo. F. Annmz, Geo. Reid, J. L. Beaton and A. J. Parkhill. Many beautiful floral tributes banked the casket. Members of Oshawa Kiwanis Club attended i a body and acted as flower bear- ers. Interment was in BowmanvIlle -cemetery. Prescription!,s CT' CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED A B.ttoe Way Q __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ tae When you bring your prescriptions to us you can be assured of the Cod Llver 005 f finest possible resuits. Each one is carefully studied and acurately Iotan filled with the purest ingredients. We specialize in this work. When Vitemine A and D 0 siekness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions to, us PHONE 792. WE $HALL CALL FOR IT, FTLL IT, AND DELIVER IT PROMPTLY 590tand 980t 0 o lly FIGT WITER OLDSColgate's Shaving Cream 29c-43c O S Mennen's Shaving Cream- 39e TAKE VITAMINS NOW Listerine Shaving Cream- 25e siNeo-Chemical Food $1. 154$2.454$4.45 0 N.C.F. Capsules .... $1.25-$2.25-$5.0 M C E N Ayerst 1 O-D Cod Liver Oil.. 67c-$1.69 LARGEST SELLINGTOOTFN Aiphamettes $1.00-$1854$3.504$15.00 saTAN 39 9c I-orner's Malt Levol .... 12 ozs. $2.00 Âhdol Capsules P.D. Co. $2.-$3.45-$7.59 YRUP Wampole's Extract.............. $1.00 -Halibut Liver Oil Capsules ... 69c-$1.19 0 ctOiC Idamait (Malt and Cod Liver Ol) 59c-98C-$1.69 0 I PRICES I - 40c-75c mSZZ2 9 7 -29c-57c Capsules- $1.15-$2.7() Listerine Tooth Faste - 25c-40c 423C Colgatels Dental Cream - 25c-40c 23e ~~~Idaphos- 16 oz. $1.00 Ipana ToothPsé--2cU PUIS 2e-69eForhan's Tooth Faste - 29c-49c - 23C- 39eNorpiex Vitamin BI 29c-49c-89e lIAN Si Tablets $1-$1.75-$4.75O ________The Lucky New Way 10..Idafer Iron pt~ 'tekor CleanerTgeth.Bîightef Sihes Tenic- $1.25 ________Blue Glrt BARGAINS V.- "d50e Pluex Comp. - 32e Soft as a fleocy Cloud! BladesI S35e Corega- -- ---24e $1.25 Pinkham's Comp. - - - - 87c 25e A.B.S.& C. Tablets - - - - 19e $2.25 Lactogen - $1.59 4 1 60e Roblnson's0 Barley ---39e :UM ug 39e A.S.A. Tablets0 ES 100's --19e 'Wih» v.gY 25e Saccharine 12 pads jy cash Prie. Tablets 14g.15ec5 I o stao. yout 30e -SaccharrineI bo T*blets --6gr. 17e J RYS" PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 0 laiu VI ALEX McRREOORI 1.50- $2.25 LAUBA SECORD CANDE8 DRUQS PHONE 79Z - WE DELIVER o0 DnChas KidueyliveRPýqittsss lon====Omom==ýý01=0m=====O=Om===»-=O=om====O=Omc=ýoczomc=zz==Omomc=c:z:ej