__________________PAGE SEVEf TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ELECTRIC SPECIALS Have a new bell or buzzer Iu- stafled by us comPlete wltb transformers. We bave a large supply of toues and bells t. cboose from. Edward Door Chimes LATEST MRONS MODERN TOASTERS $3.96 $6.75 Replace Your Old Batteries -We have just received a large supply of Eveready Dry Cel Batteries. ,Replace your old batteries wlth the best. Specialists in bouse and farm wiriiig. Sec us for com- plete jobs of installation, fixtures and repairs. RIGGON ELECTRIC Phone 438 42 King St. E. '*lot Plates $4.25 -. $7.75 January Clearance Ladies' Hais and Winter Coats The latest styles ini ladies' Winter Coats are being offered at greatly reduced prices. In blues, browxis, greens, blacks, in a wide variety of sizes. Clearance MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS Hlaving reeeived a quantity Of Men's Overcoats late in the sea- son we have a large quantity to choose from. AUl sizes, variety of colours in latest styles.f Couch, iohnston &Cryderman IPHONE 836 BOWMANVILLE RIt*YAiiiTHEATRE Bowanvlle- Phone58 A Week of Superb Entertainment For -Thursday and Friday, Jan. 17 - 18 ý"CONfFLICT"'ý The Super Mystery Thriller with Humphrey Bogart. Alexis Smith, Sydney Greenstreet Added Cartoon and Travelogue Saturday, Jan. 19 A Musical Comedy'Hit! "So's Your Unle" And Action Western "Cowhoy Frorn Lonesome River" with Chas. Starrett Cartoon "Little Red Riding Rabbit" Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Jan. 21 - 23 GEORGE RAFT~, JOAN BENNETT, VIVIAN BLAINE, PEGGY ANN GARNER lu HILL"V In Technicolor A Grippiflg Draina of Gay San -Francisco Added for your pleasure: Suapsbots - Cartoon - News -ritiuM....*** fl..r.iu --....~m *******' dom- Grant, Tyrone, at Mrs. F. B. Glas- pel's. i % Pte. Michael Nemis, Mrs. Ne-0 mis and Bobby, Niagana-on-the- Lake at John Nemnis' and Robent Kilien's. 0 Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Balson f a4nd Glenn ha.ve moved into Mn. I Jimmie Smith's house at Taunton. f Mn. and Mrs. Alex McMasten, I Mn. and Mns. Chas. Ne.ylor at- tended the Aynshire Barn Show at Mn. Braillie's, Indian River. Mn. Frank Innis, Blackwaten, C) Pte. Elmer Stainton (just return- ed from overseas) at A. T. Stain- ton's. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Camenon andn Helen at J. Shackleton's, Bow- manville. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Coveriy, 0 Lloyd and Kenneth, Ebenezer, at fl Wes Cameron'. o IVrs. J. Kivell, Miss Pearl Leach, Solina, at Norman Leach's. Mn. and Mns. Aif Ayre at Lloyd Metcalf e's and Hansen Richard's,I Mns. A. T. Stainton with her daughten, Mrs. Adam Hawley, of 0 Peterboro. Mn. and Mns. Frank Pascoe and daughtei'5 at Chas. Benett's, Osh-0 Lloyd Ayne at Bowmanville. i Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen attended the funeral of Mrs. Cameron's aunt, Miss Eliza- beth Bond, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins and Ruth, Mn. and Mrs. Charles I Naylor and Janet, Mn. N. Hircock,0 Sr., Mn. A. T. Stainton, Miss Ei-. leen Stainton attended the Home and School Club at Bradley's ed with the program. Mn. and Mrs. Alex McMasten and Joan, Mrs. J. W. McMasten O0 Mr. -Jas. Walton were dinner fl guests of Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pas- 0 coe, Solina.1 Mn. and Mrs. Norman. Leach at Mn. Douglas Fletts, Raglan. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and famiiy, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs.o Mrs. Alex Fisher, Mrs. Hans fl Geissberger, Mrq. Fred Cameron o and Mrs. Russell Stainton have been laid Up with the flu. Mrs. F. B.- Glaspel has moved aven into her new home. ;n W.A. meeting was held at Mrs 0; Thos. Martin's with a very good 'p b - Oîaaxng e - LI el-ua s.- e Pte F.W.Bradd arrived home ter, Mr. Louise Bucklafld whO Monday, Jan. 7th, on the Scythia. sailed for New Zealand to join Mrs. Murray Watson, Port Cre- her husband some time this week. L dit, visited her aunt, Mrs. M. Ger- Mrs. Buckland was born and edu- ry. cated in Bowmanville. Her hus- Cg Major Earl Truil, Nanton, Alta., band served with .the Royal New H is visiting his brother, Mr. Angus Zealand Air Force. 4 Truli, Bowmanville. St. Paul's W.M.S. met in the Miss Greta Palmer, nurse-mn- home of Mrs. S. McAllister, Jan- La' training, , lleviUle, visited her l5th, with President Mrs. Ken- Le *mother, MXt Nellie Palmer. neth Werry presiding. Mrs. W. of, Miss Doris Dudley ýspent the P. Fletcher conducted the installa- Pr weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ben- tion service. Favorable reports E] son Kilpatrick, Belleville. of various societies were given. W: Winter again made its appear- Mrs. Geo. Chase gave the financial su ance, Sunday, with a faîl of snow report and the allocation had be that continued ail day MV.onday. been reached. Mrý. Clinton Lun- ec Lieut. Owen Fagan, R.C.A.C., ney's group had charge of the ha recently returned from overseas worship service. Mrs. Charles Ki aboard the troopship Scythia. Carruthers opened the meeting l Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wylie, Mr. with a New Year's mesage. Mrs. ;ic Don Cox, Toronto, spent Sunday Reta Dudley accompanied by Mrs. Si with Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cox and Robt. Whitmee sang "Another ai Mrs. M. Jewell. Year is Dawning." Devotions B.S.M. Hubert Hooper, M.B.E., were taken by Mrs. Harold Fergu- p, and Sgt. Jîm Woodward attended son and Mrs. -'J. A. Cox. Mrs. C. e the reunion of their battery in Lunney and Ns. Geo. Chase gave M Montreal over the weekend. appropriate New Year messages. Miss Dorothy Richards, Mr. Ken Mrs. W. P. Fletcher concluded the M Burnside and Mi.5s Nona Nichols, meeting with prayer. ci Toronto, spent the weekend with D Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards. TCon Mr. John Graham lef t Friday for Windsor where he is taking a Tyr nE tecnial ouseundr hereh- ongatlaion t M. WllsB bilitation scheme. Cnrtltost r '" Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy left Stewart on ceiebrating his 85th by motor on Friday to visit Mrs. birthday last Sunday. A birth- Herbert Layman at Bradenton, day party was held for him at Florida. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. c Mr. E. Y. Jones, Fort William, Macdonald.S was in town last week attending Miss H. Macdonald, Oshawa, atC the funeral of his aunt, Miss Mar- home. I: garet Raynes. Mrs. R. Hatherly has returned P Word has been received by rel- home from Dixie. F atives here that Dr. John Myles, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks and I husband of the former Nellie Wil- Sharon, Bowmanville, with Mr.T liams of Bowmanvîlle, died in and Mrs. George Brooks. Syracuse, N.Y., on Jan. 5th. Mr. Perey Hayward, Ajax, with Mr. Ernest Moorcraft, Auxiliary Mrs. Hayward and family. Services, who recently retunned W. H. Taylor and W. F . Park from overseas is visiting his sis- were on a business trip to Sutton. ter, Mrs. Don Boe and brothers Mr. and Mrs. Otto Friend and Gordon and Herbert Moorcraft. Veronica with friends in Toronto. Mrp. F. W.* Kirkendall and Mrs. Walter Jones and Marion 1 daughter, Mrs. Al Kersham, Tor- at Mr. Levi Ward's, Toronto. onto, visited the former's daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis and ters, Mrs. W. J. Bagneli and Mrs. Brian with Toronto friends. W. A. Edger. Sorry to hear Mrs. T. H. Rich- Mr. and Mrs. A. Larmer and ards ý.s confined to her bed. family visited Mr. and Mrs. E. About six inches of snow fell ont Beech, Port Hope, on Sunday. Monday and the snow plow made Miss Gladys Beech returned home its first trip on Tuesday morning.< after visiting with Dç,ris Larmer. Friday evening the senior Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bate and Young People met for a combined two grandchildren were weekend bowling and theatre party. Lat- visitons with Bob Bate who is un- en the members returned to the dergoing treatment at Christie St. home of Rev. and Mrs. Creswell Hospital, Toronto. where President Gordon Brent Dr. G. W. Miller spent Thunsday took charge of the business ses- and Fniday attending the first sion. It deait mainly with the workens in Toronto. He reports play chosen was "Uncle Josh a most profitable and intenesting Perkins" to be dinected by Mr. meeting. and Mrs. Everton White, and Mrs. E. A. Summens, Agicultural Edna Philp. Mrs. Rosevear ne- Representative, in his weekly re- ponted that Dr. Miller would hold port to headquartens reports, an aftennoon or evening session "Farm help appears about as here for vaccination of aduits of scance as any tîme during the wan the community against smallpox. years." Delicious lunch was served by the Sgt. Frank Mcllveen, recently hostess and Mns. Howard Brent dischanged from the army, has and Mrs. G. Rosevear. been assisting on the local Bank The Junior Young Peopie's met of Commerce staff previous to be- at the Tynone school house on ing tnansferned to thein Kingston Jan. llth, Mn. Cresswell conduct- bnanch. ed election of officers for the Chanhie Bagneli who completes coming year. They wene elected 30 years' service this year with as follows: President, Miss Bessie the Canadian Pacific Express Co. His; vce-president, Ralph Hilîs; is now driving a fine new Chev- secretary, Lloyd Skinner; trea- rolet truck, fiashîng ned paint job suren, Rowland Coombes; press relîeved with the gold insignia of correspondent, Dorothy Wright; the Company's trade mark. group leaders, Miss Shirley Park, Rotarians Forbes Heyland and Miss Helen Miller, Miss Joyce Geo. W. James and Major Bill His, Gregor Friend. Lunch was 1James were in Oshawa Monday served by Miss Shirley Park and when they attended the. Oshawa her group. Rotary Club annual "Civic Day" meeting when members of the city council and other civic bodies in Zo __________________________________________ 2.05 1.99 801.29 [CE CYCLES 0F 1946 AiT OSHAWA ARENA World-famous ice skating stars will display their talents on flash- ing silver blades and in lavish cos- tumes when Ice Cycles of 1946, an all-neV musical ice revue, opens a limited engagement at the Osh- awa Ice Arena starting Thursday, Jan. 24. The all-new musical ice revue wiil play Jan. 24, 25 and 26. Ail seatý are reserved and the seat sale opens at Mike's Place on Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. Produced by the creatons of Ice Foulies and Ice Capades, the new musical ice revue will thrill skat- ing fans with its gigantic produc- tion numbens, talented skating champions, gorgeous costumes, enchanting musical score and ex- quisite scenic effects. John H. Harris of Ice Capades and the Shipstads and Johnson of Ice Foulies have applied their first hand knowledge to the production of Ice Cycles of 1946 to make it one of the greatest of ail enter- SPECIAL $2.50 Vita-Ray Smooth Skin L otion, 16-oz. -- --- p rice Nslps Prves? Sud rsai* OtuS oromt lueh* 0SparldlgSu"es Colgate's Shaving Cream2 Halo Shampoo - --- - 'Ms.V.DeiUWLi. à 01 VMIflOT&V -TAUT 1'70% 1IÛA Red ros i me btMs .Tr nen't. It was decided to disband as a Red Cross group but to con- tinue our wonk as a sewing cir- cie. Officens elected are: Presi- dent, Mrs. C. Turner; secretary, Mrs. J. Curson; cornesponding sec- retary, Mrs. A. Vennor; treasuren, Mrs. G. Honey; materials com- mittee, Miss J. Perrin, Mrs. H. Reichnath. Next meeting at Mns. George Honey's. Farin Forum met at Wellington Farrow' s. Visitors-Mrs. Geo. Glanvihle, in Oshawa ----- Mrs. J. Curson and Doris in Toronto ------ Mn. and Mns. R. Graham and Melvin, and Mrs. C. Turner, in Toronto ---- George Honey and Melvin Gra- ham in Cobourg. C. E. Thomas, Onillia: Please find renewal for anothen yean. I do not always see eye to eye with some of your edîtoniais but nev- entheless it is always like à let- ter fnrom home each week. I wish to you a happy and prosperous New Yean.____ ---------- Oshawa and Wihitby Township attt were guests. Hon. Geo. H. Dou- kel cett, Ontaro Minister of High- ed ways and Public Works, was speaker., wit Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wflson and We family werein Toronto Thursday Gi Men's Rolex Waterproof Watches I17-Jewel Movement . d VaitfSylsadSrp t2fxt ra Ladies' e' Birthstone 10Ok GoId Rings Signet. Rings in 10-k gold 55.0 - L50- $2.$7.5Ô to $25.00 $5.00- $&O - 12.fax extra 25%0/0fax extra HOOpEIR'iS Jewellery & la 0Gif t Shop OýýHT COLDS N F10 dIýAwaBAS I lUT TIE AN POVN RMEIE Pu~reSuper.Foiied 0 frorm a Famous OId VITHTRIE AND.ROVN RIED*h eable and wintry weather brigs lts usual epidemie of colds and F iza. Don't wait until you are really ill. Attack with some of the ,~ 5 remedies listed beiow. Let us deliver them for you. 64peck o - PHONE 792 NOW - 3 for '75c Bronchida, for chesty coughs..... CPopyate'ron * Frosst's 21 7's....... 35c - 75e - 51.50 Toooth Brush ---------- - 50c Vick's Vapo-Rub..............43cN Creotone, for bronchial troubles ..98ec Grove's Cold Tablets......... 24c - 44c fiLL Idapedrin, nose drops ............5SOC 39C-69C f0 Buckley's Mixture........... 40c - 75c ra iai oi Vick's Vatronol .................. 43C Horner's Maltlevol 1 Ie Bayer Aspirin 18c-29c-79e Pertussin --- 59c-99c-$1.39 1i0 /~h' 4<~%CO~Anacin Tablets - 22c-98c o4faIç 40t? "-~ C.B.Q. Tablets ------------1 Frosst's 222's - 45c-$1[.0O0 % A NICE WAY H 4 ,,,U, WL vftam, *j,- Masofl's 49 ------- 40c-75c %i. e,* ob - ~~Wampole's Cod e@dg *Liver Extract ------- $1.000 Idasal Tablets, 100's 39e e-$15 MVMusterole ---------- 5 $2.75 BUILD RESISTANCE WITH Mutiple Vitamin Tablets 1.15-2.70 ORMSIE N.C.F.Capsules ------$1.25-$2.25 Kepler Malt & C.L.O. -- 75c-$1.25 i Alphamettes --$1.00-$3.50-$15.00 CEH v 1 D 0OT < CASHMERE TISSUE ___________i ~~T AID ,:~ 15c, 2 for 25c O G Yu muid BLISTERS . ~10, 3 for 25e ___________ 29c-43c 29c-49e P R S C R IP T I0 N S AS P E C A L T Y1 ILAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUOS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER !un =o oOioZ0ZJL andance on Jan. 9th. The blan-1 taininent ventures. ts for the Red Cross had arriv- Bi names in ic 1and they were well -pleased tured in, Ice Cyci ith themn. Mrs. Martin, Mrs. clude: ick Mersh es Cameron and Mrs. Gerry ehad Bud McNu aspl, he îanarygrop srv-lies, and Marilyn laseltheJanarygrop srv-Lee, Eleanor Me-ls, alovely lunch.Te Meza, Bob Tu, Sullivan of Ice Cap the United States *dies' Auxillary To five times andw.a 'anadian Legion therk93as PamficC bold Annual Meeting ing champion, wl now featured as ai At the annual meeting of the Ice Cycles, was N ,dies' Auxiliary to the Canadian skating champion .gion, B.E.S.L., Branch 178 these 1937. McNulty hi ficers were elected for 1946: nia title. Iesident, Maude Large; lst vice, fizabeth Coyle; 2nd vice, Annie MONTHLY HOSI Vright; secretary, Rose Bate; trea- rer, Irene iCandier; standard Miss Pearl Lun ýarer, Violet Somerscales. Ex- of the Bowmanvi cutive: Iva McMann, Lila Gra- udtefloi îm, Velma Sutton, Elizabeth hsedthellowtini ing, Lillie Living, Hilda Hum- ospial ctivtes reys. Visiting committee: Elea- Admissions------ ir Mason, Dorothy Thompson. Discharges --- --- ick Committee: Polton, Densem Births ------------ id Rogers. . Stillbirth ------- Three hundred and nînety-five Deaths ------------ )arcels were sent to soldiers ov- Patients in reside xseas in 1945. Financial state- Day's stay, maie nient for 1945 is as follows: Day's stay, femnal Receipts .Ttldyssa [embership----------------- $ 85.70opt ays -stay-- ýoIlections------------------- 28.98 Oeain -- onations--------------------- 498.03 *atering-------------------- 90.00 S.PU lances ----------------------- 1,407.20 Bank interest ------ ------ 5.84 St. Paul's W.A. \rlîscellaneous ---------------- 1.13 lecture room. Balance, Dec. 3lst, '44 ---- 431.83 showed a very _____ year. Mrs. K. W, $2,548.71 interesting reviE Expenditures Who Made Histt Office exp. and rient ---- $ 72.55 Brady gave at thi Soldiers' box supplies - 941.46 Dr. W . P. Fletchi Catering expenses---------- 4086 Installation of t] Dance expenses - ------ 504.00 1946: President, lý Postage on Over. boxes 133.10 lst vice, Mrs. K -1 In*f à4 A %- - r T- r ce skating fea- as of 1946 in1- hon, Alan Loy- ilty of Ice Fol- 1Quinn, Robin ster, Henry Lie, irk and Howard pades. Lee held ssingles crowri s a member of cGames team. ýoast figure skat- îile Henry Lie, stilt skater with [orwegian figure ain 1936 and id the Califor- PITAL REPORT -nby, R.N., Supt. îlle Hospital, is- ig report on the sfor the month. 48 -~64 16 nce, Dec. 31 17 251 -e - - - - -- - - - - 332 --------------- 583 15 OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. January 17 - 18 - 19 Hedy Lamarr, Robert Walker, June Allyson in "Her Highness The Bellboy" (A Royal Commnand To Love) with Carl Esmond, Agües Moorehead "Rags" Ràgland Latest Paramount Newvs MONDAY - TUESDAY January 21 - 22 Peggy Aun Garner in "1,Junior Miss"t with Allyn Joslyr, Michael Dunne The year's great laugh riot FOUR DAYS Wednesday to Saturday Warier's Magulficent "RHAPSODY IN BLUE" with Robert Alda, Joan Leslie and ALL STAR CAST The Jubilant Story of George Gershwin The Wonder Musical w Bowinanville, Ontario Smart J ewelleirv Cornein and look over our store anytime you wish. I»spect our wide variety of costume jewellery and splendid selection of wedding gifts. Choker Sets in peari settings, silver and yellow bead settiugs $2.00 - $3.00 - 54.50 YelIow Gold FiIIed Stone Neekiaces something lovely for ber neck I~zi~YCUICUKS Barred Rock Chicks from our strain whieh won second place at the at Harrow Egg Laying Contest. AU R.O.P. Sired The Highest Grade of Chick Obtainable in Commercial Quantities Ail Breeders Blood-Tested with No Re-actors - No Outside Flocks 2,000 Cockerel Chicks. available in February - ai 7c each Write for Circular and Prices on Mixed and Pullets Day-old and Started A RONAL Ereedig Far à 0 oz= 0 Bc===== 0 ma 0- met Jan. 8 in the Annual reports successful past rrry gave a mnost ew of "ýWomen )ry" which Mrs. Le Canadian Club. anr conducted the riese officers for Mns. H. Fenguson; Hull; 2nd vice, 3rd vice, Mrs. R. cretary, MnS. N. rMns. R. Dudley. Phone: Clarke 3811 i2,548.71 Variety of Styles and Straps 25 % tax extra Bowmanville Phone 747 M'iscellaneous, fruit, etc.- Bank service change - --- R . Stam ps ------------- Balance Dec. 31st, 1945 --- m $12.00 $7.50 - $10-00 À", NOB