THURSDAY, JAN. l7th, 1946 'TE PANAflTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TEK Look upon evexry day as the whole of life, flot rnerely as a sec- tion; and enjoy and improve the present without wishing, through haste, to rush on ta another.- Richter. People get the most kick out sf life who do the least kicking. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES De Germ - --------- 29c-49c-89c Dettol -- --------------- 49c-$1.49 Wood's Deodorizers --- lOc-25c Adheslve Tape ----- ---15c-20c-25c-45c Bandages ------ lOc-15c-20c-25c Hot Water Bottles -98C1 Attachment Sets ---------47e Clinical Thermometers ----$1.00-$1.25 Hydrogen Peroxide ------- --------- 25c-60c Epsom Saits -------- 15c-25c Effervescent Fruit Saline -----------------------43e Boracie Acid ----------1c-25c Tincture loanie and Applicator ---------2c-35e Bisma-Rex ---------75c-$1.25 Cainphorated Oul---- 25c-35c Frosst's 217 Tablets ---------35c-75c-$1.50 Hospital Cotton I lb. rolis ----------- Quality Hair Brushes by Pro-phy-lactic - --- -- 69c $2.50 DEATIl LANGMAID - In Darlington on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1946, Matilda Grace Langmaid, widow -o f Charles T. Langmaid, in her 8th year. Funeral from the residence of ber son-in-law, Roy McGill, Lot 16, Con. 7, Darlington, on Sat- urday, Jan. l9th, at 2 p.m. In- terment Zion cemetery. Rexali Cold Capsules---- RexailiCold Tablets --- ---- Riker's Bromide Compound Tablets---- Grove's Cold Tablets- Dominion Cascara Bromide Quinine------ VITAMINS Ayerst 10D Cod Liver Oil Ayerst Cod Liver Oul Ayerst Aiphamettes Squibb's Cod Liver Oul Squibb's .--------- 25c-50C ------ 25e .---- 25e -24c-44c ----- 25e 55c-$1.29 -------- 67c-$1.69 $1.00-$1.85-$3.50 ------ 55c-$1.10 10D Cod Liver Ou --- 67c$1.69 Kepler Malt Extract with Cod Liver Oul -------- 75c-$1.25 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules -----$1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Kodak Verichrome Films Ensure you a proper start for good winter pictures. Now available in popular sizes. Let us have the ex- posed films for developing and printimg. Jury CgLoveli THE REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets WHEN WE TESTF EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY King St. W. Bowmanville The WorId' o reatest... SHOW ON -by - The Producers of ICECAPADES cand ICE FOLLIE~S ... Present eIt8 Spectacular Settings andj q Cotume.. will leave you gasi RESERVED SEATS Now on sale at Mike's Place 1.m00-1.z50-2.00 (Tax Included> ALL. SEATS RESERVEDI Scientific training, a rich heritage of pharm- aceutical experlence and a constant awareness of his responsibilities qualify your Rexali pharmacist to serve you and the commnunity i ail prescription work. [ COLD REMEDIES You'r AS NOW!. greatest at the A njw,lu.g. 6 OVER 80 3-BIO NIOHTS!R T.hurs. -Fr! -Satu JANUARY 2.6th ~..~. at the 1 - Beautiful and Expert Girl Skaters' 1 *Premiere Showi ng -in - Canada! ve thrilledl to the screen's great ice shows with #SONJA HENIE THE FEATURED STAR!1 ..You can see the country's ice show right here lu Oshawa trefla. COMINO EVENTS Work Wanted An aid-trne dance wili be =ed NOW is youm appotunity ta bave at Newtonville Community Hall your househoid repairs expertly on Friday, Jan. 18, by the Hall done by Fred Thomas, Newcastle. Management Committee. 3-1 3-3 ARMY Service Corps broocb set with rhinestones, lost between Dr. Slemon's and Dr. Dinniwell's on Jarr.l4th. Reward. Finder please return ta Statesman Office. 3-l* Articles For Sale ONE mow of Red Clover bay, al- 50 some timathy hay, $12 per ton. Apply E. Milîson, Enniskillen. Phone 2263. 2-3* FOUR cycle Johnston Iran Horse gas engine;, Wettlaufer 2 h.p. gas engine; Bosch magneto; Souvenir 6-lid coal or wood range witb re- servoir, open for water front. Ap- ply Bowmanville Electricians, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 51-tf DOUBLE acting farce pump; 2- standard cistern pumps; also by- draulic ram. Phone 2125, Baw- manville. 3-1* TWO new Case Hammermilîs, 10' borse rake; used equipment, Case V.A.C. tractor on rubber tires; used M.-H. bammermill; 1 used grain grinder; used DeLaval sep- arators. W. H. Brown, J. I. Case Dealer, Bowmanville R.R. 3, phone 2610. 3-1 MARQUETTE Coupe, 1930. In reasonable condition. Apply ta Frank Osmond, Haydon. 3-1* LARGE Quebec Heater in good condition. Apply Mrs. A. A. Gib- son. R.R. 2, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3904. 3-1 SOLID Walnut antique spinnet desk. Mrs. Southey, 26 Elgin St., Bowmanville, phone 731. 3-1 MIXED hardwoad consisting of maple, iran wood, oak and hick- ory limbs and body elm in 4 ft. lengtbs, 2 or 3 cords ta the load. Price $12 per cord, delivered. Ap- ply H. R. Robitaille, R.R. 3t Ponty- pool, Ont. 2-4* OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroam and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a speci4ty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Wanted to Trade WILL trade 1940 Fard army truck, 15 cwt., Serial No. 1G11808F., ex- cellent condition, 5 new tires, new rack and platform, for small com- mercial truck in good condition. Bert Budai, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 3-1 * There is littie pleasure in the world that is sincere and true be- side that of doing aur duty and doing gaad. No other is compar- able ta tbîs.-Tîilotson, Build today, then, strong and sure, Witii a firm and ample base; And ascending and secure Shall tomorrow find its place. -Longfellow BIRTIl COLWILL-In Bowmanville Hos- pital on Jan. 4th, 1946, ta Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Colwill, Newcastle, a son (James Douglas). 3-1 DEATHS COYLE - At Oshawa General Hospital an Tuesday, Jan. lSth, 1946, Charles Coyle, aged 77 years. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Funeral on Friday ta St. Joseph's Church for mass at 9 'ciock. Interment Bowman- ville cemetery. 3-1 DEWELL-Sudden ly at Hampton, an Jan. lSth, 1946, Helen Marilyn Dewell, dearly ioved daugbter of Percy and Evelyn Dewell and granddaughter of Mrs. Herbert Tink, aged 3 years, il months. The funeral will be held fram the family residence, Hampton, an Jan. l8th. Service at 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton Union ceme- tery. EDSALL-In Bowmanville, an Jan. 12, 1946, Ellen May Garrett, widaw af Samuel Schuyier Edsall, Fged 87 years. RUSE-At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. Stout, 3315 Yange St., Toronto, on Jan. 13, 1946, Florence A. Ruse, widow of Cornelius Ruse, aged 88 years. WAKELIN - At Bowmanville Hospital an Jan. lStb, 1946, Eva Jane Wakelin, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Wake. lin, aged 76 years. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Service in the chapel an Jan. l8th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville cemetery. ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holwell, Taronto, wish ta announce the en- gagement of their only daugbter, Dorotby May, to Mr. Leslie Fox, Toronto. Tbe marriage will take place in Riverdale United Church, Fer.. 2nd. 3-1* Mr. and Mrs. Bert Samis, New- tonville, wisb ta announce the engagement of their daughter, Marion-Helen, ta Orial John Edg- erton, Bowmanville, son of Mr. Percy Edgerton and the late Mrs. Edgertan. The marriage will take place early in February. 3-1 MARRIAGE WALTON-ENWRIGHT-On Sat-" urday, Jan. 5th, 1946, at the Un- ited Church parsonage by Rev. W. W. Patterson, Marilyn Anne, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Enwright, to Douglas Gold- smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walton, ail of Newcastle. 3-1* IN MEMORIAM ASHTON-In loving memory of a' dear mother, Mrs. Richard Ashton, who passed away Jan. 18, 1945. "Peace will be thy rest dear Mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly In death we do the same." -Ever remembered by Muriel and Lloyd. 3-1 BROOME-In loving memory of Susan Broome, dearly beloved wife and mother, who passed away Jan. 17, 1944. "She bade no one the last farewell, She said good-bye to nane; The heavenly gates were apened wide, A loving voice said, 'Corne.'" -Aiways remembered by Hus- band, Daughter and Sons. 3-l* McKNIGHT-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Chris- tina McKnight, who died Jan. 20, 1943. "We often sit and think of her when we are ail alone, For memory is the only friend that grief can cali its own; Like ivy on the withered oak, when ail other things decay, Our love for ber will stili keep green and neyer fade away." -Ever remembered by ber Hus- band, Sam, and Daughters. 3-1* PARR-In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister who pass- ed away at Blackstock, Jan. l8th, 1939. Seven years have passed since tbat sad day, The one we loved was called away. God took ber home, it was His will, 4 But in our hearts she liveth stili. -Sadly missed by Mother, Sister and Brother. 3-1 Radio Repairs ATTENTION hockey fansHav your radio at peak performacte. Caîl F. Crowe for a service check- up. Phone 2174. 3-2* prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Be- tbany. Phone 7-r-13. (Business carried on by Mr. Flatt persan- ally, no agents employed.) 3-11* Wanted to Rent FIVE to 8-raomed bouse. Phone 2867. Mr. Steele. 3-1* FOUR ta 6-room accommodation in Bowmanville, Oshawa, Wbitby. Write Box 603 Statesman Off ice, or will alsa excbange accomma- datidn in Hamilton for same in above places. 3-2 SMALL apartment, or 3 or 4 rooms. Write Box 605, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 3-1 YOUNG married couple urgently need bouse or apartrnent, furnish- ed or unfurnisbed, in Bowman- ville, Newcastle, Orano or nearby vicinity by Feb. lst. Write Box 601, Statesman Office, Bawman- ville. 2-2* For Rent NEW Singer Sewing Machine in youm own hame, $3.00 per montb. Elec. port. $5.00, Singer Sewing Machine Ca., Oshawa. Phone 696. 14-tf Livestock For Sale COW, part Jersey and Shomthamn, just renewed. Apply N. R. An- drews, Orana, phone 15-r-13. 3-1 * TWO vealing calves. Apply Har- old Stevenson, R.R. 1, Bowman- ville, phane 2522. 3-i Clock Repairs WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS FOR eliable watch and dlock re- pair service, bring or send them to C. E. Milîs, "Five Points," Northi Oshawa, third bouse east froir Alexandra's store on south side. Our motto: A square deal to al 25 years' expemience. 3-34 For brave new womld we need a lot of brave new individuais. Baby Chicks BRAY Hatchery bas cockerels for immediate delivery. These can be off to a good start and ready for eariy markets. Also chicks and pullets. But order soon. Ag- ent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 3-1 Real Estate For Sale SEVEN-roomed frame house, cor- ner Ontario and Albert Streets. Phone 461, Bowmanville. 3-1 HOUSE and lot with garage, in Newcastle. Write Post Office Box 114, Newcastle. 3-1* EIGHTY-acre farm, Lot 13, Con. 8 Darlington,' good buildings, close to scbool and cburch. Phone 2453. 2-4* Tenders Wanted Newcastle 'Harticultural Society will hold their annual meeting in the Council Room of Community Hall on Monday, Jan. 2lst, at 8 p.m. Officers wili be elected for 1946. There will be a special1' speaker. Maving picturestwill 'bel shown by Mr. C. R. Carveth. Ev- erybady welcome. 3-11 Came ta the dance at Enniskil- len Community Hall, Friday, Jan. lBth, modemn and aid time music. Sponsored by Boys' Hockey Team. Admission 35c. 2-2 Dance at Oshawa Collegiate, Friday, Jan. 25, with Hannigan's Mauntaineers, featuring Jimmy Dobsan. Dancing 9 to 1. Admis- sion 50c. Sponsored by the U.A. W.A. 2-3 Courtice Circuit Biratherbood will be held at Maple Grave Church on Friday evening, Jan. l8th at 8 p.m., with Dr. G. W. Miller, Bowmanville, as guest speaker. 3-1 The Women's Canadian Club will be held on Monday, Jan. 21, at 3:45 p.m. in St. John's Parish Hall. "Russia as I Saw it and Now," is ta be the subject of an address by Rev. Willard Brewîng, D.D. 3-1 Carda of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bruce wish ta tbank the staff of the Bowman- ville Hospital, the merchants and other friends who were so kind wben their son, Robert, was born recently. 3-1 The 4amily of tbe late Tom Baker, Sauina, wish ta convey sin- cere appreciation for the many kindnesses of neighùors and peo- pie from distant points who sent fiowers and messages as tribute ta bis memary. He wisbed no sucb sentiments but wauld bave been pleased to be sao remembered. 3-1 Ronald Moffatt wishes to thank everyone for the many acts of kindness and gifts af fruit, fiow- ers and cards while in the hospi- tai and at home during bis con- valescence from injuries suffered in an accident last summer. 3-1* Lost WILL the party who picked up a rhinestane purse at New Year's Eve party at high school by mis- take, please advise. Phone 2683. 3-1* MARRIED man desires farm work separate house preferred. WriteE Box 606, Statesman Off ice. 3-2* Applications Wanted Applications for the position of constable of the village of New- castle will be received by the1 council up ta Jan. 28th. 3-11 Applications wanted for the po- sition of secretary-treasurer of Bowmanville Hospital Board, du- ties to commence Feb. lst. Writ- ten applications must be in bands of Secretary by 6 p.m., Monday, Jan. 21, 1946. Bowmanville Hospital Board 3-1 S. R. James, Sec.-Treas. Personal SUFFERING fram backaches, rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago is not necessary. Use Rumacaps at once for quick relief. McGre- gor's Drug Store. 3-1 "COST 3c daily. VitaDieT Mul- tiple Vitamin Capsules contain vitamins A, Bi, C, D, Niacin Am- ide and Ribofiavin. Ninety day supply $2.70. Trial thirty day supply $1.15. Sold at Independ- ent Drug Stores." 1-5* Help Wanted MEN wanted-Toronto Construc- tion Ca., Liberty St. S., Bowman- ville. Phone 566. 47-tf AN opportunity-One of the na- tion's largest companies, catering principally ta farmer's needs, is ready ta place a valuable contract wbich sbould mean complete inde- pendence for a man fortunate en- ough ta have the following quali- fications . .. character record tbat will withstand investigation and proven ability ta eff iciently man- age bath himself and his own bus- iness. Financial status flot ex- tremely important but travel out- fit is necessary. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. OB-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal. 1-5 Wanted To Buy CHILD'S Tricycle, in good condi- tion. Phone 2558. 3-1 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successar ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmnanville Off ice Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-ray equipment in Office Happiness is' the legitimate fruitage of love and service.-Ar- thur S. Hardy. It is not the fact that a man has riches which keeps him from the kingdom of heaven, but the fact that riches have him.--Caird. Out of Eternity the new Day is born; Into Eternity at night wilme- turn. -Thomas Carlyle If S EW At heprncplS o otnm are not within us, the height of station fid worldly grandeur will as soon add a cubit ta a man's stature as ta bis happiVss. Tile Flooring' Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Choice of Colours Speclalize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHFONE 653 BROMLEY & SON C. H. TUCK Registered Optometrist Special Arrangement 3-day service By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OFF. P.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. Do It Right With "Sealtite" Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowing Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanville Phone 494 34-tf ART'S GARAGE General Repairs ~ Specializing in Al Ný Makes and Models ~ ART STACKARUK HAMPTON Phone 2148 22* Radio Service Have your Radio fitted with a Phono-pick-up. Instailed on ail makes of radio. Expert Repaire Guaranteed repairs to keep any make o! radio in perfect running condition. ALL TYPES 0F TUBES AND BATTERIES Roy W. Neads 85 King St. E. Phone 580 Buy Your AUTO Supplies Batteries Firestone Tires Red lndiàn Gas and Oil FROM R. W.KNAPP FE] MIRACI SUN 2-2*1 EDS - RAY QUAKER - Free Deiivery - R. W. Bai & Son Generai Merchant, Taunton Phone: Oshawa 163w3 NOTICE is bereby gîven that ten- ders wili be received by the un- dersigned for supplying firewood for one or mare af the scbools of Cartwright Township Schaol Ar- ea, namely Blackstack, Caesarea, Mahood's, Cadmus, Archer's, Pur- pie Hill, and Egypt, for the win- ters 1946-1947. Light Woad-Cedai, cut in 16" lengths, and split. Furnace and Stave Wood-Ma- pie and Beech, body wood anly, cut in 16" lengths, and split. Prices ta include delivery at school. Information as ta quantity per scbool may be secured fram the present Secretary of the School Section. Furtber inquiries may be directed ta R. H. Phiip, R.R. No. 1, Nestieton. Phone Part Perry 225-r- 12. R. H. PHILP, 3-1 Chairman of the Board Notice ~-94'6 Hollywood Created Costumes and Settings of a Stupen- dous Calibre Neyer Before Seen in Canada Will Be Seen k ---- - - SIX or 8 stocker cattle, 500 ta 800 lbs., beef breed. Apply L. A. Squair, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2223. 3-1* HORSES suitabie for fox meat. Phone or write F. C. Boultbee, Orono. 77-r-4. 52-tf COTTAGE on Bowmanville Beach partiy furnished or unfurnished, will pay cash or substantial down payment. Preferably East Beach. Write Box 604 Statesman Office. 3-2* WE are buyers of timothy and clovers. Mail or bring in yaur samples for bighest offer. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf SINGER Drap Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, caîl or write, Singer Sewing Machine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 ta $10 accord- ing ta weigbt. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 52-tf the responsibility of tbe bouse- bolder in the matter of repomting infectious diseases. Sec. 55 (1) of the Public Heaith Act states that wbenever any bousebolder knows or bas reason ta suspect that any persan witbin bis family or bousehold, or board- ing or lodging with bim, bas any communicable disease, he shahl, within 12 hours, give notice there- of ta the secretary of the local board or ta tbe medical off icer of health. (2) The notice may be given ta the secretamy or ta the medical off icer of health at bis office or by letter addressed ta either of tbem witbin tbe time above specified, and the secretary of the local board shaîl fortbwith transmit ta tb medical officer of bealtb, no- tice of eacb case of communicable disease eported ta bim. G. W. Miller, B.A., M.D., D.P.H. Phone: Office 661; residence, 510. 3-1 Notice To Creditors Ail persans baving dlaims against the estate of Maud Eliza Weekes, late of the Town o! Bowmanvîlle, in the County of Durham, widow, wba died an or about the 25tb day o! Dec., 1945, are hereby notified ta send ta the undemsigned per- sonal epresentative of the said aeceased on or before the lSth day of February, 1946, full par- ticulars of their dlaims. Immediately after the said date dthe said personal epresentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only ta dlaims of wbich she shaîl then bave notice. Dated at Bowmanville this l7tb day of Januamy, 1946. Apha I. Hodgins, 3-3 Executrix. Business Directory LE G AL W. R. STRIKE Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Pbone78l Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, J1.A. $arrister, Solicitor, Natamy Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Off ice 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9½/ King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Off ice 825 House 409 - 1 ý bL Liberty St.